% [12] The Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Council CCLRC 1.2 科学数据相关项目的元数据需求分析 The Core Scientific MetaData Model CSMD [1

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* ( 430072) 科学数据作为重要科研资源的价值和作用逐渐得到认同, 元数据在科学数据组织 管理 共享等实践中的作用 逐渐凸显文章从科学元数据的功能需求分析 科学元数据标准建设 元数据在科学数据管理和共享等方面的应用 本 体技术等在科学元数据领域的应用等方面分析国内外科学数据元数据的研究进展 科学元数据科学数据元数据标准 : G254.36 A 1003-6938(2014)06-0102-07 Research Progress of Scientific Metadata at Home and Abroad Abstract The value and role of research data has gain growing academic attention and recognition. The functions of metadata highlight in many aspects, such as data organization, management, and sharing. This article reviews domestic and foreign research progress of scientific metadata, including the functional requirements of scientific metadata, the development of scientific metadata standards, the application of metadata in data curation, data sharing, and the application of ontology technology in scientific metadata. Key words scientific metadata research data metadata standards Jian Qin [3] 16 9 4400 Dublin Core DC Digital Curation Center DCC Curation Reference Manual [1] 2012 8 [4] National Information Standard Organization NISO (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative DCMI) Hong Huang [5] 156 [2] 1 1.1 科学元数据的功能需求研究 Craig Willis [6] 50 * 12&ZD222 2014-09-10 102

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