02 December 2012 UTAR signs three pacts A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between UTAR and Royal Bird s Nest Sdn Bhd, the research arm of

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www.utar.edu.my December 2012

02 December 2012 UTAR signs three pacts A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between UTAR and Royal Bird s Nest Sdn Bhd, the research arm of Swiftlet Eco Park Group of Companies at UTAR Sungai Long Campus on 3 December 2012. Signing the MoU for both parties were UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato Dr Chuah Hean Teik and Swiftlet Eco Park Group Executive Chairman Dato Seri Dr Abdullah Fadzil bin Che Wan, while UTAR Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Dean Prof Dr Cheong Soon Keng and Royal Bird s Nest Sdn Bhd Group Managing Director Loke Yeu Loong signed as witnesses. Under the MoU, the two strategic partners will work together in R&D in the fields of medical, health and agriculture science and engineering, especially those areas that are related to health supplement products such as EBN [edible bird s nest], said Prof Chuah. Dato Seri Abdullah Fadzil said, We are delighted to have the opportunity to jointly undertake research and development Collaboration at Work activities with UTAR, to research on the possible effects of EBN on human stem cells, human immunity, and the potential medicinal effects of EBN towards neurodegenerative disease by using human Royal Bird s Nest neural stem cells model. Also present was Agriculture and Agro- Based Industry Deputy Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong. Exchanging MoU documents (from left): Dr Cheong, Prof Chuah, Datuk Chua, Dato Seri Abdullah Fadzil and Loke MSN sports scholarships Norton University, Cambodia Exchanging MoU documents (from right): Dr Teh, Gan, Prof Chuah, Dato Sri Ahmad Shabery and Dato Seri Zolkples UTAR was among the 10 private universities that signed an MoU with the National Sports Council (MSN) on 20 November 2012 at the MSN office, Kuala Lumpur. Prof Chuah and MSN Director General Dato Seri Zolkples Embong signed for the respective parties, while UTAR Vice President (Student Development and Alumni Relations) Dr Teh Chee Seng and MSN Organisations and Athlete Welfare Division Director Zaiton binti Othman signed as witnesses. Present to witness the signing were Youth and Sports Minister Dato Sri Ahmad Shabery Cheek and Deputy Minister Senator Gan Ping Sieu. Under the MoU, the 10 private universities offer RM6.4 million worth of scholarships in the form of tuition-fee waiver. The number of scholarships offered by a university ranges from five to 50 and UTAR offers 10. UTAR and Norton University, Cambodia signed an MoU for collaboration in November 2012. The sister universities will collaborate in the areas of R&D, academic development, student exchange and study visits.

From Talks to Forums 03 Photography is versatility Create more and capture less is the personal mantra of Paul Kong (picture) of Gallerie CK and Zest Photographers. He was presenting at the Wedding and Portrait Photography Seminar held by UTAR Centre for Extension Education at Perak Campus on 30 November 2012. The most common photography blunder is to try to capture every cherished moments during ceremonious proceedings, he said adding that the most heartfelt moments need to be premeditatedly enacted instead of captured impromptu. It would be essential that the album theme be first determined. As expected, his talk was imbued with a startling display of illustrations which revolved around matrimony and auspicious get-togethers. A spellbinding ambience pervaded the hall when the attuned audience was further enticed by a video compilation of Kong s masterpieces with American rock band Lifehouse s sensational number All That I m Asking For as background music. His penchant for black-and-white photography and attention to detail clearly encapsulated his enviable tenets for UTAR Centre for Biodiversity Research held a seminar titled Sustainable Agriculture at the Perak Campus on Saturday, 24 November 2012. It was the sixth seminar in the UTAR Series of Agriculture Technology Seminars which have been held for more than three years now. This seminar recognises the need for agricultural sustenance, said the seminar organising committee chairman Prof Dr Ooi Aun Chuan, professor of Tan Sri Dato Philip Kuok Professorial Chair in Agricultural Science and Head of Department of Agricultural and Food Science in his welcome address. My objective is not to give a lecture or teach you anything, but to rekindle your interest in managing water and land, said Param Agricultural Soil Surveys (M) Sdn Bhd Managing Director Dr Paramananthan Selliah in his lecture titled Sustainable Land and Water Management Key to the Survival photography: arty, immaculate and solemn. Coalescing grey scale and coloured hues is a definite no-no for him. As a parting advice, Kong said, Photography is synonymous to versatility. Given the right techniques, you can do it. of Mankind. He added, Water is a limited resource, so is land. Almost every river in developing countries is polluted. Every one of us has the duty not to pollute the river. The other speakers were UTAR Department of Agricultural and Food Science Assoc Prof Dr Goh Teik Khiang, Research Consultant and Plantation Advisor Chew Poh Soon, Applied Agricultural Resources Sdn Bhd Principal Research 02 03 06 08 13 14 CONTENTS Collaboration at Work From Talks to Forums In Search of Excellence Special Feature Students in Action Community at Heart 16 拉大视野 19 Sudut Utarian Seminar on sustainable agriculture Prof Ooi giving a summary at the end of the seminar Dr Lim (right) presenting a souvenir to Dr Paramananthan Officer Tey Seng Heng and Former Director of IJM Plantations Berhad Khoo Khee Ming. It is really enriching to listen and learn from the speakers who are authorities in this field, said UTAR Agricultural student Sim Wee Kee. He and course-mates Oon Xoon Harng, Tang Zhi Wei said that the seminar had given them the sense of responsibility in solving problems in the agriculture industry in the future.

04 December 2012 From Talks to Forums Prof Chuah (centre) presenting souvenirs to Dato Lee while Dr Cheah looks on. As part of UTAR s year-long 10 th anniversary celebration, the Faculty of Arts and Social Science held the first International Conference on Behavioral and Social Science Research at UTAR Perak Campus on 2 November 2012. The conference covered a wide interdisciplinary discussion such as online teaching and learning issues, sustainable development, marginalised communities, universal cultures, cyber psychology, online behaviour, neuro-psychology and others. With the advent of technology and innovation, holistic solutions take a myriad of perspectives and an interdisciplinary approach. It is thus an encouraging step that the faculty had taken to motivate On behaviour and social science research interdisciplinary research in the field of behavioural and social science, said Home Affairs Deputy Minister Dato Lee Chee Leong, who was officiating the event. About 200 participants, presenters and paper reviewers from Malaysia, Singapore, China, USA, Hong Kong, Australia and other countries attended the one-day conference, where 70 research papers were presented. Present at the conference were UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato Dr Chuah Hean Teik and the organising committee chairperson Deputy Dean Dr Cheah Phaik Kin. New paradigm of Micro- and Nano- Mechatronics Introducing Malaysian new villages National University of Singapore (NUS) in collaboration with UTAR Department of Soft Skills Competency held the UTAR-NUS New Village Community Project from 10 to 17 December 2012 at five villages in Perak, UPRA 8, Kuala Rui, Batu 2, Karai and Kota Tampan. The project involving 15 NUS students started on 10 December with a talk by Ministry of Housing and Local Government advisor Ir Fong Tian Yong introducing the history, administration and Government s development plans of new villages. Five UTAR students hosted their Singaporean counterparts during their visits to the villages. Prof Fukuda (right) receiving souvenirs from Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering Department Head Dr Leong Wai Yie Prof Toshio Fukuda from Nagoya University, Japan, gave a public lecture on New Paradigm of Micro- and Nano-Mechatronics at UTAR Kuala Lumpur Campus on 29 October 2012. Cross-disciplinary research is important and beneficial to the development of new knowledge, said Prof Fukuda, adding that the study of biological cells would be another discipline of the new Micro- and Nano-Mechatronics. During the one-hour talk, he shared about his group s 25-year research on multi-scale robotics, including incorporation of analysis of biological cells to make their new robot system more user-friendly and interactive. Ir Fong (front, fifth from right) with NUS students and UTAR staff

Mind mapping for all UTAR Centre for Extension Education conducted the one-day workshop on Using Buzan Mind Maps to Intensify and Enhance Thinking and Creativity at Petaling Jaya Campus on Saturday, 1 December 2012. Mind Mapping is a revolutionary method of assessing intelligence developed through 30 years of research by Tony Buzan. It is a powerful technique to generate, visualise, structure and classify ideas, and as an aid in learning, organising, problem solving and decision making. The workshop saw families, students and professionals learning in cohesive teams. December 2012 05 Eu talks on business modernisation School students find it useful too This serves as a reminder for you guys. Do not have so many wives, Eu Yan Sang Group CEO Richard Eu (picture) bantered about his grandfather s matrimonial ensnare that produced 13 sons all of whom were disconcerted about keeping the family s business. The voluminous audience roared with deafening laughter at the side-splitting remarks in a talk under the UTAR Entrepreneurial Talk Series organised by UTAR Department of Consultancy and Commercialisation (DCC) held at Heritage Hall, Perak Campus on 8 November 2012. In the talk, titled Modernising a Traditional Business, Eu presented through a slide presentation the history of Eu Yan Sang, its process of modernisation, an overview of the business today and the challenges it would face in the future. The presentation brought the audience through the highs and lows of Eu Yan Sang. They were also shown the latest Eu Yan Sang s provocative commercial video which was in strong contrast with the previous conservative one. Seven Panasonic s principles Learn from any experience and at any age, said Panasonic Malaysia Managing Director Jeff Lee Wee Leong in a career talk organised by UTAR DCC. The talk held at UTAR Perak Campus on 1 November 2012 was attended by more than 140 UTAR students and staff. Lee who has been serving the company for almost 30 years shared three fundamental business philosophy of Panasonic: effectively expressing management objectives, company s vision and mission, and the seven principles for proper employees mental attitude: contribution to society, fairness and honesty, cooperation and team spirit, untiring effort for improvement, courtesy and humility, adaptability, and gratitude. A family hard at work After the talk: Lee (centre) with UTAR Council Member Hew Fen Yee (right) and Vice President Dr Teh Chee Seng.

06 December 2012 In Search of Excellence Deputy dean conferred Emeritus Professor UTAR Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Deputy Dean Prof Boo Nem Yun was conferred the prestigious award of Emeritus Professor by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) during the University s 40th Convocation from 20 to 23 October 2012. Prof Boo graduated from the University of Malaya in 1975 and obtained the MRCP (UK) in 1978. She joined the Department of Paediatrics of UKM as a lecturer in 1982, teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate doctors in neonatology and general paediatrics. She was appointed the Professor of Neonatology the first of its kind in Malaysia in 1993 and served as an examiner for the Paediatric Master Programme until her retirement from UKM in 2005. She is an examiner for the United Kingdom Member of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health clinical examination since 2001. Upon her retirement from government service for more than 30 years, she was appointed as the Professor of Paediatrics at the International Medical University Malaysia, before joining UTAR Faculty of Medicine and Health Science in April 2010 as the Senior Professor, Head of the Department of Clinical Sciences, and Deputy Dean (Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes). Prof Boo is a member of the Steering Committee for the Malaysian National Neonatal Network, a Fellow of the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia, the Academy of Medicine of Singapore, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Childhealth (UK), the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Prof Boo (left) receiving the award from UKM Pro-Chancellor Tunku Laxamana Tunku Naquiyuddin Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Jaafar In 1992 she won the Tun Razak Research Award of the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia. In 2008 she became the first paediatrician to be elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Sciences of Malaysia. She was the founding President of the Perinatal Society of Malaysia and the past President of the College of Paediatrics of the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia for six years. Tiew receives SP Setia scholarship Third in Nehemiah Contest UTAR Civil Engineering student Tiew Chuan Dong received the SP Setia Foundation Scholarship at a ceremony held at UTAR Petaling Jaya Campus on 31 October 2012. The scholarship awarded to Tiew would cover four-year full course fees and living expenses. Upon graduation, Tiew would be required to serve SP Setia Berhad or any of its subsidiaries as an employee for at least three years. Presenting the scholarship award was S P Setia Foundation CEO, Captain (retired) Dato Liew Siong Sing. He was accompanied by the foundation secretary Tang Dee Leng. Also present were UTAR Vice President Dr Teh Chee Seng and UTAR Division of Community and International Networking Director Dr Tan Sin Leng. From left: Dr Tan, Dr Teh, Tiew, Dato Liew and Tang UTAR team comprising Civil Engineering students Lee Choon Kuan, Kwang Kim Lup (left), Chin Chun Kiat, Chang Tuen Hui (right), and Peter Ling Tai Hiung, supervised by Assoc Prof Ir Dr Low Kaw Sai (centre), won third prize in the Third Nehemiah Design Competition held at a college in Subang Jaya on 8 November 2012. Sponsored by Nehemiah Reinforced Soil Sdn Bhd, a company specialised in the design and construction of reinforced soil retaining walls, this year participants had to present their structural design to permanently solve the frequent flooding of Kampung Baru, a heritage village located very close to Kelang River in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. The solution would also have to take into consideration the need for it to also function as an embankment for the construction of a world-class highway.

MSC merit award UTAR research team received the merit award for Best of Sustainable and Green IT in the MSC Malaysia Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Awards in Kuala Lumpur on 16 October 2012. The team comprising (picture, from left) Tang Jun Huat, Chua Kein Huat, Dr Stella Morris, Ir Dr Lim Yun Seng, and Wong Jianhui were selected to represent Malaysia at the annual International APICTA Awards held in Brunei Darussalam from 2 to 5 December 2012. The team won with their project titled Intelligent Distribution Network Management System that would provide comprehensive control over the loads and supplies in an electrical network, enabling better system control and cost reduction in electricity generation. Dato Seri Kong Cho Ha Challenge Trophy 14 medals December 2012 07 Two receive MTSF grants Two UTAR faculty members were awarded Malaysia Toray Science Foundation (MTSF) research grant at the annual MTSF Grant Research Symposium held at Universiti Malaya on 26 November 2012. Chow Tze Jen from the Faculty of Engineering and Science was awarded a grant of RM25,000 for her research in Haplotype and Meta Analyses of Association between Transcription Factor 4 (TCF4) Gene and Schizophrenia in Malaysian Population and Prediction of this Disease Using Artificial Neural Network, while Teo Kah Cheng from the Faculty of Science was awarded RM20,000 for Synthesis and Anti-bacterial Activity of 1,3,4-Thiadiazines. Also present at the ceremony were Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research Director Prof Dr Faidz Abdul Rahman and Chemical Science Department Head Dr Sim Kooi Mow. At the ceremony (from left): Dr Sim, Chow, Teo and Prof Faidz Six medals in SUKIPT UTAR taekwondo team, competing with 18 other teams, won three gold, four silver and seven bronze medals at the Dato Seri Kong Cho Ha Challenge Trophy Taekwondo Invitation Championship held in Ku Tien Hall, Ayer Tawar from 23 to 25 August 2012. Tay Lik Shin and Tieu Jun Liang each won a gold medal in the women s and men s sparring events respectively. Gan Xiang Yan won the other gold medal in the women s individual poomsae event. Gan Xiang Kim, Lai Mei Hsien and Tan Li Hui won three silver medals in the women s sparring event and Vinon Koh Yung How won the other silver medal in men sparring event. Four bronze medals were from the men s sparring event and a bronze medal each from the women s sparring, and women s and men s individual poomsae events. UTAR s 97-althelete contingent won two gold, three silver and a bronze medals in Sukan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia (SUKIPT) held at various university campuses in the Klang Valley from 28 October to 11 November 2012. The two gold medals were won by Chew Wei Yan (left) and Gan Xiang Yan (right) in the taekwondo mixed double event and Loh Chooi Fern in the 5000-metre women s walking event. Chew also won a silver medal for the taekwondo men s individual event and was selected to represent Malaysia at the ASEAN University Games 2012 in Laos. UTAR won a silver medal in the Deputy Minister of Higher Education Cup Table Tennis tournament and karatedo women s team event, and a bronze medal in the karatedo men s team event.

08 December 2012 Special Feature A tribute was given by the University to UTAR Council Chairman Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik on 19 October 2012 in recognition of his invaluable contributions to UTAR. The following is an extract of the tribute. Tun Dr Ling s passion to provide quality education to all had driven him to continue his efforts from the last millennium to this second millennium. When the MCA finally received the approval from the Government to set up a university in July 2001 and on the verge of fulfilling its 30-year-old dream, the party attributed such enormous achievement to him personally for his unceasing hard work over the previous three years. And it is in this millennium that Tun Dr Ling has made one of his biggest contributions to the community, society, country and the world with the establishment of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. Such praise was also echoed by Nanyang Siang Pau on 26 March 2002 before UTAR was opened. Calling Tun Dr Ling as the Father of UTAR Development who had indomitable dedication to education, the newspaper wrote: One of the greatest achievements of Dato Seri Dr Ling Liong Sik in his political career thus far is his success in dealing with the Government to set up UTAR. The Chinese community and MCA members await their 32-year-old dream to come true on 17 June when UTAR formally commences. Setting up a university involves a lot of people; and UTAR was particularly so. Among the people who contributed most to the University is undisputedly UTAR Council Chairman Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik. After receiving the Government approval to set up UTAR on 7 July 2001, Tun Dr Ling led the UTAR founding group to set up a steering committee, working committee and the UTAR International Advisory Council comprising eminent academicians led by Professor Dato Dr Wang Gungwu. They worked furiously and tirelessly until UTAR eventually opened its doors to the first intake of 411 students at its humble beginnings of a temporary campus in Petaling Jaya on 10 June 2002, less than a year after receiving the green light from the Government. On 13 August 2002, former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad officially launched UTAR in Kuala Lumpur. Soon after, the Sungai Long Campus and Kuala Lumpur Campus were set up, and Tun Dr Ling turned his attention to building a prominent main campus that would commensurate a premier university UTAR was envisioned to be. After he announced accepting the 1,300-acre land in Kampar offered by the Perak state government in the press on 10 April 2002, the University progressed to its next milestone of building its main campus, which was affectionately called the UTAR Project. In September 2002, when announcing a cultural show to be A tribu Tun Dr Ling UTAR groundbreaking ceremony on 12 January 2003: Tun Dr Ling giving Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad a golf buggy ride Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik

December 2012 09 te to Liong Sik It is an indisputable fact that UTAR would not have been what it is today without Tun Dr Ling s unfading passion, unwavering determination and undying perseverance. New Straits Times 9 July 2001: PRECIOUS Dr Ling showing the offer letter from the Education Minister performed by the renowned China Great Wall Artiste Group from Beijing, one of the earliest MCA s initiatives to raise fund for the UTAR Project, he told the press that UTAR building funds would be totally relying on public donations. Tun Dr Ling had to lead MCA to take on the heavy burden and laborious task of raising every single cent for the UTAR Project. He subsequently started the UTAR building fund. But as a single spark can start a prairie fire, history attests that the initial burning enthusiasm of Tun Dr Ling and the UTAR founding group to establish the University soon spread like wildfires influencing and reaching the hearts of many who wanted to do their part in the meaningful noble cause. By October 2003, barely one year later, UTAR announced that they had raised RM200 million necessary for the construction of the first phase of UTAR Perak Campus. UTAR had a new beginning when its Perak Campus opened its doors to the first batch of 500 Foundation programme students on 1 June 2007, five years after the University s inception. Today, the phase two construction of Perak Campus has been completed and all the five faculties in the campus have their own buildings and the campus is progressing to its third phase of development. It is an undisputable fact that UTAR would not have been what it is today without Tun Dr Ling s unfading passion, unwavering determination and undying perseverance. His unceasing efforts in growing UTAR have brought about betterment to tens of thousands of students and tens of thousands of graduates, who, in turn, bring betterment to their families, loved ones, the community and the country. Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik is truly a giant among men whose burning desire to serve the people will continue to inspire and live on in the hearts of many. The icon of UTAR Perak Campus, Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik so named by the University to honour the Council Chairman for his immense contributions. It was inaugurated on 19 October 2012.

10 December 2012 Special Feature 14 January: The UTAR 10 th Anniversary celebration started with a torch run. 3 March: The Korean Carnival was held at Petaling Jaya Campus. 28 March: Prof Dr Chan Li of Hong Kong talked on me Sungai Long Campus. 14 January: The UTAR 10 th Anniversary Celebration was officially launched. 3 March: The UTAR Ball 2012 4 February: The first We-Care-We-Act project started in Banir Estate New Village. A year of c UTAR celebrates its 10 th anniversary this year. This issu 15 February: Prof Dr Suzette Worden from Curtin University of Technology, Australia delivered the first UTAR 10 th Anniversary lecture at Petaling Jaya Campus. 7 March: UTAR FEStival 2012: Tiki Hawaii was held at the Faculty of Engineering and Science. 29 March: 10 students clubs and so held the Super Blast Carnival at Pe Campus. 18 February: The UTAR 10 th Anniversary Fest was launched at Perak Campus. 20 March: Language and Culture Bonanza was held in collaboration with the Japan Foundation of Kuala Lumpur. 30 March: London School of Economics Professor Emerit Howell Tong talked on Thre Models in Time Series at Per Campus. 15 February - 4 April: UTAR Public Relations finalyear students raised RM102,000 for charity and entered the Malaysia Book of Records when one team made the biggest origami mosaic in the country. 27-30 March: UTAR hosted the 31st Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. 6-7 April: Lifelong Learning F held at Petaling Jaya Campus.

December 2012 11 Chong of the University dical humanities at UTAR 29 May-1 June: UTAR and Multimedia University jointly held the 16th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 23 June: Housing and Local Government Minister Dato Seri Chor Chee Heung unveiled the bronze sculptures of Confucius and Einstein at Perak Campus. 30 May: UTAR industry advisor Dr Veerinderjeet Singh talked on the goods and services tax at Perak Campus. 28-30 June: The Counselling and Wellness Campaign was held at Sungai Long Campus. elebration! e of Horizon brings you through a year of celebration. 6-7 July: The R&D Exhibition was held at Petaling Jaya Campus. cieties taling Jaya 5-14 June: The Faculty of Creative Industries held the lecturers-versus-students sports carnival in the Klang Valley. 15 July: Deputy Home Affairs Minister Dato Lee Chee Leong flagged off the UTAR Perak Campus Run. us shold ak 16 June: The Eighth Festival of the Mind was launched at Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Kuala Lumpur on 16 June and at UTAR Perak Campus on 23 June. 24 July: The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology organised FICT Day. estival was 19 June: Prof Paul Roe from Queensland University of Technology talked on Data Challenges in Multimedia Environmental Sensing at Perak Campus. 28 July: UTAR alumni, students and external trainers of UTAR Department of Soft Skills Competency got together for a dinner at Petaling Jaya Campus. Continues...

12 December 2012 Special Feature...continued 1 August: Ir Dr Ooi Teck Aun talked on The Mitigations and Rehabilitations of Some Natural Disaster in Malaysia and Amendment to the Engineers Act Malaysia at Kuala Lumpur Campus. 13 October: The Faculty of Creative Industries held the FCI Programme Showcase. 19 October: The UTAR 10 th Anniversary Celebration 13 October: UTAR hosted Empress Wu the Musical in Kuala Lumpur. 20-21 October: The 15th UTAR Convocation was held in Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik. 8 August: Prof Andy Koronios from University of South Australia talked on Big Data- Enabled Innovation for New Business Value at Perak Campus. 14 October: The UTAR 10 th Anniversary Appreciation Dinner was held at Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik. 20 October: The UTAR 10 th Anniversary and Alumni Homecoming Dinner was held in a hotel in Kampar. 23 September: The UTAR International Conference on Chinese Medicine was held in Kuala Lumpur and a tribute was given to traditional Chinese medicine grand master Prof Dr Ngeow Sze Chan. 18 October: The UTAR International Symposium of Education and Research was held at the newly completed Lecture Complex II, Perak Campus. 2 November: The UTAR International Conference on Behavioural and Social Science Research was held at Perak Campus. 6 October: UTAR students held the IEEE Sustainable Utilisation and Development in Engineering and Technology Conference at Kuala Lumpur Campus. 19 October: Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik was officially open. 17 November: The Charity Musical Night was held in Petaling Jaya.

Students in Action December 2012 Cosplayers rendezvous 13 Lim Kean Teng s frisky childhood entails a wistful lad who had always been a devout connoisseur of Japanese animation (abbreviated anime ). Opportunity coagulated for Lim to revive and relish his juvenile naiveté at the harrowed and scintillating Cosplay Prom Night 2012 an offspring of the fruitful collaboration between UTAR Japanese Culture Club and Entrepreneurship Society which was spiralled to textbook perfection at UTAR Perak Campus on 24 November 2012. Lim s patronage did not evaporate into oblivion. He was inundated with indelible glee when his arresting ensemble garnered him the unprecedented Cosplay King honour. This flattering feat, a tangible dream-come-true, will be engraved as one of the finest moments throughout my studies at UTAR, radiated Lim, a second year Accounting rookie who impersonated Archer of the blockbuster anime Fate/Stay Night. Following suit in Lim s glitzy footsteps was his female counterpart, 16-year-old redhead Loh Chin Fei whose elder sister is a protégé of UTAR. I beseeched my sister to push for the admission of non-utarians, she recounted, a whimper escaped from her sultry lips before smirking. Finally, they relented. Her impeccable portrayal of a ravishing Felicità of the hit anime La storia della Arcana Famiglia had earned the femme fatale undivided extol and approbation and rendered her the unassailable heavyweight in the tussle for Cosplay Queen award which she subsequently aced. This is the second consecutive year that UTAR has hosted Cosplay Prom Night at its spectacular Perak Campus. Social entrepreneurs recognised Social entrepreneurship is not just about setting up businesses and creating wealth for you, yourself, but also creating jobs for others and helping the society, said UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato Dr Chuah Hean Teik before giving out certificates to 15 UTAR students who participated in the Social Entrepreneurship Business Plan Competition at Perak Campus on 21 November 2012. Sponsored by the Little Rain Children Trust, the competition was organised by UTAR Department of Soft Skills Competency. Don t let fear stop you from turning your idea into reality, said participant Ong Zhi Bin when sharing his experience with the audience. Communication is vital too, said another participant, Tan E-Chuan, adding that his team brainstormed together for ideas. UTAR Faculty of Business and Finance Dean Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong advised the students that besides having a vision and mission, You need an action plan to achieve your goal. Vice President Dr Teh Chee Seng said that nobody would achieve success without failure and advised the students not be afraid to venture into new things. Prof Chuah (centre), Dr Teh (his left), Prof Choong (his right) and participants

A year of we-care-w This year-end UTAR Horizon issue reports all the We-Care-We-Act a Skills Competency (DSSC), the campaign aimed to engage UTAR stu a year, DSSC has successfully conducted community service projects 14 December 2012 Community at Heart 4 February: Health camp, Banir Estate students of the University. 18 February; 16 July-13 August: English and IT tuition, Kampung Pahang 31 March; 9 July-13 August; 6 November: English and IT tuition, Sungai Siput Selatan 19 February: English and IT tuition, Tapah Road 7 April: Motivational talk, Bidor 25 February: Farming activities, Pekan Getah 8 April: Health camp, Pekan Pasir 23 March-20 April: English and IT tuition, Pekan Getah 9 June: Recycling activities, Air Kuning 28 March: School safety campaign, Mambang Diawan 16 June: English and IT tuition, Sungai Kroh 30 June: Health camp and Recycling activities, Chendrong

December 2012 15 e-act good deeds ctivities throughout 2012. Coordinated by the Department of Soft dents in volunteering community service in new villages. Within in more than 20 new villages in Perak involving more than 700 5 August: Health camp, Lahat 1 July: Farming activities, Tanah Mas 11 August: Farming activities, Chui Chak 7 July: Health camp and Recycling activities, Lawan Kuda 25 August: Farming activities, Kuala Bikam 8 July: Health camp, Sungai Siput Selatan 25 August: Health camp, Sungai Durian 28 July: School safety campaign, Sungkai 27 October: School safety campaign, Coldstream 4 August: Painting & Beautifying kindergarten, Chui Chak 3 November: Health camp and motivational talk, Batu 12

16 December 2012 拉大视野汉学与马来西亚华人研究国际学术研讨会暨林水檺教授七秩寿庆 研讨会的协办单位有马大中文系毕业生协会 拉曼大学中文系毕业生协会以及拉曼大学中文系研究生学会 是次研讨会是我国中文学术研究的一大盛会, 邀请了本国, 新加坡, 台湾和中国共 21 位学者发表论文, 就传统汉学与马来西亚华人研究领域, 发表他们的研究成果和新的见解 林水檺老师敬德厚学, 奉献教育和学术 50 余年, 在拉曼大学中文系任教 10 年, 他还是拉曼大学中文系的创办人之一 拉曼大学中华研究院院长何启良教授指出, 林老师育才无数, 在林老师的身上看到的, 不只是深厚的学问, 而是一位 谦谦君子的道德风范 拉曼大学校长拿督蔡贤德教授高级院士指出, 当拉曼大学筹办中文系时, 林老师前来帮忙, 不遗余力, 并出任系主任 他还以拉曼大学 10 周年庆对联 十载培才, 不忘前人多贡献 来表达林老师对拉曼大学中文系的贡献的感激之情 高等教育部副部长拿督何国忠博士也发表了感性的谈话, 感谢林老师一直对他的鼓励和关怀 林老师是他这一生非常感谢的老师, 而他也是林老师最得意的门生 出席者还包括前高等教育部副部长拿督胡亚桥, 马来亚大学中文系毕业生协会主席拿督黄东海, 拿汀巴杜卡周美芬及双威大学, 新纪元学院等代表 林水檺教授 拉曼大学中华研究院于 12 月 1 日至 2 日一连两天在八打灵再也阿玛达酒店举办 汉学与马来西亚华人研究国际学术研讨会暨林水檺教授七秩寿庆 本祝寿研讨会既为感念 报谢林水檺教授一生奉献教育 学术及其贡献而发起 郑文泉师评析大马华语文教育课程 郑文泉师应 Yayasan Selangor 之邀, 于 2012 年 11 日 18 日出席假沙亚南 Universiti Industri Selangor(UNISEL) 承办之 Konvensyen Halatulu Pendidikan Negara, 并在会上作 Pendidikan Bahasa Ibunda (Mandarin) Dalam Pendidikan Negara: Satu Penilaian 的论文宣读与报告 本次会议旨在收集各地区 各阶层 各族群学者 社会人士对十六个教育课题的意见与建言, 期能对国家教育提出有别于当前且更为公平合理的发展未来与计划 拿督何国忠博士送上亲手挥毫的书法 秋蝉 予林老师, 这也是林老师最爱的一首歌 林良娥师赴浙江天台参加第五届唐宋诗词研讨会 林良娥师受邀于 2012 年 11 月 9 日至 12 日赴中国浙江天台参加第五届中国唐宋诗词暨天台山文化国际学术研讨会 此次会议是由中国韵文学会主办, 台州学院人文学院与天台县政协承办 来自中国 韩国 日本 台湾以及马来西亚等地的专家学者 60 多人齐聚一堂, 交流探讨唐宋诗词的议题以及天台山文化 林良娥师在会上发表的论题为 论北宋恋情词的功能与意义 除了汇报论文外, 林老师亦负责担任其中一场讨论会的主持人 余曆雄师受邀 汉九 发表论文 拿督何国忠 ( 左三 ) 为中华研究院 4 本新书举行推介里 左起为张晓威副院长, 何启良院长 右起为郑文泉系主任, 林老师和蔡贤德校长 中华研究院赴学术研讨会 中华研究院余曆雄老师 方美富老师 研究助理陈敬儒一行人, 於 2012 年 10 月 27-28 日受邀出席由韩江学院中文系主办 槟榔屿潮州会馆与槟榔屿韩江校友会协办的 第九届马来西亚汉学国际研讨会 并发表论文 本屆会议以 传统汉学的现代诠释 为主题 计有廿馀位来自中国 台湾 新加坡 马来西亚各大专院校之汉学研究专家 学者莅临参与其盛, 共发表论文廿馀篇 何启良教授赴 亚太研究 国际会议 何启良教授 ( 右二 ) 中华研究院院长何启良教授应台湾中山大学中国与亚太区域研究所邀请, 出席 2012 年中山大学国际学术会议 会议主题为 2012 年亚太研究, 就新形势下亚太地区的发展和变革展开讨论 何教授亦担任其中一场会议的主持人

中华研究院系列讲座 December 2012 中华研究院文化之旅 17 台湾佛教与全球化 : 从慈济基金会谈起台湾国立清华大学人类学研究所黄倩玉教授分别于八打灵校园和金宝校园给中华研究院本科生演讲, 主要探讨慈济在马六甲的发展及缘由 本场讲座也是为配合校庆十周年纪念而举办的讲座 由中华研究院中文系研究生学会策划, 以及在院长何启良教授的带领下, 中华研究院师生 30 人展开为期 10 天 (2012 年 10 月 8 日 -17 日 ) 的 闽南汉学文化 之旅 何教授表示, 闽南文化有着深厚的历史底蕴和思想内涵, 值得深究 这也提供学生一个国外的学习机会, 发现闽南文化和一些其他的文化元素 此行除了研究闽南文化之外, 也对朱熹文化作深入考察 从上海世博会看中国私营企业的发展中国经济学者张继焦教授受邀前来作专题演讲 重点介绍了 2010 年上海世博会中国民营企业联合馆的展览内容 此展出显现了改革开放后卅年来, 中国私营企业蓬勃发展的局面, 以及其惊人而旺盛的经营活力 牟子理惑论本地著名作家杜忠全老师于莅临中华研究院演说中, 从 牟子理惑论 看佛教入华初期中国文化与佛教的冲突与交融 杜老师目前是马佛学院佛教史讲师及马大中文系博士候选人, 从事与佛教相关的研究 对联的起源 功能 作法与鉴赏怡保山城诗社社长莫顺生先生和副总务温松钦先生受邀莅临金宝校园给学生们分享对联的起源 功能 作法及如何去鉴赏日常所见的对联 莫先生代表山城诗社赠送他的著作 近体诗鉴赏与创作艺术 画册及 山城吟集 革新号第一至四期给拉曼大学图书馆 马来语是不是佛教语言? 郑文泉师应东禅佛教学院 (Dong Zen Institute of Buddhist Studies) 之邀, 在位于仁嘉隆 (Jenjarom) 的该院总址主讲马来语的佛教性质 当晚除马来西亚佛光山总主持觉诚法师外, 出席者还包括多位佛教学院之师生 厦门鼓浪屿 集美螯园 开元寺

18 December 2012 拉大视野 林水檺老师和王介英老师荣休宴 杏坛筵讲, 春风霭霭 林水檺老师和王介英老师教学数十年, 明年开始为他们两位荣休之年 中华研究院素彰尊师重道之精神, 故为林老师和王老师举行荣休宴, 以答教诲之劳 2012 年 11 月 17 日 ( 星期六 ), 在八打灵 Jaya33 的大港城餐馆举行了一场温馨的宴席 10 多位老师和行政人员共赴聚会 难得的是, 金宝校区中文系有 5 位老师 ( 加上黄文斌夫人 ) 远途赴宴 林老师感谢大家这分 奢侈 的宴席, 他说人生没有几个十年, 而他能够为拉曼大学中文系付出十年, 又能够看到今天的成就, 心里十分安慰 王老师感慨的说, 别人对拉曼大学中文系的评价极高, 希望大家继续努力把中文系办得更出色 诚心酝酿, 成功绽放 慈善音乐会 为配合拉曼大学十周年庆, 拉曼大学学生事务部特此于 11 月 17 日在八打灵市政局公民礼堂举办以 诚心酝酿, 成功绽放 (Music for Hope) 为主题的慈善音乐会, 邀请同为大学校友的著名本地创作艺人罗忆诗返回母校献唱 其他表演嘉宾包括本地艺人叶俊岑 颜慧萍 赵洁莹 以及著名创作歌手周金亮等 而学生表演者阵容亦毫不逊色, 拉曼大学合唱团, 清唱团体 ( 黑松饼 ), 摇滚乐队, 舞蹈员以及独唱歌手们纷纷为当晚的音乐会落力演出, 回馈母校 当晚的音乐会吸引了大约五百名观众, 当中包括大学职员, 学生, 家长, 嘉宾以及公众人士 该音乐会所筹得款项将作为拉曼大学学生福利基金为学生提供财政援助, 资助患上恶疾而急需医药费的学生 出席嘉宾包括八打灵再也市政厅 (MBPJ) 委员杨勇伟及辛蒂娅 拉曼大学副校长尤芳达教授及郑志成博士 注册主任陈智强博士以及学生事务部主任郑淑新 该音乐会获得超过 15 个主要赞助商鼎力支持, 其中包括赞助场地的八打灵再也市政厅, MY FM, 同济 ( 吉隆坡 ) 有限公司, 施华蔻 ( 马来西亚 ) 有限公司,Y 形象顾问公司以及万能集团等 前排 : 陈中和 何启良 林水檺 王介英 吴慧珍 林师母 ; 后排 : 莫德厚 林志敏 陈明彪 潘筱蒨 陈玉珍 廖冰凌 张晓威 李树枝 黄文斌 马来西亚的宗教和谐 切蛋糕仪式为音乐会画上句符 ( 左起 ) 杨勇伟 尤芳达教授 郑志成博士 郑淑新和陈智强博士 拉曼大学合唱团在指挥导师的引领下唱出和谐美妙的曲子 台湾顺天堂药厂到访医学与保健科学学院 拉曼大学中文系助理教授, 陈中和博士于 2012 年 11 月 17 日主讲题为 马来西亚的宗教和谐 : 珍贵的世界遗产 中介绍了我国宗教环境的发展, 也对国家未来可能的发展作出初步评估 陈博士指出, 六十年代是我国各族相处非常融洽的时期, 友族同胞常会到华人茶餐厅喝茶 这些情景也出现在我国已故著名马来女导演,Yasmin Ahmad 的影片里 然而, 政府在八十年代加剧 回教的回教化, 设立宗教局加强回教法的管制 此后, 穆斯林为避免误食非清真食品触犯回教法令, 便开始绝迹于华人餐厅 尽管如此, 政府与人民也为我国的宗教和谐作出努力, 比如马来西亚最大的坐佛便是位于穆斯林占大多数的吉兰丹 此讲座由拉曼大学延续教育中心与中华研究院联合主办 台湾顺天堂药厂股份有限公司 沈重光董事长和王雪玲总经理, 驻马顺天堂製药厂有限公司 赖振钧总经理, 台湾长庚大学中医学系教授暨长庚纪念医院中医部副院长 张恆鸿副院长, 台中慈济医院中医部 陈建仲主任一行人于 2012 年 11 月 12 日上午 10 时至中午 12 时参访拉曼大学双溪龙校区 来宾与中医系同仁进行愉快的交流, 对中医教育及市场开发交换了意见, 希望在支持拉曼学生赴台湾参观 学习等方面能有所作为

December 2012 Sudut Utarian 19 Lawatan mesra oleh warga emas Seramai 75 warga emas dari Persatuan Wargamas Butterworth telah mengadakan lawatan mesra ke Kampus Perak UTAR pada 19 Disember 2012. Lawatan mesra tersebut adalah bertujuan untuk merapatkan tali silaturahim di antara para peserta rombongan dengan warga kerja UTAR. Presiden Persatuan Wargamas Butterworth, Encik Ng Tak Wah dalam ucapannya telah merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada pihak UTAR yang telah menyambut kedatangan para peserta rombongan tersebut dengan penuh mesra. Kami tidak menyangka sama-sekali bahawa kunjungan warga emas seperti kami ini telah diberi sambutan sedemikian rupa, ujar Ng. Beliau turut memberitahu bahawa Persatuan Wargamas Butterworth kini mempunyai lebih daripada 500 ahli dan beliau berharap dapat membawa ahli-ahli lain untuk membuat kunjungan yang serupa pada masa hadapan. Kami telah banyak membaca tentang UTAR melalui dada-dada akhbar dan kunjungan seperti ini sudah tentunya akan membuka mata dan ruang hati kami untuk mengenali UTAR dengan lebih dekat lagi, tambah beliau. Aktiviti gotong-royong di Bandar Sungai Long UTAR, Hospital Sungai Long dan Majlis Perbandaran Kajang telah bekerjasama menganjurkan satu aktiviti gotongroyong di Bandar Sungai Long pada 25 November 2012. Aktiviti ini bertujuan untuk membersihkan persekitaran Fasa Satu Bandar Sungai Long bagi mewujudkan suasana persekitaran yang bersih lagi indah untuk para penduduk. Seramai 200 peserta terdiri daripada pelajar serta staf dari Fakulti Perubatan dan Sains Kesihatan UTAR atau dikenali sebagai Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS), staf Hospital Sungai Long, Persatuan Penduduk Sungai Long dan juga penduduk setempat telah menyertai aktiviti yang sungguh bermakna itu. Sebagai seorang pelajar perubatan, saya merasakan bahawa aktiviti khidmat masyarakat seperti ini adalah merupakan satu aktiviti yang sangat bermanfaat untuk semua pihak. Melalui aktiviti gotong-royong ini juga, saya dapat mempelajari pelbagai nilai moral yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan seharian, kata Joey Tan Kit Yang, pelajar FMHS. Ahli Parlimen Hulu Langat, Dr Che Rosli Bin Che Mat (ketiga dari kiri) menyampaikan peralatan kebersihan kepada Joey Tan sebagai tanda pelancaran aktiviti gotong-royong tersebut.

20 December 2012 Sudut Utarian UTAR lancar kempen kesedaran Diabetes Bersempena dengan sambutan Hari Diabetes Sedunia yang disambut pada 14 November 2012, Persatuan Perubatan dan Sains Kesihatan UTAR telah menganjurkan Kempen Kesedaran Diabetes pada 28 November 2012 bertempat di Kampus Sungai Long UTAR. Kempen tersebut telah dilancarkan oleh Dekan Fakulti Perubatan dan Pemeriksaan kesihatan sedang dijalankan oleh pelajar perubatan UTAR Sains Kesihatan UTAR Prof Emeritus Dr Cheong Soon Keng di mana majlis pelancaran tersebut turut dihadiri oleh Encik K.S. Maniam, Penolong Ketua Setiausaha Persatuan Diabetes Malaysia. Maniam yang merupakan seorang diabetik turut menyampaikan sesi ceramah yang menghuraikan pengalaman beliau dalam melalui liku-liku hidup sebagai seorang diabetik. Selain sesi ceramah, sesi saringan kesihatan yang melibatkan pelbagai jenis pemeriksaan kesihatan serta sesi kaunseling oleh pensyarah-pensyarah berpengalaman dari Fakulti Perubatan dan Sains Kesihatan UTAR turut diadakan sepanjang kempen tersebut. Antara pihak yang telah menggembleng tenaga bagi menjayakan kempen tersebut ialah Hospital Sungai Long, Persatuan Diabetes Malaysia dan Pejabat Kesihatan Kajang. Kempen tersebut turut menerima tajaan dari syarikat-syarikat terkenal seperti Kinsmedic Sdn Bhd, Eli Lilly (M) Sdn Bhd dan Abbot and Roche. Restoran Tokyo Walker yang terletak berhampiran dengan Kampus Sungai Long UTAR turut menghulurkan sokongan dengan menaja juadah hidangan buat kesemua hadirin pada majlis pelancaran Pelbagai juadah yang unik dan menyihatkan dipaparkan bersama kiraan kalori kempen yang penuh bermakna tersebut. masing-masing Ceramah motivasi tentang aspirasi hidup Peserta sedang menjalani aktiviti kumpulan. Satu sesi ceramah motivasi yang bertema Ke Arah Penentuan Masa Depan Anda telah dianjurkan oleh Pusat Pendidikan Lanjutan UTAR pada 18 Disember 2012 di Kampus Petaling Jaya UTAR. Ceramah yang menekankan aspek pembentukan aspirasi dalam usaha untuk meraih kejayaan dalam kehidupan seseorang itu telah disampaikan oleh penceramah Chang Kit Ti. Dalam ceramahnya, Chang menjelaskan betapa pentingnya prinsip Jelas (Clarity) dan Kuasa (Power) dalam usaha mencapai matlamat hidup seseorang. Beliau juga berkata seseorang itu harus mempunyai matlamat hidup yang jelas serta kuasa atau semangat yang tinggi untuk berjaya dalam hidup. Petaling Jaya Campus (KPT/JPS/DFT/US/B07) 9 Jalan Bersatu 13/4 46200 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan Kuala Lumpur Campus (KPT/JPS/DFT/US/W05) Jalan Genting Kelang 53300 Kuala Lumpur UTAR CAMPUSES Sungai Long Campus (KPT/JPS/DFT/US/B12) Lot PT 21144 Jalan Sungai Long Bandar Sg. Long Cheras, 43000 Kajang Perak Campus (KPT/JPS/DFT/US/A04) Jalan Universiti Bandar Barat 31900 Kampar Publisher : Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman 9, Jalan Bersatu 13/4, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan Printer : Farben Printing Services 16, Jalan Tuanku 4, Taman Salak Selatan, 57100 Kuala Lumpur