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3 The Banning and "Revival" of Han Music in Wartime Taiwan: Based on the Observations Made by the Taiwan Music Investigation Team in 1943 Ying-fen Wang * Abstract The musical life in wartime Taiwan used to be simplistically described by the cliché jin guyue (literally the banning of drum and music ). But recently some researchers have pointed out that, after the softening of the kominka or Japanization policy in 1941, there appeared to be a revival of Taiwanese music as a result of the intervention by the Japanese. On the one hand, the Japanese tried to control Taiwanese music. On the other hand, they also promoted it in order to further facilitate the Japanization of the Taiwanese people. There were two examples of such so-called conditional revival of Taiwanese music: one was the reappearance of Taiwanese music on the radio, and the other was the expansion of the so-called New Taiwan Music Movement. So far neither these two examples nor the banning of Taiwanese music during the wartime have been researched in depth. In view of this gap, this paper takes the music of the Han people in Taiwan as its focus and uses the observations made by Kurosawa Takatomo as a member of the Taiwan Music Investigation Team in order to outline Japan s colonial policy toward Taiwanese music. This paper shows that the period of the team s visit happened to be an important * Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Musicology, National Taiwan University.

4 turning point in t. First, although the Japanese banned the public performances of Han music and replaced the Confucian ceremony with Shinto-style rituals, religious music resumed its activities, and Confucian traditional ceremony was held to facilitate the work of the Investigation Team. Secondly, with the starting the Second Broadcast in October 1942, Taiwanese music was allowed to reappear on the radio. Thirdly, the New Taiwan Music Movement is now getting ready to turn itself into an island-wide movement. However, these seeming revival of Han music is only conditional revival. Thus, the holding of traditional Confucian ceremony had to be altered and explained in certain ways in order to meet the need of the Japanization movement and the rhetoric of the Dai Toa Kyoeiken (Great Asia Co-prosperity Circle); the radio program promoted innovated Taiwan music with Japanese and wartime elements to raise morale and to propogate the Japanese spirit; the New Taiwan Music Movement was making further reformations of Taiwanese music in order to enhance the Japanization movement and to contribute to the creation of the music of the Great Asia. Keywords: Japanese colonialism, kominka movement, Kurosawa Takatomo, radio program, New Taiwan Music Movement

5 1937-1945 1937 1941 1943

6 1940 1941 1 1941 1942 7 1942 10 2 3 4 1 1943 2002 20 Kominka and Taiwan s Local Culture Movement: An Alternative Context for the Emergence of Minzoku Taiwan, 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (March 9-13, 2000), San Diego, California, USA, 18 1937.7-1945.8 1994 1999 174-80 2002 276-83 1942 2004.8 66-78 2 280-81 3 1943 24 4 281 1943

7 1943 1943 1 5 5 1943 1 26 5 3 6 24-25 5 桝 1895-1987 1939 6 1973

8 5 7 78 26 1943 12 4 8 9 2001 7 10 2001 613-31 2001 11 22-25 7 8 1973 1974 SJL-78-79 9 5 1 (1976.1) 90-98 湾 辺 黒沢 22 2 2003.3 301-12 10

9 11 1943 12 11 ( 1969) 12 1944.234-37 1944 1943 5


11 1 2 3 2 7 2 9 2 8 13 13

12 1939 1938 12 12 15 12 27 14 1943 3 27 15 16 3 27 14 1938 12 16 12 20 1938 12 24 12 27 12 28 1940 10 3 1940 10 10 1936 2003 104 15 16

13 17 3 29 18 17 1942 1942 620 18 1943 3 31 19 1943.9.23 2003 7 1 2004 8 26

14 1943 1942 5 1942 21 1938 1941 1943 20 1943 2 12 1943 2 13 1943 11 30 1943 12 1 1943 9 27 1943 9 26 1940 1943 1940 9 28 1942 10 7 1943 9 27 21 2 5 1942.5 36-42 22 1938 5 11 1938 5 11 1994 337 23 1992 229 267277

15 1928 12 22 24 1942 10 11 25 26 1944 4 25 1 31 2 4 27 1942 10 1943 4 1942 10 1942 10 24 2000 293-311 25 20 10 1998 213-16 14-40 26 1936 1943 1989 27 10 10-11 8698112

16 1942 10 12 1943 1 4 4 6 15 9 6 28 1943 1 10 1943 2 1943 1 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 12 8 28 1942 10 161 (1942.10.1) 21

17 29 1943 1 1943 2 cabaret 1 28 2 6 2 9 3 14 29 1942 11 11

18 2 6 1930 30 1939 12 1940 5 7 30 1943 6 17 21

19 1940 5 7 30 9 23 1940 1941 6 31 7 1941 10 32 1942 7 1942 10 12 1943 5 33 6 1940 31 1943 23 32 1941 10 910 33 175 1943.5.15 21 4 2 1955.8 36 1943 6 15

20 34 35 5 12 34 1936 2003 376 1937 1937 5 24 35 20 23

21 36 1943 37 36 18 8 1943.8 98-102 175 1943.5.15 21 37 1943 6 21

22 38 39 40 41 38 1946 1949 1936 1936 2002 132140212214 39 40 2002 41 99

23 17 (1942) (1936) 1989 2001 613-31 2001 11 22-25 1943 6 17 21 1943 2002 2000 293-311 Kominka and Taiwan s Local Culture Movement: An Alternative Context for the Emergence of Minzoku Taiwan, 52 nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (March 9-13, 2000), San Diego, California, USA. 5 1 1976.1 90-98 2003 20 10 1998 2002

24 1999 174-80 1994 23 2004.8 66-78 2002 18 8 1943.8 98-102 19 4 2 1955.8 36 2 5 1942.5 36-42 湾 辺黒沢 22 2 2003.3 301-12 (1969) 21-60 2 2 1944.2 34-37 1973 SJL- 78-79. 1994 2003