627 West 27th Street New York City, New York USA mrmrsbenson.com Contemporary Sportswear, Casual Collections 現

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姓 名 : 蘇 海 彬 班 別 :1B 書 名 : 咆 哮 山 莊 作 者 : 今 次 我 想 介 紹 的 書 是 一 本 文 學 巨 著, 名 叫 咆 哮 山 莊 像 我 這 些 學 生 未 來 要 面 對 競 爭 很 強 勁 的 社 會, 然 而 可 從 一 些 文 學 名 著 來 從 少 學


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FASHION, CREATED IN AMERICA USA Companies exhibiting at the ENKINTL. pavilion in China March 26-29, 2012 Note: all fi rms are based and conduct all creative work in the United States with 51% U.S. content; fi rms that also produce any or all of their fashion products in America are so noted

627 West 27th Street New York City, New York 10001 USA 212.354.5678 email@blueagency.com mrmrsbenson.com Contemporary Sportswear, Casual Collections 現代風格運動裝, 休閒收藏 Benson is the world citizen s wardrobe. Inspired by nostalgic design, all-american classics and bohemian ideals, Benson refl ects modern living with old-world values. The line is loosely based on the designer s transcontinental lifestyle from Europe to Manhattan. Benson spans continents, says Ufuk Omer Arkun, the creative force behind Benson, It s a carefree approach to life. The Benson character is a clever world wanderer who loves possessions-but not masses of them-and is as unpretentious about their clothing as they are their lifestyle. They are confi dent in their free spirit and laid back mentality. Refl ected within the tableau is Benson s unique sensibility-a traveler s spirit combined with a refi ned and sophisticated appeal. The Benson collection has a knack for mixing the perfect blend of Savile Row inspired pieces with the richness of an easy cashmere Tee making it infi nitely wearable and utterly comfortable. The collection ranges from lightweight cottons and linens to lush wools and corduroys in subtle neutrals infused with pops of sunkissed color. Clean lined basics effortlessly pair up with printed layers that create Benson s low maintenance sophistication. Benson 是国际化的品牌, 体现了现代生活中的传统价值观, 采用美国经典和波西米亚理想主义的怀旧设计 整个系列或多或少受到设计师从欧洲到纽约跨越式生活的影响 品牌的主创 Ufuk Omer Arkun 曾经说过 Benson 是没有国界的品牌, 是一种无忧无虑的生活方式 Benson 针对的顾客是奔波于世界各地的睿智人士, 他们重质不重量 - 对生活的态度和对形象的精心选择都一样真实 他们坚持自由的信念和悠闲的思维方式 Benson 品牌用独特的感性来打造形象 - 是高品质而具有内涵的创意与旅行者自由理念的完美结合 Benson 的设计把英伦风情巧妙地结合羊绒上衣柔软的手感, 因而更加贴身也更加舒适 整个设计的选材从轻便的棉制和亚麻到质感的纯羊毛和灯芯绒, 搭配轻松而阳光的颜色 清爽的基本元素搭配层叠的印花面料即可打造出 Benson 品牌随意而有内涵的形象 @MrMrsBenson

P.O. Box 1968 North Bend, Washington 98045 USA 888.884.3653 marta@franceluxe.com franceluxe.com Collections: France Luxe, L Erickson, L Erickson USA Accessories 配飾件 The Finest Accessories, Inc. was launched in 1997 in Seattle, Washington. Our exquisite brands France Luxe, L. Erickson & L. Erickson USA are sold in the best department stores, upscale specialty stores and small luxury boutiques in the USA as well as internationally. As the leading luxury hair accessory manufacturer in the world we take extreme pride in our product. All of our beautiful hair accessories are made with the highest attention to detail, quality and style. Our fabrics and materials are of the very highest taste level. We have an exciting celebrity following and are featured in the top fashion magazines worldwide. The finest accessories strives to empower every person to express their unique style by delivering the most exciting hair accessories. Finest Accessories, Inc. 1997 年成立于华盛顿州的西雅图 公司推出的品牌包括 France Luxe, L. Erickson & L. Erickson USA, 并在全美国和世界各地的高档百货商店 精品专卖店和小型奢侈品店出售 作为全球顶级的奢侈品头饰制造公司, 我们对自己的产品非常自豪, 所有华丽的头饰都经过精心的细节设计, 是品质和时尚的完美结合 我们对品味 高档材质和完美设计的追求, 吸引了大批明星客户 品牌也是出现在世界顶级时尚杂志中的常客 Finest Accessories 通过推出最完美的头饰设计为每个顾客打造个性化而时尚的形象 @Franceluxehair

P.O. Box 86184 Los Angeles, California 90086 USA 310.601.7784 matty@androidhomme.com ann@frontrowsingapore.com androidhomme.com Footwear 鞋類 REPROGRAM NOW. The Android Homme brand is a collection of designer footwear. The brand builds forward thinking products for the fashion conscious man that seeks Design, Function, and affordable Luxury. Android Homme supports individual transformation we believe it s never too late to reprogram. Founded in December 2008 by Javier Laval, the brand is known for its sophisticated silhouettes in luxury streetwear-inspired footwear that feature distinctive designs and high-end materials. Android Home is a mind-style brand that has its roots in footwear, apparel and accessories. The products that the company creates are for the thinking man inspired by modern design, quality and craftsmanship. We create for consumers involved in the lifestyle of fashion, modern art, technology and music culture. Our mission is to be the foremost brand associated with affordable luxury in the world. Android Homme has found a following from celebrities including Kid Cudi, Diggy Simons, P.Diddy, Justin Bieber, Will.i.am and Usher. 现在开始重新塑造自我 Android Homme 是时尚的鞋履产品 该品牌专为有潮流品味的男人设计前卫的产品, 这些男人追求时尚 多功能而奢华又实惠的产品 Android Homme 让顾客能重塑自我 - 及时有效地改变形象 Javier Laval 在 2008 年 12 月创立了这个品牌, 其设计以极富内涵的造型而闻名, 而鞋履设计的灵感吸取了街头休闲的风格并采用个性鲜明的设计和高端材质来打造 Android Homme 是深入到鞋履 服装和配饰领域的 概念型 品牌 公司打造的产品吸取现代设计 品质和工艺的精华, 针对智慧型男性顾客市场 品牌的顾客有着时尚的生活品味, 喜爱现代艺术 科技和音乐文化 我们的宗旨是成为奢华而实惠的前卫品牌 Android Homme 受到很多明星的青睐, 当中包括 Kid Cudi Diggy Simons P.Diddy Justin Bieber Will.i.am 和 Usher @AndroidHomme

Unit B. 17th/F Roxy Industrial Centre 58-66 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung Hong Kong 85.231767631 stephan@revagrp.com revagrp.com Denim 牛仔裝 At Hudson, we do more than just make iconic jeans. We aspire to make a better world. Incredible denim is our tool to enrich people s lives. We believe that when you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you are empowered to make a difference. It starts with living a passionate, independent life, powered by the freedom to be you expressing your inner self and owning your distinctive style in the true spirit of rock and roll. It continues with the realization that we are all in this together and that our collective actions have unfathomable power to change the world but the change starts with self. Hudson strives not just to talk the talk but walk the walk - to create a community where every citizen is a connoisseur of life, moving forward fearlessly with passion and purpose living life to their edge. We are committed to building a better today for a better tomorrow and to challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves to do and be the change. HUDSON 品牌不只是生产时尚的牛仔裤而已, 更要为改变世界做出贡献 我们用高品质的牛仔系列产品来丰富人们的生活 我们相信如果您看起来漂亮, 就会有自信心, 当您感到自信, 才有力量让世界更美好 一切由热爱生活, 独立自主开始, 您可以自由地实现自我... 通过与众不同的风格和真正的摇滚精神来表达内心的自我 我们共同努力, 携手用这股神秘的力量来改变世界, 但是首先应该从自身做起 HUDSON 一定说到做到 - 我们的产品让每个人都能成为生活的主宰, 勇敢地面对未来, 用热情和努力让生活更完美 今天我们不断努力是为了明天更加美好, 通过改变自我来不断挑战, 才能改变现状 @HudsonJeans

9025 Junction Drive Annapolis Junction, Maryland 20701 USA 410.263.6045 inquiries@hobobags.com hobointernational.com Handbags/Totes/Wallets 袋 / 包 Hobo is a lifestyle brand founded on the principles of creativity, originality and quality. Hobo s collection of fun, unique accessories offers accessible, stylish solutions for everyday journeys. With a passion for the past and an eye to the future, our heritage-hip brand philosophy builds innovative design and purposeful fashion into each and every one our signature products. Popular with A-list celebrities, Hobo is an American original. Hobo 是以丰富的想象力 原创和高品质为宗旨的休闲品牌 Hobo 的轻松设计 独一无二的配饰产品是日常出行最合适的潮流装备 回顾过去, 放眼未来, 我们传承的时髦品牌理念以创新的设计和潮流的触觉打造每一款标志性产品 Hobo 是一线明星热捧的美国原创品牌 @HoboTheOriginal

666 Broadway New York City, New York 10012 USA 212.777.7066, 646.784.7707 order@queenofevil.com queenofevil.com Contemporary Sportswear, Dresses, Knitwear 現代風格運動裝, 裙裝, 針織衫 E.vil is a revolutionary fashion movement. The brainchild of an accomplished designer, E.vil represents more than just a brand of clothing it serves as a means of personal expression. The brand concept has redefined the word evil, e.vil means: strength, wit, humor, indulgence, drama, sex appeal, and intelligence all in one. As a brand E.vil has flourished on a worldwide scale since launching in 1999 at Colette in Paris. The line is sold to the most cutting edge and high end stores around the world who repeatedly bring the E.vil influence to their shelves. The positive energy that E.vil creates not only fascinates industry leaders, and consumers it also attracts countless amounts of press and celebrity following. Over a number of seasons, E.vil as decreed by the Queen of E.vil has become a brand that consumers can connect with. The brand is empowering and gives consumers a voice. People who follow E.vil brand build an emotional connection with the brands fun, free-spirited, colorful integrity. Headquartered in New York City on Bond street at the stores flag ship concept store Bond 666, the Queen of E.vil is committed to producing clever and colorful concepts to sustain it s fashion forward brand concept. e.vil 是一场时装业的巨大变革运动 她是时装设计师精心酝酿的成果,e.vil 现在不仅仅代表着一个服装品牌, 她还是一个表达自我的方式 因此, 品牌的理念被重新定位,e.vil 的意义 : 她是集坚强 才华 幽默 享受 夸张 性感和智慧为一体的品牌 1999 年成立于巴黎的 e.vil 是全球热卖的品牌, 世界各地最顶级的高端百货商店都会采购其产品系列, 把 e.vil 对时尚的影响力带到每个角落 e.vil 品牌积极正面的能量不仅吸引了时装业界的领导者和时尚达人们, 她也受到了媒体和明星的热捧 过去的好几季设计在 e.vil 女皇的主宰下成为了顾客倾心的品牌 e.vil 品牌的力量是无穷的, 能代表顾客的心声 追求 e.vil 的时尚达人都钟情于品牌带来的欢乐 自由和多彩的设计 位于纽约城 Bond 街的旗舰概念店 Bond 666 是品牌的总部,e.vil 女皇将秉承智慧而多彩的设计概念让品牌继续引领潮流 facebook.com/asdecreedbythequeenofevil

500 Molino Street, Suite 113 Los Angeles, California 90013 USA 213.626.2433 blaquelabel@yahoo.com blaquelabel.com Dresses, Eveningwear/Special Occasion 裙裝, 晚禮服 / 特殊場合服裝 Since 2009, Blaque Label has built a brand based around the goal of making luxury, high-fashion style attainable. The design team strives to create looks for the cosmopolitan woman who enjoys exploring the fashion world s current trends, but has the smarts to also appreciate a practical price point. Each season, Blaque Label introduces collections that have a clever and practical take on what is seen on the international runways. Along with the popular silhouettes that the brand has become known for, they have introduced exciting new styles. The Blaque Label woman is constantly on the move enjoying everything that life has to offer, all the while looking and feeling amazing. Whether on a weekend getaway, out to dinner and drinks, enjoying a night at the theater, or attending an exclusive party, she can count on Blaque Label to have the dress to make her look and feel like the chic and sophisticated woman that she is. 从 2009 年起,Blaque Label 以奢华而高端的时尚理念来建立品牌形象 其设计团队为那些紧跟时尚潮流同时也注重价格实惠的睿智型都市女性打造形象 每一季的作品,Blaque Label 的设计都会体现国际时装 T 台上那些华丽而实用的潮流 在品牌最为人熟知的设计上引入当下最潮的元素 Blaque Label 的顾客能够随时享受生活赋予的一切, 时刻光彩照人 不论是周末出行渡假, 外出就餐, 看戏或者参加很特别的聚会,Blaque Label 的系列中一定会有一套设计能体现出女性时尚而有内涵的形象 @BlaqueLabel

246 West 38th Street, Suite 12A New York City, New York 10018 USA 212.944.6480 sales@ben-amun.com ben-amun.com Jewelry 珠寶首飾 Isaac Manevitz, designer and founder of luxury jewelry brand Ben-Amun (pronounced ben-ah-moon) established himself as an innovator in the fashion industry more than 30 years ago. With his exquisite line of hand-crafted one-of-a-kind accessories, he has long been celebrated for staying ahead of the trend. As a pioneer of the statement-making jewelry movement in the early 1980s, Manevitz brings his love of art to his collections by working with fine, unusual materials such as lucite, pewter, glass and crystal to create unique, innovative and inspirational designs. Ben-Amun jewelry can be characterized as wearable art - bold, interesting and statement-making and all Ben-Amun pieces are handcrafted in Ben-Amun s factory in New York s iconic fashion district. A well respected member of the CFDA, Manevitz continues to garner international praise for his work and is involved in every aspect of the brand s success. His timeless and fresh collections continue to evolve and impress the industry year after year. 过去的 30 多年来 Ben-Amun ( 发音为本 - 啊 - 木嗯 ) 品牌的设计师 / 创建者 Isaac Manevitz 一直都是时装界公认的创新人士 他精美绝伦的手工配饰所取得的成功展现了他永远超前的潮流品味 作为 1980 年代早期震撼人心的珠宝设计运动的先导者,Manevitz 先生把他对艺术的热爱融入到每件设计当中, 他采用透明合成树脂 合金 玻璃和水晶等高品质而珍稀的材质来打造独特 创新以及想象力丰富的作品 Ben-Amun 珠宝配饰被定义为 顶级佩戴艺术 - 大胆 新颖而令人震撼 所有 Ben-Amun 品牌的设计均由位于纽约时尚区内 Ben-Amun 工厂的专业人士手工打造 Manevitz 先生是美国时装设计师理事会的荣誉会员, 他的作品能够享誉国际归功于品牌成功的方方面面 他永不过时的新颖设计仍然会在未来的时尚舞台上大放异彩 @BenAmunbyIsaacM

15 West 39th Street, 12th Floor New York City, New York 10018 USA 212.575.1616 cockpitusa.com Contemporary Sportswear, Outerwear 現代風格運動裝, 外套 Cockpit USA is a 37 year old apparel company, originally started as Avirex LTD, whose roots are in military and aviation clothing-both in inspiration and dedication to quality and a respect for American classic wearing apparel. Currently still the offi cial supplier to the US Air Force for the leather A-2 pilot s jacket, Cockpit manufactures 80% of its products in the USA and is committed to producing its iconic apparel in the USA. The fashion line, which was just re-launched under the Civilian Pilot Training label named after the training program instituted in the late 1930s to prepare for WWII, draws its details and inspiration from the authentic Cockpit Heritage line but is designed for the contemporary minded man ready for anything and in control of his destiny. The company also supplies the militaries of numerous foreign countries with its leather and textile jackets with whatever particular specifi cations are required for each country or branch-all under the Cockpit USA label. The company still manufactures in the USA all military nylon fl ight satin twill jackets such as the L-2B and MA-1 as well as the oxford nylon USN WEP fl ight jackets styles still worn around the world. Cockpit USA 是一家有着 37 年悠久历史的服装公司, 前身为 Avirex LTD, 其业务根基为军队和飞行服装, 其设计讲究高品质并遵循美国传统的服装风格 Cockpit 现在仍是美国空军飞行员 A-2 皮夹克的指定供应商, 品牌 80% 的产品在美国境内生产, 而其标志性产品全部都在美国境内生产 在 1930 年代后期为第二次世界大战而作准备的 Civilian Pilot Training 培训课程推出后,Cockpit 品牌重新推出以课程命名的系列产品, 沿用了最精髓的 Cockpit 传统系列的细节和设计灵感, 更加突出了当代男人 大无畏 的精神和掌控命运的决心 Cockpit 公司也为很多其它国家的军队供应其皮革和纺织品上装, 这些服装按照每个国家的不同规格要求来生产或者统一采用 Cockpit USA 品牌产品 公司仍然在美国境内生产所有军用尼龙绸缎斜纹布料飞行夹克, 例如 L-2B 和 MA-1 产品, 以及在全球仍然受欢迎的牛津尼龙 USN WEP 飞行夹克 @CockpitUSAinc

6901 McKinley Avenue Los Angeles, California 90001 323.234.8880 shehera@siwydenim.com siwydenim.com Contemporary Sportswear, Denim, Knitwear 現代風格運動裝, 牛仔裝, 針織衫 Launched in Spring 2005 in downtown New York City, Siwy offers the ultimate denim collection: vintage-inspired, sexy, fashion-forward designs with perfected finish, detail and fit. Whether it is the stitch detail that embodies strength or the high quality stretch denim that lends longevity, the Siwy look is tough, feminine and authentic infusing the LA-dominated denim category with a heavy dose of New York attitude. The signature back pocket, an open heart, not only creates a unique and recognizable image, but also conveys the philosophy of Siwy: love and live with an open heart. 2005 年春季创立于纽约的 Siwy 以其经典的牛仔系列而闻名 : 复古 性感 前卫的设计以及完美的做工, 追求细节和舒适性 不论是缝制工艺赋予了 Siwy 牛仔裤的强韧性, 或是高品质的弹性牛仔面料让其设计更加耐穿,Siwy 的设计既强势又女性化而且货真价实 - 在以好莱坞为主导的牛仔潮流中注入了不少纽约的元素 其以 开朗的心情 命名的标志性后口袋不仅树立了品牌独特而可识别的形象, 同时也传达了 Siwy 的理念 : 以开朗的心情来追求爱的生活 @SiwyDenim

860 South Los Angeles Street, Suite 1009 Los Angeles, California 90014 USA 323.234.7770 sales@ravendenim.com ravendenim.com Contemporary Sportswear, Denim 現代風格運動裝, 牛仔裝 Raven Denim made a name for itself with the ultra-flattening denim trouser dubbed Mackenzie. Impeccably cut with amazing details, the Mackenzie remains a best seller as reinterpreted by design Ya-el Torbati, who joined the Raven team in 2009. As the founding designer of Yanuk Jeans and former co-owner of Deener Denim, Ya-el brings a fresh outlook to Raven while maintaining the brand s roots with her attention to detail, vintage-inspired aesthetic and extensive knowledge of fit yields exciting new cuts and styles each season. Raven 牛仔裤以其华丽和 Mackenzie 元素点缀的设计而闻名于世 经过由 2009 年加入 Raven 团队的创意总监 Ya-el Torbati 的重新设计,Mackenzie 系列设计以其无懈可击的裁剪和完美的细节继续热销 Ya-el 是 Yanuk Jeans 的创建人也是 Deener Denim 的前合伙人, 她着重于保持 Raven 品牌本身独特的设计并加入更多的新鲜元素, 因为她对细节 复古美感以及舒适性执着的追求, 所以品牌每一季都会呈现让人惊喜而有型的剪裁设计 @RavenDenim

8 East 36th Street, 3rd Floor New York City, New York 10016 USA 212.481.1845 barry@geoartnyc.com geoartnyc.com Jewelry 珠寶首飾 For Cynthia Gale, jewelry is art and art is jewelry. Every piece in each of her collections is created to convey to the wearer a sense of the cultural, historical or spiritual inspiration that went into creating it. The primary design inspiration for Cynthia s exquisite artisan-crafted sterling silver jewelry collection has evolved from the fast pace and rich cultural diversity of her life in New York City. 对于 Cynthia Gale 女士而言, 珠宝和艺术是永恒的结合 她设计的每件珍品都为顾客传达设计理念中文化 渊源或神韵的精华所在 Cynthia 精美的手工纯银珠宝系列, 与她在纽约快节奏而多元的都市文化生活中所获取的设计灵感相辅相成 @GeoArt

1365 61st Street Brooklyn, New York 11219 USA 718.513.4114 sales@morfradesigns.com belargojewelry.com Jewelry 珠寶首飾 Belargo Jewelry is dedicated to fashioning the upscale modern woman with stylish jewelry that fits into every aspect of a woman s lifestyle. It is a collection that allows her to have a classic and sophisticated look every day and a lavish and extravagant look for an elegant night. Our ongoing mission is to produce the highest quality product as a status brand that is appropriate for everyday lifestyle. Belargo Jewelry is a long-standing collection of designer sterling silver jewelry for the chic and sophisticated woman. The line specializes in a diverse selection of unique and original.925 sterling silver and cubic zirconia jewelry. Belargo separates itself from others by staying ahead of current trends with its rich textures of metals and unique design aesthetic. This includes 14 karat gold vermeil and rhodium which is reflective of a platinum look, yet is tarnish free. Every stone is hand cut and hand set, signifying the amount of detail that is applied to each piece. All of the line is designed individually, creating a unique and exclusive collection beyond compare. The assortment distinctly allows pieces for all including trendy stack bangles, statement cuffs, long layered necklaces, pendants, cigar band rings and a variety of stacked rings. BELARGO 珠宝致力于服务现代高端女性顾客, 以新潮的珠宝设计融入到女性生活的点点滴滴 不论是白天典雅而有内涵的造型还是夜晚奢华而绚丽的形象,Belargo 的珠宝设计都能驾驭自如 品牌一贯的宗旨是打造象征身份地位的顶级品牌, 修饰女性生活的每一天 BELARGO 珠宝隽永的纯银系列首饰是优雅而有内涵的女性顾客的首选 这个系列的特色在于采用了独特而地道的 0.925 纯银以及方块合金珠宝材质 Belargo 坚持前卫的设计理念, 选用质感绝佳的金属材质和别致的设计美学, 在珠宝设计界独树一帜 品牌选用的材质包括 14K 镀金银质合金, 来营造不会变色的铂金视觉效果 设计采用的所有宝石都是手工切割手工镶嵌, 让每件作品的细节都精美绝伦 所有珠宝都是独一无二的收藏版设计 品牌的产品非常全面, 包括时尚的叠加手环 标志手环 层叠式项链 吊坠 大型戒指和不同种类的叠加型戒指等 @BelargoJewelry

112 West 34th Street, Suite 1405 New York City, New York 10001 USA 212.563.2022 isaac@weeplaykids.com weeplay.com Children s, Contemporary Sportswear, Dresses, Knitwear 童裝, 現代風格運動裝, 裙裝, 針織衫 H.W. Carter & Sons and the Carter s Watch the Wear brand are rooted deep in American history. 150 years ago, H.W. Carter & Sons was founded in Lebanon, New Hampshire by Henry Wood Carter; a wholesaler and storekeeper. The brand was made famous by the original Denim Overalls which were sold across New England in the 1860 s. By 1890 H.W. Carter & Sons became the premier manufacturer of denim overalls and work wear. The company expanded in the United States to manufacture cotton work clothing; including overalls, jeans, coats, painter pants and work aprons; eventually under the trademark Carter s. The brand continued to grow acquiring the Watch the Wear Overall Company of New Hampshire and its trade name Watch the Wear. Under the new trademark of Carter s Watch the Wear, H.W. Carter & Sons began expanding into many different categories and size ranges of clothing. The company evolved to become one of the most trusted names in layette, infant and toddler playwear. Today, Carter s Watch the Wear is sold in all 50 states, plus many countries around the world. By consistently delivering affordable and fashionable product, Carter s Watch the Wear has established itself as one of the premier most well-known names in childrenswear. H.W. Carter & Sons 以及 CARTER S Watch the Wear 品牌扎根于美国历史 150 多年前, 零售商店主 Henry Wood Carter 先生在新罕布什尔州的 Lebanon 成立了 H.W. Carter & Sons 公司 品牌最初因为 1860 年代在新英格兰地区热卖的 牛仔系列工作服 而声名大噪 1890 年代 H.W. Carter & Sons 公司已经成为了牛仔系列工作服和 工作装 的顶级厂商 公司在美国的业务扩展到生产棉制工作装 ; 包括工作服 裤装 外套 油漆工裤装和工作用围裙 ; 最终公司以 Carter s. 商标, 收购了新罕布什尔州的 Watch the Wear 工作服公司以及其 Watch the Wear. 商标 在采用新商标 CARTER S Watch the Wear, 之后,H.W. Carter & Sons 公司业务开始涉及到许多不同种类和尺寸的服装 公司逐渐成为最受顾客欢迎的婴儿和儿童游乐装厂商之一 时至今日,, CARTER S Watch the Wear 的销售遍布美国 50 个州和不同的国家 因为能生产价格公道又时尚的高品质产品,, CARTER S Watch the Wear 已经成为了童装市场上最顶级的品牌之一

MJ Rose Associates 523 East Putnam Avenue, Suite 45 Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 USA 203.344.9220 allblack.com.tw Footwear 鞋類 All Black is a fashion forward brand of women s contemporary styles and recently men s contemporary styles as well. The women s collection targets young women ages 20-35 who want a combination of fashion and comfort at affordable prices. The All Black styles are ballet flats, low heels and wedges, booties and boots all with a focus on trends, popular colors and enough unique materials and design to set the brand apart from our competition. The design focus is retro in nature, taking from the past what has worked well and matching these elements with modern touches and warm exciting colors. Also there is an interest in helping to reduce waste and pollution to the environment. So wherever possible, recycled materials are used such as recycled leather outer soles and secondary uses for materials such as fish skin taken and backed with pigskin to make fish skin into a new natural leather treatment. Our new men s collection is also contemporary designs with a blend of tradition and hi-tech treatments. We have wingtips and saddle oxfords with the new EVA tech soles. Also there is Euro design direction that uses distressed leathers and more urban trendy styles. ALL BLACK 是一个针对当今潮男潮女设计的前卫品牌 品牌女性系列针对 20 至 35 岁的年轻女性, 结合潮流 舒适和价格适中的特点 ALL BLACK 系列产品包括芭蕾舞鞋 低跟和坡跟鞋 短靴和长靴, 设计采用前卫的创意 流行的色调和独特的材质让品牌独树一帜 设计理念返璞归真, 沿用过去大受欢迎的设计并加入最时髦的元素和温暖而华丽的色彩 此外, 品牌也讲究环保, 所以尽可能采用回收材质, 例如回收皮革外鞋底并对某些材料进行再利用, 例如在猪皮内加入鱼皮, 让鱼皮融入全新的天然皮革设计中 品牌的男性系列也体现了融合传统和高科技元素的现代设计理念 品牌的 Saddle 皮鞋采用 Wingtips 全新 EVA 高科技鞋底 此外, 设计还融合了爆裂皮革和更多都市潮流风格的欧洲式概念