7D5N KOREA WINTER SONATA (TOUR CODE: 07KORW) Tour Highlights Mt. Seorak Dongdaemun Kwon Kum Seong Gwangjang Market Shinheungsa Temple Ginseng Monopoly

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2015-16 KOREA GROUP TOUR Validity : 23 NOV 2015-31MAR 2016 7D5N KOREA WINTER SONATA (GV10) Day 1 Singapore/ Incheon (MOB) Day 2 Arr ICN/Gwongeum Castle/ Shinheung Temple /Teddy Bear Farm/ Seorak (L/D) Day 3 Mt Seorak /Nami Island/ Ski Resort (B/L/D) Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Hotel Ski Resort/ Yongin Everland Theme Park/ UNESCO Suwon Hwaseong Fortress /Yeoju Premium Factory Outlet/ (B/D) Aiins World/Insadong/Alive 3D Museum/ Dongdaemun/Gwangjang Market (B/L/D) Namsangol Traditional Hanok Village/ Ginseng Monopoly Showroom/ Blue House & Cheongwadae Sarangchae/ Skin Care Course & Local Cosmetic/ Seaweed Showroom/ Myeondong Fashion Street/ Bibap Show (B/L) Natural Health Showroom/ Sinchon Ladies Street/ Korean Local Products Shop/ Singapore (B) Seorak Seorak Daemyung (Korea Ondol Style Room) or similar x 1N Hongcheon Daemyung Resort or similar class x 1N Seoul - Marigold or Baiton or similar class x 3N Adult Twn 1388 (788) 1488 Adult Single 1688 (1088) 1788 Child H/Twn 1288 (788) 1388 Child W/Bed 1188 (688) 1288 Child N/Bed 1088 (588) 1188 Taxes Surcharge Agent Comm $385 subject to change Deviation Surcharge SGD200 per person subject to availability $100 p/p

7D5N KOREA WINTER SONATA (TOUR CODE: 07KORW) Tour Highlights Mt. Seorak Dongdaemun Kwon Kum Seong Gwangjang Market Shinheungsa Temple Ginseng Monopoly Showroom Teddy Bear Museum Cosmetic & Skin Care Nami Island N Seoul Tower Ski activity Locks of Love Namsan Park Everland Namsangol Traditional Hanok Suwon Hwaseong Village Fortress Myeongdong Premium Outlet Bibap Show Aiins World Natural Health Showroom Insadong Sinchon Ladies Street Alive Museum (3D) Local Products Shop Accommodation Seorak Seorak Daemyung (Korea Ondol Style Room) or similar x 1N Hongcheon Daemyung Resort or similar class x 1N Seoul - Marigold or Baiton or similar class x 3N Meals 5 *Tour is conducted in mandarin 4 Lunch * in city restaurant 4 *Sequence of itinerary subject to change without prior notice *Hotels are subjected to change without prior notice; hotels are based on local rating 4-5star. *If a place of visit is closed to visitors, it will be replaced with an alternative. *During major events, accommodation may not be in the city mentioned. *Please bring along own habits of toothpaste, tooth brushes, shampoo and shower gel. *Compulsory tipping for local guide & driver is USD5 per day person (Adult & Child) *In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese itineraries, the Chinese version shall prevail. Days Itinerary Meals 1 Singapore / Incheon Meal On Board Incheon / Seorak Lunch Mt. Seorak: Being designated as natural monument #171 in November 1965, Seorak-san becomes the 5 th national park in March 1970. Because of its variety of plants and animals, it was selected as a conservation area (the only one in Korea) by UNESCO in 1982. Kwon Kum Seong Fortress: Walk up the impressive Kwon Kum Seong Fortress which commands and excellent view of the Outer Seorak region. (Cable Car Subject to Weather Conditions) 2 Shinheungsa Temple: was built in 652 by the master teacher of Buddhism, Jajang and burned down in 698. It was one of the few structures not destroyed during the Japanese invasion of Korean in 1592 and Chinese invasion of Korea in 1636. Teddy Bear Farm: Located in Sokcho, the Teddy Bear Farm Gallery offers a glimpse into the unique lifestyle of Sokcho through teddy bears: teddy bears are displayed mountain-climbing, skiing, playing golf, riding a boat from Abai Village to downtown, working hard on a squid fishing boat, sun tanning, or even defending the country. Visitors can purchase teddy bears at the gift shop and there are also some learning programs for teddy bear fans. Kangwondo 3 Nami Island: The filming location for a Korean Drama Winter Sonata. The forest path is surrounded by Lunch white birches and Korean white pines all year around. Ski Activity: Let s ski today! (INCLUDE Ski Equipment & Ski Suit Rental for Half Day) <No Gloves> Kangwondo / Seoul Everland: South Korea's largest theme park. In 2007, Everland ranked tenth in the world for amusement park attendance. Along with its main attractions, Everland also includes a zoo and a water park known as Caribbean Bay. Full of exciting attractions and entertainment, Everland is one of the most popular places in Korea for families, friends, and couples. 4 UNESCO Suwon Hwaseong Fortress: Designated as a world heritage site by the UNESCO in 1997. It was chosen as one of the location of Korea s top period drama called Daejanggeum or Jewel in the Palace. Yeoju Premium Outlet:Korea s very first and only authentic premium designer outlet operated by Shinsegae Chealsea. The exotic shopping atmosphere is separated into two buildings, A & B, shoppers can also enjoy the beautiful outdoor landscape while shopping.

Days Itinerary Meals Seoul Aiins World: A theme park where miniature recreations of world famous buildings are on display. Lunch Insadong: A place to experience the traditional culture of Korea while remaining in the heart of the city. This area is especially popular for artifacts and antiques. Alive Museum (3D): Korea s largest FUN trick art, object art and etc. 5 Dongdaemun: It is one of Korea s most representative markets and is the largest of its kind in Asia. There are over 5,000 shops located in this district, selling various fabrics, materials, accessories, wedding products, and more Gwangjang Market: Country s first daily market and continues to thrive as a popular tourist destination to this day Seoul Ginseng Monopoly Showroom: Get the opportunity to learn the traditional Korean Ginseng growth and Lunch effects. Skin Care & Cosmetic Course: Have the opportunity to learn the technique of skin care and check out on the cosmetics on sales! N Seoul Tower *optional observatory*: Enjoy mesmerizing views of the city from the tower. Locks of Love Namsan Park: A spacious wooden viewing deck whose exotic atmosphere makes it very popular with lovers 6 Namsangol Traditional Hanok Village: where Korean traditional houses have been restored to preserve the original atmosphere of the area. Myeongdong: From the towering super stores of Migliore, Lotte Department Store, Avatar and High Harriet to the cozy, mom-and-pop shops lining the side streets, Myeong-dong has something for everyone. Everything is within walking Bibap Show: Mouth-watering sounds in beat-box and acapella! Appetite stimulating images expressed with b-boying and acrobatics! No need for words in the nonverbal performance bibap! Incheon / Singapore Natural Health Showroom: Spend some time in the natural health showroom and learn how you can improve your body conditions. Sinchon Ladies Street: You can find everything here, including Sinchon Hyundai Department Store, 7 discount marts, innumerable trendy stores to shop at, and every kind of restaurant and bar that you could imagine. Some other popular hotspots are the noraebang (karaoke rooms), DVD cafes, PC cafes, and plenty of other places where young people relax and have fun. Local Product Shop: You will be able to buy souvenirs back for your family and friends. Transfer to the airport for your flight back to Singapore with fond memories of South Korea! TWN SGL CHILD H/TWN CHILD WITH BED CHILD NO BED KE $1388 $1688 $1288 $1188 $1088 SQ $1488 $1788 $1388 $1288 $1188

7 天 5 晚冬季韩国恋曲 (TOUR CODE: 07KORW) 行程特色 住宿 雪岳山国家公园 东大门市场 请参考英文行程 权金城 广藏市场 膳食 备注 神兴寺 人参专卖店 5 早餐 * 导游全程以中文解说 泰迪熊珍藏馆 美容护肤课程 4 午餐 * 早餐安排室外餐馆享用 南怡岛 N 首尔塔景观台 ( 自 4 * 当地旅行社保留权力视当地情况更改行程的次可能在没有事先通知的情况 滑雪体验 费 ) 下更换, 以确保行程顺利进行 爱宝乐园 南山公园情人锁 * 若天气状况不佳, 景点或活动将会被取代也不能退款 水原华城 Premium Outlet 爱银斯世界 仁寺洞 爱来魔相艺术馆 南山谷韩屋村明洞护肝保新村女人街土特产品店 * 所有酒店评级均以当地 4-5 星级为准 * 韩国行程注重环保, 不会提供盐洗用具, 故自备习惯的洗发精和沐浴露 * 在国际或当地重大节日活动举行期间, 酒店住宿可能无法按照行程作排 * 请预备司机和导游全程小费每人美金 5 每人每天 ( 大人 / 包括孩童 ) 天数行程膳食 1 新加坡 / 仁川机上用餐 2 仁川 / 雪岳山 雪岳山国家公园 : 韩国最美丽的大山 以韩半岛之中枢太白山脉的最高峰大青峰 (1708 米 ) 为轴心延伸的 午餐 雪岳山, 春天盛开金达莱 夏天有清澈的溪水 秋天有美丽迷人的枫叶 冬天有动人的雪景等, 一年四季都给游客不同的感觉 权金城 ( 乘缆车 ): 权金城位于海拔 800 公尺高处的瞻望台, 可由雪岳洞搭缆车直至山顶 [ 视气候情况 ] 时间充裕的旅客, 不可错过一游 山脚至山顶, 奇山峻岭 岩石相叠 由山顶居高监下, 连绵起伏的山脉 山脚下的千佛洞溪谷以及远处的束草市街和东海海岸线都尽收眼底 神兴寺 : 建于公元 653 年新罗第二十八代真德女王期, 当时称作香城寺, 后改名禅定寺 朝鲜时代曾为战火所毁, 至 1644 年重建, 改名神兴寺 神兴寺是有这深远历史意义的古刹, 风景优美, 吸引着总多游客 泰迪熊珍藏馆 : 位于束草的 Teddy Bear Farm 是非常可爱的小型泰迪熊珍藏馆, 在这里可以看到各种风情的泰迪熊, 有在攀岩 滑雪 打高尔夫球的泰迪, 甚至还有在束草阿爸村搭乘人工渡船的泰迪 在捕鱼船上抓章鱼的泰迪等呈现束草观光的泰迪 这里还可购买泰迪熊商品, 让泰迪熊迷们不只可以大饱眼福, 还可以买回家珍藏哦! 3 江原道 南怡岛 ( 乘游览船 ): 在南怡岛渡口乘船行驶 10 分钟左右, 就可以到达湖光山色美仑美奂的南怡岛 岛上处处 都是草地和漫步小道, 电视剧 冬季恋歌 的男女主人公俊祥和有真就曾幸福的倘佯于这里的百桦林之间 此 早餐 午餐 外还有松树 水杉 栗子树等树林, 受到恋人们的钟爱 滑雪体验 : 今早可以下场滑雪咯!( 包括滑雪器材及半日滑雪租赁费 )< 不包括滑雪镜及手套 > 4 江原道 / 首尔爱宝乐园 : 是一个集合了休闲 娱乐 教育与文化的国际性度假胜地. 有 24 年的历史的欢乐世界, 由五个主题构成, 随着不同的季节而展开不同的庆典及特别的活动 在这里还有一个一年四季盛开着不同花朵的 四季花园 一定能让您乐而忘返 UNESCO 水原华城 : 大长今 拍摄地之一, 於 1997 年被列为世界文化遗产 华城以高度的科学性 合理性和使用性, 被誉为东方城墙之冠 骊州 Premium Outlet: 韩国第一家名牌畅货中心, 充满异国情调的建筑物, 可在购物的同时欣赏户外景观 除了时尚精品之外, 更有其他生活用品品牌与美妆品牌进驻, 部分产品甚至比免税店还要便宜, 广受众人欢迎 此外, 在购物之余, 也能够享受不同规模的美味餐点 喜爱逛街的旅客, 千万别错过哦! 早餐

天数行程膳食 5 首尔爱银斯世界 : 位于京畿道富川市的 爱银斯世界, 便能同时欣赏到埃菲尔铁塔 凡尔赛宫 狮身面像 纽约曼哈顿 万里长城等世界各地著名旅游景点 别以为这些只是一些世界著名地标建筑的缩小版, 每个建筑都细致 精美, 定会让您惊叹不已! 仁寺洞 : 首尔必游之所, 这里有销售民俗工艺品的工坊 画廊, 有飘着隐隐清香的传统茶屋 韩式酒家, 还有贩卖韩国特色小商品的纪念品等! 爱来魔相艺术馆 : 坐落于韩国传统与现代感并存的仁寺洞的爱来魔相艺术馆, 是目前首尔最大的 4D 体验美术馆, 展出错觉艺术 媒体艺术及实物艺术作品, 为游客带来无与伦比的新体验 东大门市场 : 是代表韩国的最大规模批发零售市场, 是首尔的购物王国 尤其这里兼有批发和零售, 因此深夜购物者众多而闻名 广藏市场 : 在韩国, 只要提到广藏市场, 人们最先联想到的就是各式美味小吃 除此之外, 这里还贩卖布料 服装 厨房用品 新鲜蔬果等商品的综合市场 您可在这里边品尝美食, 边欣赏韩国市场的热闹风光哦! 6 首尔人参专卖店 : 所卖的产品, 非一般商店可以买到的, 所以品质也较有保障, 多年来的研究发现, 具有消除疲劳 止喘 防癌 抗癌 御寒 防止老化 美容护肤课程 化妆品专卖店 : 学习美容护肤常识及掌握化妆技巧, 创造适合自己的 彩妆 收集最新 最 IN 的美容产品及护肤资料 ( 课程 售卖产品适合男女使用 ) N 首尔塔景观台 ( 自费 ) : 首尔最重要的地标, 建於 1975 年, 位於首尔市中心的南山的最高点, 高 236.7 米, 耸立于海拔 243 米的南山上 塔上观景阳台, 可一眼眺望首尔的风景 南山公园情人锁 : 来自星星的你浪漫拍摄地点, 因为知名电视节目 我们结婚了 播出艺人在这里铁丝网上锁上锁头, 使得这里边的更加受欢迎, 日后吸引了许多情侣回来这里锁上象征 坚真不变得爱情 的爱心锁头 目前已有挂有数万个锁头的这里, 深受情侣的喜爱 南山谷韩屋村 : 这些具传统的韩式特色建筑物让您一次游完, 永流脑海记忆之中 明洞 : 位于首尔中区, 是韩国代表性的购物街, 不仅可以购买服装 鞋类 杂货和化妆品, 还有各种饮食店, 同时银行和证券公司云集于此 BIBAP 拌饭秀 : 用口技和合唱展现出来的令人垂涎欲滴的 声音! 以街舞和杂技来呈现勾起食欲的 样子! 不需要语言的哑剧 BIBAP! 7 仁川 / 新加坡护肝保 : 韩国著名的健康中心, 了解更多关于韩国的健康产品 新村女人街 : 主导韩国大学文化的新村地区, 正如其名, 是主导最新潮流的前卫文化街 前往韩国土特产品店 抵达仁川机场, 办理出境手续, 结束愉快的韩国之旅! 早餐午餐早餐午餐早餐 TWN SGL CHILD H/TWN CHILD WITH BED CHILD NO BED KE $1388 $1688 $1288 $1188 $1088 SQ $1488 $1788 $1388 $1288 $1188