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Subject 1 Test Question Bank for Motorized Vehicle Drivers (Motor Vehicles) Traffic Control Bureau Ministry of Public Security 1

Compiler s Notes to Subject 1 Test Question Bank 91 The subject 1 test question bank, compiled in accordance with the requirements specified in the revised Regulations on the Application for and Use of the Motorized Vehicle Driving Licenses (No. 91 Decree of the Ministry of Public Security), is designed for the use by the traffic control departments of the public security organs in various places in organizing the tests for motorized vehicle driving licenses. 1. Structure of Question Bank The question bank comprises two parts: motor vehicles and motorcycles. 1500 1315 59 70 51 The question bank for motor vehicles has 1,500 questions, of which 1,315 are for general purpose, 59 are exclusively for buses, 70 are exclusively for trucks and 51 are exclusively for self-propelled wheeled machinery. A1 A3 B1 2 B2 The general questions contain the knowledge that must be tested for all types of motor vehicles; the questions exclusively for buses contain the knowledge that must be tested for buses and are used to test those applying for driving A1, A3 and B1 vehicles; the questions exclusively for trucks contain the knowledge that must be tested for trucks and are used to test those applying for driving A2 and B2 vehicles; the questions exclusively for self-propelled wheeled machinery contain the knowledge that must be tested for self-propelled wheeled machinery and are used to test those applying for driving all types of self-propelled wheeled machinery. 2

800 D E F The question bank for motorcycles has 800 questions, which contain the knowledge that must be tested for motorcycles and are used to test those applying for riding D, E and F motorcycles. 2. Method of Question Grouping 100 Subject 1 test paper has 100 questions, which are randomly selected and grouped by the computerized driver test system in accordance with the ratios specified in the Regulations on Motorized Vehicle Driving Licenses. The following table shows the question grouping ratios. 3

C1 C2 C3 C4 A1 A3 B1 A2 B2 M D E F 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 20% 15% 15% 15% 25% 20% 20% 20% 20% 25% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 1% 5% 5% 5% 5% 4% 5% 5% 5% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Test content General Questions Grouping ratio Authorized vehicle C1 C2 C3 C4 A1 A3 B1 A2 B2 M D E F Laws, rules and regulations on road traffic safety 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% Regional regulations 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Traffic signals 20% 15% 15% 15% 25% Knowledge on safe and courteous driving 20% 20% 20% 20% 25% Knowledge about safe driving on expressways and mountain roads, through bridges and tunnels, at night, in bad weather and complex road conditions Knowledge dealing with emergency such as tire blowout, steering out of control and braking failure etc. Common knowledge on overall structures of motor vehicles, decision of common troubles, and routine inspection and maintenance of vehicles 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 1% Knowledge about self-rescue and first-aid after traffic accidents, and dangerous articles Knowledge exclusively for buses 5% exclusively for trucks 5% Questions exclusively for crane trucks, battery trucks, and self-propelled wheeled machinery 5% 5% 5% 5% 4% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 5% 4

Note: In the provinces (regions) and municipalities where no regional regulations on traffic safety control have been promulgated, the ratio of the questions on the regional regulations should be included in the ratio of the questions on the national law and regulations on traffic safety. 5

1. 1.1 1 1.1.1 1 1.1.2 14 1.2 16 1.2.1 16 1.2.2 34 1.3 37 1.3.1 37 1.3.2 37 1.4 38 1.4.1 38 1.4.2 38 1.5 38 1.5.1 38 1.5.2 40 1.6 41 1.6.1 41 1.6.2 43 1.7 43 1.7.1 43 1.7.2 46 1.8 47 1.8.1 47 1.8.2 47 1.9 48 1.9.1 48 1.9.2 49 2. 2.1 50 2.1.1 50 2.1.2 52 2.2 53 2.2.1 53 2.2.2 76 2.3 85 2.3.1 85 2.3.2 91 2.494 2.4.1 94 2.4.2 98 6

3. 3.1100 3.1.1 101 3.1.2 102 3.2102 3.2.1 102 3.2.2 105 3.3105 3.3.1 105 3.3.2 109 3.4111 3.4.1 111 3.4.2 120 4. 4.1124 4.1.1 124 4.1.2 126 4.2127 4.2.1 127 4.2.2 128 4.3129 4.3.1 129 4.3.2 129 4.4129 4.4.1 130 4.4.2 131 4.5132 4.5.1 132 4.5.2 134 5. 5.1135 5.1.1 135 5.1.2 137 5.2138 5.2.1 138 5.2.2 139 5.3139 5.3.1 139 5.3.2 140 5.4141 5.4.1 141 5.4.2 141 5.5141 7

5.5.1 141 5.5.2 142 5.6142 5.6.1 142 5.6.2 142 5.7143 5.7.1 143 5.7.2 143 5.8144 5.8.1 144 5.8.2 144 5.9145 5.9.1 145 5.9.2 146 5.10 146 5.10.1 146 5.10.2 148 5.11 149 5.11.1 149 5.11.2 149 5.12 149 5.12.1 149 5.12.2 149 6 6.1 150 6.1.1 150 6.1.2 151 6.2 152 6.2.1 152 6.2.2 154 6.3 154 6.3.1 154 6.3.2 156 7. 7.1 156 7.1.1 156 7.1.2 159 7.2160 7.2.1 160 7.2.2 161 1.1.1 161 1.1.2 165 8

1.1.1 167 1.1.2 173 1.1.1 175 1.1.2 178 Question Bank for Motor Vehicles Contents General Questions 1. Laws, Rules and Regulations on Road traffic safety 1.1 Law on Road Traffic Safety 1.1.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 1.1.2 Judgment Questions 1.2 Regulations on Implementing the Law on Road Traffic Safety.... 1.2.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 1.2.2 Judgment Questions.... 1.3 Criminal Law. 1.3.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 1.3.2 Judgment Questions 1.4General Principles of the Civil Law 1.4.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 1.4.2 Judgment Questions 1.5 Procedural Regulations for Handling Road Traffic Safety Violations 1.5.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 1.5.2 Judgment Questions 1.6 Procedural Regulations for Handling Traffic Accidents 1.6.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 1.6.2 Judgment Questions 1.7 Regulations on the Application for and Use of Motorized Vehicle Driving Licenses... 1.7.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 1.7.2 Judgment Questions. 1.8 Regulations on Motorized Vehicle Registration. 1.8.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 1.8.2 Judgment Questions. 1.9 Regulations on Mandatory Road Accident Insurance. 1.9.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 1.9.2 Judgment Questions. 2. RoadTraffic Signals and Their Meanings 2.1 Traffic Signal Lights. 2.1.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 2.1.2 Judgment Questions. 2.2 Traffic Signs 2.2.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 2.2.2 Judgment Questions 2.3 Traffic Markings. 9

2.3.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 2.3.2 Judgment Questions 2.4 Hand Signals of Traffic Police 2.4.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 2.4.2 Judgment Questions 3. Knowledge on Safe and Courteous Driving 3.1 Essentials of Safe Operation.. 3.1.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 3.1.2 Judgment Questions... 3.2 Impact of Driving Environment on Safe Driving. 3.2.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 3.2.2 Judgment Questions 3.3 Courteous Driving. 3.3.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 3.3.2 Judgment Questions 3.4 Safe Driving.. 3.4.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 3.4.2 Judgment Questions... 4. Knowledge about Safe Driving on Expressways and Mountain Roads, through Bridges and Tunnels, at Night, in Bad Weather and Complex Road Conditions 4.1 Safe Driving on Expressways. 4.1.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 4.1.2 Judgment Questions.. 4.2 Safe Driving on Mountain Roads. 4.2.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 4.2.2 Judgment Questions.. 4.3 Safe Driving through Bridges and Tunnels.. 4.3.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 4.3.2 Judgment Questions. 4.4 Safe Driving at Night... 4.4.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 4.4.2 Judgment Questions. 4.5 Safe Driving in Bad Weather and Complex Road Conditions... 4.5.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 4.5.2 Judgment Questions 5. Knowledge on Dealing with Emergency such as Tire Blowout, Steering out of Control and Braking Failure etc. 5.1 Emergency on Dealing with Tire Blowout 5.1.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 5.1.2 Judgment Questions 5.2 Energency on Dealing with Steering out of Control 5.2.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 5.2.2 Judgment Questions 5.3 Emergency on Dealing with Braking Failure... 5.3.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 5.3.2 Judgment Questions 5.4 Emergency on Dealing with Going dead of an Engine 5.4.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 5.4.2 Judgment Questions 5.5 Emergency on Dealing with Vehicle Side Slide 5.5.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 5.5.2 Judgment Questions 10

5.6 Emergency on Dealing with Vehicle Collision 5.6.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 5.6.2 Judgment Questions. 5.7 Emergency on Dealing with Vehicle Overturn 5.7.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 5.7.2 Judgment Questions. 5.8 Emergency on Dealing with Vehicle Fire on Driving 5.8.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 5.8.2 Judgment Question.. 5.9 Emergency on Dealing with Vehicle Falling into Water 5.9.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 5.9.2 Judgment Questions. 5.10 Emergency on Avoiding Accidents on Expressways 5.10.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 5.10.2 Judgment Questions 5.11 Emergency on Dealing with Side Wind 5.11.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 5.11.2 Judgment Questions 5.12 Principles for Dealing with Emergencies.. 5.12.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 5.12.2 Judgment Questions.. 6 Common Kowledge on Overall Structures and Main Safety Devices of Motorized Vehicles and Routine Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance 6.1 Common knowledge on Overall Structures of Motorized Vehicles 6.1.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 6.1.2 Judgment Questions 6.2 Common knowledge on Main Safety Devices.. 6.2.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 6.2.2 Judgment Questions 6.3 Common knowledge on Routine Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance 6.3.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 6.3.2 Judgment Questions... 7. Common Knowledge on Self-Rescue and First-Aid after Traffic Accident, and Common Dangerous Chemicals 7.1 Self-Rescue and First-Aid for the Wounded... 7.1.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 7.1.2 Judgment Questions. 7.2 Common Dangerous Chemicals. 7.2.1 Multiple-Choice Questions. 7.2.2 Judgment Questions. Test Questions Exclusively for Buses 1.1.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 1.1.2 Judgment Questions. Test Questions Exclusively for Trucks 1.1.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 1.1.2 Judgment Questions. Test Questions Exclusively for Self-Propelled Wheeled Machinery 1.1.1 Multiple-Choice Questions.. 1.1.2 Judgment Questions 11

Question Bank for Motor Vehicles (1,500 questions) 1315 General Questions (1,315 questions) 1 441 1 Laws, Rules and Regulations on Road Traffic Safety (441 questions) 1.1 131 1.1 Law on Road Traffic Safety (131 questions) 1.1.186 1.1.1 Multiple-Choice Questions: (86 questions) A. B. C. D. C The Law of the People s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety is designed to maintain road traffic order,, and increase the efficiency of traffic flow. A. Ensure vehicles can run at high speed B. Fulfill transport tasks satisfactorily C. Protect the legitimate rights and interests of the citizens D. Reduce traffic accidents A. B. C. D. : B A motorized vehicle can run on the road only after it has been registered with the. A. Institution in charge of road transport administration B. Traffic control department of the public security organ C. Department in charge of industrial and commercial administration D. Tax department A. B. C. D. 12 An unregistered motorized vehicle should if it has to run on the road temporarily. A. Have a temporary pass B. Register with the public security organ C. Directly go and run on the road D. Paste a certificate of inspection on the window A. B. C. D. When applying for motorized vehicle registration, the certificate or document the vehicle owner does not have to present is the. A. Driving license B. ID card and the certificate of origin of the motorized vehicle C.Certificate of ex-factory inspection or the certificate of import for the motorized vehicle D. Certificate of vehicle purchase tax payment or exemption A. B. C. D. If, a motorized vehicle does not need the relevant registration. A. The ownership has changed B. It is used as a mortgage C. It is under overhaul D. It has been scrapped. A. B. C. D. A motorized vehicle reaching the scrapping standard. A. Is permitted to temporarily run on the road B. Is not allowed to run on the road C. May run on the road after being repaired D. May run on the road after the administrative fee is paid A. B. C. D. 13 The institution allowed to confiscate and detain motorized vehicle driving licenses is the. A. Department in charge of road transport administration B. Traffic control department of the public security organ C. Department in charge of industrial and commercial administration D. Tax department A. B. C. D. When driving a motorized vehicle on the road, the driver. A. May not bring the driving license with him B. May not bring the vehicle license with him C. Must bring the driving license, the vehicle license and the label of mandatory insurance with him D. Should bring the certificate of ex-factory inspection or the certificate of import with him A. B. C. D. Before driving a motorized vehicle on the road, the driver should carefully check the of the vehicle. A. Safety and technical conditions B. Overall structure C. All parts D. Gear oil A. B. C. D. The motorized vehicle driver. A. May drive at will when there is no traffic signal B. Should drive according to the traffic rules and in a safe and courteous manner C. May drive at will when there is no traffic police D. May drive according to his habit A. B. C. D. 14 The driver may drive a motorized vehicle. A. After drinking alcohol B. When he suffers from a disease that impedes safe driving C. When he is exhausted D. After drinking tea A. B. C. D. The traffic control department of the public security organ detains the driving license of a motorized vehicle and if the driver s accumulated penalty points reach the stipulated limit. A. Educated him on the law and regulations on road traffic safety B. Detaind the motorized vehicle C. Revoked the vehicle license D. Imposed administrative detention A. B. C. D. of the following are not road traffic signals. A. Traffic lights B. Traffic bulletin board C. Command of the traffic police D. Traffic signs A. B. C. D. A of the following are not road traffic signals. A. Warning lights B. Traffic signs C. Command of the traffic police D. Traffic markings 15 A. B. C. D. B The illustrated hand signal of the traffic police indicates that the vehicles should. A. Turn right B. Go straight C. Turn left D. Pull over A. B. C. D. 16 The illustrated hand signal of the traffic police indicates that the vehicles should. A. Go straight B. Turn right sharply C. Turn left sharply D. Pull over A. B. C. D. The illustrated hand signal of the traffic police indicates that the vehicle violating the traffic rules should. A. Pull over B. Turn right C. Turn left D. Go straight A. B. C. D. A When driving a motorized vehicle, the driver must obey the principle of. A. Right-hand driving B. Left-hand driving 17

C. Inner lane driving D. Middle lane driving A. B. C. D. On the road not divided into the lane for motorized vehicles, the lane for non-motorized vehicles and the sidewalk, the motorized vehicles should run. A. On both sides of the road B. In the middle of the road C. According to lanes D. At will A. B. C. D. When there is a traffic police on the spot to direct traffic, the motorized vehicle should run according to. A. Road signs B. Traffic lights C. Command of the traffic police D. Road markings A. B. C. D. When running on the road having no traffic signs or markings, the motorized vehicle should. A. Drive at will B. Speed up C. Stop and look around before going ahead D. Pass if it is safe to do so and the traffic is not obstructed A. B. 10% C. D. When running on the road having maximum speed limit signs, the motorized vehicle. A. Is not allowed to exceed the marked maximum speed B. Is allowed to exceed the marked maximum speed by 10% 18

C. May run faster than the designed maximum speed of the vehicle D. Should run at the stipulated maximum speed A. B. C. D. When running in the road section having no speed limit signs, the motorized vehicle. A. Should run at the designed maximum speed of the vehicle B. Is not subject to speed limit C. Should run at a safe speed D. May run at will A. B. C. D. When running at night or going through a dangerous road section, the motorized vehicle should. A. Run at the designed maximum speed B. Reduce speed and drive carefully C. Maintain the existing speed D. Run faster than the stipulated maximum speed A. B. C. D. When encountering sand, hail, rain, snow, fog, ice and other weather conditions, the motorized vehicle should run. A. At a fairly high speed B. Faster than the stipulated maximum speed C. At the existing speed D. At reduced speed A. B. C. D. When going through an intersection that has no traffic lights, traffic signs, traffic markings or traffic police, the motorized vehicle should. A. Go through rapidly 19

B. Reduce speed and go through slowly C. Properly speed up D. Maintain the existing speed A. B. C. D. When running through a road section or intersection where lanes are reduced, the motorized vehicle should. A. Move to another lane and overtake B. Pass alternately C. Speed up and pass D. Jump to another lane and pass A. B. C. D. When encountering slow-moving vehicles at an intersection that has no traffic signals, the motorized vehicle should. A. Move to the right lane and overtake B. Overtake from the left C. Pass alternately D. Cut in the waiting vehicles A. B. C. D. When going through a railway crossing with traffic signals, the motorized vehicle should. A. Pass at the normal speed B. Maintain a safe speed C. Speed up as fast as possible D. Pass according to the traffic signals A. B. C. D. When going through a railway crossing with managerial personnel, the motorized vehicle should. A. Pass at the normal speed B. Obey the command of the managerial personnel 20

C. Speed up as fast as possible D. Maintain a safe speed A. B. C. D. When going safely through a railway crossing without traffic signals, the motorized vehicle should. A. Pass at the original speed B. Slow down or stop and look C. Speed up and pass as fast as possible D. Closely follow the vehicle in front A. B. C. D. When going through a railway crossing without managerial personnel, the motorized vehicle should. A. Go at the original speed B. Closely follow the vehicle in front C. Speed up and pass as fast as possible D. Slow down or stop and look A. B. C. D. When pedestrians are crossing a crosswalk, the motorized vehicle should. A. Stop and yield B. Bypass C. Honk continuously and pass D. Speed up in advance and pass A. B. C. D. When running on a road without traffic signals and encountering pedestrians crossing the road, the motorized vehicle should. A. Honk to urge the pedestrians to go faster B. Speed up and pass C. Reduce speed or stop and yield 21

D. Bypass A. B. C. D. When a motorized vehicle has a problem on the road and needs to stop and solve it, the driver should immediately open the hazard warning flash lights and. A. Stop on the spot so as to avoid mechanical breakdown B. Move the vehicle to a place where it does not obstruct the traffic C. Stop the vehicle immediately and place a warning sign in front of it D. Stop the vehicle and immediately report to the police A. B. C. D. When a motorized vehicle breaks down on the road and cannot be moved, the driver should first turn on the hazard warning flash lights and. A. Concentrate on solving the problem B. Seek help from the passing vehicles C. Place a warning sign in the coming direction D. Immediately report to the police A. B. C. D. When a motorized vehicle breaks down on the road and cannot be moved, the driver should first of all. A. Concentrate on solving the problem B. Seek help from the passing vehicles C. Immediately report to the police D. Keep the hazard warning flash lights on A. B. C. D. When the police car, fire engine, ambulance and wrecker are executing an emergency task, other vehicles. A. May speed up and join them 22

B. May overtake with care C. May yield depending on circumstances D. Should yield A. B. C. D. When the police car, fire engine, ambulance and wrecker are not executing an emergency task, they. A. Do not have the priviledged passing right of way B. Have the priviledged passing right of way C. Other vehicles and pedestrians should yield D. May weave through at will A. B. C. D. When the road maintenance vehicle and the engineering vehicle are on duty, the passing vehicles and people. A. May overtake B. Should avoid with care C. May not yield D. Should stick to their respective lanes A. B. C. D. A wrong parking by a motorized vehicle means. A. Should park in the designated place B. No parking in the sidewalk C. Stopping temporarily on the road but not obstructing the passing of other vehicles and pedestrians D. Parking in the lane for non-motorized vehicles A.100 B.110 C.120 D.150 The maximum speed indicated by an expressway speed limit sign should be no more than. A.100km 23

B.110km C.120km D.150km A.30 B.50 C.100 D.150 When a motorized vehicle breaks down on an expressway, the warning sign should be placed away in the coming direction. A.30 M B.50 M C.100 M D.150 M A. B. C. D. When causing a road accident involving human casualties, the driver should, and report to the traffic police on duty or the traffic control department of the public security organ as soon as possible. A. Immediately rescue the injured people B. Move the vehicle to a safe place rapidly C. Leave the scene and discuss compensation on his own D. Check the vehicle damage first A. B. C. D. When causing a road accident involving no human casualties, the parties to the accident should if they have no dispute over the fact and cause. A. Park the vehicles in the original place, preserve the scene and wait for the traffic police to handle B. Immediately leave the scene and discuss compensation on their own C. Not leave the scene D. Preserve the scene and request the insurance company to assess the damage A. B. C. D. 24 When causing a road accident involving only slight property damage and the basic fact is clear, the parties to the accident. A. Should not leave the scene B. Should report to the police immediately C. Should first leave the scene and then discuss how to solve the problem D. Should park the vehicles in the original place and discuss compensation A.20 200 B.200 1000 C.500 2000 D. A motorized vehicle driver who has violated the provisions on road traffic of the law and regulations on road traffic safety is subject to a warning or. A. A fine of 20 yuan ~ 200 yuan B. A fine of 200 yuan ~ 1,000 yuan C. A fine of 500 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan D. Revocation of the driving license 200 500 A.12 B.6 C.3 6 D.1 3 A motorized vehicle driver who drives after drinking alcohol is subject to the temporary detention of the driving license for and also a fine of 200 yuan ~ 500 yuan. A. 12 months B. 6 months C. 3~6 months D. 1~3 months 3 6500 2000 A.60 B.30 C.15 D.15 D A motorized vehicle driver who drives after getting drunk should be restrained by the traffic control department of the public security organ till he sobers up. In addition, the driver is subject to a detention for, a temporary detention of his driving license for 3~6 months and a fine of 500 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan. A. 60 days B. 30 days C. More than 15 days D. Less than 15 days 25 A.10 20 B.20 C.20 200 D.200 If a motorized vehicle driver violates the provisions on the parking and temporary stopping of motorized vehicles of the law and regulations on road traffic safety, the driver is subject to a fine of if he is not present at the scene and his vehicle obstructs the flow of other vehicles and pedestrians, A. 10 yuan ~ 20 yuan B. 20 yuan C. 20 yuan ~ 200 yuan D. More than 200 yuan A.20 200 B.20 C.10 20 D.200 If a motorized vehicle driver violates the provisions on the parking and temporary stopping of motorized vehicles of the law and regulations on road traffic safety, the driver is subject to a fine of if the driver is present at the scene but refuses to drive away, and his vehicle obstructs the flow of other vehicles and pedestrians, A. 20 yuan ~ 200 yuan B. 20 yuan C. 10 yuan ~ 20 yuan D. More than 200 yuan A. B. 200 2000 C. 2000 D. If a motorized vehicle on the road has no license plate, the traffic control department of the public security organ should. A. Detain the driver B. Impose a fine of 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan C. Impose a fine of more than 2,000 yuan D. Detain the vehicle A. B. C. D. 26 If a motorized vehicle running on the road fails to place a label of inspection, the traffic control department of the public security organ should. A. Revoke the driving license B. Detain the vehicle C. Detain the license plate D. Detain the driver A. B. C. D. If a motorized vehicle running on the road fails to place the label of insurance, the traffic control department of the public security organ should. A. Detain the driver B. Detain the license plate C. Revoke the driving license D. Detain the vehicle A. B. C. D. If a motorized vehicle running on the road fails to bring the vehicle license with it, the traffic control department of the public security organ should. A. Revoke the driving license B. Detain the license plate C. Detain the vehicle D. Detain the driver 20 200 A. 12 B. C. D. The motorized vehicle driver who has deliberately covered or stained the license plate is subject to or a fine of 20 yuan ~ 200 yuan. A. a 12-point penalty B. a warning C. adetention of the vehicle D. a detention of the driver 20 200 A. 12 B. C. D. 27 A motorized vehicle driver who has failed to install the license plate according to stipulations is subject to or a fine of 20 yuan ~ 200 yuan. A. a 12-point penalty B. a warning C. a detention of the driver D. a detention of the vehicle 200 2000 A. B. C. D. If a motorized vehicle driver has falsified or altered vehicle registration papers or has used the falsified or altered vehicle registration papers, the traffic control department of the public security organ should confiscate these papers, and impose a fine of 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan. A. Revoke the vehicle license B. Revoke the driving license C. Detain the driver D. Detain the vehicle 200 2000 A. B. C. D. If a motorized vehicle driver has falsified or altered the license plate or has used the falsified or altered license plate, the traffic control department of the public security organ should, detain the vehicle and impose a fine of 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan. A. Confiscate the license plate B. Revoke the driving license C. Detain the driver D. Revoke the vehicle license 200 2000 A. B. C. D. If a motorized vehicle driver has falsified or altered the vehicle license or has used the falsified or altered vehicle license, the traffic control department of the public security organ should confiscate the vehicle license, and impose a fine of 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan. A. Confiscate the license plate B. Detain the vehicle C. Detain the driver D. Revoke the driving license 28 200 2000 A. B. C. D. If a motorized vehicle driver has falsified or altered the label of inspection or has used the falsified or altered label of inspection, the traffic control department of the public security organ should confiscate the label of inspection, and impose a fine of 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan. A. Revoke the vehicle license B. Revoke the driving license C. Detain the vehicle D. Detain the driver 200 2000 A. B. C. D. If a motorized vehicle driver has falsified or altered the label of insurance or has used the falsified or altered label of insurance, the traffic control department of the public security organ should confiscate the label of insurance, and impose a fine of 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan. A. Revoke the vehicle license B. Revoke the driving license C. Detain the driver D. Detain the vehicle 200 2000 A. B. C. D. If a motorized vehicle driver has falsified or altered the driving license or has used the falsified or altered driving license, the traffic control department of the public security organ should confiscate the driving license, and impose a fine of 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan. A. Revoke the vehicle license B. Confiscate the license plate C. Detain the vehicle D. Detain the driver 200 2000 A. B. 29

C. D. If a motorized vehicle driver uses the vehicle registration papers, license plate, vehicle license, label of inspection and label of insurance of other vehicles, the traffic control department of the public security organ should confiscate them, and impose a fine of 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan. A. Detain the vehicle B. Detain the driver C. Confiscate the license plate D. Revoke the vehicle license A.100 200 B.200 500 C.200 2000 D.2000 If a motorized vehicle driver has illegally installed siren and marker light, the traffic control department of the public security organ should force him to remove them, confiscate them and impose a fine of. A. 100 yuan ~ 200 yuan B. 200 yuan ~ 500 yuan C. 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan D. More than 2,000 yuan, A.100 200 B.200 500 C.200 1000 D.200 2000 If a motorized vehicle driver who fails to obtain a driving license drives a motorized vehicle, the traffic control department of the public security organ should impose a fine of. A. 100 yuan ~ 200 yuan B. 200 yuan ~ 500 yuan C. 200 yuan ~ 1,000 yuan D. 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan, A.100 200 B.200 500 C.200 2000 D.200 1000 If a motorized vehicle driver drives a motorized vehicle when his driving license is temporarily detained, the traffic control department of the public security organ should impose a fine of. A. 100 yuan ~ 200 yuan B. 200 yuan ~ 500 yuan C. 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan 30

D. 200 yuan ~ 1,000 yuan, A.15 B. C. D.5 If a motorized driver who fails to obtain a driving license drives a motorized vehicle, the traffic control department of the public security organ should impose a fine according to the stipulations and may also. A. Detain the driver for less than 15 days B. Revoke the driving license C. Detain the vehicle D. Ban the driver for five years from re-obtaining a driving license, A. B.15 C.5 D. If a motorized driver whose driving license has been revoked drives a motorized vehicle, the traffic control department of the public security organ should impose a fine according to the stipulations and may also. A. Revoke the driving license B. Detain the driver for less than 15 days C. Ban the driver for five years from re-obtaining a driving license D. Detain the vehicle, A. B.5 C.15 D. If a motorized vehicle driver drives a motorized vehicle when his driving license is temporarily detained, the traffic control department of the public security organ should impose a fine according to the stipulations and may also. A. Revoke the driving license B. Ban the driver for five years from re-obtaining a driving license C. Detain the driver for less than 15 days D. Detain the vehicle, A.100 200 B.200 500 C.200 2000 D.2000 31 If a motorized vehicle driver allows his vehicle to be driven by a person who has not obtained a driving license, the traffic control department of the public security organ should impose a fine of. A. 100 yuan ~ 200 yuan B. 200 yuan ~ 500 yuan C. 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan D. More than 2,000 yuan, A.100 200 B.200 500 C.200 1000 D.200 2000 If a motorized vehicle driver allows his vehicle to be driven by a person whose driving license has been revoked or temporarily detained, the traffic control department of the public security organ should impose a fine of. A. 100 yuan ~ 200 yuan B. 200 yuan ~ 500 yuan C. 200 yuan ~ 1,000 yuan D. 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan, A.15 B. C. D.5 If a motorized vehicle driver allows his vehicle to be driven by a person who has not obtained a driving license, the traffic control department of the public security organ should impose a fine according to the stipulations and may also. A. Detain the driver for less than 15 days B. Revoke the driving license C. Detain the vehicle D. Ban the driver for five years from re-obtaining a driving license, A.15 B.5 C. D. If a motorized vehicle driver allows his vehicle to be driven by a person whose driving license has been revoked or temporarily detained, the traffic control department of the public security department should impose a fine according to the stipulations and may also. A. Detain the driver for less than 15 days B. Ban the driver for five years from re-obtaining a driving license C. Detain the vehicle 32

D. Revoke the driving license, A.100 200 B.200 500 C.200 2000 D.2000 If a motorized vehicle driver causes a traffic accident and runs away but his conduct does not constitute a crime, the traffic control department of the public security organ should impose a fine of. A. 100 yuan ~ 200 yuan B. 200 yuan ~ 500 yuan C. 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan D. More than 2,000 yuan, A.15 B. C. D.5 If a motorized vehicle driver causes a traffic accident and runs away but his conduct does not constitute a crime, the traffic control department of the public security organ should impose a fine according to the stipulations and may also. A. Detain the driver for less than 15 days B. Revoke the driving license C. Detain the vehicle D. Ban the driver for five years from re-obtaining a driving license,200 2000 A.10% B.20% C.30% D.50% If a motorized vehicle runs faster than the specified speed limit, the traffic control department of the public security organ should impose a fine of 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan. A.10% B.20% C.30% D.50% 50%, A.15 B. C. D.3 33 If a motorized vehicle runs 50% faster than the specified speed limit, the traffic control department of the public security organ should impose a fine according to the stipulations and may also. A. Detain the driver for less than 15 days B. Revoke the driving license C. Detain the vehicle D. Ban the driver for three years from re-obtaining a driving license, A.100 200 B.200 500 C.200 2000 D.2000 If a motorized vehicle driver forces his way through in violation of the traffic control regulations and refuses to accept dissuasion, the traffic control department of the public security organ should impose a fine of. A. 100 yuan ~ 200 yuan B. 200 yuan ~ 500 yuan C. 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan D. More than 2,000 yuan, A.100 200 B.200 500 C.200 1000 D.200 2000 If a motor vehicle driver has deliberately destroyed, moved or altered traffic facilities and his conduct has caused serious consequences but does not constitute a crime, the traffic control department of the public security organ should impose a fine of. A. 100 yuan ~ 200 yuan B. 200 yuan ~ 500 yuan C. 200 yuan ~ 1,000 yuan D. 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan 200 2000 A. B. C. D. 12 If a driver drives an illegalled assembled motorized vehicle on the road, the driver is subject to a fine of 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan and. A. Should also be detained B. The driving license should be revoked C. The vehicle license should be revoked D. Also a 12-point penalty 200 2000 A. 34

B. C. D. If a driver drives a motorized vehicle on the road, which has reached the write-off standard, the driver is subject to a fine of 200 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan and. A. Should also be detained B. The vehicle license should be revoked C. The driving license should be revoked D. The driving license should be temporarily detained A. B. C. D. If a person sells a motorized vehicle that has reached the write-off standard, his illegal proceeds should be confiscated, a fine equivalent to the proceeds from selling the vehicle should be imposed, the vehicle should be confiscated, and. A. The vehicle purchaser should be detained B. The vehicle seller should be detained C. The driving license of the vehicle purchaser should be revoked D. The vehicle should be arbitrarily written off A. B. C. D. 15 If a party fails to perform the decision on administrative punishment, the administrative organ that has made the decision on administrative punishment may. A. Apply to the people s court for enforcement B. Apply to the people s procuratorate for enforcement C. Revoke the driving license of the party D. Detain the party for less than 15 days 15 A. B. C. D. The person who has violated the road traffic regulations should go to the within 15 days to accept punishment. A. People procuratorate B. People s court C. Traffic control department of the public security organ D. Department in charge of road transport administration 35 A. 15 B. C. D. If a person has violated the road traffic regulations and has failed to accept punishment without justification within a time limit,. A. The person should be detained for 15 days B. His driving license should be revoked C. His vehicle should be detained D. Be banned for lifetime from re-obtaining a driving license 1.1.245 1.1.2 Judgment Questions (45 questions) The Law of the People s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety is enacted to strengthen the administration over the motorized vehicles. All vehicle drivers, pedestrians and passengers on the roads within the People s Republic of China must abide by the Law of the People s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety. All the units and individuals who are related to the road traffic activities within the People s Republic of China must abide by the Law of the People s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety. The pedestrians and passengers on the road should act in reference to the Law of the People s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety. A motorized vehicle without a license plate may run on the road. A motorized vehicle without a label of inspection may run on the road. A motorized vehicle without a label of insurance may run on the road. 36 A person who drives a motorized vehicle on the road must bring the vehicle license with the vehicle. The license plate of a motorized vehicle should be installed according to the stipulations, should be clear and complete and should not be covered or stained. No unit or individual is allowed to confiscate or detain the license plate of a motorized vehicle. If a motorized vehicle has reached the write-off standard, its revocation registration must be handled in a timely manner. Siren or marker light may be installed on a motorized vehicle according to personal need. No unit or individual is allowed to illegally assemble a motorized vehicle. A professional repair enterprise may change the model number, engine number and the chassis number of a motorized vehicle. A professional repair enterprise may change the vehicle identification code. No unit or individual is allowed to falsify or alter the registration papers, license plate, vehicle license, label of inspection and label of insurance of a motorized vehicle. If approved by a transport enterprise, the altered registration papers, license plate, vehicle license, label of inspection and label of insurance may of a motorized vehicle may be used. 37 A unit or individual may temporarily use the label of inspection and the label of insurance of another motorized vehicle on the road. A transport enterprise may internally redistribute the labels of inspection and the labels of insurance of motorized vehicles on the road. A motorized vehicle driver may drive a motorized vehicle on the road only after he has passed the tests administered by the traffic control department of the public security organ and obtained the driving license. If a person who has a foreign driving license for motorized vehicle and has passed the tests administered by the traffic control department of the public security organ, a Chinese driving license for motorized vehicle may be issued to him. Nobody is allowed to drive a motorized vehicle that has safety hazards such as incomplete safety devices or technically substandard components A person who drinks alcohol but is not drunk may drive a motorized vehicle. Uniformed road traffic signals are used nationwide. Driving a motorized vehicle should observe the left-hand driving principle. If a road is divided into the lane for motorized vehicles, the lane for non-motorized vehicles and the lane for pedestrians, the motorized vehicles, the non-motorized vehicles and the pedestrians should use the lanes designed respectively for them. If a road has a special lane, other vehicles may use the special lane for overtaking. 38 A small motorized vehicle may overtake a police car performing an emergency task. Motorized vehicles are not allowed to overtake at the intersections. When a motorized vehicle passes a curve, it may overtake rapidly if no accident will occur. Motorized vehicles should pass the intersections according to the traffic signals. When a road maintenance vehicle or an engineering vehicle is operating, other vehicles do not have to yield. When a motorized vehicle temporarily stops on the road, it should not obstruct the flow of other vehicles and pedestrians. 70 A motorized vehicle whose designed maximum speed is less than 70km is allowed to enter the expressways. When a motorized vehicle breaks down on the expressway, the persons on board should swiftly move to the front of the vehicle for hiding. If a motorized vehicle breaks down or causes a traffic accident on the expressway and cannot to run normally, the vehicle should be towed by a rescue vehicle or a tow truck. When a road accident causes human casualties and the vehicle driver needs to change the scene for rescuing the wounded, the driver should mark the location. The punishments against the violations of the regulations on road traffic safety include warning, fine, temporary detention or revocation of the driving license, and detention. 39 A driver may drive on the road an illegally assembled motorized vehicle or a motorized vehicle reaching the saraped standard. If a person who has violated the provisions of the law and regulations on road traffic safety and has caused a major traffic accident and if his act constitutes a crime, he should be held for criminal liabilities according to law and his driving license should be revoked by the traffic control department of the public security organ. If a person has caused a traffic accident and run away, the traffic control department of the public security organ should revoke his driving license and ban him for lifetime from re-obtaining a driving license. 3% If a party fails to pay the fine within the time limit, the administrative organ that has made the decision on administrative punishment may impose an additional fine at the daily rate of 3% of the original fine. The roads mentioned in the Law of the People s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety refer to the highways, urban roads and the places that are within the jurisdiction of the units but allow the passing of social motorized vehicles. Squares, public parking lots and other places for public passing do not belong to the roads mentioned in the Law of the People s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety. The road accidents mentioned in the Law of the People s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety refer to the incidents on the road that are caused by faults or accidents and have caused human casualties or property losses. 1 2 183 1 2 Regulations on Implementing the Law on Road Traffic Safety (183 questions) 40

1.2.1 125 1.2.1 Multiple-Choice Questions (125 questions) A. B. C. D. The registration of motorized vehicles excludes the registration of. A. Loss B. Registration C. Alternation D. Revocation A. B. C. D. If the residence of the owner of a registered motorized vehicle moves out of the area under the jurisdiction of the traffic control department of the public security organ, the vehicle owner should apply to the traffic control department of the public security organ that has registered the vehicle for registration. A. Registration B. Transfer C. Alternation D. Revocation A. B. C. D. If the residence of the owner of a registered motorized vehicle moves into the area under the jurisdiction of the traffic control department of the public security organ, the vehicle owner should apply to the traffic control department of the public security organ that has registered the vehicle for registration. A. Registration B. Transfer C. Revocation D. Alternation A. B. C. 41

D. When applying for the transfer registration of a motorized vehicle, the certificate or document the party does not have to provide to the traffic control department of the public security organ that registers this vehicle is. A. The driving license B. The party s ID card C. The vehicle license D. The certificate and document on the transfer of the ownership of the vehicle A. B. C. D. If a registered motorized vehicle reaches the state s mandatory write-off standard, the owner of the vehicle should before the expiration of the write-off period. A. Sell it to the waste recycling station B. Sell to the vehicle recycling enterprise C. Hand it over to the traffic control department of the public security organ D. Hand it over to the department in charge of road transport administration A. B. C. D. If a registered motorized vehicle reaches the state s mandatory write-off standard, should present the registration paper, license plate and vehicle license of the written-off vehicle to the traffic control department of the public security organ for revocation. A. The owner B. The driver C. The recycling enterprise D. The safety and technical inspection institution A. B. C. D. If the registration paper, license plate and vehicle license of a motorized vehicle are lost or destroyed and the vehicle owner applies for reissuing them, the owner should provide his ID card and application materials to the. A. The transport department B. The traffic control department of the public security organ C. The department in charge of industrial and commercial administration 42

D. The insurance company A. B. C. D. Painting and pasting signs or advertisements on the motorized vehicles should observe the principle that. A. The painting and pasting can be done at will B. The painting and pasting are mainly for artistic consideration C. The painting and pasting should not affect safe driving D. The painting and pasting should be done according to customer requests 2 1 A.2 B.3 C.4 D.6 The small and mini non-commercial passenger vehicles should be inspected once every two years within as from the date of registration. A. 2 years B. 3 years C. 4 years D. 6 years 6 15 1 A.6 B.1 C.2 D.3 The small and mini non-commercial passenger vehicles should be inspected once every from the 6 th to the 15 th year as from the date of registration. A. 6 months B. 1 year C. 2 years D. 3 years A.3 B.6 C.12 D.24 after a motorized vehicle driver obtains his driving license for the first time is his period of probation. A. 3 months 43

B. 6 months C. 12 months D. 24 months A. B. C. D. The motorized vehicle driver is not allowed to drive during his period of probation. A. Small vehicle B. Taxicab C. Vehicle with automatic transmission D. Three-wheeled automobile 10 A.1 B.2 C.5 D.6 The period of validity of a motorized vehicle driving license is respectively, 10 years and lifelong. A. 1 year B. 2 years C. 5 years D. 6 years A.3 B.6 C.12 D.24 The cycle for recording the accumulated penalty points for violating road traffic safety regulations is. A. 3 months B. 6 months C. 12 months D. 24 months 12 A. B. C. D. If the accumulated penalty points of a motorized vehicle driver reach 12 points and the driver refuses to participate in the study course notified by the traffic control department 44

of the public security organ and also refuses to take tests, the traffic control department of the public security organ. A. Should publicly announce that his driving license should no longer be used B. Should detain his driving license C. Should revoke his driving license D. Impose a double fine on him A. B. C. D. If a motorized vehicle driving license is lost or destroyed and the motorized vehicle driver applies for reissuing it, the driver should provide his ID card and application materials to the. A. The transport department B. The traffic control department of the public security organ C. The department in charge of industrial and commercial administration D. The local police station A.30 B.40 C.50 D.70 When there is no speed limit sign or marking, the maximum speed for motorized vehicles on an urban road without the central dividing line is. A. 30km B. 40km C. 50km D. 70km A.30 B.40 C.50 D.70 When there is no speed limit sign or marking, the maximum speed for motorized vehicles on a highway without the central dividing line is. A. 30km B. 40km C. 50km D. 70km 45