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Chinese Culture Center Connecticut Chinese Language Academy Newsletter ~ May 2012 Dear CCC members, The month of May is the Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, a celebration of the culture, traditions, and history of Asians Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States. The month of May was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese to the United States on May 7, 1843, and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. The majority of the workers who laid the tracks were Chinese immigrants. (http://asianpacificheritage.gov) Asian-Pacific Heritage Month originated in a congressional bill back in 1977 to call upon the president to proclaim the first ten days of May as Asian-Pacific Heritage Week and in 1992, the official designation of May as Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month was signed into law. As we look back at history, a history filled with struggle and hardship, our generation appreciates all that the prior generations have enabled for us equality, freedom and rights. People working within their communities make things happened. At the Chinese Culture Center, we thank our members, volunteers, friends and partners, who have devoted time and resources. Your effort is the reason CCC has consistently delivered on its promises to members and given back to the broader CT community. We are happy that you chose to be a part of CCC and look forward to continue working together to make our community a better place. Enjoy your spring and the upcoming summer with family and friends. Of course, enjoy the newsletter that was put together by a great team. Ashley Yen 嚴惟洵 President Chinese Culture Center

Chinese New Year (Year of the Dragon) Annual Meeting & Gala Show Jamie Zhu CCC Board of Director The 32nd annual meeting was held on January 28, 2012 at the Welte Hall of CCSU. President Jamie Zhu hosted the meeting. In her opening remark, she spoke about the accomplishments the board and the organization achieved over the year. The Chinese school CCLA has grown stronger than ever and had over 400 students from towns in the great Hartford area. The organization outreach program has grown and we have built strong relationship with community groups and public schools. The president reflected on the generosity from the board members, the volunteers, the school teachers, the partners and supporters from the local community, especially the support from CCSU. She thanked members for their constant contribution to the organization. The president also made recognition to the outstanding community leaders, volunteers and supporters. As a tradition, the Chinese New Year Gala was kicked off right after the annual meeting to celebrate the Year of Dragon. We were honored to have the United States Senator Richard Blumenthal be the keynote speaker of the event. His speech was genuine and encouraging to our community. For the second time, we had Dr. Carl Lovitt, Provost of CCSU, be the second keynote speaker of the event. Dr. Lovitt shared the exciting experience of his first trip to China. We had great performances from our Chinese school dance students, local performing groups and professional performers from the New York area. The gala was ended with joy and happiness. Thank for many months of hard work from the board members and the volunteers. It s the team work and the passion on celebrating Chinese culture that made this event a success.

The 25th International Festival hosted by the Center for International Education of CCSU was held on Sunday, April 22, 2012. For the first time, the CCC participated in the event to promote Chinese culture, the CCC, and our Chinese school CCLA to the CCSU students and faculties, and the community in the great Hartford area. Organized by the Board, we put together exhibition boards to show Chinese culture and the beauty of the country. We had Chinese artifacts on display and spring rolls for Chinese food sampling. The CCC also participated the performance of the event. The CCLA students from Weimei Yao s dance class and Lena Tan s dance class performed group dance. Mingji Chen from the TEMS campus played The Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto. Also the community groups, Yihan Chen s Echo Chinese Ensemble and East Culture Arts, performed at the event representing the CCC. Their performances were well received by the audience and highly appraised by the event organizer. We thank all the performers and volunteers at this event. With your supports, we the CCC made a strong presence. We helped the community to better understand Chinese culture and Chinese language. Look forward to another exciting event next year. 康州中央州立大学国际文化节 由康州中央州立大学国际教育中心主办的第二十五届国际文化节于二零一二年四月二十二日举行 华社首次参与了这项活动, 向康州中央州立大学的学生和教师以及哈福德社区推广中国文化, 介绍华社和康华中文学校 由董事会组织, 我们用丰富的图片展示了中国文化和美丽的中国, 我们还展示了具有中国特色的艺术品 传统的中国春卷是最受欢迎的美食品尝之一 华社还参加了活动的表演环节 姚维梅老师和谭卓蓉老师的舞蹈班表演了舞蹈 南温莎校园的陈明基同学表演了小提琴独奏 梁祝 同时社区艺术团体, 陈一涵老师和她的学生以及东方艺术表演团, 也代表华社进行了表演 他们的表演获得了观众和活动组织者的赞美 我们深深的感谢所有参与这次活动的表演者和义务工作人员 有了你们的支持和帮助, 我们华社才得以完美地参与了这次活动

We Learn Together Yingcui Li, Lena Tan and Hongjie Wang CCC Board of Directors On March 31, 2012, three CCC Board members attended the 6th Annual Literacy Essentials Conference at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), thanks to the generous support from the East Asian Center of CCSU. Yingcui Li, Lena Tan and Hongjie Wang spent the bulk of the day attending workshops, paper presentations, panel discussions and listening to the key note speakers who shared insightful ideas about the best practice of effective teaching. The theme of the conference is Data that count and data that really count: focusing on the whole child. Presenters from various backgrounds celebrated innovative visions of effective literacy curriculum, instruction and assessment that value all students, parents, teachers, educational staff, community leaders, and administrators who advocate for the kinds of transformative framework beyond mere testing. What s noteworthy is keynote speaker Yetta Goodman, a well-known and wellrespected professor of Education at the University of Arizona. Ms. Goodman consults with education departments and speaks at conferences throughout the United States and in many nations around the world regarding issues of language, teaching and learning with implications for language arts curricula. In addition to her research in early literacy, miscue analysis, reading and writing processes, she has popularized the term kid-watching, which is to encourage teachers to be professional observers of the language and learning development of their students. The main idea here is that teachers should observe and learn from kids in a teaching environment rather than jumping to conclusions about student s learning ability or intelligence. In doing so, teachers can better understand their students and their own teaching as well. The concept is simple, but the strategy is powerful. It works very well for many educational leaders who seek to create community of learners in their classrooms. The conference is a learning experience for all the three board members, and they are thankful to the CCC Board and the U.S.-China Center for the great opportunity to broaden their horizon and sharpen their own teaching skills.

http://www.xinshipu.com 如果你喜欢烹调世界各地美食, 心食谱网站搜尽天下美食秀出个人厨艺 种类繁多的创意私房食谱, 创意无限的私人厨房空间, 来心食谱网, 厨艺切磋乐无穷 Xiang Xiang Noodle 香香面条 Lena Tan 谭卓蓉 Boiling about 8 cups of water in a pot, put one pound package of Hong Kong style pan fried noodle to the boiling water in the pot. As soon as the noodle are cooked, pour the noodle in the basket inside the sink and drain the water. Then put about 1/4 cup of water or chicken soup (or bone soup) in a fry pan, add some sliced garlic, 3 to 5 tablespoon of olive oil, 3 to 6 tablespoon of Soy sauce (adjust the amount according the percentage of Sodium in the Soy sauce), 1 to 2 table spoon of Italian style vinegar or fruit vinegar, and 1/2 teaspoon sugar together until boiling, mix the noodle in the fry pan and continue to cook. When some of the noodle start to stick in the frying pan and no liquid in the pan, you can take the noodle out. 加水八杯在锅里烧开, 加港式炒面 1 磅装 1 袋进锅里. 面一熟便拿出放进篮子滤干水. 然后加 1/4 量杯水或鸡汤 ( 骨头汤也可 ) 在炒锅里, 放进一些切好的大蒜和 3 至 5 汤匙橄榄油, 3 至 6 汤匙酱油 ( 可根据含盐量适当调节 ), 1 至 2 汤匙意大利式醋或果醋和 1/2 茶匙糖一起在炒锅煮开, 加入面条一边拌匀一边把水煮干, 等有少量面条粘锅底时即可拿出食用. Yum! Yum! Enjoy!

HHC Cares About the CCLA Community Hebrew Health Care & Amina Weiland CCC Board of Director Hebrew Health Care (HHC) and Chinese Culture Center (CCC) have a wonderful relationship of partnering to benefit both organizations. In the past, HHC welcomed Connecticut Chinese Language Academy (CCLA) to host various events, like the teachers conference and CCC board meetings. HHC residents enjoyed the 2010 Youth Talent Show, President s Musical Recital, and Chinese New Year event. Furthermore, HHC would like to contribute more to the Chinese community of Greater Hartford. No community of people should be isolated from the benefits of their local region, and HHC would like to do more to help the families of CCLA. With a full spectrum of health services and resources to guide families facing challenges related to aging loved ones, HHC is poised to offer services to the Chinese community. Many people do not have knowledge about aging; and many more are afraid to ask for help. But, at HHC, we have staff who are experts in the field of aging; people who can make life easier, and less scary. There are cultures who feel that asking for help is wrong, and at HHC we work with families so that they understand it is okay; no one can do it all by themselves. Some of elders need very little help, and some need much more. Hebrew Health Care can offer just the right amount of help that each individual needs. For HHC, aging is something that should be celebrated, everyday. We are sensitive to cultural, spiritual and emotional needs, and we care about the dignity of every person we treat. HHC s greatest hope is that the next time an elder in the Chinese Culture Center needs help with an aging loved one, that they will come to us. It would be an honor. If you have questions about HHC s programs or would like more information visit www.hebrewhealthcare.org. Hebrew Health Care 关心华人社区 Hebrew Health Care(HHC) 和华社一直有良好的合作关系, 造福双方组织 在过去的几年里,HHC 积极支持康华中文学校主持了多个活动, 比如教师会议和华社董事会会议 HHC 长者也很喜欢康华中文学校带来的少年才艺表演, 演奏会和新年表演 HHC 愿意为大哈特福地区的华人社区作出更多的支持 HHC 愿意提供华人社区的家庭更多的帮助 HHC 有范围广泛的医疗服务和长者护理资源服务中心 很多人没有关于高龄化问题的知识, 更多的人害怕寻求帮助 但是, 在 HHC, 我们的工作人员是高龄化的专家, 他们可以使日常生活更轻松, 少点恐惧感 有的文化认为寻求帮助是错误的, 而在 HHC, 我们与家庭一起合作, 认识了解情况, 协助解决疑问 有的长者需要的帮助很少, 而有的需要的帮助多点 HHC 可以提供任何人所需要的恰当的帮助 对于 HHC 来说, 健康高龄化是一件值得庆祝的事情 我们对文化敏感, 关心和尊重每个接收治疗的人士 HHC 最大的希望是当华人社区的家庭有长者需要帮助的时候, 可伸出援手, 这是我们的荣幸 如果你关于 HHC 的任何问题或者想知道更多的信息, 请浏览网页 www.hebrewhealthcare.org.

CCLA Presentation to Chinese Adopted Siblings Program for Youth (CASPY) Jerry Karp CCC Board of Director Twice during the academic year, the Chinese American Student Association at Yale University puts on an event for Chinese adopted children. This event is known as CASPY at Yale (Chinese Adopted Siblings Program for Youth) took place on April 14, 2012. This event draws adoptive families from all over Connecticut. My own daughter has attended many of these events over the years. The Yale student organizers usually arrange several sessions for the parents at the CASPY event. As part of the CCLA outreach to the Adoptive Community, I proposed to Ms Iris Tao-Mullan, CCLA Principal, that we give a presentation to the parents. The Yale student organizers were very receptive to our proposal to give a presentation on the CCLA s CFL (Chinese as Foreign Language) program and the Adult Chinese Language class. The student organizers requested if we could also give a presentation on an aspect of Chinese culture. I was very fortunate to arrange for Tea Master and CCLA teacher Ms Haiyan Grzelak to give a presentation of Tea in Chinese culture. We were fortunate to have a large audience of parent. In her presentation, Ms Tao-Mullan gave an overview of the CCLA School, our history and our mission, Chinese language education. She spoke in detail about the CFL program. The parents had great interest in the CFL program as they are mostly non-chinese speaking, but they have a considerable interest in keeping their children connected to Chinese culture. After the presentation about the CCLA and CFL program, I gave a short presentation on the CCLA s Adult Chinese Language class. The Adult Chinese Language class is the CCLA s best kept secret. I told the parents about the class, which is a business focused beginner s class. It runs at the same time as the CFL classes so that parents can take the class at the same time that their children are in class. While Ms. Tao Mullan and I were talking and answering parent s questions, Ms Haiyan Grzelak was heating water for tea. After we finished Ms Grzelak started her presentation of a Chinese tea ceremony. She had prepared several different types of tea for her tea ceremony. She explained the proper procedure for the preparation of the tea. She demonstrated the proper way to pour and serve the tea. Each step was carefully explained and shown with considerable grace. The care and detail that she showed to us in the preparation and serving of the tea was truly stunning. She ended her tea ceremony with a performance on the guzheng. Her playing was wonderful and all of us sat there listening entranced. By this point after watching all this tea preparation and tea pouring, we were all getting quite thirsty. Fortunately there was plenty of wonderful tea for all of us to sample. The response by the parents to Ms Grzelak tea ceremony and performance was very appreciative. The Yale student organizers were very pleased with the presentations that the CCLA gave and the effort that all of us had done for their event. This was a great event for the CCC and the CCLA.

Doctors Column Beginning Words Thank You, Doctors! Yingcui Li, CCC Board of Directors I would like to thank our board-certified dermatologist Dr. Jun Lu and dentist Dr. Wenjie Yu who took the lead in this first journal. They wrote special articles titled Sun Protection for the Summer and Healthy Smile for Kids respectively. Dr. Yu s journal would continue for a total of 6 sessions. Stay tuned for more articles from our doctors. Healthy Smile for Kids Dr. Wenjie Yu, UCHC Dentist Session One: Regular Dental Visit When should my child first see a dentist? This is a common question for new parents. The short answer is 1 st visit by 1 st birthday which is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Parents should plan their child s first dental visit within 6 months after the first tooth erupts, but no later than the child s 1 st birthday. At the visit, the dentist or hygienist will review your child s health history, answer your questions or concerns, discuss the oral habit of your child including thumb sucking, give oral hygiene instructions, show you how to brush your child s teeth, tell you what to expect as your child grows, schedule a follow-up visit, and of course a thorough examination of your child s mouth. Following the initial visit, it is recommended that your child has a dental visit every six months for cleaning and examination. The American Association of Orthodontists suggests that every child should receive an orthodontic evaluation by age seven. Your family dentist will provide a referral to an orthodontist in your area to assess your child s bite relationships and facial growth. This assessment may reveal the need for orthodontic care or no treatment at all. Session two: good oral hygiene at home keep your smile clean Session there: diet good food versus bad food Session four: prevention the importance of fluoride Session five: protect your teeth with sealant Session six: sports and dental emergencies

Doctors Still Want to Say Sun Protection For the Summer Dr. Jun Lu, UCHC Dermatologist Summer is coming! It s time to get your family ready for enjoying the sunny days safely by practicing smart sun protection. Why sun protection? Ultraviolet A & B in natural sunlight cause skin aging and skin cancers. Sun damage is the major cause for wrinkles and pigmentation problem. To maintain youthful and healthy skin, good sun protection is the most cost-effective way compared with all the expensive cosmetic products and procedures. How to protect yourself? Besides lathering sunscreens, there are lots of other ways. Avoid peak sunshine hours (between 10 to 3pm): stay in shades; use umbrella and hats; wear protective clothing. Keep in mind, water reflex UV lights. Therefore even during cloudy days, especially on the beach or boat, you still need to protect yourself. How to choose and use sunscreen? Pick sunscreens with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide as active ingredients. They are very safe because zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are inactive chemicals that will not break down or absorb into the body. They serve more like physical blockers. No sunscreen is truly water proof. Reapplication every 2-3 hours on the beach is very important. Do not fix on the SPF numbers. They only measure protection for UVB but not UVA. The way SPF has been calculated did not make significant difference between SPF 30 vs SPF 80 in terms of sun protection. As a matter of fact, FDA may soon get rid of SPF labeling since they tend to be misleading. A list of good sunscreens you may choose: Aveeno active natural SPF30 Neutrogena Pure & Free baby Blue Lizard Baby Burt s bee chemical-free sunscreen California baby moisturizing sunscreen CVS Zinc 45 Cotz total block

CCLA Principal s Message 康华中文学校校长讯息 The school year of 2011-2012 is almost over. With strong support from the community, the Connecticut Chinese Language Academy (CCLA) has had another successful year. Our student population has passed 400! A new school administration team has been established and has been working closely with CCC Education Committee. We are in the process of updating and refining policies and rules to keep pace with the school s growth and needs. Our goal is to have a more efficient and effective school operation that serves the needs of the parents, students and staff. Due to evolving technology and the growing number of students, our old online registration system became outdated. The school administration team, working closely with a group of CCC board members led by the President Ashley Yen, was able to identify a local web design and hosting company to build a new online registration system for the school. The contract has been signed and work has begun. As a result, this year s registration will utilize paper forms. Though we have run into issues with CCSU about our facility usage, the whole community has been on high alert ever since. We have been focusing together to show CCSU that we appreciate their support to the school and we are capable of taking care of their facilities. Thus, they have offered us a contract to use their classrooms for another year. As the American saying: United we stand. CCLA will continue to offer the best quality education programs to the community. 2011-2012 学年度即将结束 这一年是康华中文学校自 2005 年成立以来颇具历史意义的成功的一年 我们的学生人数第一次超过了 400! 我们学校新的管理小组也在学期结束前建成, 并且已经和华社的教育委员会密切合作 我们将对现有的政策和管理措施逐步更新和改善, 以保障学校的成长和需求 我们的共同目标是建立一个更完善和更有效率的管理机构, 以满足家长们, 学生们和学校工作人员的需要 由于技术的进步和我们学生人数的增长, 我们旧的网上注册系统跟不上时代的步伐 学校的管理小组和华社会长严惟洵带领的部分华社董事会成员紧密合作, 找到了一家康州本地的网络公司 他们将按照我们学校的要求编写一个新的网上注册系统 合同已经签定, 编程工作已进入状态 因此, 我们今年的报名注册要使用纸的表格 在过去的一年里, 康华中文学校也并非一切都一帆风顺 我们的东道主学校康州中央大学今年四月对我们提出了严正的警告 从那时起, 我们整个社区从华社董事会到每一个学生, 都进入了一个高度紧张的状态 在短短的一个多月里, 我们用实际行动向他们证明, 我们不但从心底里感激他们对我们学校的支持, 而且能够爱护他们的财产 他们终于又给我们明年的教室使用合同 康华中文学校历经了七年的风风雨雨 我们深深体会到任重道远的丰富内涵 常言道 : 人心齐, 泰山移 我们相信全体学校的员工和家长们, 会团结一心, 把康华中文学校越办越好! Iris T. Mullan 陶煜 Principal of Connecticut Chinese Language Academy 康华中文学校校长

Connecticut Chinese Language Academy (CCLA) 2011-2012 School Year Teachers of the Year Award Results 优秀教师奖结果 Teachers of the Year Award represent Connecticut Chinese Language Academy (CCLA) most significant recognition of teachers achievement and contribution, and the 2011-2012 academic year. The award for CCLA is intended to recognize exceptional accomplishment and contribution by teachers in realizing CCLA mission as offering the best quality Chinese language education programs and cultural activity classes to the Chinese community. With the overwhelming responses from parents, CCLA Principal, Iris Tao Mullan announced that Zhengjie Guo, Weimei Yao, Qian Shen, and Xiaoyun Huang have been named the 2011-2012 CCLA Teachers of the Year. Awards will be presented at the School Fair on June 10, 2012 at CCSU Student Center. Congratulation s! CHL Kindergarten C 郭正洁 Zhengjie Guo CFL G2-A Class 姚维梅 Weimei Yao CHL G5-A 沈倩 Qian Shen CFL- Level 5 黄晓云 Xiaoyun Huang

Praise People More ( 多表扬别人 ), My impression of Lianghua (Jason) Hu Ziyou Xiong, Chairman of the CCC Education Committee The first time I met Lianghua was at his first job interview for the CCLA financial officer with Huawei (Jamie) Zhu, then the President of CCC, and myself in early 2011. At that time I was a member of the CCC Education Committee (EdC). The first impression was about his kind smile and soft voice. His background in finance is solid. His willingness to volunteer for CCLA was clear. Both Jamie and I recommended hiring right away. Lianghua demonstrated his ability in financial skills and attention to details in the tuition reconciliation task. Every year after the student registration is finished, the CCLA financial officer needs to make sure all the students' tuition and book fees are accurate. Lianghua spent many nights working on the report. The report he presented to the school not only showed which student's record is completed, which student's is incomplete, but also provided guidelines for the school to improve its students registration system. Lianghua was brought to my attention again at a school administration meeting. Volunteering in a non-profit organization, people naturally sometimes get frustrated and critical. But one short sentence from Lianghua impressed me deeply. "Praise people more, and we can do our jobs better". Lianghua left CCLA because of a family reason, but his kindness still resides. Early May, 2012, our treasurer contacted him in order to give him a refund of his children's tuition as compensation for his work as the CCLA financial officer. He kindly declined, saying "As for refunding the tuition, you don't have to do that. I would like you keep that money and use it in classrooms." I want to praise Lianghua for his kindness, generosity, and team working spirit. His simple words "Praise People More ( 多表扬别人 )" also will inspire every one of us to make CCC/CCLA better organizations.

6th Annual CCSU Conference for Language Teachers Language Connections: Trespassing Across Borders March 10, 2012 From Left: Yuanyuan Lu, Mei Zhu, Amina Weiland, Iris Tao Mullan, Xin Tan, Shu Jin, Professor Tina Wu, Weimei Yao, Xuefeng Theodorou. First, I am new in this field and this is the first time I attended this Conference. I got a chance to meet others teachers from CCLA and different schools. Teaching Chinese in the classroom environment is a challenge job. The Chinese teachers I met during the conference are the most dedicated educators. Secondly, I found writing Chinese characters is not a requirement in some schools. I am thinking we might provide a class to focus on speaking in our school to keep the students from dropping out. Thirdly, I talked to some teachers from Taiwan and learned that they are learning simplified Chinese characters and Pinyin. Many years ago, I had to learn traditional Chinese characters to teach Chinese to American students. Finally, the food was good Cheers! ~Mei Zhu

每年一度的 Conference for Language Teachers 提供了一个很好的平台让老师们展示自己的教学方法, 介绍教学经验和体会 同时, 也给大家互相学习和交流提供了一个很好的场所 虽然牺牲了自己一整天的休息时间, 我觉学到了很多值得借鉴的东西, 十分又意义 比如 Better Chang 的词汇教学法就很值得提倡 她先用图片引入概念, 再加上带拼音的字卡, 等学生熟悉后, 又去掉字卡上的拼音, 由浅入深, 易于接受 Meijing Chang 引入了 流行文化 的概念, 并介绍了她怎样利用各种游戏使课堂生动活泼 她的课堂上又歌声, 又欢笑, 生动 有趣, 很值得学习 作为中文学校的老师, 我们应该多多走出去, 取长补短, 丰富自己的教学经验, 更好的为学校和学生服务 ~ Shu Jin I think it was a good opportunity for me to learn some new teaching methods and to communicate with other teachers. I learned some classroom management, words games and cloud technology for language teachers this year. I was also glad to see that CCC/CCLA had a presenting table there that was a good way to advertise our Chinese program. I have been to this annual conference for four years now, and I was little disappointed for the fact that less teachers attended the conference this year because I truly think that it is worth it to participate in this 8-hour conference. ~ Weimei Yao This conference is well organized and planned, pretty intensive schedule in a day. Most of the presenters teach in public or private schools and have lots of experiences. It is an official training opportunity for me. Hopefully we can get opportunity to sit in one of their classes and learn how they teach. We only have class once a week and cannot decorate the classroom the way they are doing. While we can learn some useful tools they use in class, such as sing a song to learn Chinese, print out flash cards with picture and words to memorize Chinese and play different games. I teach Grade 2. The students at this age cannot sit still and be concentrated too long. As a teacher we need to think of way to make them move. The "GongFu" I learned last year is very useful. When I see the kids are tired, we start to practice "GongFu" to learn "Bihua/strokes". The kids love it. I agree with Zhu Mei that we should focus more on listening, reading and speaking in class and ask the parents to help with writing at home. ~ Yuanyuan Lu

寓教于乐相得益彰 记 CCSU 第六届世界语言教学学术研讨会 初春时节, 乍暖还寒, 在这万物复苏的时节里, 我有幸参加了康州中央大学 (CCSU) 举办的世界语言教学学术研讨会, 并有幸聆听了来自康州各个中学以及大学的中文老师 教授有关中文教学从方式方法到内容各方面的总结与介绍, 受益非浅 此次学术研讨会中文部分的内容主要围绕教学方法展开 参加演讲的老师来自康州各地的中学, 他们有的在城市中学任教, 有的在郊区中学任教 在演讲中, 有的老师提出了我们要推广 壮大中文项目, 就必须从一切小事入手, 抓住每一个机会, 不仅向学校, 也要向整个社区展现中文的魅力, 不管是过中国新年, 还是过中秋节, 我们要让中文的文化因素渗透到生活中, 这样才能够激发学生们学习中文的兴趣 针对课堂教学, 有许多老师提出了行之有效的教学方法, 甚至在研讨会上大家兴致勃勃的现场实地模仿教学 这些教学方法都是老师们在面对不同年龄的学生, 从实际的中文教学中总结出来的经验, 非常具有可借鉴性和实际运用的价值 如果在美国学校任教的每个中文老师都能够有一个平台将自己的教学心得和体会与大家分享, 相信每一个在美国的中文老师都会获得很大的启发, 在教学上也能日臻完善 此次康州中央大学 (CCSU) 所举办的第六届世界语言学术交流大会正是为我们提供了这样一个良好的平台 我们也聆听了来自中国的访问学者关于汉语与英语之间词语互相借用融合的源起发展, 让我们更加理解了此次学术研讨会的主题 : 语言的连接是可以跨越障碍的 特别值得一提的是由来自 CCSU 的 Tina Wu 教授所做的演讲, 她向我们提供了当今世界, 甚至未来世界最先进的可以运用于中文教学的网络科技 让我们惊叹于技术的发展可以运用到各个方面, 甚至是语言的教学, 也让我们学习了如何利用这些现代科技让自己的教学工作更加轻松, 让课堂更加活泼, 让中文教学更有成果 寓教于乐是自古以来中国的教育家们追求的最高境界, 就目前美国的中文教学而言, 我相信每一个中文老师都希望能够达到这一个目标, 不仅教授美国学生中国的语言文字, 更重要的是让他们了解更多的中国传统文化 而这次 CCSU 举办的语言学术研讨会正是提供了这样一个机会让各地的中文老师们聚在一起探讨如何才能让中文教学更加生动, 更加能够吸引学生参与 期待明年能够再参加这样的盛会! ~ Xian Tan

Connecticut Chinese Language Academy School Fair Sunday, June 10, 2012 1:00 4:30pm Connecticut Central State University Student Center 1:00 1:45 pm Semesters Graduation & Award Ceremony 1:45 4:30pm Student Center Circle Seven Centuries Courtyard Outdoors Activities Inflatable - 18 slide Jingle the Crown Balloon Twister Face Painting & Tattoos studio Tug-of-War 3-Foot Race Potato Sack Race Hula Hoops Refreshments Snack & Beverage Station Cotton Candy Cart Rita s Ice Proudly Sponsored by

Chinese Cultural Center 03/28/12 Balance Sheet Cash Basis As of December 31, 2011 Dec 31, 11 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 1005 TD Bank North - CCC Acct#1633 66,914.87 1015 Savings - TD Bank North 125,214.85 Total Checking/Savings 192,129.72 Total Current Assets 192,129.72 Other Assets 1200 Fidelity 1200.01 Cash Reserves 21,245.62 1200.02 Income Fund 7,939.92 Total 1200 Fidelity 29,185.54 Total Other Assets 29,185.54 TOTAL ASSETS 221,315.26 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities 2150 Payroll Tax Payable -226.57 Total Other Current Liabilities -226.57 Total Current Liabilities -226.57 Total Liabilities -226.57 Equity 3000 Fund Balance 90,374.03 3200 Unrestricted Net Assets 135,902.64 Net Income -4,734.84 Total Equity 221,541.83 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 221,315.26

Ordinary Income/Expense Incom e Chinese Culture Center Profit & Loss January through December 2011 4000 Indirect Public Support Jan - Dec 11 4000.1 Donations 3,266.26 4000.2 United Way 6,610.27 Total 4000 Indirect Public Support 9,876.53 4100 Program Incom e 4100.1 Mem bership Dues 5,600.00 4100.3 School Incom e 4100.9 Textbook Fees 8,320.00 4100.8 Parent Duty Fees -1,600.00 4100.4 Tuition Fees 126,303.50 4100.6 Tuition Refunds -3,380.00 Total 4100.3 School Incom e 129,643.50 Total 4100 Program Incom e 135,243.50 4200 Special Events Incom e 4200.2 New Years Eve Party 27.75 4200.8 Dance Party 1,162.00 4200.9 Special Events Incom e - Other 500.00 Total 4200 Special Events Incom e 1,689.75 4500 Investm ent Incom e 4500.1 Interest Incom e 79.94 4500.2 Unrealized Gain/Loss -380.98 4500.3 Dividends Incom e 159.11 Total 4500 Investm ent Incom e -141.93 4600 Advertising Incom e 4600.4 Chinese New Year Program Book 233.00 4600.2 New sletter Advertisem ent 175.00 Total 4600 Advertising Incom e 408.00 Total Incom e 147,075.85 Expense 6000 Program Expenses 6000.1 School Expenses 6000.16 Managem ent Team Expenses 137.52 6000.2 Education Supplies 6000.3 Teachers 1,482.48 6000.4 Student 1,907.88 6000.5 Textbooks 17,492.59 6000.2 Education Supplies - Other 21.10 Total 6000.2 Education Supplies 20,904.05 6000.13 Training 60.24 6000.8 Activities 6000.15 Mid-Autum n Festival 725.92 6000.10 School Fun Fair 2,120.80 6000.11 I Can Speak Chinese 653.55 6000.14 Summer Camp -25.04 6050 Special Events 6050.3 Dragon Boat Team 2,062.72 6050.4 Mid Autum n -24.17 6050.8 Talent Show -373.58 6050.12 Sum m er Picnic 555.12 6050.13 Chinese New Year 5,154.08 6050.14 Dance Party 1,957.26 Total 6050 Special Events 9,331.43 6000.8 Activities - Other 9.35 Total 6000.8 Activities 12,816.01

8:20 AM Chinese Cultural Center Profit & Loss 03/28/12 Cash Basis January through December 2011 Jan - Dec 11 6000.1 School Expenses - Other 192.09 Total 6000.1 School Expenses 34,109.91 Total 6000 Program Expenses 34,109.91 6100 Operating Expenses 6100.1 Salaries 45,763.00 6100.2 Payroll Tax Expense 4,444.45 6100.3 Advertising Expenses 6100.5 Newsletter 77.60 6100.3 Advertising Expenses - Other 144.00 Total 6100.3 Advertising Expenses 221.60 6100.8 Insurance 741.00 6100.9 Memberships and Dues 100.00 6100.10 Postage, Mailing Service 511.31 6100.11 Printing and Copying 85.72 6100.12 Rent 5,421.22 6100.13 Supplies 362.53 6100.14 Telephone 5.43 6100.15 Website 363.05 6100.16 Computer & Internet Expense 527.76 Total 6100 Operating Expenses 58,547.07 6200 Travel and Meetings 6200.1 Board Member Apprec & Farewell 1,433.44 6200.2 Conference, Convention, Meeting 1,431.22 6200.4 Travel 13.00 Total 6200 Travel and Meetings 2,877.66 6400 Contract Services 6400.1 Accounting Fees 4,209.45 6400.3 Outside Contract Services 2,602.95 6400.4 Volunteer Services 1,429.70 Total 6400 Contract Services 8,242.10 6500 Miscellaneous Expenses 6500.1 Bank Service Charges 45.00 Total 6500 Miscellaneous Expenses 45.00 Total Expense 103,821.74 Net Ordinary Income 43,254.11 Net Income 43,254.11

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华社组织 C h i n e s e C u l t u r e C e n t e r B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s 2012 Yuan Dong Qian Gu Gerald (Jerry) Karp Xiongzi Li Yingcui Li Hong Liu Iris Tao Mullan Shirley Peng Lena Tan Songdong Tian Hongjie Henry Wang Amina Weiland Ziyou Xiong Ashley Weihsun Yen Jian Yuan Shuning Zhan David Zhang Yi Zheng Hong Zhou Jamie Zhu 董源 Finance Committee 顾骞 Event Management Director, Adult Chinese Program and Photographer 李雄姿 Event Management 李颖翠 Education Committee and Public Affair 刘红 Finance Committee 陶煜 Principal, CCLA 彭淑华 Communication and Website Management 谭卓蓉 Event Management 田颂东 Secretary and Community Awareness 王鸿杰 Event Management and Community Awareness 陈勉兰 Education Committee 熊子友 Chair, Education Committee 嚴惟洵 President 苑健 Event Management 占舒宁 Event Management 张小东 Vice President and United Way 郑毅 Public Affair 周红 Finance Committee 朱华伟 Treasurer and Public Affair TEAM Editors Songdong Tian Amina Weiland Contributors Jerry Karp Yingcui Li Iris Tao Mullan Hongjie Henry Wang Amina Weiland Lena Tan Ziyou Xiong Ashley Yen Jamie Zhu 地产 Abby Chow Sales Executive CCLA Teachers Shu Jin Yuanyuan Lu Weimei Yao Xian Tan Mei Zhu