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民事訴訟法中英文對照 中文版民國 98 年 07 月 08 日修正 Code of Civil Procedure 英文版 2003.06.25 Amended ) 本表中英條文資料來源 : 法務部全國法規資料庫 聲明 : 本中英對照表係黃裕凱老師編輯, 供輔大法律學生法學英文初階學習參考之用, 不得作為其他用途注意一 : 本表內容如與各法規主管機關之公布文字有所不同, 以各主管機關公布為準注意二 : 英譯文部分, 全國法規資料庫有若干缺漏或錯誤之處, 本表不擔保其正確性本表編輯基準日 :2010.11.15 民訴法 _1

目次 第一編總則第一章法院第一節管轄第二節法院職員之迴避 第二章當事人第一節當事人能力及訴訟能力 第二節共同訴訟第三節訴訟參加第四節訴訟代理人及輔佐人第三章訴訟標的價額之核定及訴訟費用第一節訴訟標的價額之核定 第二節訴訟費用之計算及徵收 第三節訴訟費用之負擔第四節訴訟費用之擔保第五節訴訟救助第四章訴訟程序第一節當事人書狀第二節送達第三節期日及期間第四節訴訟程序之停止第五節言詞辯論第六節裁判第六節之一司法事務官之處理程序第七節訴訟卷宗 第二編第一審程序第一章通常訴訟程序第一節起訴第二節言詞辯論之準備第三節證據第一目通則第二目人證 Part I General Principles Chapter I The Court Section 1 Jurisdiction Section 2 Disqualification of Officers of The Court Chapter II Parties Section 1 Capacity to Be Parties and Capacity to Litigate Section 2 Joinder of Parties Section 3 Intervention Section 4 Advocates and Assistants Chapter III Value of Claim & Litigation Expenses Section 1 Determination of The Value of Claim Section 2 Accounting & Taxation of Litigation Expenses Section 3 Bearing of Litigation Expenses Section 4 Security For Litigation Expenses Section 5 Litigation Aid Chapter IV Litigation Proceedings Section 1 Pleadings Section 2 Service of Process Section 3 Date & Period Section 4 Stay of Litigation Proceedings Section 5 Oral Argument Section 6 Decision Section 6-1Court Administrator Proceeding Section 7 Court Dossiers Part II Procedure in The First Instance Chapter I Ordinary Proceeding Section 1 Initiation of An Action Section 2 Preparation for Oral Argument Section 3 Evidence Item 1 General Provisions Item 2 Examination of Witnesses 民訴法 _2

第三目鑑定第四目書證第五目勘驗第六目證據保全第四節和解第五節判決第二章調解程序第三章簡易訴訟程序第四章小額訴訟程序 第三編上訴審程序第一章第二審程序第二章第三審程序 Item 3 Expert Testimony Item 4 Documentary Evidence Item 5 Inspection Item 6 Perpetuation of Evidence Section 4 Settlement Section 5 Judgments Chapter II Mediation Proceeding Chapter III Summary Proceeding Chapter IV Small-Claim Proceeding Part III Appellate Procedure Chapter I Procedure in The Second Instance Chapter II Procedure in The Third Instance 第四編抗告程序 Part IV Appeals From Rulings 第五編再審程序 Part V Rehearing Proceeding 第五編之一第三人撤銷訴訟程序第六編督促程序第七編保全程序第八編公示催告程序 Part V-I Part VI Part VII Part VIII Third-Party Opposition Proceeding Demnd Proceeding Provisional Remedies Proceeding Public Summons Proceeding 第九編人事訴訟程序第一章婚姻事件程序第二章親子關係事件程序 第三章禁治產事件程序第四章宣告死亡事件程序 Part IX Actions Concerning Personal Affairs Chapter I Actions Concerning Marriage Chapter II Actions Concerning Parent - Child Relationship Chapter III Interdiction Proceeding Chapter IV Declaration of Death 民訴法 _3

第一編總則 PART I GENERAL PRINCIPLES 第一章法院 CHAPTER I THE COURT 第一節管轄 Section 1 Jurisdiction 第 1 條 ( 普通審判籍 - 自然人 ) 訴訟, 由被告住所地之法院管轄 被告住所地之法院不能行使職權者, 由其居所地之法院管轄 訴之原因事實發生於被告居所地者, 亦得由其居所地之法院管轄 被告在中華民國現無住所或住所不明者, 以其在中華民國之居所, 視為其住所 ; 無居所或居所不明者, 以其在中華民國最後之住所, 視為其住所 在外國享有治外法權之中華民國人, 不能依前二項規定定管轄法院者, 以中央政府所在地視為其住所地 第 2 條 ( 普通審判籍 - 法人及其他團體 ) 對於公法人之訴訟, 由其公務所所在地之法院管轄 ; 其以中央或地方機關為被告時, 由該機關所在地之法院管轄 對於私法人或其他得為訴訟當事人之團體之訴訟, 由其主事務所或主營業所所在地之法院管轄 對於外國法人或其他得為訴訟當事人之團體之訴訟, 由其在中華民國之主事務所或主營業所所在地之法院管轄 第 3 條 ( 因財產權涉訟之特別審判籍 ( 一 )) 對於在中華民國現無住所或住所不明之人, 因財產權涉訟者, 得由被告可扣押之財產或請求標的所在地之法院管轄 Article 1 A defendant may be sued in the court for the place of the defendant's domicile or, when that court cannot exercise jurisdiction, in the court for the place of defendant's residence. A defendant may also be sued in the court for the place of defendant's residence for a claim arising from transactions or occurrences taking place within the jurisdiction of that court. Where a defendant has no place of domicile in the R.O.C., or where the defendant's place of domicile is unknown, then the defendant's place of residence in the R.O.C. shall be deemed to be the defendant's place of domicile. Where the defendant has no place of residence in the R.O.C. and where the defendant's place of residence is unknown, then the defendant's last place of domicile in the R.O.C. shall be deemed to be the defendant's place of domicile. Where an R.O.C. citizen is located in a foreign nation and enjoys immunity from the jurisdiction of such foreign nation, and when he/she cannot be sued in a court in accordance with the provisions of the two preceding paragraphs, then the place where the central government is located shall be deemed to be the place of domicile of such citizen. Article 2 A public juridical person may be sued in the court where its principal office is located. A central or local government agency may be sued in the court for the jurisdiction where such office is located. A private juridical person or unincorporated association that has the capacity to be a party to an action may be sued in the court for the location of its principal office or principal place of business. A foreign juridical person or unincorporated association may be sued in the court for the location of its principal office or principal place of business in the R.O.C. Article 3 In matters relating to proprietary rights, an action may be initiated against a defendant who either does not have a place of domicile in the R.O.C. or whose domicile is unknown, in the court for the location of the defendant's attachable property or the subject matter 民訴法 _4

被告之財產或請求標的如為債權, 以債務人住所或該債權擔保之標的所在地, 視為被告財產或請求標的之所在地 第 4 條 ( 因財產權涉訟之特別審判籍 ( 二 )) 對於生徒 受僱人或其他寄寓人, 因財產權涉訟者, 得由寄寓地之法院管轄 第 5 條 ( 因財產權涉訟之特別審判籍 ( 三 )) 對於現役軍人或海員因財產權涉訟者, 得由其公務所, 軍艦本籍或船籍所在地之法院管轄 第 6 條 ( 因業務涉訟之特別審判籍 ) 對於設有事務所或營業所之人, 因關於其事務所或營業所之業務涉訟者, 得由該事務所或營業所所在地之法院管轄 第 7 條 ( 因船舶涉訟之特別審判籍 ( 一 )) 對於船舶所有人或利用船舶人, 因船舶或航行涉訟者, 得由船籍所在地之法院管轄 第 8 條 ( 因船舶涉訟之特別審判籍 ( 二 )) 因船舶債權或以船舶擔保之債權涉訟者, 得由船舶所在地之法院管轄 第 9 條 ( 因社員資格涉訟之特別審判籍 ) 公司或其他團體或其債權人, 對於社員或社員對於社員, 於其社員之資格有所請求而涉訟者, 得由該團體主事務所或主營業所所在地之法院管轄 前項規定, 於團體或其債權人或社員, 對於團體職員或已退社員有所請求而涉訟者, 準用 of the claim. Where the defendant's attachable property or the subject matter of a claim is a creditor's right, either the place of the debtor's domicile or the location of the subject matter of a security shall be deemed to be the location of the defendant's attachable property or the subject matter of the claim. Article 4 In matters relating to proprietary rights, an action may be initiated against an apprentice, an employee, or any other sojourners in the court for the sojourning place of such person. Article 5 In matters relating to proprietary rights, an action may be initiated against a soldier or seaman in the court for the location of the principal office or where the warship or ship is registered. Article 6 In matters relating to the business of a person's office or place of business, an action may be initiated against such person in the court for the location of its office or place of business. Article 7 In matters relating to a ship or its voyage, an action may be initiated against the owner or user of the ship in the court for the place of registration of the ship. Article 8 In matters relating to a debt arising from or secured by a ship, an action may be initiated in the court for the location of the ship. Article 9 In matters relating to claims arising from its membership, an action may be initiated by a corporation or any association, or its creditor or member, against a member in the court for the location of the association's principal office or principal place of business. The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to an action initiated by an association or its creditor or member against such association's staff or former member. 民訴法 _5

之 第 10 條 ( 因不動產涉訟之特別審判籍 ( 一 )) 因不動產之物權或其分割或經界涉訟者, 專屬不動產所在地之法院管轄 其他因不動產涉訟者, 得由不動產所在地之法院管轄 第 11 條 ( 因不動產涉訟之特別審判籍 ( 二 )) 對於同一被告因債權及擔保該債權之不動產物權涉訟者, 得由不動產所在地之法院合併管轄 第 12 條 ( 因契約涉訟之特別審判籍 ) 因契約涉訟者, 如經當事人定有債務履行地, 得由該履行地之法院管轄 第 13 條 ( 因票據涉訟之特別審判籍 ) 本於票據有所請求而涉訟者, 得由票據付款地之法院管轄 第 14 條 ( 因財產管理涉訟之特別審判籍 ) 因關於財產管理有所請求而涉訟者, 得由管理地之法院管轄 第 15 條 ( 因侵權行為涉訟之特別審判籍 ) 因侵權行為涉訟者, 得由行為地之法院管轄 因船舶碰撞或其他海上事故請求損害賠償而涉訟者, 得由受損害之船舶最初到達地, 或加害船舶被扣留地, 或其船籍港之法院管轄 因航空器飛航失事或其他空中事故, 請求損害賠償而涉訟者, 得由受損害航空器最初降落地, 或加害航空器被扣留地之法院管轄 Article 10 In matters relating to rights in rem, partition, or demarcation of real property, exclusive jurisdiction resides in court for the place where the real property is located. In other matters relating to real property, an action may be initiated in the court for the place where the real property is located. Article 11 In matters relating to debts or rights in rem of any real property provided as a security for such debt, an action may be initiated against the same defendant in the court for the place where the real property is located. Article 12 In contract matters, an action may be initiated in the court for the place agreed to by the parties as the place of performance of the contract. Article 13 In matters relating to negotiable instruments, an action may be initiated in the court for the location where the instruments are to be honored. Article 14 In matters relating to claims arising from the management of property, an action may be initiated in the court for the location where the property is to be managed. Article 15 In matters relating to torts, an action may be initiated in the court for the location where the tortious act occurred. In matters relating to claims for damages arising from a collision of ships or other accidents at sea, an action may be initiated in the court for the location where the damaged ship first arrived, or where the ship inflicting damages is seized or registered. In matters relating to claims for damages arising from the crash of aircraft or other aviation accidents, an action may be initiated in the court for the location where the damaged aircraft first arrived, or where the aircraft inflicting damages is seized. 民訴法 _6

第 16 條 ( 因海難救助涉訟之特別審判籍 ) 因海難救助涉訟者, 得由救助地或被救助之船舶最初到達地之法院管轄 第 17 條 ( 因登記涉訟之特別審判籍 ) 因登記涉訟者, 得由登記地之法院管轄 第 18 條 ( 關於繼承事件之特別審判籍 ) 因遺產之繼承 分割 特留分或因遺贈或其他因死亡而生效力之行為涉訟者, 得由繼承開始時被繼承人住所地之法院管轄 被繼承人住所地之法院, 不能行使職權, 或訴之原因事實發生於被繼承人居所地, 或被繼承人為中華民國人, 於繼承開始時, 在中華民國無住所或住所不明者, 定前項管轄法院時, 準用第一條之規定 第 19 條 ( 關於繼承事件之特別審判籍 ( 二 )) 因遺產上之負擔涉訟, 如其遺產之全部或一部, 在前條所定法院管轄區域內者, 得由該法院管轄 第 20 條 ( 共同訴訟之特別審判籍 ) 共同訴訟之被告數人, 其住所不在一法院管轄區域內者, 各該住所地之法院俱有管轄權 但依第四條至前條規定有共同管轄法院者, 由該法院管轄 第 21 條 ( 管轄之競合 ) 被告住所 不動產所在地 侵權行為地或其他據以定管轄法院之地, 跨連或散在數法院管轄區域內者, 各該法院俱有管轄權 第 22 條 ( 管轄競合之效果 - 選 Article 16 In salvage matters, an action may be initiated in the court for the location where the salvage took place, or where the salvaged ship first arrived. Article 17 In registration matters, an action may be initiated in the court for the location where the registration is administered. Article 18 In matters relating to succession, partition or compulsory share of an inheritance, or a legacy, or any other act that shall take effect upon death, an action may be initiated in the court for the location where the decedent resided at the time of its death. When the court for the decedent's place of domicile cannot exercise jurisdiction, or the transactions or occurrences giving rise to the claim took place at the decedent's place of residence, or the decedent is an R.O.C. citizen and either does not have a place of domicile in the R.O.C. or his/her place of domicile is unknown at the time of death, then the provision of Article 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis in determining the appropriate court. Article 19 In matters relating to an encumbrance upon an inheritance, an action may be initiated in the court prescribed in the preceding Article, provided that the inheritance is in whole or in part located within the jurisdiction of that court. Article 20 The court for the location of a codefendant's domicile has jurisdiction over all codefendants, except where a court can obtain jurisdiction over the action in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 through Article 19 inclusive. Article 21 When the defendant's domicile, or the locus of real property, or the locus of the tort, or any other loci determinative of the court that has jurisdiction crosses or spreads over the jurisdictional boundaries of several courts, any such court may have jurisdiction over the action. Article 22 民訴法 _7

擇管轄 ) 同一訴訟, 數法院有管轄權者, 原告得任向其中一法院起訴 第 23 條 ( 指定管轄 - 原因及程序 ) 有下列各款情形之一者, 直接上級法院應依當事人之聲請或受訴法院之請求, 指定管轄 : 一 有管轄權之法院, 因法律或事實不能行使審判權, 或因特別情形, 由其審判恐影響公安或難期公平者 二 因管轄區域境界不明, 致不能辨別有管轄權之法院者 直接上級法院不能行使職權者, 前項指定由再上級法院為之 第一項之聲請得向受訴法院或直接上級法院為之, 前項聲請得向受訴法院或再上級法院為之 指定管轄之裁定, 不得聲明不服 第 24 條 ( 合意管轄及其表意方法 ) 當事人得以合意定第一審管轄法院 但以關於由一定法律關係而生之訴訟為限 前項合意, 應以文書證之 第 25 條 ( 擬制之合意管轄 ) 被告不抗辯法院無管轄權, 而為本案之言詞辯論者, 以其法院為有管轄權之法院 第 26 條 ( 合意管轄之限制 ) 前二條之規定, 於本法定有專屬管轄之訴訟, 不適用之 第 27 條 ( 定管轄之時期 ) 定法院之管轄, 以起訴時為準 When several courts may have jurisdiction over an action, a plaintiff may choose to initiate the action in any one of those courts. Article 23 The immediate superior court shall, on motion or the request of the court in which the action is pending, designate a court to exercise jurisdiction in case of any of the following: 1.When the court with jurisdiction cannot exercise jurisdiction due to legal or actual impediments, or when special circumstances suggest that by exercising jurisdiction such court may affect the public order or the fairness of the proceeding; 2.When a court with jurisdiction cannot be determined because the jurisdictional boundaries are unascertainable. When the immediate superior court cannot exercise such authority, the designation provided in the preceding paragraph shall be made by the court superior to the immediate superior court. The motion provided in the first paragraph may be filed in the court in which the action is pending or in its immediate superior court. The motion provided in the preceding paragraph may be filed in the court in which the action is pending or in the court superior to its immediate superior court. The ruling designating a court's jurisdiction is not reviewable. Article 24 Parties may, by agreement, designate a court of first instance to exercise jurisdiction, provided that such agreement relates to a particular legal relation. The agreement provided in the preceding paragraph shall be evidenced in writing. Article 25 A court obtains jurisdiction over an action where the defendant proceeds orally on the merits without contesting lack of jurisdiction. Article 26 The provisions of the two preceding Articles do not apply to an action that is subject to another court's exclusive jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of this Code. Article 27 A court's jurisdiction shall be determined according to the standards existing at the time of the initiation of the action. 民訴法 _8

第 28 條 ( 移送訴訟之原因及程序 ) 訴訟之全部或一部, 法院認為無管轄權者, 依原告聲請或依職權以裁定移送於其管轄法院 第二十四條之合意管轄, 如當事人之一造為法人或商人, 依其預定用於同類契約之條款而成立, 按其情形顯失公平者, 他造於為本案之言詞辯論前, 得聲請移送於其管轄法院 但兩造均為法人或商人者, 不在此限 移送訴訟之聲請被駁回者, 不得聲明不服 第 29 條 ( 移送前有急迫情形時之必要處分 ) 移送訴訟前如有急迫情形, 法院應依當事人聲請或依職權為必要之處分 第 30 條 ( 移送裁定之效力 ( 一 )) 移送訴訟之裁定確定時, 受移送之法院受其羈束 前項法院, 不得以該訴訟更移送於他法院 但專屬於他法院管轄者, 不在此限 第 31 條 ( 移送裁定之效力 ( 二 )) 移送訴訟之裁定確定時, 視為該訴訟自始即繫屬於受移送之法院 前項情形, 法院書記官應速將裁定正本附入卷宗, 送交受移送之法院 Article 28 A court, upon determining a lack of jurisdiction over the action in whole or in part, will transfer the action to a court with jurisdiction either by ruling on the plaintiff's motion or on its own initiative. Before proceeding orally on the merits, a party may move the court to transfer the action to another court with jurisdiction when the court in which the action is pending obtains jurisdiction in accordance with the provision of Article 24 and such agreement is part of a standard contract prepared by the opposing party which is either a juridical person or a merchant, and the contract is manifestly unfair under the circumstances, provided however, that this provision will not apply where both parties are either judicial persons or merchants. A ruling denying the motion for transfer is not reviewable. Article 29 When there exist emergent circumstances prior to the transfer of an action, the court shall, either on motion or its own initiative, take necessary measures. Article 30 The transferee court is bound by the transfer ruling when such ruling becomes final and binding. The transferee court cannot retransfer the action to another court, except where the action is subject to another court's exclusive jurisdiction. Article 31 An action is deemed to have been initiated ab initio in the transferee court when the transfer ruling becomes final and binding. In the case provided in the preceding paragraph, the court clerk shall annex the authenticated copy of the ruling to the dossier and forward it to the transferee court. 第 31-1 條 (99 年現行規定 ) 起訴時法院有受理訴訟權限者, 不因訴訟繫屬後事實及法律狀態變更而受影響 訴訟已繫屬於不同審判權之法院者, 當事人不得就同一事件向普通法院更行起訴 第 31-2 條 (99 年現行規定 ) 普通法院認其有受理訴訟權限 民訴法 _9

而為裁判經確定者, 其他法院受該裁判之羈束 普通法院認其無受理訴訟權限者, 應依職權裁定將訴訟移送至有受理訴訟權限之管轄法院 當事人就普通法院有無受理訴訟權限有爭執者, 普通法院應先為裁定 前項裁定, 得為抗告 普通法院為第二項及第三項之裁定前, 應先徵詢當事人之意見 第二十九條 第三十一條規定, 於第二項之情形準用之 第 31-3 條 (99 年現行規定 ) 其他法院將訴訟移送至普通法院者, 依本法定其訴訟費用之徵收 移送前所生之訴訟費用視為普通法院訴訟費用之一部分 應行徵收之訴訟費用, 其他法院未加徵收 徵收不足額或溢收者, 普通法院應補行徵收或通知原收款法院退還溢收部分 第二節法院職員之迴避 Section 2 Disqualification of Officers of the Court 第 32 條 ( 法官之自行迴避及其事由 ) 法官有下列各款情形之一者, 應自行迴避, 不得執行職務 : 一 法官或其配偶 前配偶或未婚配偶, 為該訴訟事件當事人者 二 法官為該訴訟事件當事人八親等內之血親或五親等內之姻親, 或曾有此親屬關係者 三 法官或其配偶 前配偶或未婚配偶, 就該訴訟事件與當事人有共同權利人 共同義務人或償還義務人之關係者 四 法官現為或曾為該訴訟事件當事人之法定代理人或家長 家屬者 五 法官於該訴訟事件, 現為或曾為當事人之訴訟代理人或 Article 32 Any judge shall voluntarily disqualify himself/herself in the following circumstances: 1.When the judge, or the judge's spouse, former spouse, or fiancee is a party to the proceeding; 2.When the judge is or was either a blood relative within the eighth degree or a relative by marriage within the fifth degree, to a party to the proceeding; 3.When the judge, or the judge's spouse, former spouse, or fiancee is a co-obligee, co-obligor with, or an indemnitor to, a party to the proceeding; 4.When the judge is or was the statutory agent of a party to the proceeding, or the head or member of the party's household; 5.When the judge is acting or did act as the advocate or assistant of a party to the proceeding; 民訴法 _10

輔佐人者 六 法官於該訴訟事件, 曾為證人或鑑定人者 七 法官曾參與該訴訟事件之前審裁判或仲裁者 第 33 條 ( 聲請法官迴避及其事由 ) 遇有下列各款情形, 當事人得聲請法官迴避 : 一 法官有前條所定之情形而不自行迴避者 二 法官有前條所定以外之情形, 足認其執行職務有偏頗之虞者 當事人如已就該訴訟有所聲明或為陳述後, 不得依前項第二款聲請法官迴避 但迴避之原因發生在後或知悉在後者, 不在此限 第 34 條 ( 聲請法官迴避之程序 ) 聲請法官迴避, 應舉其原因, 向法官所屬法院為之 前項原因及前條第二項但書之事實, 應自為聲請之日起, 於三日內釋明之 被聲請迴避之法官, 對於該聲請得提出意見書 第 35 條 ( 聲請法官迴避之裁定 ) 法官迴避之聲請, 由該法官所屬法院以合議裁定之 ; 其因不足法定人數不能合議者, 由兼院長之法官裁定之 ; 如並不能由兼院長之法官裁定者, 由直接上級法院裁定之 前項裁定, 被聲請迴避之法官, 不得參與 被聲請迴避之法官, 以該聲請為有理由者, 毋庸裁定, 應即迴避 第 36 條 ( 聲請法官迴避裁定之救濟 ) 6.When the judge is likely to be a witness or expert witness in the proceeding; 7.When the judge participated in making either the prior court decision or the arbitration award regarding the same dispute in the proceeding. Article 33 A party may move for the disqualification of a judge in the following circumstances: 1.When the judge does not voluntarily disqualify himself/herself in the circumstances prescribed in the preceding Article; 2.When there exist circumstances other than those prescribed in the preceding Article suggesting that the judge may not perform his/her functions impartially. A party cannot move for the disqualification of a judge in accordance with the provision of the second subparagraph of this Article after such party has made any motions or statements concerning the action, except where the grounds for disqualification arise or become known thereafter. Article 34 A motion for the disqualification of a judge shall be filed in the court to which such judge is assigned, stating the specific grounds for the motion. A preliminary showing of the grounds of the motion and the facts of disqualification provided for in the second paragraph of the preceding Article shall be made within three days of filing the motion. The judge for whose disqualification is sought may respond to the motion. Article 35 The ruling on a motion for disqualification shall be made by a panel of judges of the court to which such judge is assigned. When the panel cannot be established due to an insufficient number of qualified judges, the ruling shall be made by the Chief Judge of that court. When the ruling cannot be made by the Chief Judge, it shall then be made by the immediate superior court. The judge for whom disqualification is sought cannot participate in any decision concerning the ruling prescribed in the preceding paragraph. The judge for whom disqualification is sought shall disqualify himself/herself without the need of a ruling when he/she considers the motion meritorious. Article 36 民訴法 _11

聲請法官迴避經裁定駁回者, 得為抗告 其以聲請為正當者, 不得聲明不服 第 37 條 ( 聲請法官迴避之效力 ) 法官被聲請迴避者, 在該聲請事件終結前, 應停止訴訟程序 但其聲請因違背第三十三條第二項, 或第三十四條第一項或第二項之規定, 或顯係意圖延滯訴訟而為者, 不在此限 依前項規定停止訴訟程序中, 如有急迫情形, 仍應為必要處分 第 38 條 ( 職權裁定迴避與同意迴避 ) 第三十五條第一項所定為裁定之法院或兼院長之法官, 如認法官有應自行迴避之原因者, 應依職權為迴避之裁定 法官有第三十三條第一項第二款之情形者, 經兼院長之法官同意, 得迴避之 第 39 條 ( 書記官及通譯之迴避 ) 本節之規定, 於法院書記官及通譯準用之 An interlocutory appeal may be taken from a ruling denying the motion for a judge's disqualification. A ruling granting the disqualification motion is not reviewable. Article 37 The judge shall, upon a motion for disqualification, stay the proceeding prior to a ruling on the motion, except where the motion is filed in violation of either the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 33 or the first or second paragraph of Article 34, or for the manifest purpose of delaying the proceeding. Despite a stay in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph, necessary measures shall still be taken under emergent circumstances. Article 38 When finding that a judge should have voluntarily disqualified himself/herself, the court or the Chief Judge of the court prescribed in the first paragraph of Article 35 shall make the disqualification ruling on its own initiative. A judge may, with the consent of the Chief Judge of the court to which the judge is assigned, disqualify himself/herself under the circumstances provided in the second subparagraph of the first paragraph of Article 33. Article 39 The provisions of this Section shall apply mutatis mutandis to all court clerks and interpreters. 第二章當事人 第一節當事人能力及訴訟能力 CHAPTER II Section 1 Litigate PARTIES Capacity to be Parties and Capacity to 第 40 條 ( 當事人能力 ) 有權利能力者, 有當事人能力 胎兒, 關於其可享受之利益, 有當事人能力 非法人之團體, 設有代表人或管理人者, 有當事人能力 中央或地方機關, 有當事人能力 第 41 條 ( 選定當事人之要件及效力 ) 多數有共同利益之人, 不合於前條第三項所定者, 得由其中 Article 40 Any person who has legal capacity has the capacity to be a party. A fetus has the capacity to be a party in an action concerning the entitlement of its interests. An unincorporated association with a representative or an administrator has the capacity to be a party. A central or local government agency has the capacity to be a party. Article 41 Multiple parties, who have common interests and may not qualify to be an unincorporated association provided in the third paragraph of the preceding Article, may appoint one or more persons from 民訴法 _12

選定一人或數人, 為選定人及被選定人全體起訴或被訴 訴訟繫屬後, 經選定前項之訴訟當事人者, 其他當事人脫離訴訟 前二項被選定之人得更換或增減之 但非通知他造, 不生效力 第 42 條 ( 選定當事人之程序 ) 前條訴訟當事人之選定及其更換 增減, 應以文書證之 第 43 條 ( 選定當事人喪失其資格之救濟 ) 第四十一條之被選定人中, 有因死亡或其他事由喪失其資格者, 他被選定人得為全體為訴訟行為 第 44 條 ( 選定當事人為訴訟行為之限制 ) 被選定人有為選定人為一切訴訟行為之權 但選定人得限制其為捨棄 認諾 撤回或和解 選定人中之一人所為限制, 其效力不及於他選定人 第一項之限制, 應於第四十二條之文書內表明, 或以書狀提出於法院 第 44-1 條 ( 選定法人之要件 ) 多數有共同利益之人為同一公益社團法人之社員者, 於章程所定目的範圍內, 得選定該法人為選定人起訴 法人依前項規定為社員提起金錢賠償損害之訴時, 如選定人全體以書狀表明願由法院判定被告應給付選定人全體之總額, 並就給付總額之分配方法達成協議者, 法院得不分別認定被告應給付各選定人之數額, 而僅就被告應給付選定人全體之總額為裁判 themselves to sue or to be sued on behalf of the appointing parties and the appointed parties. After the appointment has been made in a pending action in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph, all parties who are not appointed shall withdraw from the proceeding. The appointed parties provided in the two preceding paragraphs may be substituted, increased in number, or cancelled. Such substitution, increase in number, or cancellation shall not take effect until after a notice of such action is served upon the opposing party. Article 42 The appointment of representative parties, and the substitution, increase in number or cancellation thereof in accordance with the provision of the preceding Article, shall be evidenced in writing. Article 43 When any of the parties who have been appointed in accordance with the provision of Article 41 has lost its capacity to sue due to death or for any other reason, the remaining appointed parties may continue to conduct the litigation for the entire body. Article 44 The appointed parties may conduct all acts of litigation for the appointing parties, provided however that the appointing parties may restrict the appointed parties?authority to abandon claims, admit claims, voluntarily dismiss the action, or settle the case. The restriction of authority imposed by one of the appointing parties shall have no effect with regard to the other appointing parties. Any restrictions provided in the first paragraph shall be evidenced in writing as prescribed in Article 42 or submitted to the court by subsequent pleadings. Article 44-1 Multiple parties with common interests who are members of the same incorporated charitable association may, to the extent permitted by said association's purpose as prescribed in its bylaws, appoint such association as an appointed party to sue on behalf of them. Where an incorporated association initiates an action for monetary damages on behalf of its members in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph, if the entire body of the appointing parties agrees to allow the court to grant the full amount of a monetary award to them as a whole body and prescribes how such total award shall be distributed, and furthermore, if the entire body has filed a pleading to such effect, then the court may award a total sum of money to the entire body of the appointing parties without specifying the amount that the defendant must pay to each of the 民訴法 _13

第一項情形準用第四十二條及第四十四條之規定 第 44-2 條 ( 公告曉示 ) 因公害 交通事故 商品瑕疵或其他本於同一原因事實而有共同利益之多數人, 依第四十一條之規定選定一人或數人為同種類之法律關係起訴者, 法院得徵求原被選定人之同意, 或由被選定人聲請經法院認為適當時, 公告曉示其他共同利益人, 得於一定期間內以書狀表明其原因事實 證據及應受判決事項之聲明, 併案請求 其請求之人, 視為已依第四十一條為選定 其他有共同利益之人, 亦得聲請法院依前項規定為公告曉示 併案請求之書狀, 應以繕本或影本送達於兩造 第一項之期間至少應有二十日, 公告應黏貼於法院公告處, 並登載公報 新聞紙或其他相類之傳播工具, 其費用由國庫墊付 第一項原被選定人不同意者, 法院得依職權公告曉示其他共同利益人起訴, 由法院併案審理 第 44-3 條 ( 提起不作為訴訟之權 ) 以公益為目的之社團法人或財團法人, 經其目的事業主管機關許可, 於章程所定目的範圍內, 得對侵害多數人利益之行為人, 提起不作為之訴 前項許可及監督辦法, 由司法院會同行政院定之 第 44-4 條 ( 訴訟代理人之選任 ) 前三條訴訟, 法院得依聲請為原告選任律師為訴訟代理人 appointing parties respectively. The provisions of Articles 42 and 44 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the circumstance provided in the first paragraph of this article. Article 44-2 When multiple parties, whose common interests have arisen from the same public nuisance, traffic accident, product defect, or the same transaction or occurrence of any kind, appoint one or more persons from themselves in accordance with the provision of Article 41 to sue for the same category of legal claims, the court may, with the consent of the appointed party, or upon the original appointed party's motion which the court considers appropriate, publish a notice to the effect that other persons with the same common interests may join the action by filing a pleading within a designated period of time specifying: the transaction or occurrence giving rise to such claim; the evidence; and the demand for judgment for the relief sought. Those persons so joining shall be deemed to have made the same appointment in accordance with the provisions of Article 41. Other persons with the same common interest may also move the court to publish the notice provided in the preceding paragraph. A written copy or photocopy of the pleading of joinder shall be served upon all parties to the action. The publication period of the notice provided for in the first paragraph shall be no less than twenty days. The same notice shall be posted on the court's bulletin board and published in official gazettes, newspapers, or other similar means of communication. The expenses for such publication shall be advanced by the national treasury. When the appointed party provided in the first paragraph does not agree to such joinder, the court may, on its own initiative, publish a notice to inform other persons with the same common interests to initiate actions and then the court will consolidate the actions. Article 44-3 An incorporated charitable association or a foundation may initiate, with the permission of its competent governmental business authority and to the extent permitted by the purposes as prescribed in its bylaws, an action for injunctive relief prohibiting specific acts of a person who has violated the interests of the majority concerned. The Judicial Yuan and the Executive Yuan jointly shall prescribe regulations governing the permission provided in the preceding paragraph as well as appropriate supervision. Article 44-4 In actions initiated in accordance with the provisions of the three preceding Articles, the court may, on motion, appoint an attorney as an advocate for the plaintiff. 民訴法 _14

前項訴訟代理人之選任, 以伸張或防衛權利所必要者為限 第 45 條 ( 訴訟能力 ) 能獨立以法律行為負義務者, 有訴訟能力 The appointment of an attorney in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph shall be made only insofar as necessary for asserting or defending rights. Article 45 Any person who has the capacity to undertake obligations through independent juridical acts has the capacity to litigate. 第 45-1 條 (99 年現行規定 ) 輔助人同意受輔助宣告之人為訴訟行為, 應以文書證之 受輔助宣告之人就他造之起訴或上訴為訴訟行為時, 無須經輔助人同意 受輔助宣告之人為捨棄 認諾 撤回或和解, 應經輔助人以書面特別同意 第 46 條 ( 外國人之訴訟能力 ) 外國人依其本國法律無訴訟能力, 而依中華民國法律有訴訟能力者, 視為有訴訟能力 第 47 條 ( 法定代理及為訴訟所必要之允許應適用之法規 ) 關於訴訟之法定代理及為訴訟所必要之允許, 依民法及其他法令之規定 第 48 條 ( 能力 法定代理權或為訴訟所必要之允許欠缺之追認 ) 於能力 法定代理權或為訴訟所必要之允許有欠缺之人所為之訴訟行為, 經取得能力之本人 取得法定代理權或允許之人 法定代理人或有允許權人之承認, 溯及於行為時發生效力 第 49 條 ( 能力 法定代理權或為訴訟所必要之允許欠缺之補正 ) 能力 法定代理權或為訴訟所必要之允許有欠缺而可以補正者, 審判長應定期間命其補正 ; 如恐久延致當事人受損害時, 得許其暫為訴訟行為 Article 46 A foreign national who does not have the capacity to litigate under the law of its own country but who has the capacity to litigate under the R.O.C. law will be deemed to have the capacity to litigate. Article 47 The provisions of the Civil Code and other laws and regulations will govern the authority of a statutory agent of a person without the capacity to litigate and the necessary approval to initiate an action. Article 48 Any act of litigation conducted by a person who lacks capacity, authority as a statutory agent, or necessary approval to initiate an action, shall take effect retroactively from the occurrence of such action upon its ratification by a person who subsequently obtains the capacity or the authority as a statutory agent or the necessary approval, or by the statutory agent, or by the person who has authority to grant such approval. Article 49 When there exists a correctable defect in one's capacity, the authority as a statutory agent, or the approval to initiate an action, the presiding judge shall order such defect to be corrected within a designated period of time. In such cases, when there exists a danger that delay will prejudice the party, the presiding judge may permit acts of litigation to be conducted pro tempore. 民訴法 _15

第 50 條 ( 選定當事人能力欠缺之追認或補正 ) 前二條規定, 於第四十一條 第四十四條之一及第四十四條之二之被選定人為訴訟行為者準用之 Article 50 The provisions of the two preceding Articles shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case where a party is appointed in accordance with the provisions of Articles 41, 44-1, and 44-2. 第 50 條 (99 年現行規定 ) 前二條規定, 於第四十一條 第四十四條之一 第四十四條之二被選定人及第四十五條之一受輔助宣告之人為訴訟行為者準用之 第 51 條 ( 特別代理人之選任及其權限 ) 對於無訴訟能力人為訴訟行為, 因其無法定代理人或其法定代理人不能行代理權, 恐致久延而受損害者, 得聲請受訴法院之審判長, 選任特別代理人 無訴訟能力人有為訴訟之必要, 而無法定代理人或法定代理人不能行代理權者, 其親屬或利害關係人, 得聲請受訴法院之審判長, 選任特別代理人 選任特別代理人之裁定, 並應送達於特別代理人 特別代理人於法定代理人或本人承當訴訟以前, 代理當事人為一切訴訟行為 但不得為捨棄 認諾 撤回或和解 選任特別代理人所需費用, 及特別代理人代為訴訟所需費用, 得命聲請人墊付 第 52 條 ( 法定代理規定之準用 ) 本法關於法定代理之規定, 於法人之代表人 第四十條第三項之代表人或管理人 第四項機關之代表人及依法令得為訴訟上行為之代理人準用之 Article 51 Any person who intends to conduct litigation against another person, but who is without the capacity to litigate and who does not have a statutory agent or whose statutory agent cannot exercise authority, may file a motion with the presiding judge to appoint a special representative for him/her when there exists a danger that delay will result in prejudice. When a person needs to initiate an action but is without the capacity to litigate and does not have a statutory agent, or where the statutory agent cannot exercise authority, the relatives of such person or anyone who has a legal interest in such action may move for the presiding judge to appoint a special representative. A ruling appointing a special representative shall be served upon the appointed special representative. Except for such acts of litigation as abandoning a claim, admitting a claim, voluntarily dismissing an action, or settling a case, a special representative is authorized to conduct all acts of litigation for the party represented until the party's statutory agent or the party himself/herself assumes the action. The expenses necessary for appointing a special representative and for the special representative to conduct acts of litigation may be ordered to be advanced by the movant. Article 52 The provisions of this Code regarding a statutory agent's authority shall apply mutatis mutandis to the representative of a juridical person, the representative or administrator provided in the third paragraph of Article 40, the representative of a government agency provided in the fourth paragraph of Article 40, and a representative who has the authority to conduct acts of litigation according to the applicable laws and regulations. 民訴法 _16

第二節共同訴訟 Section 2 Joinder of Parties 第 53 條 ( 共同訴訟之要件 ) 二人以上於下列各款情形, 得為共同訴訟人, 一同起訴或一同被訴 : 一 為訴訟標的之權利或義務, 為其所共同者 二 為訴訟標的之權利或義務, 本於同一之事實上及法律上原因者 三 為訴訟標的之權利或義務, 係同種類, 而本於事實上及法律上同種類之原因者 但以被告之住所在同一法院管轄區域內, 或有第四條至第十九條所定之共同管轄法院者為限 第 54 條 ( 主參加訴訟 ) 就他人間之訴訟, 有下列情形之一者, 得於第一審或第二審本訴訟繫屬中, 以其當事人兩造為共同被告, 向本訴訟繫屬之法院起訴 : 一 對其訴訟標的全部或一部, 為自己有所請求者 二 主張因其訴訟之結果, 自己之權利將被侵害者 依前項規定起訴者, 準用第五十六條各款之規定 第 55 條 ( 通常共同訴訟人間之關係 ) 共同訴訟中, 一人之行為或他造對於共同訴訟人中一人之行為及關於其一人所生之事項, 除別有規定外, 其利害不及於他共同訴訟人 第 56 條 ( 必要共同訴訟人間之關係 ) 訴訟標的對於共同訴訟之各人必須合一確定者, 適用下列各款之規定 : 一共同訴訟人中一人之行為有利益於共同訴訟人者, 其效力及於全體 ; 不利益者, 對於全 Article 53 Two or more persons may sue or be sued as co-parties under the following circumstances: 1.When the rights or obligations of the claim are common to them; 2.When the rights or obligations of the claim arise from the same factual and legal grounds; 3.When the rights or obligations of the claim are of the same nature and arise from the same kind of factual and legal grounds, so long as all defendants are domiciled within the jurisdictional boundaries of the same court or a court can be determined in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4 to 19 inclusive to exercise jurisdiction over all of the defendants. Article 54 A third person may intervene to assert a claim against the parties to an action pending in a court of either the first or second instance under any of the following circumstances: 1.When such third person asserts rights to the whole or a part of any claim of the action; 2.When such third person claims that the outcome of the action will infringe its rights. The provisions of all subparagraphs of Article 56 shall apply mutatis mutandis to an action initiated in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph. Article 55 Except as otherwise provided, an act conducted by a co-party or by the opposing party against one of the co-parties, and all matters concerning such co-party, will have no effect on the other co-parties. Article 56 Wherever a claim must be adjudicated jointly with regard to all co-parties, the following subparagraphs shall apply: 1.Any act conducted by one of the co-parties in the interest of all co-parties will be effective with regard to all of them; any act conducted by one of the co-parties against the interests of all 民訴法 _17

體不生效力 二他造對於共同訴訟人中一人之行為, 其效力及於全體 三共同訴訟人中之一人生有訴訟當然停止或裁定停止之原因者, 其當然停止或裁定停止之效力及於全體 co-parties will have no effect with regard to any of them. 2.Any act conducted by the opposing party against one of the co-parties will be effective with regard to all of them; 3.Any reason for a stay of proceeding, either by operation of law or by a court ruling, that arises with regard to one of the co-parties, will take effect with regard to all of them. 第 56 條 (99 年現行規定 ) 訴訟標的對於共同訴訟之各人必須合一確定者, 適用下列各款之規定 : 一 共同訴訟人中一人之行為有利益於共同訴訟人者, 其效力及於全體 ; 不利益者, 對於全體不生效力 二 他造對於共同訴訟人中一人之行為, 其效力及於全體 三 共同訴訟人中之一人生有訴訟當然停止或裁定停止之原因者, 其當然停止或裁定停止之效力及於全體 前項共同訴訟人中一人提起上訴, 其他共同訴訟人為受輔助宣告之人時, 準用第四十五條之一第二項之規定 第 56-1 條 ( 未共同起訴之人追加為原告 ) 訴訟標的對於數人必須合一確定而應共同起訴, 如其中一人或數人拒絕同為原告而無正當理由者, 法院得依原告聲請, 以裁定命該未起訴之人於一定期間內追加為原告 逾期未追加者, 視為已一同起訴 法院為前項裁定前, 應使該未起訴之人有陳述意見之機會 第一項未共同起訴之人所在不明, 經原告聲請命為追加, 法院認其聲請為正當者, 得以裁定將該未起訴之人列為原告 但該原告於第一次言詞辯論期日前陳明拒絕為原告之理由, 經法院認為正當者, 得撤銷原裁定 第一項及前項裁定, 得為抗告 第一項及第三項情形, 如訴訟 Article 56-1 Wherever a claim must be adjudicated jointly with regard to several persons, and they shall join as indispensable plaintiffs to initiate the action, but if one or some of them refuse to join as co-plaintiffs without giving a justifiable reason, the court may, on plaintiff's motion, order by a ruling such persons to join within a designated period of time. If such persons fail to join, they shall be deemed to have joined as co-plaintiffs. The court shall afford any persons refusing to join an opportunity to be heard, prior to making its ruling in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph. In accordance with the provision of the first paragraph, wherever the whereabouts of an indispensable person is unknown and that person has not joined in the litigation action, and the plaintiff has moved for joinder of such person, if the court considers such motion just, it may join said person as a co-plaintiff. Notwithstanding, the court may revoke the original ruling where the joined plaintiff submits reasons for refusing to join as a co-plaintiff prior to the first oral-argument session and the court considers such reasons just. An interlocutory appeal may be taken from the rulings provided in the first and the preceding paragraph. 民訴法 _18

費用應由原告負擔者, 法院得酌量情形, 命僅由原起訴之原告負擔 第 57 條 ( 續行訴訟權 ) 共同訴訟人, 各有續行訴訟之權 法院指定期日者, 應通知各共同訴訟人到場 In cases provided in the first and third paragraphs, if plaintiffs shall bear the litigation expenses, the court may, in its discretion, order only those plaintiffs who initially initiated the action to bear such expenses. Article 57 Each co-party has the right to continue the action. Prior to designating a court session, the court shall notify all co-parties to appear. 第三節訴訟參加 Section 3 Intervention 第 58 條 ( 訴訟參加之要件 ) 就兩造之訴訟有法律上利害關係之第三人, 為輔助一造起見, 於該訴訟繫屬中, 得為參加 參加, 得與上訴 抗告或其他訴訟行為, 合併為之 就兩造之確定判決有法律上利害關係之第三人, 於前訴訟程序中已為參加者, 亦得輔助一造提起再審之訴 第 59 條 ( 訴訟參加之程序 ) 參加, 應提出參加書狀, 於本訴訟繫屬之法院為之 參加書狀, 應表明下列各款事項 : 一 本訴訟及當事人 二 參加人於本訴訟之利害關係 三 參加訴訟之陳述 法院應將參加書狀, 送達於兩造 第 60 條 ( 當事人對第三人參加訴訟之異議權 ) 當事人對於第三人之參加, 得聲請法院駁回 但對於參加未提出異議而已為言詞辯論者, 不在此限 關於前項聲請之裁定, 得為抗告 駁回參加之裁定未確定前, 參加人得為訴訟行為 Article 58 A third person who is legally interested in an action between two parties may, for the purpose of supporting one of them, intervene in the action while it is pending. Intervention may occur jointly with appeals from judgments, appeals from rulings, or any other act of litigation. A third person who is legally interested in a final and binding judgment in an action between two parties and who has intervened in such action, may initiate a rehearing action for the party supported. Article 59 A motion for intervention shall be filed along with intervention pleadings in the court where the intervened action is pending. Intervention pleadings shall indicate the following matters: 1.The action intervened and its parties; 2.The legal interests of the intervener in the action to be intervened; 3.The statement of intervention. The court shall serve the intervention pleadings on all parties. Article 60 Except where a party had conducted oral argument without objecting to the intervention, any party may move the court to deny a third-party motion for intervention, An interlocutory appeal may be taken from the ruling on the motion provided in the preceding paragraph. An intervener may conduct acts of litigation before the ruling denying the motion for intervention becomes final and binding. 民訴法 _19

第 61 條 ( 參加人之權限 ) 參加人得按參加時之訴訟程度, 輔助當事人為一切訴訟行為 但其行為與該當事人之行為牴觸者, 不生效力 第 62 條 ( 獨立參加之效力 ) 訴訟標的, 對於參加人及其所輔助之當事人必須合一確定者, 準用第五十六條之規定 第 63 條 ( 本訴訟裁判對參加人之效力 ) 參加人對於其所輔助之當事人, 不得主張本訴訟之裁判不當 但參加人因參加時訴訟之程度或因該當事人之行為, 不能用攻擊或防禦方法, 或當事人因故意或重大過失不用參加人所不知之攻擊或防禦方法者, 不在此限 參加人所輔助之當事人對於參加人, 準用前項之規定 第 64 條 ( 參加人之承擔訴訟 ) 參加人經兩造同意時, 得代其所輔助之當事人承當訴訟 參加人承當訴訟者, 其所輔助之當事人, 脫離訴訟 但本案之判決, 對於脫離之當事人, 仍有效力 第 65 條 ( 告知訴訟 ) 當事人得於訴訟繫屬中, 將訴訟告知於因自己敗訴而有法律上利害關係之第三人 受訴訟之告知者, 得遞行告知 第 66 條 ( 告知訴訟之程序 ) 告知訴訟, 應以書狀表明理由及訴訟程度提出於法院, 由法院送達於第三人 前項書狀, 並應送達於他造 第 67 條 ( 告知訴訟之效力 ) 受告知人不為參加或參加逾時者, 視為於得行參加時已參加 Article 61 Except for acts that contradict the acts conducted by a supported party, an intervener may conduct all acts of litigation for the supported party according to the phase of litigation at the time of intervention. Article 62 Article 56 shall apply mutatis mutandis to all cases where the claims of an action must be adjudicated jointly with regard to the intervener and the party supported. Article 63 An intervener may not dispute the correctness of the decisions made in the action against the supported party, except where the intervener has been denied a means of attack or defense either due to the phase of the litigation at the time of the intervention or by an act of the party supported, or where the supported party has willfully or through gross negligence failed to employ certain means of attack or defense unknown to the intervener. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case where the supported party asserts the same dispute against the intervener. Article 64 With the consent of both parties, the intervener may assume the action on behalf of the supported party. When the intervener assumes the action, the supported party will be deemed to have withdrawn from the action. The judgment of the action will have binding effect upon the withdrawing party. Article 65 While an action is pending, a party may notify a third party whose legal interests will be adversely affected if such party is defeated. The notified third person may make further notification to another person. Article 66 Notification of an action shall be made by a pleading indicating the reason and phase of litigation reached, and shall be submitted to the court to be served by the court upon the third party. The notification pleading provided in the preceding paragraph shall also be served upon the opposing party. Article 67 The notified person is deemed to have intervened in the action at the earliest time when intervention is available notwithstanding his/her 民訴法 _20

於訴訟, 準用第六十三條之規定 第 67-1 條 ( 訴訟事件及進行程度通知利害關係人之第三人 ) 訴訟之結果, 於第三人有法律上利害關係者, 法院得於第一審或第二審言詞辯論終結前相當時期, 將訴訟事件及進行程度以書面通知該第三人 前項受通知人得於通知送達後五日內, 為第二百四十二條第一項之請求 第一項受通知人得依第五十八條規定參加訴訟者, 準用前條之規定 failure or delay to intervene. The provision of Article 63 shall apply mutatis mutandis. Article 67-1 The court may, at an appropriate time prior to the conclusion of oral-argument in the first or second instance, serve a written notice of the action and the phase reached to a third party who is legally interested in the outcome of such action. The third party notified in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph may file, within five days of service of the notice, the motion provided in the first paragraph of Article 242. Wherever the third party notified in accordance with the provision of the first paragraph is qualified to intervene in accordance with the provision of Article 58, the provision of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis. 第四節訴訟代理人及輔佐人 Section 4 Advocates and Assistants 第 68 條 ( 訴訟代理人之限制 ) 訴訟代理人應委任律師為之 但經審判長許可者, 亦得委任非律師為訴訟代理人 前項之許可, 審判長得隨時以裁定撤銷之, 並應送達於為訴訟委任之人 非律師為訴訟代理人之許可準則, 由司法院定之 第 69 條 ( 委任訴訟代理人之方式 ) 訴訟代理人, 應於最初為訴訟行為時, 提出委任書 但由當事人以言詞委任, 經法院書記官記明筆錄, 或經法院 審判長依法選任者, 不在此限 前項委任或選任, 應於每審級為之 但有下列情形之一者, 不在此限 : 一當事人就特定訴訟於委任書表明其委任不受審級限制, 並經公證者 二依第五百八十五條第一項選任者 Article 68 Only an attorney may act as an advocate, except where the presiding judge permits a person who is not an attorney to act as an advocate. The presiding judge may by a ruling, at any time revoke the permission provided in the preceding paragraph. The notification of such revocation shall be served upon the principal of the retention. The Judicial Yuan shall prescribe the regulations governing permission of a person who is not an attorney to act as an advocate. Article 69 An advocate shall produce a Power of Attorney upon conducting the initial act of litigation, except where the advocate is retained by a party orally and such retention is entered in the court record by the court clerk or where the advocate is appointed by the court or the presiding judge in accordance with the applicable law. The retention or appointment in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph shall be made separately in each instance, except in case of any of the following: 1.The party has indicated in the Power of Attorney that the retention for a specific action takes effect in all of the court instances and such Power of Attorney has been duly notarized; 2.The appointment is made in accordance with the provision of the first paragraph of Article 585. 第 69 條 (99 年現行規定 ) 訴訟代理人, 應於最初為訴訟 民訴法 _21

行為時, 提出委任書 但由當事人以言詞委任, 經法院書記官記明筆錄, 或經法院 審判長依法選任者, 不在此限 前項委任或選任, 應於每審級為之 但有下列情形之一, 不在此限 : 一 當事人就特定訴訟於委任書表明其委任不受審級限制, 並經公證者 二 依第五百七十一條之一第二項或第五百八十五條第一項選任者 第 70 條 ( 訴訟代理人之權限 ) 訴訟代理人就其受委任之事件有為一切訴訟行為之權 但捨棄 認諾 撤回 和解 提起反訴 上訴或再審之訴及選任代理人, 非受特別委任不得為之 關於強制執行之行為或領取所爭物, 準用前項但書之規定 如於第一項之代理權加以限制者, 應於前條之委任書或筆錄內表明 第 70-1 條 ( 訴訟代理人之權限 ) 法院或審判長依法律規定為當事人選任律師為訴訟代理人者, 該訴訟代理人得代理當事人為一切訴訟行為 但不得為捨棄 認諾 撤回或和解 當事人自行委任訴訟代理人或表示自為訴訟行為者, 前項訴訟代理人之代理權消滅 前項情形, 應通知選任之訴訟代理人及他造當事人 第 71 條 ( 各別代理權 ) 訴訟代理人有二人以上者, 均得單獨代理當事人 違反前項之規定而為委任者, 對於他造不生效力 第 72 條 ( 當事人本人之撤銷或更正權 ) Article 70 An advocate has the authority to conduct all acts of litigation with regard to the action for which he/she is retained, except that he/she may not, without special authorization for him/her to do so: (i) abandon the claim; (ii) admit the claim; (iii) voluntarily dismiss the action; (iv) settle the case; (v) initiate counterclaims; (vi) take an appeal; (vii) initiate a rehearing action; or (ix) appoint another advocate.. The provisions of the proviso of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to acts concerning compulsory execution or collection of a thing in dispute. Any restriction on the authority provided in the first paragraph shall be specified in the Power of Attorney or court record provided in the preceding Article. Article 70-1 When the court or the presiding judge appoints an attorney to act as advocate for a party in accordance with the applicable law, such advocate may conduct all acts of litigation for the party, except for the acts of: abandoning the claim; admitting the claim; voluntarily dismissing the action; or settling the case. When a party retains an advocate or expresses the intention to conduct acts of litigation on his/her own behalf, the advocate's authority provided in the preceding paragraph shall terminate. In the case provided in the preceding paragraph, a notice shall be served upon the appointed advocate and the opposing party. Article 71 In cases where there are two or more advocates, each advocate may represent the party independently. Retention in violation of the provision of the preceding paragraph shall have no effect on the opposing party. Article 72 民訴法 _22

訴訟代理人事實上之陳述, 經到場之當事人本人即時撤銷或更正者, 不生效力 第 73 條 ( 訴訟代理權之效力 ) 訴訟代理權, 不因本人死亡 破產或訴訟能力喪失而消滅 ; 法定代理有變更者亦同 第 74 條 ( 終止訴訟委任之要件及程序 ) 訴訟委任之終止, 非通知他造, 不生效力 前項通知, 應以書狀或言詞提出於法院, 由法院送達或告知於他造 由訴訟代理人終止委任者, 自為終止之意思表示之日起十五日內, 仍應為防衛本人權利所必要之行為 第 75 條 ( 訴訟代理權欠缺之補正 ) 訴訟代理權有欠缺而可以補正者, 審判長應定期間命其補正 但得許其暫為訴訟行為 第四十八條之規定, 於訴訟代理準用之 第 76 條 ( 輔佐人到場之許可及撤銷 ) 當事人或訴訟代理人經審判長之許可, 得於期日偕同輔佐人到場 前項許可, 審判長得隨時撤銷之 第 77 條 ( 輔佐人所為陳述之效力 ) 輔佐人所為之陳述, 當事人或訴訟代理人不即時撤銷或更正者, 視為其所自為 Any factual statement made by an advocate shall not be effective if such statement is revoked or rectified immediately by the party appearing in person. Article 73 An advocate's authority shall not terminate by reason of the death, bankruptcy, or loss of the capacity to litigate of the party represented, nor shall it terminate by reason of a change of the statutory agent of the party represented. Article 74 The termination of an advocate's retention shall be ineffective unless a notice thereof is served upon the opposing party. The notice provided in the preceding paragraph shall be made to the court in writing or orally and served upon or notified to the opposing party by the court. In cases of termination of retention by an advocate, such advocate shall continue to conduct all acts necessary to protect the rights of the party represented for a period of fifteen days from the day of expression of the intention to terminate retention. Article 75 When there exists a correctable defect in the advocate's authority, the presiding judge shall order the correction of the defect within a designated period of time; however, the judge may permit the advocate to conduct acts of litigation pro tempore. The provision of Article 48 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the authority of an advocate. Article 76 A party or an advocate may, with the permission of the presiding judge, appear with an assistant during a court session. At any time, the presiding judge may revoke the permission provided in the preceding paragraph. Article 77 Any statement made by an assistant, unless revokedor rectified by the party or advocate immediately, shall be deemed to be made by the party or advocate himself/herself. 第三章訴訟標的價額之核定及訴訟費用 CHAPTER III EXPENSES VALUE OF CLAIM & LITIGATION 民訴法 _23

第一節訴訟標的價額之核定 Section 1 Determination of the Value of Claim 第 77-1 條 ( 訴訟標的價額之核定 ) 訴訟標的之價額, 由法院核定 核定訴訟標的之價額, 以起訴時之交易價額為準 ; 無交易價額者, 以原告就訴訟標的所有之利益為準 法院因核定訴訟標的之價額, 得依職權調查證據 第一項之核定, 得為抗告 第 77-2 條 ( 數項訴訟標的價額之計算 ) 以一訴主張數項標的者, 其價額合併計算之 但所主張之數項標的互相競合或應為選擇者, 其訴訟標的價額, 應依其中價額最高者定之 以一訴附帶請求其孳息 損害賠償 違約金或費用者, 不併算其價額 第 77-3 條 ( 原告應負擔對待給付之計算 ) 原告應負擔之對待給付, 不得從訴訟標的之價額中扣除 原告並求確定對待給付之額數者, 其訴訟標的之價額, 應依給付中價額最高者定之 第 77-4 條 ( 地上權 永佃權涉訟其價額之計算 ) 因地上權 永佃權涉訟, 其價額以一年租金十五倍為準 ; 無租金時, 以一年所獲可視同租金利益之十五倍為準 ; 如一年租金或利益之十五倍超過其地價者, 以地價為準 第 77-5 條 ( 地役權涉訟其價額之計算 ) 因地役權涉訟, 如係地役權人為原告, 以需役地所增價額為 Article 77-1 The court shall determine the value of a claim. The claim's value will be determined based on its transaction value at the time when the action is initiated or, in the absence of such transaction value, the interests in the claim as owned by the plaintiff. For purposes of determining the value of a claim, the court may investigate evidence on its own initiative. An interlocutory appeal may be taken from a ruling on the value of the claim made in accordance with the provision of the first paragraph. Article 77-2 Where multiple claims are asserted in an action, the claims?value will be the total value of all claims combined. Notwithstanding, the claim's value shall be determined based on the value of the claim with the highest value when such multiple claims are of the same economic purpose or are asserted alternatively. The values of all incidental claims for interests, damages, default penalty or expenses shall be excluded for purposes of calculating the claim's value. Article 77-3 The value of the counter-prestation which plaintiff should perform shall not be deducted from the claim's value. Where plaintiff has demanded the court to adjudicate jointly the value of the counter-prestation, the claim's value shall be determined based on the value of such prestation of the highest value of all claims. Article 77-4 In matters arising from superficies or yong-dian1, a claim's value shall be fifteen times the total amount of rent for a period of one year, or, in the absence of such amount of rent, fifteen times the attainable rent-equivalent interests for a period of one year. Notwithstanding, where the total amount of rent or the attainable interests for a period of one year exceeds the land value, the land value will govern for purposes of determining the claim's value. Article 77-5 In matters arising from servitude, a claim's value shall consist of the increment in the value of the dominant land when the servitude 民訴法 _24