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2002 10 1-28 Inquiry into Yan Yan-Zhi s The Chant of Five Virtuous Men and Xiao Tong s The Chant of Shan Tao and Wang Rong Chiang Chien-Chun National Cheng Kung University Abstract 1

In the Southern Dynasty Sung, Yan Yan-Zhi composed The Chant of Five Virtuous Men, in this chant, he praised The Seven Virtuous Men in the Bamboo Forest, but he dismissed Shan Tao and Wang Rong intentionally. He said that they were noble and famous ; therefore, he discarded them. However, in my point of view, I assert that the reason why he did not praise Shan-Tao and Wang-Rong is that he thought Shan and Wang rose and sank with the world, good at grasping the chances, and seemed like losing the spirit of Bamboo Forest. Meanwhile, in this dissertation, I traced back to the background when Yan Yan-Zhi composed The Chant of Five Virtuous Men. From Jin Dynasty to Sung Dynasty, experiencing Emperor Sao and King Ru-Lin s death, till Emperor Wen purged his government and eliminated primary minister s Yi-Kang clique. Yan-Zhi was in the period of political conflict and group dispute; due to his forthrightness, he disobeyed those who held the power. Therefore, he was exiled to other places to be a prefecture chief twice and was punished to feel remorse on his own for seven years; hence, out of resentment, he composed The Chant of Five Virtuous Men. this work had gained a lot of reputation ever since, because his evaluation matched the character and behavior of Five Virtuous Men. In order to know the exact meaning of The Chant of Five Virtuous Men, The Ism of Seven Virtuous Men, which was written by Shen Yue as well is analyzed in this dissertation. Finally, two poems The Chant of Shan Tao and Wang Rong composed by Zhao-Ming the Prince Royal are discussed deeply, the explaination is offered for two poems which are not composed referring to the rise of hatred after the Event of Burying Wax Goose happened. When Xiao Tong compiled Wen-Xuan a well-known selection noted for essays of florid style of early centuries, he made up a deficiency that Yan Yan-Zhi didn t praise Shan and Wang and affirmed again that Shan and Wang could get along with their emperor very well. Key Words: the Chant of Five Virtuous Men, The Seven Virtuous Men in the Bamboo Forest, Shi-Shou-Shin-Yu, Zhao-Ming Wen-Xuan, Noble and famous, The Eight Virtuous Men, The mandate of a family 2

1 1 2001.07 7-8 3

2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 67-84 6 272-273 4

7 8 7 1489-1492 8 1485-1486 5

9 10 11 12 13 9 10 1733 11 1363 703 12 1335-1341 13 6

14 15 16 17 18 14 481-485 1976.3 126-127 1973.2 126-127 1973.2 15 1772 16 539 17 1891 18 7

19 20 21 22 23 24 19 20 1818 21 1791-1792 22 877-881 23 24 8

25 26 27 28 29 猨 30 31 25 26 785 879 27 1996.2 268 880 28 782 29 30 786 31 9

32 33 34 32 33 34 10

35 36 35 36 11

37 37 281-303 12

38 39 40 41 42 43 38 288-290 39 40 995-996 41 1360 42 1994.05 1-28 43 668 13

44 45 46 47 48 44 1564 45 46 47 1974.5 205 48 14

49 50 51 49 33 50 51 529-574 15

52 53 54 55 52 79 53 54 1991.5 75-84 55 460 16

56 57 58 56 57 717 58 17

59 60 59 60 18

61 62 63 64 65 66 61 62 168-169 63 64 65 422 66 423 19

67 67 242 20

68 69 68 1189 69 681 21

70 71 70 71 1224-1225 22

72 73 74 75 72 231-258 73 1286 74 170 75 1544 23

76 77 78 76 77 781 873 78 1231-1235 24

79 80 79 80 874 25

81 82 83 84 85 81 645 82 83 1235 84 1232 85 537-538 26

86 86 881 27

87 87 28