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Consorzio del Vino Brunello di Montalcino 联合会生产商名录 List of Associated Producers 207 ZH - EN

历史上的蒙塔尔奇诺 () 蒙塔尔奇诺 (Montalcino) 海拔 564 米, 坐落在翁布罗内河 (Ombrone) 埃索河 (Asso) 和奥尔恰河 (Orcia) 的河谷之间 其地理位置优越, 俯瞰由山下经过的卡西亚大道 (Via Cassia) 因此, 十三和十四世纪期间, 西耶纳共和国和佛罗伦萨共和国多次长期攻打这里 但是, 蒙塔尔奇诺 (Montalcino) 在历史上最著名的事件则是于 555 年为来自西耶纳的流亡者提供庇护, 并于 559 年在此宣布成立西耶纳复立共和国 蒙塔尔奇诺 (Montalcino) 远离交通要道, 数个世纪以来都将葡萄酒和橄榄油生产作为主要经济来源 当然, 是精于此道的埃特鲁里亚人最早意识到了这片土地的葡萄酒酿造潜力 十九世纪下半叶, 某些本地制造商放弃了托斯卡纳传统酿酒方法, 以桑娇维塞为目标 多年来, 这些制造商致力于技术实验, 带来现代化而充满智慧的葡萄酒 蒙塔尔奇诺布鲁耐罗红葡萄酒 (Brunello di Montalcino) a bit of history Montalcino rises 564 metres high above sea level between the valleys of river Ombrone, river Asso and river Orcia. This strategic position, overlooking the Cassia state road at the foot of the hill, has been one of the reasons for the long lasting sieges which the city went through between the 3 th and the 6 th centuries, when it was fought for between the Republics of Siena and Florence. However, Montalcino is renowned in history books for affording refuge to Siena s exiles in 555 and for the proclamation of the Republic of Siena in Montalcino, being the last free municipality up till 559. Montalcino, being cut off from major transit roads, has for centuries based its economic activities mainly on the production of wine and oil. It was certainly the Etruscans, as renowned vineyard farmers, to first sense this territory s potential for vineyards. In the latter half of the 9 th century, some local producers started abandoning traditional Tuscan wine making methods by exclusively basing themselves on Sangiovese wine. These producers had for some years been involved in technical experiments which eventually led them to a very modern and ingenious intuition, namely the Brunello wine of Montalcino.

蒙塔尔奇诺俯瞰图 Montalcino aerial view

蒙塔尔奇诺 () 地区 土壤 气候 蒙塔尔奇诺 (Montalcino) 葡萄酒生产区位于蒙塔尔奇诺市, 占地面积约 24000 公顷, 其中 5% 为葡萄种植园 生产区基本为方形, 以四条重要河流为界 : 翁布罗内河 ( Ombrone) 埃索河 (Asso) 阿比亚河 (Arbia) 奥尔恰河 (Orcia) 南侧的阿米亚达山 (Amiata) 高 740 米, 俯瞰并保护着整个布鲁耐罗 (Brunello) 地区, 使其免受暴雨和冰雹的侵袭 蒙塔尔奇诺 (Montalcino) 的地质环境形成于多个地址时期, 从构成和结构上说, 土壤特点变化多端, 难以概括其共同特点 地势较低区域的土壤来源于第四纪较为稀疏的砾石运动, 活动层较厚 向高处走, 土壤中骨骼增多, 活动层变薄, 主要来源于原始岩石的解体, 主要是泥灰土和石灰岩 这里有着标准的地中海气候, 降水主要集中在春季和晚秋 ( 年均 700mm) 冬季, 海拔 400 米以上的地方有时会出现降雪 山丘中段很少出现下雾 结冰或晚霜现象, 多风的条件也是种植园卫生状况良好的有效保证 在葡萄植株的整个生长过程中, 气候湿润, 大多数时间风和日丽, 能够保证葡萄株串的逐步完整成熟 territory, soil and climate The area where the wines of Montalcino are produced lies on the municipal territory of Montalcino and has a surface area of about 24,000 hectares, of which only 5% is occupied by vineyards. The production area is squarish, with its sides bounded and washed by the most important rivers found in the province of Siena: the Ombrone, Asso, Arbia and Orcia. To the south, mount Amiata, rising,740 metres high, looks over and protects the Brunello territory from atmospheric phenomena such as cloudbursts and hailstorms. From a geological viewpoint Montalcino, having been formed in diverse geological eras, presents ground features which are very different from each other as to both constitution and structure, about which it would not be easy to generalise widely. The lowest areas are made up of quite loose land which owes its origins to the transportation of rubble having a deep active layer, in the Quaternary. On gaining ground, the terrain is enriched with ribs while the active layer is reduced since it consists of earth formed by the decomposition of original rocks, particularly marl and alberese. The climate is typically Mediterranean with precipitation being concentrated during the spring and late autumn months (yearly average 700 mm.). In winter, snowfalls are not rare above 400 metres. The strips halfway up the hill rarely witness any fog, chilly weather or late frosts, even owing to the frequent presence of wind which guarantees the best conditions for plant health. During the whole vegetative state of the vine the climate is prevalently mild with a considerable amount of fair days, thus ensuring a gradual and full growth of the grape bunches.

主要法律法规 The main production regulations 蒙塔尔奇诺布鲁耐罗红葡萄酒 (Brunello di Montalcino) 保证受控原产地认证 产区 : 蒙塔尔奇诺 (Montalcino) 镇葡萄品种 : 桑娇维塞 蒙塔尔奇诺 (Montalcino) 本地名为布鲁耐罗 (Brunello) 最高葡萄产量 : 每公顷 8 吨 在专门木桶中陈化 : 在橡木桶中 2 年 在专门瓶中陈化 :4 个月 ( 陈酿型为 6 个月 ) 装瓶 : 只可在产区进行 允许进入消费市场 : 采摘后第 5 年 月 日 ( 陈酿型为第 6 年 月 日 ) 包装 : 蒙塔尔奇诺布鲁耐罗红葡萄酒 (Brunello di Montalcino) 必须采用波尔多式玻璃瓶封装才可销售 蒙塔尔奇诺红葡萄酒 (Rosso di Montalcino) 受控原产地认证 产区 : 蒙塔尔奇诺 (Montalcino) 镇 葡萄品种 : 桑娇维塞 蒙塔尔奇诺 (Montalcino) 本地名为布鲁耐罗 (Brunello) 最高葡萄产量 : 每公顷 9 吨 装瓶 : 只可在产区进行 允许进入消费市场 : 采摘次年 9 月 日 包装 : 蒙塔尔奇诺红葡萄酒 (Rosso di Montalcino) 必须采用波尔多式玻璃瓶装瓶才可销售 蒙塔尔奇诺莫斯卡戴罗葡萄酒 (Moscadello di Montalcino) 受控原产地认证产区 : 蒙塔尔奇诺 (Montalcino) 镇 葡萄品种 : 白莫斯卡托 最高葡萄产量 : 沉静型和发泡型每公顷 0 吨, 晚摘型每公顷 5 吨 装瓶 : 只可在产区进行 允许进入消费市场 : 晚摘型为采摘后第二年 月 日 圣安蒂莫葡萄酒 (Sant Antimo) 受控原产地认证 产区 : 蒙塔尔奇诺 (Montalcino) 镇, 其中一小部分区域除外 葡萄种类 : 西耶纳省推荐且允许种植的所有品种, 但是葡萄品种名称类型和圣托葡萄酒 (Vin Santo) 有具体限制 最高葡萄产量 : 白葡萄和圣安蒂莫红葡萄为每公顷 9 吨, 其它红葡萄为每公顷 8 吨 装瓶 : 只可在西耶纳省内进行 蒙塔尔奇诺布鲁耐罗葡萄酒联合会联合会生产商名录 Production area: the communal territory of Montalcino. Variety: Sangiovese (named "Brunello" in Montalcino). Maximum yield of grapes: 8 tons per hectare. Obligatory ageing in wood: 2 years in oak casks. Obligatory ageing in bottles: 4 months (6 months for the Riserva). Bottling: must take place in the production area. Available for sale: st of January of the 5 th year following the harvest (6 th year for the Riserva). Packaging: Brunello di Montalcino can be put on sale only in Bordeaux type bottles. Production area: the communal territory of Montalcino. Variety: Sangiovese (named "Brunello" in Montalcino). Maximum yield of grapes: 9 tons per hectare. Bottling: must take place in the production area. Available for sale: st of September of the year following the vintage. Packaging: Rosso di Montalcino can be put on sale only in Bourdeaux type bottles. Production area: the communal territory of Montalcino. Variety: Moscato Bianco Maximum yield of grapes: 0 tons per hectare for the Natural and Bubbly types, 5 tons per hectare for the Late Harvest type. Bottling: must take place in the production area. Available for sale: st of January of the second year after the harvest, for the Late Harvest type. Production area: the communal territory of Montalcino (excluded a small area). Variety: all those that are recommended and authorized in the province of Siena, with specific limitations for the types with a variety name and for the Vin Santo. Maximum yield of grapes: 9 tons per hectare for the white and the Sant' Antimo Rosso, 8 tons for the other reds. Bottling: must take place in the province of Siena.

蒙塔尔奇诺布鲁耐罗 (Brunello di Montalcino) 年份葡萄酒的质量评价 VINTAGE QUALITY EVALUATION of Brunello di Montalcino 945 969 993 946 970 994 947 97 995 948 972 996 949 973 997 950 974 998 95 975 999 952 976 2000 953 977 200 954 978 2002 955 979 2003 956 980 2004 957 98 2005 958 982 2006 959 983 2007 960 984 2008 96 985 2009 962 986 200 963 987 20 964 965 966 967 968 988 989 990 99 992 202 203 204 205 206 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 图例 - LEGEND: 不佳年份 INSUFFICIENT VINTAGE 普通年份 FAIR VINTAGE 优质年份 GOOD VINTAGE 绝佳年份 EXCELLENT VINTAGE 最佳年份 OUTSTANDING VINTAGE 括号中的年份葡萄酒正在陈化 THE VINTAGES BETWEEN BRACKETS ARE IN AGEING PROCESS

Mappa produttori definitivi ZH 207_ZH 27/03/7 5:37 Pagina Area N. C 0 B 27 B3 69 B2 5 B2 4 B 3 A3 23 B2 03 B2 203 B3 8 B2 40 B B2 20 B 20 B2 45 C3 200 B2 78 B 87 B2 32 B 26 A2 7 B3 6 B 47 B 64 B2 29 B 90 B 33 B3 00 B 7 B2 07 B2 9 B2 99 C 48 B 5 B2 58 A2 9 C3 204 B2 42 B 70 A 4 B2 26 B 3 B 59 C2 25 B3 93 C 72 C 206 B3 34 C2 42 A2 62 B3 4 B 44 B3 83 C 22 B3 76 B2 29 B 62 B2 35 A2 53 A2 220 B 55 B2 58 C2 30 B 5 B2 02 B3 79 B2 85 B3 60 C2 9 C2 22 B2 95 B2 2 C2 57 B2 55 B2 78 B2 B2 5 B2 9 B3 40 B 63 B2 57 B 6 B 36 B 223 B2 52 B3 2 B2 33 C 34 B2 80 C2 52 C3 5 B2 80 C2 74 C2 25 C 2 B 39 C2 37 B2 23 B 84 C3 54 C3 2 C2 53 C2 06 C2 09 庄园 - Estate Abbadia Ardenga Aglieta Agostina Pieri Aisna Albatreti Altesino Argiano Armilla Baccinetti Banfi Barbi Baricci Bartoli Giusti - Tenuta Comunali Beatesca Bellaria Belpoggio Biondi Santi Jacopo - Tenuta Greppo Bonacchi Bottega Bucine Camigliano Campogiovanni Canalicchio - Franco Pacenti Canalicchio di Sopra Canneta Cantina di Montalcino Capanna Capanne Ricci Caparzo Caprili Carpineto Casa Raia Casanova di Neri Casanuova delle Cerbaie Casisano-Tommasi Family Estates Castelgiocondo e Luce della Vite Castello di Velona Castello Romitorio Castello Tricerchi Castiglion del Bosco Cava d Onice Celestino Pecci Cerbaia Cerbaiona Ciacci Piccolomini d Aragona Citille di Sopra Col di Lamo Col d Orcia Coldisole Collelceto Collemattoni Colleoni Collosorbo Cordella Corte dei Venti Corte Pavone Loacker Wine Estates Cortonesi - La Mannella Costanti Cupano Domus Vitae Donatella Cinelli Colombini Donna Olga Fanti Fastelli Fattoi Ferrero Fontebuia Fonterenza Fornacella Fornacina Fossacolle Fuligni Gianni Brunelli - Le Chiuse di Sotto Greppino Greppone Mazzi - Ruffino Il Bosco di Grazia Il Cocco Il Colle Il Grappolo Fortius Il Marroneto Il Palazzone Il Paradiso di Frassina Il Paradiso di Manfredi Il Pino di Pellegrini Jessica Il Poggiolo Il Poggione Il Valentiano Innocenti L' Aietta La Collina dei Lecci La Colombina La Croce La Fiorita La Fornace La Fortuna La Gerla La Lecciaia La Magia La Melina - Scopetone La Palazzetta La Pieve La Poderina La Rasina La Serena 电话号码 - Phone +39 057783450 34865590 057784463 333 274750 3475598870 0577806208 0577844037 05778602 0577839025 / 3357266432 0577840 057784 057784809 33777484 / 34874300 055730363 / 392560653 347 456530 04239834 0577848087 0573735457 04384067 333 209864 0577844068 / 0577 8606 0577399 0577849277 057784836 0577848692 0577848704 / 057 902444 0577848298 0577844095 0577848390 0577848566 0558549062 340 099409 0577834455 0577849284 0577835540 0577843 0577839002 057784722 057780608 057793750 3494690420 0577847046 328090588 / 335 280429 0577848660 / 342 9057826 057783566 333 4246897 0577834433 05778089 0577355789 057786606 057784427 057784708 0577835534 347 042285 0577844035 04736525 / 05778480 057784726 057784895 057786055 / 377 2433549 0577839057 / 055 4089409 057784942/ 0577 66208 333547426 / 0577 849454 0577835795 0577848250 057784863 057784470 / 335 646334 055892297 / 320 437579 347357605 / 338 4620489 0577849024 0577848464 05778603 / 334 864723 057784870 0577849337 0577848709 / 347 0535643 05583605 3337693549 347 080972 0577848295 / 338 620945 057483730 0577849382 057784642 057783903 0577848478 347 57905 057784842 / 348 34848 0577844029 0577848576 0577834227 346453226 0577849287 0577 835609 / 348 3503484 0577849463 / 339 5259455 0577835657 34858644 0577848308 0577848599 0577849287 0577835667 057784523 057783553 / 348 9038507 0577835755 0577835737 / 34860063 0577848536 0577848659 电子邮件 - E-mail info@abbadiardengapoggio.it patriziamerlo64@gmail.com info@pieriagostina.it fattorialagerla@gmail.com info@albatreti.it info@altesino.it argiano@argiano.net info@armillawine.com giovanni.pennoni@virgilio.it banfi@banfi.it info@fattoriadeibarbi.it baricci955@libero.it comunali@bartoligiusti.it info@beatesca.com info@aziendabellaria.it belpoggio@belpoggio.it biondisanti@biondisanti.it info@bonacchi.it info@bottegaspa.com lausala@tiscali.it info@camigliano.it info@agricolasanfelice.it info@canalicchiofrancopacenti.it info@canalicchiodisopra.com i-mori@i-mori.it info@cantinadimontalcino.it info@capannamontalcino.com capannericci@virgilio.it caparzo@caparzo.com info@caprili.it info@carpineto.com casaraia@ymail.com info@casanovadineri.com info@casanuovadellecerbaie.com info@casisano.it info@frescobaldi.it winery@castellodivelonavini.it info@castelloromitorio.com info@castellotricerchi.com wine@castigliondelbosco.com info@cavadonice.it info@aziendapeccicelestino.com infocerbaia@gmail.com fioretti@cerbaiona.net info@ciaccipiccolomini.com info@citille.com coldilamo@alice.it info@coldorcia.it info@castellodimonastero.com info@collelceto.it collemattoni@collemattoni.it santamariasnc@libero.it info@collosorbo.com info@cordellavini.it info@cortedeiventi.com lo@cker.it info@cortonesimontalcino.it info@costanti.it cupano@cupano.it domusvitae@libero.it vino@cinellicolombini.it info@donnaolga.it info@tenutafanti.it fastellimauro@tiscali.it info@fattoi.it info@brunelloferrero.it tempestirenzo@gmail.com francescapadovani@hotmail.com marcociacci@hotmail.com info@cantinafornacina.it info@fossacolle.it info@fuligni.it laura.brunelli@giannibrunelli.it info@ruffino.it info@brunellograzia.it wine@ilcocco.it ilcolledicarli@libero.it fortius@ilgrappolofortius.it info@ilmarroneto.it laura@ilpalazzone.com info@alparadisodifrassina.it info@ilparadisodimanfredi.com info@fattoriadelpino.com info@ilpoggiolomontalcino.com info@ilpoggione.it info@ilvalentiano.it info@innocentivini.com fmulinari@aietta.eu collina@pacinimauro.com info@lacolombinavini.it agriturismolacroce@virgilio.it info@lafiorita.com info@brunellolafornace.it info@tenutalafortuna.it lagerla@tin.it lecciaia@pacinimauro.com info@fattorialamagia.it info@lamelina.net palazzettafanti@gmail.com info@lapieve.de poderina@tenutedelcerro.it larasina@larasina.it la_serena@virgilio.it Area N. B2 65 B 44 C 46 B 73 B 08 C2 46 B2 88 C3 28 B3 3 C2 3 B 224 A2 6 B2 32 C2 2 B2 95 B2 92 B 8 C3 3 B 47 B2 27 B2 202 B2 63 C2 7 B 23 B2 2 B 67 A2 04 B2 6 B3 70 B2 83 B2 86 B2 76 B 90 B2 97 B2 49 B 92 C 24 C 73 C2 29 C 85 B3 43 B 94 B2 8 B3 B2 86 C3 67 C2 4 C 7 B2 56 B2 207 B2 22 C 99 C 77 B 27 B2 75 B2 38 C2 79 B 208 B2 30 C2 74 C2 75 B2 69 C 48 B 24 B 6 C 205 B 28 B2 54 B3 39 B3 89 B 26 B2 68 B3 38 B2 97 C3 66 B2 24 B3 82 A2 59 B2 35 C3 28 B2 25 C3 94-56 A2 222 B2 45 C 20 A 8 C2 50 B 89 B2 50 B2 0 C3 66 B 43 B 77 C3 96 B2 88 C2 36 B2 9 B2 60 B2 98 B2 0 B2 68 B3 7 C3 22 庄园 - Estate La Torre Lambardi Lazzeretti Le Chiuse Le Gode Le Macioche Le Ragnaie Le 7 Camicie Lisini Luciani Madonna Nera Marchesato degli Aleramici Martoccia - Brunelli Mastrojanni Máté Mocali Molinari Carlo Molino di Sant'Antimo Montecarbello Musico NostraVita Padelletti Palazzo Paradisone Passo del Lume Spento Pian delle Querci Pian delle Vigne Pian di Macina Piancornello PietraRossa Pietroso Pieve Santa Restituta Pinino Piombaia Rossi-Cantini Podere Brizio Podere Canalino Podere Canapaccia Podere La Vigna Podere Le Ripi Podere Paganico Poderuccio Poggiarellino Poggio Antico Poggio degli Ulivi Poggio dell'aquila Poggio di Sotto Poggio Il Castellare Poggio Landi Poggio Lucina Querce Bettina Quercecchio Rendola Renieri Ridolfi S. Lucia Salvioni San Filippo San Giacomo SanLorenzo San Polino San Polo SanCarlo Santa Giulia Sassetti Sassetti Livio - Pertimali SassodiSole Scopeto del Cavalli Scopone Sesta di Sopra Sesti Siro Pacenti Solaria Talenti Tassi di Franci Franca Tenuta Buon Tempo Tenuta Crocedimezzo Tenuta di Sesta Tenuta La Fuga Tenuta Le Potazzine Tenuta Oliveto Tenuta Poggio Rubino Tenuta San Giorgio Tenuta Vitanza Tenute di Toscana Distribuzione srl Tenute Friggiali e Pietranera Tenute Piccini Tenute Silvio Nardi Terralsole Terre Nere Tiezzi Tornesi Uccelliera Valdicava Val di Suga Vasco Sassetti Ventolaio Verbena Villa a Tolli Villa al Cortile Villa I Cipressi Villa Le Prata Villa Poggio Salvi Vini Italiani da Sogno - La Togata Voliero 电话号码 - Phone +39 0577844073 0577848476 0577848475 055597052 0577848547 057784968 0577848639 335 6363730 0577844040 / 3666338677 057784930 3482609464 057786007 0577848540 057783568 057784725 0577849485 057784905 0577847026 0577849274 348222430 0577848487/ 329442363 057784834 0577848479 / 380 588990 0577847035 / 348 6049950 0577848582 057783474 / 333 994006 057786066 0577849035 349 5997260 34734496 0577848573 057784860 057784938 057784797 0577846004 05778477 / 347 365676 0577834547 339797663 057783564 320 078 7760 0577844052 0577848726 0577848044 057733524 0577848533 0577835502 0577832982 0577042736 339 704540 0577848588 057784829 / 347 3483774 05783708 0577359330 0577698333 057784756 0577848499 057784776 0577848755 0577832965 / 339 6070930 0577835775 05778350 057784866 / 349 7739268 0577834270 / 339 62826 0577848748 / 348 3546329 057769836 0577834303 / 320 25509 328 56077 050939058 / 346 7940490 0577835698 057784392 0577848662 0577849426 / 335 62272 0577844064 057784647 057792459 / 338 6707362 057784733 057783562 0558598 057784668 057780770 057769833 / 347 7530006 0577835502 0577 832962 0577843 0577849454 0577540 0577808269 0577835764 349 09773 / 335 807743 057784887 349093267 0577835729 057784826 05778040 057783569 0577835779 0577846035 0577848498 0577540 0577848640 347366520 05778472 0668803000 0577835729 电子邮件 - E-mail torrediluigi@gmail.com info@lambardimontalcino.it info@vinilazzeretti.it info@lechiuse.com azienda.legode@libero.it info@lemacioche.it info@leragnaie.com info@le7camicie.it azienda@lisini.com cantineluciani@alice.it vinomadonnanera@gmail.com info@marchesatodeglialeramici.it info@tenutabrunelli.it info@mastrojanni.com info@matewine.com azmocali@tiscali.it molinaricolombo@virgilio.it info@molinosantantimo.com montecarbello@virgilio.it info@musico.pro info@nostravita.it padelletti_claudia@yahoo.it info@aziendapalazzo.it info@paradisone.it info@lumespento.it angelo.pinti@alice.it piandellevigne@antinori.it pdm@piandimacina.it piancornello@libero.it info@pietrarossa.it info@pietroso.it info@pievesantarestituta.com office@pinino.com piombaia@piombaia.com info@poderebrizio.it poderecanalino@virgilio.it canapaccia@live.it info@poderelavigna.it info@podereleripi.it info@poderepaganico.it poderuccio.girardi@virgilio.it info@poggiarellino.it mail@poggioantico.com poggiodegliulivi@gmail.com renzocosimi@alice.it info@poggiodisotto.it segreteria@tenutetoscane.com info@poggiolandi.it didonatoarve@gmail.com info@quercebettina.it quercecchio@inwind.it sales@rendola.com info@castellodibossi.it info@ridolfimontalcino.it info@santaluciavini.com info@aziendasalvioni.com info@sanfilippomontalcino.com info@poderesangiacomo.it info@poderesanlorenzo.net vino@sanpolino.it info@poggiosanpolo.com info@sancarlomontalcino.it info@santagiuliamontalcino.it debras@hotmail.it info@pertimalisassetti.it info@sassodisole.it bcazac@tin.it info@winescopone.com info@sestadisopra.it elisa@sesti.net info@siropacenti.it solaria@solariacencioni.com info@talentimontalcino.it info@tassimontalcino.com info@tenutabuontempo.it crocedimezzo@crocedimezzo.com tenutadisesta@tenutadisesta.it folonari@tenutefolonari.com tenuta@lepotazzine.it info@tenutaoliveto.it info@poggiorubino.it sangiorgio@collemassari.it tenutavitanza@tenutavitanza.it info@frescobaldi.it info@tenutafriggialiepietranera.it info@tenutepiccini.it info@tenutenardi.com info@terralsole.com terrenere@virgilio.it info@tiezzivini.it tornesi@alice.it anco@uccelliera-montalcino.it fax 0577848008 info@tenimentiangelini.it lanzini.massimo@tiscali.it info@ventolaio.it aziendaverbena@tiscali.it aziendavillaatolli@libero.it info@tenutepiccini.it info@villacipressi.it annavittoria@villaleprata.com vps@villapoggiosalvi.it info@brunellolatogata.com anco@uccelliera-montalcino.it Brunello Rosso Moscadello Sant Antimo 联合装瓶企业名录 List of bottler members Brunello Rosso Moscadello Sant Antimo 装瓶企业同地产区 PRODUCTION AREA AND SITE OF BOTTLING ESTATES Siena A San Giovanni d Asso 67 2 59 6 220 62 04 53 o Camigliano 60 6 33 43 73 44 85 2 22 Torrenieri 206 20 7 99 2 26 4 65 60 6 76 7 23 89 90 24 477 205 Roma 2223 46 64 622 48 5 399 47 4 5 84 77 8 27 36 200 2 633 28 92 22244 2 226 44 23 56 85 6 38 63 06 3 2720 2 26 500 36 97 7 99 68 83 80 42 29 29 32 6 25 42 35 9 0 9 86 57 778 4 98 30 86 52 5 9 22 55 78 68 09 45 35 8 80 25 7 54 5 0 24 32 3 37 33 207 40 75 52 202 25 79 57 997 58 88 92 74 45 2 5 69 4 75 46 8 209 09 50 49 58 5 Tavernelle 9 22 07 53 88 95 23 23 95 9 2 03 03 74 02 222 9 90 3 777 27 72 48 208 34 00 24 08 59 73 7 6 55 87 4 94 3 89 8 San Quirico d Orcia 70 C Buonconvento B 4 38 203 00 7 43 43 39 3 Sant Angelo in Colle 40 Castelnuovo dell Abate 28 833 82 5 933 54 96 9 66 66 2 200 22 2 2 30 29 94 67 288 66 204 3 Monte Amiata Scalo 76 70 3 79 79 69 88 Amiata 34 Sant Angelo Scalo Scala (scale) :60.000 Mt. 0 Grosseto 750.500 3.000 更新于 3/3/207 Update 3/3/207 装瓶生产商总计 总计 208 Bottler members Total 208 蒙塔尔奇诺 Montalcino 总面积 Total surface covered by the township of Montalcino 24,000 公顷 Ha 24.000 种植葡萄面积 总计 3,500 公顷 Surface covered with vineyards Total Ha 3.500 Brunello di Montalcino DOCG Rosso di Montalcino DOC Moscadello di Montalcino DOC Sant Antimo DOC 其他酒 - other wines Ha 2.00 Ha 50 Ha 50 Ha 480 Ha 360

BOLOGNA Uscita A - Firenze Impruneta Superstrada Firenze-Siena FIRENZE Autostrada del Sole A TOSCANA Brookshaw&Gorelli dronephoto.com SIENA Monteroni d Arbia Buonconvento Strada Statale n.2 Cassia Chianciano Terme Montepulciano Pienza CHIUSI Uscita A Chiusi Chianciano Terme ROMA FIRENZE San Quirico d Orcia SIENA Sant Angelo in Colle Grosseto Sant Angelo Scalo Monte Amiata GPS: 43 3 0 N 29 0 E Consorzio del Vino Brunello di Montalcino Via Boldrini, 0-53024 Montalcino (SI) Tel +39 0577 848246 - Fax +39 0577 849425 info@consorziobrunellodimontalcino.it www.consorziobrunellodimontalcino.it BrunellodiMontalcino ConsBrunello