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. 弘 光 學 報 65 期. 壹 前 言 脊 髓 損 傷 (spinal cord injury) 是 人 生 遭 遇 的 一 項 重 大 災 難 事 件, 常 與 意 外 伴 隨 發 生 例 如 車 禍 高 處 跌 落 等 ( 周 陳 賴,2008), 台 灣 每 年 約 有 一 千 兩 百 人

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20 世 纪 80 年 代 国 际 社 会 提 出 流 产 后 保 健 (post abortion care,pac) 理 念,1991 年 国 际 项 目 支 持 与 服 务 组 织 (IPAS) 首 次 把 流 产 后 保 健 服 务 定 位 为 一 种 重 要 的 生 殖 保 健 服 务,

IT 36% Computer Science Teachers Association, CSTA K K-12 CSTA K-12 K-12 K-6 K6-9 K STEM STEM STEM

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1 Introduction 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6

(available) (accessible) (acceptable) 1994 (Reutter & Ford, 1996) (AIDS) 2003 (SARS) (ICN) 2008 2008 2009 2010 2

Chapter 1 2011~2013 1-1 (public health) (C. E. A. Winslow) 1920 (Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health and efficiency through organized community effort for the sanitation of the environment, the control of communicable infections, the education of the individual in personal hygiene, the organization of medical and nursing services for the early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease, and the development of social machinery to insure everyone a standard of living adequate for the maintenance of health, so organizing these benefits as to enable every citizen to realize his birthright of health and longevity.) (prevent) (prolong) (promote) 3

1-2 2004 2005 2000 2003 Clemen-Stone, Eigsti, & McGuire, 1996; Nies & McEwen, 2001; Stanhope & Lancaster, 2003 (Leviticus) 1000 (Hippocrates) 13~15 4

Chapter 1 1377 (Ragusa) 2 1675 (Hooke) 16 1700 (B. Ramazzini) 42 1798 (Edword Jenner) 1847 (Louis Pasteur) 1876 (Robert Koch) 1848 (Edwin Chadwick) 1851 1907 5

20 1902 21 (Pan-American Sanitary Organization) (International Public Health Office) (The Health Organization of the League of Nations) 1943 (Health Division, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) 1948 (World Health Organization, WHO) 4 7 1911 1813 1873 1906 1910 1919 1925 6

Chapter 1 1865~1895 1895 1899 1940 1943 1945 1970 1965 (WHO) 1971~1984 1971 60% 1983 7

1985~1994 1990 1994 7 1995 1995 3 WHO 2000 (health for all) case payment DRGs (capitation payment) 2001 2003 2010 (Tw-DRGs) 2011 3 2011~2014 8

Chapter 1 2013 1 1 40 1-3 (St. Phoebe) (St. Vincent De Paul) (Mademoiselle Le Gras) 2003 2000 (health nurse) (Spradley) 1990 (District Nursing) 1860~1900 1859 (William Rathbone) 4 18 9

1877 (Frances Root) (visiting nursing) (nursing without walls) 1893 (Lillian Wald) (Public Nursing) 1900~1970 1891 (public) 1902 1909 1912 (nurse politician) 10

Chapter 1 (Community Health Nursing) 1970 1920 1925 (Dr. Grant) 1945 1947 1953 1964 1965 24 2003 2004 2005 2000 Clemen-Stone, Eigsti, & McGuire, 1996; Nies, & McEwen, 2001; Stanhope & Lancaster, 2003 2010 2011 11

WHO 2000 (International Council of Nurses, ICN) 2008 3 1-4 19 (Standhope & Lancaster, 2003) 12

Chapter 1 (American Public Health Association, APHA) (American Nurses Association, ANA) APHA (APHA, 1981) ANA (ANA, 1980) (Canadian Nurses Association ) (CPHA, 2001) 1970 1998 ANA APHA (Association of State and Territorial Directors of Nursing, ASTDN) (Association of Community Health Nursing Educators, ACHNE) (Quad Council) (Scope and Standards of Public Health Nursing Practice, Quad Council, 1999) (community-oriented nursing practice) (community-based nursing practice) (Community-oriented nursing practice is a philosophy of nursing service 13

delivery that involves the generalist or specialist public health and community health nurse providing health care through community diagnosis and investigation of major health and environmental problems, health surveillance, and monitoring and evaluation of community and population health status for the purposes of preventing disease and disability and promoting, protecting, and maintaining health in order to create conditions in which people can be healthy.) (Community-based nursing practice is a setting-specific practice whereby care is provided for sick individuals and families where they live, work, and go to school. The emphasis of practice is acute and chronic care and the provision of comprehensive, coordinated, and continuous services. Nurses who deliver community-based care are generalists or specialist in maternal-infant, pediatric, adult, or psychiatric-mental health nursing.) (1) (population focused) (2) (community-oriented) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 2000 Clemen-Stone, Eigsti, & McGuire, 1991 Spradley, 1990 Stanhope & Lancaster, 2003 (aggregate) 14

Chapter 1 (empowerment) 2~4 3~6 4~6 5~10 (Hancock, 1993) 15

(Quad Council, 1999) (Institute of Medicine, 1988) (assessment) (policy development) (assurance) WHO (Declaration of Alma-Ata) (primary health care) (health for all) (International Conference on Primary Health Care, 1978) (available) (accessible) (acceptable) 1-5 (WHO, 1974) 1. (empathy) 2. (vulnerability) 3. 16

Chapter 1 (Quad Council, 1999) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (ANA, 1986) ANA (public health nurse specialist) (community health nurse specialist) (specialization) 17

21 1984 1988 1996 18

Chapter 1 2000 1996 2001 1. (care provider) 2. (educator) 19

3. (health advocate role) 4. (case manager) 4~6 5. (collaborator) 6. (catalyst; leader) 7. (researcher) 8. (counselor) 9. (consultant) 10. (case finder) 11. (epidemiologist) 20