(Individualized Education Program, IEP)1997 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA, P. L )IEP IEP (Heward, 2000Huefner,2000)

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* 395 IEP IEP ( 931 ) (Individualized Education Program, IEP) (1) (2)IEP IEP (3) IEP IEP (4)IEP IEP (5)IEP IEP (6) IEP IEP (7) IEP (8) IEP IEP *

94-142 (Individualized Education Program, IEP)1997 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA, P. L.105-17)IEP IEP (Heward, 2000Huefner,2000) (,1997) IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP (,2000,1994, 2002) (1999) IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP (, 2002) 931 395 IEP IEP (1) IEP (2) (3)IEP (4) (5) IEP(6)IEP () (,2002)

IEP IEP 395 IEP 395 () (IEP) ( 1999a) (IEP) (1) 395 IEP IEP (2) IEP 94-142 1975 IEP IEP (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA, P. L. 105-17)IEP

IDEA IEP IEP (, 1999Heward, 2000Siegal, 2000)(1) (2) IEP(3)IEP (4) (5) IEP (6) IEP (7) (8)IEP (9) IEP (10)IEP (11) IEP IEP IEP (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) () (9) (10) () IEP

IEP Bateman Linden(1998) IDEA IEP (1)IEP (meeting) (2)IEP (3)IEP (4)IEP (5)IEP (6)IEP (compliance/monitoring) (7)IEP IEP IEP (Bateman & Linden, 1998)(1)IEP (2)IEP (appropriate) (ideal or best) (3) IEP IEP IEP (4)IEP (5)IEP IEP (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) IEP (1) (2) IEP (3)

(4) (5) IEP (6) (7) (transdiscipline) (8) IEP (9) IEP (10) IEP IEP (Bateman & Linden, 1998Huefner, 2000Whitworth, 1994)(1) (2) (3)IEP (4) IEP (5) (6) IEP IEP (7)IEP (8) IEP (9)IEP (10)IEP (11)IEP (12) IEP (full and equal participation)(13) IEP IEP (, 2001, 2000 2001, 1999, 1994, 2002)(1) IEP (2) IEP (3) IEP (4) IEP (5) IEP (6) IEP (7) IEP (8) (9)IEP (10)IEP IEP (, 1995) IEP

(, 1999) IEP (, 2000) (1) IEP IEP (2) IEP (3) IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP (1998) () 80 70 931 72.17% 395 42.43% 28 25 115 227 (1) ()

(2) ( ) IEP ( ) IEP () IEP IEP (1) IEP (0619)(2) IEP (0626)(3) IEP (0756)(4) (0634)(5) IEP (0612)(6) IEP (0161)(7) IEP IEP (0085)(8) IEP IEP (0623)(9)

IEP (0095)(10)IEP IEP (0825) () IEP IEP (1) IEP IEP (0753)(2) IEP (0255)(3) (0254)(4) (0557)(5) (0558)(6) (0698)(7) (0484) () (1) (0536)(2) IEP (0441)(3) IEP(0816)(4) (0823)(5) (0585) () IEP IEP

IEP IDEA (due processes safeguards) IEP (IEP team) IEP Bateman Linden(1998) IEP (equal participants) NEA Today(2001) IEP Payne(1988) IEP IEP IEP (formal meeting) (Education U. S. A, 2001) IEP (1) IEP (2) ( IEP )(3) (4) (5) ( )(6) IEP IEP (7) IEP IEP (8) IEP IEP IEP (1) (2)IEP (3) IEP (4) IEP IEP (5)

IEP (6) IEP IEP (1) IEP (2) IEP (3) IEP IEP IEP () IEP 1. IEP IEP (0237)IEP (0094) IEP (0113) 2. IEP IEP IEP (0753) IEP IEP IEP (0641) 3. IEP IEP IEP (0945) 4. IEP (0593) IEP (0417)IEP IEP (0780)IEP (0231)IEP

(0255) 5. IEP IEP (0266) 6. IEP IEP IEP (0266) IEP (0053)IEP (0548)IEP IEP (0543)IEP ( ) (0402) 7. IEP IEP IEP IEP (0260) IEP IEP (0214) 8. IEP (0199) 9. IEP (0193) 10.IEP IEP IEP (0087) 11. IEP IEP (0085) 12.IEP

IEP (0369) 13. IEP IEP IEP IEP (0829) 14. IEP (IEP) (0340) 15. IEP IEP (0323) ()IEP 1. IEP IEP (management tool) (plan) 2. IEP IEP

IEP IEP IEP IEP 3. IEP ( ) IEP IEP 4. IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP 5. IEP IEP IEP IEP () 1. (0108) (0611) 2. IEP (0235)

3. ( ) (0269) 4. IEP IEP IEP (0640) ( ) (0786) 5. IEP ( ) (0297)IEP (0409) 6. IEP (0495) 7. (0768) 8. IEP (0553) 9. IEP (0869) 10. IEP

IEP (0782) 11. IEP IEP (0763)IEP (0749) 12. 1/3 2/3 IEP (0763) 13.IEP 10 15 IEP IEP (0931) 14. (0263) 15. IEP (0401) IEP IEP

(0255) (0057) 16. IEP ( ) (0278) (0882) (0206) 17. IEP IEP (0831) (0855) 18.IEP IEP

(0788) 19. IEP IEP (0611) 20. IEP IEP (0079) IEP (0490) 21. IEP (0556) 22.IEP (0408) IEP (0209)IEP IEP IEP (0477) 23.

(0372) (0429) (0004) (0492) 24. ( ) IEP (0227) IEP (0225) 25. (0179) (0160) (0018) 26. (0159) ( )(0150) IEP (0415) () 1.

2. (1999b) 12 15 (2002) 97.8% 77.6% 3. ( ) 4. 5. IEP IDEA IEP

IEP IEP IEP IEP 6. (curriculum-based assessment) 7. (1999c) (1999d) 8. IEP IEP 9. 10.IEP (, 1996, 1999df, 1993) IEP IEP Bateman

Linden (1998) IEP IEP ()IEP 1. IEP (0267) 35 33 29 IEP (0018) 2. IEP IEP (0104) IEP IEP (0075) 3. IEP (2626)IEP (0634) 4. IEP IEP (0747) 5. IEP IEP IEP (0252) 6. IEP

IEP (0248) 7. IEP IEP(0562) 8. IEP (0224) 9. IEP IEP IEP ( ) (0178) IEP (0144)IEP (0161) 10. (0099) (0056) 11. IEP (0817) 12. IEP IEP (0888) 13.IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP (0554) 14. IEP

(0846) 15. IEP (0889) ()IEP 1. (2002) 78.6%84.3% IEP IEP 87.2%79.8% IEP IEP 97.3% IEP IEP IEP 2. IEP Lignugaris,Marchand-Martella Martella(2001) IEP (discrete components) IEP IDEA IEP (measurable) Goodman Bond(1993) IEP IEP IEP 3. IEP

4. ( ) 5. IEP IEP IEP 6. (task analysis) IEP IEP 7. R.Santorum Z. Miller(2002) (The Teacher Paperwork Reduction Act) IDEA IEP IEP (due process) IEP 8-16 5 50% IEP 8. IEP (1) IEP IEP (2) IEP

IEP IEP (3) IEP IEP (4) IEP IEP 9. IEP IEP Pyecha (1980) 3207 IEP 5 (1999) 180 IEP 10 38.2%11-20 36.1%22.3% 40 (Council for Exceptional Children,CEC) 15000 55% IDEA IEP ( Heward,2000)Smith(2000) IEP 4-10 4 IEP IEP IEP IEP ()IEP 1. IEP IEP IEP IEP (0269)IEP

IEP ( ) IEP (0138) IEP (0475) IEP (0876) 2. IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP (0409) 3. IEP ( ) IEP IEP (0908) 4. (0556) IEP (0084) 5. IEP (0622) IEP (0008) 6. IEP

(0527)IEP (0526) 7. IEP IEP (0529) ()IEP 1. IDEA IEP IEP IEP 2. IEP IEP IEP IEP 3. IEP IEP IEP 4. IEP IEP 5. IEP

IEP (Bateman & Linden,1998) () 1. IEP IEP (0266) IEP (0921) IEP(0784) (0337) (0572) 2. IEP IEP IEP IEP IEP (0259) 3. IEP ( ) IEP(0772) IEP ( ) (0080) 4. IEP (0822)IEP IEP IEP

IEP IEP (0080) IEP (0176) 5. IEP (0221) (0200) ( ) ( ) (0164) 6. IEP IEP IEP IEP (0462) IEP IEP (0583) 7. IEP (0562) () 1. IEP (1999e) () IEP 2. IEP

3. IEP 4. IEP IEP () IEP 1. IEP IEP key in word IEP IEP (0224 )

2. IEP (0206) (0117) 3. IEP IEP IEP IEP (0179) IEP (0124) 4. ( ) 9000 (0101)IEP (0052) 5. IEP IEP IEP (0363) 6. IEP key in key in key in (0873) IEP (0835) (0623) () IEP 1. Enell(1984) IEP IEP Ryan Rucker(1986) Jenkins(1987) IEP IEP IEP

IEP 2. IEP IEP ( 2002) IEP 3. IEP IEP IEP IEP 4. IEP IEP ()IEP 1. IEP 1-2 (0643)IEP IEP IEP (0833) 2. IEP IEP (0838)IEP (0832)IEP IEP (0176) IEP IEP

(0085) (0360)IEP (0780) IEP (0157) 3. IEP IEP IEP (0854) 4. IEP ( ) IEP (0439) IEP IEP IEP (0845) IEP IEP (0902) 5. IEP IEP IEP (0883) 6.IEP (0079)any way, IEP just paper works, (0620) (0925) ()IEP 1. IEP IEP IEP

(, 2000, p.39) IEP IEP 2. (2002) IEP IEP IEP 3. IEP IEP 4. IEP IEP IEP 5. IEP


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The Impediments and Discussion of IEP Analysis of Written Statements on the Survey Research Questionnaires of Teachers Serving Students with Mental Retardation Yeong-Chrong Hu* Abstract The present study was to analyze 395 written statements on survey research questionnaires of teachers serving students with mental retardation. The major IEP s impediments that teachers had experienced or felt was as follows(1)parents had participated IEP insufficiently(2)iep might be merely superficial paperwork, rather than a useful and functional teaching management tool(3)lack of sufficient positive supports from instructional environments had impeded the development and implementation of IEP(4)the format and content of IEP might be too intricate (5)different supervisors or professors might assert different IEP format that had distressed teachers for developing approved IEP(6)less related service experts had involved the developments of IEP(7)teachers highly expected to use computer to prepare IEP for saving time and cost(8)teachers felt that many workshops of IEP had less practical usefulness. Key wordsiep, individualized education program, mental retardation *Yeong-Chrong Hu: Professor, Department of Special Education, National Pingtung Teachers College.