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Buddhist Digital Archive and Its Knowledge Structure Mani Jewels Reflecting in the Indra Net *Aming Tu, **Bhikkhu Huimin, **Oyang Yen-jen aming@chibs.edu.tw Buddhist Informatics Program, The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies

This presentation intends to report the use of the databank system in the construction of the CBETA Buddhist Digital Archive. Keywords: XML TEI, Content Markup, knowledge management system, Digital Buddhist Database, CBETA Electronic Tripitaka *CBETA: Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association

What is CBETA? The "Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association" (CBETA) has been formally established on Feb. 15, 1998 with support from the Yinshun Foundation of North- America and the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies to create, maintain and distribute free of charge an electronic version of the Chinese Buddhist Tripitaka.

The Process In the developmental process of digital Buddhist Archive, the first generation is to make the large amount of information digital, and to construct an effective management mechanism and index system. In the construction of the next generation of digital archive, the introduction of the function of knowledge management becomes one of the would-be developmental directions.

Knowledge Management System The second report will try to discuss how to base on a system to construct the digital Buddhist CBETA archive with the function of knowledge management.

What we have After its finishing and releasing the complete full text of CBETA Electronic Edition of Taisho Tripitaka Text with textcritical notes Vol. 1-55&85 at the end of 2002, CBETA is now having the Zokuzoky Electronic Tripitaka available on the net continually. (Vol. 63-87)

CBETA CBETA Chinese Electronic Tripitaka Collection The CBETA Chinese Electronic Tripitaka is based on the Taisho Tripitaka ( Daizo Shuppansha ) Vols 1-55, 85 and Xuzangjing (Zokuzokyo) ( Kokusho Kankookai ) Vols 1-90. *The right to input and distribute this database has been officially granted by the copyright holders Daizo Shuppansha and Kokusho Kankookai. We would like to express our gratitude for this.

Our Next Target Hw to use the digital documents to place all related data with the Tripitaka catalogues for retrieval and researching in the new information age is our next target.

The Tripitaka Catalogues In 730 AD, during Tang Dynasty, in the Tripitaka Catalogue of the Catalogue of Buddhist Teachings in the Kaiyuan Reign, the monk Zhisheng ( ) detailed principles for cataloguing Chinese translations of the Tripitaka.

This classification served as the criterion for later copies and printings, [ii] contributing vastly to the structuring of the Chinese language Tripitaka. [iii]

From 1924 to 1934, Takakusu Junjiro ( and others established the Tokyo Taisho Tripitaka Publication Association (later known as the Daizo Shuppansha ), which put out the Taisho Tripitaka. The order and numbering of the works retained some of the traditional classification principles, but also relied on historical trends in the development of the structure of Buddhist works.

01 (A Han Bu) T01-02 02 (Ben Yuan Bu) T03-04 03 (Bo Ruo Bu) T05-08 04 (Fa Hua Bu) T09a 05 (Hua Yan Bu) T09b-10 06 (Bao Ji Bu) T11-12a 07 (Nie Pan Bu) T12b 08 (Da Ji Bu) T13 09 (Jing Ji Bu) T14-17 10 (Mi Jiao Bu) T18-21 11 (Lv Bu) T22-24 12 (Shi Jing Lun Bu) T25-26a 13 (Pi Tan Bu) T26b-29 14 (Zhong Guan Bu ) T30a 15 (Yu Qie Bu) T30b-32 16 (Lun Ji Bu ) T32 17 (Jing Shu Bu) T33-39 18 (Lv Shu Bu) T40a 19 (Lun Shu Bu) T40b-44a 20 (Zhu Zong Bu) T44b-48 21 (Shi Zhuan Bu) T49-52 22 (Shi Hui Bu) T53-54a 23 (Wai Jiao Bu) T54b 24 (Mu Lu Bu) T55 25 (Gu Yi Bu) T85a 26 (Yi Si Bu) T85b

This should call our attention to the relations between each category: the continuity between Sutras and their commentaries, the continuity between Vinaya and their commentaries, the continuity between Abhidharmas and their commentaries.

(The introduction of Taisho Tripitaka, The Index of Taisho Tripitaka ) Therefore, the Catalogue of the CBETA Tripitaka follows the records of different translations from the similar text in Taisho Tripitaka Catalogue, taking into account the contributions from the research on Tripitaka Catalogue.[i]

The entire 26 sections of the Taisho Tripitaka ( 01 Ahan to 26 Apocrypha ) are rearranged into 20 groups in a tree structure, to compose the Catalogue of CBETA Tripitaka ( CBETA TC).

1. 2. The purpose of the CBETA TC is to use the capabilities of digital documents to rearrange the Taisho Tripitaka into a tree structure to facilitate systematic, in-depth study of the Canon; to exhibit the relations between Buddhist works of similar content and nature, in order to improve the efficiency of retrieval.

The Chinese Tripitakas

The Chinese Tripitakas Sung Dynasty Yuan Dynasty Min Dynasty Qing Dynasty Others: 卐 卐

Bibliography of Buddhist Literature Taisho using 49 available editions for the textcritical notes

Catalogues of the Chinese translation of the Buddhist tripitaka Chung li chung ching mu lu Chu san tsan chi chi Li tai san pao chi Chung ching mu lu Chung ching mu lu Ta tang nei tien lu Ta chou kan ting chung ching mu lu Kai Yuan shih chiao lu Chen yuan shih chiao lu Hsu chen yuan shih cial lu

No. 2145 No. 2146 No. 2147 No. 2148 No. 2149 No. 2150 No. 2151 No. 2152 No. 2153 No. 2154 No. 2155 No. 2156 No. 2157 No. 2158 The Chinese Tripitaka Catalogues in Taisho Vol. 55 15 7 5 5 10 1 4 1 15 20 4 3 30 1

(19) 1 (17) 1 (18) 1 (74) 48 (25) 24 10 (75) 11 (38) 10 (37) 10 13 1 30 3 4 20 1 1 1 15 4 5 10 2 5 17 15 14 7 7 3747 2

Taisho shinshu daizokyo. Edited by Junjiro Takakusu and kaikyoku Watanabe. Tokyo: Daizo shuuppan kabushiki kaisha, 1924-34. Taisho shinshu daizokyo Kando Mokuroku Takakusu, Showa hobo somokuroku (q.v.) 1.3, 1929 Taisho shinshu daizokyo ichiran Takakusu, Showa hobo somokuroku (q.v.) 1.2, 1929

The Modern Buddhist Catalogues A catalogue of the Chinese translation of the Buddhist Tripitaka. Bunyiu Nanjio 条, Oxford 1883 ( ) The 'Fascicule Annexe' of the Hooboogirin Paul Demieville et.al., Tokyo 1931. The Korean Buddhist Canon: A Descriptive Catalogue Lewis R. Lancaster

Najio Catalogue A Catalogue of the Chinese translation of the Buddhist tripitaka: the sacred canon of the Buddhist in China and Japan compiled by Bunyin Nanjio ( 条 ),Oxford 1883 条 1883

The 'Fascicule Annexe' of the Hooboogirin = Repertoire du Canon Bouddhique Sino- Japonais Compile par Paul Demieville, Paris: Libraire D'amerique et D'orient Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1978 [ : ]

The Korean Buddhist Canon: A Descriptive Catalogue by Lewis R. Lancaster University of California Press; 1979 Series: Center for Korean Studies, UC Berkeley, 724 pages

: Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon into Western Languages Bingenheimer Marcus, 2001 @ CBETA

1983 Erh-shih-wu chung tsang ching mulu

Erh-shih-erh chung ta tsang-ching t'ung-chien, T'ung Wei Published: :, 1997 Pei-ching : Chung-hua shu-chü, 1997. Includes indexes. Mainly in Chinese, with brief introduction to each works in English; original Sanskrit titles provided where applicable.

Christian Wittern WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts Div. Authors Periods Nr. Vol. Taisho Trip.Kor. Nanjio Other

Access by traditional divisions of the Tripitaka The Buddhist Canon is traditionally divided into different parts, as expressed in the word Tripitaka, which has the meaning "Three baskets", i.e. the sutras, sastras and the vinaya. In China, the divisions have been treated differently in different catalogues and the number has greatly expanded. The following list is a merger of the divisions of the different sources for this database. The systematic of the Taisho collection has been given the highest priority, followed by the Tripitaka Koreana, the Zokuzokyo and the Ming catalogue.

Authors (Translators, Commentators etc.) The list allows access to the texts by author. (The order is by number of texts attributed to this author, in descending order.) The table gives the name, Chinese reading (Pinyin) and the number of texts etc.

Authors (Translators, Commentators etc.) Author zhu2 fa3 hu4 an1 shi4 gao1 Reading bu4 kong1 shi1 yi4 shi1 hu4 xuan2 zang4 fa3 xian2 yi4 jing4 zhi1 qian1 jiu1 mo2 luo2 shi2 Number of texts 176 153 115 91 74 74 70 55 51 49

Historical periods and areas The designations for historical periods are as they appear on the colophons of the texts or in the catalogues.

India or Central Asia Period or area Approx. date Number of authors Number of texts 1 1 1 1 1 1 China Period or area Approx. date Number of authors Number of texts 0025-0220 9 86 0220-0265 5 34 0220-0265 1 0 0220-0265 1 4 0222-0280 7 70

List of Texts not in Taisho or Zokuzokyo -will be digitized by CBETA ADDT0001 H0080018 H0100061 H0100062 H0110065 H0110078 H0130098 H0160144 H0180183 H0190220 H0190225 H0190235 H0190296 H0190308 H0190309 H0190311

XML TEI / Translators ( ) <lb n="0477c17"/> <anchor id="fnt55047711"/> <note type="inline"> </note> <lb n="0477c18"/> <note type="inline"> </note></p> <lb n="0477c19"/><list><item> <note type="inline"> </note></item> <lb n="0477c20"/><item> <note type="inline"> <anchor id="fnt55047712"/> </note></item> <lb n="0477c21"/><item> <note type="inline"> </note></item> <lb n="0477c22"/><item> <note type="inline"> </note></item> <lb n="0477c23"/><item> <note type="inline"> </note></item> <lb n="0477c24"/><item> <note type="inline"> </note></item> <lb n="0477c25"/><item> <note type="inline"> </note></item> <lb n="0477c26"/><item> <note type="inline"> </note></item> <pb ed="t" id="t55.2154.0478a" n="0478a"/> <lb n="0478a01"/><item> <note type="inline"> </note></item> <lb n="0478a02"/><item> <note type="inline"> </note></item> <lb n="0478a03"/><item> <note type="inline"> </note></item>

XML TEI / Sutra Title <lb n="0478a04"/><item> <note type="inline"> <anchor id="fnt55047801"/> <lb n="0478a05"/> </note></item></list> <lb n="0478a06"/><list><item><title> </title><note type="inline"> </note> </p></item> <pb ed="t" id="t55.2154.0478c" n="0478c"/> <lb n="0478c01"/><item><title> </title><note type="inline"> <lb n="0478c02"/> <anchor id="fnt55047805"/> </note></item> <lb n="0478c03"/><item><title> </title><note type="inline"> <lb n="0478c04"/> </note></item> <lb n="0478c05"/><item><title> &CB0434; </title><note type="inline"> <lb n="0478c07"/><item><title> </title><note type="inline">

Xu (Preface) a brief introduction of the Sutra 欝 迹 峯 (CBETA, T05, no. 220, p. 1, a3-22)

Mu lu (contents) the structure of the Sutra

Biography of the Author/Translator 葱

Conclusion Therefore, base on the Buddhist Sutra Catalogues and the Digital database created by CBETA, the next report intends to present an interactive markup of documents by linking the designated text string to generic knowledge structures. The original document and its outlines as the generic knowledge structure to illustrate the techniques of representing various versions, providing matching, browsing, and retrieving of ancient documents.

Buddhist Digital Archive and Its Knowledge Structure Mani Jewels Reflecting in the Indra Net Mani: A jewel, gem, precious stone Jewel Net of Indra : This is a net said to hang in the palace of Indra, the king of the gods. At each interstice of the net is a reflecting jewel, which mirrors not only the adjacent jewels but the multiple images... *Mnai jewels on Indra's net reflect each other endlessly. --Buddhism Glossary

database knowledge base wisdom base?