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CONTENTS Tianjin Plus 2009.10 October Calendar 06 Dining 08 Reviews: Tapas, The Green Village, Kushi Grill, Yue Wei Xian Cold Stone, Teresa Fine Wines, Mighty Deli Wan Jun De Teahouse Interviews: Dong Jian, GM, Alibaba Indian Restaurant & Bar Andrew Kowalski, MBA Student at TUFE 10 30 51 57 Nightlife 22 Reviews: Mizu Bar, Wei-ha Pub, Lobby Lounge, Eastern Pearl KTV Interview: Starlight, Band at JV s Bar, Sheraton Hotel Tianjin Home 27 Health & Beauty 28 Reviews: Tai Mei manicure shop, Sukhothai Yue Spa Recreation 30 Featured attraction: Water Park Tianjin attractions Tianjin Plus trivia quiz Reviews: National Treasure Exhibition, Zhongbei Ice Carving Paradise, Wellness Club-City Sport, Tianjin Concert Hall, Music, Movie & TV Interview: Missy Liu, Director & Host, Auto Space, Tianjin TV Station Map 33 Binhai New Area, Tianjin City, Italian Style town, Wu Da Dao Services 56 Useful Numbers & Locations Interviews: Natalie Ebden, Clinic Manager, Tianjin International SOS Clinic, Joseph Azmeh, Principal, TEDA International School Shopping 62 Review: Tianjin Fabric Market Heping Gourmet Supermarket Chinese Lesson 65 At a barber or beauty shop Transportation 67 Flight, Train, Subway, Light Rail, Taxi, Bus

Managing Director J. Hernan Managing Editor Jamie Michael Kern Senior Editor Wang Na Editors Regina Gonçalves, Joe Escobedo, Mansi Sethi, Zhao Jing, Gerald Anthony Designers Li Weizhi, Li Kechao Sales & Advertising Zhang Danni Distribution Zhao Wengang, Zhang Xu Dear Editor, Letter to the Editor My name is Joana and I come from Portugal. I was recently sitting at old and cosy Alibaba when I came across Tianjin Plus magazine. I came to live in Tianjin two years ago. I studied here for one year and then fate led me back home. One year later I decided to return to Tianjin and try my luck again in The Chinese Rose City. When I browsed your magazine I was excited to see how much the attitude within the city has changed in a mere one year! The immediate feeling I got was a thrilling sensation to be back in town and start fresh! So I kept on rambling through restaurants and attrac tions, interviews and reviews until I was gladly faced with an article on Wu Da Dao. It made me reminisce about my first time in Tianjin. Now that I know about your magazine, here stands the promise of dancing, tasting, and touring through Tianjin with new and old friends following your precious tips! Keep up the good work! Yours Sincerely, Joana Freitas Advertising Agency InterMediaChina Publishing Date October 2009 Tianjin Plus is a FREE lifestyle supplement of Business Tianjin Magazine. ONLY for Members www.tianjinplus.com Tel: +86 22 2576 0956 For extra copies please contact distribution@tianjinplus.com For editorial enquiries please contact editor@tianjinplus.com For advertising enquiries please contact sales@tianjinplus.com For projects and suggestions please contact gm@tianjinplus.com Please write to editor@tianjinplus.com if you have any suggestions/comments about Tianjin Plus Magazine. You will receive a gift if your letter was chosen to be published in the upcoming issue.

06 Tianjin Plus Tianjin Plus 07

Dining Reviews Tapas Restaurant & Bar 美滋味 Delicioso! apas, a Spanish style restaurant near Emart, Tcontinues upon the 12-year legacy of Mei Zi Wei. From an exterior view the chic patio area, resembling a French café, welcomes guests. Once inside, the half moon-shaped, leather couch hugs the interior creating a relaxed and carefree feeling. Photos of traditional Spanish cuisine decorate the walls and provide guests an indication as to what to expect. Feature items not on the menu are updated on a daily basis giving guests a new surprise every day. Some of the previously featured items, for example, include boiled cockle with sunflower and brandy, and roasted bacon and garlic butter shell. But the main allure is the 10 different daily tapas: Spanish inspired appetizers or snacks perfectly accompanied with fresh imported and domestic beers. Specials include Business Lunch with coffee and fruit for 22 RMB and Sunday Brunch from 11:00 14:00 for 42 RMB. Tapas also provides catering for special functions. Finally, Tapas dim lighting, warm colors, and sounds of the Spanishguitar delicately playing in the backdrop create a romantic ambience worthy of a first date. A3, Magnetic Plaza, Binshui Xi Dao, Nankai District 南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场 A3 The Green Village 绿色庄园 A Village of Korean Delights 11:00 22:30 +86 22 2385 5327 ocated in the downtown area of Tianjin, and only a 10-minute bike ride away from Tianjin University sits one of the Lbetter Korean Restaurants of the city, The Green Village. No matter if you arrive for lunch, dinner, or an afternoon social gathering expect to wait 10 20 minutes before you are seated. You will have the option of sitting classic restaurant style in chairs, or traditional Korean style on the floor. There are a wide variety of foods ranging from cold dishes, soups, authentic specialties, BBQ, and dish sets. All meals include a complementary appetizer sampler that changes with the seasons. The food here is always fresh, wonderfully presented, and at the appropriate temperature.. If ordering Pulgogi (Korean Beef BBQ), a waitress will be assigned to cook, cut, and serve the dish to your party. The service is swift, but expect to use your cell phone voice to get the waitresses attention. Menu prices range from RMB15 and up. Portion sizes are mid-ranged. For a party of two, expect to order around three dishes to be satisfied. The ambiance is very traditional and enjoyable. Due to the high number of customers, it is noisy, but at the same time there is ample space between tables to carry on a conversation at a comfortable volume. No. 22, Xihu Cun Dajie, Nankai District 南开区西湖村大街 22 号 Everyday 11:00 00:00 +86 22 2742 2675 I give the food a rank of incredible. You will not be disappointed regardless of what you select. The service is pleasant. For foreigners, having to yell to get the attention of the waitress is slightly awkward, but the experience of the overall meal is not compromised. Price is reasonable considering the quality of food you will be served and the ambiance is very warm and comfortable. KUSHI GRILL 串烧 Grand opening he grand opening of the Kushi Grill was officiated Tthrough a ribbon cutting ceremony by Mr. Kjell Rognoy, General Manager of Radisson Plaza Hotel Tianjin and Mr. Murase, President of the Japanese Association in Tianjin on 3 September, 2009. Hailing from Tokyo, Japan with more than 24 years of culinary experience and specializing in Kaiseki, sushi, and seafood dishes, Chef Toshiyasu s special menu at the Kushi Grill includes superior beef sirloin with seasonal vegetables on teppanyaki, using Kobe beef from Japan. The sliced strips of beef reveal the beautiful marbling that Kobe beef is reputed for. The Kushi Grill Skewer Platter is served with a special secret sauce that explodes with different tastes coming together as one. Inspired by a Japanese Robatayaki, but offering a mix of Western and Asian delicacies, the Kushi Grill s must have signature dish is the Foie gras Chawamushi. The combination of Foie gras and steamed eggs topped with fish roe immediately melts in your mouth and is the perfect marriage between French and Japanese cuisine. The Kushi Grill sets the tone for a memorable and personalized dining experience. Yue Wei Xian 粤唯鲜 Become Part of History No. 66, Xinkai Lu, Hedong District 河东区新开路 66 号 17:30-22:30 +86 22 2457 8888 his 3 story Italian designed museum / restaurant was constructed in 1937 and was once the former Tresidence of Chinese Peking opera master Ma Lianliang.. The building is known as the "Knotty Building" (gē da lóu) because of its unique protruding wall structure. Upon entering the doors, one almost feels overwhelmed by the broad collection of cultural relics that are used in everything from displayed decorations to actually use. Guests are enthralled in pieces that date back 2,000 to 3,000 years ago. One of the stone relics, the treasure of the restaurant, is a Bei Wei Dynasty Buddha. Yue Wei Xian received recognition from Shanghai Big World Guinness Headquarters for having the largest quantity and variety of ancient Chinese cultural relics in a restaurant. Almost as impressive as Yue Wei Xian s distinctive environment is the cuisine. Predominately Cantonese-style food, Yue Wei Xian offers the same fine tastes and presentation as a first-class restaurant. Some of the most popular dishes include fried beef smothered in onions and garlic, the jumbo shrimp covered in a creamy sweet and spicy sauce, and Singapore-style fried turbot. No. 283-285, Hebei Lu, Heping District 和平区河北路 283-285 号 11:30-14:00 17:30-22:00 +86 22 2339 8888 A passionate staff provides tours and explains each relic while entertaining guests with historical stories along the way. Over the years, Yue Wei Xian has frequently been visited by celebrities who have come to experience this one-of-a-kind restaurant. Prices are a bit more expensive than other restaurants but with the opportunity to be in the presence by ancient treasures, the price is reasonable for being able to become part of history. 08 Tianjin Plus Tianjin Plus 09

Dining Reviews Cold Stone 酷聖石冰淇淋 Imagination and Taste old Stone Creamery is unquestionably the right Cplace in Tianjin to enjoy an ice cream. The basement floor of the Exchange Mall in Nanjing Lu is where the creamery creates dozens of delicacies full of new flavours and tasty mix-ins. The American owners call themselves ice cream artists. They use candies, fruits, nuts and much more for the single purpose of creating the world s best ice cream. A simple chocolate ice cream cone can be turned into a small work of art with the right amount of imagination and gluttony. Committed to high customer satisfaction standards, Cold Stone gives guests the chance of being artists themselves. You too can create your perfect ice cream, the one you always dreamed of tasting. As Cold Stone says, The way you want it, whenever you want it! The owners went further and developed new concepts for the creamery. Midnight Delight and Strawberry Passion signature cakes and Berry Lemony and Man-Go Bananas are truly delicious sins. Calling themselves a family, the staff at Cold Stone Creamery always show a smile, and sometimes a high dosage of patience. Bring your friends and family and treat yourselves! -1F, The Exchange, no. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping District 和平区南京路 189 号津汇广场负 1 层 +86 22 8319 1576 Teresa Fine Wines 玫瑰山庄精品酒屋 The Wine Escape onveniently located inside E-mart near the Olympic CStadium, Teresa Wines has been offering reasonable priced, quality wines and alcohol for over 3 years. Wines are neatly organized according to their country of origin and there is a small table in which guests can relax and sample wines. New to wine purchasing? No worries. Teresa Wine s knowledgeable, English speaking shopkeepers can educate you about the wine making process and assist in selecting the appropriate wine. Teresa Wines boasts some of the lowest priced fine wines and alcohol on the market. However, this does not take away from Teresa Wine s quaint, sophisticated style away from the commotion of the outside shopping area. For those looking for sauces and other ingredients for cooking Western food, Teresa Wines has an assortment of imported condiments and drinks on hand. For corporate events and hotel festivities, Teresa Wines also offers specialty prices for bulk orders and on-time delivery. As the holidays are approaching, gift boxes to give to loved ones are available in the entry way. A1-12 Magnetic International Shopping Mall, Nankai District 10:00 21:00 + 86 22 8833 3237 10 Tianjin Plus

Dining Listings Bakeries Bengons Tong an Xinli, no.20, Tong an Dao Heping District Tel: +86 22 2351 9666 宾果士和平区同安道 20 号同安新里 Gang Gang Delicatessen 1F, Somerset Olympic Tower No. 126, Chengdu Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2334 5716 和平区成都道 126 号奥林匹克大厦 1 楼 Kissling Bakery No. 33, Zhejiang Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2330 0330 起士林食品公司和平区浙江路 33 号 Kiss n Bake -1F, The Exchange No. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8319 1616 凯丝恩贝和平区南京路 189 号津汇广场负 1 层 Mighty Deli No. 8, Huanhu Zhong Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2352 6766 美琪食品河西区环湖中道 8 号 Paris Baguette 1F, Robbinz Department Store No. 128, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2716 8258 巴黎贝甜和平区南京路 128 号乐宾百货负 1 层 Cafes Amici Coffee -1F, Robbinz Department Store No. 128, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2716 8260 欧米奇咖啡和平区南京路 128 号乐宾百货负 1 层 Amor Coffee No. 22, Ping an Dajie, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2721 6586 爱念咖啡和平区平安大街 22 号 Banilla Coffee Book Building No. 362, Dagu Nan Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2306 3060 百怡咖啡河西区大沽南路 362 号图书大厦 Canvas Café Yuanyang Xin Tiandi No. 61, Xinkai Lu, Hedong District Tel: +86 22 6089 6520 画布咖啡西餐厅河东区新开路 61 号远洋新天地 Ciao Coffee Bar 2F, Hisense Plaza No. 188, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2319 8366 喜可意和平区解放北路 188 号海信广场 2 楼 Coffee Time No. 1, the junction of Shaoxing Dao and Youyi Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2813 4857 咖啡时光河西区友谊路与绍兴道交口 1 号 Harvest Book & Coffee Gate 3, bldg. 27, Jiuhuali Garden No. 191, Yingshui Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2373 3461 哈维斯特咖啡南开区迎水道 191 号久华里花园 27 号楼 3 门 La Seine Café 7-11, bldg. B, Magnetic Plaza Lingbin Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2385 5018 塞纳咖啡屋南开区凌宾路奥城商业广场 B 区 7-11 Mighty Deli Bakery 美琪食品 Lemon Talk Café and Tea No. 305, Anshan Xi Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2741 6883 柠檬新语南开区鞍山西道 305 号 Look! Space Coffee & Gallery Minyuan Building, Chongqing Dao Heping District Tel: +86 22 2330 1912 注意空间咖啡民园大楼重庆道 Modern Memory Coffee A2-07, Magnetic Plaza, the junction of Shuishang Dong Lu and Binshui Xi Dao Nankai District Tel: +86 22 5838 7678 摩豆记忆南开区宾水西道与水上东路交口奥城商业广场 A2-07 Miracle Coffee 2F, Fengshui Garden Xin Haiwan Business Plaza No. 2-80, Meijiang, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 8838 9285 米萝克咖啡河西区梅江 2-80 号新海湾商业广场风水园 2 层 ocated near Weijin Nan Lu, Mighty Deli stands on a quiet L street that reflects the cozy ambience of the bakery. This bakery slash-supermarket offers shoppers products from their home countries that are not easily obtained in other international supermarkets. It also makes available a fine collection of worldwide wines and cheeses, and a vast meat section, where you can find steaks and even real salami. The bakery has delightful candies and cakes, as well as European-style bread. Enjoy a nice lunch or early dinner in the warm, inviting little restaurant. Salads, sandwiches and Italian pastas are some of the menu s offers. The staff is very helpful, thoughtful and trained to attend to an international clientele. They all speak English and will not only provide everything you need, they ll also be glad to answer all your questions and offer suggestions upon request. Find the perfect corner shop at Mighty Deli Bakery. No. 8, Huanhu Zhong Dao, Hexi District 河西区环湖中道 8 号 09:00-21:00 +86 22 2352 6766 SPR Coffee 1F, bldg. B, Olympic Stadium Business Centre Binshui Xi Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2385 5329 SPR 咖啡南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场 B 区 1 层 Starbucks Coffee Binjiang Dao Branch 1F, Hualian Building No. 200, Binjiang Dao, Heping District 星巴克咖啡滨江道店 : 和平区滨江道 200 号华联商厦 1 层 Heping Lu Branch 1F, Parkson Department Store No. 162, Heping Lu, Heping District 和平路店 : 和平区和平路 162 号百盛购物中心 1 层 Nanjing Lu Branch International Building No. 75, Nanjing Lu, Heping District 南京路店 : 和平区南京路 75 号国际大厦 The Here No. 86, Chifeng Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2712 3939 这里咖啡和平区赤峰道 86 号 The Spot Café Nanfu Fang Dajie (Opposite of Tianyu Hotel), Diantai Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2783 7764 聚点咖啡馆和平区电台道南浮房大街 ( 天宇大酒店对面 ) Time Coordinate Coffee No. 6, Hanghai Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 8789 2737 时间坐标咖啡馆南开区航海道 6 号 Trueman Coffee Bldg. C, Zilai Garden Shuangfeng Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 8741 1811 楚门咖啡南开区双峰道紫来花园 C 座底商 UBC Coffee Dagu Lu Branch No. 816, Dagu Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2833 6408 山岛咖啡大沽店 : 河西区大沽路 816 号 Pingshan Dao Branch No. 30, Pingshan Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2301 6583 平山道店 : 河西区平山道 30 号 Qiongzhou Dao Branch No. 141, the junction of Guangdong Lu and Qiongzhou Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2326 5858 琼州道店 : 河西区琼州道与广东路交口 141 号 31 Cups No. 29, Changde Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2666 3131 31 杯咖啡和平区常德道 29 号 Cantonese Cuiheng Village Youyi Lu Branch 1-2F, Science & Technology Building No. 25, Youyi Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2813 1601 翠亨邨友谊路店 : 河西区友谊路 25 号科技咨询大厦 1-2 层 Weidi Dao Branch 2F, block C, Huasheng Plaza No. 146, Weidi Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 8823 8986 围堤道店 : 河西区围堤道 146 号华盛广场 C 座 2 层 Yue Wei Xian No. 283-285, Hebei Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2339 8888 粤唯鲜和平区河北路 283-285 号 Yue Xian Ge Restaurant Building Shuiyinglan Pingshan Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2351 8999 奥鲜阁酒搂河西区平山道水映兰底商 Zhuang Ji 7F, Robbinz Department Store No. 128, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2716 8228 莊记和平区南京路 128 号乐宾百货 7 楼 Chinese Aishang 2046 Sijia Cai No. 43, Hubei Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2339 7566 爱上 2046 私家菜和平区湖北路 43 号 China Station 2F, Radisson Plaza Hotel Tianjin No. 66, Xinkai Lu, Hedong District Tel: +86 22 2457 8888 中国站河东区新开路 66 号天津天诚丽笙世嘉酒店 2 层 Fortune Restaurant 2F, Crowne Plaza Tianjin Binhai No. 55, Zhongxin Da Dao Airport Industrial Park Tel: +86 22 5867 8888 ext. 2355 富淳中餐厅空港物流加工区中心大道 55 号天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店 2 楼 Fountain Lounge Hyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort & Spa No. 8, Zhujiang Da Dao Zhouliang Zhuang, Baodi District Tel: +86 22 5921 1234 碧泉茶园宝坻区周良庄珠江大道 8 号京津新城凯悦酒店 Guandi Tianjin Hui No. 26, Chongqing Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2330 8666 官邸天津会和平区重庆道 26 号 Jiangnan Xiao Chu No. 151, the junction of Guilin Lu and Chongqing Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2331 5656 江南小厨和平区重庆道与桂林路交口 151 号 Regimen 51-52 and 65-66, bldg E, Shang Gu Tianta Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2341 6767 颐和南开区天塔道上谷商业街 E 座 51-52 65-66 San Yuan De Ren Ju No. 229, Chongqing Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2339 8008 三源德仁居和平区重庆道 229 号 Tao Li Chinese Restaurant 6F, Hotel Nikko Tianjin No. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8319 8888 ext. 3561 桃李中餐厅和平区南京路 189 号天津日航酒店 6 层 Tianjin Wei 1928 No. 5, Nanmen Wai Dajie Heping District Tel: +86 22 2728 1928 天津卫 1928 和平区南门外大街 5 号 Xiang Dun Ba Fang Restaurant The junction of Yichang Dao and Kunming Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8352 3978 香炖八方酒楼和平区昆明路与宜昌道交口 Ye Cun Xiang No. 79, Munan Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2311 0249 野邨乡和平区睦南道 79 号 Dessert Cold Stone Creamery -1F, The Exchange No. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8319 1576 酷聖石冰淇淋和平区南京路 189 号津汇广场负 1 层 Dumplings Bai Jiao Yuan Changjiang Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2742 1177 百饺园南开区长江道 12 Tianjin Plus Tianjin Plus 13

Dining Listings Dining Interview Din Tai Fung No. 18, Binshui Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2813 8138 鼎泰丰河西区宾水道 18 号 Go Believe Shandong Lu Branch No. 77, Shandong Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2730 2540 狗不理山东路店 : 和平区山东路 77 号 Shipin Jie Branch Shipin Jie, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2727 1116 食品街店 : 和平区食品街 Shuishang Bei Lu Branch Jinlong Apartments No. 16, Shuishang Bei Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2337 1999 水上北路店 : 南开区水上北路 16 号津龙公寓 French C'est La Vie French Restaurant 3F, Bldg. D, Shang Gu, Tianta Dao Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2341 9808 三乐味法国餐厅南开区天塔道上谷商业街 D 座 3 层 Saigon Court No. 173, Chendu Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2335 9173 贡苑法式越南餐厅和平区成都道 173 号 Hong Kong B.J. Top-class Hongkong BFT Restaurant 52F, Center Plaza No. 118, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 5829 9698 香港避风塘酒楼和平区解放北路 118 号信达广场 52 层 Hotpot Four Seasons Hong Kong Hot Pot No. 161, Shaoxing Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2326 9696 春夏秋冬港式火锅河西区绍兴道 161 号 Hai Di Lao 4F, Block C, Wanda Business Square No. 119, Heping Lu, Heping District 海底捞和平区和平路 119 号万达商业广场才 C 座 4 楼 Huo Tian Da You Hot Pot No. 99, Chengdu Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2339 4107 火天大有火锅和平区成都道 99 号 Mo Cuo Men Niu Du Wang No. 191, Hongqi Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2366 1699 摸错门牛肚王南开区红旗路 191 号 Xiao Fei Yang The junction of Xianyang Lu and Jieyuan Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2769 6688 小肥羊南开区芥园道与咸阳路交口 Yue Wei Xian Hotpot Restaurant No. 8, Tiyuan Bei Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2395 2000 粤唯鲜火锅城河西区体院北道 8 号 Indian Alibaba Indian Restaurant & Bar 2F, Sports Hotel No. 90, Weijin Nan Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2391 6368 阿里巴巴印度餐厅酒吧南开区卫津南路 90 号体育宾馆 2 楼 Bawarchi Indian Restaurant No. 69, bldg. B, Shang Gu Tianta Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2341 2786 芭瓦琪印度餐厅南开区天塔路上谷商业街 B 座 69 号 Italian Babela s Kitchen 2F, How Why Department Store No. 199, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2782 6470 巴贝拉意式休闲餐厅和平区南京路 199 号号外时尚官 2 层 B.J. Top Class 53F, Hisense Plaza No. 188, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 5829 9698 云顶百家和平区解放北路 188 号海信达广场 53 层 Buitoni No. 86, Minzu Lu, Hebei District Tel: +86 22 2445 1592 堡康利河北区民族路 86 号 Gino Restaurant No. 231, Machang Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2352 6530 季诺意式休闲餐厅河西区马场道 231 号 Glass House Hyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort & Spa No. 8, Zhujian Da Dao Zhouliang Zhuang, Baodi District Tel: +86 22 5921 1234 水晶厨房宝坻区周良庄珠江大道 8 号京津新城凯悦酒店 Venezia Club No. 48, Ziyou Dao, Former Italian Concession Area, Hebei District Tel: +86 22 8761 3413 威尼斯河北区意大利风情街自由道 48 号 Japanese Benkay Japanese Dining 5F, Hotel Nikko Tianjin No. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8319 8888 ext. 3558 弁慶日本料理餐厅和平区南京路 189 号天津日航酒店 5 层 Bo Di Cheng No. 194, Dagu Bei Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2332 6802 博蒂诚和平区大沽北路 194 号 Chitose 5F, Ningfa Group No. 21, Shuishang Dong Lu Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2392 0287 千登世南开区水上东路 21 号宁发集团 5 楼 Han Li Shui Dao A-27, Longshui Yuan, Lanshui Holiday No. 1, Youyi Nan Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 8838 8899 韩丽水道日本料理河西区友谊南路 1 号蓝水假期龙水园 A-27 Hashiba 7F, Isetan, Modern Town No. 108, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2718 8385 饭屋桥场和平区南京路 108 号现代城伊势丹 7 楼 Kasumi 1F, Crowne Plaza Tianjin Binhai No. 55, Zhongxin Da Dao Airport Industrial Park Tel: +86 22 5867 8888 ext. 2322 霞日式料理空港物流加工区中心大道 55 号天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店 1 楼 Ko Ri An No. 29, Zijin Shan Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2337 1088 古狸庵日本料理河西区紫金山路 29 号 Kushi Grill 2F, Radisson Plaza Hotel Tianjin No. 66, Xinkai Lu, Hedong District Tel: +86 22 2457 8888 串烧河东区新开路 66 号天津天诚丽笙世嘉酒店 2 层 Meshiya Hashiba 7F, Isetan, Modern Town No. 108, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2718 8385 桥场饭屋和平区南京路 108 号现代城伊势丹 7 楼 Michikusa No. 6, Hunan Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2712 5057 美千草和平区湖南路 6 号 Experience India Interview with Dong Jian, GM of Alibaba Indian Restaurant & Bar eneral Manger, Dong Jian, has Gscoured the globe sampling the world's cuisines in his quest to create a truly ex traordinar y m e n u a n d d i n i n g e x p e r i e n c e. Now open for more than 7 years, Alibaba s restaurant has brought traditional Indian food to Tianjin while simultaneously cultivating a loyal customer base. It is also one of the first restaurants in Tianjin to employ a foreign cook. W h e r e d i d y o u r i n t e r e s t i n managing a restaurant begin? I studied hotel management in college and then later worked a s t h e Fo o d & B e v e r a g e ( F & B ) D e p a r t m e n t M a n a g e r a t t h e Crystal Palace Hotel. It had been my dream since college to open an Indian restaurant in Tianjin. I ve always been fond of the spiciness of Indian food and after traveling to India, I felt I had a better insight into the culture and cuisine. A s G M, w h a t a r e y o u r k e y responsibilities? I s p e n d m y d a y s i n s t i l l i n g a c u s t o m e r - f o c u s e d b u s i n e s s a p p r o a c h t o e v e r y e m p l o y e e b e c a u s e I w a n t t o c r e a t e a restaurant in which guests are treated as family. I also monitor the hygiene and cleanliness of the restaurant. I even encourage guests to visit the kitchen to check the hygiene level. If they find that our restaurant isn t as clean as their own kitchen then their meal will be complimentary. But to date, no customers have made such a complaint. What do you enjoy most about your job? I enjoy making friends with my customers and teaching them about Indian culture and cuisine. As a student myself, I also enjoy learning more about the intricacies of preparing Indian food from our Indian chefs. How is the market for Indian food in Tianjin? Currently, most local people are unfamiliar with Indian cuisine and only know red and yellow curry. So I enjoy educating people about the variety of sophisticatedly spiced Indian dishes. So as more people become knowledgeable, I expect to see more local people sampling the Indian cuisine. Is there anything else you d like to share with our readers and the business community? Every two years, we bring in a new chef straight from India so we can update our restaurant with fresh ideas and flavors. This guarantees that long-term guests can always expect new dishes and tastes. A combination of education and rich food ensure that our guests stomachs as well as minds are full. 2F, Sports Hotel, no. 90 Weijin Nan Lu Nankai District 南开区卫津南路 90 号体育宾馆 2 楼 10:30-14:30 17:30-22:30 +86 22 2391 6368 14 Tianjin Plus Tianjin Plus 15

Dining Listings Muromachi No. 146, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2339 1570 室町和平区解放北路 146 号 Seitaro Qixiangtai Lu Branch 1F, Kaisa Palace No. 46, Qixiang Tai Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2835 5588 清太郎日本料理气象台路店 : 和平区气象台路 46 号凯撒皇宫 1 层 Zijin Shan Lu Branch Sheraton Hotel Tianjin Zijin Shan Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2335 0909 紫金山路店 : 河西区紫金山路天津喜来登大酒店 Shinken 1F, Jun Yue Hotel No. 16, Guizhou Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2783 9995 真剑日本料理和平区贵州路 16 号君悦酒店 1 层 Yuzu 7F, Center Plaza No. 118, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2313 5777 柚子和平区解放北路 118 号信达广场 7 层 Zhen You Mei 5F, Hisense Plaza No. 188, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2319 8686 真由美日本料理和平区解放北路 118 号海信广场 Korean Han Jin Cheng 4F, Huahu Department Store No. 151, Xinhua Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2731 6928 韩津城和平区新华路 151 号华都商厦 4 层 Han Luo Yuan 1F, Golden Crown Building No. 20, Nanjing Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2302 9888 韩罗苑河西区南京路 20 号金皇大厦 1 层 MIGA Korean Restaurant No. 42, Anshan Xi Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2742 7742 味佳韩国料理南开区鞍山西道 42 号 Sorabol No. 873, Dagu Nan Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2833 5588 萨拉伯尔河西区大沽南路 873 号 YEZA Korean Restaurant C-47, Shang Gu, Tianta Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2341 1738 椰家韩餐厅南开区天塔道上谷商业街 C-47 Muslim Hong Qi Shun No. 668, Dagu Nan Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2832 8038 鸿起顺河西区大沽南路 668 号 Hui Fang Lou No. 74, Dali Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2311 6066 会芳楼和平区大理道 74 号 Pizza Gold Pizza 1F, Caifu Building Weijin Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2304 5765 黄金比萨南开区卫津路财富大厦 1 层 JPT Pizza 3F, Huaju Department Store No. 72-74, Xikang Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8385 0182 家必得比萨店和平区西康路 72-74 号华钜百货 3 层 Papa John s Pizza -1F, The Exchange No. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8319 1616 棒约翰比萨和平区南京路 189 号津汇广场负 1 层 Pizza Box Fukang Garden, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2367 1318 比萨香西餐厅南开区富康花园 Pizza Hill Bldg. B, Magnetic Plaza Lingbin Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2385 5025 天津嘉喜来比萨餐饮南开区凌宾路奥城商业广场 B 区 Pizza Hut No. 128, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: + 86 22 2716 8268 必胜客和平区南京路 128 号 Pizza Seven No. 146, Weidi Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2351 4772 美闻比萨河西区围堤道 146 号 Roast Duck Jin Baiwan Dagu Nan Lu Branch No. 878, Dagu Nan Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2826 6000 金百万大沽南路店 : 河西区大沽南路 878 号 Youyi Lu Branch No. 42, Youyi Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2835 1000 友谊路店 : 河西区友谊路 42 号 Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant The junction of Siping Xi Dao and Lasa Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2781 8383 全聚德烤鸭店和平区拉萨道和四平西道交口 Tianjin Roast Duck Restaurant Guangdong Lu Branch No. 139, Guangdong Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2324 9603 天津烤鸭店广东路店 : 河西区广东路 139 号 Liaoning Branch No. 146, Liaoning Lu, Heping district Tel: +86 2730 3335 辽宁路店 : 和平区辽宁路 146 号 Zheng Yangchun No. 418, Hongqi Nan Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2367 6989 正阳春鸭子楼南开区红旗南路 418 号 Seafood Charm Sea Restaurant Huanghe Dao, Nankai District (Beside Datong Mansion, opposite to Huanghe Cinema) Tel: +86 22 2763 8878 魅力东海大酒店南开区黄河道 ( 黄河影院斜对面大通大厦旁 ) Fei Teng Yu Xiang Tianshui Building Pingshan Dao and Qixiang Tai Lu Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2352 6626 沸腾鱼乡河西区平山道与气象台路交口天水底商 Peng Tian Ge No. 8, Hongqi Nan Lu, Nankai District Tel: + 86 22 2395 6666 鹏天阁南开区红旗南路 8 号 Qi Nian Wan No. 26, Shuishang Bei Lu Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2359 1999 祈年湾海鲜阁南开区水上北路 26 号 Shanghai 117 Garden Villa No. 117, the junction of Dali Dao and Kunming Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2331 1117 117 花园别墅和平区昆明路与大理道交口 117 号 Gun Shi Shanghai Restaurant No. 4, Changde Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2311 1188 滚石上海餐厅和平区常德道 4 号 Shanghai Niandai Shuishang Dong Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2341 2341 上海年代南开区水上东路 Tang Xuan Restaurant 3-4F, Tianlong Yanyi Plaza No. 78, Jianshe Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2325 6000 唐轩酒楼和平区建设路 78 号天龙演艺广场 3-4 楼 Sichuan Bayu Renjia No. 33, Yichang Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2351 1818 巴渝人家和平区宜昌道 33 号 Chuan Ren Bai Wei 7F, Robbinz Department Store No. 128, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2716 8238 川人百味和平区南京路 128 号乐宾百货 7 楼 Chun Yun Tian 1F, Binhu Building Huanhu Zhong Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2335 5066 楚云天河西区环湖中路滨湖大厦 1 楼 Feiteng Yuxiang No. 142, Tiantai Lu, Hebei District Tel: +86 22 2661 9958 沸腾鱼乡河北区天泰路 142 号 South Beauty No. 1, the junction of Youyi Bei Lu and Machang Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2325 9327 俏江南河西区友谊北路与马场道交口 1 号 Zi Sha Hu Restaurant No. 199, the junction of Yingkou Dao and Xinhua Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2339 0435 紫砂壶酒楼和平区新华路与营口道 199 号 Tea Houses Grace Club No. 330, the junction of Munan Dao and Hebei Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2331 7893 皓月茶语园和平区河北路与睦南道交口 330 号 Haiya Teahouse Binjiang Dao Branch No. 120, Binjiang Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2730 8828 海雅茶园滨江道店 : 和平区滨江道 120 号 Jiefang Bei Lu Branch No. 183, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2330 8868 解放北路店 : 和平区解放北路 183 号 Jin Le Tea House 2F, New Culture Garden Rongye Dajie, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2723 2777 金乐茶楼和平区荣业大街新文化花园 2 楼 Jiu Ming Tea House No. 107, the junction of Chengde Dao and Kunming Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2311 9867 九茗茶楼和平区昆明路与常德道交口 Lan Ting Tea House No. 64, Chongqing Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2311 51 86 蘭亭茶苑和平区重庆道 64 号 Ming Hua Xin Tea House No. 187, Chongqing Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2331 1298 茗花馨茶艺馆和平区重庆道 187 号 Xinrong Tea House No. 25, Pingshan Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2352 4910 鑫荣茶艺河西区平山道 25 号 Yang Lou Tea House The junction of Kunming Lu and Chongqing Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2339 7244 洋楼茶园和平区重庆道与昆明路交口 Zhengqinghe Zhuyeqing Tea House No. 56, Guangkai Er Ma Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2741 9800 正清和竹叶青茶庄南开区广开二马路 56 号 Zheng Xing De Tea House No. 66, Tai an Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2339 8058 正兴德茶点和平区泰安道 66 号 Teppanyaki Baiyi Teppanyaki The junction of Xiao Zhujiang Dao and Youyi Nan Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2335 5588 百一铁板烧河西区友谊南路与小珠江道交口 Hong Hua Teppanyaki No. 3-5, Shang Gu, Tianta Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2341 1777 红花铁板烧南开区天塔道上谷商业街 3-5 号 I m Fine Broil on Paper No. 40, bldg. B, Shang Gu Tianta Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2341 8801 爱饭纸上烧烤南开区天塔道上谷商业街 B 区 40 号 TAIRYU Teppanyaki Bldg. C, 12A, Shang Gu Tianta Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2341 1718 大渔铁板烧南开区天塔道上谷商业街 C 区 12A Thai Banana Leaf Tian Di Hui Restaurant Plaza No. 89, the junction of Qinghe Dajie and Nanmen Wai Dajie, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2727 5999 蕉叶国餐厅和平区大门外大街与清和大街交口 89 号天地烩美食街 Golden Elephant Thai Restaurant (Behind Yonghe Dou Jiang Fang) No. 78, Guangdong Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2328 7801 金象苑泰国餐厅河西区广东路 78 号 ( 永和豆浆坊后侧 ) YY Beer House (Behind International Building) No. 3, Aomen Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2339 9634 粤园泰餐厅和平区澳门路 3 号 ( 国际大厦后侧 ) Turkish Efes 7F, OLE Shopping Mall Binjiang Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2718 3458 埃菲斯西餐厅和平区滨江道欧乐时尚广场 7 楼 USA Broadies Tavern No. 5, Bar Street, Youyi Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 8837 0933 部落地西餐酒吧河西区友谊路酒吧街 5 号 16 Tianjin Plus Tianjin Plus 17

Dining Listings Dining Interview Hank's Sports Bar & Grill 1F, bldg. B, Shang Gu Tianta Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2341 7997 汉克斯运动酒吧南开区天塔道上谷商业街 B 座 1 层 T.G.I. Friday's No. 7-2, Fukang Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2300 5555 星期五餐厅南开区复康路 7-2 号 Vegetarian Kind Lotus No. 68, the junction of Kunming Lu and Changde Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2331 8629 并蒂莲素食餐厅和平区常德道与昆明路交口 68 号 Seven Leaves Vegetarian Restaurant No. 9, Huanhu Zhong Dao Heping District Tel: +86 22 2337 1479 七贝叶素餐厅河西区环湖中道 9 号 Yuanman Vegetarian Restaurant The junction of Baoding Dao and Hubei Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2330 7359 圆满素食林和平区湖北路与保定道交口 Western Alibaba Weihua Li Xiaoqu, Tong an Dao Heping District Tel: +86 22 2351 3976 阿里巴巴和平区同安道卫华里小区 Cafe Venice 2F, Holiday Inn Tianjin Riverside Phoenix Shopping Mall, Haihe Dong Lu, Hebei District Tel: +86 22 2627 8888 ext 2271 威尼斯咖啡厅河北区海河东路凤凰商贸广场 ( 摩天轮旁 ) 天津海河假日酒店 2 层 Café@66 1F, Radisson Plaza Hotel Tianjin No. 66, Xinkai Lu, Hedong District Tel: +86 22 2457 8888 咖啡 66 河东区新开路 66 号天津天诚丽笙世嘉酒店 1 层 Gold Pub No. 109, Chengdu Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 139 2081 6219 金德西餐体闲吧和平区成都道 109 号 Greenery Café Tian Di Hui Restaurant Plaza Nanmenwai Dajie, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2734 8788 绿茵阁西餐厅和平区南大门外大街天地烩美食街 Hamber Bar & Restaurant No. 22, Kaifeng Dao, Xiaobai Lou (1902 Street), Heping District Tel: +86 22 2311 2282 汉马堡餐吧和平区小白楼开封道 22 号 Kiessling Western Restaurant No. 33, Zhejiang Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2330 0330 起士林西餐厅和平区浙江路 33 号 Mediterranean Restaurant Tong Lou, no. 212, Weidi Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2351 9102 地中海边西餐厅河西区围堤道 212 号佟楼 Monjardin Restaurant & Bar No. 58, Kaifeng Dao, Xiaobai Lou Heping District Tel: +86 22 2312 1008 蒙哈丁西餐酒吧和平区小白楼开封道 58 号 Ou Luo Ba Restaurant No. 36-42, Kaifeng Dao, Xiao Bai Lou (1902 Street), Heping District Tel: +86 22 2330 6178 欧罗巴西餐厅和平区小白楼开封道 36-42 号 Pan Shan Grill & Wine 2F, Main Building, Sheraton Hotel Tianjin Zijin Shan Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2334 3388 ext.1820 盘山葡萄酒扒房河西区紫金山路天津喜来登大酒店主楼 2 楼 Rollins Subs (Beside KFC) Bldg. B, Magnetic Plaza Tel: +86 22 2385 5418 罗林士三明治南开区凌宾路奥城商业广场 B 区 ( 肯德基旁 ) Sabrina Family Restaurant -1F, The Exchange No. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8319 1615 萨布里那和平区南京路 189 号津汇广场负 1 层 Sa Le Shi Happy Restaurant No. 251, Baidi Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 8789 4797 萨乐士欢乐餐厅南开区白堤路 251 号 Seven Days 7F, Robbinz Department Store No. 128, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2716 8258 日七和平区南京路 128 号乐宾百货负 7 层 Small London Restaurant No. 73, Chengdu Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2312 8998 伦小敦西餐厅和平区成都道 73 号 Spectrum All-Day Dining 7F, Hotel Nikko Tianjin No. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8319 8888 ext. 3570 Fax: +86 22 8319 2266 彩西餐厅和平区南京路 189 号天津日航酒店 7 层 Tapas Wujiayao Branch No. 55, Wujiayao Dajie, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2337 1456 美滋味吴家窑店 : 河西区吴家窑大街 55 号 Magnetic Plaza Branch Bldg. A3, Mangnetic Plaza Binshui Xi Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2385 5327 奥城广场点 : 南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场 A3 区 Wei Hao Jia 1F, Wanda Cinema No. 168, Heping Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8558 6022 味好家牛排馆和平区和平路 168 号万达影城 1 层 Wyndsong Restaurant 1F, Crowne Plaza Tianjin Binhai No. 55, Zhongxin Da Dao Airport Industrial Park Tel: +86 22 5867 8888 ext. 2333 风之细语西餐厅空港物流加工区中心大道 55 号天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店 1 楼 TEDA & TANGGU Bakeries Bread Cake No. 29, 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 2532 0140 津乐园饼业有限公司开发区第三大街 29 号 Bread & Sliced 11F, Holiday Inn Binhai Tianjin No. 86, 1st Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6628 3388 ext. 2716 面包房开发区第一大街 86 号天津滨海假日酒店 11 层 Craft Gourmet 1F, Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel & Convention Centre No. 29, 2nd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6621 8888 ext. 3711 万丽美食阁开发区第二大街 29 号天津万丽泰达酒店及会议中心 1 层 Felicity Back street of King Buyer Shopping Mall No. 32, 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6629 5517 飞利西蒂开发区第三大街 32 号鸿泰仟佰汇商业广场后街 The following is a typical Saturday in the life of Andrew out and about in Tianjin. 08:00 Breakfast - Andrew starts most mor nings with T ianjin s breakfast of champions, shao bing li ji, a combination of pork t e n d e r l o i n s m o t h e r e d i n a h o m e m a d e s a u c e w r a p p e d i n a tortilla type bread (Changsha Road between Xi an Avenue and Chengdu Road). 10:00 Pumping Iron - To stay fit, he works out several times a week at the gym on the 7th floor of Guo Ji Shang Chang ( 国际商场 ) across from Isetan. 1 2 : 0 0 Fu w u y u a n! O n t h e c a m p u s o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Finance and Economics lies Xin Yuan Restaurant. This beloved campus restaurant is habitually visited by TUFE students and is one of Andrew s favorites. 14:00 Hitting the books Being a dedicated MBA and Chinese language student, Andrew spends many hours in the Starbucks near Bin Jiang Dao with his nose in the books. 16:00 Strolling To relax and unwind after a couple hours of studying, you can often find him wandering the streets of Bin jiang dao doing a little bit of people watching. 1 7 : 0 0 K i m c h i - To s atisfy h i s A Day in the Life Andrew Kowalski, American MBA Student at Tianjin University of Finance and Economics and Intern at the American Chamber of Commerce Korean cravings, Andrew commonly frequents a tiny, family-style Korean restaurant located near the Wai Yuan Foreign Language School which ser ves up delicious and hear ty Korean dishes like shi guo banfan, a mixture of rice, a choice of meat, egg, sauce and other requested items (Pukou Dao between Machang Dao and Jiulong Lu). 19:00 Hanging with the guys - When he is with friends, you can find him bowling, playing pool, or shooting hoops at the arcade on the 10th floor of Guo Ji Shang Chang. 20:00 Ganbei Indulging in a few drinks at Pepper s, Andrew chats it up with locals using his Mandarin skills. 21:00 Dance, Dance Showing off his dance skills at Sitong in the basement of the Somerset Olympic Tower. 24:00 - After a few hours of tearing up the dance floor, Andrew heads back home to get some rest in order to b e ready for another active day. That s it folks. That s how a local expat in Tianjin spends his days. So if you see a burly, jolly American in the Bin Jiang Dao area, you can almost bet its one of Tianjin s favorite locals Andrew Kowalski. 18 Tianjin Plus Tianjin Plus 19

Dining Listings Maky Bakery No. 27, 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6620 8462 米旗开发区第三大街 27 号 Brazilian Salsa Churrasco 11F, Holiday Inn Binhai Tianjin No. 86, 1st Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6628 3388 ext. 2740 巴西烧烤餐厅开发区第一大街 86 号天津滨海假日酒店 11 层 Cafes La Flore Café & Restaurant Cuiheng Plaza No. 108, 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6629 1611 法香咖啡开发区第三大街 108 号翠亨广场东部 Manabe coffee Cuiheng Plaza West Wing No. 108, 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6629 1611 真锅咖啡开发区第三大街 108 号翠亨广场东部 SPR Coffee No. 3, Hongda Jie, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6629 2566 SPR 咖啡开发区宏达街 3 号 Starbucks Coffee C102, Juchuan Jin Hai an Building No. 453, Jiefang Lu, Tanggu District Tel: +86 22 2589 3409 星巴克咖啡塘沽区解放路 453 号巨川金海岸商界 C102 UBC Coffee No. 39-10, 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6629 0488 上岛咖啡开发区第三大街 39-10 号 1 st Avenue Café 11F, Holiday Inn Binhai Tianjin No. 86, 1 st Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6628 3388 ext. 2761 第一大道咖啡厅开发区第一大街 86 号天津滨海假日酒店 11 层 Chinese Seaport Well-known Restaurant No. 33, 2nd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 5981 5988 海港世家大酒楼开发区第二大街 33 号 Wan Li Chinese Restaurant 2F, Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel & Convention Centre No. 29, 2nd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6621 8888 ext. 6750 万丽轩中餐厅开发区第二大街 29 号天津万丽泰达酒店 2 层 Warner Chinese Restaurant 2F, Warner International Golf Club No.1, Nanhai Lu, TEDA Tel: +86 22 2532 7207 华纳中餐厅开发区南海路 1 号华纳高尔夫俱乐部 2 楼 Yujia Dazhaimen The Junction of Hangzhou Dao and Chezhan Bei Lu, Tanggu District Tel: + 86 22 2581 8808 渔家大宅门塘沽区车站北路与杭州道交口 Zen Chinese Restaurant Citizen Plaza No. 86, 1 st Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6628 3388 开发区第一大街 86 号市民广场 Zhou Ji TEDA New Field No. 12, Nanhai Lu, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6628 1989 周记名都开发区南海路 12 号泰达新天地 Dumpling Bai Jiao Yuan No. 27, bldg. A, Guoxin Building Zhangwang Lu, 2nd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6202 1188 百饺园开发区第二大街国信大厦 A 座 27 号 Indian & Thai Sawasdee Thai and Indian Food King Buyer Shopping Mall No. 32, 3 rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +8613207559181(English & Thai) Tel: +8615022140351(English & Indian) 萨瓦哩泰国餐厅开发区第三大街 32 号鸿泰千佰汇商业广场 Somewhere Special No. 103, bldg. A, Guoxin Building Zhangwang Lu, 2nd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6621 8750 印竺轩开发区第二大街展望路国信大厦 A 座 103 号 Japanese Ginga No. 31, 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6200 1656 银贺日本料理开发区第三大街 31 号 Kitajima 1F, TEDA International No. 8, 2nd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 2532 6000 北岛日本料理开发区第二大街 8 号泰达国际 1 层 Ko Ri An Fortune City Plaza No. 43, 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 2532 0408 古狸庵日本料理开发区第三大街 43 号财富星座 Kuinoi (Next to KFC) 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6529 8581 云井日本料理店开发区第三大街 ( 肯德基旁 ) Mayfair Hotel Japanese Restaurant No. 10, Huanghai Lu, TEDA Tel: +86 22 2528 1000 美华酒店开发区黄海路 10 号 Qingshui Mu (Beside Beautiful China Building) 1st Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 2528 1020 清水木开发区第一大街 ( 美华大厦旁 ) Rengaya Room 2, Friendship Store No. 19, Huanghai Lu, TEDA Tel: +86 22 2532 4574 炼瓦家开发区黄海路 19 号友谊名都 2 室 Sake n Sushi 11F, Binhai Holiday Inn Tianjin No. 86, 1st Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6628 3388 ext. 2730 寿司吧开发区第一大街 86 号天津滨海假日酒店 11 层 Seitaro Century Village 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6529 9522 清太郎日本料理开发区第三大街世纪新村 Taishi tei Japanese Restaurant Pengren Yuan No. 31-3, 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6200 1656 太子亭开发区第三大街篷仁园 31-3 号 Tokugawa No. 34, 1st Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 2528 0807 德川日本料理开发区第一街 34 号 Wangshui B2, Perfect Garden No. 18, Huanghai Lu, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6620 8595 望水餐饮开发区黄海路 18 号博美园底商 B2 Yinghua House King Buyer Branch Bldg. C, King Buyer Shopping Mall No. 32, 3 rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: + 86 22 6629 0992 樱花屋泰仟佰汇店 : 开发区第三大街 32 号鸿泰 仟佰汇商业广场 C 座 Donting Lu Branch No. 47, Dongting Lu, TEDA Tel: +86 22 2532 0039 洞庭路店 : 开发区东洞庭路 47 号 Kuinoi 3 rd Avenue, TEDA (next to KFC) Tel: +86 22 6529 8581 云井日本料理店开发区第三大街 ( 肯德基旁 ) Pizza Papa John s No. 566, bldg. E Juchuan Jin Hai an Building Shanghai Dao, Tanggu District Tel: +86 22 2530 4862 棒约翰塘沽区上海道巨川金海岸 E 区 566 号 Pizza Hut No. 453, Juchuan Jin Hai an Building Jiefang Lu, Tanggu District Tel: +86 22 2530 0242 必胜客塘沽区解放路巨川金海岸商界 453 号 Sichuan Dilong Cantonese Flavor Restaurant Binhai Development Building No. 42, 2nd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6628 5222 天津帝龙餐饮发展有限公司开发区第二大街 42 号滨海发展大厦底商 Red House No. 88, Huanghai Lu, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6620 9438 红房子酒店开发区黄海路 88 号 Tea Houses Aiwan Ting Tea House 1F, Section F, Century Village 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6529 9541 爱晚亭茶苑开发区第三大街世纪新村 F 号楼 1 层 Wan Jun de Tea House Opposite Zhangwang Lu, 2 nd Avenue TEDA Tel: +86 22 66208855 皖君德茗茶开发区第二大街展望路对面 Teppanyaki Baiyi Teppanyaki No. 2-1-6, King Buyer Shopping Mall No. 32, 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6629 5488 百一铁板烧开发区第三大街 32 号鸿泰仟佰汇商业广场 2-1-6 号 Jin Shi Teppanyaki No. 11, Nanhai Lu, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6621 9555 金狮铁板烧开发区南海路 11 号 Qiyo Teppanyaki Fortune City Plaza No. 25-26, 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 2532 6633 清友铁板烧开发区第三大街 25-26 号财富星座 Yupin Teppanyaki Restaurant Royal Palace No. 10, 2nd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6621 8038 御品法式铁板烧开发区第二大街 10 号御景园 Vietnamese Rong Yue Restaurant Back street of King Buyer Shopping Mall No. 32, 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6629 5520 荣越餐厅开发区第三大街 32 号鸿泰仟佰汇商业广场后街 Western Brasserie Restaurant Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel & Convention Centre No. 29, 2nd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6621 8888 ext. 3711 万丽西餐厅开发区第二大街 29 号天津万丽泰达酒店及会议中心 Buffalo TEDA Football Field No. 5, 5th Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6628 2666 水牛石西餐厅开发区第五大街 5 号泰达足球场 Delights Restaurant & Bar The junction of Huanghai Lu & 2nd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6620 9874 狄拉西餐厅开发区第二大街与黄海路交口 German Lowenbrau Restaurant & Bar 2F, Citizen Plaza, no.86 1st Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6622 5129 莱运宝西餐啤酒吧开发区第一大街 86 号市民广场 2 层 Parrot Restaurant & Bar No. 88, Huanghai Lu, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6620 1663 鹦鹉西餐厅酒吧开发区黄海路 88 号 Wan Jun de Tea House 皖君德茗茶 Tea Time ea is an integral part of contemporary Chinese society and a mainstay Tof cultural activity in almost all parts of China. Wan Jun De Tea House, which is located on 2nd Avenue in TEDA, does complete justice to keeping the art of teas alive while also giving it an added touch of novelty. Opened in June this year in one of the area s central locations, this tea house displays some of the finest interiors and a vast collection of Tea primarily coming from Fujan Province in southern China. You won t want to miss the house favourite, Oolong tea. Other available teas are green, jasmine, black, red, and tieh kwah yin tea. The tea house remains the centre of social activity for many locals and foreigners coming here. Choose from a variety of teas ranging from a mere 20 RMB to a whopping 9,000 RMB for a 250gram pouch. The hostesses are impeccable and speak English well. If new to tea culture they provide a thorough demonstration on making Chinese tea and keeping its aroma fragrant. Also available are abundant v a r i e t i e s o f b e a u t i f u l Chinese tea sets and other tea accessories. At Wan Jun De, get a chance to become an astute tea drinker while a l s o experiencing t rue Chinese tea culture. Opposite Zhangwang lu, 2nd Avenue, TEDA 开发区第二大街展望路对面 09:00-21:00 +86 22 6620 8855 20 Tianjin Plus Tianjin Plus 21

Nightlife Reviews Mizu Bar at Hotel Nikko 美津酒吧 Coldest Beer in Town ed tinted candles, a grand showcase of Rliquors, and a massive luminescent tube suspended from the ceiling are just some of the staples of Hotel Nikko s luxurious Mizu Bar. Mizu located on the fifth floor of Hotel Nikko offers guests and locals pleasurable soft pop music and jazz while serving an extensive range of drinks till late into the night. While many Japanese guests staying at the hotel frequent the Mizu bar, many local expats have also come to enjoy the plush couches and calm scene. Mizu Bar also advertises to have the Coldest Beer in Town. While this is debatable, their cocktail selection is arguably one of the widest in town. The Japanese manager c r e a t e d f o u r M i z u O r i g i n a l c o c k t a i l s personally. One of which is the Split Personality, a combination of grapefruit juice and liquor. Mizu s Happy Hour includes buy one get one free for all selected drinks from 5:30 8:00 pm daily. Because of the high-scale environment, Mizu commands a slightly higher price than most local bars but at the same time also offers a finer experience. Seating about 37 people, Mizu s snug surroundings are ideal for a peaceful time with a few friends or that someone special. 5F, Hotel Nikko, no. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping District 和平区南京路 189 号天津日航酒店 5 层 Wei-Ha Pub 韦哈酒吧 Get- Set -Go 17:30-01:00 +86 22 8319 8888 ext. 3555 cclaimed to be one of the oldest pubs Ain TEDA, Wei-Ha undoubtedly sustains a charm of its own. From morning till late night the place is seen filled with a good number of expats coming here for quick meals, drinks, or regular chats. The ambience of the pub may be similar to any of the bars in the area but the food quality is high and the menu is wide and exclusive. Menu items include a good choice of breakfast, beer snacks, a variety of healthy salads ranging 20-40 CNY, delicious Wei-Ha subs for 20-30 CNY, Italian delights including pizza and pasta ranging 40-60 CNY, and also varying chicken, pork, sausages, fish, and beef dishes. Prices are kept reasonable according to portions. Join Wei-Ha on special occasions and festivals for its good buffet specials. A range of special items are also kept on sale by Wei-Ha, which includes buns, sausage, a selection of cheeses, cold cuts, and meat loaf. All sausage items and processed meat are said to come from the Original German Butcher- DEFA. Drop by for the carryout menu at Wei-Ha or enjoy the instant delivery service at your home. With all this and more offered by Wei-Ha, the place is truly worth visiting several times. Zhang Wang Lu, 2nd Avenue, TEDA 开发区第二大街展望路 09:00 02:00 Happy hours: 09:00 20:00 +86 22 2529 3628 Lobby lounge 大堂吧 Simply Elegant Eastern Pearl 东方之珠 A KTV Gem Get a 50% discount for children less than 1.2 meters in height. onveniently placed under one of the Cmajor interchanges of West Tianjin, The Oriental Pearl offers an assor tment of enter tainment and relaxation. Upon arrival there is a vast parking area that is free for all customers. The large duplex may be intimidating at first but there is staff waiting to welcome you 24-hours a day. The courteous and well-mannered staff will place your order into a computer system at the front desk as you select from the multiservice spa, 24-hour buffet, private room for KTV, or a game and relaxation room. Your first stop may be the spa. The spa is priced according to the desired service (from RMB30 and up) and provides lockers to store your belongings. Spa services include foot massages and professional sauna treatments. After relaxing you may want to choose a private room for karaoke. Rooms are equivalent to a three-star hotel room with comfortable couches and divans. No additional fee is charged for staying overnight. As the night passes select from a smorgasbord of foods at the 24-hour buffet. The dining environment is as equally relaxing and comfortable as the rest of the institution. No. 37, Fukang Lu, Nankai District (underneath the Wang Dingdi Bridge) 南开区复康路 37 号王顶堤立交桥下 24 Hours +86 22 2369 6888 +86 22 2369 7927 obby lounge is the exquisite spacious Llounge located on the lobby level of the Renaissance TEDA hotel. It is the favorite spot for TEDA s dignified elegance, whether after work for sunset cocktails or Friday night for extended lounging. The modern artistic decor gives a luxuriously cozy residential feel. Swing on the beats of the live band that plays every evening. Delight your Chinese colleagues at the Tea festival every afternoon (245 CNY for 2 people). The lounge also provides a variety of premium cigars for its guest ranging from 150 to 600 CNY. The menu includes a variety of cocktails for 70 CNY. Domestic, imported and draught beer range from 30 to 80 CNY. The menu also caters with variety of western snacks. A sandwich may run 80-100 CNY, and a rich blend of coffee or tea 45 CNY. All prices come with the additional service charge of 15%. 1F, Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel, no. 29, 2 nd Avenue, TEDA 开发区第二大街 29 号万丽泰达酒店及会议中心 10:00-01:00 +86 22 6621 8888 22 Tianjin Plus Tianjin Plus 23

Nightlife Listings Nightlife Interview Bars & Discos Babi Club No. 83, Qiongzhou Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 8381 6006 芭芘俱乐部河西区琼州道 83 号 Baby Face 9F, Block C, Isetan, Modern Town No. 108, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2711 9898 和平区南京路 108 号伊势丹现代城 C 区 9 层 Bull s Club No. 83, Baidi Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 8185 3333 公牛酒吧南开区白堤路 83 号 Broadies Tavern No. 5, Bar Street, Youyi Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 8837 0933 部落地西餐酒吧河西区友谊路酒吧街 5 号 Chat s Bar 1F, Hyatt Regency Tianjin Hotel No. 219, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2331 8888 聊天廊酒吧和平区解放北路 219 号凯 悦酒店 1 层 City Music Club No. 64, Limin Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 8998 8833 喜地音乐酒吧河西区利民道 64 号 Coco Bar Street, Youyi Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2837 0888 瀚金佰 Coco 酒吧河西区友谊路酒吧街 Cozy Cafe & Bar No. 68, Changde Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8188 8213 客斯特演艺酒吧和平区常德道 68 号 Dazzle Lobby Lounge 1F, Holiday Inn Tianjin Riverside Phoenix Shopping Mall, Haihe Dong Lu Hebei District Tel: +86 22 26278888 ext. 2266 眩吧河北区海河东路凤凰商贸广场 ( 摩天轮旁 ) 天津海河假日酒店 1 层 Euro Bar 1F, Crowne Plaza Tianjin Binhai No. 55, Zhongxin Da Dao Airport Industrial Park Tel: +86 22 5867 8888 ext. 2355 欧罗吧天津空港物流加工区中心大道 55 号天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店 1 楼 Fountain Lounge Bar Hyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort & Spa No. 8, Zhujiang Da Dao Zhouliang Zhuang, Baodi District Tel: +86 22 5921 1234 碧泉茶园酒吧宝坻区周良庄珠江大道 8 号京津新城凯悦酒店 Hard Rock Club (Next to the Narcissus Hotel) Pingshan Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2301 1564 硬石音乐主题俱乐部河西区平山道 ( 天水大酒店旁 ) Harry s Bar No. 25, Youyi Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2835 2777 哈里酒吧河西区友谊路 25 号 JV'S Bar 1F, Main Building, Sheraton Hotel Tianjin Zijin Shan Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2334 3388 ext. 1845 JV'S 酒吧河西区紫金山路天津喜来登大酒店主楼 1 楼 Le Nest Club No. 103, Qiongzhou Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 8381 6666 乐巢酒吧河西区琼州道 103 号 Lobby Bar 2F, Crowne Plaza Tianjin Binhai No. 55, Zhongxin Da Dao Airport Industrial Park Tel: +86 22 5867 8888 ext. 2355 大堂吧空港物流加工区中心大道 55 号天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店 2 楼 Mayflower Bar The junction of Zijin Shan Lu and Qixiang Tai Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 5859 9898 五月花酒吧河西区气象台路与紫金山路交口 Mizu Bar 5F, Hotel Nikko Tianjin No. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8319 8888 ext. 3555 美津酒吧和平区南京路 189 号天津日航酒店 5 层 New York Bar 4F, Bolian Building No. 155, Weijin Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2353 0136 纽约酒吧和平区卫津路 155 号博联大厦 4 层 Nic Club No. 143, Munan Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 159 2207 0904 泥 Club 和平区睦南道 143 号 Pepper 3F, bldg. B, Shang Gu Tianta Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2341 5238 南开区天塔道上谷商业街 B 座 3 层 Pines Cafe Hyatt Regency Tianjin No. 219, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2330 1234 和平区解放北路 219 号凯 悦酒店 Purple Bar 2F, Radisson Plaza Hotel Tianjin No. 66, Xinkai Lu, Hedong District Tel: +86 22 2457 8888 葡吧河东区新开路 66 号天津天诚丽笙世嘉酒店 2 层 Richmond Bar No. 23, Luoyang Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2311 3397 里士满西餐酒吧和平区洛阳道 23 号 Sapphire Minyuan Stadium No. 83, Chongqing Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 137 5253 9905 赛凡瑞酒吧和平区重庆道 83 号民园体育 Scarlet 3F, Bolian Building No. 155, Weijin Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2355 6223 乱世佳人和平区卫津路 155 号博联大厦 3 楼 Scooters Bar street, Youyi Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2837 0575 思酷特酒吧河西区友谊路酒吧街 Sherry A-21, Xinshui Garden Youyi Nan Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 136 0200 2571 雪莉酒吧河西区友谊南路欣水园 A-21 SITONG Bar -1F, Somerset Olympic Tower Chengdu Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2337 7177 昔唐音乐酒吧和平区成都道奥林匹克大厦负 1 层 Sugar Club Henghua Building Xiawafang, Dagu Nan Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 5831 8888 蜜糖酒吧河西区大沽南路下瓦房恒华大厦 Zero Club -1F, Bldg. C, Shang Gu Tianta Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2341 8288 零点酒吧南开区天塔道上谷商业街 C 区负 1 层 Starlight Nights Interview with Starlight, Band at JV s Bar at the Sheraton Tianjin Hotel heraton Tianjin Hotel recently Sintroduced its new house band, Starlight. Band members Zeny and Roshel dazzle the audience with their sparkling vocals while Anthony blazes the beat on the piano. Fans can catch Starlight s show Tuesday through Sunday starting from 20:45 at JV s Bar in the Sheraton Tianjin Hotel. What inspired you to become musicians? Ze ny a n d R o s h e l : Our family m e m b e r s w e r e m u s i c i a n s, s o growing up we would listen to them play and ever since childhood we were interested in performing and playing music. Anthony : I g o t i nto m usic to influence my friends. What brought you to Tianjin? We are originally from the Philippines, but have previously performed in Malaysia and Shenzhen and Xian in China. After that we got lucky and our agent booked us for the Sheraton Tianjin Hotel. That gave us a great opportunity to get to know another city in China with long history. What g e n r e o f m u s i c d o yo u play? We p l a y a m i x o f b l u e s, j a z z, standards, love songs, and Latin. We also play Chinese and Japanese songs from time to time. Who are your major influences? Zeny and Roshel: Our families Anthony: The Beatles Are there any rituals or anything special you do before going on stage? B e fo re e ve r y s h ow, we a l ways have a brief discussion about our playlist so everyone is prepared. W h a t d o y o u d o t o g e t t h e audience involved? In order to get the crowd engaged, we usually take requests from the audience and even invite people from the crowd to come on stage and sing with us. What was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you during a show? Z e n y : O n e t i m e w h e n I w a s per forming I fell off the stage. L u c k i l y I w a s n t i n j u r e d a n d c o n t i n u e d t h e s h ow. R o s h e l : There have been times were we h a d to l e a r n a n e w s o n g ve r y quickly and so I ve forgotten lyrics sometimes but I just hymn my way through it. 1F, Main Building, Sheraton Hotel Tianjin Zijin Shan Lu, Hexi District 河西区紫金山路天津喜来登大酒店主楼 1 楼 17:00-01:00 +86 22 2334 3388 ext. 1845 24 Tianjin Plus Tianjin Plus 25