Student Exchange Activities Calcium Deficiency Raises Risk of Elderly Hypertension B A Faculty H were found to suffer from hypertension. A pressure ov

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United BA Student Awarded 2005 Rhodes Scholarship Expert Shows How Supply Chain Management Can Create New Values s. E v e l y n Chan H i u - t u n g o f U n i t e d activities. She teamed up with three other students College has been chosen as Hong Kong of the Faculty of Business Administration at Rhodes Scholar for the year 2005. Evelyn is the C U H K to participate in the Copenhagen Business tenth C U H K student to have been awarded this School Case Competition. Among 12 teams from M prestigious scholarship making world renowned business schools, C U H K the local university w i t h the C U H K team t o o k second the most Rhodes scholars. runner-up. A keen debater, Evelyn Currently a final-year student m a j o r i n g i n business administration, rof. Hau L. Lee, Thoma Professor of Operations, Information P Technology at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, delivered a L i & Fung Lecture on Commerce Industry on 30th May at the JW Marriott. The lecture was entitled 'Value-creating Supply Chain Management'. In attendance were over 200 government officials, consulate generals, company CEOs, University officers, M B A alumni. S u p p l y c h a i n m a n a g e m e n t i s about the was awarded the best debater in coordination of information, material financial the l o c a l J o i n t flow. It is viewed as the backbone for the efficient Universities delivery of goods to services Master of Philosophy studies i n selected to represent C U H K at the companies. But it can also serve as social anthropology at the World Universities Debating an engine for value creation. The University of Oxford in October Championship in Toronto. Evelyn talk described how companies that 2005. also participated i n the China have mastered a g i l i t y i n their E v e l y n has d e m o n s t r a t e d Career D e v e l o p m e n t A w a r d operations, adapted their supply herself to be an individual of high Programme, took part in a Debating Competition E v e l y n w i l l begin her intellectual ability, with a strong academic record month-long internship in Shanghai. w e l l considered ambitions. She is also an The Rhodes Scholarships were established outgoing young woman of integrity maturity. after the death of Sir Cecil Rhodes in 1902, She enjoys interacting with people is active were originally allocated to students f r o m the in a range of extracurricular activities. Commonwealth countries, the US Germany. During her studies at C U H K, Evelyn was on Since the inclusion of Hong Kong to the list of a yearlong exchange at the University of Chicago, countries in 1985, one student from Hong Kong was an enthusiastic participant of cultural has been honoured as Rhodes Scholar each year. Honours for Two Ph.D. Students r. Chen Hon Fai, a Ph.D. student of the M r. Wang Junqi, a Ph.D. student i n the Department of Sociology, has won the Department of Biology under the supervision of M first prize in the Journal of Classical Sociology (JCS) 2005 Prize Essay Competition. The prizewinning article 'Self-reference, Mutual I d e n t i f i c a t i o n A f f e c t : The Parsonsian Problem of Order Reconsidered' was previously published in JCS. This marks the first time the prize is awarded to a Chinese student. chains to meet the unique needs of the market, aligned the interests of their supply chain partners, can penetrate new markets, build customer loyalty, gain market share, generate profits, ultimately create great market value. Prof. Lee is the founding current director of the Stanford Global Supply Chain Management Forum, an industry-academic consortium to advance the theory practice of global supply chain management. Fifth Anniversary of CUHK-Tsinghua MBA Programme he Chinese University Tsinghua University jointly launched the T M B A Programme in Finance in 2000. On 15th May 2005, the two partners celebrated the fifth anniversary of the programme at the School of Prof. Jiang Liwen, was awarded the 'Best Student Economics Management of Tsinghua University, Beijing. In attendance Oral Presentation' at the 8th International Workshop were over 250 teachers, alumni students of the programme. on Seeds, held f r o m 8th to 13th M a y 2005 i n Highlights included a finance forum an alumni reunion themed 'My Brisbane, Australia. His presentation was on Enterprise I'. The two institutions presented Outsting Contribution 'Molecular Mechanism of Protein Mobilization in Awards to founders of the programme. They included Prof. Zhao Chunjun, Germinating Seeds: The roles of Vacuolar Sorting dean of the School of Economics Management of Tsinghua University, Receptor Proteins Multivesicular Bodies'. Prof. Lee Tien-sheng, dean of the C U H K Faculty of Business Administration, Prof. He Jia, director of the M B A Programme in Finance, Prof. Chen New Milestone in Collaboration f o r CUHK University of Aberdeen Guoquan of Tsinghua's School of Economics Management. The University signed a memorum of understing with the University of Aberdeen on 2nd June 2005 to promote academic research collaboration student exchange. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (right), vice-chancellor of C U H K, signed the memorum with Prof. C. Duncan Rice (left), vice-chancellor of the University of Aberdeen, on C U H K campus. Under the agreement, the t w o partners w i l l engage i n collaborative research, faculty student exchange, organize academic conferences symposia. Founded i n 1945, the U n i v e r s i t y o f Aberdeen is Scotl's third oldest university the f i f t h oldest i n the U K. Its research excellence has allowed it to secure its position as a leading research-led institution attract some of the world's most distinguished scholars. From left: Prof. He Jia, Prof. He Jiankun, vice president of Tsinghua University, Prof. Kenneth Young, pro-vice-chancellor of CUHK, Prof. Zhao Chunjun, Prof. Chen Guoquan No. 262 19th June 2005 1

Student Exchange Activities Calcium Deficiency Raises Risk of Elderly Hypertension B A Faculty H were found to suffer from hypertension. A pressure over 140/90 m m H g, similar trend for the protective effect of affects about 55 per cent of elderly subjects dietary calcium intake against hypertension in Hong Kong. In Westernized societies, was detected. y p e r t e n s i o n, d e f i n e d as b l o o d h i g h salt intake c o m b i n e d w i t h l o w Subjects w i t h higher calcium intake potassium calcium intakes, other tend to have lower blood pressure f a c t o r s may be r e s p o n s i b l e f o r the reduced risk of hypertension. Age-related prevalence of hypertension related increases in blood pressure are attenuated complications among seniors. by higher calcium intake. Calcium may The Faculty of Medicine has conducted help decrease blood pressure by increasing two studies to determine the prevalence of sodium excretion by the kidneys hypertension in older subjects in Hong Kong relaxing blood vessels. Seven top Year 1 to Year 3 students from the B B A Programme in Insurance, Financial Actuarial Analysis of the University took part in the first Swiss Re University Student Exchange Programme from 27th May to 5th June. Sponsored by Swiss Reinsurance Co. Ltd. coorganized by the Chinese University, the programme provides insurance students of Hong Kong mainl China with a chance to enhance their knowledge of the culture the insurance industries of the two regions. The students arrived in Shanghai on 27th May for a five-day visit which covered Bao Steel Company, Shanghai Biochip Company, an A I G subsidiary in China, China Pacific Insurance Company, China Life Insurance Company, Shanghai Stock Exchange Market, the Shanghai University of Finance Economics. The H o n g K o n g visit, w h i c h began on 1st June, covered the O f f i c e o f the Commissioner of Insurance, HSBC Insurance (Asia-Pacific) Holdings Ltd., HSBC Broking, Swiss Reinsurance Company, Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance ( H K ) Ltd., in relation to their calcium intake. Among The Faculty of Medicine urges seniors 110 vegetarians aged over 55, 65 per cent to consumer more calcium potassium were found to have hypertension. They were less salt as protection against hypertension, Department the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. of Psychology found to have lower calcium potassium to be aware of the crucial role intake but higher salt intake. Among 234 of calcium i n disease prevention its Chinese University organized the Student Visitor Exchange Programme 2005 from 19th free-living subjects aged over 55,53 per cent main dietary sources. to 24th M a y i n Beijing. The aim is to provide psychology students f r o m the three The Psychology Departments of Peking University, Taiwan University, the institutions with an informal educational Chung Chi Receives HK$1 Million Mr. Alfred W.F. Hau (right), Chung Chi graduate executor trustee of the Estate of Hardman Lew Quan, presenting a HK$1 million cheque on 15th April to Chung Chi C o l l e g e w h i c h is represented by its head, Prof. Leung Yuen-sang Queenie opportunity to advance their academic knowledge of the subject to improve communication among the psychology departments. The C U H K delegation was led by Prof. Chan Wai Prof. Winnie Mak of the Department of Psychology. They visited the Institute of Psychology which enhanced their understing of the development of psychology in China. Global Study Finds Hong Kong One of the Least Entrepreneurial ong Kong's total entrepreneurial H activity in 2004 is still among the CUHK Hosts I n t e r - S c h o o l lowest in the world, according to a study Robotics Competition conducted by the Centre for Entrepreneurship he Faculty of Engineering j o i n t l y secondary school students who competed organized the first Internet-based using soccer robots p r o v i d e d by the Robotics Inter-School Competition (IRIS) organizer. IRIS-2, by invitation for w i t h the H o n g K o n g T Technology higher forms, required the teams to design Education Association. The competition, their o w n robots. The c o m p e t i t i o n w h i c h comprised a series of Internet e n h a n c e d the s t u d e n t s ' robotic soccer matches, is based on the experience i n Internet technology latest networked mechatronics control robotics cultivated teamwork technology researched developed by sportsmanship, w h i c h are essential hs-on the faculty in collaboration with its mainl attributes for good engineers. overseas research partners. The The launch ceremony the first event was solely sponsored by the Shun round were held on 28th May 2005 in the Hing Charity Education Fund. William M.W. Mong Engineering Building. The ceremony was officiated by Prof. Kenneth Young, pro-vicechancellor, M r. D a v i d M o n g, chairman of the Shun H i n g Charity Education Fund, M r. M.H. All, director-general of the University jointly with the Shenzhen Academy of Social Sciences. The study is the third of a three-year study of entrepreneurship led by C U H K to measure Hong Kong's performance against (GEM) Prof. Jack Cheng (left), pro-vice-chancellor, Prof. Chua Bee-leng officiating at the launch of the centre on 24th May 2005 Consortium, an international consortium of measure called total entrepreneurship some 150 researchers in over 40 countries activity which counts the percentage of some 30 other economies in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor who periodically p o l l entrepreneurship adults in the population that are involved worldwide. The G E M is a research project in starting new companies in the last three launched by leading scholars from Babson years, the study shows that Hong Kong, College the London School of Business w i t h three per cent of the population in 1999 to measure, on an annual basis, involved i n new start-ups, is among the entrepreneurship around the world. From least entrepreneurial in the world trails 2003, the Hong Kong study also covers well behind Shenzhen with 11.6 per cent. Shenzhen as w e l l as the cross-border Barriers to early stage entrepreneurial entrepreneurial activities. activity are found to be Hong Kong's high The Hong Kong team is led by Prof. cost base, lack of entrepreneurial education Chua Bee-leng, director of the C U H K inadequate links between R & D Centre for Entrepreneurship. U s i n g a the market. of telecommunications. Sixteen w i n n i n g teams Corrigendum competed in the second round on 4th June 2005 after w h i c h eight teams n the article 'CUHK's First Course on Bone Anchored Hearing', in Issue 261 of the I CUHK Newsletter, the f i r s t sentence should have read 'The D i v i s i o n o f Otorhinolaryngology of the Department of Surgery the Institute of H u m a n The competition consisted of two won tickets to the final competition, to be levels, IRIS-1 IRIS-2. IRIS-1 was an held on 2nd July 2005 together w i t h the Communicative Research of the University jointly organized the University's inaugural open competition for both primary IRIS-2 competition. Bone Anchored Hearing A i d ( B A H A ) Course on 30th April.' 2 No. 262 19th June 2005

World's Top Economists Delivers Sun Hung Kai Properties Prof. Sir James A. Mirrlees Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures Prof. Edmund S. Phelps Six distinguished economists, including three Nobel laureates, shared their insight w i t h an audience o f over a thous i n Hong Kong on the topic o f 'Emergence of China in the World Economy' at the Sun Hung K a i Properties Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures, Jointly organized by the Chinese University Sun Hung K a i Properties (SHKP), the lectures were held on 3rd June at the Kowloon Shangri-la. The speakers were Nobel laureates i n economic sciences Prof. Edward C. Prescott (2004), Prof. Robert A. Mundell (1999), Prof. Sir James A. Mirrlees (1996), as well as world-class economists Prof. Alberto F. Alesina Prof. A l b e r t o F. Alesina Prof. Robert J. Barro from Harvard University, Prof. Edmund S. Phelps from Columbia University. Government economist Mr. K w o k K w o k Chuen, Dr. Victor Fung, chairman o f the L i & Fung Prof. Edward C. P r e s c o t t Prof. Robert J. Barro Group, were the other panelists. The Hon. Henry Tang, Acting Chief Executive of the H K S A R, Dr. Raymond K w o k, vice-chairman managing director o f SHKP, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, vice-chancellor o f the University, presided at the opening ceremony. The 2005 lectures were coordinated by the newly established Institute o f Economics of the Chinese University. The Sun Hung Prof. Lawrence J. Lau described the forum as an excellent opportunity for the lay audience to appreciate the challenges faced by the Chinese economy i n the age of globalization, a useful platform for academics experts i n the field to exchange views on ways of addressing these issues. Dr. Raymond K w o k explained that SHKP Laureates made possible recognized fields particularly the young, offering them tools information they need for meeting future challenges, above all, physiology medicine, guiding inspiring the people o f Hong Kong through the examples it offers of rigorous scholarship i n action. peace, (physics, economic lectures Prof. Mirrlees is distinguished professor-at- Prof. M u n d e l l has been professor of economics large of the Chinese University. He shared the at Columbia University since 1974. His writings Nobel Prize w i t h Prof. W i l l i a m Vickrey of Columbia include over a hundred articles i n scientific University for their fundamental contributions to journals books. He prepared one of the first the economic theory of incentives under plans for a common currency i n Europe is asymmetric information. He was knighted for k n o w n as the father of the theory of o p t i m u m contributions to economic science i n 1997. Prof. currency areas. He has also w r i t t e n extensively o n Mirrlees' w o r k laid the foundation for the m o d e m the history of the international monetary system analysis of complex information incentive played a significant role i n the founding of the problems. I n his lecture 'Changing Inequality i n the Chinese Economy', Prof. Mirrlees expressed the view that though urbanization may increase inequality for chemistry, sciences) fiscal policy under different exchange rate regimes his analysis of o p t i m u m currency areas. that i n the next two decades, China should witness Economy' covered the topics of the rise of China as enormous migration from rural to urban areas an economic power, China's macroeconomic the resulting higher urban incomes w i l l contribute to condition, issues relating to the renminbi. He the lower parts of the distribution. He also said that advised against floating the renminbi as a policy rural subsidies such as better schools, healthcare, for achieving monetary stability, proposing infrastructure, agricultural subsidies are necessary if inflation targeting as a relevant option. He inequality is to be reduced sooner. observed that large swings i n the dollar-renminbi exchange rate are very damaging to China Economy at Columbia University. He has served as consultant of the Treasury Department, Senate Finance Committee, Federal Reserve Board of the US. His monumental contribution of economics includes introducing imperfect information imperfect knowledge to macroeconomics. He pioneered the first generation of economic models of unemployment inflation based on microfoundations was the first to stress the importance of reorganizing macroeconomic theory by revising the postulates of the neoclassical paradigm w i t h regard to information knowledge. sectors. professional entrepreneurial scholarly society expertise, pursuits in to promote dissemination knowledge, Launched the series is intended discovery scholars in the education commercial Hong 2004, the of as well as contributions to humanity. Euro. I n 1999, he received the Nobel Prize i n His lecture 'The Renminbi the Global Prof. Phelps is McVickar Professor of Political with to public economic sciences for his analysis of monetary a while, it w i l l subsequently reduce it. He predicted Prof. Edmund S. Phelps meet professionals invites literature, Kong each year to deliver Prof. Robert A. M u n d e l l It in any of the six has launched the lecture series w i t h C U H K w i t h the aim of broadening the perspectives o f Hong Kong people, Prof. Sir James A. Mirrlees are donation Kai Properties. laureates Nobel Lectures by a generous from Sun Hung Nobel Kai Properties Distinguished w o u l d greatly exceed any benefits. He also believes that China should remain i n the dollar area rather than shifting to the Euro. Prof. Edward C. Prescott Prof. Prescott holds the W.P. Carey Chair i n economics at Arizona State University is the senior monetary adviser at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. He was awarded the 2004 Nobel Prize i n economic sciences jointly w i t h Prof. Finn K y d l a n d for their 'contributions to dynamic macroeconomics: the time consistency of economic policy the d r i v i n g forces behind business cycles'. I n his lecture 'The Chinese Economy: Past Future', Prof. Prescott expressed the view that opening u p m o v i n g to a market economy are the reasons for China's rapid economic g r o w t h since the late 1970s, that it w o u l d become a rich industrial country only if i t decentralized its political power. Prof. Robert J. Barro Prof. Barro is the Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics at Harvard University, a senior fellow of the Hoover Institution of Stanford University, a viewpoint columnist for Business Week, a frequent contributor to the Wall Street Journal, a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. He has w r i t t e n Prof. A l b e r t o F. Alesina Born i n Italy, Prof. Alesina is the Nathaniel Ropes Professor of Political Economy at Harvard University currently chairman of the Department of Economics. He is a leader i n the field of political economics has published extensively i n all major extensively on topics i n macroeconomics, academic journals i n economics. His scholarly w o r k economic growth, monetary policy. has been w i d e l y cited been w i d e l y influential. No. 262 19th June 2005 3

Personalia 人事動態 Personalia 人事動態 Personalia 人事動態 Personalia 人事動態 Personalia 人事動態 Information in this section can only be accessed with CWEM password. 4 No. 262 19th June 2005

Personalia 人事動態 Personalia 人事動態 Personalia 人事動態 Personalia 人事動態 Personalia 人事動態 Information in this section can only be accessed with CWEM password. 中大通訊 1. 本刊逢四日及十九日出版 2. 來函或投稿請寄沙田香港中文大學出版事務處 中大通訊 編輯部 ( 電話 2609 8584, 圖文傳真 2603 6864, 電郵 pub2@uab.msmail.cuhk. 3. 投稿者須附真實姓名 地址及聯絡電話, 文章則可用筆名發表 4. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿, 不欲稿件被刪者請預先聲明 5. 本刊所載文章只反映作者之觀點和意見, 並不代表校方或本刊立場 6. 所有內容未經編者書面准許, 不得轉載 7. 本刊每期發行三千九百份, 免費供校內教職員索閱, 部分郵寄本地 教育機構及與大學有關人士 私人索閱, 請致函本刊查詢 香港中文大學出版事務處出版 編輯 : 左冠輝 助理編輯 : 李琪陳思祥陳偉珠蔡世彬 ( 執行 ) 製作 : 林綺媚 CUHK NEWSLETTER 網址 website 1. The Newsletter is published on the 4th 19th of each month. 2. All contributions suggestions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter, Publication Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8584; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail 3. Contributions should bear the writer's name contact telephone number, may be published under pseudonyms. No anonymous letters will be published. 4. The Editor reserves the right to reject contributions to edit all articles without notice for reasons of clarity, length or grammar. Those who do not want to have their articles amended should indicate clearly in writing. 5. The views expressed in the CUHK Newsletter are those of the authors, are not necessarily those of the University or the Editor. 6. No part of this newsletter may be reproduced without the written consent of the Editor. 7. This publication has a circulation of 3,900 is primarily intended for staff members of CUHK. Copies are also sent to local educational institutions individuals associated with the University. Those who wish to be included on the mailing list please contact the Newsletter direct. Published by the Publication Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Editor: Chor Koon Fai Assistant Editors: Florence Chan, Piera Chen, Lawrence Choi (Executive), Lee Kei Graphic Designer: Ada Lam 截稿日期 Deadlines for Contributions 期數 Issue no. 出版日期 Issue date 截稿日期 Deadline for contributions 暑期特刊 19.8.2005 8.8.2005 Summer Supplement 263 4.9.2005 22.8.2005 264 19.9.2005 5.9.2005 265 4.10.2005 20.9.2005 266 19.10.2005 5.10.2005 267 4.11.2005 21.10.2005 268 19.11.2005 7.11.2005 印刷 : 鮑思高印刷有限公司 Printing: Don Bosco Printing Co. Ltd. 第二六二期二零零五年六月十九日 4

宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS Staff members can make the appointment for visa extension via the Internet 外科榮休講座教授 Emeritus Professor of Surgery 經教務會推薦 並依據香港中文大學條例規程21的規 定 大學校董會執行委員會代表大學校董會 通過頒授外科 榮休講座教授銜與李國章教授 以表揚他的學術成就和對大 學的貢獻 任期由二零零五年八月一日起生效 李國章教授是傑出的教育家及外科醫生 一九八二年加 to save the need for queuing at Immigration branch offices. This service is not available to those required to file their applications at the Immigration Department's headquarters. Upon successful application for the visa extension, staff members should provide a copy of the latest visa endorsement to the Personnel Office (Fax: 2603 5223) as a record to support that they are lawfully employable at the University. 入中文大學成為外科學系創系講座教授 他帶領外科學系成 為國際知名的外科中心 又兩度當選醫學院院長 全力推動 公積金及強積金計劃投資成續 該院發展 李教授將由二零零五年八月一日起榮休 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme MPFS 李教授於一九九六至二零零二年間出任中文大學校長 為中大在新世紀全方位 財務處公布公積金及強積金計劃內各項投資基金的回報如下 發展奠下基礎 如成立酒店及旅遊管理學院 中醫學院 公共衛生學院 藥劑學院 The Bursary announces the following investment returns in the Designated Investment 及那打素護理學院 Funds of the 1995 Scheme the Matory Provident Fund Scheme (MPFS). 李教授一九九六年獲頒英國皇家愛丁堡外科醫學院的榮譽金章此獎特為全 球最出色的外科醫生而設 李教授是首位獲此殊榮的華人 二零零四年 李教授獲 委任為英國愛丁堡皇家外科醫學院委員 成為該院的最高級顧問 李教授在推動本 二零零五年五月May 2005 Fund 基金 1995 計劃 Scheme (未經審核數據 港高等教育及醫療發展不遺餘力 曾擔任多項重要公職 他曾出版十多種醫學專 著 三百多篇論文 並為多種國際期刊的編輯和多所中國重點大學的榮譽教授 In accordance with Statue 21 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance, the Executive Committee of the University Council has, on behalf of the Council, approved the Senate's recommendation to award of the title of Emeritus Professor of Surgery to Return unaudited) Growth 增長 強積金計劃 指摽回報 Benchmark MPFS** (只供參考 for reference only) 1.31% 1.04% 0.74% 0.34% 0.25% 平衡 Balanced -0.76% 穩定 Stable -1.39% -1.14% 0.78% 0.50% 香港股票 H K Equity 0.01% 0.93% 香港指數 H K Index-linked 0.72% 0.93% 港元銀行存款 H K D Bank Deposit 0.22% 0.07% An exceptional educator surgeon, Prof. Arthur L i joined the Chinese University 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit* 0.07% -0.13% in 1982 as founding chair of the Department of Surgery. He was twice elected by his 澳元銀行存款 A U D Bank Deposit* -2.75% -2.92% fellow medical professors to take on the deanship of the Medical Faculty. He served as 歐元銀行存款 EUR Bank Deposit* -4.44% -4.48% Prof. Arthur K.C. L i with effect from 1st August 2005, after his retirement from the University, in recognition of his outsting academic achievements distinguished service to the University. vice-chancellor of the University from August 1996 to July 2002 laid the foundation for the University's advancement in the new century. Major academic developments during his term included the establishment of the School of Tourism Hotel Management, the School of Chinese Medicine, the School of Public Health, the School of Pharmacy, the Nethersole School of Nursing. *實際與指標回報已包括有關期間的匯率變動 Both actual benchmark returns including foreign period ** currency exchange difference for the concerned. 強積金數據乃根據有關期間的單位價格及標準投資管理費計算 未包括管理費回扣 Based on the changes in unit price during the period concerned using the stard investment management fee. Fee rebate has not been reflected. In 1996, he was presented the President's Gold Medal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. The award was established by the college to honour surgeons of international distinction. In 2004, Prof. L i was appointed as a Regent of the College in recognition of his achievements as an internationally renowned surgeon with an impressive research record an outsting contribution to medical education. Over the years. Prof. L i has held important positions in social service organizations, medical associations, educational bodies. He has published over 300 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, numerous book chapters abstracts, held honorary professorships in many major universities in China. Naming of Facilities The Executive Committee of the University Council has approved, on behalf of the Council, for the acceptance of a generous donation of HK$10 million from Dr. Tam Wah-ching towards the development research activities of the Institute of Chinese Medicine, the naming of the library/resource centre of the Institute of Chinese Medicine at the East Block of the Science Centre, as The International Association of Lions Clubs District 303 Hong Kong & Macau Tam Wah Ching Chinese Medicine Resource Centre (國際獅子 總會港澳三O三區譚華正中醫中藥資料中心). 辦理延長工作簽證 Visa Extension Forthcoming Exhibition on Yu's Cursive Calligraphy at the Art Museum 文物館將於七月九日至九月四日舉辦 一代草聖 三原于右任書法藝術 展覽 開幕典禮於七月八日 星期五)下午四時半舉行 篆 隸 楷 行 草是中國書法的五種主要書體 其中草 書以筆劃相連為特色 結體變化的自由度最大 草書書寫便捷 但是很易流於不可辨讀 上世紀三 四十年代 于右任(18791964)積極推行草書標準化 並且身體力行 成為一代名家 于右任是革命報人 辛亥元老 詩人 教育家和政治家 曾任監察院院長凡三十年 處身動邊多變的局勢 書法藝術成 為他畢生的追求 他的書法早年從王羲之 趙孟頫入手 其後 轉研魏碑 書風兼具柔美與沉雄的韻致 中年以後 專攻草 書 風格雄豪婉麗 自成一家 時稱 于體 是次展覽匯集于氏的優美作品 展品主要精選自于氏後人 (包括其外孫 中大校長劉遵義教授)的珍藏 The Art Museum will mount an exhibition entitled 'Master of Cursive Calligraphy: Yu Youren 1879-1964' from 9th July to 4th September 2005. The opening ceremony will be held on 8th July at 4.30 p.m. at the Art Museum. Among the five basic scripts in Chinese calligraphy, the cursive script is characteristic for the linked brush strokes the most varied simplified form of the characters. 大學同人若沒有香港居留權 請留意本身的香港工作簽證期限 並須於逗留期 While the writing could be rapidly rendered, the disadvantage of cursive calligraphy is 限屆滿前四星期內 向政府有關部門申請延長簽證 申請時須提供的大學在職證 that it could be somehow illegible. In the 1930s to 40s, Yu Youren (1879-1964) promoted 明 可聯絡人事處(內線七二九二或七二九一或七二七二)索取 the stardization of the cursive script, he himself became a well-known master of 同人可於網上 預約 到入境事務處分區辦事處辦理申請手 3 文物館將展出于右任書法藝術 cursive calligraphy. This exhibition has assembled Yu's representative works from various 續 惟不適用於必須在入境處總部遞交申請者 同人成功延長工作簽證後 應將簽 sources to demonstrate the great accomplishments of the master. The majority of the 證影印本傳真至人事處(二六零三五二二三 以更新人事紀錄 exhibits are drawn from the collections of Yu's descendants, including those of his Staff members who do not hold the right of abode in Hong Kong are reminded to check grson, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, vice-chancellor of the University. the validity of their employment visas. They should arrange to renew their employment As a protean figure, Yu was celebrated in political, literary, educational artistic visas within four weeks prior to the expiry date. An application for extension of employment circles. He had been the president of the Control Yuan of the Nationalist Government for visa requires a sponsorship letter from the University to certify the staff member's over three decades. In the art world, Yu was hailed as the master of cursive calligraphy in employment status. Staff members may approach the Personnel Office (Tel: 2609 7292/ modem China. He concentrated on the study of the cursive script finally developed a 7291/7272) for the sponsorship letter. powerful fluent personal style which came to be known as the 'Yu style'. 第二六二期 二 零 零 五 年 六 月 十 九 日

中大學生網上策略競賽 獨領風騷 本校工商管理碩士生在全球網上策略競賽中成績驕人 囊括香港區 工商管理碩士組冠 亞 季軍 而中大更奪得二零零五年卓越表 利豐講座 現代供應鏈管理 史丹福大學商業研究院操作 資訊和科技講座教授李效良 圖 上月三十日應本校工商管理碩士課程邀請 主持利豐集團工商 管理講座 談論如何建立供應鏈的功能 以創造可觀的財富 李效良教授身兼史丹福全球供應鏈管理論壇聯 現獎 賽事名為L'Oreal e-strat 5 Challenge 專供世界各地大學生參賽 比 席理事和多家供應鏈軟件公司的董事或顧問 賽分為工商管理碩士組和本科生組 三萬六千多名來自一百二十五所大 講座假香港萬豪酒店三樓宴會廳舉行 出席者 學的學生 透過互聯網進行六回合比賽 他們模擬企業經營者 營運一 逾二百人 包括政府官員 外國駐港領事 公司總 間跨國化妝品公司 若能促使公司股價最高者 則為全球總冠軍 裁和中大校友等 由賴智勇 鍾小兵和任莉娟合組的Goldmaster 勇奪香港區工商管 供應鏈管理著重資訊 物料及資金的統籌 左 理碩士組冠軍 亞軍為Young 隊員包括姚儉 王惠民和范云志 季軍 右企業配送貨品及服務的效率 是提高營運成效的基 是Smile 隊員有陳志熹 呂珊珊和吳云 都是中大工商管理碩士課程 礎 企業若能靈巧調節供應鏈管理 以配合市場及客 戶的獨特需要 並滿足合作夥伴的利益 必能開拓新市 一年級學生 場 強化客戶關係 擴大市場佔有率 增加利潤 最終為 公司創造市場價值 鈣量充足可防長者高血壓 醫學院的研究顯示 長者若有充足的鈣質和 一百一十名年逾五十五歲的素食者中 六成半人 鉀質 並能減少吃鹽 可預防高血壓 但 患有高血壓 他們的鈣和鉀攝取量均低 而鹽攝 亞洲人尤其長者的鈣攝取量一般很低 香港長者 取量則高 另一項研究發現 二百三十四名年逾 平均每日只攝取三百毫克鈣 遠低於醫學界建議 五十五歲的長者之中 五成三人患上高血壓 他 的一千毫克 而五成半香港長者患有高血壓 們的鈣攝取量均不足 鈣有助腎臟排出多餘的 醫學院曾進行兩項研究 以了解香港長者的 高血壓發病率與鈣攝取量的關係 結果發現 在 鈉 又可鬆弛血管 從而降低血壓 此外 鈣可 維持骨骼健康 長者尤其需要 Goldmaster於五月三十一日出席主辦機構歐萊雅香港有限公司舉行的頒獎典禮 挑戰賽提倡創業精神 中港台學生交流 本校創業研究中心的調查顯示 去年香港整 兩岸三地心理系學生互訪計劃 由中文大學 北京大學和台灣大學心理系合辦的兩岸三地心理系學 生互訪計劃 於五月十九至二十四日在北京舉行 活動包括學術研討 會 觀課 參觀北大心理系和中國科學院心理研究所 讓中大和台大學 生更深入了解心理學在內地的發展 中大代表團由心理學系陳衛教授和 麥穎思教授帶領 共有十二名學生參與 體的創業率仍於低位徘徊 在三十五個經 濟體系中 只排名三十三 構思為售賣未經烹調的優質包裝食物 亞軍是 陽光社區美容理髮合作社 目標是指導失業中 年婦女在東涌提供高質素一站式個人護理服務 是項研究名為 全球創業觀察 由美國巴 賽事一年一度 由本校與世界頂級管理顧問 布森商學院和倫敦商學院於一九九九年推動 公司博思艾倫於二零零四年開始合辦 蔡美玲教 香港的研究於二零零二年開展 由中大創業研 授統籌 究中心主任蔡美玲教授主持 比較香港與三十 多個經濟體系的創業情況 二零零三年加入深 港滬保險專業學生交流團 圳為研究對象 本校保險 財務與精算學課程協辦首屆香港上海保險專業學生交流 創業研究中心於五月二十四日假香港萬豪酒 項目 瑞士再保險專業學生交流團 港滬學生於五月二十七日至六月一 店舉辦 全球創業觀察香港與深圳論壇 探討 日訪問上海多間保險公司和上海證券交易所 參觀上海財經大學 寶山 鋼鐵和上海生物晶片公司 六月一至五日參觀香港保險業監理處 香港 證券交易所和多間保險公司 企業內部的創業 和 新企業的私募融資策略 嘉賓講者包括博斯艾倫諮詢有限公司大中華區金 融業務負責人謝國誠先生和飛利浦電子集團亞太 區主席總裁文安德先生 此外 二十名中大工商管理碩士課程全日制 學生組成五支隊伍 參加 博思艾倫創業挑戰 賽 協助弱勢社群創業 冠軍為 美味D.I.Y. 美味D.I.Y. 的成員 左起)王惠民 譚倩 陳儀雯和葉智 勇 他們除獲現金獎外 更可到博思艾倫實習 聯合學長計劃經驗總結 學生與中國人壽保險公司高層研討交流 美林應用財務交流計劃 本校財務學理學碩士課程與北京大學和台灣政治大學的商學院參與 美林應用財務交流計劃 加深學生對大中華地區企業和文化的了解 該計劃由美林構思和贊助 亦為三校碩士課程的組成部分 三校共八十 名學生合組成二十一隊 於五月二十至二十一日在香港參加策略計劃比 賽 為大中華區七間公司擬定計劃 以提高股東價值 評判由三校教授 和美林的高級主管擔任 結果由中大張慕貞 北大梁洪歆和王鵬 以及 政大柯詠翰的隊伍勝出 聯合書院第五屆學長計劃於五月二十一日在賽馬會上水雙魚河鄉村會所舉行年終經驗分享會 有五十多名學長學員出席 活動包 括小組分享 參觀會所和總結全年活動的成效 第二六二期 二零零五年六 月 十九日 2

新地諾貝爾獎得獎學人傑出講座系列 六位經濟學家剖析中國經濟 聯合工管陳曉彤 當選羅德學人 聯合書院工商管理學院陳曉彤獲選為二零零五年香 港區羅德學人 將於本年十月到英國牛津大學進修社會 人類學哲學碩士課程 自香港區羅德獎學金設立以來 共有十位中大學生獲選 是各院校之冠 陳曉彤不單成績優 異 更不斷吸取課堂以 外的知識 她曾到美國 芝加哥大學當交換生一 年 又是商學院代表隊 成員 該隊在哥本哈根 國際商業個案分析比賽 晉身最後三強 她熱衷 辯論比賽 曾當選為香 港聯校辯論賽最佳辯論 員和獲選出席在加拿大 多倫多舉行的世界大學 (左起)劉遵義校長 Prof. Sir James A. Mirrlees 郭炳聯博士 Prof. Robert A. Mundell 和 Prof. Edward C. Prescott 辯論賽 她亦參與中國 就業發展獎勵計劃 曾到上海實習一個月 本年度 新鴻基地產諾貝爾獎得獎學人傑出講 是次活動由中大經濟研究所負責籌辦 該所 座系列 於六月三日假九龍香格里拉大酒 匯聚本校經濟學系和決策科學與企業經濟學系的 店宴會大禮堂舉行 由三位諾貝爾經濟學獎得獎 專家 透過協同效應增強中大在經濟學的教研力 人與三位國際知名經濟學家主講 從環球經濟看中 量 促進國際交流合作並推廣經濟學 研究所的 國之崛起 成立典禮亦於講座系列的開幕典禮上舉行 講座由新鴻基地產(新地)與本校合辦 開幕 劉遵義校長致辭時代表大學感謝新地慷慨捐 典禮由香港特別行政區署理行政長官唐英年先 款支持 聚集多位舉足輕重的經濟學大師同場發 生 新地副主席兼董事總經理郭炳聯博士和劉遵 言 讓普羅市民認識到中國經濟在全球化中面對 義校長主持 的挑戰 六位享譽國際的經濟學家分別為二零零四年 新地副主席兼董事總經理郭炳聯博士則表 諾貝爾經濟學獎得獎人Prof. Edward C. Prescott 一 示 這個講座系列可以擴闊港人 特別是年輕人 九 九 九 年 諾 貝 爾 經 濟 學 獎 得 獎 人 P r o f. Robert A. 的視野 幫助他們應付將來的挑戰 並啟發港人 Mundell 一九九六年諾貝爾經濟學獎得獎人Prof. 對知識的追求 Sir James A. Mirrlees 哈佛大學 Prof. Alberto F. 市民反應十分踴躍 各場講座及研討會共吸 Alesina和Prof. Robert J. Barro 以及哥倫比亞大學 引逾千人出席 歐羅之父 Prof. Robert A. Mundell Prof. Edmund S. Phelps 其他講者包括政府經濟顧 更與數百名大 中學生聚會 闡述他的人生經驗 問郭國全先生和利豐集團主席馮國經博士 和學習心得 羅德獎學金根據施素 羅德爵士的遺願 於一九零四 年成立 榮譽崇高 原只頒授與英聯邦 美國和德國學 生 供得獎人前往英國牛津大學升讀本科或高級學位課程 兩至三年 一九八五年開始設立香港區名額 每年頒與一 名香港學生 中大清華共慶 金融財務MBA課程五同年 中文大學與清華大學上月十五日在清華經濟管理學院慶賀兩校合 辦的金融財務工商管理碩士課程五周年 超過二百五十名師 生 校友出席 這個課程五年 來共培養了二百二 十名畢業生 有的 成為上市公司 跨 國公司或大型企業 中大與阿伯丁大學合作 的高級管理人員 有的晉身金融機構 中文大學與英國阿伯丁大學本月二日 的核心管理層 二 在香港簽署協議 促進兩校的學術 零零四年起 該課 和研究協作 加強師生互訪和交流 程更在深圳招生 劉遵義校長 右 與阿伯丁大學校長 慶祝活動以 我 Prof. C. Duncan Rice (左 代表雙方簽署諒 和我的企業 為題的 解備忘錄 根據合作協議 兩校將開展 校友交流和 金融財 學術研究 學者及學生的互訪和交流 務MBA五周年金融 以及合辦學術會議和專題講座 阿伯丁大學成立於一四九五年 是 論壇 為主 晚宴由 楊網凱教授(左)與何建坤教授(右)交換紀念品 蘇格蘭第三所 也是英國第五所歷史最 悠久的大學 研究成績卓越 不少畢業 生於亞太商貿擔當重要角色 該校有不 少中國學生就讀 約佔全校國際學生總 人數的四分之一 1 第二六二期 二 零 零 五 年 六 月十 九 日 清華經管學院副院 長仝允桓教授主持 出席嘉賓包括北京市副市長范伯元 中文 人副校長楊綱凱教授 清華副校長何建坤教授 清華經管學院院 長趙純均教授 清華大華深圳研究生院副院長林孝康教授和金融財 務工商管理碩士課程主任何佳教授等