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王 琢 同 志 事 迹 材 料 一 热 爱 教 师 工 作 关 心 专 业 建 设 王 琢 老 师 自 2002 年 来 校 工 作 以 来, 便 积 极 参 与 到 我 校 通 信 工 程 专 业 的 建 设 中 来 通 信 工 程 专 业 始 建 于 2001 年, 建 设 伊 始 存 在 着

第 30 卷 苏 州 教 育 学 院 学 报 文 化 休 闲 旅 游 资 源 为 主 要 特 色 新 城 区 休 闲 地 主 要 包 括 工 业 园 区 高 新 区 吴 中 区 相 城 区 四 区 和 吴 江 区 的 一 部 分, 大 致 以 苏 州 绕 城 高 速 公 路 为 界 本 区 以 湖


13 2 2015 1 20 http://em.hhu.edu.cn/iwater/bwh.html 1 :210098 iwater@hhu.edu.cn http://em.hhu.edu.cn/iwater/ http://em.hhu.edu.cn/iwater/register.html 5 20 2015 1st IWA Conference on Lignocellulosic-Based Biorefineries and the Environment - "Ecobiorefinery2015" 12th IWA Specialised Conference on Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants 2015 2015 Ocean Engineering, Volume 95 2014 2015

====================================================== 2015 ( ) ( )

( ) 2015 1 5 2013 2014 2013 2013 2014 31 2014 2014 ( )

( ) 1 10 8 300 8

15 350 3 1 11.5 2013 130 6 2 ====================================================== 1st IWA Conference on Lignocellulosic-Based Biorefineries and the Environment - "Ecobiorefinery2015" (30 August to 4 September 2015 Novotel, Rotorua, New Zealand) ecobiorefinery 2015 the 1st IWA Conference on Lignocellulosic-based Biorefineries and the environment and the first in a new series of conferences formally combining the IWA Symposium on Forest Industry Wastewaters and the International Conference on the Fate and Effects of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluents. As the conference name suggests, this conference will seek to extend its focus beyond pulp and paper into the broader, emerging biorefinery space and will be the first biorefinery conference series dedicated entirely to issues of environmental management. ecobiorefinery 2015 will be held in Rotorua, New Zealand from 30 August 4 September 2015. To maximise the value of your travel to New Zealand, the conference organisers have coordinated with SETAC Australasia to host SETAC-AU 2015 in Nelson, New Zealand 25 28 August 2015. The SETAC-AU conference theme will be: System Approach to Environmental Management and we will be offering a discount for registrations to both conferences. As the inaugural conference in this area, we will be seeking a broad range of keynote speakers, scientific reviews, technical presentations and posters, including: In-process mitigation, closed cycle, and value recovery options Predicting and analysing biorefinery solid and liquid waste characteristics Environmental technologies for waste treatment and value creation

Fate and behaviours of emerging pollutants in the environment Ecosystem impacts from new biorefinery processes and sites Extrapolating outcomes from pulp and paper industry research New environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology methods Life cycle and techno-economic methodologies and analyses Value chain optimisation in the biorefinery sector Industrial ecology and industrial symbiosis Environmental accreditation and chain of custody frameworks Call for abstracts Abstract submission will open on 12 December 2014 Registration opens 23 February 2015 Contact Marie Dennis Scion, Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046 T: 07 343 5723 F: 07 348 0952 E: marie.dennis@scionresearch.com More information is available on: http://eco-biorefinery.com/ 12th IWA Specialised Conference on Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants (6-Sep-15-9-Sep-15, 2015 Prague, Czech Republic)

====================================================== 2015

1. 2. (,2015 3 ) 40 3. 4. 1 1.,, : + + 1 2 3 4 5 6 2. 6 610 266061 E-mail rsc2013@ndsc.org.cn 0532-88896892 2015 1 4 : http://career.ouc.edu.cn/recruitment/2015/0113/article_39650.shtml

2015-1. 2. 3 3. 4.3 hlu@pku.edu.cn : http://www.coe.pku.edu.cn/careers/3915 ====================================================== Ocean Engineering, Volume 95

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