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58 60 1 2

Taiwanese Journal of Sociology, June 2011, 46: 57-114 Transformation of the Publicness in the Field of Popular Religion in Tainan, Taiwan Wei-hsian CHI Department of Applied Sociology, Nanhua University Abstract The author looks at ways that temples in Tainan, Taiwan produce religious discourses, and how the cross-temple publicity is constructed. Contingency is presented as an essential factor in this religious construction. A mutual-reinforcing operation between transcendental and secular discourses is found as a characteristic of the discursive production of popular religion. This basic operation shows how temples in Tainan have undergone a transformation from public entities to temple associations since the 1970s. This transformation has at least two implications: (a) the guiding principle of temple publicity has changed from territorial to power-holding, and (b) the emergence of structural differentiation in the field of popular religion. In connection with this, the author reflects on the potential for and difficulty of integrating local temples within the politico-cultural localization. Keywords: Popular religion, publicness, cross-temple field, temple coalition, operation of mutual-reinforcing interpretation

60 2005 2006

61 Jürgen Habermas

62 Habermas 1989 1 Habermas 1989: 22-23 2 ibid.: 3, 44-51 3 ibid.: 40-43 Öffentlichkeit publicness

63 public sphere 1 Casanova 1994 deprivatization Casanova Casanova 1994: 228-229 1 Öffentlichkeit publicness public sphere Öffentlichkeit Habermas 1989: 1-12

64 1 2

65 2008 3 2010 3

66 1988 ibid.: 104 2006 1995: 73 1996: 193-194 1994: 219-220 1987: 33-36 1973: 204 1989: 232 1996 1973: 180-181 1972: 21 1973: 197-201 1973: 177-178 1989: 235 1989: 231-236 2000: 146

67 1999: 204-206, 300-323; 2001 2005 2008: 266 David Jordan 1986: 258-268 Steve Sangren

68 Sangren 2000: 58-67 ibid.: 97-98 Sangren Sangren 2 2 2009: 27-46

69 1990: 229 2006: 39-66 1953 1970 3 4 3 1998 237 4 1974

70 5 1661 1683 2005 2003: 184-185 5 1996: 189-190 1972: 20-21

71 1 2010: 19-22, 31-33 2 6 3 7 6 7

72 8 8 2008/4/30

73 36 ~ xx 9 9 2009/9/28

74 10 11 10 2009/10/23 11 2009/10/23


76 Bronislaw Malinowski James Frazer Malinowski 1948: 91-111, 143-148 Claude Lévi-Stauss Lévi-Stauss 1966: 16-22; ibid. 2001: 8-9, 22-24

77 40 12 36 13 12 13 2009/10/23

78 40

79 context institutionized kiakuan 14 14

80 15 15 2009/1/31

81 ko! 16 16 2008/6/14

82 90 3 17 1 2 3 17 2008/6/16



85 1 2 3 Durkheim 1960: 65 2010: 101

86 1990: 223 1990: 223 1985: 51-52 1990: 223 2003: 20-29 1997: 224 18 18 1985: 98-99 ibid.: 48-49

87 1. 2009: 108-113 10 1990: 225 1985: 99-100

88 19 19 Bourdieu Bourdieu 1980: 210 Bourdieu méconnaître Bourdieu 1980: 210-218; 1993: 75

89 97 2. 50


91 20 60 20

92 1. 21 1996: 40-41 22 21 22 Bourdieu agent Bourdieu Bourdieu 1998; Bourdieu et al. 1992

93 2009 9 1 2 3

94 2.

95 23 23 2009/9/28

96 2006: 347 2010: 59-60 60 1.

97 24 24 2009/11/25

98 25 2. 25 2009/2/14

99 70




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104 2010: 19-22 1 2 3

105 vs.





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