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相 对 校 正 因 子 的 相 关 方 法 1.1 内 标 多 控 法 研 究 发 现, 在 中 药 各 成 分 间 存 在 着 一 定 的 比 例 关 系, 只 要 各 成 分 的 量 符 合 该 比 例 关 系, 中 药 的 多 [6] 指 标 质 量 控 制 可 以 依 此 法

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5 8 Vol. 5 No. 8 2014 8 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Aug., 2014 刘长虹 *, 拱姗姗, 邵源, 屈凌波 (, 450001) 摘要 : 目的 方法, 结果 7 s, 3, 5 cm,, 20 h 40 h, 结论 关键词 : ; ; ; Effects of ultraviolet irradiation treatment on the quality and shelf life of steamed bread LIU Chang-Hong *, GONG Shan-Shan, SHAO Yuan, QU Ling-Bo (College of Food Science and Technology, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450001, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To study the influence of UV irradiation on the shelf life and quality of steamed bread. Methods The quality of steamed bread was determined by sensory evaluation and the shelf life of steamed bread was obtained by measuring the number of microorganisms on steamed bread surface. Results When the irradiation time was 7 s, the amount of UV light tube was 3, and irradiation distance was 5 cm, microorganism growth was obviously inhibited and the shelf life of steamed bread extended from 20 h to 40 h. Moreover, sensory score of steamed bread had no obvious changes. Conclusion Ultraviolet irradiation treatment has little impact on the quality of steamed bread, but it can significantly extend the shelf life of steamed bread. KEY WORDS: steamed bread; ultraviolet irradiation; shelf life; quality 1 引言,,,, [1,2] DNA, [3],, 基金项目 : (2012BAD37B04) Fund: Supported by National Science and Technology Support Program (2012BAD37B04) * 通讯作者 :,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: LIU Chang-Hong, Associate Professor, College of Food Science and Technology, Henan University of Technology, No. 100, Lily Street, High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Zhengzhou 450001, China. E-mail:

8, : 2417, [4],, [5,6],, [7],, 2 材料与方法 2.1 材料 ( ): ; ( ): ; : 2.2 主要仪器设备 LRH-250A : ; CRDX-280 : ; : ; JMTY : ; PL-STUV9w : 2.3 试验方法 2.3.1 馒头的制备 : : 500 g, 4 g 225 ml, 80 r/min 20 min, 15, 60 g, 35~38 80%~85% 25 min, 35 min, 45 min 24 h, 10 min 2.3.2 馒头的紫外照射处理方法,, 6, 5 cm 2.3.3 馒头的储藏条件 ( ): 28, 60% 1: 2: 3: 1 Fig. 1 Packaging equipment 2.3.4 馒头保质期的判断标准 1 h, 2.3.5 馒头比容的测定 [8], GB/T21118-2007 [9,10] 2.3.6 馒头的感官评价, 6 100, 2 4 Table 1 表 1 馒头感官及品尝评价标准 The tasting evaluation criteria of steamed bread 15 10 10 10 15 15 10 15 2.3 15 ; 1.0 2 ; 2.3~1.0, 0.1 1 : 8~10 ; : 6~8 ; : 1~6, : 9~10 ;, : 7~9 ; ~7 : 8~10 ; : 6~8 ; : 1~6 : 12~15 ; : 9~12 ; : 1~9 1/2 : 12~15 ;, 1/4 : 9~12 ; : 1~9 : 8~10 ; : 6~8 ; : 1~6 : 12~15 ; : 9~12 ; : 1~9

2418 5 2.3.7 馒头菌落总数的测定 GB4789.2-2010 [11], 2.3.8 馒头霉菌总数的测定 GB4789.15-2010 [12], 2.3.9 馒头大肠杆菌数的测定 GB4789.3-2010 [13], 2.3.10 实验设计, 45 min,, (1, 3, 5, 7 ),,,, (1 s, 3 s, 5 s, 7 s, 9 s),,,,,,, 90, 3, 40 h,,,, [15],,, 3 3.2 紫外线照射时间对馒头品质和保质期的影响 3 3,, 3, 5 cm,, 3 结果与分析 3.1 紫外线照射量对馒头品质和保质期的影响 2 2,, 5 s, 5 cm,,,, DNA RNA, [14] ; 2 Fig. 2 The influence of different UV exposure on steamed bread s shelf life Table 2 表 2 不同紫外线照射量对馒头品质的影响 The influence of different UV exposure on steamed bread s quality ( ) 14.5±0.35 a 9.5±0.27 a 9.3±0.29 a 9.2±0.16 a 13.8±0.25 a 13.5±0.22 a 9.0±0.08 a 13.5±0.18 a 93.5 5.1E+4 260 1 14.4±0.30 a 9.3±0.24 a 9.3±0.32 ab 9.4±0.19 a 13.5±0.24 a 13.4±0.19 b 9.4±0.05 b 13.0±0.21 b 92.7 4.6E+6 220 3 14.6±0.30 b 9.2±0.27 b 9.2±0.26 b 9.5±0.14 ab 13.1±0.21 ab 13.6±0.17 b 8.3±0.03 b 14.5±0.19 b 91.5 3.7E+7 180 5 14.5±0.27 ab 9.5±0.36 b 9.5±0.27 b 9.0±0.22 ab 13.0±0.25 ab 12.8±0.18 ab 8.5±0.05 b 14.1±0.22 ab 90.9 5.5E+5 330 7 13.6±0.36 a 9.2±0.34 b 9.3±0.31 ab 9.0±0.26 a 13.5±0.22 b 12.5±0.18 a 9.2±0.07 b 13.0±0.25 a 90.1 4.1E+6 260 : 0.05

8, : 2419 7 s, 40 h,,, [17], 7 s 3 Fig. 3 The influence of different UV irradiation time on steamed bread s shelf life,,,,,,, ;,,, [16],, 90, 3.3 最优紫外线灭菌处理方式的验证实验 4, 7 s, 3, 5 cm 36 h, 24 h 90,,,, 3.4 生产线可行性分析,,,, [18],,,,,,, Table 3 表 3 不同紫外线照射时间对馒头品质的影响 The influence of different UV irradiation time on steamed bread s quality (s) 14.5±0.37 a 9.5±0.25 a 9.5±0.33a 9.5±0.14 a 13.8±0.06 a 13.5±0.21 a 9.0±0.06 a 13.5±0.24 a 93.8 6.3E+4 220 1 14.5±0.33 a 9.5±0.28 a 9.5±0.40 b 9.5±0.17 ab 13.6±0.12 b 13.3±0.27 a 9.0±0.13 b 13.3±0.19 a 93.2 6.3E+4 220 3 14.4±0.37 a 9.5±0.24 a 9.5±0.31 ab 8.9±0.22 b 13.0±0.09 b 13.4±0.32 a 9.4±0.11 ab 13.0±0.15 ab 92.1 7.6E+6 180 5 14.6±0.35 a 9.5±0.30 b 9.5±0.36 b 8.5±0.19 b 13.1±0.07 ab 13.6±0.25 a 8.3±0.09 b 14.5±0.18 b 91.6 5.2E+3 190 7 14.5±0.27 b 8.8±0.22 b 8.8±0.31 b 9.0±0.15 ab 13±0.08 b 13.5±0.23 a 8.5±0.12 b 14.1±0.15 b 90.2 7.9E+2 230 9 13.6±0.38 b 8.5±0.28 ab 8.6±0.39 ab 9.0±0.20 a 13.5±0.11 b 12.5±0.21 b 9.2±0.15 b 13.0±0.21 ab 88.6 4.1E+6 260 : 0.05

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