2 August 1-15, 2013 Appreciating the men who protect and serve Story by Caleb Yeoh and Mark James IN light of the coming Hari Raya celebrations, the s

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AppreciAting keepers of the peace pg 2 齐来感受 瞳 真的美! pg 8&9 buletin FREE Competency Accountability Transparency August 1-15, 2013 http:www.facebook.com/buletinmutiara http:www.facebook.com/cmlimguaneng One-way works, but stricter enforcement needed Story by Caleb Yeoh TRAFFIC jams seem to be normal when driving on the roads of Penang. Bumper-tobumper crawls have become part of our everyday life especially during peak hours on the island. In an effort to help overcome this massive problem, the new one-way road system for traffic jam hotspots (Jalan Burmah, Jalan Kelawai and Persiaran Gurney) in Penang was initiated on July 27. After a week of using the new system, the question on the minds of everyone is this: Does it really work? Being a road user myself, I ve seen how bad the jams can be before the new road systems. Sometimes, getting home after work or heading out on the weekend would take an extra hour due to the large number of cars on the roads. One would assume that the new one-way roads would make the flow of traffic smoother, but with Penangites driving the way they do and the excessive number of cars travelling on these hotspots day-to-day, the desired outcome definitely hasn t happened yet. Providing a voice for the average Penangite, Buletin Mutiara took to the streets and interviewed a few everyday Civil servants in Penang gathered on Aug 2 to herald the good news of duit raya in the form of half a month bonus or minimum RM600. Graphics by Mark James. Full story on Page 5 Joes and Janes, getting their take on this new system. A dentist residing in the Tanjung Bungah area, who wished to be known as Dr Yeoh, had this to say. Overall, I think that the system is good, but the main problem with it would be the bottleneck at Gurney Drive. That road should be fully one-way and be without that U-turn to Gurney Plaza. However, I must commend the state for coming up with new and innovative ways to solve traffic congestion. I ve personally seen assemblymember Chow Kon Yeow monitoring traffic flow at Gurney Drive on a daily basis, an act that is highly commendable. Providing a point of view from the other side of the island, 21-year-old student Chew Yan-Y from Gelugor said: The only difference it has made so far is that traffic is worse than before. It usually takes me about 30 minutes to get from TURN TO PAGE 17

2 August 1-15, 2013 Appreciating the men who protect and serve Story by Caleb Yeoh and Mark James IN light of the coming Hari Raya celebrations, the state government has come up with ways to appreciate various departments who have helped and served Penang. One of the departments that was highlighted this year was the Penang police force and the army. At a press conference in Komtar on July 25, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng presented Raya gifts to state deputy police chief Datuk Abdul Rahim Jafhar and Brigadier-General, Datuk Zulkapri Rahamat for their services to the state. Both men received a cheque totaling RM10,000 each. We would like to thank these two security officers of Penang by giving them a nominal gift that we do every year, Lim said at the press conference. Lim (second from right) thanking both Zulkapri (centre) and Rahim (second from left) for their services to the state as YB Tuan Mohd Rashid (left) and YB Dato Abdul Malik (right) look on. Abdul Malik mulls legal action Story by Caleb Yeoh CHAIRMAN of the Religious Affairs, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs committee Abdul Malik Abul Kassim has demanded that local daily Utusan Malaysia and Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS) official Wan Norazman Arifin apologise to him for defaming him in a recent article printed in the newspaper. The article in Utusan titled Keluarga Miskin Dakwa Disekat Terima Zakat GPMS which roughly translates to Poor family prohibited from receiving zakat was published on July 22. The act of libel, written defamation, comes into play here when Utusan labelled Malik as a modern pharaoh for refusing zakat aid to the family of Razimah Rahman during a programme to help the needy at Komtar on July 17. Abdul Malik, however, at a press conference had this to say: This accusation makes no sense at all. Not only did Razimah just receive zakat aid on July 17, but she also received monetary aid from my department on July 4 as well. Furthermore, on Oct 16 2012, an official from my department visited the family to again provide them with monetary aid. Abdul Malik (right) giving out zakat aid at the event on July 17. The zakat records for the state of Penang also show that Razimah was part of the aid programme since 2001. I urge Wan Norazam and Utusan Malaysia to come up with a public apology before I take further legal action, Abdul Malik said.

We want to engage with the people August 1-15, 2013 By Chow Kon Yeow 3 I have just attended a two-day seminar titled Public Sector Stakeholder Engagement and Communication in Singapore. About 70 mid-level and senior Singapore government servants representing various agencies attended this seminar. I was the only politician and Malaysian. Why do we have to spend two days attending this selfenrichment course conducted by a panel of experts from Canada, UK and Singapore? I was attracted to this programme because as a politician and exco, I have always supported the need for public engagement with the various stakeholders to work up support for government policy decisions. At the seminar, I felt that the public sector in Singapore and their political masters were really concerned about managing their citizens changed expectations. Their recent general election had resulted in many opposition candidates winning their seats and the PAP s popularity took a dive. Governments all over the world are concerned how the social media has managed to mobilise the people to make a stand. The people are resorting to alternative media because they think the mainstream media have failed to represent their voices and the government has not listened to their voice. Could the Arab Spring or Egypt s regime change be prevented if the government had listened to the people s voices? These few years, I have emphasised the need for public engagement and consultation with the stakeholders to work out solutions for the many pressing issues. I found that with File pic of a public forum where MPPP briefed members of the public on the projects the State is undertaking. People from all walks of life attended such forums. public engagement and participation, people are more willing to give government policies and programmes a chance for success. However, I am looking forward to mainstreaming and institutionalising public engagement in the state and local government. With stakeholders input, the proposed solutions could take into account the needs of the affected stakeholders. In Penang, we have a strong tradition of NGO and civil society participation and they have Abdul Ghani (foreground) has carried out many demonstrations at Komtar to protest several issues. played an important role to represent the people s voices. We can remember their successful campaign against the development of Penang Hill and Penang Global City Centre. Not forgetting us in the then Opposition. I have led numerous public campaigns like Penang Outer Ring Road project and the anti Rent Control repeal. The PR Penang state government has organised public engagement opportunities in getting the people s participation in issues like the tunnel projects, Komtar Phase 5 heritage development project and greening projects. We also need State Assembly representatives to engage with their electorate. Recently, the assemblymember for Pulau Tikus Yeap Soo Huey conducted meetthe-people sessions to get their participation in Opposition MCA and Gerakan Youth members were part of the participants in the public dialogue held at the Penang Chinese Town Hall in March regarding the tunnel project. this new traffic proposal. However, there have been several instances where we have not done too well. For instance the spice project, a more organised public engagement exercise would definitely have gained more support rather than objection because of the lack of information. I think if we had engaged Abdul Ghani, Komtar Seng or the Malay NGOs better we would have avoided the negative publicity generated by the numerous protests. If we believe in CAT philosophy of government, we have to engage with the people. *Chow Kon Yeow writes a regular column in Kwong Wah Yit Poh and the above Chinese article was printed on July 26. Chow s Facebook is at www. facebook.com/chowkonyeow

4 August 1-15, 2013 Election pledge fulfilled Story by Chan Lilian Pix by Law Suun Ting WHEN Datuk Keramat assemblymember Jagdeep Singh Deo visited the Taman Free School flats on July 16, he was given a warm welcome by the residents who were happy that their low-cost flats was getting a new coat of paint, thanks to Jagdeep. Jagdeep, who was there for a press conference on strata title applications, took some time to observe the painting work which was going on. He was happy to note that several blocks have been re-painted. There are 15 blocks of five-storey flats here in Taman Free School. Under the HAPPY programme, the state government will bear 90 per cent of the cost while my constituents will bear the rest, he said. Jagdeep had pledged to repaint the flats during his election campaign and is glad that the whole re-painting works will be completed by October, as promised. Jagdeep (second from right) and some of the residents looking at the newlypainted flats. Penang walks the talk on strata titles Story and pix by Chan Lilian HAVING a strata title means getting ownership of a property but getting one is a problem for many flats owners. All these problems may soon come to pass as the grouses of these flats dwellers, especially those flats belonging to the state, were heard and heeded by exco member Jagdeep Singh Deo. A lawyer by profession, Jagdeep is taking this long-standing issue by the horns. He called a press conference at the Taman Free School flats on July 16 to reveal the large number of state lowcost housing projects in Penang which do not have strata titles. So, why is a strata title important? It is the ultimate proof of ownership and owners can use it as an instrument for financial dealings. A strata title is also required to form management corporations to maintain and manage the building. As long as the strata titles have not been transferred to the owners, the land and the common property are still owned by the developer. Jagdeep called on the Federal government to expedite enforcement on an amendment to the Strata Title Act 1985. Under an amendment gazetted on Feb 7 this year, strata titles are to be issued upon vacant possession of the property. It should happen simultaneously and penalties can be imposed on the developer or landowner, he said. So, I urge the National Land Council (NLC) to declare the amendment as enforceable. The NLC is chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Penang wants to take the lead by getting the strata titles for the state low-cost housing. It is very disappointing that projects dated between 1969 to 1995 are still without strata titles, Jagdeep said. In view of Penang s calls on developers to adhere to the Strata Title Act 1985 (Act 318) to obtain strata titles, Penang will also walk the talk and act on its state projects. The first meeting was held on July 10 with the special committee to monitor the issuance of strata titles for public low-cost housing projects. We will meet every two months. I have asked the Housing Department to monitor closely the applications and expedite matters. As the exco member, I will follow up on all the state projects, both on the island and mainland. Previously, before I was the exco, I had pursued the strata title application for my constituency here in Datuk Keramat, Jagdeep told members of the press. Up to June 15, the total number of strata title applications in Penang has reached 1,754 schemes which consist of 290,083 lots. In the record, a total of 56 schemes with 17,884 lots have failed to forward the subdivision application or strata for Penang. Soon, low-cost housing owners can look forward to getting rightful ownership of their homes. This is in line with the State s competent, accountable and transparent administration which is people-centric. Jagdeep is determined to see that this is realised within his second term as the assemblymember and exco. Low cost housing projects at Taman Tun Sardon. List of projects without strata titles: 1. Taman Free School low-cost flats Completed in 1981 with 655 units of flats. The project by the Public Works Department (JKR) was occupied without Occupation Certificate (OC) until February 2011 when Jagdeep who is the state assemblymember assisted in the application process. Application for strata titles is being processed after getting the OC and Jagdeep hopes the owners can get their strata title by end of 2014. 1. Batu Lancang flats Completed in 1985 and involves 316 units. The architect needs to re-draw the plans to accommodate the Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) which is operating on the ground floor and taking up the common property which is a motorcycle parking area. 1. Mak Mandin Lama flats This project was completed in 1969 with 220 units. The surveyor has been requested to locate and submit the plan dated 1966 to the Land Office, failing which an architect will be required to prepare the building plan for submission for strata title application. 1. Mak Mandin 1 flats This project was built in 1984 and involves 400 unit. 1. Tun Sardon low-cost housing Completed in 1978 with 139 units of terrace houses. 1. Taman Tun Sardon Phase 1 flats Blocks A to E Completed in 1979 with 200 units by JKR, no OC yet. MPPP will issue a temporary OC for the application of strata titles. However, the licensed surveyor is required to forward the as built plan to MPPP first. 1. Taman Tun Sardon Phase II flats Blocks AA-AZ Completed in 1982 with 920 units. The licensed surveyor cannot carry out work because the original plan is not with JKR. So, an architect is required to draw the as built plan first. 1. Taman Tun Sardon Phase III flats Blocks IIIA, IIIB and IIIC Completed in 1995 with 140 units. Architect appointed to carry out works on the building plan.

August 1-15, 2013 5 Xylem chooses Penang for first branch Story by Chan Lilian Pix by Mohd. Hafiz Tajudin XYLEM Incorporated has chosen Penang as the base of its first branch, Xylem Water Solutions Malaysia Sdn. Bhd, in Greater Asia. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who was at the official opening on July 1, said: The Penang government is honoured that Xylem, a leading global water technology provider, has chosen Penang for the expansion of its footprint in this region. The countries defined as Greater Asia are Japan, Korea, Hongkong, Macau, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. This is a testimony of Penang s business-friendly policies and indeed, we will continue to strive to make Penang the location of choice for multi-nationals to set up their bases, he added. Allan William Hendry, regional director of Xylem, highlighted that the new branch in Perai will be able to offer prompt service response time to customers around Malaysia. Xylem does business in more than 150 countries through a number of marketleading product brands, and its people bring broad applications expertise with a strong focus on finding local solutions to the world s most challenging water and wastewater problems, he added. The company plans to increase annual business growth between RM95 million to RM125 million in the next five years in the Southeast Asian region. The guests taking a tour of the plant and were impressed with the technology. We are looking at 5-10 per cent growth in Malaysia for the next five years, Hendry added. The Swedish ambassador to Malaysia, Bengt Carlsson, was among the distinguished guests at the opening ceremony. Raya Cheer for Penang civil servants Story by Danny Ooi THE Penang Government on Aug 1 announced that it is giving out a halfmonth Hari Raya bonus with a minimum payment of RM600 to civil servants in the state. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the handout totalling RM4.4 million will benefit some 4,000 state civil servants. This is to show our gratitude. We hope this will further encourage you all to work harder for the state, he said in his speech in conjunction with a gathering with more than 1,000 civil servants in Komtar. Among those present were Penang state secretary Datuk Farizan Darus and state assembly Speaker Law Choo Kiang. Lim added that self-governed bodies like Penang Municipal Council (MPPP), Seberang Prai Municipal Council (MPSP) and Penang Development Corporation (PDC) are also giving out RM4.2 million, RM2.2 million and RM368,814 million respectively as Hari Raya bonuses for their employees. Touching on the issue of the Integrity Perception Index on civil servants in the state, he said he was surprised that the perception of corruption, misappropriation and abuse of power in the civil service and state administration had gone down by 0.14 points. The composite index recorded was 7.18 in 2011 compared to 7.04 last year. This study was carried out by the Penang Integrity Institute, he added. Lim added that the study did not show the actual picture as the survey comprises the state agencies under the Federal government. Farizan (fourth from left) receiving a mock cheque for RM3.4 million from Lim (second from left) during the gathering at Komtar. He added that many respondents derive their perception on services carried out by civil servants, without taking into account whether they are from the state agencies or Federal government.

6 August 1-15, 2013 Haze concerns Story by Chan Lilian CHIEF Minister Lim Guan Eng on July 24 issued a reminder to the public regarding the haze that continues to envelope the state. Although the haze index has not reached the danger level, the Penang state government wishes to remind Penangites to be extra cautious with their health while carrying out their daily routine, Lim said. We view this haze situation seriously. The public is advised to reduce outdoor activities and drink more water so that their health is not affected. He also urged the Federal government to work closely with Indonesia to overcome the open burning issue. Several assemblymembers have taken the proactive measure of distributing masks to the people and, at the same time, reminding them to take care of their health. One of them, Seri Delima assemblymember RSN Rayer visited a few coffee shops and a wet market to give out face masks. Volunteer firemen need your help THOSE who travel along Weld Quay will notice two fire engines parked by the roadside. Overcome by curiosity, Buletin Mutiara s Chan Lilian requested for an interview with the voluntary fire and rescue members. Isn t the job very dangerous and risky when you have to put out fires and help people at tragedy sites? Why do you all do it? You are not paid to do this, right? Lilian asked Sam Tan, 52, secretary of the The site in Weld Quay where they are going to build their Bomba Sukarela Sri Tanjung base. Persatuan Bomba Sukarela Sri Tanjung. We are not very rich. We do not have much money to contribute to society to help the people. This is what we have ourselves and the skills we learned in fire-fighting to help those in need. We don t expect payments, Tan said with a contented smile. In 2008, Tan and his group of friends realised the need to have voluntary fire-fighting services to complement the official ones. Together with KK Chan, who is the captain of their group, they registered their association with the Registrar of Societies. Starting with only 10 members, now they have 80 active ones. Chan, 40, a welder, is currently using his home as their base while the group is raising funds to build a permanent base nearby. So far we have bought two fire engines through the donations we collected from generous donors. Our first fire engine cost RM45,000 and the second one with its own water tank cost RM85,000, Chan said.. The Penang government has given us a piece of land here in Weld Quay to build the base. Unfortunately, we do not have enough money to put up the building yet. So far, we have only built the foundation. Pengkalan Kota assemblymember Lau Keng Ee has helped us a lot. He has helped to get the land for us and also sought corporate sponsors for us. We hope more people can chip in as the losses from fires are immense. That s why it is important to be proactive in fighting fires. Rayer (in face mask) at the Jalan Gangsa market on July 27 giving out face masks to the market-goers and traders. With more voluntary groups like ours, we can at least minimise the losses. Before we have the fire engines, we used to rush to tragedy sites on our bikes and cart the equipment inh our own cars. Now we are more equipped but we need a base for a more systematic organisation, Tan said. Undeniably, the area in Weld Quay, especially the wooden clan jetty houses which are built on stilts are fire hazards. Just a week before the interview, a few houses caught fire and the team from Bomba Sri Tanjung rushed there to help. The team also volunteered their services at the recent tragedies at the Second Penang Bridge and also the Menara Umno building. Bomba Sukarela Sri Tanjung has maintained a Facebook page and posted photo updates of the rescue work they have done. You can find their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ bombasukarela.sritanjung Through various fund-raising efforts, the Bomba Sukarela Sri Tanjung has managed The voluntary Bomba Sukarela Sri Tanjung fighting a fire. The voluntary members have to undergo vigorous and regular training conducted by the Jabatan Bomba. In the foreground, right side is Sam Tan who is the secretary of the group. to raise RM114,000 but are still short of their target of RM480,000 for their building costs. Those who wish to help can call Ooi (012-4751111), Sam Tan (016-4534994), Tan (012-4127676) or Chan (016-4600309).

August 1-15, 2013 7 Childcare centre in Komtar next year Story and pix by Nazleen Najeeb Chong Eng and her team promoting quality and safe child upbringing. THE Penang government will set up a childcare centre named Taska D Komtar to cater to the needs of civil servants working in Komtar early next year. Penang is the first state to adopt a comprehensive Childcare Policy and Action Plan. Childcare is everybody s business, said Chong Eng, chairman of the Women s Development Corporation (PWDC) at a press release on July 25 at level 4 Komtar. It is on this floor that Taska D Komtar will operate accommodating 30 children in 1,680 sq feet floor area. The charge will only be RM50 per child as the state will subsidise the fees. Chong Eng, who is also the exco member for Youth and Sports, Women, Family and Community Development urged parents, especially fathers, to be in charge of their child s well-being and safety and not to leave everything in the mother s hand. Meanwhile, Rusnah Wan Othman, assistant director from the Welfare Department, said there are 109 registered childcare centres while another 40 are still in the pipeline. PWDC also came up with a Geographic Information System which maps out all childcare centres for parents to access and identify areas that need a new centre. Chong Eng and her team also expressed their condolences to family members of Cindy Koay Xin Lin, a five-month-old baby who choked to death while drinking milk from a bottle at her babysitter s home. She added this tragedy should not have happened and people must make sure every child grows up in safe hands regardless of the income level of the family. National shame when top students are rejected THIRTY-nine top students received full marks of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) 4.0 but are still not selected for public university places for their preferred courses. This is a national shame that will stain the pursuit of excellence and merit as well as cripple the elusive search for national unity after 56 years of Merdeka, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said in a recent statement. Depriving qualified students, including those with a CGPA of the maximum 4.0 from places in public universities, will only exacerbate the brain A file photo of STPM top scorers in Penang who were duly recognised and awarded for their achievements. drain, making it harder for Talent Corporation to generate a brain gain and make it easier for neighbouring countries to steal our best and brightest. No democratic and humane country in the world would consider as just in rejecting top students who scored the perfect CGPA of 4.0, but were offered courses that were not their chosen option. Even though MCA, MIC and Gerakan leaders have openly attacked the Ministry of Education (MOE) for this injustice, MOE has clearly dismissed these BN component parties as staging a sandiwara as they did not pull out from BN, Lim said. What is the point of MCA pointing out that in the past four years, the enrolment rate of Chinese applicants fell from 92 per cent to 88.2 per cent, followed by 86.4 per cent to only 75 per cent this year, or the percentage of successful Chinese applicants entering IPTAs had fallen to 19% this year from the previous 23%, when MCA still remains in BN? What is the point of MIC questioning Prime Minister Najib Razak s pledge to uphold his message of nambikei (trust) to the Indian community when Indian students were allocated only 4 per cent of public university places of only 1,800 instead of the promised 3,000, when MIC still remains in BN? Lim, who is also Bagan MP, said he does not agree with the annual national obsession on race profiling by both MCA and MIC. Both argue the serious issue of deprivation of university places in education solely from a racial perspective when it should be strictly from equal opportunity, excellence and performance. As the public has lost confidence in the professionalism of the Education Ministry, an independent body such as an international auditing firm should be appointed instead to vet and select future university applicants to ensure that no qualified students loses out. How can we prepare the young for the future or the future for our young when we deny that future by permitting such painful injustice?

8 August 1-15, 2013 RapidPenang introduces new routes RAPIDPenang will continue to enhance it s service in the state with an additional 80 buses and the new routes this year. The proposed one-way system in the town area will lead to new bus routes involving routes 101, 102, 103, 10 and 304. The new routes will commence on July 27, the same day as the implementation of the one-way system. The fare will remain unchanged. RapidPenang head of Strategic Support Osman Amir said the new routes will allow wider coverage. As an example, he cited the case of Mt Erskine and the Pepper Estate that have no access to bus services currently are now covered by route 104. We will provide more buses and add more frequencies, said Major ( R) Mohd Shukri Abdul Rahman, CEO of RapidPenang to the press on July 22. The 80 buses will join its existing 256 which ply a total of 46 routes. Meanwhile, 40 doubledecker buses will be introduced next year in a move to provide better services. The Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) is helping to put up notices and route maps at several areas around town. Ang Aing Thye, MPPP secretary said the state is improving the transport system to encourage more Penangites to use public transport. Route 104

August 1-15, 2013 9

10 August 1-15, 2013 PRESS RELEASE Date : 24 July 2013 PENANG HILL ALL SET FOR HARI RAYA ATTRACTIONS Hari Raya Holidays is just around the corner and Penang Hill Corporation is once again ready to woo its visitors during the super peak season from 7 to 11 August 2013 with better infrastructure and excitement. More than 40 thousand tourists are expected to visit Penang s top attraction during the season. For convenience of tourist visiting the Peak of the Pearl, Penang Hill Corporation ensures enough parking space for vehicles with parking lots in three areas totaling 143 parking lots at Penang Hill Car Park A and B (Temple Car Park and Penang Hill Open Car Park), excluding another 30 lots along the road side. Similar to arrangement that successfully ease traffic congestion during Chinese New Year celebration, extra RELA personnel shall be placed along Jalan Stesen Bukit Bendera to ensure smooth traffic flow. The roof project at Station entrance is now completed, just in time for Hari Raya celebration. With the completed renovation and new canopy roof at Lower Station, visitors will be able to enjoy cool shades upon arrival. The station s new garden ambiance offers solution to previous concrete surrounding allowing visitors to be part of nature even before embarking the funicular to the top. In order to avoid long queue at ticket booth, extra manpower shall be engaged to cater the demand for better crowd control. Since the funicular system is set to run non-stop during the holidays, tourists can walk in with peace of mind as the funicular is capable of transporting 800 passengers per hour. Operation of the funicular shall be extended to 11.00 pm throughout the holidays. Visitors are advised that the best time to visit is between 4.00pm and 10.00pm with opportunity to enjoy the different views and scenery of day and night, and the cool weather after sundown. Additional exciting spots are ready to welcome holiday makers. Tourists are now able to view and have snapshots of sedan chair replica and wooden horse that represent means of transport to the top of the hill before the funicular system. At the top of the hill, visitors are also able to stand at a directional point guiding to 20 major cities of the world at précised compass point. The newly opened Penang Hill Treasure Store welcomes visitors to grab the opportunity to obtain official Penang Hill merchandise. Various unique products have been carefully selected as memento to those who seek souvenir items. Various exciting programs has been planned throughout the holidays where children of all ages will be entertained by clowns, street artists and Penang Hill s new mascot - the golden chest squirrel. To ensure comfort in traveling, visitors are also advised to use public transport, Rapid Bus 204 for a more convenience journey to the hill station. Penang Hill Corporation is committed to continuously upgrading its services to the visitors. The Management Penang Hill Corporation 24 July 2013 World-class photos in a world-class city Story by Caleb Yeoh IF an average photo paints a thousand words, the shots you ll see at the World Press Photo (WPP) Exhibition would amount to a few million words at the very least. The WPP is the world s largest and most prestigious annual press photography exhibition, and Malaysia plays host to this breathtaking and thought-provoking exhibition for the third time running. Photography enthusiasts will be treated to a display of beautiful, captivating and prizewinning photos taken by members of the press worldwide at the Penang Performing Arts Centre at Straits Quay. The exhibition, organised by TNT Express Malaysia and the Netherlands embassy, is open to all. Entrance is from 10am to 6.30pm until Aug 11, and admission is free. A few of the thought-provoking photographs one will see at the WPP Exhibition. Dutch ambassador to Malaysia Paul Bekkers said it was his honour to be able to bring this top-class exhibition to Malaysia for the third time. This is more than just a collection of top quality photos. It also illustrates art and culture in its most real form. The exhibition is one of the embassy s many initiatives in fostering and enhancing ties between the Kingdom of Netherlands and Malaysia, he said. One aspect that makes this year s exhibition so much more special is that among the 54 winning photographers featured, two winning entries were submitted by Malaysian photographers. They include the second prize winning photo submitted by Stefen Chow under the Staged Portraits category, and a stunning entry titled Joy at Lim (third from right) holding a framed copy of the first prize winning photo under the Sports Action category with Bekkers (fourth from left). the End of the Run by Dr Chen Wei Seng whose vibrant bullracing entry, taken in Sumatra earned a first prize win under the Sports Action category. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng who was the guest-ofhonor at the opening ceremony, congratulated the two Malaysian winners and expressed his utmost gratitude for having the privilege of previewing the exhibition first in Penang before the collection moves to the Klang Valley. The World Press Photo is truly a world-class event that continues to attract countless numbers of viewers in various cities across the globe, and of course a world class city is needed to host such a world class event. I believe in art. I believe besides being pleasing to the eye, art also has the ability to bring people together, regardless of race and religion, Lim said in his speech at the opening ceremony.

August 1-15, 2013 11 Meet smart doll Mirai Suenaga Story and picture by Nazleen Najeeb GEORGETOWN is set to welcome the first ever Culture Japan Convention (CJC) in Malaysia which will be held at Straits Quay Convention Centre on Aug 17 and 18. Jointly organised by Penang Global Tourism (PGT) and Culture Japan, CJC offers a platform for Japanese animation fans and popular culture lovers to mingle in this two-day event. The highlight of the event will be the introduction of smart doll Mirai Suenaga, which stands 60 cm tall and the first interactive robotic doll made in Japan. In a teleconferencing on Aug 1, Mirai s creater, Danny Choo, said the doll is not only to able to greet you, move her limbs and body but can notify you of Twitter and Facebook messages! He added the smart doll is a step forward for the Japanese robotics industry. Visitors to CJC can have a closer look at Mirai s prototype on both days. Choo will host the Culture Japan Night (CJN) where spectacular activities will take place such as cosplay competition, art competition, cosplay photography competition, dolls displays, card game tournaments, itasha and anime figurine showcases and many more. Penangites should grab this marvellous opportunity to interact freely with cosplayers Maridah and Angie and illustrators Shirahane Nao and Ikkyuu and also other guests from Japan. Hurry now and get your pre-order tickets for RM35 to stand a chance to win return tickets to Tokyo. Visitors can also buy walk-in tickets for RM20 for one day. Full details are available at www.culturejapan.com. Cosplayers Queen, Erza Scarlet, Saber and Rivichiyo Shirakin in action. Ooi Geok Ling, PGT managing director, posing with Mirai Suenaga

K J ïytr«brœâfÿ http:www.facebook.com/buletinmutiara http:www.facebook.com/cmlimguaneng MfÞ 01-15, 2013 ãdh F khãy mur CÊa fs F miu khj nghdþ th f gl»wj. khepy Kjy;tu; ypk; Fthd; vq; khepy nrayhsu; lj;njh ghuprhd; gpd; lhu]; mtu;fsplk; mur Copau;fSf;fhdg; Nghd]; khjpup fhnrhiyia toq;fpdhu;. knyrpa tuyhw;wpnyna kpf Mtyhf vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gl;l 13tJ nghjj; Nju;jypy;,uz;lhtJ Kiwahf kf;fs; $l;lzp mur gpdhq;f khepyj;ijf; ifg;gw;wpaj midtuk; mwpe;jnj. gpdhq;f khepy mur nghushjhu tsu;r;rp kl;lkpd;wp r%fk; kw;wk; khepy mur Copau;fspd; eydpyk; mf;fiur; nryj;jp tutj Fwpg;gplj;jf;fjhFk;. 2008-Mk; Mz;L kf;fs; $l;lzp mur gpdhq;f khepyj;ijf; ifg;gw;wpajpypue;j midj;j JiwfspYk; Jupj tsu;r;rpaile;j tufpwj. khepy murpd; Mw;wy;> nghwg;g> ntspg;gil vd;w nfhs;ifapdhy; xt;nthu Mz;Lk; tutnrytj; jpl;lj;jpy; $Ljyhd tukhdj;ijg; ngwk; Kjy; khepyk; gpdhq;f vd;w Njrpa fzf;fha;t mwpf;if rpj;jupf;fpwj. NkYk;> khepy mur gpdhq;f tho; kf;fspd; eydpy; kpfe;j mf;fiuf; nfhz;ls;sj. khepy mur jdj nghushjhu,yhgj;ij kf;fsld; gfpu;e;j nfhs;fpwj. mjhtj xt;nthu Mz;Lk; %j;j Fbkf;fs;> nghj cau;fy;tp khztu;fs;> ghyu;g; gs;sp> Muk;gg; gs;sp>,ilepiyg;gs;sp MfpaNahUf;Fk; khdpak; toq;fg;glfpwj. fle;j 1-8-2013-Mk; ehs; 13-tJ nghjj; Nju;jYf;Fg; gpd; Kjy; mur Copau;fSf;fhdf; $l;lk; nfhk;jhupy; eilngw;wj. khepy mur Copau;fspd; Nritia mq;fpfupf;fk; nghul;l miu khj Nghd]; my;yj Nehd;Gg; nguehs; ntfkjp toq;fg;glk; vd;w khepy NkjF ypk; Fthd; vq; njuptpj;jhu;. fle;j Mz;Lk; Nehd;Gg; nguehis Kd;dpl;L miu khj Nghd]; toq;fg;gl;lj nts;spilkiyahfk;. gpdhq;f khepy mur Copau;fSf;F miu khj Nghd]; my;yj Fiwe;j gl;rk; upk600 toq;fg;glk; vd;w nfhk;jhupy; eilngw;w khepy mur Copau;fs; $l;lj;jpy; mwptpj;jhu;. khepy murpd; J}a;ik> grik> Rfhjhuk; kw;wk; ghjfhg;g vd;w Nfhl;ghL rpwg;ghd Rw;Wr;R+oiy cuthf;fpas;sj vd;why; kpifahfhj. mur Copau;fs; Mw;wy;> nghwg;g> ntspg;gil kw;wk; xuikg;ghl vd;w khepy murpd; nfhs;ifiag; gpd;gw;wp gzpg;gupa Ntz;Lk; vd Kjy;tu; Ntz;LNfhs; tplj;jhu;.,f;nfhs;ifiag; gpd;gw;wtjd; %yk;,yq;r Coy; kw;wk; mjpfhu J\;gpuNahfj;ij eptu;j;jpr; nra;j J}a;ikahd khepy epu;thfk; elj;j toptff;fg;glk; vd Kjy;tu; vlj;jiuj;jhu;. khepy murpd; 9194 Copau;fSf;Fk; miu khj Nghd]; my;yj Fiwe;j gl;rk; upk600 toq;ftjw;f khepy mur Rkhu; upk 10>592>919.81 xjf;fplr; nra;js;sj. khepy Kjy;tu; NkjF ypk; Fthd; vq; mtu;fs; miu khj Nghd]; epjpj; njhifia khjpup fhnrhiyahf midj;j khepy mur Jiw cau; mjpfhupfsplk; toq;fpdhu;. miu khj Nghd]; ngw;w khepy mur Jiwfs; gpd;tukhw : khepy mur Jiw njhif (up.k) khepy nghj Nrit Jiw 3>479>170.32 gpdhq;f Nkk;ghl;Lf; fofk; 368>814.52 gpdhq;f efuhz;ikf; fofk; 4>166>600.00 nrnguhq; gpiw efuhz;ikf; fofk; 2>230>833.79 gpdhq;f khepy,];yhk; thupak; 60>000 khepy nghul;fhl;rprhiy kw;wk; fiy glj;njhfg;gj; Jiw 19>200.00 khepy nghj E}y;epiyak; 162>274.77 gpdhq;f xuikg;ghl;lf; fofk; 9>609.74 nfhbkiy fofk; 62>679.67 N[hu;r;lTd; cyf ghuk;gupa ikak; 33>737.00

ãdh F khãy $ Ia g rkh# â F Çk 10 000 khåa«th f g lj = Iag;gd; Nrth rkh[k; 2005-Mk; Mz;L Jtf;fg;gl;lJ.,e;j Nrth rkh[j;jpw;f FUehju; jpu QhdNrfud; topfhl;bahftk; 150 cwg;gpdu;fs; njhz;lu;fshftk; mq;fk; tfpf;fpd;wdu;.,e;j Nrth rkh[k; jw;fhypfkhf nyngh ek;gpahu;> N[hu;r;lTd; vdk;,lj;jpy; mike;js;sj.,e;j Nrth rkh[k; epue;jukhd,lj;jpw;ff; $ba tpiutpy; khwpr; nry;yk; nghul;l epjpj; jpul;l Kw;gl;Ls;sdu;. mt;tifapy; fle;j 21-7-2013-Mk; ehs;,e;j Nrth rkh[j;jpw;fg; Gjpa fl;ll epjpj; jpul;l cztr; re;ij elj;jg;gl;lj.,e;j cztr; re;ij m]hl; jkpo;g;gs;sp tshfj;jpy; eilngw;wj.,e;j cztr; re;ij epfo;tpd; %yk; Vwf;Fiwa upk5000 epjpj; jpul;lg;gl;ljhf Nrth rkh[j;jpd; nrayhsu; jpu jnkhjpud; njuptpj;jhu;.,e;j cztr; re;ijapy; gpdhq;f khepy Gfo;g;ngw;w cztj; jahupg;ghsu;fs;> cztf; fil cupikahsu;fs; fye;j nfhz;l epjpj; jpul;l cjtp fuk; epl;bdu;. NkYk;,e;j re;ijapy; Rfhjhu Kfhk;> tpisahl;lfs; elj;jg;gl;ld. NkYk;,e;j cztr; re;ij epfo;tpy; Kf;fpa gpukfuhff; fpuhkk;> efuk; kw;wk; tplikg;gj; jpl;lkply; Nritf; FOtpd; Ml;rpf;FO cwg;gpdu; kjpg;gpw;fupa n[f;bg; rpq; bnah mtu;fs; fye;j nfhz;lhu;. kjpg;gpw;fupa n[f;bg; rpq; bnah mtu;fs;,e;j Nrth rkh[j;jpd; epjp cjtpf;fhf upk10 000 khdpakhf toq;fpdhu;. fle;j Mz;L upk8000 toq;fpdhu; vd;gj rhyr;rpwe;jj.,e;j Nrth rkh[j;jpw;f tw;whj MjuT toq;fk; kjpg;gpw;fupa n[f;bg; rpq; bnah mtu;fsf;f ed;wp khiyr; R+l;bdhu; jiytu; jpu ltpe;jpud;. g J ãç» $ g u fhëa«k nfhéš ÔÄâ âuéhh [hyhd; Rq;if xd;w> gj;j gpupq;fpapy; mike;jpuf;fk; = gj;u fhspak;kd; Myak; 40 Mz;Lfs; goikahdj vd;gj Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ.,f;Nfhtpy; jiytuhf jpu.rfkhwd; tpsq;ffpwhu;. Kd;djhf,f;Nfhtpy; gj;j gpupq;fp gpujhd rhiyapy; mike;jpue;jj. By The Sea Nkk;ghl;Lj; jpl;lj;jpd; fhuzkhf,f;nfhtpy; Xu; Mz;Lf;F Kd;G,lk; khw;wg;gl;lj. jw;nghj,e;j Nfhtpy; epyg; gpur;ridia vjpu;nehf;ffpd;wj vd;gj nts;splkiyahfk;. = gj;u fhspak;kd; Nfhtpy; jpkpjpj; jputpoh fle;j 21 [_iy 2013-apy; eilngw;wj.,t;tpohtpy; fpuhkk;> efuk; kw;wk; tplikg;gj; jpl;lkply; Nritf; FOtpd; Ml;rpf;FO cwg;gpduk; lj;njh nfuhkhl; rl;lkd;w cwg;gpdukhd n[f;bg; rpq; bnahtk; kw;wk; nfhb kiy ehlhskd;w cwg;gpdu; ra;upy; fpu; n[h`hupak; rpwg;g gpukfu;fshff; fye;j nfhz;ldu;.,u gpukfu;fsk; eilngw;w midj;j rka epfo;tfspy; fye;j rpwg;gpj;jdu;.,f;nfhtpypd; tsu;r;rpf;fhf upk5000 khdpakhf toq;ftjhftk; gpdhq;f khepyj;jpy; kj Rje;jpuk; vd;wk; fhf;fg;glk; vd;wk; kjpg;gpw;fupa n[f;bg; rpq; bnah mtu;fs; tuntw;giuapy; njuptpj;jhu;. mnjhl> Nfhtpy; epu;thfj;jpd; rhu;gpy; khz;gkpf n[f;bg; rpq; bnah mtu;fs; 50 ngz;fsf;fr; NriyAk; 100 Mz;fSf;F Ntl;bAk; vlj;j toq;fpdhu;. NkYk;> fpuhkk;> efuk; kw;wk; tplikg;gj; jpl;lj;jpd; fpo; xt;nthu Fbaikg;G gfjpfspyk; topghl;l jsk; fl;l epyk; xjf;fg;glk;>,f;nfhtpy; MfÞ 01-15, 2013,e;j Nrth rkh[k; Md;kPfk; kl;lkpd;wp r%fj;jpduf;fk; gy topfspy; JizGupfpd;wdu; vd;why; kpifahfhj. mt;tifapy; xt;nthu Mz;Lk; mur Nju;it vjpu;nehf;fk;,e;jpa khztu;fsf;fhf = kpdhl;rp Re;jNu];tuu; Myaj;jpy; rpwg;gg; G+i[ elj;jg;glk;. njhlu;e;j xt;nthu Mz;Lk; jpghtspg; gz;bif fhyj;jpy; CdKw;Nwhu;fs;> jdpj;j thok; jha;khu;fs; MfpaNahUf;Fj; jpghtsp gupr kw;wk; kjpa czt toq;ftu; vd;gj Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. NkYk; xt;nthu Mz;Lk;,e;j Nrth rkh[j;jpy; 500 Nkw;gl;l Iag;gd; gf;ju;fs;,bkbf; fl;bj; jq;fspd; Neu;j;jpf; fld;fisr; nryj;jtu; vd;gj nts;spilkiyahfk;.,e;j rkh[k; $ba tpiutpy; epue;jukhd,lj;jpy; nray;gltjw;f gpdhq;f khepy,e;j mwg;gzp thupak; kw;wk; kjpg;gpw;fupa n[f;bg; rpq; bnah cjtp fuk; epl;ltu; vd;w vjpu;ghu;f;fg;glfpwj. fpuhkk;> efuk; kw;wk; tplikg;gj; jpl;lkply; Nritf; FOtpd; Ml;rpf;FO cwg;gpdu; kjpg;gpw;fupa n[f;bg; rpq; bnah = Iag;gd; Nrth rkh[j;jpd; epu;thf cwg;gpdu;fs; kw;wk; FUehju; jpu QhdNrfud;. jpkpjpj; jputpohtpy; nfhb kiy ehlhskd;w cwg;gpdu; ra;upy; fpu; n[h`hup kw;wk; fpuhkk;> efuk; kw;wk; tplikg;gj; jpl;lkply; Nritf; FOtpd; Ml;rpf;FO cwg;gpdu; n[f;bg; rpq; bnah fye;j nfhz;ldu;. vjpu; Nehf;fpapUf;Fk; epyg; gpur;ridf;fj; jpu;tf; fhzk; tifapy; tpiuapy; xu tplikg;gg; gfjpapy;,f;nfhtpyf;f epyk; xjf;fpj; jutjhf ek;gpf;ifj; njuptpj;jhu;. gpukfiu nfsutpf;fk; tifapy; khz;gkpf n[f;bg; rpq; bnah mtu;fsf;f khiy mzptpj;j kupahijr; nryj;jpdu;. gpd;du;> Nfhtpy; md;djhd tpue;j cgrupg;gpyk; fye;j nfhz;lhu;. kjpg;gpw;fupa n[f;bg; rpq; bnahtpw;f ed;wp njuptpg;gnjhl Nfhtpy; epy gpur;ridiaf; $ba tpiutpy; fisthu; vd;w vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gltjhff; Nfhtpy; jiytu; jpu RFkhwd; $wpdhu;. 2

3 MfÞ 01-15, 2013 $ blèkh r lk w cw ãd nejhí ïuha Çk 5000 khåa«th»dh xt;nthu Mz;Lk; Nehd;Gg; nguehs; Kd;dpl;L kjpg;gpw;fupa Nejh[p,uhau; mtu;fs; = nlypkh njhfjpapy; mike;jpuf;fk; gy,lq;fspy; tpue;j cgrupg;gf;fhf upk5000-i khdpakhf toq;fpdhu; vd;gj Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ.,e;j khdpaj;ij Nehd;G khj tpue;j cgrupg;gr; nrytf;fhfg; gad;glj;jtu; vd;gj nts;spilkiyahfk;. kjpg;gpw;fupa Nejh[p,uhau; mtu;fs; Nehd;Gg; nguehs; khdpaj;ij Rq;if FYNfhu;> [hyhd; m$upak; Mfpa,lq;fspy; toq;fpdhu;.,uz;lhtj Kiwahfr; rl;lkd;w cwg;gpduhfg; gjtpnaw;w = nlypkh rl;lkd;w cwg;gpdu; Nejh[p,uhau; njhlu;e;j Nehd;Gg; nguehs; khdpaj;ij toq;fpdhu;.,e;epjp cjtp njhif njhlu;e;j xt;nthu Mz;Lk; toq;fg;glk; vd;wk; = nlypkh rl;lkd;w cwg;gpdu; Nejh[p,uhau; $wpdhu; NkYk;> Nehd;Gg; nguehis Kd;dpl;L = nlypkh rl;lkd;w cwg;gpdu; Nejh[p,uhau; mtu; jk; njhfjp Vio kf;fsf;fg; guprf;$ilia md;gspg;ghf toq;fpdhu;. mt;tifapy;,e;j Mz;Lk; Nehd;Gg; nguehis Kd;dpl;L Vio kf;fsf;f mbg;gil nghul;fshd muprp> vz;nza;> rpdp kw;wk;,ju nghul;fsk; uklhd; khj NjitfSf;Fg; gad;glj;jk; nghul;lg; guprf;$ilapy; toq;fpdhu;. r%f ghjfhg;g kw;wk; Kd;Ndw;w fofj;jpdupd; cjtpnahl Vio kf;fis fz;lwpe;j jfjpg;ngw;wtu;fsf;fg; guprf;$il toq;ftjhff; $wpdhu;. jhkhd; Jd; ru;nlhd; kw;wk; fpnyl; jpt tplikg;gg; gfjpapy; guprf;$il toq;fpdhu;. =nlypkh rl;lkd;w cwg;gpdu; Nejh[p,uhau; jhkhd; Jd; ru;nlhd; nghj kf;fsf;fg; guprf;$il toq;fpdhu;. Rq;if FYNfhu; nghj kz;lgj;jpy; eilngw;w tpue;j cgrupg;gpy; nghj kf;fsf;f cztg; gupkhwpdhu; kjpg;gpw;fupa Nejh[p,uhau; ãdh F thœ ehl nwh ãu ridia fisa khãy mur É JL»wJ gpdhq;f khepy murpd; Gjpa Kaw;rpahf gpdhq;f tho; ehlw;nwhu; knyrpa FbAupik jfjpiag; ngwk; nghul;l Xu; mupa jpl;lj;ij tfj;js;sj.,j;jpl;lj;jpd; %yk; FbAupik> gpwg;gg; gj;jpuk;> milahs ml;il kw;wk; epue;ju FbAupik mw;wtu;fspd; jfty; kw;wk; fzf;nflg;g Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk;.,j;jpl;lj;jpd; Kf;fpa Nehf;fkhdJ ehlw;w Fbkf;fSf;F Kiwahf gjptg; gbtj;ij epiwt nra;j gjpt,yhfhtpd; JizNahL mtu;fsf;ff; FbAupikiag; ngw;wj; jutjhfk;.,e;j jpl;lj;jpd; Kjy; $l;lk; etk;gu; 3-Mk; jpfjp 2012y; NkjF ypk; Fthd; vq; jiyikapy; eilngw;wj. khepy mur gpdhq;f khepyj;jpy; mike;js;s Ie;J khtl;lj;jpw;fk; KiwNa Ie;J Xa;Tg;ngw;w mur Copau;fis,e;jf; FbAupikj; jpl;l mjpfhupfshff; fle;j 1-2-2013-Mk; ehs; epakdk; nra;ag;gl;ldu;. nghjj; Nju;jYf;Fg; gpd; kpz;lk;,e;j Ie;J mjpfhupfsk; 10 Nk 2013-ypUe;J 31 brk;gu; 2013 tiu gzp epkpj;jk; nra;ag;gl;ls;sdu; vd;why; kpifahfhj.,j;jpl;lk; Njrpa gjptj;jiw gupe;jiuj;j nray;kiwfsf;f Vw;g gpwg;gr; rhd;wpjo; kw;wk; milahs ml;il jhkjkhfg; gjptjw;fhd KOikahd tpz;zg;gj;ijr; rku;g;gpf;f kf;fsf;f cjtfpwj. NkYk;> gpdhq;f khepyk; KOtJk; gl;liwfs; kw;wk; tpsf;f ciufs; eilngwts;sj.,jd; %yk; kf;fs; FbAupik gw;wpa Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ijAk; tpopg;gzu;itak; czu;e;j nfhs;tjw;f,yfthf mikak;.,j;jpl;lj;jpd; top> gpdhq;f tho; ehlw;w Fbkf;fspd; fzf;nflg;g vlf;fg;gl;ls;sd. NkYk;> Nrfupf;fg;gl;l jfty; kw;wk; fzf;nflg;igf; nfhz;l mwpf;ifiaf; fle;j 17-7-2013-Mk; ehs; nra;jpahsu; $l;lj;jpy; rku;gpf;fg;gl;lj.,e;j mwpf;ifapy; gpwg;gr; rhd;wpjo; kw;wk; milahs ml;il jhkjkhfg; gjptjy; 92 tof;f> knyrpa FbAupik ngwtjw;f tpz;zg;gpj;jy; 151 tof;f> FbEioT tptfhuk; 22 tof;f Mfpait cs;slf;fpas;sd. mjd; mbg;gilapy;> ehlw;w Fbkf;fSf;F Kiwahd tpz;zg;gk; nra;j epue;ju FbAupik> gpwg;gg; gj;jpuk; kw;wk; milahs ml;il ngw;wf; nfhlf;f,e;j Ie;J gjpt mjpfhupfsk; JizGupfpd;wdu; vd;why; kpifahfhj. khepy,uz;lhk; Kjy;tu; Nguhrpupau; g,uhkrhkp kw;wk; Ie;J FbAupik mjpfhupfs;.

免费 Competency Accountability Transparency 2013年8月1日-15日 槟民联再创历史推福利政策 全国首个年度拨款予德士及出租车司机州属 报导 卢月朋 摄影 罗孙庭 槟州民联政府再创历史 成为我国首个提供年度 拨款600令吉给德士及出租车司机的州属 槟州首长 林冠英更强调这项新措施并非 钓选票 (Pancing Undi)措施 而是旨在兑现民联竞选承诺改善公共交 通及奖励德士司机 林冠英出席东北县德士及出租车司机奖励金颁发仪 式时说 特别为德士及出租车司机而设的600令吉年 度拨款 将分成上半年 1月 及下半年 7月 每 次分发300令吉给州内2000名德士司机 他说 民联政府曾在第13届全国大选竞选宣言中承 诺 将会提供激励金给予州内的德士司机 如今讲到 做到 也希望人民不要因此怀疑州政府的用心 州政府将德士司机每年600令吉的奖励金纳入财 政预算开支中 所以才会等到现今才来发放 背后也 没有购买选票的目的 他说 州政府对德士司机别无所求 唯一希望的就 是德士司机的服务态度得以改善 提供最好的服务给 乘客 成为槟州的旅游大使 槟州政府尊重德士司机 当然也希望德士司机能 够明白州政府的用意 以同样的待人方式对待乘客 为槟城保留美好形象 林冠英承诺 若民联在来届大选执政中央 将会改 善现有的德士执照制度 以确保不会有人再垄断德士 市场 靠出租多辆德士给德士司机赚取丰厚的利润 这次获得奖励金的对象 是真正靠驾驶德士维生 的司机 而非那些靠关系得到超过100辆德士执照的 大老板 每天只需把德士租给人 又不必亲自开德士 就可以坐在家里等钱 实在不公平 他说 只有联邦政府才能够改变现有的制度 若民联 在未来真的能够执政中央 这制度肯定会被改善 而且 如果那些背后的 大老板 的真的需要德士执照的话 就让他们落得一人只能保持一辆德士执政的处境 林冠英揶揄 如果这些大老板的家人也想要开德 士 那我们就同情他们 给他家人一人驾驶一辆 另外 槟州德士公会主席兼槟州行政议员拿督阿都 玛烈致词时表示 州政府所提供的300令吉奖励就如 同一场及时雨 让马来同胞在佳节来临前获得一笔钱 应节 在该仪式上 东北县共有843名德士司机获得奖励 金 总额25万2900令吉 出席颁发奖励金仪式者也包括槟州经济策划单位 (UPEN)主任拿督加玛及槟州地方政府委员会主席曹 观友行政议员 现场唯一的女性出租车司机周文兰 左二 表示 她本身所驾驶的德士是向人租借的 平均每天租借费用为40令吉 而州政府所 给的300令吉正好可以让她在没有接送客人时 帮补缴付德士租借金 槟州民联政府再创历史 成为我国首个提供年度拨款600令吉给德士及出租车司机的州属

2 时事 2013 年 8 月 1 日 -15 日 槟州公务员领半月或 至少 600 令吉开斋节花红 报导 : 岑健伟 ; 摄影 : 曾丽莲 即使州政府财务吃紧, 但为配合开斋节来临, 槟州民联政府发放开斋节花红予 9194 位州级公务员, 以表示重视及感谢公务员的付出, 相比起联邦公务员的 500 令吉, 州级公务员将获得半个月或至少获得 600 令吉开斋节花红 槟州首长林冠英于 8 月 1 日出席槟州公务员集会时宣布, 槟州政府配合开斋节发放花红予 3834 州级公务员, 如果包括州法定机构所发放的花红一共是 9194 位公务员受惠, 槟威市政局也同样发放半个月或至少 600 令吉花红予市政局员工, 以表示重视及感谢公务员的付出 他说, 槟州政府将发放半个月或至少 600 令吉开斋节花红给槟州 3841 位公务员, 以示州政府注重公务员的贡献 他说, 槟州行政议会作出议决, 但这不代表年尾的红花同样有此数额因为年尾的情况需看当时的经济情况, 即使州政府财务吃紧, 但为配合开斋节来临, 槟州民联政府发放开斋节花红予 9194 位州级公务员, 以表示重视及感谢公务员的付出 槟州首长林冠英 ( 左 4) 移交花红模拟支票给威省市政局主席麦慕娜 ( 右 4) 所以年尾是否还有盈馀也是个令人担心的问题 他指出, 槟岛市政局拨出的花红总数为 416 万 6600 令吉予槟岛市政局 2961 位员工, 而威省市政局则发放 223 万 833 令吉予 1816 位威省市政局员工 槟州伊斯兰教理事会发放 6 万令吉予 42 位公务员 槟州博物馆及 第二个主题公园料将于 10 月登陆槟州 艺术画廊发放 19 万 200 令吉予 32 位公务员 槟州公共图书馆 16 万 2274 令吉 77 仙予 190 位公务员 升旗山机构 6 万 2679 令吉 67 仙予 71 位公务员 乔治市世遗办公室 3 万 3737 令吉予 16 位公务员等 他说, 根据总稽查署对各州政府部门及机构进行的评估, 共有 7 个州政府部门及机构获得 4 颗星评价, 为了表示奖励, 槟州政府也颁发 1 万 5000 令吉的奖励金予获 4 颗星评价的部门机构 他说,2011 年只有 4 个政府部门获 4 颗星, 当时槟州政府是颁发 1 万令吉作为奖励, 今年再额外增加 5000 令吉的奖励金 他表示, 值得一提的是获得 4 颗星的槟州秘书署的评估分数领先国内另 12 个州属秘书署, 获得 95.66% 的超高分 出席者包括州秘书拿督法力占 第一副首长莫哈末拉昔 第二副首长拉玛沙米 行政议员林峰成 曹观友 章瑛及槟州议长刘子健 槟州首长林冠英 ( 左 5) 透露, 自直落巴巷主题公园登陆槟州后, 第二个主题公园将于今年 10 月来到槟州, 惟暂时无法透露更多详情 继直落巴巷主题公园后, 槟州将于 10 月再迎来第二个主题公园, 预料将有助于推动槟州经济及旅游业发展 槟州首长林冠英透露, 自直落巴巷主题公园登陆槟州后, 第二个主题公园将于今年 10 月来到槟州, 惟 暂时无法透露更多详情 他指出, 槟城要成为亚太区域的环球旅游枢纽, 就必须要从 3 个主要的旅游架构做起, 那就是产品 活动节目以及让人留下难忘的经验 林冠英是于 8 月 3 日出席主题为 槟城 作为亚太区域的环球旅游枢纽 的 2013 年槟城旅游大蓝图工作营致开幕时表示, 槟州的游客量可以从槟城大桥的每天交通量从 5 年前的每天工作日的 6 万车流量剧增至目前的 8 万辆, 至于旅游旺季则从以往的 8 万辆剧增至 11 万辆 另外, 槟州旅游发展委员会主席罗兴强行政议员则表示, 为期一天的槟城旅游大蓝图工作营将鉴定槟州的 6 项主要旅游领域, 包括古迹 生态 会展中心 医药 美食及教育旅游, 并且全力朝向这 6 个领域推动槟州旅游业发展

2013 年 8 月 1 日 -15 日时事 3 浮罗池滑改道计划正式启动公路使用者受促谨慎驾驶 报导 : 岑健伟 ; 摄影 : 罗孙庭 苦等 15 年的浮罗池滑改道计划正式启动, 该区 20 条道路包括加拉歪 新关仔角 车水路 歌德烈路等重新规划路线 ; 为了配合改道计划, 槟城 Rapid 公司也同时更新 6 条新路线, 将在今年尾增 80 辆 Rapid 巴士投入服务 槟州地方政府及道路交通管理委员会主席曹观友行政议员于 7 月 25 日晚前往巡视时表示, 改道初步启用仍许多道路使用者不熟悉, 所以呼吁车主们遵守交通规则, 改道情况虽然顺利, 但是很多细节上必须继续观察, 市政局才能做出调整 他说, 改道计划的确能够改善浮罗池滑区交通情况, 初期的确是会面对一些小问题, 需要些时间让改道计划取得效果, 但市政局方面会派官员与警方合作, 维持交通秩序, 以免发生不愉快的事情发生 他表示, 市政局人员也在 26 日凌晨连夜设立指示牌及设立障碍物, 拆除改单道后的道路中央分提及安全岛, 并放置布条通知车主们改道以开始启用 槟州浮罗池滑州议员叶舒惠表示, 苦等 15 年的改道计划终于开始启用了, 相信道路使用者们还需些时间来适应, 希望改道计划能够改善该区的交通情况 她说, 试跑期间还获得不错的回应, 但是仍需要民众提供建设性的意见, 或是在改道方面遇到任何问题都能向她投诉, 同时她也会安排该区的服务队协助 槟岛市政局工程部道路工程师拉詹德表示, 道路使用者在改道后的前 2 至 3 天可能会不适应, 但是在道路使用的高峰期更需要时间去适应, 同时市政局也会尽最大的能力去调整, 逐步地完成如分界线及安全岛等 他说, 市政局也会在改道启用后, 做出调整交通灯 设障碍物及规划新路线等工作, 预计 1 至 2 星期内完成, 市政局官员也会配合及使用轮班制 24 小时轮值 槟城 Rapid 首席执行员莫哈末苏克里表示, 槟城 Rapid 公司配合浮罗池滑改道计划, 重新调整了 6 条巴士路线, 并在所有的巴士站贴上新的巴士路线, 受影响的巴士路线为 101 号 102 号 103 号 104 号 10 号和 304 号的巴士路线 亚依淡巴刹 40 尺排水槽维修工作已完成 黄汉伟 ( 左 ) 与陈金辉检查已经被维修的排水槽 曹观友在州议员谢嘉平 再里尔 叶舒惠及槟岛市政局官员陪同下掀开禁止进入路牌, 象征浮罗池滑改道计划正式启用 亚依淡区州议员黄汉伟指出, 亚依淡巴刹小贩早前向他投诉, 顶部 40 尺排水槽漏水导致影响小贩们的生意, 所以他向槟州市政局反映, 而市政局也已拨款 2000 令吉, 并完成该 40 尺排水槽的维修工作 他补充, 在巡视巴刹时也接到小贩投诉小贩中心的水沟盖生锈而且已经开始破裂问题, 所以他向市议会提议, 亚依淡巴刹修复已有一段时间了, 因此市议会应该规划进行修复 他于 8 月 2 日巡视亚依淡巴刹后说, 民主行动党在 2010 年要求槟岛市议员以国会分区制, 因为每个国会选区都有 2 位负责本区的民生问题的市议员, 已让市议员不只在本区执行职务和只专注在本区以外, 也可以前往别的国会选区服务, 这样就能够让市议员更深入了解民生问题 槟岛市议员陈金辉则表示, 市议员及官员巡视亚依淡巴刹主要是公共问题和了解巴刹所面临的问题, 因此才更能够了解巴刹的基本设施, 在必要时可以拨款解决民生问题 他说, 每位市议员每年都获得 8 万 1000 令吉, 其中的 4 万 5000 令吉是使用在绿意槟城计划上, 剩余的 3 万 6000 令吉就使用在提升基本设施上, 因为他本身是直属牛汝莪国会选区, 所以会优先将拨款使用在本身所负责的选区 他补充, 民主行动党各市议员都由党区部推荐来决定所负责所执行的任务, 这项是一种不成文的规定, 但如果市议员能够前往本身选区以外地区服务, 就可以使到国州议员及市议员们之间能紧密合作, 同时让市议员配合国州议员, 多管道地去解决民生问题

4 时事 2013 年 8 月 1 日 -15 日 浮罗池滑区单向改道建议路段 民众可通过以下方式, 发表意见或提供建议 : 1. 信件 ( 可寄至 ): Pengarah Kejuruteraan (Director of Engineering) Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang Tingkat 13, KOMTAR 10675 Pulau Pinang. 1. 电话 ( 可联络 ):04-2592205 / 04-2592202 (Puan Rafidah 或 Puan Rashidah, 只限工作时间 ) 1. 电邮 ( 可寄至 ):zainuddin@mppp.gov.my 现有单向道路段 建议单向道路段

过去的 8 月 1 日, 我在大山脚动力空间与峇都国会议员蔡添强 人民之声的王泽钦和社会主义党的朱进佳一起进行了一场 重整旗鼓 后 505 的改革之路 讨论会, 与出席者们一起探讨了马来西亚第 14 届大选给人民带来的希望和失望, 也提醒人民必须坚持改革之路, 才能看见马来西亚真正的春天 虽然民联在第 14 届大选赢得 51% 的总得票率, 但却因为选举的舞弊 选区大小划分不公 乡区居民面对经济压力而相对地抗拒改变等因素而无法入主布城 这是让人感到遗憾的, 但人民不需因此而感到气馁, 因国会反对党的力量已经加强, 马来西亚的民主基础在经历两届 改革性 的大选后已经有所提升 值得注意的是, 国人通过积极参加黑色集会及支持民联的选举诉讼案, 来表达纠正选举不公的必 李凯伦玛章武莫区州议员 不能等的马来西亚之春 要性 虽然, 相较与其他国家曾发生的在总统府前示威等事件, 马来西亚人算是非常理性, 但这也是民主发展迈进的一大步 无论如何, 我们可以看到, 马来西亚人民并不支持宣传式的转型计划, 却欢迎政府在制度上进行改革, 在施政上做到 以民为本, 纠正所有不公平 不平等的政策 槟州人民对民联猫政府的继续支持就是最佳的例子 我们常说, 希望在明天 但这一切都必须由有意义的行动开始 人民必须保持对政治的敏感度 声援面对不公的弱势群体 监督政府的施政, 最终确保政府所推行的政策是利惠所有人民的, 而不只是部分人士 改革从社区开始 上个月马章武莫州选区推介 动力社区报, 目的在于推动社区自主的, 希望可以透过由下而上的民主参与, 鼓励更多的民众可以积极参与社区的发展, 让改革可以从社区和制度上开始 马来西亚是一个多元文化 资源丰富的国家, 但却在国阵 50 多年的执政之下, 染上了贪污腐败 施政不透明 玩弄种族牌等顽疾 是时候, 所有的马来西亚人携手齐步向改革之路迈进的时候了 唯有如此, 我们才能骄傲地 衷心地说一句 :Malaysia boleh! 四方论政 2013 年 8 月 1 日 -15 日时事 谁说女性不能事业与家庭并重? 上个礼拜, 我参加了一场名为 谁说槟城没有美女 的讲座会 这是一场很有趣的座谈会, 尤其是现在这种男女平等的时代, 女性也可以和男性一样走在社会的前端, 事实证明女性的办事能力也不比男性逊色, 但现代女性不只要事业有成, 而且要兼顾家庭 料理家务 相夫教子 相反地, 女性要兼顾这样多的事物的确不容易, 尤其是如何分配自己的时间, 如何才能达到兼顾事业与家庭, 还能照顾自己的身子和美貌 自上任以来, 不管是处理选区民生问题, 或是负责我党所举办的活动, 几乎都可说是疲于奔命 但常常有朋友问起, 到底是市议员的工作繁忙, 还是州议员呢? 我又如何应付公务还能兼顾家庭? 当然, 不管是担任州议员或是市议员, 这都是党赋予我的一个使命, 而主要的任务就服务人民, 这就是不可违背的诺言 身为州议员, 我需要为人民谋福利 处理民生问题 ; 身为一位母亲, 照顾的不只是丈夫, 孩子, 还必须要承担起照顾家庭的责任 尤其是孩子们的健康, 还要关注他们的学业, 当然工作量不亚于州 市议员啊! 还记得 2012 年 1 月 3 日, 说真的, 这一天的确是难忘 当时我必须要 林秀琴双溪槟榔区州议员 5 挺着大肚子前往市政局, 履行宣誓为市议员的责任 那时候, 我的生产日期是 3 号, 刚好是市议员宣誓礼, 所以我不得不向医生求情, 让他把我的生产日期延迟一天, 宣誓礼后才入院 对我而言, 宣誓礼与分娩都是身为市议员和母亲的大日子, 我仍选择不放弃任何一项, 我相信只要懂得安排时间, 现代的女性不单能够家庭与工作兼顾, 还能让自己活得精彩 谁说女性不能事业与家庭并重呢? 财产申报表 那天我接到州秘书署一名公务员的电话, 她要求见我以签署一个急件 一个小时后, 她出现在我的办公室, 递给我一張 A4 纸张 : 财产申报表 这不是第一次 自 2008 年起, 我每年填写财产申报表, 频密度就好像我每年填报所得税表般 这是我担任公职的其中一个要求 我所属的政党把公佈议员财产列入竞选宣言, 所以做为立法议员, 我必须如数家珍把我的房屋贷款 车子 定存填在一个数页的表格里 然后经过稽查司的核对, 把数页的表格浓缩成一页 我的财产申报表比上不足, 比下有余 我时常在想这一页的表是否能反映我拥有的生活 一张表可探得一个人的金前观 善于投资者名下或有股票基金等 爱车者或有数辆名车 嗜好收集产业者名下产业连城 稽查司告诉我无法把我其他的财富列入表内 我的脚车无法列入表内, 虽然它对我的健康十分重要, 我上千本的藏书也无法列入表内, 虽然它们是我的精神生活寄托 当然我的财富还包括我的家人, 太太及孩子们, 众友好及一票又一票支持我们的街坊, 黄汉伟亚依淡区州议员 都只能意会而无法反映在财产申报表 当我与我的同僚公佈财产申报表的当儿, 大家可能把焦点放在比较谁最富, 谁最穷 穷的那位仁兄也可能是精神生活富有 公佈议员财产最大的意义是检视公职人员是否在担任公职时期有不寻常的财富累积 这是以制度方式来防贪腐 这是 2008 年改朝换代后的 这是中央政权还学不会的政策

6 时事 2013 年 8 月 1 日 -15 日 槟州托育政策之理念 以男为本, 以女为尊, 孩儿所愿, 常在我心 撰文 : 槟州妇女发展机构 (PWDC) 物价有起无跌, 衣食住行样样越来越贵, 双薪收入追不上通货膨涨, 家庭入息捉襟见肘, 钱越来越不够用, 生活压力和精神压力, 於是 最近比较烦, 我比你烦, 比你更烦 的心情就是李宗盛, 周华健和品冠在作曲和作词的写实 这就是我们一般升斗小民的生活写照, 原因是物价不断的涨高, 钱相应的变小了, 低微收入阶层更是水深火热, 叫苦连天 许多对生活现况百思莫解之余, 不禁会忧虑我们的孩子生活在像马来西亚这么一个天然资源富饶的国家, 长大之后扛得起生活的重担吗? 他们会比我们更苦吗? 早在几个年代之前, 双薪家庭和父母共拼收入是大势所驱, 为了工作和生意, 把孩子丢给家庭式保姆, 司空见惯, 许多没有 家有一老, 如有一宝 的家庭, 只好由这些保姆代劳帮忙把孩子照顾好, 以使家长可以安心的出外工作或做生意来帮补, 希望日子过得好一点 我们之中, 有很多幼年时期是由保姆带大的, 双薪家庭的家长平时把孩子丢给家庭式保姆照顾, 有的放工下班后才把孩子接回家过夜, 有的就等到周末休假才抱回来, 孩子的大半身心健康成长与生活起居细节就有劳这些保姆来分担责任, 体会不一样 孩子稍为长高了, 许多家长都会选择把他们送去托儿所和托育中心, 让他们从中也开始接受一点的学前教育和希望工程的启蒙, 好让他们在正规入学前作好学术竞争的准备 放眼目前城镇地区的托儿所和托育中心, 国内有高达八成的这类服务是由私人经营, 由于求过于供, 托儿与托育服务几乎沦为商品, 打开门做生意, 丰俭由人, 服务的优劣由价码来决定, 这使到国内主要城市地区的托儿和托育服务不是人人所负担得起, 无形中剥夺了我们的孩子所应有的基本权益, 不能大家平等的在一个安全可靠, 卫生健康的成长环境中获得细心的照料, 让父母亲开心的, 放心的去上班 为什么要有槟州托育政策与行动计划? 槟州民联政府在马来西亚率先制定一套完整概括的托育政策与行动计划, 并拟定 3 年期限逐步落实理念, 为州内的每一个孩子提供安全可靠, 卫生健康的优质环境, 让孩子们快乐成长, 因为民联州政府确认这是每一个孩子在联合国宪章下所应享有基 本权益 更重要的是, 槟州民联政府要融入更多女性参与槟州社会经济发展主流, 提高妇女的就业率, 以应对目前物价高涨的生活压力所带来的家庭与社会问题, 并缓和女性专才因家庭与事业不能鱼与熊掌兼得而必需放弃事业而造成的人才流失现象 国内目前的托儿与托育服务, 尚有很大的改进空间, 而且经常引来诟病, 许多欠缺良好完善管理和育儿技巧的托儿与托育中心, 也导致孩童因为人为的疏忽而蒙受损伤甚至更严重的事态, 有些发生孩童受性侵的丑闻, 而造成许多家长心生恐惧 槟州青年与体育, 妇女, 家庭与社会发展委员会主席章瑛行政议员认为, 国阵在这方面失责, 因为 国阵在执政中央这 55 年以来, 一直没有把人民优质托育服务的需求放在心里, 因而忽略了职业妇女, 尤其是低微收入阶层, 在家庭与事业两全其美的家庭幸福快乐指数 根据统计, 国内目前有高达 80% 的私人托儿与托育中心没有注册, 因而不能受到有关当局的有效监管与督促, 社会福利局必需加紧贯彻这方面的努力, 以有效的运行监管机制, 建立完善的体制, 以减少不幸的事件重演 章瑛认为要做到这一点, 有关注册的程序必需尽量简化, 以减少不必要的繁文褥节 此外, 她也号召家长们力促国阵政府也仿效槟州民联政府制定一套类似的托育政策与行动计划, 以让人民能够更加安心的把孩子交托给训练有素的合格托育专人照顾, 这样一来, 她们便可以全心贯注的为事业打拼 槟州民联政府在今年 3 月 1 日推行的槟州托育政策与计划计划, 全面概括州内公共与私人界的托育服 务领域的硬体与软体设施建设 它含有 3 大目标, 即一, 通过有素质及可负担的儿童托育服务来提升儿童的福利与安全 二, 提高女性在职场上的参与度, 及三, 在工作与家庭生活之间取得较好的平衡 为了达到目标, 民联州政府也确认 5 大方针和行动计划, 即 1. 确保公众获得安全和有素质的儿童托育服务,2. 增高工作地点的托育中心,3. 建造以社区形式为基础的托儿中心,4. 加强住家式托儿服务, 及 5. 加强私人托儿服务领域 以身作则, 抛砖引玉民联州政府以身作则率先在光大 4 楼设立托育中心, 为在光大范围工作的公务员提供一个模范托育中心, 面积约 1,680 方尺, 有关改装布置工程不久将招标, 预料在年底之前即可完工投入服务, 容纳 30 位孩童的托育, 有关收费目前尚未敲定 有关光大托育中心将严格遵守社会福利局的指南, 另一方面, 民联州政府也将象征式收取每一方尺 1 零吉的租金, 以减轻有关中心的每月营运经费 透过授权槟州妇女发展机构 (PWDC) 引领主导, 一年过后, 整个政策和行动计划的落实与监督将交由一个由民联州政府成立的儿童权利与儿童托育单位全面接手 如何鼓励私人界雇主为它们的已婚女性雇员提供工作地点托育中心, 是一个有待克服的挑战 其实, 要有效的抑止人才流失, 私人工商界应该对内履行它的企业责任, 为雇员提供一个优质托育环境, 让她们可以安心的把孩子带来公司, 交给工作地点的托育中心的合格人士照顾 更重要的是, 私人界设立工作地带托育中心, 会很大的程度上帮忙稳定社会, 在男女性别平等的大前提下, 让妇女在工作与家庭之间取得平衡, 让家庭幸福有永续性的发展 同私人界雇主对话在所难免, 为经营人士提供训练更是高度需要 自去年 12 月至目前为止, 槟州妇女发展机构已经为 120 位来自私人界的托儿中心经营者及住家保姆式服务人士, 主办了 4 次的训练课程 以 4 种主要语文印就的传单, 将让公众了解槟州托育政策与行动计划的详细内容, 公众可以前往光大 47 楼的槟州妇女发展机构免费索取, 并且会在近期内分发给州内每一个选区的服务中心, 以方便地方上的公众

2013 年 8 月 1 日 -15 日时事 7 增办锦绣槟城文化市集次数打造槟城旅游活招牌 一个月才摆摊一次? 太少了啦! 槟州首长林冠英出席 锦绣槟城 文化市集 (Little Penang Street Market) 成立 7 周年庆典时, 建议筹委会考虑举办一个月至少两次的市集, 以成为槟州旅游业的 活招牌 于 2006 年正式成立的 锦绣槟城, 在槟榔律上环 (UpperPenang Road) 已迈入第 7 个年头, 把这道有 酒吧胜地 之名的小街道, 摇身变成了槟州旅游地标之一 如果说这文化市集是个卧虎藏龙的地方, 一点也不为过, 只要走入这街道就会被独特的手工艺品给吸引 林冠英说, 随着 锦绣槟城文化市集 成立后, 州内的多个商场如皇后湾 合您广场和时代广场等, 也渐渐兴起了成立文化市集的热潮, 而已有 7 岁 大的 锦绣槟城, 现今已汇集 70 档不同艺术元素的摊格, 提高了槟城的创新艺术能力 锦绣文化市集有别于夜市场, 这里聚集了许多年轻艺术家自 创土生文化产品 手工艺品, 甚至是道地 美食, 成为了一个平台让艺术家及音乐家发挥, 也吸引了各方喜好土生文化的本地人及游客参与 如果筹委会有意增办市集每个月举办的次数, 欢迎向槟城环球旅游机构总经理黄玉玲洽谈, 也相信该机构得以协助有意创业的小商提高小数额的资金 为表示鼓励筹委会在 7 年来不间断的努力与付出, 林冠英也当场宣布州政府 欧亚舞者力邀林首长一同跳舞, 因盛情难却, 让首长一脸尴尬又害羞地随着现场音乐起舞 于 2006 年正式成立的 锦绣槟城, 在槟榔律上环 (UpperPenang Road) 已迈入第 7 个年头, 把这道有 酒吧胜地 之名的小街道, 摇身变成了槟州旅游地标之一 拨款 4 万令吉予该市集, 希望该会日后继续努力, 让市集永存下去甚至茁壮成长, 为槟城创造一个浓郁地方味道的 道地品牌 另外, 也爱 小黄人 (Minions) 的林首长, 不忘在会上向现场的民众及游客介绍立陶宛画家恩纳斯的最新街头艺术作品, 即位于四方冷的创意 小黄人 石柱, 并建议小 黄人爱好者可以找在陆地上的黄人合照留影 出席活动者也包括筹委会顾问邱思妮 主席杰斯洛赫 副主席杨国明及协调员王春音 活动上, 大会也安排精彩的爵士乐队演出, 而在欧亚舞蹈表演的时段, 舞者更一时兴起把坐在一旁的林冠英拉起, 力邀与他们共舞, 现场一片闹哄哄 沈志勤 : 工程部应尽快宣布槟城第二大桥过桥费 峇央峇鲁区国会议员沈志勤指出, 为了解除一切疑虑, 工程部应该尽早的向民众透露使用槟城第二大桥的路费 他表示, 在过去的国会会议里, 他曾询问工程部长是否已决定了槟城第二大桥的路费, 如果是, 那么又会征收多少钱 但非常遗憾的是, 工程部长没有直接回答问题, 只是回答他说一旦所有的工程竣工, 政府会做出宣布 自从第二大桥的工程施工以来, 所要征收的路费出现了不同的版本, 使人混淆 首相曾宣布, 轿车的路费是 9 令吉 40 仙, 可是不久后有关当局又宣布是 8 令吉 50 仙 在 2012 年 3 月 10 日, 有报道指出, 政府会征收 7 令吉的路费, 不过将延长经营权至 2038 年 部长不愿意直接回答我的问题, 使我深感忧虑, 因 为可能政府会征收比之前宣布更高的路费, 届时必定对使用造成重大负担 他续称, 另一个使人担忧的是, 政府之前已宣布, 会统一槟威大桥及槟城第二大桥的路费 这是否意味着, 政府一旦在第二大桥征收更高的路费, 与此同时也会调高槟威大桥现有的路费? 槟威大桥及槟城第二大桥坐落在峇央峇鲁的国会选区, 很多市民 商家及工业界都不断的在询问第二大桥的路费 对于普通市民, 尽早知道路费, 可以使他们规划家庭开销 而商家及工业界是峇央峇鲁重要的经济命脉, 他们都希望可以清楚知道路费的详情, 以筹划公司未来的交通开销 所以, 我强烈要求政府尽快的宣布第二大桥的路费 峇央峇鲁区国会议员沈志勤促请工程部尽快公布槟城第二大桥的过桥费 沈志勤于 7 月 30 日发表文告时指出, 截至今年的 6 月 30 日, 第二大桥的工程已完成 96%, 而根据与承包商签定的合约, 花费 45 亿令吉的第二大桥将在今年 11 月完全竣工, 最迟 会在今年杪开放使用 无论如何在今年 6 月 6 日, 第二大桥的交通枢纽处发生了坍塌, 而承包商也接获停工令 因此工程部应告知民众最新的竣工时间表, 可是却没有做到 如今, 民众对于第二大桥的工程进展是一无所知, 包括不知道几时会竣工 几时会开放及征收多少的路费, 为什么会坍塌, 它是否结构安全? 而事实上, 民众是第二大桥未来的使用者, 他们有权利知道有关该桥的一切详情 我呼吁政府, 宣布第二大桥的最新工程进度 在过去的国会会议, 我也寻询问了工程部 : 第二大桥在开放后, 必须用多久的时间才能获得收支平衡 而工程部长的答复是 : 这必须胥视所征收的路费及车流量而定

8 时事 2013 年 8 月 1 日 -15 日 不难发现, 许国平的雕塑作品底部, 多是色彩鲜艳且丰富, 主要提醒大家, 别忘了适时自我沉淀, 感受与领略不同, 才能够体会到真正的美 相信老一辈的人喝过井水, 而许国平的 挖一口井 正是要表达着饮水思源的意思, 纪念上一代所留下的宝贵遗产, 令人深思 许睿瞳在旧桌子上作画, 化腐朽为神奇 文创馆 瞳瞳形形色色的纸雕塑摆放在木堆里, 除了有种强烈的对比外, 更唤起心灵 一丝震荡 父女携手散 配合 瞳瞳 展览, 许国平特别以手绘的方式制作多个限量版手工袋, 置放在文创馆售卖 留居新加坡多年的本地艺术家许国平的小女儿许睿瞳绘画的个人图像方式, 直击心灵且纯真中带有几分稚气

2013 年 8 月 1 日 -15 日时事 9 一步入文创馆的大门, 眼球肯定被这一个充满色彩的角落给吸引 个人画与雕塑展 播童真的美 不要让所谓的理论, 束缚我们的艺术触角 许国平接下来的创作, 将会寻求更多的突破, 而不是把所谓的创意限制于现有的笼子里 报导 & 摄影 : 卢月朋 未上色前的雕塑, 难免会让人误以为是石头雕像 到访 瞳瞳 画与雕塑展的小朋友, 也忍不住手用 触觉 感受艺术

10 时事 2013 年 8 月 1 日 -15 日 槟城, 是这么走来的 -- 19 世纪末 20 世纪初华商 移居槟榔屿 1786 年以后, 槟榔屿在英国人的经营下逐渐成为所在区域, 即泰南 北苏门答腊和北马各州的贸易重镇 除了吸引中国的廉价劳工前来劳动打拼以外, 还吸引了早在北马其他地区发迹的华人前来扩展事业 就如吉打的华人 吉打华人在当地致富后, 往往会将业务扩展至槟榔屿 因此, 他们经常往返两地以巩固吉打的根基及拓展槟榔屿的事业 当他们在槟榔屿的事业上轨道后就定居槟榔屿, 成为了槟榔屿华人, 其事业重心也逐步由吉打转移至槟榔屿 庄清建可以说是典型的例子 庄清建是福建同安县祥露社人, 生于 1857 年, 卒于 1916 年 他大约于 1870 年代初从福建抵达泰南的通扣坡 (Tongkah), 最后在吉打定居及发 展事业 当时的吉打政治稳定, 重要的是外来资本还未真正开发当地的经济, 这给庄清建的事业发展占了先机 他是如何在吉打崛起? 在中国及马来亚流传着多种不同的版本 由于年代久远, 我们无法辨别出哪一个版本更贴近事实 但我们可以肯定的是, 庄清建与吉打王室的关系密切是他发迹的基础 因此, 他在 1894 年后全面取得吉打州的鸦片饷码承包权, 成为吉打的富商闻人 此外, 他也在吉打华社组织担任要职, 如福建公会 ( 前身为福寿宫 ) 的总理 华商俱乐部的主席等 庄清建在吉打的政治 经济 社会的崇高地位为其庄氏企业前往槟城发展打开了方便之门 约于 1895 年, 庄清建的经商触角已伸向槟榔屿 他与槟榔屿的著名华商关系良好, 并有合作关系, 包括庄清建与槟榔屿米较业先驱之一的潘兴隆在吉打合伙经营 开恒美 号谷粟店 及 万发 号布匹店 ; 与槟榔屿米较业重要人物蔡有格之子合伙经营 万福美 号米较等 由于庄清建与槟榔屿的商界合作频密及庄氏企业的转型, 他与家人于 1900 年左右迁居槟榔屿以继续发展其庞大的事业, 仅有小妾王氏居住在吉打的亚罗士打 由此可知,19 世纪末至 20 世纪初的槟榔屿充满商机, 吸引了北马富裕的华商前往扩展事业, 甚至最后在槟榔屿落地生根, 成为真正的槟城人 特别感谢 : 韩江华人文化馆提供资料 My Penang My Workplace www.penangcatcentre.my Your Global Gateway to Careers in Penang Tel: 604-250 2170 Fax: 604-250 2171

2013 年 8 月 1 日 -15 日时事 11 本地艺术家化腐朽为神奇 旧报纸变雕塑品 报导 : 卢月朋 生活艺术无处不在, 旧报纸也不一定是垃圾 留居新加坡多年的本地艺术家许国平, 竟能把一团团的旧报纸化腐朽为神奇, 变成一个个坚韧挺拔又充满生命力的雕塑品 用报纸剪剪贴贴制成手工模型, 相信对大人来说一点也不陌生, 小学上美术课时我们曾用贴纸在汽球上定型制作圆形形状, 然后再把手制的榴莲刺逐个贴上, 变成 手工榴莲 甚至 手工碗碟, 但对现代的孩子而言, 电子产品已逐渐成为了他们生活的一切, 所谓的科技更束缚了孩子的艺术触角 已是两个小孩的爸爸的 环保雕塑达人 许国平, 就凭着回归大自然的基本思维, 用了 3 年的时间摸索, 学习把脆弱的纸制成轻便又牢固的 留居新加坡多年的本地艺术家许国平, 竟能把一团团的旧报纸化腐朽为神奇, 变成一个个坚韧挺拔又充满生命力的雕塑品 雕塑品, 并希望通过 瞳瞳 ( 笑脸女孩 ) 为题的作品, 让大人与小孩都能 够感受到童真的美, 并领略到固中的环保意义 许国平接受 珍珠快讯 独家访问时表示, 纸, 仿佛是个生命脆弱的东西, 一撕就破, 但其背后的源头却是挺拔的树, 一棵小树变成大树的需要漫长的时间 他感叹, 人生又何尝不是如此? 无论面对多大的打击与磨练, 都要学习坚持, 才能展现出如大树般顽强的生命力, 最后成为笔直又挺拔的参天大树 许国平在槟城文创馆举办的 瞳瞳 个人画与雕塑展中, 除了展出部分他与女儿共同完成的 13 幅画作外, 也有 34 个由报纸糊制成的雕塑作品, 利用环保概念, 淋漓尽致地把纸张的生命力给展现出来 现年 46 岁的他认为, 现代的小孩都几乎 机不离手, 过度的依赖科技产 品, 他希望在往后的日子里, 可以办更多的 环保创意 社区活动, 教导大人与小孩如何动手制作手工艺术品, 抛开过往干燥乏味的生活, 并激发孩子的创意潜能 根据蒙特梭利教育法 (Montessori Education), 小孩在 12 岁前的吸收力丰富, 通过教学材料, 能够激活他们的创造性和艺术细胞, 类似的社区活动, 旨在让孩子尽情发挥艺术才华 在他的教导下, 两名女儿分别在 3 岁及 4 岁时, 已开始接触艺术, 而且拥有开通思维的他, 更大胆的把家里的房门拆下, 让两个孩子自由在门上涂鸦作画, 鼓励她们自由发挥 由于许国平在 8 月份首办的 一家人爱环保玩出创意 社区活动, 好评如潮,20 个家庭的报名额在短短的一周内已爆满, 但没办法参与学习制作报纸雕塑的朋友们, 别失望! 在 环保雕塑达人 的指导下, 今期的 珍珠快讯 将教导读者如何把家 里一堆堆的旧报纸, 变成变幻无穷的雕塑! 报纸雕塑制作方法 : 所需材料 : 旧报纸 浆糊 ( 建议不要使用自制的面粉浆糊, 避免作品在完成后发霉 ) 压克力颜料 铝罐或塑料罐 ( 依据个人所须的形状模型而定 ) 制作程序 : 1. 在纸上构图, 拟出自己想要制作的雕塑形状 ( 例如猫 大象或人等 ) 2. 把旧报纸浸在水里后取出并捣碎, 然后加上适量的浆糊并搓磨成纸泥 3. 开始把纸泥在铝罐上塑形, 并依据个人的构图捏成特定的形状 4. 塑形完成后, 将整个雕形拿到阳光底下晒至少一小时 5. 晒干后, 可以使用压克力彩色在雕塑上上色 ( 不建议使用水彩 ) 6. 彩色完成后, 再另外涂上一层的透明压克力, 让雕塑的外层更为光滑亮丽 世界新闻摄影展地点之一槟州更迈向国际城市目标 被喻为全球最触动人心的 世界新闻摄影展, 将在即日起至 8 月 11 日在海峡广场槟城表演艺术中心 (Penang PAC) 展出, 开放时间为早上 10 时至下午 6 时 30 分, 入场免费, 欢迎公众与摄影爱好者踊跃参与 在今年的世界新闻摄影比赛中, 主办单位共接获 10 万 3481 份来自 124 个国家的参赛作品, 更值得一提的是, 在该脱颖而出的 54 份作品当中, 荣幸的有两张得奖作品是出自于我国的摄影师, 即陈伟生 ( 译名 ) 的苏门答腊斗牛照获得运动动作组冠军, 及 Stefan Chow 的舞台肖像组亚军 是项摄影展是由荷兰驻 马大使馆与 TNT 快递公司联办, 今年更首创手机应用软件程序 (App) 软件, 让参观摄影展的民众, 在没有负责人带领解释下, 也可以通过软件的音频解说, 了解每个摄影作品的背景与资料 今年已迈入第 56 届的世界新闻摄影比赛, 共吸引了 5666 名来自世界各国的摄影师参与, 摄影主题包括时事组 日常生活组 体育动感组 普通新闻组 纪实人像组 人物肖像组 自然生态组 普通新闻组及舞台肖像组 槟州首长林冠英受邀主持开幕仪式时指出, 槟城有幸成为这世界级水准摄影展的其中一个展览地, 让被喻为 艺术之州的槟城更大步的迈向国际城市的目标 我相信现场所展出的每一幅作品, 都有属于它的灵魂和人性, 把人类最真实的一面表露无遗, 而且唯有通过这类艺术, 才能够把人与人之间的距离拉近, 不分国际 种族 背景及宗教 摄影展赞助单位 TNT 快递公司董事经理张翔中说, 举办此次摄影展的主要目的, 是提醒公众对社会议题及时事新闻的关注, 而且在槟城的摄影展结束后, 将会在翌 特沙 ( 左 ) 为出席展览开幕礼的公众讲解每副作品背后的故事, 中为林冠英和张翔中 ( 右 ) 日直接移师到谷中城展出 他补充, 任何 Android 及苹果手机使用者只要下载 World Press Photo 软件, 便可通过输入每幅作品的代号, 获得更多的作品资讯 荷兰驻马大使贝克希望该摄影展可成为槟州的年度展览活动之一, 让本地的摄影 爱好者和公众有机会接触到这一系列社会议题照, 以了解世界各地的文化背景 较早前, 槟州环球旅游机构董事经理黄玉玲也受邀致欢迎词, 出席活动者也包括世界新闻摄影展的策划人特莎及槟城表演艺术中心经理

12 时事 2013 年 8 月 1 日 -15 日 绿色厨神争霸赛 : 引爆健康的味道 丹绒武雅区州议员兼槟州绿色博览会筹委会主席郑雨周宣布, 槟州绿色机构将配合 2013 年槟州绿色博览会举办第一场的烹饪比赛, 主题为 引爆健康的味道 同时也是槟州绿色机构董事的他于 8 月 5 日召开记者会时指出, 绿色厨神争霸赛是由嘉玉贸易有限公司协办, 赞助商包括 Vees 行銷私人有限公司 源珍酱料行和 Tastefully Food & Beverage Expo 他说, 现代人普遍偏向于肉食与快餐 ; 对蔬果纤维与五谷杂粮的摄取量不足也因为饮食摄取的偏差造成了现代人文明病的现象 这项比赛的宗旨为配合 2013 槟州绿色博览会的主题 医治地球, 算我一份 以提倡健康素食 鼓励民众以多吃素食来达到节能减碳的目的并唤醒民众对摄取均衡营养的认知 得奖者将有机会赢取丰富的奖品, 包括价值 RM 988 的 Vees Fuzzy Logic Intelligent Cooker 总价值超 过 RM 300 的源珍礼蓝 总价值 RM 200 的嘉玉现金礼券和大会颁发的奖状一张 所有参赛者均可获大会颁发参赛证书 绿色厨神争霸赛开放给所有年满 18 岁以上之大马公民, 如有未成年者须由监护人陪伴方可参加 我们欢迎亲子组队参加 比赛每组两人, 分别为主厨与副手 菜色主题是健康素食 参赛菜肴必须全素食 ( 不接受肉食 ), 所有材料与配料必须是 HALAL 起源 参赛者必须在规定的时间内 (90 分钟 ) 料理 3 道菜肴, 分别为炒面 蔬食菜肴及汤 参加方法很简单, 只需将 RM50 的抵押金连同现金存款收据和已填妥的参赛表格于 2013 年 9 月 13 日 ( 上午 10 时前 ) 提交 ( 电邮或传真或亲手 ) 至槟州绿色机构 (PGC Strategies Sdn. Bhd.) 即可 名额有限 (8 组 ); 先到先得, 额满即止 参赛表格可从 www. pgc.com.my 中下载 评审团阵容包括容在均老师 ( 槟城著名厨艺老师 ) 唐偉成( 嘉玉贸易有限公 司 ) YB( 待确认 ) 张晓章 (Vees 行銷私人有限公司 ) 及丘恩柔 ( 南华医院饮食治疗师兼饮食治疗及膳食部主任 ) 主办单位也配合绿色厨神争霸赛的宗旨, 邀请了其中一位评审 丘恩柔 ( 南华医院饮食治疗师兼饮食治疗及膳食部主任 ), 在当天上午 10 时正至 11 时正为参览者增设了一个主题为 绿色饮食迈向健康的世界 的绿色饮食讲座 欲知详情, 请游览 www. pgc.com.my 或联络 04-250 3321/ 2 或电邮至 penanggreencouncil@gmail. com 引爆健康的味道 烹饪比赛详情 : 日期 :2013 年 9 月 22 日时间 : 上午 11 时 30 分至下午 1 时正 ( 初赛 : 汰赛 ) 下午 2 时正至 3 时 30 分 ( 决赛 : 舞台赛 ) 地点 : 湖内槟州国际竞技体育馆 (PISA) 参赛表格可从以下地点索取 : 槟岛 IE Organic Food Centre 11-A,Jalan Pasar, Pulau Tikus, 10350 Pulau Pinang. 04-227 2079 IE Organic No 1-19- & 3-19, D Piazza Mall, Jalan Mahsuri, 11900 Bayan Baru, Penang. 04-645 2079 New Lotus Cycles Organic Enterprise No 46A, Lintang Angsana Bandar Baru, 11500 Ayer Itam, Penang, Malaysia. 04-826 1448 Simple Living Enterprise (Green Valley Organic) 17C-G, Taman Seri Damai, Medan Batu Lanchang 11600 Penang. 04-6563827 Happiness Organic Health Shop 72E, Anson Road, 10400 Georgetown, Penang. 04-2272272 北海 Gui Lin Enterprise No 36, Lebuh Kurau 3, Chai Leng Park Prai, 13700 Penang. 04-399 6022 Berrylite Organic Natural Food No 32, Lorong Tanjung Aman 2, Taman Tanjung Aman, 12300 Butterworth, Penang. 012-4213480 大山脚 Carelife Natural Organic Sdn Bhd 63,Jalan Perniagaan 1, Pusat Perniagaan Alam, 14000 Bukit Mertajam,Penang. 012-4011888 My Penang My Workplace www.penangcatcentre.my Your Global Gateway to Careers in Penang Tel: 604-250 2170 Fax: 604-250 2171

卫生部长已公开否认 罗斯兰赛丁须向所有医生道歉 针对罗斯兰指槟州政府医院有 3 名拒绝医治马来病人的种族主义华裔医生一事, 卫生部长拿督苏巴玛廉已经公开否认罗斯兰所制造的危言耸听的谎言, 因此, 槟州首长林冠英认为罗斯兰赛丁没有选择, 而必须公开撤回言论, 并向所有医生道歉 槟州首长林冠英指出, 卫生部长拿督斯里苏巴玛廉说, 有指华裔医生拒绝医治马来病人的事件, 并不含种族因素 林冠英于 7 月 31 日发表文告指出, 罗斯兰在 7 月 3 日的州议会上说, 上述事件涉及 6 名病人 两名甲抛峇底的医生及一名威省医院 罗斯兰将他有关种族主义医生的声明归咎于行动党导致国阵在第 13 届大选失去华裔支持的竞选活动 但是, 罗斯兰并没有提供任何证据或任何官方投诉给卫生部 唯有在槟州政府施压以及我发出公开信给苏巴玛廉要求他采取行动后, 罗斯兰才带领一些病人投诉政府医院的医疗服务欠佳然后向卫生部投诉 我已经促请苏巴玛廉若真的有医生因种族主义而拒绝看病, 当局应该惩罚他们 撤销去他们的医生执照, 因为他们已经违背希波克拉底誓言, 这是医生从业前所立的保证不分种族 性别及宗教遵守医德 拯救生命的誓言 他续称, 苏巴玛廉现在说明上述事件并无种族主义元素, 其中的原因是医生的沟通能力不好所致 很明显的, 罗斯兰必须撤回言论及道歉 卫生部长拿督斯里 S 苏巴玛廉已经公开否认罗斯兰的言论, 罗斯兰必须为他玷污医生的良好形象而道歉, 他也影响了我们多元种族社会的和谐 他说, 罗斯兰应该意识到他对槟州议会撒谎, 已经犯下了一个大错, 他应该尊重槟州议会, 说出真相而不是谎言 但是, 槟州政府因马来医生及马来病人的支持感到鼓舞, 前者对这种针对医疗人员的不实攻击感到生气, 后者也因曾被华裔及印裔医生医救后而不相信罗斯兰 2013 年 8 月 1 日 -15 日时事 13 槟城渡轮服务客户满意度问卷 槟州政府将进行一项针对槟城渡轮服务满意度的问卷, 并且将会把问卷结果呈交给槟城港口有限公司 (PPSB), 以让该造采取进一步行动 槟州工程 基本设施 ( 电源 水务及电讯 ) 及交通 ( 海陆及火车 ) 委员会主席林峰成行政议员发表文告表示, 基于接到许多来自民众的书信 电邮 电话及当面投诉, 因此, 槟州政府决定展开这项调查问卷, 同时也希望能够协助槟城港口有限公司提升槟城渡轮服务, 以及关注民众所提供的意见 槟城渡轮服务满意度问卷的执行期将从 2013 年 7 月 23 日至 8 月 31 日止 民众可通过以下方式取得或下载问卷 : 光大 3 楼槟州政府官方网站 (www.penang.gov.my) 槟州首长官方网站 (cm.penang.gov.my) 珍珠快讯 槟州首长林冠英官方面子书 (CM Lim Guan Eng) 或 珍珠快讯 面子书 (Buletinmutiara) 至于已填妥的问卷可寄至以下地址 : YB Lim Hock Seng Ahli Exco Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang Tingkat 52, Komtar 10502 Pulau Pinang 或者将填妥的问卷放进置放在光大 3 楼的盒子内 (Sila tandakan [ ] pada kotak yang berkaitan) BORANG KEPUASAN PELANGGAN BAGI PERKHIDMATAN FERI PULAU PINANG Bahagian A: Demografi 1. Nama Penuh: 2. Jantina: Lelaki Perempuan 3. Umur: i. kurang dari 18 tahun ii. 19 hingga 39 tahun iii. 40 hingga 59 tahun iv. 60 tahun dan ke atas 4. Tempoh penggunaan feri: i. kurang dari 1 tahun ii. 1 hingga 5 tahun iii. melebihi 5 tahun iv. lain-lain (sila nyatakan: tahun) 5. Kekerapan penggunaan feri dalam tempoh seminggu: (pergi dan balik) i. 1 kali sahaja ii. 2 hingga 4 kali iii. 5 hingga 7 kali iv. melebihi 7 kali Bahagian B: Kebersihan 6. Terminal berikut berada dalam keadaan bersih dan selesa untuk digunakan i. Terminal Feri Sultan Abdul Halim Ya Tidak (Seberang Perai) ii. Terminal Feri Raja Tun Uda Ya Tidak (Pulau) 7. Keadaan feri adalah bersih dan selesa untuk pengguna Ya Tidak 8. Tandas di terminal/feri berada dalam keadaan yang bersih Ya Tidak Bahagian C: Kemudahan 9. Lorong feri yang disediakan bagi kenderaan bermotor mencukupi bagi menampung kapasiti pengguna sedia ada Ya Tidak 10. Tangga elektrik di Terminal Feri Sultan Abdul Halim (Seberang Perai) berfungsi dengan baik: Ya Tidak 11. Lorong pejalan kaki (ramp) di kedua-dua terminal adalah sesuai digunakan bagi semua peringkat umur pengguna Ya Tidak 12. Kipas angin yang disediakan di kawasan menunggu di keduadua terminal mencukupi Ya Tidak 13. Kipas angin yang disediakan di kawasan menunggu di keduadua terminal berfungsi dengan baik Ya Tidak Bahagian D: Keselamatan 14. Sesetengah feri menempatkan penumpang dan kenderaan bermotor dalam satu dek yang sama. Kaedah ini i. tidak menjejaskan keselamatan penumpang Ya Tidak ii. tidak menjejaskan kesihatan penumpang Ya Tidak 15. Pemandu membawa feri dengan berhemah Ya Tidak 16. Tidak pernah melihat berlakunya insiden di mana penumpang cedera ketika feri merapat Ya Tidak Bahagian E: Perkhidmatan 17. Ketibaan/pelepasan feri mematuhi jadual masa yang ditetapkan Ya Tidak 18. Bilangan feri yang disediakan mencukupi terutamanya pada waktu puncak Ya Tidak Bahagian F: Cadangan Penambahbaikan/Komen -TERIMA KASIH ATAS KERJASAMA TUAN/PUAN- Sila alamatkan ke: 1) YB Lim Hock Seng Ahli Exco Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang Tingkat 52, Komtar 10502 Pulau Pinang atau 2) Masukkan borang ini ke dalam kotak khas yang disediakan di kaunter Kerajaan Tingkat 3, Komtar

14 时事 2013 年 8 月 1 日 -15 日 州政府以身作则光大设托育中心 让公务员父母可安心上班 槟州妇女事务及家庭社会发展委员会主席章瑛为公务员捎来好消息, 面积达 1680 平方尺的公务员托儿所预料将在今年杪正式投入服务, 让正在上班的父母可以安心工作 章瑛表示, 为达到抛砖引玉之效, 槟州政府以身作则在光大 4 楼设立托育中心, 优先为在光大任职的公务员提供优质的托育服务, 预料该中心可容纳 30 名孩童, 而且只征收每名孩童每个月 50 令吉的服务费 她说, 耗资 35 万令吉装修费的工程将会在下个月正式动工, 并预料年底可正式启用, 而且光大 4 楼单位业主, 即槟州发展机构仅征收每平方尺 1 令吉的象征式月租, 赞助该由槟州妇女发展机构推行的公务员托育中心 国阵在过去执政 55 年以来, 一直没有把人民对优质托育服务的需求摆放在优先处理的首要位置, 以致社会各阶层, 尤其是低收入阶级的职业妇女在这方面的处境, 经常受到忽略和等闲视之 她指出, 放眼国内的托儿与托育服务领域, 几乎清一色是由私人界主导经营, 而且大部分志在牟利, 使到许多市民负担每个月高昂的费用, 也造成低微收入的市民负担不起而望门兴叹 她补充, 州政府了解到有责任为各阶层人民, 尤其是入息低微的家庭, 提供平等的托育服务机会, 让更多妇女继续留守在工作岗位上, 贡献她们的才华和发挥专长 希望州政府率先采取的行动, 能够让私人界雇主感受到感召而纷纷响应, 在他们的公司内设立本身的托育中心, 以履行他们对企业社会的责任, 也方便家庭与事业两头奔忙的职业妇女, 并有助提高职业的工作效率 她认为, 这计划将有助增加妇女在职场的就业率, 让她们扮演积极的角色为槟州的社会经济发展作出极大的贡献 州政府也相信, 为职场女性提供更完善的托育服务, 将协助父母在家庭与事业两者之间 取得更好的平衡, 生活素质更为改善, 家庭更幸福快乐 章瑛强调, 虽然该托育所每个月只征收 50 令吉的服务费, 但低收费并不代表低素质服务, 当然也不能够拿私人界的奢华服务来相提并论, 州政府已积极寻求最完善的托育服务 她说, 为了协助家长能够获得收费更负担得起的优质托育服务, 槟州政府于今年 3 月率先制定 槟州托育政策和行动计划, 并分发 4 种主要语文传单, 向公众讲解槟州政府所接纳的 3 项政策目标及 5 大行动方针 章瑛指出, 眼前的挑战是如何减少, 及简化托儿所注册的繁文褥节, 而且联邦政府没有应用权限去协助私人托儿所 她说, 槟州政府基于每个孩子都享有安全 卫生, 和健康成长环境的权益, 所制定的 2013 至 2016 年计划大纲, 首年由槟州妇女发展机构负责推行, 过后交 章瑛 ( 坐者中 ) 公布, 面积达 1680 平方尺的公务员托儿所预料将在今年杪正式投入服务, 让正在上班的父母可以安心工作 由一个全权由州政府成立, 及监督的儿童权益, 与托管单位, 在各方面的协助下推行 有意了解该托育政策及行动计划详细内容的公众, 可以前往光大 47 楼的槟州妇女发展机构免费索取, 我们也会在近期内把 4 语传单分发到国州议员服务中心, 以方便各地的公众 另一方面, 她说日前在大山脚发生的女婴噎奶不幸窒息的事件, 槟州政府对女婴的父母和家人因这起事件而蒙受的悲 痛, 感同身受, 令人惋惜, 并对往后如何避免类似事件的发生表示认真关注 槟州妇女发展机构托育顾问林巧清说, 为了改善住家保姆托儿服务, 州政府将协助训练有关行业业者, 而且自去年 12 月至今, 槟州妇女发展机构已为 120 名家庭式保姆和托儿所负责人, 进行了 4 次培训工作 她指出, 目前全槟共有 109 家已注册的托儿所, 另外有 40 家仍然在福利部的调查下并未发出执照

打枪埔的居民就注定只能当小贩 裁缝师或看顾杂货店? 而年轻人就一定只可以往外发展? 这就大错特错了! 为了打破格局, 植物园区州议员谢嘉平誓言在 5 年的服务期里, 将会更专注在打枪埔的社区发展, 希望在当地打造一个现代化的商场与公共设备, 为居民创造高素质的就业机会 眼看发林 四季新天地 (All season place) 成为发林热门新去处, 谢嘉平认为打枪埔也绝对拥有条件打造类似的商场, 让当地在未来展现新活力, 同时制造更多的就业机会予 1 万多名居民 他指出, 拥有 45 年历史房屋计划的打枪铺并没有银行, 而且最邻近的邮局也并不在当地范围内, 唯有激活当地年轻人的活力发展项目, 才能够让打枪埔展现新活力, 并转变成繁华的商业区 打枪埔没有超级市场, 而 本地人的就业工作, 就仅限制于小贩或从事小生意, 不然就要往外发展, 尤其是年轻人 谢嘉平表示, 他曾跟服务团队讨论过有关问题多次, 也相 信唯有在当地建立一个现代化的商业区, 才能够掀起新活力 他说, 打枪埔居民高达 1 万多人, 但是居民必须到外头的购物商场添购日常用品或度过 休闲时光 他指出, 打枪埔的现代化商业区发展, 主要概念是兴建比较庞大的购物商场, 引进年轻人, 打造一个融合社区与娱乐生活的地方 如果商业区计划成功实行, 他们可投入商业区高素质就业机会, 继而把打枪埔转变成充满活力的社区, 改变当地的社会经济面貌 他明白, 打枪埔改造计划涉及大规模的社区软硬体重建, 非一朝一夕之工程, 但他仍希望可在任期内完成 谢嘉平说, 现代化商业机会固然重要, 但他也会顾虑及另外考虑当地交通的重新规划 我会萌生打造现代化商业区的概念, 主要是看中打枪埔稠密的人口, 可为此贡献良多 除了现代化商业区计划, 谢嘉平把翻新打枪埔组屋作为他 2013 年 8 月 1 日 -15 日时事 15 谢嘉平专注打枪埔社区发展打造现代化商场与公共设备 谢嘉平与服务团队派发 50 包白米予当地贫困穆斯林居民 的首要任务 谢嘉平也说, 他近期刚与槟岛市政局房屋局和公共工程局开会, 讨论如何解决打枪埔组屋所面对的水管维修后遗症问题 在打枪埔约 3368 户人家当中, 我们接获了 800 至 900 户人家投诉房屋漏水 渗水和雨水问题 我在刚过的槟州立法议会上, 已经呼吁槟州政府和各政府部门全力支持我, 提升打枪埔居民的生活环境 另外, 配合斋戒月, 谢嘉平与服务团队也赠送 50 包白米予打枪埔组屋的贫穷穆斯林家庭 他表示将与服务队一起合力帮助打枪埔社区, 特别关注和了解当地残障人士 就业 疾病 家庭和孩子教育发展 此外, 他也计划于 8 月 31 日举办大型的 国庆日开斋节双庆 活动, 以加强该社区多元种族的和谐

16 时事 2013年8月1日-15日 槟州民联政府在执政的5年内 以1亿5000万令吉来进行了多项惠民计划 其中包括 每年 乐龄人士 能力差异人士 快乐学生 单亲母亲 1200万令吉学校拨款 小一及小四 中一及中四 一次性 RM1,000 往生抚恤金 RM1,000 国立大专助学金 RM200 宝贝计划 槟州于2009年缔造历史 成为全马首个消除赤贫的州属 放眼在2013年 以保证家庭收入达770令吉 成为全马首个消除贫穷的州属 如有哪 个家庭收入未达770令吉 槟州政府将补贴至每月770令吉 CONTOH

Fiwªj tukhd«bgwnthu«brhªj ålfÿ th fyh«khepy mur> gpdhq;f tho; kf;fs; Fwpg;ghf Fiwe;j tukhdk; ngwnthu; nrhe;j tplg; ngwtij cwjpg;glj;jk; nghul;l gy Mf;ffukhdr; nray;jpl;lq;fis Nkw;nfhz;L tufpwj. mt;tifapy;> kj;jpa mur Fiwe;j tukhdk; ngwk; kf;fs; nrhe;j tplg; ngwtjw;fj; njhlu;e;j tplikg;gf; fld; cj;juthj epwtdr; nray;ghl;il epiy epwj;j Ntz;Lk; vd fpuhkk;> efuk; kw;wk; tplikg;gj; jpl;lkply; Nritf; FOtpd; Ml;rpf;FO cwg;gpdu; kjpg;gpw;fupa n[f;bg; rpq; bnah typawj;jpdhu;. epjp mikr;rpd; fpo; nray;glk; upk1.8 gpy;ypad; kjpf;fj;jf;f tplikg;gf; fld; cj;juthj epwtdr; nray;ghl;il kjpg;gpw;fupa n[f;bg; rpq; bnah ghuhl;bdhu;.,j;jpl;lj;jpd; top Fiwe;j tukhdk; ngwk; kf;fs; nrhe;j tpl ngwtij cwjpg;glj;jfpwj vd;why; kpifahfhj. gpdhq;f khepy mur kf;fspd; eyd; fujp kypttpiy tpl;lj; jpl;lj;ij mwpkfg;glj;jpag; NghjpYk; Vio kf;fs; mjidg; ngwtjw;fr; rpukk; vjpu;nehf;ffpd;wdu;. Vndd;why;> Fiwe;j tukhdk; ngwk; kf;fs; Kiwahd Mtzq;fs; Fwpg;ghf rk;gs rhd;wpjo;> tukhd tup rhd;wpjo;> gzpahsu; itg;g epjp Mfpait,y;yhj epiyapy; tq;fpfs; tplikg;gf; flid toq;f kwf;fpd;wdu;. tptrhapfs;> tzpfu;fs;> kpdtu;fs;> ijay;fhuu;fs; Nghd;Nwhu;,e;jg; Mtzq;fs;,y;yhky; gy gpur;ridfis vjpu;nehf;ffpd;wdu;. gpdhq;f khepy mur cly; CdKw;NwhUf;F cjtp njhif toq;fk; jpl;lj;ijf; fle;j 2011-Mk; Mz;L Jtq;fpaJ. xt;nthu Mz;Lk; jyh up.k 100 toq;fg;gl;l tutj Fwpg;gplj;jf;fjhFk;.,e;j cjtp njhifg; ngwtjw;f taj fl;lg;ghl 60 MFk;.,Ug;gpDk; 60 tajf;f Nkw;gl;l CdKw;Nwhu; njhlu;e;j %j;j Fbkf;fs; cjtp njhifiaj; njhlu;e;j ngw tha;g;g toq;fg;glk;. 2013-Mk; Mz;Lf;fhd cly; CdKw;Nwhu; cjtp njhif jpl;lk; Muk;gkhfpAs;sJ.,e;epjp cjtpg; ngwnthu; 24 [_iy 2013 Kjy; 7 Mf];L 2013-f;Fs; ngw;wf;nfhs;s tuntw;fg;glfpd;wdu;.,e;epjp cjtp tpiutpy; nfhz;lhltpuf;fk; Nehd;Gg; nguehsf;fg; gz;bif md;gspg;gg; gzkhf mikak; vdyhk;.,j;jpl;lk; r%f ey JiwAld;,ize;J,aq;fpwJ vd;why; kpifahfhj.,e;j cjtpj; njhif nuhf;fkhftk; my;yj tq;fp fzf;f %yk; toq;fg;glfpwj. Njrpa Nrkpg;G tq;fpald; gjpt ngw;wtu;fsf;ff; fzf;fpay; %ykhftk; gjptr; nra;ahjtu;fs; 2008-Mk; Mz;L Jtq;fp fle;j 12 [{iy 2013-Mk; ehs; tiu,e;j tplikg;gf; fld; cj;juthj epwtd nray;ghl;bd; top gpdhq;f tho; 467 tpz;zg;gj;jhuu;fs; tq;fpapd; tplikg;gf; flidg;ngw;ws;sdu; vd;gj rhyr;rpwe;jj. kjpg;gpw;fupa n[f;bg; rpq; bnah mtu;fs;,j;jpl;lj;ijg; gad;glj;jp gpdhq;f tho; kf;fs; nrhe;j tpl thq;fk; fdit nka;glj;j Ntz;Lk; vd nfhk;jhupy; ele;j nra;jpahsu; $l;lj;jpy; njuptpj;jhu;. ekj ehl;by; nray;glk; 14 tq;fpfs;,j;jpl;lj;ijr; nray;glj;j cjtpgupfpwj. fld; cj;juthj epwtd nray;ghl;bd; %yk; tplikg;gf; fld; ngw tpuk;gk; tpz;zg;gj;jhuu;fs; 18 tajf;f Nkw;gl;ltuhfTk; khjhe;jpu tukhdkhfr; ruhrup upk 1000-I ngw Ntz;Lk; vd;w jfjpfisf; nfhz;buf;f Ntz;Lk;.,e;j epwtj;jpd; %yk; 40 Kjy; 60 tajf;fs; cs;stu;fsf;f upk 100 000 my;yj 100% fldjtp toq;fg;gltj nts;spilkiyahfk;. NkYk; Ml;rpf;FO cwg;gpduhd kjpg;gpw;fupa n[f;bg; rpq; bnah mtu;fs; gpdhq;f tho; kf;fs;,e;j tha;g;gpidg; gad;glj;jp nrhe;j tpl;ilg; ngwtij tuntw;whu;. NkYk; tplikg;gf; fldjtp toq;ftjw;f tq;fpfs; gpzf;fk; njuptpf;f Ntz;lhk;. Vndd;why;,tu;fspd; fldjtpf;f tplikg;gf; fld; cj;juthj epwtdk; cwjp toq;ftjhfr; Rl;bf;fhl;bdhu;.,jd; %yk; Fiwe;j tukhdk; ngwk; kf;fsk; nrhe;j MfÞ 01-15, 2013 4 tplfs; thq;fyhk; mnjhl tplikg;g Nkk;ghl;lhsu;fSk; tpiuthf tplfs; tpw;ftk; KbAk; vdr; Rl;bf;fhl;bdhu;. fpo;f; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s 14 tq;fpfspy;,j;jpl;lk; mky;glj;jg;glfpd;wd. Njrpa Nrkpg;G tq;fp (Bank Simpanan Nasional),];yhkpa tq;fp (k) ngu;`hl; (Bank Islam (M) Bank) mg;gpd; tq;fp ngu;`hl; (Affin Bank Bhd) kyad; tq;fp ngu;`hl; (Malayan Bank Bhd) NkNgq;f;,];yhkpf; tq;fp (Maybank Islamic Bank) Mk;tq;fp ngu;`hl; (AMBank Bhd) Mk;,];yhkpf; tq;fp ngu;`hl; (AmIslamic Bank Berhad) mg;gpd;,];yhkpf; tq;fp ngu;`hl; (Affin Islamic Bank Bhd) myhad;]; tq;fp ngu;`hl; (Alliance Bank Berhad) myhad;];,];yhkpf; tq;fp ngu;`hl; (Alliance Islamic Bank Berhad) n`hq; ypnahq; tq;fp ngu;`hl; (Hong Leong Bank Berhad) n`hq; ypnahq;,];yhkpf; tq;fp ngu;`hl (Hong Leong Bank Islamic Berhad) kf;fs; $l;lwt tq;fp (Bank Kerjasama Rakyat) ãdh F khãy k fÿ T lâ mur clš CdK nwh fs F bjhl ªJ cjé bjhif th F»wJ r%f eyk; Jiwaplk; Neubahfr; nrd;w nuhf;fkhfg; ngw;wf; nfhs;syhk;.,k;kiw 7069 Ngu; cly; CdKw;Nwhu; cjtp njhifiag; ngwfpd;wdu; vd;gj Fwpg;gplj;jf;fjhFk;. khtl;l thupahf cjtpj; njhifiag; ngwgtupd; vz;zpf;iff; fpo; tukhw: khtl;lk; cjtp njhifiag; ngwgtupd; vz;zpf;if nrguhq; gpiw 1239 kj;jpa nrguhq; gpiw 1337 njd; nrguhq; gpiw 803 tlfpof;f khtl;lk; 2415 njd;nkw;f khtl;lk; 963 r%f ey jiyikafk; 305 nkhj;jk; 7069

5 MfÞ 01-15, 2013 ãdh F khãy FHªij guhkç ò bfhÿif braš â l«knyrpahtpnyna gpdhq;f khepy mur Kjd; Kiwahf Foe;ijg; guhkupg;gf; nfhs;if kw;wk; nray; jpl;lj;ijf; fle;j 1 khu;r; 2013-apy; mwpkfg;glj;jpaj.,e;jj; jpl;lj;ij,isqu;> tpisahl;l> kfspu;> FLk;gk; kw;wk; r%fg; gpuptpd; Ml;rpf; FO cwg;gpduk;> ghlhq; yhyhq; rl;lkd;w cwg;gpdukhd Nrhq; vq; mjpfhug;g+u;tkhf nra;jpahsu; re;jpg;gpy; mwptpj;jhu;.,j;jpl;lkhdj xt;nthu Foe;ijAk; ghjfhg;g> jukhd mzfy; Cf;Ftpg;G kw;wk; cyfshtpa cupikfs; ngwjy; Mfpatw;iw cwjpg;glj;jfpwj. Foe;ij cupik 1989 kw;wk; jw;nghija r%fg; nghushjhu epiyapy; FLk;gj;jpdu; Foe;ijg; guhkupg;gpy; vjpu;nehf;fk; gpur;ridfs; Fwpj;J Foe;ijfspd; cupikfs; epiyehl;lg;gl Ntz;Lk; vd;w I.eh khehl;bd; nfhs;ifapidg; gpdhq;f khepy mur mq;fpfupf;fpwj. rpwe;j Foe;ijg; guhkupg;gpd; %yk; ngz;fspd; gq;fspg;g njhopw;gilapy; mjpfupf;fg;glk;.,jd; %yk; gpdhq;f khepy nghushjhuk; Nkk;ghL miltnjhl Ntiy> FLk;g tho;f;if vd;w,u epiyfspyk; ngz;fsf;f MNuhf;fpakhdr; rkepiy Cf;Ftpf;fg;gLk;. vdnt> ngz;fsf;fhd khepy mur jpl;lk; epiyahftk; KOikahfTk; mikak;.,j;jpl;lk; 3 Kjd;ik Nehf;fq;fs; kw;wk; 5 gpujhdf; nfhs;iffis cs;slf;fpas;sd. KjyhtJ Nehf;fkhdJ jukhd kw;wk; kypthdf; Foe;ij guhkupg;g mzfypd; %yk; Foe;ijfspd; eyd; kw;wk; ghjfhg;g Nkk;gLj;Jjy; MFk;. Foe;ijg; gutj;jpy; xt;nthu Mz;Lk; jdpegu; tsu;r;rpf;f mj;jpahtrpakhfk;. rpwf;foe;ijapy; nfhlf;fg;glk; md;gk; guhkupg;gkhdj mf;foe;ij rpwe;j tuq;fhy jiykiwapduhf cuntlj;j r%f kw;wk; nghushjhuj;jpy; jq;fspd; gq;fspg;ig toq;f toptff;fk;. Foe;ijg; guhkupg;g vd;gj jdpegu; Njit my;y m/j nghj kf;fspd; ed;ikf; fujpna gpdhq;f khepy mur jdj gq;fspg;ig toq;f Kd; te;js;sj. Foe;ijg; guhkupg;g jpl;lkhdj Fiwe;j tukhdk; ngwk; FLk;gq;fspd; Fiwg;ghLfis eptu;j;jpr; nra;j jq;fs; gps;isfspd; tho;f;ifj; juj;ij cau;j;jtk; rpwg;g Njitfisg; G+u;j;jpr; nra;atk; cjtfpwj. mlj;jjhf> njhopw;gilapy; ngz;fspd; gq;fspg;ig Nkk;gLj;JjhFk;. gpdhq;f khepyk; Nkk;ghL miltjw;fg; ngz;fspd; gq;f kpf mtrpakhfk;. njhopw;gilapy; Njrpa upjpapy; mjhtj 46.1% ruhrup tpfpjj;ijf; fhl;byk; gpdhq;f tho; ngz;fspd; gq;fspg;g 56.5% (2010) mjpfkhf,ue;jhyk; tsu;r;rpaile;j ehlfis (v.fh:- Rtpld; kw;wk; nld;khu;f;> 74%) xg;gplifapy; gpd;jq;fpna fhzg;glfpwj. vdnt Foe;ijg; guhkupg;gj; jpl;lkhdj ngz;fs; jpukzk; kw;wk; Foe;ij <d;nwlg;gf;fg; gpd;gk; njhopw;gilapy; <Lgl top tff;fk;. %d;whtj Nehf;fkhdJ ngz;fsf;f Ntiy> FLk;g tho;f;if vd;w,u epiyfspyk; rkepiyia cuthf;fjy; MFk;. ngw;nwhu;fs; Ntiy> FLk;g tho;f;if vd;w,u epiyfspyk; rkepiyg; ngwtjw;fr; rpwe;j Foe;ijg; guhkupg;g trjpfs; JizGupAk;. FLk;gk; vd;w tho;f;if rf;fuj;jpy; Mz; vd;gtu; tukhdk; <l;lgtuhftk;> ngz; vd;gtu; FLk;gg; nghwg;gfisf; ftd;g;gtuhftk;,uf;fpd;wdu;. Mdhy; cik epiyapy; Mz; ngz;,utunk tukhdk; kw;wk; FLk;gg; nghwg;gfisr; Rkg;gNjhL gfpe;jf; nfhz;l FLk;g cwg;gpdu;fsld; tho Ntz;Lk;. xu jhapd; top xu FLk;gKk; ngw;nwhu;fsf;fk; kl;lky;yhky;> xu r%fkk; ed;ik milfpwj. Foe;ijg; guhkupg;gr; Nritapd; %yk; FLk;g-el;G nfhs;iffs; Mz;> ngz;,utuf;fk; Ntiy kw;wk; FLk;g tho;f;if,ilna xu ey;y rkepiyia cuthf;f,ayk;.,e;j Nehf;fq;fspd;,yf;ifailtjw;F 5 Kjd;ik nfhs;iffsf;f Vw;w nray;jpl;lq;fs; milahsk; fhzg;gl;ls;sd.,jpy; ghjfhg;g kw;wk; jukhd Foe;ijg; guhkupg;ig cwjpg;glj;j Ntz;Lk;.,jpy; gzpaplq;fspy; Foe;ijg; guhkupg;g ikaq;fs; mjpfupj;jy;> r%f mbg;gilapyhdf; Foe;ij ikaq;fs; epwtjy;> tpl mbg;gilapyhd guhkupg;ig Nkk;gLj;Jjy; kw;wk; jdpahu; Foe;ijiar; Nrit Jiwf;F topf;fhl;ljy; vd;gj Fwpg;gplg;gl;ljhFk;.,jd; KOKaw;rpahf nfhk;jhupy; xu Foe;ij guhkupg;g,lk; mikg;gjhf Ml;rpf;FO cwg;gpdu; Nrhq; vq; njuptpj;jhu;.,e;jf; Foe;ij guhkupg;g,y;yk; mikg;gjw;f upk 300 000 Kjy; 350 000 tiu nrytplg;glk; vd;w typawj;jpdhu;.,j;jpl;lk; Kf;fpakhf nfhk;jhupy; gzpgupak; ngz;fs; Foe;ijfis,t;tplj;jpy; tpl;l,yfthfj; jq;fspd; Ntiyr; nra;a toptff;fk;. xu Foe;ijf;Fr; ruhrup up.k 50 fl;lzkhf tr+ypf;fg;glk; vd;whu;. Foe;ij guhkupg;gpy; jfjpg;ngw;wtu;fns Ntiyf;F mku;j;jg;gltu;.,f;foe;ijg; guhkupg;g,y;yj;jpy; 1 Kjy; 3 tajf;f cl;gl;l 5 Foe;ijfSf;F 1 gzpg;ngz;zk;> 3 Kjy; 4 tajf;f cl;gl;l 10 Foe;ijfSf;F 1 gzpg;ngz;zk; gzp epkpj;jk; nra;ag;gltu;. gpdhq;f khepyj;jpy; kl;lk; gjptg; ngw;w Foe;ij guhkupg;g,y;yq;fs; 109 vd;wk; gjptg; ngwhky;,ug;gj 40 vd;wk; nra;jpahsu; $l;lj;jpy; mwptpj;jhu;.,isqu;> tpisahl;l> kfspu;> FLk;gk; kw;wk; r%fg; gpuptpd; Ml;rpf; FO cwg;gpdu; Nrhq; vq; kw;wk; kfspu; Nkk;ghl;Lf; fof cwg;gpdu;fs; Foe;ijg; guhkupg;gf; nfhs;if nray; jpl;lg; gpur;ruj;ijf; fhl;lfpd;wdu;

MfÞ 01-15, 2013 6 fij ngr«gl fÿ khepy mstpyhd Nehd;Gj; jpwf;fk; tpue;j cgrupg;gpy; nghjkf;fs; fye;j nfhz;ldu;. gpdhq;f thlif fhu; Xl;Ldu;fSf;F khepy Kjy;tu; rd;khdk; toq;fpdhu;. re;jd khjh jputpoh Nfhyhfykhf eilngw;wj. Gf;fpl; b.x nghoj Nghf;F ikaj;ij mjpfhug;óu;tkhf khepy Kjy;tu; ypk; Fthd; vq; jpwe;j itj;jhu;. gpdhq;f khefuhl;rpf; fofj;jpy; NkYk;,Utu; gjtpg; gpukhdk; vlj;jdu;. Nehd;Gg; nguehis Kd;dpl;L gpdhq;f nfhbkiyapy; Rw;Wg;gazpfis <u;f;fk; tz;zk; gy epfo;tfs; eilngwts;sj. òitle: fij ngr«gl fÿ

12 August 1-15, 2013 Nama ADUN AIR PUTIH YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng limguaneng@penang.gov.my PANTAI JEREJAK YB Haji Mohd. Rashid Hasnon rashid.hasnon@penang.gov.my PERAI YB Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy ramasamy@penang.gov.my PADANG KOTA YB Chow Kon Yeow chowkonyeow@penang.gov.my BATU MAUNG YB Datuk Abdul Malik Abul Kassim abdmalik@penang.gov.my BAGAN JERMAL YB Lim Hock Seng limhockseng@penang.gov.my BATU LANCHANG YB Law Heng Kiang lawhengkiang@penang.gov.my SUNGAI PUYU YB Phee Boon Poh pheeboonpoh@penang.gov.my; pheeboonpoh@yahoo.com No Tel/ No Faks (T) 04-829 0614 (T) 04-646 4700 (T) 04-390 1867 (F) 04-390 1867 (T) 04-226 0218 (F) 04-226 0218 (T) 04-626 1968 (F) 04-626 5496 (T) 04-331 7175 (F) 04-331 7175 (T) 04-282 6419 (F) 04-282 6419 (T) 04-262 0860 012-480 5495 (F) 04-261 8745 PADANG LALANG YB Chong Eng (T) 04-530 3028 DATO KERAMAT YB Jagdeep Singh DEO jagdeepsinghdeo@penang.gov.my SEBERANG JAYA YB Dr. Afif Bahardin BUKIT TAMBUN YB Law Choo Kiang lawchookiang@penang.gov.my AIR ITAM YB Wong Hon Wai wonghonwai@penang.gov.my BERAPIT YB Ong Kok Fooi ongkokfooi@penang.gov.my (T) 04-226 2464 (F) 04-227 2464 (T) 04-650 5386 (F) 04-261 8703 (T) 04-588 0818 (F) 04-588 0885 (T) 04-828 0926 (F) 04-828 0926 (T) 04-530 8476 MACHANG BUBOK YB Lee Khai Hoon (T) 04-551 1442 TANJONG BUNGAH YB Teh Yee Cheu dappenang.cagw.teh@gmail.com JAWI YB Soon Lip Chee lcsoon@mpsp.gov.my PENGKALAN KOTA YB Lau Keng Ee dappengkalankota@gmail.com BAGAN DALAM YB Tanasekharan a/l Autheraphy atana@first.net.my KEBUN BUNGA YB Cheah Kah Peng kebunbunga24@gmail.com SUNGAI BAKAP YB Hj. Maktar Hj. Shapee adunan.dunsgbakap@yahoo.com KOMTAR YB Teh Lai Heng komtarn28@gmail.com PAYA TERUBONG YB Yeoh Soo Hin clementyeoh@hotmail.com PULAU TIKUS YB Dr. Yap Soo Huey yapsoohuey@gmail.com PERMATANG PASIR YB Datuk Hj. Mohd. Salleh Man adunptgpasir@gmail.com BUKIT TENGAH YB Ong Chin Wen pkrbkttengah@gmail.com (T) 04-899 9581 sedang dikemaskini (T)04-250 1521 04-2501522 (F)04-2501523 (T) 04-323 5870 (F) 04-323 5870 (T) 04-826 5451 (F) 04-826 5451 (T) 04-582 7549 (F) 04-582 8648 (T) 04-227 7068 (F) 04-227 7068 sedang dikemaskini sedang dikemaskini (T) 04-398 4226 (F) 04-398 4226 (T) 04-508 3977 (F) 04-508 3677 PENANTI YB Norlela Ariffin (T) 04-522 2916 (F) 04-521 2915 SUNGAI PINANG YB Lim Siew Khim dapsungaipinang@hotmail.com BATU UBAN YB Dr. T. Jayabalan drjayabalan@gmail.com SERI DELIMA YB Sanisvara Nethaji Rayer a/l Rajaji rsnrayer@gmail.com DAP PENANG HQ dappg@streamyx.com (T) 04-282 6630 (T) 04-656 2605 (F) 04-656 0699 (T) 04-659 5611 (F) 04-659 6611 (T) 04-228 8482 04-227 1397 04-226 6482 (F) 04-228 8514 NAMA ADUN PENAGA YB Mohd. Zain Ahmad BERTAM YB Shariful Azhar Othman PINANG TUNGGAL YB Datuk Haji Roslan Saidin PERMATANG BERANGAN YB Omar Abd. Hamid SUNGAI DUA YB Muhamad Yusoff Mohd. Noor TELOK AIR TAWAR YB Datuk Jahara Hamid SUNGAI ACHEH YB Datuk Mahmud Zakaria BAYAN LEPAS YB Nordin Ahmad PULAU BETONG YB Muhamad Farid Saad TELUK BAHANG YB Shah Haedan Ayoob No Tel/ No Faks POLIS & AMBULANS 999 BOMBA 994 DIREKTORI TELEFON 103 OPERATOR ANTARABANGSA 101 PENYELAMAT 991 Sedang dikemaskini Sedang dikemaskini Sedang dikemaskini Sedang dikemaskini Sedang dikemaskini Sedang dikemaskini Sedang dikemaskini Sedang dikemaskini Sedang dikemaskini Sedang dikemaskini BIRO PENGADUAN AWAM 04-263 6893 SEKRETARIAT KERAJAAN 04-262 1957 NEGERI KASTAM 04-262 2300 IMIGRESEN 04-250 3419 INFORMASI PENERANGAN 04-643 0373 WCC (Women s Centre for Change) 04-228 0342 Pusat Perkhidmatan Wanita (Seberang)04-397 1058 EPF 04-226 1000 SOCSO 04-238 9888 N1 Penaga : 013-499 5068 - Ridwan Osman N2 Bertam : 013-580 6981 - Asrol N3 Pinang : 019-437 2887 - Muhasdey Tunggal Muhamad N4 Permatang : 019-510 2633 - Arshad Berangan Md. Salleh N5 Sungai Dua : 019-507 3828 - Zahadi Mohd. N6 Telok Air : 019-433 7119 - Norhayati Tawar Jaafar N7 Sungai Puyu : 012-480 5495 - Mr.Lee N8 Bagan : 013-449 0366 - Yeap Choon Jermal Keong N9 Bagan : 016-473 1963 - Gesan Dalam N10 Seberang : 04-390 5109 - Nor Hayati Jaya Mohd. Iskander N11 Permatang : 019-412 8442 - Kamal Pasir 013-595 6865 - Rosli N12 Penanti : 04-522 2916 - Rodzi N13 Berapit : 016-401 3507 - Mr.Lim 017-446 1817 - Yeoh Ee Yee N14 Machang : 016-466 0664 - Andrew Chin Bubuk 012-319 1985 - Ikhwan N15 Padang : 017-552 8928 - Chan Lalang 014-945 9786 - Lai N16 Perai : 04-390 1867 - Selvi N17 Bukit : 013-518 8735 - Lim Tuan Chun Tengah N18 Bukit Tambun : 016-404 9120 - G.Dumany 017-378 4448 - Khor N19 Jawi : 017-408 4784 - Abdul Halim 012-456 5018 - Mr. Khor N20 Sungai : 019-552 8689 - Norjuliana Bakap 012-542 4454 - Hasbullah N21 Sungai : 013-597 6478 - Mohammad Acheh Razak N22 Tanjong : 016-465 0318 - Ranson Bungah PEGAWAI PENYELARAS KADUN PENAGA Ridwan Osman ridwan_wan48@yahoo.com BERTAM Asrol Sani Abdul Razak asrolsani2006@gmail.com PINANG TUNGGAL Muhasdey Muhamad hadiputra78@yahoo.com PERMATANG BERANGAN Arshad Md. Salleh arshad.salleh@yahoo.com SUNGAI DUA Zahadi Mohd. zahadi55@yahoo.com TELOK AIR TAWAR Norhayati Jaafar yatie7119@yahoo.com.my No Tel/ No Faks 013-499 5068 013-580 6981 019-437 2887 019-510 2633 019-507 3828 019-433 7119 SUNGAI ACHEH Mohammad Razak 013-597 6478 BAYAN LEPAS Asnah Hashim asnah45@hotmail.my PULAU BETONG Hj. Mohd Tuah Ismail tuahismail@yahoo.com TELUK BAHANG Dato Haji Abdul Halim Hussain abdulhalimhussain@gmail.com Talian Kecemasan & Perkhidmatan Awam 019-472 6956 019-570 9500 019-480 9599 JPJ 04-656 4131 04-398 8809 JABATAN PENDAFTARAN 04-226 5161 PUSAT INFO PELANCONG 04-261 4461 KERETAPI BUKIT BENDERA 04-828 8880 FERI (GEORGETOWN) 04-210 2363 ( BUTTERWORTH) 04-310 2377 JAMBATAN PP 04-398 7419 STESEN KERETAPI BUTTERWORTH 04-261 0290 PERSATUAN PERLINDUNGAN 04-829 4046 KANAK-KANAK CAP 04-829 9511 JABATAN BURUH 04-262 5536 PERPUSTAKAAN PP 04-229 8555 PROGRAM PENGHARGAAN WARGA EMAS/OKU/IBU TUNGGAL/ PROGRAM ANAK EMAS/ PROGRAM RAKAN ANTI KEMISKINAN/ PROGRAM PELAJAR EMAS N23 Air Putih : 04-829 0614 - Hong Kian Beng N24 Kebun : 012-493 3342 - Cheng Kok Bunga Eong N25 Pulau Tikus : 012-486 2552 - Lingam N26 Padang Kota : 012-431 7015 - Johnny Chee N27 Pengkalan : 012-401 1522 - Ch ng Chin Kota Keat N28 KOMTAR : 012-423 3227 - Benji Ang N29 Datok : 017-480 7417 - Varinder Keramat Kaur 010-464 6308 - Fuzaina N30 Sungai : 010-464 3308 - Amelia Tan Pinang N31 Batu : 04-282 6419 - Karuna Lancang N32 Seri Delima : 019-4474362 Mahen 012-5242549 James N33 Air Itam : 012-4730736 - Anne 016-4940705 - Janet N34 Paya : 012-484 1963 - Toon Hoon Terubong Lee 019-444 1039 - Sabapathee N35 Batu Uban : 016-480 0232 - Jalal 016-487 8602 - Khairul 016-444 3550 - Sathya N36 Pantai : 04-646 4700 - Aliff / Jerejak Shamsudin N37 Batu : 013-510 1968 - Latifah Maung 012-504 4836 - Ziezullhakim N38 Bayan : 019-472 6956 - Asnah Lepas Hashim N39 Pulau : 019-570 9500 - Hj. Mohd Betong Tuah Ismail N40 Telok : 019-480 9599 - Dato Haji Bahang Abdul Halim

August 1-15, 2013 13 SENARAI NAMA AHLI MAJLIS MPSP 2013 Nama Telefon Mohd Shaipol Ismail (DAP) 012-571 2250 Chandrasekeran a/l S. 012-5619870 Maniam (DAP) chanderasekeran@mpsp. gov.my Loh Joo Huat (DAP) 012-422 1133 jhloh@mpsp.gov.my Tan Chong Hee (DAP) 019-411 5598 Tan Chee Teong (DAP) 012-401 7718 Michael Tan Cheong Heng (DAP) 012-487 3101 P. David Marshel (DAP) 019-412 3397 H ng Mooi Lye (DAP) 012-425 2602 M.Satees (DAP) 016-438 4767 Chong Pei Pei (DAP) 012-476 7729 Ong Eu Leong (PKR) 010-770 0508 Rezal Huzairi Md Zaki (PKR) 017-409 7702 Abdul Jalil Che Ros (PKR) 013-489 3227 Shafiqah Shobha Abdullah (PKR) Syed Mikael Rizal Aidid (PKR) 016-496 1659 013-779 0709 Amir Md Ghazali (PKR) 013-584 8386 amir@mpsp.gov.my 04-521 1987 (Fax) Zulkiefly Saad (PKR) 013-436 2848 Mohd Rizal Abd Hamid (PKR) 012-424 3878 Ho Leng Hong (PKR) 017-487 2767 Md Jamil Abd Rahman 019-449 0007 (PAS) mdjamil@mpsp.gov.my Ahmad Kaswan Kassim 019-408 4899 (PAS) ahmadkaswan@mpsp. gov.my Wong Chee Keat (NGO) 012-451 1312 Dr. Tiun Ling Ta (NGO) lttiun@mpsp.gov.my Ahmad Tarmizi Abdullah (NGO) 04-508 0039 (Tel) 04-657 0918 (Fax) 013-414 4822 SENARAI NAMA AHLI MAJLIS MPPP 2013 Nama Telefon Tan Hun Wooi 012-488 0409 (DAP) Harvindar a/l Darshan Singh 012-428 2250 (DAP) Ong Ah Teong (DAP) 012-410 6566 Tay Leong Seng (DAP) 019-321 9392 Gooi Seong Kin (DAP) 016-457 1271 Sukumar Subramaniam 019-442 2113 (DAP) Joseph Ng Soon Siang (DAP) 012-423 9143 Tan Kim Hooi (DAP) 016-438 7855 Lee Chun Kit 012-519 2152 (DAP) Nur Fitriah Abdul Halim 019-479 9517 (DAP) Francis a/l Joseph 012-474 3321 (PKR) Muhammad Sabri Md. 013-432 0207 Osman (PKR) Ahmad Azrizal Tahir (PKR) 019-541 4818 012-498 4556 Murali Ramakrishnan 012-400 2633 (PKR) Tan Chiew Choon 019-470 4499 (PKR) Muhammad Bakhtiar Wan 019-470 8811 Chik (PKR) Lim Boon Beng (PKR) 012-564 4400 Nur Zarina Zakaria (PKR) 011-578 5098 Iszuree Ibrahim (PAS) 016-443 3205 019-450 7890 Abdul Halim Salleh (PAS) 019-432 9840 Dr. Lim Mah Hui(NGO) 012-422 1880 Sin Kok Siang (NGO) 016-422 2255 Aidi Akhbal Mohd Zainon 012-464 3004 (NGO) Mohd Foaz Hamid 016-422 2225 (NGO) BULETIN MUTIARA Tingkat 47, Komtar, 10503 Penang Phone : 04-650 5468 Fax : 04-261 5923 Email: buletinmutiara.bpkn@gmail.com EDITORIAL Editor Chan Lilian (English) Tam Poh Guek (Chinese) G.Revatic (Tamil) Writer Danny Ooi (English) Caleb Yeoh (English) Nazleen Najeeb (English) Shum Jian Wei (Chinese) Loh Guat Fern (Chinese) J. Patmavathy(Tamil) Photographers : Chan Lilian, Law Suun Ting, Mohd. Hafiz Tajudin, Alissala Thian and Ahmad Adil Muhamad Graphic Designers : Loo Mei Fern and Idzham Ahmad Kalendar Pelancongan Pulau Pinang Ogos 2013 10hb Julai - 7hb Ogos Penang Ramadhan SUOQ 2013 KOMTAR 31hb Ogos Hari Merdeka 8hb - 9hb Ogos Hari Raya Aidilfirtri Buletin Mutiara boleh diperoleh di : - Pejabat-pejabat ADUN - Pejabat-pejabat Kerajaan Negeri - Pejabat-pejabat PBA - Bukit Bendera - Pasaraya-pasaraya sekitar Pulau Pinang - Hospital-hospital Kerajaan dan Swasta - Pejabat-pejabat NGO - Edaran rumah ke rumah Jenis Iklan Saiz Kos (sebulan,rm) Satu Muka 25sm(w) x 32sm(h) 15,000 (*) Surat Separuh 25sm(w) x 16m(h) 7,500 (*) Muka Surat (melintang) Separuh 12.5sm(w) x 32m(h) 7,500 (*) Muka Surat (menegak) Bagi Maklumat Lanjut, Sila Hubungi : Shawal Ahmad: 04-650 5550, 04-650 5256, 012-424 9004 shawal@penang.gov.my atau shawal9004@gmail.com

14 August 1-15, 2013 CHIEF MINISTER OF PENANG INCORPORATED QUOTATION NOTICE QUOTATION NO: Bil. CMI / 1 / 2013 Quotations are invited from companies registered with eperolehan Negeri Pulau Pinang and Ministry of Finance (MOF) in the supplies/services/works categories under the Code: 221510 - Parking Lot that is still valid for bidding for the following quotation: Rental of Land of Chief Minister Incorporated PT 222, PT 223 and PT 224, Adjacent Lot 662-689, Lebuh Sungai Pinang 5, Section 8, George Town, North East District, Penang for Parking Lot Opening Date : Closing Date : 1 August 2013 (Thursday) 30 August 2013 (Friday) 2. Briefing and site visit for those interested in bidding is COMPULSORY. The details are as follows: Date : Time : 16 August 2013 (Friday) 9.30 a.m Vanue: PT 222, PT 223 and PT 224, Adjacent Lot 662-689, Lebuh Sungai Pinang 5, Section 8, George Town, North East District, Penang (Opposite of Strawberry Forever Restaurant) 3. The quotation document can be downloaded FREE of CHARGE from the Penang State eperolehan System at url http:// ep.penang.gov.my from 16 August 2013 (after briefing session and site visit). 4. The completed quotation document must be accompanied by the company s profile, information on experience and a copy of the Ministry of Finance certificate in the relevant category code sealed in an envelope with the quotation reference number and title written at the top right hand corner. The document must be deposited in the quotation box Bil. CMI / 1 / 2013 located at Chief Minister Of Penang Incorporated, Level 47, KOMTAR, 10503 Penang before or on 30 August 2013 (Friday) at 12 noon. Bids submitted after the date and time specified will not be entertained. 5. Kindly take note that proof of delivery is not proof of receipt and all cost associated with the above bidding of the quotation is the responsibility of the bidder. Chief Minister of Penang Incorporated (CMI) does not bind itself to accept the lowest or highest or any quotation. CMI does not have to provide any reason for the rejection, delay nor suspension of any quotation before or on the closing date of the Quotation offer. General Manager Chief Minister of Penang Incorporated

August 1-15, 2013 15 Taxi drivers get incentive Story by Danny Ooi SOME 2,373 Penang taxi drivers received the first instalment of a RM300 cash incentive each from the state government at the hand out ceremony function held in Komtar, recently. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, in his speech said a total RM600 will be given to taxi drivers every year and this sum will be divided into two instalments. Now, we are giving out for the second half of this year and in January next year, we will pay another RM300 for the first half of next year, he said. This is an encouragement to the drivers who are the frontliners in the tourism industry. Lim added that the hand out is one of the election promises made by the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in its manifesto that it will provide a cash incentive to the taxi drivers in the state if it retained power in the state. We need a mechanism to improve our taxi service as I have received some complaints of poor service so we hope that this incentive will encourage all taxi drivers to provide excellent service to tourists and their passengers, he commented. The incentive will only be given to taxi drivers who provide good service to their passengers while those who had complaints against them will receive nothing, Lim added. With this incentive, we are giving respect to the taxi drivers and their profession so that they can give the same respect to tourists, he said. A total of 1.623 taxi drivers on the island and 750 on the mainland received the cash incentive. Lim said taxi drivers, including limousine drivers at airports, are the first people who tourists meet when they arrive in Penang so it was important that they give a good first impression. Some of the taxi drivers showing their incentive money at the hand out ceremony at Komtar. This is a profession to be proud of as they are the ones to create a good impression of Penang to the tourists, he added. Meanwhile, taxi driver Lisa Chiew, 38, from Seberang Prai told Buletin Mutiara : The RM300 is a good incentive to spur our group to provide better services, bringing a good name to our trade and also to Penang. Sharing Chiew s sentiment is Asmadi Mohd Salleh, 35, from Air Itam, George Town. He said : I am very glad, that the State Government has recognised our plight. It gives us more encouragement to do our job better. Newly appointed MPPP councillors ready to serve the community Story by Danny Ooi THREE newly appointed Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) councillors are all ready to serve the local community. Nur Zarina Zakaria, 32, who is a supporter of gender equality and empowerment, hopes that her appointment as one the two women councillors in MPPP would inspire other female leaders to take up important roles in society. We can be on par with our male counterparts, if not better. This is what I hope to empower women through various education programmes that I am in the midst of organising, said the mother of four children. A women is always multitasking, from taking care of the family to carrying on a professional job, she told Buletin Mutiara. Nur Zarina, who has a Masters in Civil Engineering, currently serves as a special assistant in Penang state assembly Speaker s Law Choo Kiang s office. At the same time, she is also a member in both the MPPP Infra-structure and Transport Committee and MPPP Enforcement and Public Education Committee. The other female councillor is 26-year-old graphic designer Nur Fitriah Abdul Halim. I am a bit nervous but at the same time very excited to face the challenges. I believe this will be a good exposure for me, she said. Meanwhile, another new comer, Mohd Foaz Hamid, 47, also expressed his eagerness to serve the community. Having a diploma in Business Administration, Mohd Foaz is also serving as a committee member in both the MPPP Planning Committee and MPPP Financial Management Committee. I will utilise my 17-year experience as a consultant in the development industry to contribute in the strengthening of project planning in the state, he said. Mohd Foaz, who is also Football Association of Penang president said he was surprised to be called up by the state to fill the empty post in MPPP to represent the non-government organisation but took it as a challenge. Nur Zarina : We are on par with our male counterparts. Mohd Foaz : Will utilise experience as a development consultant to contribute to project planning. Both Mohd Foaz and Nur Zarina will serve as MPPP councillors until Dec 2013. MPPP president Datuk Patahiyah sworned in Mohd Foaz and Nur Zarina at the Town Hall in George Town, Penang on July 24.

16 August 1-15, 2013 Time to put children first By The Childcare Team, PWDC I don t have enough time!, Time flies!, Oh no! 6 months have passed by! As the saying goes, time and tide waits for no man. So, we rush from meeting to meeting, gobble down our meals, rush to get out of traffic congestion, rush through appointments with friends, rush through household chores and, not forgetting, rush to be the first to tweet or update our Facebook on events happening around us. In all this madness, are we rushing through our children s growth and development as well? Our children are the hope and future of the nation. As our future lies in their precious hands, have we done enough in molding them, providing a safe place and quality care to ensure that the well-being of every child is well taken care of? With the recent cases of negligence happening at childcare centres and homes, the most recent one being where a 5 month old baby girl choked to death while drinking milk at her babysitter s house, how safe are our children these days? The Penang State Government recognises the importance of our children s development and well-being. In March 2013, the state government because the first in the country to pass a Childcare Policy and Action Plan with the theme Putting Children First. The activities spelt out in the 3-year Childcare Action Plan are currently being carried out by the Penang Women s Development Corporation (PWDC), which is chaired by the Penang State Exco Member for Youth and Sports, Women, Family and Community Development, YB Chong Eng. Much has been said about the importance of childcare in enhancing women s labour force participation and socio-economic empowerment. In this article, we would like to highlight the equally important perspective to childcare, that of upholding children s rights and protecting their interests. On the whole, Penang has a very young population. 66 per cent are below the age of 40, and 20 per cent below the age of 12. Unfortunately, when it comes to childcare in Penang, there is a great mismatch between supply and demand. Statistics show that for all five districts combined, the ratio of childcare centres aged 0 to 12 years is 1:1,352. This means that on average, we are only providing one childcare centre for every 1,352 children in the state! To make matters worse, there is a clear disparity in the developmental level between the various districts. The more urban districts of Daerah Timur Laut (DTL) and Daerah Barat Daya (DBD) on the island, and Seberang Perai Tengah (SPT) on the mainland, enjoy a faster pace of growth and more urban amenities. By comparison, Seberang Perai Selatan (SPS) is highly disadvantaged, with the ratio of children to centres being almost twice of that in DTL. There is limited public sector and employers provision of childcare to working parents. Aside from low supply, the quality of existing childcare is also an issue. The supply of childcare in Penang is largely private sector driven. This leads not only to prohibitive cost, especially for low income families, but also uneven quality of care. Childcare is not purely a business or commercial venture; in order to be truly effective, providers need to invest beyond basic custodial care, which in turn requires higher investments in terms of the human and material resources involved. Arguably, many don t. Related to this is the major problem of registration or licensing of childcare centres, or rather the lack thereof. Many childcare centres are unregistered and therefore not monitored. The percentage of unlicensed private childcare centres is particularly high in Penang Island; over half are unlicensed, with DBD at 58 per cent and DTL at 55 per cent. Providers who wish to register their centres face various problems with the requirement to convert their (often rented) premises from residential to commercial use. Often, neighbours object. These residential areas were not originally planned to accommodate the growing need for childcare centres. To alleviate the situation, PWDC is working together with MPPP, MPSP and other government agencies to improve current development guidelines in planning provisions for childcare centres, as well as urban planning in general. Last but certainly not least is the importance of quality care and an inclusive environment for children with special needs. Special children need special care. Yet it is essential that they also be given the opportunity to interact with other children in an inclusive environment. This is dismally lacking in Penang. Very few local centres will take in special needs children, on the grounds that they lack the necessary capacity and qualified staff, but also, sadly, because there is objection from parents of other children enrolled at these centres. The Penang Childcare Policy and Action Plan emphasises the need for inclusiveness, including provision of training for the carers of special children. Part of the strategy in the Childcare Action Plan is to work towards the formation of a separate, dedicated Child Unit within the state government mechanism to look into the welfare and interests of children. Childcare is not a private issue but a public one. It requires the cooperation of all stakeholders involved, including the government or public sector, the private sector and civil society to bring about positive change in the provision and quality of services for the wellbeing of Penang s children. We welcome you to share with us your views and suggestions to better enhance the quality of childcare in Penang by writing to us at info@ pwdc.org.my.

August 1-15, 2013 17 Lim refutes minister s not cooperative claim Story by Mark James CHIEF Minister Lim Guan Eng has refuted claims by Health Minister Datuk Dr. S. Subramaniam that the Penang government is unwilling to cooperate with the investigation of three doctors accused of being racist. Lim said he has asked Subramaniam to provide some proof of the accusations but is disappointed to find that instead of a joint effort to solve the issue, it has now been politicised by Subramaniam and the media. In Utusan Malaysia and Harian Metro recently, it was reported that Lim s administration is being uncooperative with the Health Ministry in dealing with the serious accusation of racist doctors, citing the lack of communication and response from the state government. Expressing his disappointment with Subramaniam, Lim said the state government is waiting for the submission of proof of the accusations made and that Lim s office had not received any request for information from the Ministry. On July 26, Deputy Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya accused the state government of not responding to requests to produce an official report on the issue. Dr. Afif Bahardin, Agriculture & Agro-Based Industry, Rural Development and Health exco, rebutted that without any evidence produced by the Dr. Afif wants for some sort of proof from Dr.Hilmi before jumping to conclusions that the state government is uncooperative. alleged offended patients, there can be no official report and had cautioned taking legal action for the move to discredit the state government if the Health Ministry does not withdraw the accusations. Lim hopes that the Health Ministry will be able to stop politicizing the issue so that both parties can get to the root of the problem and resolve it without having to resort to any legal means. FROM PAGE 1 my home to Gurney (at peak hours) but now it can take up to an hour - 45 minutes of which is spent stuck in the crawl that starts outside Gleneagles hospital, but then again it s still in the early stages of change so maybe in time it will get better. Road user Greg Warrier lamented that the state government and Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) are fighting a losing battle in trying to ease the traffic situation. Gottlieb Road was widened into three lanes. Immediately the motorists started using the extra lane for parking especially in front of the famous food court and while waiting to pick up children from the two schools. Another antic is doing an illegal U-turn while driving on this same stretch thus holding up traffic on either side. Lim Cheng Cheng, a housewife, commented that driving around takes so much more time now. The main problem is beside that Gurney Drive U-turn into Gurney Plaza would be people parking their cars along major roads like Jalan Burmah. They park selfishly, reducing the main road by one lane and disrupting the flow. Wrapping it up, Lim Hui Jien, a bank executive in Georgetown, said: It helps a lot, especially during normal driving hours when I go to work in town. However, enforcement has to be stricter, and people should stop parking by the road side just to go to the mall. With Paragon open now, Penangites all want to visit the new mall, parking the Penang way by double and even triple-parking. In a nutshell, having a one-way flow of traffic on these three main roads on the island would improve traffic conditions, on paper. External factors like selfish motorists and stopping along main roads also come into play, causing an even greater The bumper-to-bumper crawl starting to pile up outside the new Gurney Paragon Mall. jam for all. Let s work together and show a bit of consideration when driving to make Penang a better place to live, work and drive in. Ultimately, a new system will only work if and when everyone abides, accepts and cooperates with it.

18 August 1-15, 2013 Kenyataan Media oleh YB Lim Hock Seng, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kerja Raya, Utiliti (Tenaga, Air, Telekom) & Pengangkutan (Udara, Laut, Keretapi) Pada 18 Julai 2013 di Komtar, George Town, Pulau Pinang BORANG KEPUASAN PELANGGAN BAGI PERKHIDMATAN FERI PULAU PINANG Dimaklumkan bahawa Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang akan melaksanakan suatu kajian kepuasan pelanggan berkenaan perkhidmatan feri di Pulau Pinang. Kajian ini kemudiannya akan dipanjangkan kepada Penang Port Sdn. Bhd. (PPSB) untuk diambil tindakan sewajarnya. Inisiatif ini dilaksanakan berikutan Kerajaan Negeri menerima banyak aduan melalui surat, e-mel, panggilan telefon serta secara bersemuka daripada orang awam. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat membantu pihak PPSB agar dapat mempertingkatkan mutu perkhidmatan feri yang sedia ada dan membolehkan pihak PPSB mengambil perhatian terhadap komen yang diberikan oleh orang awam. Kajian kepuasan pelanggan ini akan berlangsung dari 23 Julai 2013 hingga 31 Ogos 2013. Orang awam boleh mendapatkan atau memuat turun borang kepuasan pelanggan ini daripada: kaunter Tingkat 3 Komtar; laman web rasmi Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang iaitu www.penang.gov.my; portal rasmi YAB Ketua Menteri iaitu cm.penang.gov.my; Buletin Mutiara; dan Facebook YAB Ketua Menteri iaitu CM Lim Guan Eng dan Facebook Buletinmutiara. Borang kajian pelanggan yang telah siap diisi ini bolehlah dialamatkan ke: YB Lim Hock Seng Ahli Exco Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang Tingkat 52, Komtar 10502 Pulau Pinang atau Masukkan borang berkenaan ke dalam kotak khas yang disediakan di kaunter Kerajaan Tingkat 3, Komtar. Sekian, terima kasih. (Sila tandakan [ ] pada kotak yang berkaitan) BORANG KEPUASAN PELANGGAN BAGI PERKHIDMATAN FERI PULAU PINANG Bahagian A: Demografi 1. Nama Penuh: 2. Jantina: Lelaki Perempuan 3. Umur: i. kurang dari 18 tahun ii. 19 hingga 39 tahun iii. 40 hingga 59 tahun iv. 60 tahun dan ke atas 4. Tempoh penggunaan feri: i. kurang dari 1 tahun ii. 1 hingga 5 tahun iii. melebihi 5 tahun iv. lain-lain (sila nyatakan: tahun) 5. Kekerapan penggunaan feri dalam tempoh seminggu: (pergi dan balik) i. 1 kali sahaja ii. 2 hingga 4 kali iii. 5 hingga 7 kali iv. melebihi 7 kali Bahagian B: Kebersihan 6. Terminal berikut berada dalam keadaan bersih dan selesa untuk digunakan i. Terminal Feri Sultan Abdul Halim Ya Tidak (Seberang Perai) ii. Terminal Feri Raja Tun Uda Ya Tidak (Pulau) 7. Keadaan feri adalah bersih dan selesa untuk pengguna Ya Tidak 8. Tandas di terminal/feri berada dalam keadaan yang bersih Ya Tidak Bahagian C: Kemudahan 9. Lorong feri yang disediakan bagi kenderaan bermotor mencukupi bagi menampung kapasiti pengguna sedia ada Ya Tidak 10. Tangga elektrik di Terminal Feri Sultan Abdul Halim (Seberang Perai) berfungsi dengan baik: Ya Tidak 11. Lorong pejalan kaki (ramp) di kedua-dua terminal adalah sesuai digunakan bagi semua peringkat umur pengguna Ya Tidak 12. Kipas angin yang disediakan di kawasan menunggu di keduadua terminal mencukupi Ya Tidak 13. Kipas angin yang disediakan di kawasan menunggu di keduadua terminal berfungsi dengan baik Ya Tidak Bahagian D: Keselamatan 14. Sesetengah feri menempatkan penumpang dan kenderaan bermotor dalam satu dek yang sama. Kaedah ini i. tidak menjejaskan keselamatan penumpang Ya Tidak ii. tidak menjejaskan kesihatan penumpang Ya Tidak 15. Pemandu membawa feri dengan berhemah Ya Tidak 16. Tidak pernah melihat berlakunya insiden di mana penumpang cedera ketika feri merapat Ya Tidak Bahagian E: Perkhidmatan 17. Ketibaan/pelepasan feri mematuhi jadual masa yang ditetapkan Ya Tidak 18. Bilangan feri yang disediakan mencukupi terutamanya pada waktu puncak Ya Tidak Bahagian F: Cadangan Penambahbaikan/Komen -TERIMA KASIH ATAS KERJASAMA TUAN/PUAN- Sila alamatkan ke: 1) YB Lim Hock Seng Ahli Exco Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang Tingkat 52, Komtar 10502 Pulau Pinang atau 2) Masukkan borang ini ke dalam kotak khas yang disediakan di kaunter Kerajaan Tingkat 3, Komtar

August 1-15, 2013 19 JABATAN KEWANGAN NEGERI PULAU PINANG KENYATAAN TAWARAN SEBUT HARGA Tawaran adalah dipelawa kepada Syarikat / Pembekal / Pengusaha yang berdaftar dengan Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) bagi menyertai sebut harga berikut : Bil. No. Sebut Harga JKNPP Tajuk Projek Tarikh Lawatan Tapak Tarikh dan Masa Sebut Harga Ditutup 1. JKNPP 8 / 2013 Sebut Harga Penyertaan Gerai Jualan, Pameran dan Medan Selera Pesta Pulau Pinang Tahun 2013 yang akan berlangsung dari 26 November 2013 hingga 31 Disember 2013 Tarikh : 26 Ogos sehingga 30 Ogos 2013. (Isnin - Jumaat) Tempat : Tapak Pesta Sungai Nibong Pulau Pinang Jam : 9.00 Pagi - 4.00Petang. ( Isnin Khamis ) 9.00 Pagi 12.00 T/hari ( Jumaat ) Tarikh Tutup : 03 Sept. 2013 ( Selasa ) Jam : 12.00 T/hari 1. Penyebut harga yang ingin menyertai sebut harga ini hendaklah mendapatkan borang sebut harga di Pejabat Urusetia Tapak Pesta Sungai Nibong, Pulau Pinang pada tarikh dan masa Lawatan Tapak di atas. Bayaran RM 10.00 dikenakan bagi setiap borang sebut harga yang dijual dan satu borang sebut harga hanya terhad untuk satu lot sahaja. Borang sebut harga tidak boleh difotostat. Penyebut harga yang menggunakan borang yang difotostat tidak akan dipertimbangkan. 2. Penyebut harga boleh mendapatkan maklumat mengenai lot-lot yang hendak ditawarkan semasa lawatan tapak dijalankan. Pembahagian lot-lot gerai dan kawasan lapang adalah mengikut sektorsektor berikut : - Permaidani - Produk keluaran kilang - Tekstil dan Pakaian - Produk Kesihatan - Produk berasaskan kayu, - Produk Pelancongan Bingkai hiasan gambar dll. - Makanan & Minuman - Automotif - Hiasan Dalaman/Landskap - Makanan dan Minuman Ringan - Elektrik & Elektronik - Industri Kecil & Sederhana - Produk Perubatan Tradisional, - Permainan Kanak-Kanak / Belon Herba, Gamat dan yang berkaitan - Industri Kecil & Sederhana - Kraftangan / Batik - Benih-benih tanaman 3. Bagi lot untuk Medan Selera adalah dikhaskan untuk perniagaan makanan dan minuman sahaja dan lebih diutamakan kepada makanan tempatan yang mempunyai tarikan tersendiri. Maklumat mengenai lot-lot yang ditawarkan boleh didapati semasa lawatan tapak dijalankan. 4. Dokumen sebut harga hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam sampul dengan menyatakan lot gerai/kawasan yang dipohon di penjuru sebelah kiri sampul. Dokumen hendaklah dihantar secara manual dan dimasukkan ke dalam peti tawaran sebut harga di Jabatan Kewangan Negeri Pulau Pinang, Aras 23 KOMTAR, 10990 Pulau Pinang. Tarikh tutup tawaran sebut harga ini ialah pada 03 September 2013 (Selasa) jam 12.00 tengahari. Sebut harga yang lewat diterima tidak akan dipertimbangkan.

20 August 1-15, 2013 Bubur lambuk for all Story by Caleb Yeoh THE bubur lambuk is a popular dish during the fasting month of Ramadan in Malaysia and is usually prepared and distributed at the local mosques for the breaking of fast. Following this Ramadan tradition, a joint effort by the Deputy Chief Minister s office and the Students Legislative Council of Penang (MPMPP) to distribute bubur lambuk to all members of the public was held on July 31. Present at the occasion was Deputy Chief Minister I Mohd Rashid Hasnon, who was seen giving out the packets of porridge to anyone and everyone who passed by the main entrance of the Komtar building. A total of 500 packets of porridge were prepared and given out at about 4.30pm on that Wednesday evening. Mohd Rashid (centre) with staff from his office and MPMPP representatives all set to give out the 500 packets of bubur lambuk. Cheering them up for Raya Strata title after 16-year wait (From left) Malik, Sim and Rashid handing over a Hari Raya goodie bag to a recipient during the function. IT was a fun time and great food for some 60 less fortunate residents from the Batu Maung /Bayan Lepas constituency who attended a buka puasa function at Masjid Al-Huda in Sungai Ara on July 19. They were among 200 guests at the function graced by Penang Governor Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas. Also present were Deputy Chief Minister 1 Mohd Rashid Hasnon, Batu Maung assemblymember Datuk Abdul Malik Abul Kassim and Bayan Baru MP Sim Tze Tzin. ON Aug 4, Paya Terubong assemblymember Yeoh Soon Hin (fourth from right) announced to the residents of Block 9, 11 & 11A of Taman Paya Terubong that their strata title had been released 16 years after they obtained their OC.His announcement was met with loud cheers and much joy. I have fought for the residents that the title be kept by the Bahagian Perumahan and not released to the liquidator which will help the residents to save RM2,500 in administrative fees. It is a great success to the rakyat, Yeoh updated on his Facebook.

August 1-15, 2013 21 Serving The People Story by Caleb Yeoh THE term serve the people, or put the people first has been thrown back and forth in governments dating back to the earliest forms of governance. Question is, how does a state government actually serve the people? For the state of Penang, one particular avenue that has been enacted as of late would be the opening of new service centres throughout the island. The main purpose of these service centres, present in each district on the island, is to serve the people in various ways. Services provided here range from housing to water to even providing governmental financial aid. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who has attended numerous openings of new service centres, stated that with these new outlets, it would be easier for the general population of Penang to seek aid from the state. Instead of the people coming to us for help, we make it easier by bringing aid to them, as close as we can, Lim added. For any further inquiries and contact numbers for the various service centres and types of aid offered by the state, refer to the list on pages 12 and 13 of any issue of Buletin Mutiara. A lion dance troupe performing at the opening ceremony of one of the new service centres. Penang to see dedicated bicycle lanes soon Story and pix by Mark James ADDRESSING a crowd of enthusiastic cyclists in the early morning of Aug 3 in front of Paradise Sandy Beach Resort, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng proudly launched a public consultation for the proposed bicycle lanes on carriageways in Penang. Introducing the Green Road Sharing Concept, Lim said this trial bicycle lane will pave the way for Phase 1 Coastal Cycling Route which will see dedicated bicycle lanes on the coast from Queensbay to Komtar if well received. With the objective and need to create a safer cycling experience for the growing number of cyclists in Penang, the Penang government and the Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) have launched a trial lane on Jalan Tanjung Tokong and invite the public to submit their feedback to improve the bicycle lane facility. The 120-metre trial lane just after Dalat International School has been set up with breaks of 30 metres to test four different types of materials durability as well as each of their suitability. If successful, this trial lane will be expanded to Balik Pulau as it is one of the more popular cycling routes in Penang. Besides encouraging the healthy lifestyle of cycling, the state government hopes to foster tolerance between motorists and cyclists and also to prompt more of the public to pick up cycling as an alternative mode of transport, in line with making Penang the first bicycle state in Malaysia. For one month, from Aug 4 to Sept 3, members of the public, especially cyclists, can give their opinion on the shared lane implementation as the It s all smiles from cyclists and Lim at the prospect of new bicycle lanes in Penang. feedback will gauge the level of support for the project. Those who would like to submit their opinions and feedback may do so through email at grsc@mppp.gov. my or posting on the official page Green Road Sharing Concept on Facebook. Unprivileged treated to Buka Puasa Story by Danny Ooi IT was an evening to remember for some 50 children from the Naishatyul Aishah Home in Balik Pulau when Hotel Royal in George Town treated them to a buka puasa buffet recently. The children were part of the 200 guests, who included senior citizens, single mothers and the handicapped, invited by the hotel management to bring cheer to the less fortunate during Ramadan. The hotel s assistant sales manager Mellissa King said the annual event was part of the hotel s corporate social responsibility programme for the past years. This is our way of sharing our love with those in our community who are in need of care and attention, she said. Meanwhile, Insaniah Penang Welfare Association chairman Jamaliah Din said doners have contributed in cash and kind amounting to RM10,000 for the Ramadan and Hari Raya Puasa. These donations will be used to help bring cheer to the needy and the less fortunate, she added. Meanwhile, for the fasting month, Hotel Royal Penang team of chefs have prepared a royal gourmet extravaganza of local favourites like Nasi Arab with Ayam Mandhy, Nasi Tomato with Ayam Masak Merah, Salmon Masak Lemak, Udang Masak Madu, Ayam Goreng Berempah and a host of appetisers and desserts. Heading the team will be sous chef Rozairy Roslan or Hotel Royal Penang general manager Masni Shaik Dali (left) spending a light moment with the children and other guests at the berbuka puasa function. better know as Chef Harry. His main forte is the preparation of local delicacies such as Dalchha Tulang, Bubur Lambuk and many more authentic local dishes.

22 August 1-15, 2013 The visually - impaired residents of St. Nicholas Home were not left out in the coming Hari Raya celebrations. Batu Maung asssemblymember Datuk Abdul Malik Abul Kassim paid a visit to deliver hampers for the residents and also gave a small contributions to the St. Nicholas Home to prepare buka puasa meals for the residents. An assemblymember s work includes comforting distressed fire victims who have just lost their homes. Seen in the photo is Jawi assemblymember Soon Lip Chee offering a cup of water to comfort a woman whose house in Ladang Kalidonia was burnt on July 25. Students from SM Sains Tun Syed Shahabuddin, Bukit Mertajam, are excited to be part of the Seberang Perai Municipal Council s (MPSP) Eco Rangers which was launched on July 31 by MPSP secretary Rozali Mohamud. These students will be the warriors to protect and care for the environment through various activities. The event was also marked by the planting of trees in the school compound. In view of the influx of passengers wanting to balik kampung for Hari Raya, assembymember for Batu Uban Dr. T. Jayabalan made a site visit to the Sungai Nibong bus terminal. Accompanying him were Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) officers and they also attended to complaints on a missing manhole cover and other matters. Dr Jayabalan is a newly elected state assemblymember but has a lot of experience helping the people and attending to their complaints.