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1 19932 19954 2 2001911 3 national security threat weapons of mass destruction 21 2003.03.3059

homeland defense 1986 207 NSDD-207 19933 19954 19956 39 PDD- homeland security 39 6 4 19985 6263 PDD-62 and-63 7 Office of National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counterterrorism PDD-39-62 lead agency supporting agency Foreign Emergency Support Team, FEST Coordinating Subgroup Guidelines for the Mobilization, Deployment, and Employment of U.S. Government Elements in Response to an Overseas Terrorist Incident, or 5 60 21 2003.03.30

International Guidelines Preparedness Program Domestic Emergency Support Team, DEST Guidelines for the Mobilization, Deployment, and Employment of U.S. Government Elements in Response to a Domestic Terrorist Threat or Incidence in Accordance With Presidential Decision Directive 39, or Domestic Guidelines United States Government Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan, or CONPLAN 19924 Federal Response Plan and Terrorism Incident Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA consequence management Federal Response Plan FESTDEST 1996 Defense Against Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 1996 Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Act 9 Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Domestic 199812 Attorney General s Five-Year Interagency Counterterrorism and Technology Crime Plan Annex19972 Terrorism Incident Annex 8 21 2003.03.3061

1992 2000 Trailblazer Project 10 11 2001 5 Directorate of Administration information technology finance security global support 12 13 International Counterterrorism Operations Center 1998 National Defense Preparedness Office 15 19982 National Infrastructure Protection Center 5 PDD-63 human resources 16 14 1995.61998.6 62 21 2003.03.30

19 Donald Rumsfeld Total & Comprehensive Security 20 17 2002 7 National Strategy for Homeland National Strategy for Security Combating Terrorism 18 homeland security National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass 2001221 Destruction The Report of U.S. National Commission on National Security in the 21 st Century National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace National Money Laundering Strategy 21 2003.03.3063

National Defense Strategy National Drug Control Strategy 21 25 Office of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security 22 USA Freedom Corps 23 risk management 24-1. 64 21 2003.03.30

2. Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection Division 3. Homeland Security Advisory System 4. dual-use analysis 5. red team 26 1. 2. smart border 3. 4. 2001 Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001 safety security 5. 6. 21 2003.03.3065

Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act 1. Joint Terrorism Task Forces, JTTF 2. National Crime Information Center, NCIC 3. Penttom 4. Flying Squad 5. Financial Review Group Operation Greenquest 6. Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task force 27 1. 28 2. 66 21 2003.03.30

3. 85% 4. 5. National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace 6. National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center 7. 8. 1. 2. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC CDC 3. 4. 5. 21 2003.03.3067

National Biological Weapons Analysis Center FEMA 1. a single all-discipline incident management plan Federal Incident Management Plan 29 Crisis Management Consequence Management 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. total force 2002 4 U.S. Northern Command 9. 10. 2003 2002 2003 68 21 2003.03.30

11. Emergency Management Institute Center for Domestic Preparedness National Domestic Preparedness Consortium 12. 30 1. 2003 2002 31 2. 3. 21 2003.03.3069

4. 5. 1932 1984 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 2002 2003 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 70 21 2003.03.30

e 1. Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office 2. National Crime Information Center National Enforcement Telecommunications Systems.gov 3. 4. SAFECOM 5. Health Alert Network 1. 32 2. 2001 11 3. 4. 5. 21 2003.03.3071

33 34 35 72 21 2003.03.30

21 2003.03.3073

36 37 74 21 2003.03.30

1. 1993 2 26 1995419 1996626 1996 727 199887 20001012 2. 3. 10 90 1026 911 911 30 DRI-WEFA 911 2003 4. 5. crisis management 6.PDD-39 1) 2) 3) 7.PDD-62 PDD-63 21 2003.03.3075

8.GAO, Combating Terrorism: Selected Challenges and Related Recommendations, GAO-01-822, September 2001, pp. 54-56. 9.GAO, Combating Terrorism: Selected Challenges and Related Recommendations, pp. 33-35. 10. 200011 11. 20011 12. 20011 13.GAO, Combating Terrorism: Issues to Be Resolved to Improve Counterterrorism Operations, GAO/NSIAD-99-135, May 1999, pp. 7-9. 14.See Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Counterterrorism Intelligence Capabilities and Performance Prior to 9-11, A Report to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Minority Leader, July 2002. 15.201 85 116 (143) (99) (76) (68) (65) (47) (36) (24) (21) (12) (10) (36) GAO, Combating Terrorism: Analysis of Federal Counterterrorist Exercises, June 1999. GAO/NSIAD-99-157BR, 16.GAO, Combating Terrorism: Issues to Be Resolved to Improve Counterterrorism Operations. 17.Quoted from Chris Seiple, Homeland Security Concepts and Strategy, Orbis, Spring 2002, p. 265. 18.Office of Homeland Security, White House, National Strategy for Homeland Security, July 2002. 19.Office of Homeland Security, White House, National Strategy for Homeland Security. 20. National Security Council Homeland Security Council 76 21 2003.03.30

21.Office of Homeland Security, National Strategy for Homeland Security, p. 5. 22.President George W. Bush, The Department of Homeland Security, June 2002. 23. Computer Security Division of the Technology Terrorism Information and Prevention System, TIPS Operation TIPS20028 24.GAO, Homeland Security: A Risk Management Approach Can Guide Preparedness Efforts, GAO-02-208T, 31 October 2001. 25. 26.GAO, Aviation Security: Terrorist Acts Illustrate Severe Weaknesses in Aviation Security, GAO-01-1166T, 20 September 2001. 27.GAO, Critical Infrastructure Protection: Significant Challenges in Developing Analysis, Warning, and Response Capability, GAO-01-1005T, 25 July 2001. 28. Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office Critical Infrastructure Protection Center Federal Computer Incident Response Center National Institute of Standards and National Communications System 29. Federal Response Plan National Contingency Plan Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan Bioterrorism Response Plan 30. Civilian Biodefense Research Program (HHS) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Energy)National BW Defense 21 2003.03.3077

Analysis Center (New) Plum Island Animal Disease Center (Agriculture) Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (HHS)Federal Computer Incident Response Center (GSA)National Communications System (Defense) National Infrastructure Protection Center (FBI) National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (Energy) Immigration and Naturalization Service (Justice) Customs Service (Treasury) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (Agriculture) Coast Guard (Transportation)Federal Protective Service (GSA) Transportation Security Service 32. (Transportation) International Terrorism, Report of the Federal Emergency Management Agency Chemical- Biological-Radiological and Nuclear Response Assets (HHS) Domestic Emergence Support Team (Interagency) Nuclear Incident Response (Energy)Office of Domestic Preparedness (Justice) National Domestic Preparedness Office (FBI) 31. 2002 2003 33.GAO, Homeland Security: Effective Intergovernmental Coordination Is Key to Success, GAO-02-1013T, 23 August 2002. 34.Congressional Research Service, Homeland Security Office: Issues and Options, RL31421, 20 May 2002. 35. 36.See Countering the Changing Threat of National Commission on Terrorism. 37. Juliette N. Kayyem, U.S. Preparations for Biological Terrorism: Legal Limitations and the Need for Planning, RAND, March 2001. 78 21 2003.03.30

1979114 1983418 19831024 19831212 1984920 1985614 71 1985108 19851227 198642 198645 198695 1987114 19881221 1993226 1995419 19951113 1996625 199887 199887 19991112 20001020 2001911 21 2003.03.3079

2001. 9. 11 FEMA HHS NRC 2001. 9. 13 2001. 9. 14 Proc. 7463 2001. 9. 17 Anti-Terrorism Task Force 2001. 9. 18 2001. 9. 20 Office of Homeland Security Tom Ridge 2001. 9. 25 2001. 9. 27 2001. 10. 8 E.O. Office of Homeland Security 2001. 10. 9 E.O. Office of Combating Terrorism Wayne Downing National Director for Combating Terrorism E.O.Richard Clarke Special Advisor for Cyberspace Security 2001. 10. 16 E.O. President s Critical Infrastructure Protection Board 2001. 10. 22 E.O. 2001. 10. 23 Office of Anti-Terrorism 2001. 10. 25 Operation Greenquest 2001. 10. 26 The USA Patriot Act 2001. 10. 29 Homeland Security Council Homeland Security Presidential Directive-1, HSPD-2 Foreign Terrorist Tracking Force 2001. 10. 30 80 21 2003.03.30

2001. 11. 8 CNCS Presidential Task Force on Citizen Preparedness in the War Against Terrorism 2001. 11. 19 2001. 11. 28 2002 2001. 11. 29 2001. 12. 3 2001. 12. 10 Operation Shield America 2001. 12. 12 secure and smart border 2002. 1. 10 2002. 1. 11 2003 4 9 2002. 1. 17 2002. 1. 18 2002. 1. 25 2003 2002. 1. 30 USA Freedom Corps 2002. 2. 3 Secret Service National Special Security Event 36 2002. 2. 4 2003 2002 2003 2002. 2. 8-24 Secret Service National Special Security Event 2002 2002. 2. 25 2002. 2. 26 2002. 3. 1 2002. 3. 5 NSCC 2002. 3. 8 2002. 3. 12 HSPD-3 Homeland Security Advisory System 2002. 3. 19 President s Homeland Security Advisory Council Senior Advisory Committee 21 2003.03.3081

2002. 3. 22 smart border 2002. 3. 25 Honeywell International 2002. 4. 5 2002. 4. 8 2002. 4 U.S. Northern Command 2002. 5. 10 2002. 5. 14 2002. 5. 22 Associate DCI for Homeland Security 2002. 5. 29 2002. 6. 12 2002. 6. 18 Department of Homeland Security 2002. 7. 16 National Strategy for Homeland Security 2002. 8. 14 2002. 9. 20 National Security Strategy of the United States of America 2002. 9. 24 20026 2002 7 2002 2003 Major Funding Emergency The President s FY2003 FY2002 Enacted FY2002 Total Category Supplemental Budget Request Supporting first responders $291 $651 $942 $3,500 Defending against biological terrorism 1,408 3,730 5,138 5,898 Securing American borders 8,752 1,194 9,946 10,615 Using 21 st century technology for 155 75 230 722 homeland security Aviation security 1,543 1,035 2,578 4,800 DOD homeland security 4,201 689 4,890 6,815 Other non-dod homeland security 3,186 2,384 5,570 5,352 Total $19,536 $9,758 $29,294 $37,702 GAO, Homeland Security: Responsibility And Accountability For Achieving National Goals, GAO-02-627T, 11 April 2002. 82 21 2003.03.30