01Introduction_Three Baskets of the Dharma

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Three Baskets of the Dharma: The history and development of the Chinese Buddhist Canon 簡說漢譯佛教大藏經的發展與數位藏經的編輯 杜正民 Aming Tu Dharma Drum Buddhist College, DDBC Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association, CBETA

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Topics for tonight 1. How were the Buddha's teachings recorded and organized into written form? 2. How did the Chinese Buddhist scriptures evolve over the centuries and into the modern time?

1. How were the Buddha's teachings recorded and organized into written form? Three Baskets of the Dharma Tri - piṭaka Sutra Vinaya Abhidharma 經律論

2. How did the Chinese Buddhist scriptures evolve over the centuries and into the modern time? The history and development of the Chinese Buddhist Canon 1) 漢譯佛教大藏經演化簡史 The Chinese Buddhist scriptures evolve over the centuries 與 2) 數位藏經的編輯 and into the modern time


三要素 3 Elements : Spatial Temporal & Language 1) Space ( 空間 ) 傳播 Spread 2) Time ( 時間 ) 發展 Development 3) Language ( 語言 ) 問題 Problem

講要 Outline 1. 前言 : 三要素 3 elements 空間 Spatial 2. 印度 India 1) 南傳 Southern Buddhism 2) 北傳 Northern Buddhism 3. 中國 China 時間 Temporal 4. 過去 Past 5. 現在 Present 6. 未來 Future 語言 Language 7. 結語 : Union Catalogs

1. 空間 Spatial 1) 印度 India 南傳 Southern Buddhism -- The teachings of Buddhism that spread south to Sri Lanka and Southeast Asian countries, such as Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia (based on the Pali scriptures) 北傳 Northern Buddhism -- The teachings of Buddhism that spread north from India to Central Asia, Tibet, China, Korea, and Japan (based on the Sanskrit scriptures) 印度撰述部 (Indian Works) 2) 中國 China 傳譯 Translation + 造疏 Commentary 中國撰述部 (Chinese Works)

譯經 ( 印度撰述部, Indian Works)

造疏 ( 中國撰述部, Chinese Works)

印度撰述部, Indian Works 中國撰述部, Chinese Works

載體 Material : 1. 過去 (past) 時間 Temporal 貝業 Palm leaf 寫本 Manuscript 刻本 Block-printing 2. 現在 (present) 紙本藏經 Paper Edition 數位藏經 Digital Edition 3. 未來 (future)

口傳 Oral Transmission http://blog.dom390420.com/?p=3037

第一次結集 First Council The first Buddhist Council was held soon after the mahaparinirvana of the Buddha http://blog.dom390420.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/fu35.jpg

結集 Councils 1 First Buddhist council (c. 400 BCE) 2 Second Buddhist council (c. 4th century BCE) 3 Third Buddhist council (c. 247 BCE) 4 The Fourth Buddhist Councils 5 (Fifth Buddhist council) Theravada Buddhist council in 1871 6 (Sixth Buddhist Council) Theravada Buddhist council in 1954

第六次聖典結集 Chaṭṭha Saṅgāyana The Sixth Buddhist Council 佛歷 B.E.2498-2500 年 (1954-1956) Mahāpāsāna guhā ( 大石窟 ) http://www.therawikipedia.org/index.php?title=%e7%ac%ac%e5%85 %AD%E6%AC%A1%E7%BB%93%E9%9B%86&variant=zh-hant

佛典語言 Languages 1. 南傳 Southern Buddhism Pali Tripitaka (in different Scripts) 2. 北傳 Northern Buddhism Sanskrit Manuscript (Indo-European Language) Central Asian Manuscripts (+ Indo-Iranian Language) Gandarian ( 犍陀羅語 ), Khotanese ( 于闐語 ), Tocharian ( 吐火羅語 ),Sogdian ( 粟特語 ), Kuchean( 龜茲語 ) 等佛典斷片 藏傳 Tibetan Buddhism (Tibetan,Mongolian Tripitaka) 漢傳 Chinese Buddhism (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, CJKV Tripitaka) 西文 Western Translations (Mahāyāna texts translated into Western languages )

Buddhist Sūtras

Palm Leaf Manuscript British Library

British Library

Siddham / Chinese British Library

Chinese Manuscript British Library

Hand-writing British Library

Block-printing British Library

3 Types: Hand writing 手寫 Wood printing 木刻 Typeset printing 排版

3 Formats: 卷軸 梵夾 方冊 嘉興藏 是目前存世的唯一一部完整的方冊本刻本大藏經 嘉興藏的完成結束了梵夾裝及梵夾裝及卷軸卷軸藏經藏經的時代 刻本 : 卷軸 梵夾 方冊

Typeset - printing Taisho Tripitaka 大正藏 : 2,373 sutras in 8,982 fascicles Xuzangjing (Shinsan Zokuzokyo) 卍續藏 :1,229 sutras in 5,060 fascicles

The CBETA Collection 電子佛典集成

From India to China 玄奘取經

From India to China From Ancient time to Modern days

Essence of the development of the Chinese Buddhist Canon 3 elements (culture) 3 types (input) 3 formats (output)

漢文佛教大藏經 演化簡史 The history and development of the Chinese Buddhist Canon 杜正民 法鼓佛教學院中華電子佛典協會