图书在版编目 (CIP) 数据新编高等学校英语应用能力考试辅导.B 级 / 赵颖, 张秀芹主编. 修订本. 上海 : 上海外语教育出版社,2015 ISBN Ⅰ. 1 新 Ⅱ. 1 赵 2 张 Ⅲ. 1 英语 高等职业教育 水平考试 自学参考资料 Ⅳ. 1H31

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新编高等学校英语应用能力考试辅导 ( B 级 ) ( 修订版 ) 主编 : 赵颖张秀芹参编 : 尹玉峰孙世娟江颖杜娟秦冬梅李晖 上海外语教育出版社

图书在版编目 (CIP) 数据新编高等学校英语应用能力考试辅导.B 级 / 赵颖, 张秀芹主编. 修订本. 上海 : 上海外语教育出版社,2015 ISBN 978-7-5446-4025-1 Ⅰ. 1 新 Ⅱ. 1 赵 2 张 Ⅲ. 1 英语 高等职业教育 水平考试 自学参考资料 Ⅳ. 1H31 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2015) 第 179290 号

新编高等学校英语应用能力考试系列教材 编委会 ( 编委排名不分先后 ) 赵颖南京工业职业技术学院 吕健江苏农林职业技术学院 郑坤启杨丽敏武选民张燕如龚艳薇刘万生 常州机电职业技术学院南京金肯职业技术学院连云港职业技术学院江苏工程职业技术学院徐州生物工程职业技术学院南通职业大学 朱婧江苏护理职业学院 郑洪成 江苏食品药品职业技术学院

前 言 新编高等学校英语应用能力考试辅导 ( 修订版 ) 包括 A 级和 B 级, 分别按 高等学校英语应用能力 (PRETCO) 考试大纲 (2014 年修订, 以下简称 新大纲 ) 中的 A 级和 B 级两个不同层次的命题要求编写 本册书为 B 级辅导, 包括 新大纲 规定的全部考试题型及 高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求 中指定的全部 B 级内容, 配有解题指导 专项训练 模拟练习 真题和备考词汇, 并提供听力部分的 mp3 录音下载 全书共分四章, 第一章为 高等学校英语应用能力考试 (PRETCO) 考试大纲 ( B 级 ); 第二章为解题指导与专项训练, 按 新大纲 提供的样题进行编排, 共分五节 第一节为听力理解部分 这一部分侧重对听力题型和听力技巧的分析说明, 对解题方法 技巧和思路等方面对学生进行指导, 并设计了大量模拟训练 第二节为词汇和语法结构部分 根据考试大纲, 对非谓语动词 动词的时态与语态 词性 虚拟语气 主谓一致 构词法等词汇和语法点进行了讲解, 并通过大量的训练题切实加强学生的语法基础 第三节为阅读理解部分 这一部分讲解了基本的阅读技巧, 汇编了多篇考试中可能出现的不同题材的文章, 以供训练 第四节为翻译部分 这一部分重点论述各种英汉翻译技巧, 并提供大量单句与段落的翻译实例与练习, 供学生揣摩与训练 第五节为写作部分 这一部分着重介绍几种实用文体及其写作方法, 如贺卡与名片 证明与证书 表格与单据 各类信函 商务传真 合同等的格式与写作技巧, 同时配有范文和模拟练习, 以提高学生实用文体的写作能力 第三章为模拟实战 ( 含两套模拟试题 ) 第四章为真题再现 ( 含 6 套全真试题 ) 附录为 B 级备考词汇以及高等学校英语应用能力考试口试大纲 本书紧扣 新大纲, 涵盖其规定的所有题型, 针对性强 ; 题目难度适中, 题量充足 ; 考点解析详尽, 可供全国高职高专和成人高等教育学生进行高校英语应用能力考试 (B 级 ) 考前复习和强化训练 编者 2015 年 7 月 -1 -

目 录 第一章高等学校英语应用能力考试 (PRETCO) 考试大纲 (B 级 ) 1 第二章解题指导与专项训练 4 第三章模拟实战 104 第四章真题再现 124-1 -

总述 我国高等职业教育的教学目标是培养高级应用型人才 其英语教学应贯彻 实用 为主 应用为目的 的方针 既要传授学生必要的英语语言基础知识 也应培养学生运 用英语进行涉外日常交际与业务工作的能力 高等学校英语应用能力考试就是为检 测高等职业院校和高等专科院校学生是否达到规定的教学要求 是否符合我国社会 和经济发展对职业人员的需求而设置的考试 本考试既测试语言知识 也测试语言 技能 既测试一般性语言内容 也测试与涉外业务有关的应用性内容 高等学校英语应用能力考试分为笔试和口试 分别实施 以适应考生的不同需 求 笔试测试考生的英语语言知识和听 读 译 写四种英语技能 口试测试考生的听 说技能 本大纲为笔试大纲 考虑到我国目前高等职业教育的教学现状和学生的入学英语水平 本考试分为 A 级考试和 B 级考试 A 级考试适用于已完成高职教育英语课程的考生 B 级考试 适用于达到高职教育英语课程基础要求的考生 客观性试题有信度较高 覆盖面广的优点 而主观性试题有利于提高测试的效 度 能更好地检测考生运用语言的能力 为此 本考试采用主客观题混合题型 以保 证良好的信度和效度 本考试按百分制计分 满分为 100 分 60 分及 60 分以上为及格 85 分及 85 分以上为 优秀 考试成绩合格者可获得 高等学校英语应用能力考试 相应级别的合格证书 高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲 B 级 一 考试对象 B 级考试适用于达到高职教育英语课程基础要求的高等职业教育 普通高等专 科教育 成人高等教育和本科独立学院各非英语专业的学生 -1-

二 考试性质 本考试的目的是考查学生的英语基础知识 语言技能以及使用英语进行简单的涉外日常交际与业务实际的能力, 其性质是教学水平考试 三 考试方式与内容 考试方式为笔试, 包括五个部分 : 听力理解 词汇和语法结构 阅读理解 翻译 ( 英译汉 ) 和写作 / 汉译英 第一部分 : 听力理解 (Listening Comprehension) 本部分测试考生理解所听问题并快速作出回答 理解简短对话的能力和听写词语的能力 听力材料的朗读语速为每分钟 100 词 听力材料以简单的涉外交际和涉外业务交际内容为主 词汇限于本大纲 词汇表 中 B 级范围 本部分的得分占总分的 24%, 测试时间为 25 分钟 第二部分 : 词汇和语法结构 (Vocabulary and Structure) 本部分测试考生运用词语和语法知识的能力 测试内容包括职业教育英语课程涉及的基础词汇和基础语法 词汇限于本大纲中 词汇表 中 B 级范围 本部分的得分占总分的 15%, 测试时间为 10 分钟 第三部分 : 阅读理解 (Reading Comprehension) 本部分测试考生从书面文字材料获取信息的能力, 总阅读量为 800 词左右 本部分测试的文字材料包括一般性阅读材料 ( 文化 社会 常识 科普 经贸 人物等 ) 和简单的应用性文字材料 ( 或图文 ), 不包括诗歌 小说 散文等文学性材料, 其内容能为各专业学生所理解 其中, 应用性文字材料 ( 术语 简历 便条 广告 简单信函 日程表 单证等 ) 占 50% 左右 本部分主要测试以下阅读技能 : 1. 了解语篇和段落的主旨和大意 ; 2. 掌握语篇中的事实和主要情节 ; 3. 理解语篇上下文的逻辑关系 ; 4. 了解作者的目的 态度和观点 ; 5. 根据上下文正确理解生词的意思 ; 6. 了解语篇的结论 ; 7. 进行信息转换 阅读材料涉及的词汇限于本大纲 词汇表 中 B 级范围 本部分的得分占总分的 31%, 测试时间为 35 分钟 第四部分 : 翻译 英译汉 (Translation English into Chinese) 本部分测试考生将英语正确译成汉语的能力 所译材料为句子和段落, 包括一 -2 -

般性内容 ( 约占 60%) 和实用性内容 ( 约占 40%), 所涉及的词汇限于本大纲 词汇表 中 B 级范围 本部分的得分占总分的 15%, 测试时间为 25 分钟 第五部分 : 写作 / 汉译英 (Writing/ Translation Chinese into English) 本部分测试考生填写英文表格 书写应用性短文或将简短的汉语应用性文字翻译成英语的能力 本部分的得分占总分的 15%, 测试时间为 25 分钟 测试项目 内容 题型及时间分配表 : 序号测试题目题号测试内容题型百分比时间分配 I 听力理解 1-24 问答 对话 会话 短文 4 项选 1 填空 24% 25 分钟 II 词汇和语法结 构 25-39 词汇用法 句法结构 词性 等 4 项选 1 填空 15% 10 分钟 III 阅读理解 40-62 术语 语篇 ( 应用性文字 ) IV 翻译 英译汉 63-67 句子和段落 应用性文字 ( 便条 通知 V 写作 / 汉译英 备忘录 简短信函 简历 表 申请表等 ) 4 项选 1 填空 匹配 简答句子翻译 ( 3 项选 1) 段落翻译填表 写短文 汉译英 31% 35 分钟 15% 25 分钟 15% 25 分钟 合计 67+1 100% 120 分钟 -3 -

第一节 听力理解 ( Listening Comprehension) 解题指导一 题型概述 高等学校英语应用能力考试 (B 级 ) 的第一部分为听力理解, 该部分的分值占总分的 24%, 测试时间为 25 分钟 听力理解由四部分组成 : Section A 测试重点是理解所听问题并做出恰当回答的能力, 共 7 道题, 每题 1 分 Section B 测试重点是理解简短对话并回答所提问题的能力, 共 7 道题, 每题 1 分 Section C 测试重点是理解简短会话并回答所提问题的能力, 共 5 道题, 每题 1 分 Section D 测试重点是理解短文并填写空格的能力, 共 5 个空, 每空 1 分 二 听力考试的总体技巧 ( 一 ) 做好听力的指导思想 1. 放松心情, 集中注意力 很多考生一做听力题就会紧张, 听完后大脑一片空白 这就需要平时加强听力训练, 增强自信心, 实考时保持心情轻松, 排除一切杂念, 全神贯注于听力内容, 发挥出最佳水平 2. 掌握节奏, 不因小失大 对听力考试中没听懂的单词和句子, 要立即跳过, 不要因个别词句而影响整个答题节奏 对不会的难题, 不要过于纠结, 而应快速选择一个答案, 然后集中精力做下一道题 3. 抓住关键, 整体把握 考生在听的时候, 要学会抓住关键的词或意群, 以句子为单位整合关键信息, 从句子信息了解段落内容, 从而领会对话或文章的大意 ( 二 ) 听力题的解题策略 1. 先看后听, 合理安排听力时间 (1) 充分利用播放听力题之前的时间 -4 -

拿到试卷之后, 先大致浏览一遍听力部分的选项, 争取主动预测题目内容, 为精听材料重点打下基础 另外, 英语应用能力考试听力理解题中四个部分的 Directions 时间较长, 也应该充分利用起来扫视各部分的选项内容 (2) 合理安排各小题之间的时间听力理解题中的每一个问题都有 15 秒的答题时间 考生应控制好答题时间, 根据自己听懂的内容, 尽快标出答案 即使没听懂也要根据已掌握的信息迅速选择一个答案, 剩余时间用于浏览下一个题目的选项 但在余下的几秒钟内, 若看不完下一题的选项, 则应马上把注意力放在听上, 而不要为了看而耽误了听录音的内容 2. 边听边记, 加深理解借助预览选项获知的信息点, 用自己熟悉的方式将所听到的关键信息 数字等迅速记录下来 做到耳 眼 手并用, 一边听录音信息, 一边浏览卷面内容, 边听边记录整理 采用抓信息词 抓关键词 预测 排除等办法进行判断和选择 三 各题型考点分析与解题技巧 ( 一 ) 简短问答题 简短问答题, 即 Section A 部分, 要求考生掌握日常交际中常用对话的提问与回答, 如介绍 问候 感谢 道别 指路 天气 爱好 学习 饮食和健康等 这部分的备考要重视平时对交际场合中常用的词 词组和句型的搜集和掌握, 生活场景题是历年考试的重点 答题时应注意三点 : 1. 对于一般疑问句的回答针对这类题目, 考生只要找到 Yes 或 No 回答即可 真题解析 Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith from America? A. Thank you. B. With pleasure. C. Oh, yes. D. Here you are. 答案与解析 : 本题是询问对方是否为某人, 因此选项 C 的肯定回答是正确答案 2. 抓住关键词, 选择答案对这类题目, 考生需重点掌握以下关键词和短语 :when 提问时间 ;how 提问方式 ;what 提问具体事物或物品 ;where 提问具体地点 ;how much 提问价格 ;how long 提问多长时间 ; how often 提问频率 ; how many 提问数量 ; how far 提问距离等 真题解析 Excuse me, how much are these shoes? A. They are too big. B. They are the same size. C. They are thirty dollars. D. They are in fashion. -5 -

答案与解析 : 本题是询问商品的价格, 因此选项 C 30 美元 是正确答案 3. 掌握情景英语熟悉特定环境下的情景英语, 对基本的英语对话要有所掌握, 如天气 问路 看病 购物 道谢等情景中常用的句型和表达方式 例如在表示对生日的祝福时说 Hap py birthday, 一般的应答为 Thanks 考生在平时的学习中多注意这些比较固定的情景对话, 考试中就能顺利选出正确答案 真题解析 What s the weather like in your city? A. It s far away. B. It s rather warm. C. I hope so. D. I m afraid I can t. 答案与解析 : 本题是询问天气的固定表达法之一, 因此选项 B 给出的 天气比较暖和 是正确答案 ( 二 ) 简短对话题和简短会话题简短对话题和简短会话题, 即 Section B 和 Section C 部分, 以日常交际对话为主, 句子较短, 交际性 实用性强, 考查考生对日常交际对话的理解能力 Section B 一般由一问一答两句小对话组成, 并有一句有关这个对话的问题 ;Section C 一般由两段会话组成, 每段会话后有 2-3 个问题, 主要考查考生是否理解所听材料的主旨或要点 具体信息及说话人之间的关系 对话部分大体分为六种类型 : 1. 数字时间题数字 时间是常考项, 听力理解中的数字时间题一般不需要复杂的计算, 直接能从录音中听到答案, 提问方式有 How much...? How many...? How old...? When...? What time...? 等 做这类题的关键是边听边写数字和时间, 并做相应的注释 真题解析 W: What time should I check out if I leave the hotel tomorrow? M: Anytime tomorrow morning. Q: When will the woman check out? A. Anytime today. B. This morning. C. Next afternoon. D. Tomorrow morning. 答案与解析 : 本题询问的是女士的退房时间, 根据对话中男士直接给出的回答, 选项 D 明天上午 是正确答案 2. 职业身份题职业身份题在考试中出现的频率很高, 做这类题目关键在于识别对话发生的场景, 抓住对话中表明职业 身份的关键词 如通过 airline book a ticket 可联想到 traveler 和 agent; 通过 homework hand in professor 可联想到 teacher 和 student; 通过 menu soup vegetable 可联想到 customer 和 waiter; 通过 doctor get a cold 可联想到 -6 -

patient 和 doctor 等 真题解析 M: What s wrong with me, doctor? W: Nothing serious. You ve just got a cold. Q: What s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Patient and doctor. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student. D. Manager and secretary. 答案与解析 : 根据对话中出现的 doctor got a cold 可以推断出对话者之间的关系, 选项 A 病人和医生 是正确答案 3. 地点场所题地点场所题的提问方式比较单一, 如 :Where does the conversation most probably take place? Where are the two speakers now? 等, 这类题重点注意听对话中与特定的地点有关的特殊词或词组, 利用表明对话双方关系或身份的词语, 推断出对话发生的地点或对话者要去的场所 如通过 double room reservation check in 可联想到 hotel; 通过 menu steak drink soup 可联想到 restaurant 等 真题解析 M: I want to mail these books to New York. W: By ship or by air, sir? Q: Where is the man? A. In a post office. B. On board a ship. C. In a booking office. D. On an airplane. 答案与解析 : 根据对话中出现的 mail by ship by air 可以推断出对话发生的地点, 选项 A 邮局 是正确答案 4. 细节题细节题主要考查学生捕捉信息的能力, 问题的答案在对话中可以直接听到 此类题型的提问方式是多种多样的, 考生可以通过预览选项来预测问题的侧重点是时间 地点 人物 动作还是事件, 这样可以在听的时候做到有的放矢 另外, 听力训练时养成做笔记 记下关键词的习惯也是非常重要的 真题解析 M: Why are you in such a hurry? W: I left the important paper in the office. Q: Why is the woman going back to the office? A. To finish her work. B. To attend a meeting. C. To get an important paper. D. To meet somebody. 答案与解析 : 本题提问的是 女士为什么回办公室, 这在对话中并没有直接的 -7 -

答案, 只有通过女士回答的 我重要的文件丢在了办公室, 可以推断出选项 C 为取重要的文件 是正确答案 5. 比较题比较题也是听力测试中常考的题型之一 这类题型要求考生熟悉一些比较结构的句型, 如 as... as the same... as prefer... to... would rather... than more... than 等, 常见的提问形式有 : What does the man / woman like better? Which does the man / woman like best? What will the man / woman do? 真题解析 M: I prefer coffee to tea. What about you, Jane? W: Just water. Q: What would the woman like to have? A. Tea. B. Coffee. C. Water. D. Beer. 答案与解析 : 本题提问的是 女士喜欢喝什么, 不要混淆了男士首先告知的 喜欢咖啡, 不喜欢茶, 因此选项 C 水 是正确答案 6. 推断题推断题是对话中最难的题型 题量不多, 一般 1 ~ 2 题, 它不仅要求考生听懂对话的内容, 还要推测出对话的言外之意 考生需要根据对话的内涵 上下文 语气等, 运用逻辑推理方法, 从含蓄的表达方式中推断出说话人的真实意图和态度, 常见的提问形式有 : What does the man / woman mean? What can we learn from the conversation? What do we know about the man / woman? What does the man / woman suggest / imply? 真题解析 M: Someone is knocking at the door. W: I think it s Jack again. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? A. There is a visitor at the door. B. The woman is calling Jack. C. The door is open. D. The telephone is ringing. 答案与解析 : 本题提问的是 从对话中我们可以得知什么, 根据对话中的 有人敲门, 可以推断出选项 A 有客人在门口 是正确答案 这类题型主要注意以下几点 : -8 -

(1) 从语音 语调中辨别说话人的态度, 如用声调重复对方讲话中的部分词语, 往往表示对对方观点的怀疑和委婉否定 ; 反问句表达的是肯定的意思 (2) 注意否定结构, 如 never little without instead of 等词 ; 另外, 双重否定的作用是加强语气 (3) 熟练掌握虚拟语气, 从而辨别说话人的意图 (4) 通过短语的内涵 意义来解读 ( 三 ) 听写填空题听写填空题, 即 Section D 部分, 为文章的一个段落, 中间会空出五个单词或词组 ( 一般是一至两个词组 ), 要求考生在听完三遍录音后能正确填上 这部分主要考查考生对短文的听力理解能力 听写能力和速记能力 其特点是信息量大 涉及范围广 句子长度和难度超过前两部分 这类题主要注意以下几点 : 1. 预览短文, 判断空缺部分词性听短文录音前, 尽快预览全文, 初步了解这篇文章的大意, 根据空格所在的上下文初步判断应填词的词性 时态和意义等 2. 运用速记法记下空缺部分做记录的原则是简洁明了, 采用自己明白的一些简单符号或缩略语将其记录下来 不应为了完整地记录单词而错过后面的听力内容 3. 运用语法知识完善答案要运用相关的语法知识, 完善所填单词的形式, 也要检查单词或词组是否位于句首 4. 三遍录音的任务分配听第一遍录音时要力争了解全文的大意 主要时态, 尽可能地速记下填写的主要内容以及所填单词的词性 形式等 听第二遍录音时要力争将所缺内容填写完整 听第三遍时要运用相关语法和篇章知识检查所填内容是否主谓一致 词性及词型转换是否正确 上下文是否通顺等 真题解析 Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to you all. We are pleased to have you here to visit our company. Today, we will first 1 you around our company, and then you will go and see our 2 and research center. The research center was 3 just a year ago. You may ask any questions you have during the visit. We will 4 to make your visit comfortable and worthwhile. Again, I would like to extend a warmest welcome to all of you on behalf of our company, and I hope that you will enjoy your stay here and 5. 答案与解析 : 本篇短文为欢迎辞 -9 -

1. show 固定搭配 show sb. around( 带领某人参观 ), 因为前面有 will, 所以填动词原形 2. factory our 是形容词性物主代词, 后面跟名词, 同时前面提到了参观公司后就要去看看工厂和研究中心 3. built the research center 和 build 之间是被动关系, 所以填过去分词 built 4. do our best do our best 是固定词组, 意为 尽力, 因为前面有 will, 所以用动词原形 do 5. have a good time have a good time 是固定词组, 意为 过得愉快, 与前面的 enjoy your stay here 意思相近, 同时因为前面有 will, 所以用动词原形 do 专项训练 Part I Listening Comprehension Directions This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4 sections. Section A Directions This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 25 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example You will hear: Mr. Smith is not in. Would you like to leave a mes sage? You will read: A. I m not sure. B. You re right. C. Yes, certainly. D. That s interesting. From the question we learn that the speaker is asking the listener to leave a message. Therefore, C. Yes, certainly is the correct answer. You should mark C on the Answer Sheet. Now the test will begin. -10 -

1. A. No, thank you. B. Certainly, you re right. C. My God. D. Thank you. 2. A. That s all right. B. Thank you. C. It s not necessary to thank me. D. No, you are polite. 3. A. All right. B. It doesn t matter. C. No problem. D. I don t think so. 4. A. The window is ok. B. The window is near the table. C. I m sorry. All the tables are booked tonight. D. Yes, we have the window. 5. A. Any suggestions? B. As early as possible. C. Yes, it s my treat. D. In the canteen. 6. A. I have a stomachache. B. I have finished my work. C. Sure. Let s go. D. It s a good chance. 7. A. Please take a seat. B. I don t think so. C. Why not? D. It s very nice. 8. A. Sorry. I m not sure. B. It s half an hour by bus. C. Go ahead. D. It s all right. 9. A. I can open it for you. B. Yes. That accounts for you. C. Good morning. D. I d like to open a new account. 10. A. I like popular music. B. I m not interested in it. C. I don t think so. D. It s not popular. 11. A. I like watching TV. B. I won t. C. It doesn t matter. D. It sounds nice. 12. A. That s great! Congratulations! B. Really? C. It s perfect. D. I will study to you. 13. A. I d like to have dinner with you. B. Beef is my favorite. C. Beef, please. D. I often have dinner with you. 14. A. Any time. B. Please hurry. C. It s at 3 30. D. I often take train. 15. A. Sorry, he is out. B. He is very busy. C. I don t know, Tom. D. Jane, Tom is a manager. 16. A. Quite far. B. I don t know. C. You ask others. D. Go along the street and then turn right. 17. A. Yes, she will. B. No, she doesn t. C. Yes, she did. D. Yes, she does. 18. A. I like reading books. B. I look happy. C. I look much like my mother. D. I like to stay at home. 19. A. Tomorrow. B. I don t know. -11 -

C. About three years. D. On Sunday. 20. A. No problem. B. I do. C. I m not sure. D. I dislike them. 21. A. My book. B. Nothing special. C. I don t mind. D. Oh, I can t complain. 22. A. I m from Australia. B. Yes, I m Peter Smith. C. Yes, it is GM electronics. D. Yes, I m an electrician. 23. A. I can t make it work. B. Let me try. C. I m sorry to hear that. D. It is impossible. 24. A. I don t like sandwiches. B. Fast food is convenient. C. Ice cream. D. Yes, as you like. 25. A. I prefer tea to coffee. B. I m not interested in pop music. C. I enjoy fishing. D. Neither do I. Section B Directions This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 25 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the correspond ing letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the cen ter. 1. A. A week. B. Everyday. C. Only a day. D. Weekends. 2. A. The man was sorry because he can t celebrate her birthday. B. The woman was sorry that the man can t attend her party. C. The woman can t forgive him because she is right. D. The man plans to hold a birthday party this Saturday. 3. A. He had a class. B. He accepted a task. C. He broke a vase. D. He took a bath. 4. A. At a hotel. B. At a grocery store. C. At a bank. D. At a restaurant. 5. A. The woman is ill. B. Her teacher assigned too much work. C. The woman likes to stay up late. D. The woman studied for the English exam. 6. A. Noodles. B. Rice. -12 -

C. None of the above. D. Both A and B. 7. A. $ 6. B. $ 12. C. $ 22. D. $ 50. 8. A. Traveler and travel agent. B. Host and guest. C. Manager and secretary. D. Teacher and student. 9. A. On the first floor. B. At a men s store. C. In the women s department. D. In a department store. 10. A. 9 55. B. 10 00. C. 9 50. D. 10 05. 11. A. She wants to take a message for the man. B. Mr. Richard is busy at the moment. C. Mr. Richard can not meet him. D. Mr. Richard is having a meeting in the department. 12. A. He is satisfied with his mark. B. He doesn t know the result. C. He hopes that his teacher can give him some advice. D. He would fail in the exam. 13. A. He went climbing last year. B. He hasn t traveled around the world yet. C. He wants to climb the mountain. D. He definitely doesn t want to go. 14. A. Because it stopped raining. B. Because she already has an umbrella. C. Because she is staying at home. D. Because she has a raincoat. 15. A. By taxi. B. On foot. C. By subway. D. By bus. 16. A. The clock did not work. B. The man overslept. C. The woman was late. D. The man forgot to set the clock. 17. A. Worried and frightened. B. Quite unhappy. C. Very relaxed. D. Angry with the boss. 18. A. Buy a train ticket for her. B. Enjoy yourself. C. Go to the meeting with her. D. Drive her to the railway station. 19. A. John failed in the exam for the first time. B. John was a very good football player. C. John paid no attention to his study before the exam. D. John shall take the exam again. 20. A. Buy a new camera. B. Try the camera again. C. Use her camera. D. Have the camera repaired. 21. A. By visiting her grandmother. B. By visiting her grandfather. C. By visiting Los Angeles. D. By visiting San Francisco. 22. A. She looks very nice. B. She has no problem in physics. -13 -

C. She likes the man. D. She is good at physics. 23. A. What the woman s favorite photographs are. B. What roses the woman is growing. C. How many stamps the woman has collected. D. What the woman s hobby is. 24. A. Husband and wife. B. Shop assistant and customer. C. Waiter and customer. D. Lawyer and client. 25. A. Modern music. B. Pop music. C. Classical music. D. All of the above. Section C Directions In this section, there are 8 recorded conversations. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the con versations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Now listen to the conversations. Conversation 1 1. A. In a gas station. B. In a police station. C. In a store. D. In a bank. 2. A. To check his ID card. B. To open an account. C. To draw some money. D. To go shopping. 3. A. A slip. B. A book. C. An account. D. A service. Conversation 2 1. A. 8 30 Tuesday. B. 7 30 Monday. C. 9 00 Monday. D. 10 00 Tuesday. 2. A. Because he promises to call her. B. Because he wants to discuss her suggestion with her. C. Because he is late. D. Because he misses her. Conversation 3 1. A. Blue. B. Red. C. Brown. D. Green. 2. A. 6. B. 5. C. 7. D. 8. 3. A. $ 99.5. B. $ 9.95. C. $ 995. D. $ 0.95. -14 -

Conversation 4 1. A. Because he is going to move tomorrow. B. Because he is tired. C. Because he dislikes badminton. D. Because the playground is too far. 2. A. It s not far. B. It s very far. C. It s an old house. D. He can benefit a lot. Conversation 5 1. A. To look after her baby brother. B. To go to the cinema. C. To watch television. D. To do her homework. 2. A. Swimming. B. Jogging. C. Boxing. D. Playing games. 3. A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Half an hour. D. Three hours. Conversation 6 1. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 2. A. By cash. B. By check. C. By credit card. D. By foreign currency. Conversation 7 1. A. Visit an important client. B. Go to a department store. C. Attend a sales meeting. D. Move to a new office. 2. A. At 8 p.m. tomorrow. B. At 9 a.m. tomorrow. C. At 2 p.m. today. D. At 10 a.m. today. Conversation 8 1. A. Because she is on vacation. B. Because she doesn t want to. C. Because she is working busily. D. Because she is not working today. 2. A. Japanese. B. English. C. Russian. D. Italian. 3. A. Expensive. B. Cheap. C. Worth the money. D. We don t know. Section D Directions In this section you will hear 5 recorded short passages. The pas sages are printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. Each passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks -15 -

according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passages will begin. Passage 1 Nowadays, more and more students are using emails to communicate. Several rea sons why email has become a great tool are that it is fast, 1, and affordable. In the past, students often use traditional letters to 2 ideas. However, the turn around time for sending and receiving traditional letters can take 3 months. Fur thermore, students have to pay high international postage to send the letters. With email, however, messages can be sent at a click of a button at school, home, or an Internet ca fe, and if you are using a free email 4, the cost is free. Instead of waiting days or weeks for a 5, students can receive a reply quickly. Passage 2 Obtaining good health insurance while you are studying overseas is a real 1 to protect you from high medical expenses. There are often two types of health 2 : international travel insurance and student insurance in the country where you will be going. An international travel insur ance policy is usually purchased in your home country before you go abroad. You may have to pay all your medical expenses and then later submit your 3 to the insur ance company. While the second type of health insurance might allow you to pay only a certain 4 of the medical cost at the time of service, so you don t have to have sufficient cash to pay the 5 at once. Passage 3 A doctor checked a man who came to him with different kinds of 1 : head aches, heart trouble, etc., but he found nothing wrong with the man. Then he said, If you don t tell me what s 2 you, I can t help you. The man 3 he was cheating his brother s money. Then the doctor made the man apologize to his brother and return his money. As soon as the apology letter was 4 the post box, the man suddenly cried. Thank you, he said to the doctor, I ve got well. An apology can not only save a 5 relationship but also make it stronger. Passage 4 The food we eat seems to have great effects on our health. Although science has made 1 steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all hu man illnesses are 2 diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet 3, especially cancer of the colon. Different cultures are more prone to -16 -

4 certain illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illness is not a new 5. Passage 5 Business is the most popular subject for international students in the United States. At last 1, 21% of foreign students at American colleges and were studying bus iness and management. The Institute of International Education in New York says 2 is the second most popular field. Thomas Coss, a professor of 3 and business at the University of Richmond in Virginia, says international students who want to study business need to have good English skills and not 4 study at his school. At least among business schools, more and more schools are 5 their students study English and they are teaching more in English. 第二节 词汇和语法结构 ( Vocabulary and Structure) 解题指导一 考点概述 高等学校英语应用能力考试 (B 级 ) 的第二部分为词汇和语法结构, 该部分的分值占总分的 15%, 测试时间为 10 分钟 题型分为选择题 (Section A) 和填空题 ( Sec tion B) 选择题 10 题, 占 10 分 ; 填空题 5 题, 占 5 分 词汇部分主要考查词性转换 形近词和近义词辨析 固定搭配 语法部分主要考查非谓语动词 动词的时态和语态 虚拟语气 从句 强调句型 倒装 主谓一致 倍数表达法等 下面将分别讲解词汇和语法部分的主要知识点 二 词汇 ( 一 ) 词性 英语中的词性有名词 动词 形容词 副词 介词 冠词 数词等 其中需特别注意以下词性的用法 1. 名词注意名词所有格的用法 : (1) 表示有生命的东西的名词, 所有格一般在该名词后加 s, 如 Mary s book ( 玛丽的书 ) (2) 以 s 结尾的复数名词的所有格, 只在名词后加, 如 Teachers Day ( 教师节 ) (3) 如果某物为两人共有, 则只在后一个名词词尾加 s; 如果不是共有的, 则两个名词后都要加 s, 如 :Jim and Kate s room 吉姆和凯特的房间 ( 共有 );Jane s and -17 -

Tom s books 珍和汤姆的书 ( 不共有 ) (4) 复合名词的所有格在后一个名词词尾加 s 构成, 如 :her son in law s car ( 她女婿的车 ) (5) 表示某人家 店铺等生活 工作处所的所有格后的名词常省略, 如 :at Mr Wang s ( 在王先生家 );at the tailor s ( 在裁缝店 );at the barber s ( 在理发店 ) (6) 有些表示时间 距离 国家 城市 团体 机构等的名词也可以在词尾加 s 构成所有格, 如 :today s newspaper ( 今天的报纸 );ten minutes walk ( 步行十分钟的路程 );Beijing s street ( 北京的街道 ) (7) 物主如为无生命的名词, 通常用 of+ 名词 结构来构成所有格 : 如 the title of the book ( 书名 ) (8) 表示某物的一部分或抽象概念时, 常用 of+ 名词 结构表示所有格, 如 :the top of the house 房屋的顶部 ( 一部分 );the cost of living 生活费用 ( 抽象意义 ) (9) 如果在表示所属物的名词前有冠词 数词 不定代词或指示代词时, 常用 of+ 所有格 的形式, 即双重所有格, 来表示所属关系, 如 :a friend of my father s = one of my father s friends ( 我父亲的一位朋友 ) 2. 数词 (1) 数词分为基数词和序数词 基数词一般是单数形式, 但下列情况常用复数 : 1) 与 of 短语连用, 表示概数, 不能与具体数目连用, 如 scores of people 指许多人 2) 在一些表示 一排 或 一组 的词组里, 如 :They arrived in twos and threes. ( 他们三三两两地到达了 ) 3) 表示 几十岁, 如 :in one s seventies 4) 表示 年代, 用 in+the+ 数词复数 5) 在乘法运算的一种表示法里, 如 :3 x 5 = 15 Three fives is (are) fifteen (2) 数词的用法 : 1) 倍数表示法 主语 + 谓语 + 倍数 ( 或分数 ) + as + adj. + as I have three times as many as you. ( 我有你三倍那么多 ) 主语 + 谓语 + 倍数 ( 或分数 ) + the size (amount, length...) of... The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. ( 地球的体积是月球的 49 倍 ) 主语 + 谓语 + 倍数 ( 或分数 ) + 形容词 ( 副词 ) 比较级 + than... The wheat output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year. ( 今年小麦产量比去年增加 8% ) 还可以用 by+ 倍数, 表示增加了多少倍 The production of wheat has been increased by four times this year. ( 今年小麦产量增加了 4 倍 ) 2) 分数表示法构成 : 基数词代表分子, 序数词代表分母 分子大于 1 时, 分子的序数词用单数, 分母序数词用复数 如 :1 / 3 one third; 3 / 5 three fifths 3. 情态动词 -18 -

英语中常用的情态动词有 can could may might must will would shall should need dare had better 等 情态动词中要特别注意 need 和 dare 的用法 这两个词用做情态动词时, 没有人称 数和时态的变化, 但用做行为动词时, 则有时态和人称的变化, 即第三人称单数时, 一般现在时谓语动词后加 s, 一般过去时后加 ed, 用于否定句时应该加助动词否定 例如 : You needn t come. (need 作情态动词 ) She needs to come. (need 作行为动词 ) She doesn t need to come. (need 作行为动词 ) 重点与难点 1. 注意对词汇的考查 (1) 注意词类的转换 在高等学校应用能力考试 (B 级 ) 当中, 需要运用到词类转换的题目占了较大的比重 常见的词类转换方式有 : 动词 名词, 形容词 副词, 名词 形容词, 形容词 名词, 动词 形容词, 形容词 动词 如 : With the (develop) of foreign trade, more and more people are doing im port and export business. 此题答案为 development Some people do believe that smoking will ( certain) cause lung cancer. 此题答案为 certainly (2) 注意形近词 近义词的辨析 以下是常考的形近词与近义词 : amount / number; award / reward; continual / continuous; convince / persuade; cost / spend / take / pay; custom / habit / tradition; discover / invent; economic / economical; effective / efficient; empty / vacant / blank; expand / extend; historic / historical; ig nore / neglect / overlook; late / lately / later / latter; lonely / alone; popular / common; postpone / delay; raise / arise / rise / lift / arouse; recall / remember / remind; sensible / sensitive; announce / pronounce; shade / shadow; worthwhile / worth / worthy; en sure / assure / insure; various / varied / variable; live / lively / living / alive; motion / movement / move; acquire / attain / obtain; accident / case / event; except / except for / besides (3) 注意常用短语及固定搭配 My boss said that he was badly need of my assistance. A. at B. in C. for D. with 此题答案为 B 2. 注意形容词后置的情况 (1) 修饰 something everything nothing someone everybody nobody somewhere nowhere 等不定代词以及指示代词 those 的形容词, 应后置 例如 :There is noth ing wrong with the machine. (2) 有些过去分词, 如 given left won missed 等, 应后置 如 :All the gifts left were given to Tom. (3) 修饰表示度量的名词, 应后置 例如 :three meters long -19 -

3. 注意代词 it 作形式主语 形式宾语及用于强调句的用法 如 : Mary found it extremely difficult to pass the examination. It is impossible to finish the job in one day. It is I who find the lost book. 4. 注意情态动词后的动词有三种形式的变化 (1) 表示对现在情况和状态的推测, 用情态动词 + 动词原形 (2) 表示对已经发生的事情的推测, 用情态动词 +have done (3) 表示对正在进行的事情的推测, 用情态动词 +be doing 真题解析 1. His mother told me that he read quite well at the age of five. A. should B. would C. could D. might 正确答案为 C could 表示能力, 意为 会做某事 2. The villagers have offered much help to us and we think we should do something for them. A. in return B. in place C. in fashion D. in danger 正确答案为 A 本题考查固定搭配 in return 意思是 返还, 回报 3. The book is different all the other books I ve ever read. A. from B. to C. on D. among 正确答案为 A 本题考查介词的用法, 根据固定搭配 be different from, 应选择 A 4. 形容词和副词形容词在句中可作定语 补语 表语 状语, 在特殊情况下形容词还可以作主语或宾语 副词可以用来修饰动词 形容词 副词 介词 ( 短语 ) 连词 名词或整个句子 副词主要作状语, 也可以作表语 定语 宾语补足语等 重点与难点 1. 形容词比较级常用的结构 (1) 原级 as + adj. / adv. + as 结构 此结构前面可加程度状语, 如 almost nearly just quite three times 等, 如 : This table is as big as that one. This table is almost as big as that one. This table is three times as big as that one. (2) 比较级 more + adj. / adv. + than 结构 如 : The survey shows that green food is becoming more popular than traditional food. (3) 比较级 +and+ 比较级 和 the+ 比较级 结构, 表示 越来越 或 越 就越 如 : Our city is becoming bigger and bigger. The more challenging the journey is, the happier the young people will feel. 注意 可以用来修饰形容词比较级的词有 a good deal of a lot even hardly any many much no rather somewhat three (four, five,...) times 等, 也可用表示度量 -20 -

的名词词组, 但不可以用 very 如 :This book is much better than that one. (4) the+ 最高级 + 比较范围 最高级可被序数词以及 much by far nearly al most by no means 等词语修饰 如 :Of the children in your class, Mary is by far the cleverest. 2. 副词比较级常用的结构 (1) 原级主要的句型 1) as+ 副词原级 +as He drives as fast as me. 否定结构 :not as / so+ 副词原级 +as He didn t drive as / so fast as me. 2) too+ 副词原级 +to do sth. She drives too slowly to catch up with me. 3) so+ 副词原级 +that She drives so slowly that she can t catch up with me. 4) 副词原级 +enough to do sth. She doesn t drive fast enough to catch up with me. (2) 比较级的用法 1) 比较级 +than 当前后使用的动词相同时, 通常用助动词来代替后面的动词, 该动词或助动词可以省略 She drives faster than Mary (did). 2) 比较级 +and+ 比较级 The days are getting longer and longer in summer. 3) the+ 比较级,the+ 比较级 The harder you work, the better you will learn. (3) 最高级的用法副词最高级前一般有 the, 也可省略 He works the hardest of all the students in the class. 真题解析 1. The survey shows that green food is becoming ( popular) than traditional food. 正确答案为 more popular 本题考查的是形容词比较级的用法 2., a friend of Mrs. Black found the watch she had lost two days before. A. Especially B. Usually C. Generally D. Fortunately 正确答案为 D 本题考查的是副词词义辨析 fortunately 意为 幸运地, 幸好 ( 二 ) 构词法根据 高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求, 历年考试都会涉及词性转换的内容, 故而在此我们简单介绍一下构词法的主要内容 -21 -

1. 转化法英语中, 把单词的一种词性用作另一种词性而词形不变的方法叫做转化法 例如 : Let s go out for a walk. ( 动词转化为名词 ) Please hand me the book. ( 名词转化为动词 ) We ll make efforts to better our living conditions. ( 形容词转化为动词 ) The old in our town are living a happy life. ( 形容词转化为名词 ) 2. 派生法在词根前面加前缀或在其后面加后缀, 构成一个与原词意义相近或相反的新词的方法叫做派生法 (1) 前缀前缀一般改变词义, 但不改变词性 例如 : lead mislead correct incorrect appear disappear use reuse 以下为 B 级考试中常见前缀的常用意义和相关例词 un 不, 无, 未, 如 :unhappy ( 不开心 ) re 又, 再, 如 :renew ( 更新 ) mis 错, 误, 如 :mistake ( 错误 ) dis 分开, 分离, 否定, 不, 如 :dislike ( 讨厌, 不喜欢 ) en 使, 使成为, 使处于 状态, 与名词或形容词结合, 构成动词 如 :en large ( 扩大 ) encourage ( 鼓励 ) non 非, 无, 不, 如 :non smoker ( 不吸烟者 ) (2) 后缀后缀一般改变词性, 但较少改变单词的词义 1) 构成名词的后缀通常有 er / or ( 人, 男性 ) ess ( 人, 女性 ) ist ( 专业人员 ) tion ( 动作 ) ness ( 性质 ) hood ( 身份, 境遇, 母性, 母亲身份 ) ance ence ( 行动, 状况, 性质, 过程 ) ment ( 行为的结果或方式 ) ship ( 情况, 状态, 性质 ) ity ( 性质, 程度 ) 等 如 : foreigner 外国人 traveler 旅游者 inventor 发明家 actress 女演员 specialist 专家 pollution 污染 kindness 善意 childhood 童年 -22 -

difference 不同 management 管理 hardship 困苦 purity 纯净 2) 构成动词的后缀通常有 en / n ( 变 ) ize ( 使 成为 ) fy ( 使 化 ) 等 如 : light lighten 减轻 special specialize 使专用于 beauty beautify 美化 3) 构成形容词的后缀通常有 ful ible ish ive ous 等 如 : beautiful 美丽的 cheerful 高兴的 responsible 有责任的 English 英语的 active 活跃的 poisonous 有毒的 4) 构成副词的后缀通常有 ly ward(s) 如 : quickly 快速地 loudly 大声地 truly 真实地 westward(s) 向西 (3) 合成法 把两个单词连在一起合成一个新词的方法叫做合成法 (1) 合成名词 weekend 周末 handwriting 书法 gentleman 绅士 outbreak 爆发 afternoon 下午 (2) 合成形容词 face to face 面对面的 man made 人造的 two year old 两岁的 high class 高级的 (3) 合成动词 overcome 克服 overthrow 推翻 white wash 粉刷 (4) 合成副词 -23 -

however 尽管如此 everywhere 到处 forever 永远 真题解析 1. The past decade has seen great economic ( develop) in this country. 答案为 development 2. Thomas was cheerful and ( help), and we soon became good friends. 答案为 helpful 3. He is asked to (short) his report to one page. 答案为 shorten 4. Yao Ming, our favorite basketball ( play), is becoming a superstar in the world. 答案为 player 5. It is reported that the sports meet was ( success) organized. 答案为 successfully 6. The job pays well and you get a 20 day holiday a year, it s certainly an ( attract) offer. 答案为 attractive 7. This medicine is highly ( effect) in treating skin cancer if it is applied early enough. 答案为 effective ( 三 ) 常用短语 1. 根据 高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求, 考生需要掌握词汇表中所列出的 850 多条 B 级词组的意思和用法, 故而在此我们简单介绍一下一些常用短语的 含义 短 语 含 义 短 语 含 义 adjust to 调节 ahead of 在 前, 先于 after all 毕竟 as for 至于, 关于 pay attention to 注意 build up 逐步建立, 增长, 增强 be capable of 有 能力 take care of 照顾 carry out 执行 in any case 无论如何 in charge of 负责, 主管 compare... to 把 比做 be concerned about 关心 consist of 组成, 构成 under control 处于控制之中 in detail 详细地 in effect 实际上, 有效 at the expense of 由 付费, 以 为代 价 -24 -

短语含义短语含义 ( 续表 ) in favour of 支持, 赞成 take... for granted 认为 是理所当然 in honour of 为向 表示敬意, 为 庆祝, 纪念 lie in 睡懒觉 ; 在于 by no means 决不 in the name of 对 发誓 ; 以 的名 义 ; 代表 in nature 本质上, 事实上 now that 既然, 由于 out of order 出故障 ; 秩序混乱 owe to / owe... to 欠 ; 把 归功于 take part in 参加 in person 亲自 out of the question 不可能的, 不值得考虑 的 without question 毫无疑问, 毫无异议 at any rate 无论如何, 至少 respond to 响应, 反应 make sense 讲得通, 有意义 ; 言之 有理 be short of 缺少, 不足 out of sight 看不见, 在视野之外 stand out 突出, 显眼 keep in touch with 与 保持联系 try on 试穿 in vain 徒劳, 白费力 with a view to 以 为目标, 鉴于 be willing to 愿意, 乐意 pay a visit to 访问 2. 有些动词可以和不同的介词或副词构成不同意义的短语, 考生在备考时尤其要注意, 如 break bring call catch come get give go keep look male pull put run set take turn 等 (1) break (2) bring break away 突然离开 bring about 导致, 引起 break down 损坏 bring forth 产生, 提出 break off 中止, 中断 bring forward 提出, 提议 break out 爆发 ; 使逃脱 bring in 引进, 吸收 break through 突围, 突破 bring out 使显出, 出版 break up 打碎 ; 终止 bring up 教育, 培养 (3) come (4) give come about 发生 give away 赠送, 泄露 come across 偶然发现, 遇见 give in 让步 come out 出版, 发表 give off 释放 come through 经历 仍活着 give out 分发 come up to 等于, 合计 give up 放弃 -25 -

(5) make be made from 由 制造 be made of 用 制成的 make for 走向, 朝 前进 make out 辨认 ; 理解 make up 虚构 ; 化妆 ; 补足 make up for 弥补 make up one s mind 下定决心 (6) look look around 四处看看 look down on / upon 看不起 look forward to 盼望 look into 调查 look on 旁观 look over 仔细检查 look up 查找 真题解析 1. There was a heavy fog this morning, so none of the planes could. A. get through B. take off C. pull out D. break away 本题正确答案为 B get through 意为 通过, 办完, 用完,take off 意为 起飞, pull out 意为 拔出, 抽出, 驶出,break away 意为 突然离开 本句可译为 : 今天 早晨雾大, 没有飞机可以起飞 2. writing a letter to the manager, he decided to talk to him in person. A. Instead of B. Because of C. As for D. Due to 本题正确答案为 A instead of 意为 代替, 而不是,because of 意为 因为, as for 意为 至于, 关于,due to 意为 由于 本句可译为 : 他决定亲自和经理谈谈, 而不是写信给经理 3. I was late for the interview because the bus on the way to London. A. got off B. brought in C. kept off D. broke down 本题正确答案为 D got off 意为 从 上下来,bring in 意为 引进, 吸收, keep off 意为 不接近,break down 意为 抛锚, 损坏 本句可译为 : 我去面试时 迟到了, 因为公交车在去伦敦的路上抛锚了 4. Why didn t you that pencil which was on the floor? A. pick up B. bring up C. get up D. put up 本题正确答案为 A pick up 意为 捡起,bring up 意为 教育, 培养,get up 意为 起床,put up 意为 提出, 建起 本句可译为 : 你为什么不捡起地板上的铅笔呢? 三 非谓语动词 非谓语动词包括动词不定式 动名词和分词 非谓语动词没有语法上的主语, 但往往有逻辑上的主语 例如 :I can t bear him living far away from me. ( 动名词 living 的逻辑主语是 him) ( 一 ) 不定式 : 一般现在时态 : to do 一般现在时被动态 : to be done 进行时主动态 : to be doing 完成时主动态 : to have done 完成时被动态 : to have been done 重点与难点 1. 不定式的完成时所表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前, 它在句中可充当主语 表语 -26 -

宾语 状语 补语等 例如 :I am sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. 不定式进行时表示正在进行的且与谓语动词同时发生的动作, 它在句中可充当主语 表语 宾语 定语 状语 补语等 如 :Tom are said to be playing basketball. 2. 可接动词不定式的常见动词有 : agree arrange attempt afford ask choose de cide demand happen hesitate hope learn manage offer plan prepare pre tend promise prove refuse seem tend want wish intend allow expect tell invite ask teach 等 3. 在表示感觉的动词 (feel hear listen to see watch look at notice) 和使役动词 (let have make) 后面的动词不定式应省略 to, 但在被动语态中, to 不可省略 如 : Tom saw her take the money. She was seen to take the money by Tom. 4. rather than other than cannot but cannot choose but 与 cannot help but 之后的不定式一般省略 to 如 : I would rather go than stay. He could not choose but love her. 5. 在连词 but 之前如有动词 do, 其后的不定式不用 to, 若之前无 do, 则其后的不定式一般带 to 如 : We have nothing to do but wait. They desired nothing but to succeed. 真题解析 1. If you intend ( visit) the National Garden, please contact me soon. 正确答案为 to visit 该题考查动词 intend 接不定式作宾语的用法, 表示 打算做某事 2. I asked him not (say) anything about our contract until the end of the month. 正确答案为 to say 该题考查动词 ask 的用法 :ask sb. (not) to do sth. 3. I got to the station, only (find) that the train was pulling out. 正确答案为 to find 本题考查的是不定式作结果状语的用法 ( 二 ) 动名词 : 一般现在时主动态 : doing 一般现在时被动态 : being done 完成时主动态 : having done 完成时被动态 : having been done 重点与难点 1. 动名词的完成时所表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前 例如 :I was praised for having made great progress. 2. 以动名词作宾语的常见动词有 : acknowledge admit advise anticipate avoid consider delay deny detest discontinue dislike dread enjoy escape excuse face fancy favor finish forbid forgive imagine involve mind miss pardon permit postpone practice prevent quit recommend resist risk suggest toler ate look forward to be used to object to 等 -27 -

注意 有些动词既可接不定式也可接动名词作宾语, 但它们表达的意义不一样, 如 re member forget regret mean try stop need require want 等 例如 : This means helping you. ( 这意味着是在帮你 ) I meant to help you. ( 我本打算来帮助你 ) 真题解析 1. Jane always enjoys to popular music at home on Friday evenings. A. listening B. being listening C. to be listening D. to listen 正确答案为 A 此题考查动词 enjoy 的用法 :enjoy doing sth. 2. It cost her a lot of money, but she doesn t regret a year traveling around the world. A. to have spent B. to spend C. spent D. spending 正确答案为 D 动词 regret 后接动名词表示 后悔做了某事, 否定形式表示 不 因为做过某事而后悔 ( 三 ) 现在分词 : 一般现在时主动态 : doing 一般现在时被动态 : being done 完成时主动态 : having done 完成时被动态 : having been done 重点与难点 1. 分词有两种 : 现在分词 ( ing) 和过去分词 ( ed) 否定式是 not+ 分词 2. 现在分词表示正在进行的动作, 而过去分词则表示完成的动作 例如 : falling leaves ( 正在飘落的树叶 ) fallen leaves ( 落叶 ) developing country ( 发展中国家 ) developed country ( 发达国家 ) 3. 现在分词表示主动的意思, 所修饰的人或物是分词动作的执行者 ; 过去分词表示被 动的意思, 所修饰的人或物是分词动作的承受者 例如 : an exciting film ( 一部激动人心的电影 ) excited audience ( 激动的观众 ) 真题解析 1. On hearing the good news that our new products sold well in the market, we all got (excite). 正确答案为 excited 本题中 got 作系动词, 所以后面应该接形容词作表语, 意思是 兴奋的, 激动的 2. The railway station was crowded with people ( say) goodbye to their friends and relatives. 正确答案为 saying 本题考查的是分词做伴随状语的用法 因为跟逻辑主语 peo ple 构成主谓关系, 所以用现在分词形式 四 动词的时态与语态 ( 一 ) 动词的时态 英语中有 16 种时态, 基本要求 中规定掌握的时态有 11 种 以动词 do 为例, -28 -

要求掌握的时态如下 : 时态时间 一 般 时 进 行 时 完 成 时 完成进行时 现在时 do / does am / is / are doing has / have done has / have been doing 过去时 did was / were doing had done had been doing 将来时 will / shall do, am / is / are going will / shall be doing will / shall have done / to do 过去将来时 / / / / 重点与难点 1. 注意原句中给出的特定的时间状语 以下是各个时态中常出现的时间状语 : 一般现在时 : often usually always 等一般过去时 : ago just now yesterday last year 等现在完成时 : just recently lately yet already ever so far up until now 等将来完成时 : by the time by the end of this year 等现在完成进行时 : for hours since morning all the time 等 2. 在由 if as long as even if unless until 等引导的条件状语从句和由 when as soon as after before 等引导的时间状语从句中, 如果主句的时态用一般将来时, 从句则用一般现在时表示将来 如 :I will tell him the secret as soon as he comes back. 3. It / This is the first / second time that... 这一结构的从句必须用现在完成时 如 :It is the second time (that I have visited this city). 4. It / That is the best (worst most 等最高级 ) + 名词 +that... 这一结构的从句必须用现在完成时 如 :It is the best film that I have ever seen. 真题解析 1. By the end of this year the factory ( produce) 20,000 cell phones. 正确答案为 will have produced 根据时间状语 by the end of this year 可以判断出, 该句的主句部分应该用将来完成时 2. We won t be able to leave the office until the rain. A. will stop B. stops C. stopped D. is stopping 正确答案为 B 在 until 引导的条件状语从句中, 如果主句的时态是一般将来时, 从句则用一般现在时表示将来 ( 二 ) 动词的语态英语中有两种语态 : 主动语态和被动语态 被动语态由 助动词 be + 及物动词的过去分词 构成 被动语态有各种时态的变化, 如下表 : -29 -

时 态 语 态 被动语态 一般现在时 am / is / are + 过去分词 一般过去时 was / were + 过去分词 一般将来时 will / shall be + 过去分词 现在进行时 am / is / are + being + 过去分词 过去进行时 was / were + being+ 过去分词 现在完成时 have / has been + 过去分词 过去完成时 had been + 过去分词 将来完成时 will / shall have been + 过去分词 过去将来完成时 should / would have been + 过去分词 重点与难点 1. 有些动词如 wash clean cook look sell read feel drive write 等, 常用主动形式表示被动的含义 如 :The book sells well. ( 这本书卖得好 ) 2. 有些动词如 need require want worth deserve 等, 后接动名词的主动态表示被动的含义 如 :The bike needs repairing. ( 自行车需要修了 ) 真题解析 1. If the medicine ( take) in time, it will be quite effective. 正确答案为 is taken 本题考查的是被动语态的一般现在时 2. This is one of the longest bridges that on this river. A. is ever built B. has ever been built C. was ever built D. has ever built 正确答案为 B 考查的是动词 build 的现在完成时的被动语态 五 倒装句 倒装分为两种 : 完全倒装和部分倒装 整个谓语放在主语之前称为完全倒装 ; 部分谓语 ( 一般为助动词 情态动词 ) 放在主语之前则称为部分倒装 重点与难点 1. 完全倒装 (1) There 引出的完全倒装句 : 除了最常见的 there be 句型外,there 还可以接 appear exist lie remain seem to be stand 等 如 :There lies a book on the desk. (2) 由时间和地点副词引出的完全倒装句 : 以时间副词 ( now then 等 ) 和地点副词 (here there 等 ) 开头 主语又是名词时, 句子须完全倒装 如 :In came an old man. (3) in out away up down off 等副词置于句首时, 句子要完全倒装 如 :Out came a rabbit. -30 -

注意 在 here there 引出的倒装句中, 当主语是普通名词时用完全倒装, 但当主语是代词时则主谓不倒装 如 : Here came an old man.( 完全倒装 ) Here he came.( 部分倒装 ) 2. 部分倒装 (1) 在由 if 引导的虚拟条件句中, 条件从句中的 if 省略时,had were should 须置于主语之前 如 :Were I you, I would tell her the truth. (2) 句首是否定词或表示否定意义的词语时, 句子要部分倒装 如 :He is used to fly ing by air and on no occasion has he ever felt frightened. 常见的否定词有 :no never neither seldom hardly little few rarely barely scarcely not at no time not only... but also hardly (scarcely)... when in no way by no means not until under no circumstances no sooner... than in no case in vain ( 无效 ) on no account ( 绝不 ) 等 (3) 当句首为 only + 副词 only + 介词短语 only + 状语, 表示强调时, 常用部分倒装 如 : Only in this way can you finish your task on time. (4) so / such... that 句型中,so / such 位于句首时, 句子要部分倒装 如 :So careless is he that he left his hat in the classroom. 同样,to such a degree (an extent) to such lengths to such a point 等介词短语位于句首时, 也要求句子部分倒装 如 :To such a degree was his interest in litera ture that nothing could distract his mind from reading. (5) 句首为 so nor neither, 表示 同样 ( 不 ), 也 ( 不 ) 时, 句子要倒装 如 :I don t like chocolate, neither does my sister. (6) 在 as though 引导的让步状语从句中, 形容词 副词或名词等置于句首, 句子要倒装 如 :Young as she is, she is quite experienced. 真题解析 1. So loudly that the audience in the back heard him clearly. A. does he speak B. did he speak C. he speaks D. he spoke 正确答案为 B so... that 句型中,so 位于句首时, 句子要部分倒装 2. Little that the police are about to arrest him. A. does he know B. doesn t he know C. he knows D. he doesn t know 正确答案为 A 句首是表示否定意义的词 little, 句子要部分倒装 六 虚拟语气 英语中的语气分为陈述语气 祈使语气 虚拟语气三类 虚拟语气用来表示说话人的主观愿望或假想 请求 建议 命令等, 所说的话与客观事实相反或实现的可能性 -31 -

小 虚拟语气通过谓语动词的特殊形式来表示 重点与难点 1. 用于非真实条件句中 非真实条件 If 从句主句 与现在事实相反 If+ 主语 +did(were) 主语 +should / would / could / might + do 与过去事实相反 If+ 主语 +had done 主语 +should / would / could / might + have done 与将来事实相反 If+ 主语 +were to do / should do / did(were) 主语 +should / would / could / might + do 如 : If I were you, I would go now. ( 与现在事实相反 ) If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam. ( 与过去事实相反 ) If I had a daughter, I would teach her to dance. ( 与将来的事实相反 ) 注意 当从句中的谓语动词含有 were should had 时,if 可以省略, 并将 were should had 等词置于句首 如 : If he had learnt about computers, we would have hired him to work here. = Had he learnt about computers, we would have hired him to work here. ( 如果他懂一些电脑知识的话, 我们就已经聘用他来这里工作了 ) 混合条件虚拟语气中, 主从句时间不一致, 要根据具体的时间点来确定主句 从句用什么时态 如 : If he hadn t stayed up late yesterday, he wouldn t feel sleepy now. 非真实条件句中的条件从句有时不表达出来, 而是将条件暗含在单词或短语中, 如 without but for otherwise 等, 这种虚拟语气叫做含蓄条件虚拟语气 如 : But for / Without your help, we wouldn t have made much progress. I was busy yesterday, otherwise I would have gone shopping with you. 2. 以下几种情况中虚拟语气的结构都是 should+ 动词原形,should 可以省略 (1) 用于表示建议 要求 命令的动词后的宾语从句或主语从句中, 这类动词有 de mand suggest insist order propose require request command recommend ask decide prefer advise urge 等 如 : He suggested that we (should) study hard. It is suggested that we (should) hand in the homework before Friday. (2) 在表示建议 要求 命令的 suggestion proposal order instruction advice request demand requirement recommendation desire 等名词后的表语从句和同位语从句中, 要用虚拟语气 如 : His suggestion is that we (should) study hard. (3) 在表达重要 必要等意义的主语从句中用虚拟语气, 常见的形容词有 necessary important imperative essential advisable desirable vital 等 如 : It is vital that we (should) study hard. -32 -

注意 当 insist 的意思为 坚决认为 坚持说,suggest 的意思为 表明 暗含 暗示 时, 宾语从句一般不用虚拟语气 如 : Tom insisted that he was innocent. ( 汤姆坚持说他是无辜的 ) His expression suggested that he was angry. ( 他的表情表明他生气了 ) (4) lest for fear that 引导的状语从句中用虚拟语气, 表示 以防 以免 如 : He got up earlier lest he should be late. 3. 用于 wish / as if / as though 后的从句中 wish / as if / as though 与现在事实相反与过去事实相反与将来事实相反 谓语的时态 did(were) had done should / would / could + do 如 : I wish I were as young as you.( 现在的愿望 ) I wish I had known the truth.( 过去的愿望, 事实是之前不知道真相 ) I wish I could fly.( 将来的愿望 ) 4. 用于 would rather( 宁愿 ) 后的从句中 would rather 对现在的假设对过去的假设对将来的假设 谓语的时态 did (were) had done did(were) 如 : I d rather you had come yesterday. ( 我宁愿你昨天来了 ) I d rather you didn t take those important documents with you now. ( 我宁愿你现在不带走这些重要的文件 ) We d rather you went there tomorrow. ( 我们倒想你明天去那儿 ) 5. 在 It is (high / about) time that 结构中, 从句谓语一般用过去式或 should + 动词原形 如 : It is time that you went to bed. 真题解析 1. If I hadn t driven the car yesterday, I (avoid) the accident. 正确答案为 would have avoided 由 yesterday hadn t driven 可知, 从句是表示与过去事实相反的假设, 因此主句应该用 should / would / could / might + have done 2. It is necessary that the problem in some way or other. A. is settled B. was settled C. be settled D. has been settled 正确答案为 C -33 -

3. It s high time we something to stop road accidents. A. did B. are doing C. will do D. do 正确答案为 A. 4. Xiao Li speaks English in a way as if she (be) an American. 正确答案为 were 在 as if / as though 引导的状语从句中, 用动词的一般过去时表示与现在的实际情况相反 系动词 am / is / are 用 were 代替 七 强调句 强调句基本结构为 :It is ( was) + 被强调部分 ( 主语 宾语或状语 ) + that ( who / whom...), 强调主语且主语为人时用 who that; 强调宾语且宾语为人时用 whom that; 其他情况下用 that 如 : I met Mr. Green at the airport yesterday. 可以转换为以下强调句 : It was I that (who) met Mr. Green at the airport yesterday. ( 强调主语 ) It was Mr. Green that(whom)i met at the airport yesterday. ( 强调宾语 ) It was at the airport that I met Mr. Green yesterday. ( 强调地点状语 ) It was yesterday that I met Mr. Green at the airport. ( 强调时间状语 ) 注意 判断强调句的方法是 : 去掉 It is ( was) 和 that ( who / whom) 后, 句子仍然完整, 句意也未发生变化, 就是强调句, 反之则不是强调句 如 It is necessary that you pro vide the r sum. 中去掉强调结构 It is 和 that 后句子不成立, 所以该句不是强调句,that 引导的是主语从句,it 为形式主语 真题解析 It was in China the agreement was signed. A. that B. which C. where D. what 正确答案是 A 本题强调了地点状语 in china 原来的句式应为 :The agreement was signed in China 八 主谓一致 主谓一致指主语和谓语要在人称 数等方面保持一致, 通常遵循以下三个原则 : 语法一致原则 意义一致原则和就近原则 重点与难点 1. 谓语用单数 (1) many a / more than one + 单数名词作主语, 虽然意思表示 许多, 但谓语用单数形式 如 : Many a student has visited London. (2) 由 every each 修饰主语时, 不论有几个名词, 谓语都需用单数 如 : Every knife, fork and spoon has to be counted. -34 -

(3) 表示金钱 时间 距离 价格或度量衡的复合名词作主语时, 谓语一般用单数 如 : Ten months is too long. (4) 主语由动名词 不定式或从句构成 如 : What to do next has not been decided. (5) 国名 人名 书名 学科等词作主语 如 : Physics is a difficult subject. (6) 主语中出现 either neither 时 如 : Either of them is OK. (7) 某些总称名词如 machinery equipment furniture merchandise 等作主语 (8) 由 and 连接的关系非常密切的两个词, 如 knife and fork butter and bread 作主语时, 谓语用单数 2. 谓语用复数 (1) 某些集体名词如 police people cattle vermin 等作主语 (2) both few many 等用作主语或修饰主语 如 : Many students are active in class. (3) the + 形容词作主语, 表示一类人或事物时 如 : The old are respected by the young in our country. (4) a number of a lot of any of most of the rest of some of none of all of 修饰复数名词时 如 : Most of the doctors are respectable. 3. 指代意义决定谓语的单复数 (1) 集体名词如 family audience crew crowd class company committee 等词作主语时, 如强调集体中的各个成员, 谓语用复数形式 ; 如强调一个集体, 则用单数 如 : My family is a big one. My family are watching TV now. (2) 当主语由 and 连接时, 如果表示同一人或物, 谓语动词用单数, 此时, 主语中只有一个冠词 如 : The principal and teacher is my father. 如果主语指的是两个人或物, 谓语用复数, 此时主语中有两个冠词 如 : The principal and the teacher are present. 4. 根据主语决定单复数主语后有 with together with like except but no less than as well as 等词引导的短语时, 谓语动词的单复数由前面的主语决定 如 : The old man, as well as his sons, is watching TV now. 5. 就近原则 (1) there be 句型中谓语动词的单复数应与最邻近的主语保持一致 如 : There is a book and two pens. (2) 在由 or nor not only... but also... either... or... neither... nor... 连接主语的 -35 -

句子中, 谓语动词的单复数应与最邻近的主语保持一致 如 : Either my father or I am going there. 注意 the(only)one of+ 名词 + 定语从句的结构中, 从句中的谓语应该用单数, 而 one of+ 名词 + 定语从句的结构中, 从句中的谓语应用复数 如 : He is one of the students who have been admitted into Nanjing University. ( 这里定语从句的先行词是 students, 从句谓语动词用复数 ) He is the only one of the students who has been admitted into Nanjing University. ( 这里定语从句的先行词是 the only one, 从句谓语动词用单数 ) the number of+ 名词时, 谓语用单数,a number of+ 名词时, 谓语用复数 如 : A number of my friends think I am right. The number of students who have been admitted into Nanjing University is amazing. the A and B 作主语时, 谓语用单数,the A and the B 作主语时, 谓语用复数 如 : The writer and teacher is my sister. ( 主语指我的姐姐 / 妹妹有双重身份, 既是作家又是教师, 是同一个人 ) The writer and the teacher are my sisters. ( 主语指这位作家和这位老师是我的姐妹, 共两个人 ) 真题解析 1. Either of the children quite capable of looking after the baby. A. are B. be C. is D. have been 正确答案为 C either of 表示二者中的任何一个, 谓语用单数形式 2. Both of the twin brothers ( be) capable of doing technical work at present. 正确答案为 are both 表示 两者都, 谓语用复数形式 3. The number of sales people who have left the company (be) very small. 正确答案为 is The number of + 名词复数 作主语, 谓语动词用单数形式 九 从句 从句可以分为名词性从句 定语从句 状语从句 其中名词性从句包括主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句和同位语从句 在句法上与名词在句中所充当的成分等同的从句称为名词性从句 充当主语的从句叫主语从句 ; 在句子中充当宾语的从句叫做宾语从句 ; 充当表语的从句叫表语从句 ; 在句中作同位语, 解释与之同位的名词 ( 或名词短语 ) 的实际内容, 或进行补充说明的从句叫同位语从句 定语从句是在句中修饰 限制名词性成分的从句 在句中充当状语成分的从句是状语从句 重点与难点 1. 主语从句引导词有 that whether what who which when where why how whatever (anything that) whoever (anyone who) 等 其中 that whether 在句中不充当任何成分, 其他引导词既起连接作用, 同时在从句中充当各种成分 如 : -36 -

That the earth moves around the sun is known to us. What he wants is a magazine. Which car you will choose to buy makes no difference. 注意 引导主语从句, 只能用 whether, 不能用 if 如 : Whether we will go camping depends on the weather. 当主语从句太长时, 主语从句常会放到句子的后部, 用代词 it 作形式主语 如 : It is known to us that the earth moves around the sun. It is necessary that you( should) master the computer. 2. 宾语从句 (1) 宾语从句通常置于动词 介词 形容词之后 如 : I don t know whether he is right. I m thinking of whether we should go to see the film. He is glad that he has passed the exam. (2) 引导宾语从句的引导词有 : 连词 :that (that 常可省略, 不作任何成分 ) whether if 代词 :who whose what which 副词 :when where how why 等 (3) 宾语从句的语序须是陈述句语序 如 : We don t know whether we can go there. 而不是 We don t know whether can we go there. Could you tell me how we can go there? 而不是 Could you tell me how can we go there? (4) 如果从句太长, 可以使用形式宾语 it 如 : We find it difficult that we should finish the work on time. 3. 表语从句表语从句位于系动词如 be seem look 等词之后 引导表语从句的关联词有三类 : (1) that; (2) whether as as if; (3) 关系代词 who whom what which whoever whatever whichever 和关系副词 where when how why 等 如 : The fact is that they won the game. He looks as if he didn t sleep last night. That was how we were treated. (4) 同位语从句同位语从句用来解释从句前名词的内容 这类名词主要有 idea fact evidence news truth message suggestion doubt proof thought belief advice story 等 引导词多为 that,that 在从句中通常不充当任何成分且不能省略 如 : -37 -