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4 J. J. 2007 3 36-42. 37. 39. J. 2015 2 51-57. 2012 2 50-53. 38. 30-33. J. 2012 4 Public Spirit as the Inner Value Engine of Governmental Executive Power From the Perspective of National Governance KONG Fan-he School of International Studies and Public Administration Shanghai University of Political Science and Law Shanghai 201701 China Abstract With the proposal of the objectives for the modernization of national governance governmental executive ability is endowed with new connotation over the times. The interpretation of governmental executive ability cannot be confined to the level of instrumental rationality which leads to concealment of value rationality by instrumental rationality but seek solution from the fundamental perspective of value rationality while e- liminating the hegemony of instrumental rationality. The value rationality of governmental executive power involves subjects and objects voluntary initiatives executive willingness value appeal intrinsic motivation etc.. The governmental executive power is in the final analysis driven by spiritual strength. Public spirit as an invisible dominant force pervades many aspects such as subjects objects means value orientation and executive goals and has an bearing on governmental executive power through influence on subjects objects resources and environment. When public spirit is internalized by a variety of social subjects governmental executive power will have shared value foundation and the operation of national governance mechanism will be more harmonious and enduring. The public spirit in our country is still a scarce resource hardly meeting the value requirements for elevating governmental executive power and promoting the modernization of national governance. So we must carry out a concrete and effective system design and make public spirit rooted in the heart of social subjects as a moral belief life style and habitual conduct naturally acknowledged by the public. society Key words public spirit governmental executive power national governance government by law civil 111