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6 7 Vol. 6 No. 7 2015 7 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Jul., 2015 * 王艳颖, 刘程惠, 田密霞, 李婷婷, 胡文忠 (1., 116600; 2. -, 116600) 摘要 : 目的 方法 Vc 结果 Vc ; Vc 结论 关键词 : ; ; ; ; Effects of calcium chloride treatment on the physiologic quality of fresh-cut celery WANG Yan-Ying, LIU Cheng-Hui, TIAN Mi-Xia, LI Ting-Ting, HU Wen-Zhong * (1. College of Life Science, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian 116600, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Bio-Chemistry Engineering the State Ethnic Affairs Commission Ministry of Education, Dalian 116600, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To investigate the effects of different concentrations of calcium chloride treatment on the physiological quality of fresh-cut celery during room temperature storage. Methods The method of chemical titration, ultraviolet spectrophotometry, and weighing were respectively used to determine some indexes of physiological and biochemical characteristics such as titratable acid, soluble protein, reducing sugar, total sugar, Vc and weight-loss ratio in fresh-cut celery. Results The content of titratable acid, soluble protein, reducing sugar, total sugar and Vc of celery after cutting were increased during earlier storage and decreased during the later storage, the ratio of weight-loss increased gradually with the storage, and the content of titratable acid, reducing sugar, total sugar and Vc of celery by the lower concentration of calcium chloride treated were significantly higher than those of the control and other treatments, the content of soluble protein and the rate of weight loss were lower than of the control. Conclusion Calcium chloride treatment was a simple, safe and effective method for fruits and vegetables fresh-keeping, and could maintain effectively physiological quality of fresh-cut celery. 基金项目 : (31471923, 31172009) (2012BAD38B05) (DC201502020402) Fund: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31471923, 31172009), the National Science and Technology Pillar Program during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period (2012BAD38B05), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (DC201502020402) * 通讯作者 :,,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: HU Wen-Zhong, Professor, College of Life Science, Dalian Nationalities University, No.18, Liaohe West Road, Jinzhou New District, Dalian 116600, China. E-mail:

7, : 2459 KEY WORDS: calcium chloride; fresh-cut celery; fruits and vegetables fresh-keeping; physiological; quality 1 引言,,,,,,,,,, [1],,,,,, [2,3] (Apium graveolens L.),, [4],,,, 2 材料与方法 2.1 材料及处理,,,, 3 cm,, ( ) 1.25% ( 1) 2.5% ( 2) 5% ( 3) 10 min,,, (20 ), 2.2 试剂与仪器 95%, ;, ; 3, 5 G-250, SHZ-D( Ⅲ) ( ); DK-S26 ( ); AR2140 ( ( ) ); BR4i ( Jouan); SiM-F140 ( ); DHG-9053A ( ); T-25 ( IKA); UV-2100 - ( ) 2.3 实验方法 2.3.1 可滴定酸含量的测定 [5] 2.3.2 可溶性蛋白质含量的测定 Bradford [6] 2.3.3 还原糖含量的测定 3, 5- [7] 2.3.4 总糖含量的测定 [7] 2.3.5 V C 含量的测定 [8] 2.3.6 失重率的测定 3 结果与分析 3.1 氯化钙处理对鲜切芹菜可滴定酸含量的影响 1,, 2 d,,,, [9],,, 1,,

2460 6, 1,,, 1 Fig. 1 Effect of calcium chloride treatment on titratable acidity content of fresh-cut celery 3.2 氯化钙处理对鲜切芹菜可溶性蛋白含量的影响,, 2,, [10],,,, [11],, 1, 1, 3.3 氯化钙处理对鲜切芹菜还原糖含量的影响 3,,,,,, [12],,,, 2 Fig. 2 Effect of calcium chloride treatment on soluble protein content of fresh-cut celery 3 Fig. 3 Effect of calcium chloride treatment on reducing sugar content of fresh-cut celery 3.4 氯化钙处理对鲜切芹菜总糖含量的影响 4,,,,,,,

7, : 2461, 1,,,,,,,,, 1,,,,, 4 Fig. 4 Effect of calcium chloride treatment on total sugar content of fresh-cut celery 3.5 氯化钙处理对鲜切芹菜 Vc 含量的影响 Vc,, Vc, [13] Vc, [14], 5, Vc,,,, [15], Vc,, Vc, 1 Vc,,,, 3.6 氯化钙处理对鲜切芹菜失重率的影响,,, [16] 6, 5 Vc Fig. 5 Effect of calcium chloride treatment on vitamin C content of fresh-cut celery Fig. 6 6 Effect of calcium chloride treatment on weight loss of fresh-cut celery 4 结论 (1),

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7, : 2463 作者简介 王艳颖, 高级工程师, 主要研究方向为果蔬加工保鲜工艺及理论 E-mail: 胡文忠, 教授, 主要研究方向为食品加工与质量安全控制 E-mail: 食品添加剂与配料 专题征稿函 :,,,,, 2015 10,, 2015 9 10 E-mail 投稿方式 : : E-mail: 食品安全质量检测学报 编辑部