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2003 11 215 ~ 266 * 鉢 92.8.5 92.10.15 *

216 鉢 繋

217 A Research on Drama and Small Play of Chinese Traditional Opera from Pre-Qin Era to Tang Dynasty Tseng, Yong-yih * Abstract This article first asserts that Drama means stories being played out, and Every small play of Chinese traditional opera means singing, dancing with speaking for others to playing stories. By this precondition, the auther researched Chin s literal literature and found out the process that elememts gradually composed together. In The Song of Ge-Tian-Shi, there is the fusion of primitive song and dance; Da-Si Music of Zhou-Li included music and dance performance together; Gu-Meng included song and music performing together; in Liou-Yue there is the fusion of religious rite with music, song and dance. But not until the Drama Ceremony, and Ba- Zha, do we see the essence of stories being played; the character Fang- Xiang-Shi in Nuo Drama, which make-up and incumbency have qualification to be a drama. In B.C. 1100 the Zhou dynasty, the story line of Da- Wu is King Wu attacking Zhou, it is already a complete drama. Futhermore, the miniature of Chinese traditional opera, Small Play, Shian- Guei of Jiou-Ge, announced the Chinese small play established in B.C. 500. * Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University.

218 In the literature from Han to South and North Dynasties, the auther finds eight dramas including Zueng-Huei-Xian-Chang, Wu-Huo-Kang-Ding etc., and three small plays of Chinese opera including Dueng-Hai- Huang-Gueng, Ge-Xi. In Tang dynasty, also has five more dramas including Lan-Lin-Wang, Su-Mo-Zhe etc., and five small play of Chinese opera including Xi-Liang-Ji, Feng-Guei- Yun. Besides, there is also the courts small play Can-Jun-Xi, and the folk small play Ta-Iao-Niang. The grand play is a complicated organism, this article is specially focus on the miniature of Chienese traditional opera, drama and small play before Southern and Northern Sueng. Keywords: Drama, Chinese Traditional Opera, Grand Play, Small Play


220 1 2 3 1 2 1994 5 1 1-2 3 1996 7 1997 239-285

221 4 5 4 1992 1988 79-113 5 1999 5

222 6 7 8 6 7 146 8

223 9 10 11 12 鼗 13 9 1965 11 1 8 10 8 11 1965 11 1 5 12 6 13 8

224 鼗 14 15 16 17 14 9 15 1965 11 1 7 16 1981 26 17 16 52

225 18 19 20 匶 21 22 18 1991 2 121 19 11 20 1979 227 21 7 22 1994 5 33-50 47

226 23 23 1982 1226-1229

227 24 1111BC 25 26 24 62 25 534BC 501 BC 26 88-93

228 27 28 29 30 31 32 27 1986 135-140 28 1993 7 29 1956 305-334 30 1953 6 1 37-38 31 100 32 12 1992 3 247-262

229 33 33

230 34 35 36 37 38 39 34 2559 35 2559 36 1967 2 37 1984 1084 38 3 39 3172-3

231 40 猨 41 42 43 40 194 41 1991 10 49-51 42 51 43

232 歩 44 45 46 47 1972 10 28 44 52 45 2742 46 1993 3 156-157 47 1979 8 10

233 48 礚 49 50 51 48 1983 86-89 49 50 50 209 51 1981 10 52 1961 3 2

234 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 53 1954 54 3928 55 3929 56 1073 57 1074 58 207 59 2569 60 1983 9 2842

235 61 62 冣 63 冣 64 61 19 62 15 63 1979 8 8 64 563

236 65 66 猨 67 68 69 70 71 65 1972 12 66 1955 67 1962 68 1963 69 1983 1 296 70 369 71 1983 9 129

237 72 73 72 10 73 1983 9 1022-1023

238 74 75 76 74 1980 3 380 75 108-119 76 1979 744

239 77 3 4 5 2 6 7 1 77 1984 1250~1272

240 78 79 80 45 78 1042 1986 3 16 79 1042 254 80 749

241 81 82 81 746 82

242 覩 83 84 85 747 83 1978 195 84 998 85 999

243 86 鉢 87 88 86 1992 4 1-121 153-178 87 1979 7 6 279 3 88 1 1959 17

244 89 90 91 89 1979 53 90 1 44 91 603 1983 1979 12 1074

245 92 93 94 92 1980 147-8 3 1976 11 52 1879-80 93 1979 7 3 94 1972 11-12

246 95 96 97 勅 勅 98 95 197 1995 41 86 96 1975 3 122 97 98 1979 7 6 254 12

247 99 100 101 102 撃 99 270 3-4 100 3052 101 1979 4407 102 31 1979 70

248 103 叙 葱 104 105 103 1960 3 982 104 758 53 1965 4-7 105 1980 249 14111-3

249 106 107 108 109 106 1958 7 1 10 13 16 107 17 544 108 1980 10 17 205 109 297 9884

250 110 111 112 678 113 110 1981 3 1 104-5 111 830 1967 16 112 830 1967 47 113 66

251 鉢 鉢 114 115 116 117 114 鉢 15 511 5847 115 1 1959 7 1 44-5 116 606 1983 459 1036 1983 117 11 328

252 118 119 1981 13 118 1956 10 9 119 603 363 67

253 766 776 781 791 120 121 770 氎 徧 122 123 120 468 1983 226 626-635 121 9 3238 122 14 5323-4 123 3871-7

254 124 124 12 419 4616

255 125 126 125 13 427 4701-2 126 1 15

256 强 127 128 127 1955 5 1 \ 8-9 128 3

257 129 130 131 132 129 625-633 130 3877-78 131 3664 132 1911 8

258 133 134 135 136 133 661-665 134 / 4295 135 272 136 14 462 5253

259 137 138 139 137 17 138 148 139 1 1960 4 26

260 140 141 140 2004 141 709

261 142 143 144 145 142 3731 143 1961 10 550 144 14 1961 12 687 8919 145 167 92 5112

262 鉢 146 147 146 1997 9 1999 9 2000 147

263 910 1965 910 1965 365 1965 1986 1982 1984 1972 1972 1042 1986

264 1042 1986 1983 1979 1972 1983 1967 1978 1991 468 1983 1980 1976 603 1983 1 1959 1 1959 31 1979 1979 1980 197 1995 1979 1959

265 758 1965 606 1983 1981 1991 1980 1981 1979 1979 1956 1981 1980 16 1995 1979 1 1960 830 1967 1960 1979 1961

266 1993 198 1994 1953 1994 1979 1992 1997 2000 1983 1956 1983