扩大保障范围 提升福利水平 积极推动儿童福利由补缺型向适度普惠型转变

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Expanding the Scope of Protection for Children in China Strengthening the Child Welfare System From a Residual Towards a Universal Approach Keynote Speech at the High Level Meeting on Cooperation for Child Rights in the Asia Pacific Region Vice Minister Sun Shaocheng Ministry of Civil Affairs, People s Republic of China 5 November 2010, Beijing, China 扩大保障范围提升福利水平积极推动儿童福利由补缺型向适度普惠型转变 在亚太地区儿童权利国际合作高级别会议上的主旨发言中华人民共和国民政部副部长孙绍骋 2010 年 11 月 5 日中国 北京

The Development of China s Child Welfare System 中国的儿童福利体系发展过程 China s child welfare system was originally based a residual approach Limited coverage, only limited to orphans, abandoned children and street children cared for by institutions Today, the scope of China s child welfare system is being expanded Family support, community-based services, and alternative residential care all play an important role 过去, 中国的儿童福利一直采取补缺型的儿童福利 服务对象主要局限于儿童福利机构集中供养的孤儿和弃婴, 以及流浪儿童 今天, 政府对儿童的保障范围已经逐步扩展 在政府的主导下, 一个以家庭为基础 社区为依托 机构为骨干的中国儿童福利体系已经基本建立

Current and Future Developments (I) 当前和今后的发展 ( 一 ) To gradually expand the scope of child welfare - shift from a residual approach towards a universal approach - To include poor and vulnerable children in the social security system Dibao (subsistence allowance program)and Wubao (Five Guarantees program me guaranteeing support and relief to poor and vulnerable population in rural areas) By August end, 12,960,000 children under 18 received Dibao and Wubao, all most all poor and vulnerable children have been covered - To provide improved medical care and rehabilitation services to poor and vulnerable children - To expand the coverage of child welfare system 逐步拓展儿童福利的保障范围, 积极推进儿童福利由补缺型向适度普惠型转变 将贫困儿童纳入最低生活保障和农村五保供养范围, 基本实现了应保尽保 对特殊困难儿童的医疗康复予以扶助 逐步扩展儿童福利的保障范围

Current and Future Developments (II) 当前和今后的发展 ( 二 ) To improve the provision of child welfare services through families, communities and alternative residential care - To strengthen the primary role of the family, to support families of vulnerable children, encourage and support kinship care for orphans so that they maintain family and community ties - To develop child friendly community and community-based response and referral mechanisms to provide child welfare services for children in need of protection - To diversify the services provided by child welfare institutions and protection centres, provide outreach support to children in their families and communities, especially children with disabilities 坚持家庭 社区和福利机构相结合, 进一步健全儿童福利服务体系 强化家庭的基础性地位, 为特殊困难儿童的家庭提供帮扶, 鼓励孤儿的亲属抚养孤儿, 以维系儿童原有的血缘 亲缘和地缘关系 使儿童在安全 和谐 便利的环境中, 参与社区活动, 得到快速的救助服务 在满足在院儿童需要的基础上, 儿童福利和保护机构开始向社区特别是残疾儿童家庭提供辐射服务

Current and Future Developments (III) 当前和今后的发展 ( 三 ) To strengthen the child welfare system through government leadership and civil society participation Child welfare system development has been integrated into the national and local social and economic development strategies and government plans A comprehensive strategy has been established guided by the State, driven by MCA, engaging various government departments, and directed to the whole of society On October 2010, the Chinese Government adopted a new national policy providing cash allowances and improved provision of services for all orphans in kinship and state care in China, allocating RMB2.5 billion for this purpose To strengthen civil society participation in child welfare 坚持政府主导与社会参与相结合, 健全儿童福利工作机制 政府将儿童福利事业纳入国民经济和社会发展总体规划 相关专项规划和年度计划, 建立了 政府主导, 民政牵头, 部门协作, 社会参与 的儿童福利工作机制 2010 年 10 月, 中国政府决定, 建立与国家经济社会发展水平相适应的孤儿保障制度 孤儿保障制度的建立, 是中国儿童福利事业制度化建设的纪元和发端, 具有里程碑的意义 培育和发展儿童福利领域的社会组织

Current and Future Developments (IV) 当前和今后的发展方向 ( 四 ) To strengthen the child welfare system through policy and legislation development and professionalization Developing policy and legislation to promote and protect child rights and child development. China is developing a new Child Welfare Act to strengthen the child welfare and protection system Improving the effectiveness of child welfare services through the development of a highly qualified and professional service force, beginning with social work for children 43,000 social workers have have successfully obtained social work certification 坚持法制化 专业化相结合, 提升儿童福利事业发展水平 建立健全保护儿童权益和促进儿童发展的法律和政策 目前, 已经开始研究制定 儿童福利条例, 将儿童福利和保护体系建立在坚实的法律基础之上 以建立儿童福利领域的社会工作人才为突破, 建设一支高素质 专业化的服务队伍, 提高儿童福利服务水平

Remaining Challenges 面临的挑战 Child welfare coverage is still narrow There remain a large number of children in need of special protection who are not fully covered by the system The protection system for vulnerable children still needs further development and must be improved There is a wide gap between the living standards of poor vulnerable children and society s average 儿童福利覆盖面窄, 享受福利保障的儿童人数占全体儿童总数的比例较低 ; 特殊困难儿童保障体系还不够健全 ; 特殊困难儿童总体生活状况与社会平均水平还有较大差距

On the basis of equal and mutual benefits, the Chinese government would like to strengthen its cooperation with all countries in the Asia and Pacific region, to fulfill the rights of children and to create a better world and future for all children! Thank you! 中国政府愿意在平等互利的基础上, 加强同亚太各国在儿童福利事业的交流与合作, 为本区域内的广大儿童创造一个更加幸福美好的明天! 谢谢大家!