01 History of Landscape Architecture Graduate Education

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Overview of Landscape Architecture Graduate Education in China School of Landscape Architecture Beijing Forestry University Xiong-Li

01 History of Landscape Architecture Graduate Education

1959 School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University Beijing Forestry College began to enroll graduate students in Landscape Engineering and Ornamental Plants, which laid a foundation for the graduate education of Landscape Architecture and ornamental horticulture in the future. 1963 The academic degrees committee of the State Council was approved the master degree of landscape Design and Landscape plants 1980-90 Architecture degrees /Urban planning(including LA design and planning) Forestry degrees/la design and planning, Landscape Plants 1990-97 Architecture degrees /LA design and planning Forestry degrees/la design and planning, Landscape Plants 1997-10 Architecture degrees /Urban planning(including LA design and planning) Forestry degrees/landscape Plants 2011 Landscape Architecture degrees Independence declaration

01 Types of Landscape Architecture Graduate Education Professional Master degree of LA, 2-3years program Academic Master degree of LA, 2years program Academic Doctor degree of LA, 3-4years program

02 Professional Master degree of LA

Development of Professional Master degree of LA 2004 2005 Educators work on the restructure of landscape architecture education system, with creating Professional Master degree of LA degree as the major focus. Jan, 2005 The proposal of establishing Professional Master degree of LA was deliberated by the academic degrees committee of the State Council. March, 2005 The proposal was approved by the State Council, marking the official launch of the Professional Master degree of LA June, 2005 25 educational institutes was approved to carry out pilot working of enlisting students of the Professional Master degree of LA. 490 students were enrolled. 2014 Till 2014, the Professional Master degree of LA had been offered in 59 institutes. (listed as below)

1 st Batch 25 universities 2 nd Batch: 7 universities 3 rd Batch: 27 universities

Development of Professional Master degree of LA Till 2017 the Professional Master degree of LA had been offered in 59 universities and institutes. Types Forestry and Agricultural universities and institutes. Architecture and Urban Planning universities and institutes Fine Art universities and institutes

03 Academic Master degree of LA

1997 Development of Landscape Architecture Discipline In 1997, Landscape Architecture was merged with Urban Planning and Design as a Second Level Discipline. Landscape Architecture Landscape architecture is the design of outdoor public areas, landmarks, and structures to achieve environmental, social-behavioral, or aesthetic outcomes. It involves the systematic investigation of existing social, ecological, and soil conditions and processes in the landscape, and the design of interventions that will produce the desired outcome. History and Theory of LA Landscape design Landscape Planning 2011 Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development ranked Landscape Architecture, Architecture and Urban-Rural Planning all as national first level discipline. 2 nd Discipline of Landscape Architecture Landscape conservation and management Landscape Plants and design Landscape technology and science

Development of Academic Master degree of LA 66 64 62 Number of schools that are accredited to award first level master degree in landscape architecture for Academic Master degree of LA 60 58 56 54 52 建筑学 57 城乡规划 57 风景园林 65 Number of schools is as the 1 st place compare with Architecture and Urban planning---great victory in 2011 65 universities are accredited to award first level master degree in the discipline of landscape architecture for Academic Master degree of LA

OfficePLUS School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University 标注 Development of Academic Master degree of LA 字体使用 英文 Century Gothic 中文微软雅黑 Master Degree 行距 正文 1.3 Mater students are supposed to master the knowledge system 背景图片出处 cn.bing.com and professional skills of the major, with solid design and research competence. As well as good command of a foreign language. 声明 联 OfficePLUS 设计 络 Graduates could work in governments, institutes, environmental 议请联 officeplus@microsoft.com agencies or further their studies.

04 Academic Doctor degree of LA

Development of Academic Doctor degree of LA 20 15 Number of schools that are accredited to award first level doctoral degree in landscape architecture discipline. 10 5 0 建筑学 14 城乡规划 13 风景园林 19 Number of schools is as the 1 st place compare with Architecture and Urban planning---great Success in 2011 19 universities are accredited to award first level doctoral degree in the discipline of landscape architecture.

Development of Academic Doctor degree of LA 風景園林學一級學科博士點授權學校哈爾濱工業大學 東北林業大學 天津大學 西安建築科技大學 西北農林大學 清華大學 北京林業大學 河北農林大學 河南農業大學 華中農業大學 武漢大學 中南林業大學 重慶大學 四川農業大學 同濟大學 東南大學 南京林業大學 福建農林大學 華南理工大學 in 2011 19 universities are accredited to award first level doctoral degree in the discipline of landscape architecture.

OfficePLUS School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University 标注 Development of Academic Doctor degree of LA 字体使用 英文 Century Gothic Doctoral Degree 中文微软雅黑 行距正文 1.3 The doctoral degree program is aimed at cultivating innovating and competent research and management talents for national, regional, urban and community 背景图片出处 cn.bing.com outdoor space planning. Graduates are supposed to have good command of professional 声明 knowledge 联 and latest academic progress to carry out innovative OfficePLUS 设计 络 researches independently, and master at least a foreign languages so as to conduct 议请联 officeplus@microsoft.com international communications. Graduates could work at universities, institutes, organizations of landscape architecture focusing on education,researches, planning and design, and administrative management.

School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University The 21st Century is full of opportunities and challenges. Urbanization will impose new requirements upon urban environments and social services. With the social progress and economic growth of China, Landscape Architecture has become imperative to national development and construction. Landscape Architecture will definitely have a bright future!

Thank you! Overview of Landscape Architecture Graduate Education in China School of Landscape Architecture Beijing Forestry University