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1 * 1 *


BIBLID 0254-4466(2003)21:1 pp. 279-306 21 1 92 6 * 279

280 21 1 1 1130-1200 Ernst Cassirer, 1874-1945 Sprache und 1 1990 1 1

281 Mythos symbols organs 2 holy priority 3 2 1998 9-10 3 Karl Wilhelm von Humboldt, 1767-1835 10-11

282 21 1 4 5 6 127-200 7? 8 232-300 9 488-545 10 4 2001 7 341 5 1990 2 68 6 1990 22 7 1970 1 8 1968 6 307 9 1981 6 72 10 2001 4

283 466?-539? 11 145? 135?- 87?B.C. 12 179?-104?B.C. 260-?B.C. 11 1986 1 21 12 1982 130 3297

284 21 1 13 14 13 1984 7 21-22 14 9 27-97 1976 28 2 32-92 1975 30 1723

285 15 16 15 1987 1-2 16 1

286 21 1 17 18 model 222-284 17 1033-1107 1981 9 600 18 1989 1 1

287 19 20 19 2001 1 14-16 20 1984 49-50

288 21 1 21 22 21 768-824 1984 1 26 22 1994 10 162

289 23 23 15 19 -

290 21 1 24 25 26 24 2001 61 1890 25 30 1708 47 26 2

291 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 27 3 28 5 29 5 30 6 31 6 32 7 33 7 34 8

292 21 1 35 36 37 38 39 35 9 36 9 37 2 38 1 10 18 39 3

293 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 40 41 42 43 44 3-45 3 46 24 1888 47 1 4

294 21 1 48 49 50 1 12-28 28 1893 48 24 21 766 49 22 831-832 50

295 51 52 1 18-19 2001 1 126 51 2002 3-58 1993 183-202 52

296 21 1 53 54 55 15 2-3 53 1 1 54 1 4 55 1 3 1 3 1 5 1 7

297 56 57 1811-1883 58 59 56 1 7 57 1 13 58 1964 1 2-3 59 1 1 1 3

298 21 1 60 61 62 60 1 1 61 2 62 1968 2 -

299 63 64 65 66 63 2 64 1 65 12 66 1 7-8

300 21 1 67 68 67 1019-1083 1965 3 2 68 1 14

301 69 70 71 69 3-4 70 1 2 71 2

302 21 1 72 Thomas S. Kuhn, 1922-1996 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions incommensurable paradigms 73 72 2002 53-68 73 1989 203-206

303 represent cultural form 74 74 Edward W. Said, 1935- Culture and Imperialism 19 cultural form 2001 33-49

304 21 1 11 2002 6 29-30

305 Classical Confucian Hermeneutics and the Reconstruction of an Ideal World: A Study of Zhu Xi s Interpretations of Zhounan and Shaonan Chih-hsin Chen* Abstract This paper looks at Zhu Xi s commentary on the Zhounan and Shaonan sections in his Shiji zhuan in an attempt to show how, in the Confucian hermeneutical tradition, the commentator goes beyond merely giving explanations of particular words and sentences to engage in reconstructing a picture of an ideal world embedded in the text. We suggest that in the process of examining the meaning of a single word or sentence, an entire section, or even the arrangement of individual works in a classic, Confucian commentators pull together varied elements to construct a picture of an ideal world that either ought to exist or is preserved in the text. (At times the annotator will go beyond the scope of a single work and bring in elements from other classics in his discussion to give an even more detailed and elaborate view of that ideal world). Armed with this utopian vision, the Confucian then goes on to size up the world in which he lives in relation to the ideal world of the classics and offer up educational or political methods that would help shorten the distance between the present and the classical ideal. * Chih-hsin Chen is an assistant professor in the Department of Chinese Literature at National Taiwan University.

306 21 1 Keywords: Confucian classics, Book of Songs, Zhu Xi, Shiji zhuan, Chinese hermeneutics