ABOUT ATTRAKTION! 关于 ATTRAKTION! Attraktion! is a specialized group of companies, which is permanently going through a mutation evoked by a unique con

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ABOUT ATTRAKTION! 关于 ATTRAKTION! Attraktion! is a specialized group of companies, which is permanently going through a mutation evoked by a unique continuously growing product portfolio. Attraktion! 是一家持续突破行业的前沿技术并不断追求制作创新型产品的专业集团公司 MISSION Our mission is to develop innovative, world-class attractions. Compelling visitor experiences can appear in many forms. We support and guide our clients to develop second-to-none, unique destinations. We are dedicated to consistently deliver the best quality products and services to our clients. To achieve this, we are focused on the continuous improvement of Attraktion! s own attraction product portfolio with a core focus on new attraction genres. 使命我们的使命是开发创新型 世界级的娱乐项目 我们创作令人瞠目结舌的游客体验, 我们支持和引导我们的客户开发独一无二且别具一格的旅游目的地 我们致力于不断为我们的客户提供最优质的产品和服务 我们专注于不断改善自身的娱乐产品系列, 并持续开发新的娱乐产品类型 APPROACH Conceiving and creating a successful attraction is an interdisciplinary process bringing together a team of specialists from all walks of life. The collective expertise of our core team is based on several hundred such developments. For each unique project, we draw upon an international talent pool to assemble the world's best designers, content creators, engineers, manufacturers and consultants to meet the demands of the job, the needs of the client and the project vision. We partner with an extensive range of world class suppliers. 途径构思和创造一个成功的旅游景点是一个将创意团队和技术专家汇集在一起的过程 我们核心团队的优势建立在完成数百个成功项目的基础之上 对于每个不同的项目, 我们都会从国际人才市场召集世界上最优秀的设计师 内容创意师 工程师 制造商和顾问, 以满足项目的需求 客户的诉求和项目的愿景 我们的合作伙伴均为世界一流的供应商 Attraktion! develops, consults and stages attractions for: BRAND EXPERIENCES AMUSEMENT AND THEME PARKS MUSEUMS SCIENCE CENTERS SHOPPING CENTERS FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS UNCONVENTIONAL VENUES & EVENTS

MARKUS BEYR attraction producer 马库斯. 拜耳 - 娱乐项目制作人 --Markus To predict the future, you need to invent it! Beyr 只有创造未来才能预知未来 --Markus Beyr Attraktion! is majority-owned and managed by Markus Beyr, a serial entrepreneur with a penchant for delivering high quality service and creating exclusive products and specialized companies. In the leisure sector, he is considered one of the world s leading attraction producers, with more then 200 attractions realized in the last 20 years. Active in global industry associations, he is a member of the 1 IAAPA European Committee, the 2 Themed Entertainment Association, and part of the 3 IMERSA Board of Advisers. He was entitled Media Master - IP magazine and Future of Entertainment - EAP magazine. Markus has been involved in successful projects for several theme parks and nearly 100 4D/5D attractions plus numerous dark rides, brand lands and full dome experiences: Marvel Superheroes 4D at Madame Tussauds London, Gardaland (Italy), Arthur 4D at Futuroscope (France), Swarovski Crystal World (Austria), Ancol (Indonesia) and City of Dreams, Macau (China). Attraktion! 的主要股东和管理者是著名企业家马库斯. 拜耳 他一直致力于为客户提供更优质的服务和创造更新颖的产品 在休闲娱乐产业中, 他被视为世界上首屈一指的娱乐项目缔造者之一, 在过去的 20 年中他共实施了超过 200 个娱乐项目 马库斯. 拜耳一直活跃于行业内协会中, 他是 IAAPA 欧洲委员会委员, 主题娱乐协会成员, 现任 IMERSA 顾问委员会顾问 他曾获 EAP 杂志 娱乐产业的未来 和 IP 杂志 4D 媒体大师 的称号 马库斯参与了众多成功的项目, 其中包括多个主题公园 近百个 4D/5D 影院项目和数个黑暗骑乘项目 品牌地产和全球幕体验 : 英国. 伦敦. 杜莎夫人蜡像馆. 漫威超级英雄, 加达云霄乐园 ( 意大利 ), 法国. 普瓦捷. 未来影视城. 亚瑟 4D, 施华洛世奇水晶世界 ( 奥地利 ), 海湾区 ( 印度尼西亚 ) 和中国澳门的新濠天地 1- iaapa.org; 2- teaconnect.org; 3- imersa.org

DOME RIDE THEATER 球幕骑乘影院 Attraktion! developed the most exciting next-gen media based attraction genre, combining dome theatre experiences with a ride! DOME Ride Theater (patent pending) is a high end product development between Attraktion! and Intamin Amusement Rides. It represents the outcome of many years of experience in the creation of immersive 360 attractions for Attraktion! s Markus Beyr. Together with Intamin s renowned background in building major thrilling attractions, the new ride will offer an exclusive impression on a truly amazing and captivating experience. The attraction features a unique steel ride structure with an impressive full sphere projection. The aim is to involve the audience, so they are immersed into a spherical environment, providing a strong impression of being at a different location and generating a unity of space and time. Attraktion! 开发了当今最刺激的下一代媒体类娱乐项目类型, 将球幕影院体验与表演元素完美结合! 球幕骑乘影院 ( 专利申请中 ) 是 Attraktion! 与英特敏娱乐设备公司共同开发的高端娱乐项目产品 它代表了 Attraktion! 公司马库斯. 拜耳在积攒了多年开发沉浸式 360 度娱乐项目的成果 与拥有著名的搭建大型刺激娱乐项目背景的英特敏公司合作, 此新型娱乐项目将带给您精彩刺激且独一无二的感受 此娱乐项目是将独特的钢结构骑乘设备与整球幕投影相结合 目的是将观众融入其中, 使其被环绕在一个球形环境当中, 并产生强烈的穿越到不同时间与空间的奇特感受 球幕骑乘影院的终极目标是为创造一个能够完美展示无缝链接图像的空间, 为游客创造一个只有在此处才能体会到的独特体验, 将游客带入一个完整虚幻的空间中, 并同时达到最大的客流量 The ultimate goal of Dome Ride Theater is to provide opportunities for the creation of spaces that are perfect displays for presenting seamless images, create the feeling of being there, provide visitors with a real experience that they could not otherwise have, involve the participants in a closed-off image space of illusion, and reach a large number of audiences. Dome Ride Theater Xian, China 中国西安球幕骑乘影院 www.domeride.com

4D / 5D THEATER 4D/5D 影院 4D and 5D attractions have enabled the media based attractions genre to become the largest growing attraction genre nowadays, with some of the top experiences combining special effects and high sophisticated motion ride systems with 3D projection. 4D attraction development melds a multitude of creative, technical and construction fields and disciplines, from architecture to theater design, from special effects to show control, from storytelling to media production. 通过结合顶尖的特效体验和高仿真的动态骑乘系统,4D 和 5D 游乐项目已经引领媒体类游乐项目成为当今风靡世界的体验类型 从建筑到剧场设计, 从特效到演出控制, 从故事讲述到媒体制作 ;4D 娱乐项目的开发是一个将多重创意 技术和建筑领域相结合的产物 Features: 功能 : Age group: 6+ Theater SFX: Wind, Rain, Strobes, LED lights, Ground Fog, Lasers, Haze No DOF or Motion SFX seats: Multi speed platform 3 DOF/ 3 axis mobility realistic motion Vibration Leg Tickler Neck Blast Water Spray 适应人群 :6+ 剧场特效 : 风 雨 频闪 LED 灯 地表雾 激光 薄雾 无自由度或动感 SFX 座椅 : 多速平台 3DOF / 3 自由度仿真运动 震动 搔腿 颈部喷气 喷水 600 seats 4D Theater Xian, China 中国西安 600 座 4D 影院 Attraktion! s largest 4D Theater, will open towards the end of 2014 in Xian. Attraktion! 最大的 4D 影院将于 2014 年底在西安开业

4D / 5D DOME DOME ATTRACTIONS 4D / 5D 球幕 球幕影院 4D / 5D Dome The 4D/5D Dome combines the typical well known Planetarium dome with 4D or 5D seats, and adds customized 4D dome films. By adding special effects to the dome experience, visitors enter readily into the experience. It enables operators to differentiate from the classic 4D theatres by adding a mesmerizing feeling to the experience and a different range of licensable films, which can t be licensed in the 4D theatres. 4D/5D 球幕结合了大家熟知的天文馆球幕和 4D 或 5D 座椅, 再加上定制的 4D 影片 通过在球幕体验中加入特效, 使游客能够轻松体验 Features: 360 full dome projection environments from 7m up to 35m diameter 3k and 4k projection systems up to stunning 8k brightness adjustable to ambient light conditions Grey or white projection surface to accommodate different ambient light levels Camera based fully automated alignment system for easy set-up and sustainable quality 5.1 surround sound system or better Media Server: up to 8k full dome movie playback dome show capabilities based on standard media files and customized (motion) graphics 特点 : 360 全球幕投影环境直径从 7 米到 35 米 3k 和 4k 投影系统最高可以支持到惊艳的 8k 分辨率 亮度可以调节至真实环境光线水平 灰色或白色投影表面适应各种环境光线水平 照相机为基础的自动对焦系统提供方便快速准确的设置和便捷的维护 5.1 环绕音响系统或更高配置 媒体服务器 : 支持 8k 全球幕影片播放 球幕演出是基于标准的影片文件和定制的 ( 动态 ) 图形 通过增加震撼的体验感和在传统 4D 的影片库中无法租赁到的影片, 使运营商从传统 4D 影院中脱引而出 4D / 5D Dome Dome Attractions DOME ATTRACTIONS By creating and viewing art and film in a seamless environment, the Dome experience is the easiest way to become immersed 100% in a theatrical setting. People typically stand centralized inside the dome, gaining the freedom to look around during their experience. It features an overwhelming multi-sensory environment which fuses 3D surround-sound, bespoke 360 visuals, stunning special effects, enhancing all senses to spark natural euphoria. 通过在一个无缝的环境中欣赏艺术和电影, 球幕体验已成为 100% 浸入在剧场环境的最简单的方法 人们通常位于球幕的中心获得自由观看各方向的感受 其具有冲击力的多感官环境融合 3D 环绕声 凸显的 360 度视效和精彩的特效, 使全部感官都沉浸在自然的欢悦之中 4D Dome at ITCC Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯利雅得 ITCC 4D 球幕影院

CINESPLASH 5D Attraktion! s trendsetter of the next-gen 5D SFX cinemas. Attraktion! 的下一代 5D 特效影院的行业先导项目 Attraktion! s Cinesplash innovates the idea of a 4D theater attraction, to be experienced in swimsuits, all year round. It s the perfect match for indoor & outdoor water parks, resorts & holiday venues, spa and pool complexes. The unique concept features impressive SFX like waterfalls, fountains & water explosions, never experienced before in any 4D theatre attraction. Attraktion! 的 Cinesplash 是在 4D 影院的基础上加以改革创新, 让您全年都可以身着泳装尽情体验 该项目适合室内外水公园 节日度假胜地 温泉浴场和游泳馆 瀑布 喷泉和水爆破等精彩的水特效绝对使其他任何 4D 影院都无法比拟 Cinesplash exclusive films are created to make use of the amazing water SFX features. Cinesplash 的影片均为独特的水特效量身打造 Features: Age group: 6+ Theater SFX: Wind, Rain, Strobes, LED lights, Fountains, Water Guns, Ground Fog, Lasers, Water explosion, Haze. Motion waterproof SFX seats: Multi speed platform 3DOF/ 3 axis mobility realistic motion Waterproof Vibration Leg Tickler Neck Blast Water Spray 特点 : 适应人群 :6 岁以上 影院特效 : 风 雨 频闪 LED 灯光喷泉 水枪 地表雾 激光 水爆破 薄雾 动态特效座椅 : 可变速平台 3 自由度仿真运动 防水 震动 搔腿 颈部喷气 喷水 The dramaturgy of the movies implements the individual effects at certain moments during the experience, to create an outstanding attraction & one of a kind experience. Attraktion! is the only company globally with experience in producing licensable and custom movies & converting famous content for this exciting attraction format. 影片中的所有情节均为配合特效进行了精心安排, 一切的努力只为创造非凡的体验 ATTRAKTION! 是目前全球唯一可为此类新颖刺激的娱乐项目提供影片定制和租赁的公司 Cinesplash 5D Ningbo, China 中国宁波 Cinesplash 5D 影院 www.cinesplash5d.com

WE ROBOTS WeRobots represent worldwide unique robots, which are characterized by their group dynamic within public spaces. WeRobots communicate with each other, act together and interact with people in their environment. They generate a mix of entertainment, interaction, multimedia, information, orientation and personal support. Thanks to their intelligence and high-end sensor technology WeRobots have the ability to measure rooms three dimensionally and to identify humans. With respect to their environment they are sociable, adaptive and able to orientate themselves. Moreover their content options are flexible as they are equipped with a sophisticated content management system. In addition to that WeRobots possess a VIP function - WeRobots become personal shopping and orientation guides. WeRobots 代表了国际独一无二的在公共场所中以群体形式出现的机器人 WeRobots 互相交流, 一同表演, 它们还可以与周边的人们进行互动 它是一台具有娱乐 互动 多媒体 信息传达 导览和个人协助功能的综合体 由于它们的智能和高端传感器技术,WeRobots 可以测量三维空间尺寸, 并识别人类 WeRobots 善于交际 具有高度适应力, 并且可以为自己定位导航 由于配备了先进的内容管理系统, 他们的内容选项非常灵活 WeRobots 还有 VIP 功能 - 可以使 WeRobots 提供个性化的购物和方向指南服务 市场 WeRobots 适用的领域非常广泛, 如 : 购物中心 家庭娱乐中心 科技馆 品牌展示 博物馆 展览 机场 博览会等等 MARKETS The field of application for WeRobots is multifaceted and boundless: shopping malls, family entertainment centers, science centers, brand lands, museums, exhibitions, airports, expos etc. Features: Available in all languages High definition 15 multi touchscreen Camera & microphone 3D sensors RFID Sophisticated CMS Modifiable content Theft protection 功能 : 可提供全部语种 15 寸高分辨率多点触摸屏 摄像头和麦克风 3D 传感器 RFID 精致的 CMS 可编辑内容 防盗保护 Shopping mall Macalline, Shanghai, China 中国, 上海, 红星美凯龙购物中心 www.werobots.de

PLAYOKE delivers a state-of-the-art experience through a pioneering application of 3D motion tracking to group interaction. PLAYOKE is the first interactive dance game of its kind, designed specifically for out-of-home commercial use. It conducts 3D analysis of all body movements for all participants and evaluate them in a playful context. Movements and steps of players are tracked, analyzed and compared in real time. The immediate feedback, combined with a system of points and ranking, adds the fun factor and creates exciting group dynamics. PLAYOKE Dance offers various content options which provide entertaining and edutaining experiences for youngsters and adults. Due to its versatile features, it can deliver various experiences such as interaction with animated mascots, or playing edutainment games. PLAYOKE DANCE Playoke 通过先进的 3D 动作捕捉技术为人们带来了精彩的团体互动娱乐体验 Playoke 是此类项目中首个专为家庭以外的商业应用设计而成的互动跳舞游戏 它对所有参与者的肢体动作进行分析并做出有趣的评比 参与者的动作和步伐被实时追踪 分析和比较 快速的反馈结合评分系统, 为集体活动平添了几分刺激和趣味 Playoke Dance 提供多样的内容和功能选择, 可以为青少年和成人带来寓教于乐的体验 让你的顾客成为这个全方位感官体验的一部分并亲密接触这个神奇的虚拟世界 Let your visitors become part of this new multisensory experience and engage them in this amazing virtual world. Features: Configurations: system sizes from 4 up to 32 players Age group: 6+ Markets: Family Entertainment Centres, Shopping Malls, Theme Parks, KTVs, Fitness Centers and other revenue generating outlets 产品特点 : 配置 : 系统规格从 4 人至 32 人 适应人群 :6 岁以上 市场 : 家庭娱乐中心 购物中心 主题公园 KTV 健身中心和其他休闲娱乐场所 Flag Semaphore, edutainment content, Virtuality Centre Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Flag Semaphore, 寓教于乐内容, 利雅得虚拟中心, 沙特阿拉伯 LEARN BY PLAYING MOTION GAMES DANCE TO FAMOUS POP SONGS DANCE WITH YOUR MASCOT SIZES: 尺码 : www.playoke.com 5 players 5 球员 15 players 15 球员 27 players 27 球员

FILM, GAME PRODUCTION & LICENSING 影片 / 游客制作和授权 Immersive films are the driving force behind media based attractions. This genre can be either passively, through movies, or interactive. Attraktion! covers the full production range of films and interactive media/game development through its internal team and daughter companies portfolio. Screenwriting, storyboarding, CGI Stereoscopic production, live shooting, direction and full production services for custom media productions of any size are key to Attraktion!'s deliveries. Attraktion! is producing in house a wide range of content for: 4D/5D theathers Waterpark 4D attractions 360 attractions 4D Dark Rides We are licensing films from our own library! 沉浸式影片是媒体类娱乐项目的原动力 其可以是被动观影形式或互动形式 Attraktion! 通过内部团队和子公司能够制作各种不同类型的影片和互动媒体及游戏 Attraktion! 能为娱乐项目制作任何尺寸的定制影片, 并提供剧本创作 故事版绘制 CGI 立体制作 实拍等全方位制片服务 Attraktion! 在公司内部制作不同类型的影片内容 : 4D/5D 影院水公园 4D 娱乐项目 360 度娱乐项目 4D 黑暗骑乘 我们授权的影片来自我们自己的影片库! 游戏制作 : 动态跟踪游戏互动黑暗骑乘游戏定制互动娱乐项目游戏 Gaming Production: Motion Tracking Games Interactive Dark Ride Games Games for customized interactive attractions Storm Riders 4D, Waterpark Film 驾驭风暴 4D, 水公园影片

ONGOING PROJECTS 正在进行的项目 Virtuality Centre Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 利雅得虚拟中心, 沙特阿拉伯 Chariots of the Gods 诸神的战车 The Virtuality Center reflects the identity of the new Riyadh town district, ITCC in Saudi Arabia and is a unique experience center based on information technology & communication. It is second to none to any other interactive exhibition development so far. It merges entertainment attractions like a 4D dome, a 360 degrees theatre, edutaining customized developed interactive exhibits with amusement simulators for an unforgettable journey through the history, present and future of IT and communication. Attraktion! has fully designed the Virtuality Center, being responsible for project management and turn key execution of the full experience. 沙特阿拉伯的利雅得 ITCC 的虚拟中心代表了城区的全新形象, 这是一个基于信息和通信技术的独特体验中心 这是迄今为止独一无二的互动展览 它包含有一个 4D 球幕影院 一个 360 度影院, 利用模拟技术定制开发的能够带领人们穿越历史的互动体验展示, 以及展示现代和未来 IT 和通讯的互动展览 Attraktion! 负责设计整个虚拟中心 项目管理, 以及执行交付的整个体验内容 Chariots of the Gods is a 360 degree entertainment project based on the 64 million bestseller book with the same title written by Swiss author Erich von Däniken, the most successful non-fiction author in the world. The project consists of several media related developments including a feature film, TV series, video game, arena tour and a theme park & themed attractions. Attraktion! is the exclusive producer of theme parks and indoor attractions based on the brand. Several projects are under development. Attraktion! works with several real estate developers to bring the Chariots of the Gods brand into many corners of the world. 诸神的战车 是一部基于由瑞士作家埃里希 冯 丹尼肯撰写的同名小说开发而成的 360 度娱乐项目 该小说被誉为世界上最成功的非虚幻类小说之一, 销售量达六千四百万册 该项目由多个与多媒体相关的项目构成, 包括 : 电影 电视剧 视频游戏 巡回演出, 和主题公园 + 主题娱乐项目 Attraktion! 是该品牌主题公园和室内小型景点的独家制作公司 有两个项目分别在中国和英国同时开发中 Attraktion! 正与多个房地产开发商洽谈, 计划将诸神的战车品牌带往世界各地!

_ ATTRAKTION! GmbH Wipplingerstrasse 32/20A 1010 Vienna Austria Tel +43 1 5320 777 10 Fax +43 1 5320 777 99 office@attraktion.com www.attraktion.com