,,,, 2.,,,,,, ;,,,,, 3.,,,,,, 4., :,, ;,,, (online performance contract) (off - line performance contract),,,,,,, ( ) 1.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (for

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,,,, ODR (Online Dispute Resolution),, ;, ODR ODR ODR ;, ODR, ODR, INTERNET,,, ADR(Alternative Dispute Resolution), ADR,,,,, ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) ADR,, ODR,, ( ) (electronic agents) B2B (Business to Business) B2C(Business to consumer),,,,,,, : 1.,,,,,,,, :, 2002, 538 146

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2003 6,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2. : ;,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : (1) ISP ; (2) ISP ; (3) ISP ; (4) ISP, ISP,,,,,,,,, 11, ( EDI),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3.,,,,, :, 2002, 429 148

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2003 6 (blind bid process) ODR :Clicknsettle. com Cybersettle. com Clicknsettle. com Clicknsettle. com ( Expert System), (Negotiation Model) :, Clicknsettle Negotiation,,,,,, 60,, 5 %, ;, 30 %,,,, 60, (National Arbitration and Mediation) Clicknsettle ODR, /,,, 2. ODR ( Interactive ODR Venues) ODR, ADR,, ODR, ( E - mail) (chat) (web conferencing) (video conferencing), / ODR, I - Courthouse. com Squaretrade. com American Arbitration Association,SquareTrade,, SquareTrade,,,,, SquareTrade,, 10 14 SquareTrade,,SquareTrade (SquareTrade Seal Program) SquareTrade, SquareTrade ODR, SquareTrade ODR, SquareTrade,,,,, SquareTrade ODR,, SquareTrade, SquareTrade,,,, 80 %,, SquareTrade, ODR ODR Clicknsettel. com website available at http :/ / www. clicknsettel. com (last visited sept 22,2002). Squaretrade. com website available at http :/ / www. squaretrade. com (last visited sept 24,2002)., 80 % http :/ / www. squartrade. com/ odr/ jsp 150

, ( ) ODR, ODR,,ODR : 1.,ODR, ODR,,, 2. ODR,,,ODR,,, 3. ODR, ODR,,,,,,, B2C,,,,,,,,,,,, ODR, ODR, 4. ADR, ODR,, ADR,,,,,, ODR,,,,,, 5. ODR, ODR,,ODR, ;,,, ODR, 51,,,,,, :,,,?,,,,?, ODR, /,, Adobe Acrobat, 151

2003 6 ;,,,,, ( ) ODR ODR ADR,ODR ADR ;,,ODR, : 1. ADR,, ODR,,ODR ADR,ODR : ODR ( ISPS) ; ODR, ODR, SquareTrade Amazon. com ODR : Amazon. com Amazon. com SquareTrade. com,, Amazon. com,amazon. com,,,odr,,, ODR ;,ODR, B2C,,,ODR ADR,,, www. asia - steel. com ODR :,,, : (1) ( ichinalaw. com ) ; (2) ( ichinalaw. com ) ; (3) ( ichinalaw. com ),, ichinalaw,,www. asia - steel. com ODR, www. asia - steel. com,, ODR 2., ODR,,, : (1), ; (2) ; (3), ; (4), see Amazon. com website, available at http :/ / www. amazon. com/ exec/ obidos/ subst/ misc/ policy(last visited Sept 24,2002). Joseph A. Zavaletta, J. D,Using a E - dispute Technology to Facilitate the Resolution of E - contract Disputes : a Modest Proposal, University of Florida Journal of Technology Law and Policy, Volume 7,June 2002,No. 1. pp. 14-16. :, 1996, 759 :, 1999, 326 152

,, ODR,,,, 1998 1 1 17,,,,,,,,,ODR,ODR ADR,ODR ADR, ODR,,,1961 7 1 :,,,,, :, ODR,,, ODR,,,, lex loci sever,,,,,, (B2C),,, (OECD),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, UCC 2B,,,,, ISP,,,, :, 1999, 331 :, 1999, 287 153

2003 6,, /,,,,,,, /,, ;,, ;,, 3. ODR, ODR,,, (the Full Faith and Credit Clause) ODR ADR,,,,,, ( ),,, ( ), 2 2,, 2 2,,,,,,,,,, : 7 1988,, 2,,,ODR ;,,,,, ODR, (Web Seals) (Trustmark) (Code of Online Business Practices), ODR, ODR,,, ISPS ODR, ODR,, see Article IV,Section 1 of the US. Constitution. :, 2000 12 :, 1999, 285 154

, e - Bay. com ODR, e - Bay. com ;, 30 ;30,, e - Bay. com,, e - Bay. com,odr 4. ODR (mouse - to - mouse) (ODR) (face - to - face) ADR,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,, ODR,,,,,, ODR /, 5. ODR ODR,,, ADR,ODR ADR ODR, /,, / ADR,,,,,,,,,,,,Squaretrade. com 6. ODR ODR,, : ODR ODR ODR see e - Bay. com. website, available at http :/ / www. e - Bay. com (last visited sept 24,2002). Joseph A. Zavaletta, J. D,Using a E - dispute Technology to Facilitate the Resolution of E - contract Disputes : a Modest Proposal, University of Florida Journal of Technology Law and Policy, Volume 7,June 2002,No. 1. pp. 14-16. 155

2003 6 ODR ODR, ISPS, ODR, (ADR),,,,,,,,,,,,,,, B2C, B2C,,,,, B2C, WTO,,,,,,,,,,ODR,ADR,, ODR, :, ODR,,,,,,, ODR,,,,,, 5,,, ODR,,,,, : 18,,,,ODR, ODR, ODR :, 2000, 156

:,,,, ODR, ;, ODR,,,,,,,,,, ODR,,,,,,,, ODR,,,ODR,,,, (ODR) Abstract :With the rapid development of E - commerce, more transnational and trans - regional transactions have been occurring in the world, which arose a number of civil and commercial disputes involving different nations and regions whose law varies. In order to meet the demands of the practice, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) has arisen in American and European countries. This article can be divided into three parts : in the first part, the authors introduce some characteristics of E - contract and analyze the difficulties of E - commerce dispute resolution under litigation. Then the authors put forward a new dispute resolution mechanism - ODR aimed at resolving E - commerce dispute specifically, in this part, the general situation of ODR development in this planet and two main patterns of ODR are introduced, and the benefits and concerns of ODR are also analyzed ; finally, the authors suggest that China establish and develop ODR as soon as possible in spite the legal obstacles in present China law. : ( : ) 157