[ 教材封面 ] 教材出版社 : 外语教学与研究出版社 教材版本 : 普通高中课程标准实验教科书 教材册次 : 第三册 ( 必修 3)( 供高中一年级下学期使用 ) 2 / 18

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第二学期第一周 [ 课程内容 ] Module One Europe 新课预习 : 根据教学大纲, 以周为单位在网上以文本的形式发布 新课预习 或 阶段小结 的内容, 一中网校特聘教师根据每周教学所涉及的各知识点 重点与难点进行剖析, 并通过典型例题分析进行深入探究 学生利用此份文稿进行有针对性的预习, 找出自己存在的问题, 并通过听课及时解决, 从而切实提高听课效率 1 / 18

[ 教材封面 ] 教材出版社 : 外语教学与研究出版社 教材版本 : 普通高中课程标准实验教科书 教材册次 : 第三册 ( 必修 3)( 供高中一年级下学期使用 ) 2 / 18

1. 词汇能力掌握与地理有关的词汇其他词汇 2. 听说能力学会描述方位 3. 阅读能力阅读课文文章, 并掌握其中语言点 4. 语法能力被动语态主谓一致 5. 写作能力描写一座城市 词汇 1 face vt./vi. 1) 朝, 向, 面向 ; 面对 My house faces the park. 我的房子面对公园 The seats face forward. 这些座位朝前方 2) 正视, 应付 Charles couldn't face another day at work, so he decided to leave it and go down to the south. 查尔斯对这工作连一天也干不下去了, 所以他决定放弃工作到南方去 We must learn to face difficulties bravely and try to overcome them. 我们应该学会正视困难, 努力克服困难 3) 面临 A crisis faced us. 我们面临着危机 请注意下面的填空题 : Faced with the difficulties, we must be brave and try to overcome them. face n. 脸, 面容, 表情 ;( 物体的 ) 表面, 正面 It s nice to see some new faces here this evening. 今晚在这儿见到一些新面孔真是太好了 She showed great courage in the face of danger. 面对危险她表现出了极大的勇气 3 / 18

常见搭配 :lose one s face 丢脸 make a face/faces at 向 扮鬼脸 save one s face 挽回面子 face to face 面对面 in the face of 面对 face the enemy 面对敌人 face danger 面对危险 be faced with 面对 2 range n. 山脉, 行列, 范围, 射程 a wide price range. 极大的价格变化范围 a wide range of temperature 气温变化很大 What is the range of your gun? 你的枪的射程有多远? range v. 排列, 使 排队 ;( 动植物 ) 分布 ;( 在一定范围内 ) 变化 The prices of the dolls range from $ 5 to $ 100. 那些布娃娃的价格从 5 美元到 100 美元不等 The cards were ranged in alphabetical order. 卡片按字母顺序排列 常见搭配 :range from to 在 范围内变化 mountain range 山脉 within range of sth. 在 范围内 beyond range of sth. 在 范围外 a wide range of interests 兴趣广泛 3 situated adj. 位于, 被置于境遇, 处于... 的立场 The house is situated on a hill. 这座房子坐落在小山上 situation n. 情形, 境遇, ( 建筑物等的 ) 位置 I am now in a difficult situation. 我现在处境困难 4 locate vt. 设置 ; 住 ( 在 ) The new building will be located in the center of town. 这座大楼将建在市中心 The new hospital is to be located near your college. 这所新医院将建在你们学院附近 Their factory is located at the foot of the mountain. 他们的工厂坐落在山脚下 locate 还可表示 确定某物的位置 之意 We located the island on the map. 我们在地图上找出那个岛的位置 location n. 位置, 场所, 5 project n. 计划, 方案, 事业, 企业, 工程 an impossible project 不可能实施的计划 a project to build a new road 建一条新路的规划 6 ancient adj. 古代的 ancient Rome 古罗马 to study ancient history 研究古代历史比较 old, ancient: 此二词都有 古老的 的意思, 有时可以通用 an old (ancient) church 一座古老的教堂 old 是个使用范围较广的词, 在用来修饰人时, 它的反义词可以是 new 或 modern. Once a year a race is held for old cars. 每年举行一次旧汽车比赛 4 / 18

Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. 那辆车造于 1885 年, 是参加比赛中最破旧的汽车 My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before he returned to England. 我的老朋友哈里森在地中海地区居住多年后回到英国 He lived a hard life in the old society. 他在旧社会日子过得很苦 ancient 通常修饰物, 其反义词更多为 modern,ancient 在作名词用时, 指 古人 However, I found a valuable ancient coin instead. 然而, 我发现了一枚有价值的古代硬币 An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed. 一辆古式的公共汽车停在一条干涸了的河床旁边 7 opposite adj.( 常与 to, from 连用 ) 相反的 ; 对立的 the opinion opposite to mine 与我的意见相对立的意见 The buses went in opposite directions one went south and the other went north. 这两辆公共汽车朝相反的方向开, 一辆向南, 一辆向北 对面的 ; 相对的 Her house is opposite to mine. 她的房子在我的房子对面 The library is on the opposite side of the road from the school. 图书馆在学校马路对面 n. 相反的人或物 High is the opposite of low. 高是低的对立面 prep. 在 的对面 the houses opposite ours 我们家对面的房子 (= opposite to) 8 representative n. 代表 adj. 典型的, 有代表性的 a representative of a company 公司的代表 The representatives were all amazed by what had happened in the factory. 代表们听了这个工厂里发生的事都感到惊愕 9 feature n. 特征, 特色 ; 容貌, 相貌 Her eyes were her best feature. 她的眼睛是她的容貌最漂亮的部分 10 produce n. 产品 ; 物产 The wine bottle was marked Produce of Spain. 酒瓶标明 西班牙产品 听说 英语中表示方位英语方位表示法为数不少, 但容易混淆 特别是几个介词的用法常常令自学者无所适从 有时 " 一字之差 " 就可能 " 失之千里 为此, 我们拟用比较的方式以 east 为例介绍一些常见的方位表示法 5 / 18

( 一 )in the east 与 on the east 的区别 1.in the east 表示我们生活中和地理位置上的绝对方向 如 : The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东边升起, 从西边落下 The Great Wall begins in the east from the Shanhaiguan Pass and ends at the Jiayuguan Pass in the west. 长城东起山海关, 西至嘉峪关 2. on the east 表示某事物位于另一事物所朝的方向 这里的方向是相对而言的 如 : China faces the Pacific on the east. 中国东临太平洋 The United States faces the Atlantic on the east and the Pacific on the west. 美国东临大西洋, 西濒太平洋 ( 二 ) in (to,on) the east of 1. 要表示 A 在 B 的东部, 即 :A 在 B 的范围之内时就用 "A is in the east of B", 如 : Japan is in the east of Asia. 日本在亚洲东部 2. 如果 A 在 B 的东方, 即 :A 在 B 的范围之外, 且相隔有一定的距离, 就用 "A lies to the east of B". 口语中有时可将 to the 省去 如 : Japan lies (to the) east of China. 日本位于中国东方 France lies (to the) east of England. 法国位于英国东方 3. 如果 A 在 B 的东边 ( 侧 ), 即 :A 与 B 相邻接 就用 "A is on the east of B". 如 : Guangdong is on the south of Hunan. 广东在湖南南边 Shangdong is on the north of Jiangsu. 山东在江苏北边 ( 口语中也可以使用 to) 4. 如果要表示 A 位于 B 东面 100 公里处 时我们既可以说 "A lies l00km to the east of B", 也可以说 "A lies 100km east of B". 后者在美国口语中更为常见 如 : The plane crashed 30 miles south of the city. 飞机在离城南 30 英里处坠毁 Suzhou lies 50 miles to the west of Shanghai. 苏州位于上海西面 50 英里处 ( 三 ) 汉语里 东南西北 的先后顺序到英语里就变成了 north,south,east,west; 并由此有了下列中 英文表达上的差异 东南方 :southeast 西南方 :southwest 西北方 :northwest 东北方 :northeast 6 / 18

如 : 十三陵位于北京西北 50 公里处 The Ming Tombs are located about 50 km to the northwest of Beijing. 天津位于北京东南 120 公里处 Tiajin is situated l20 km southeast of Beijing. ( 四 ) 要表示方位的 偏向 时通常用 by 正东偏北 : east by north 正南偏西 : south by west 正北偏东 : north by east 正南偏东 : south by east 如 :We are sailing in the direction of east by north. 我们正朝着正东偏北方向航行 The island lies south by east from here. 那个岛位于此地的正南偏东方向 阅读 1 The United Kingdom is off the northwest of continental Europe. 联合王国位于欧洲大陆西北海岸以外 off 在表示方位时表示 相隔 远离 的意思 There are numerous islands off the coast. 沿岸有很多岛屿 That is an island ten miles off the coast of southeast China. 那是距离中国东南沿海十英里远的一个岛屿 2 Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine. 巴黎是法国的首都和最大的城市, 位于塞纳河畔 situated on the River Seine 在句中起定语作用, 其中 situated 表示 位于 的意思 The house is situated on a hill. 这座房子坐落在小山上 Situated on the hill, the house has a good view of the city. 由于坐落在山上, 这座房子视野很好 3 What have the words family, team and class got in common? Family, team, class 等词的共同点是什么? in common 表示 和 有共同之处, 共用, 经常用在 have in common with 结构中 They have a lot in common. 他们有很多共同点 Real friend should have everything in common. 真正的好朋友应该共享一切 have a lot /much/ a great deal in common with 和 有很多共同之处 have nothing /little in common with 和 没有 / 少有共同之处 out of the common 非同寻常 be common to/for sb. 对某人来说是常见的 7 / 18

for the common good 为了公共利益 4 In terms of size and population, how big is the European Union compared with China? 在面积和人口方面, 欧盟和中国相比有多大? in terms of 表示 就 来说, 从 的角度, 经常用作状语 In terms of money, we are quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 从钱的角度看, 我们相当富有, 但是从幸福的角度看并非如此 be on good terms with sb. 和某人关系好 in the long term 就长期而言 on equal terms 在平等的条件下 5 In France, on the other hand, the head of state is a president. 然而, 在法国, 国家元首却是总统 on the other hand 表示 从另一点说, 从另一个角度看, 但有时与 on the one hand 连用, 表示 一方面 另一方面 的意思 I want to go to the party, but on the other hand, I ought to be studying. 我想去参加聚会, 但是从另一个方面来说, 我应该留下来学习 On the one hand I admire his gifts, but on the other I distrust his judgment. 一方面, 我欣赏他的天赋, 但是另一方面, 我不相信他的判断 6 Little by little, the number increased during the second half of the twentieth century. 渐渐地, 在二十世纪下半叶成员国数量增多了 little by little 表示 一点一点地, 逐渐的, 说明事情变化的幅度 Little by little, the flood water receded. 渐渐地, 洪水退了下去 写作 本模块要求大家能够写一篇描写某城市 / 地点的文章, 请看下面的例子 : 内容提示请你写一篇文章, 描写港口城市青岛, 内容要求如下 : 1 位于山东省东部 2 以蓝色的大海, 美丽的海滨而闻名, 是避暑胜地 3 每年夏天有来自全国和世界各地的成千上万的人们到这里沿海漫步 游泳 购物 观赏秀丽景色 4 近年来, 该城市发生巨大变化, 对发展我国对外贸易起到重要作用, 成为国际港口城市 8 / 18

作文示范 The City of Qingdao The city of Qingdao lies in the east of Shandong Province. It is famous for its blue sea and beautiful beaches. Qingdao is a wonderful place for summer holidays. Tens of thousands of people from all parts of the country and all corners of the world come to visit the city every summer. They walk along the beaches, go swimming in the sea or do some shopping in the stores or on the markets. They can see the fine views of the city. Especially attractive are the building groups of the Eastern-and-Western-style mixed houses and villas. Great changes have taken place in Qingdao in the recent years. It has played an important part in the development of the foreign trade of our country. Its port is busy. Ships from all countries come and go every day. It has become an international port city. 词语解释 villa n. 别墅写法指要 1) 本文引言段是对青岛的概述 第二段描写其海滨的特色和市内建筑的特点 第三段写其港口的景色及其在我国对外贸易中所起的作用 2) 本文有两种句子结构值得借鉴 : 其一是平行结构, 如第二段中的 all parts of the country and all corners of the world 和 walk along the beaches, go swimming in the sea, or do some shopping in the stores or on the markets, 这种结构能够给人以节奏美的感觉 其二是倒装语序 (inverted order) 的句子 : Especially attractive are the building groups of the Eastern-and-Western-style mixed houses and villas. 这种句子是把表语提到句首, 把主语置于句末 如果主语太长时可以这样做, 它可以避免头重脚轻的缺陷 英语句法修辞上有一条 句尾重心 (end weight) 的准则, 要求把分量重的成分放在句子末尾, 以起到强调主要内容的作用 请以天津为题写一篇描写家乡的文章 Tianjing My Hometown My hometown is a beautiful place with a population of ten million. It stands beside the Gulf Bohai. Tianjin has many high office and commercial buildings and wide tree-lined streets. Several excellent world-famous institutions of higher learning are located here, namely Nankai University and Tianjin University. As a most important industrial center for North China, her hundreds of factories produce a wide range of top-grade and high-tech products. Many of these products have attained world levels. Markets and department stores, big or small, are well-stocked with all kinds of goods, which are high in quality but low in price. 9 / 18

( 一 ) 被动语态 1 被动语态的构成形式 (1) 被动语态的基本时态变化 被动语态通常为十种时态的变化形式, 被动语态由 be+ 过去分词构成,be 随时态的变化而变化 以 do 为例, 各种时态的被动语态形式为 : 1) am\is\are +done( 过去分词 ) 一般现在时例 Visitors are not requested not to touch the exhibits. 2) has\have+ been done 现在完成时例 All the preparations for the task have been completed, and we are ready to start. 3) am\is\are+ being done 现在进行时例 A new cinema is being built here. 4) was\were done 一般过去时例 I was given ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer. 5) had been done 过去完成时例 By the end of last year, another gymnasium had been completed in Beijing. 6) was\were being done 过去进行时例 A meeting was being held when I got there. 7) shall\will be done 一般将来时例 Hundreds of jobs will be lost if the factory closes. 8) should\would be done 过去将来时例 The news would be sent to the soldier s mother as soon as it arrived. 9) will\shall have been done 将来完成时 ( 少用 ) 例 The project will have been completed before July. 10) should\would have been done 过去将来完成时 ( 少用 ) 例 He told me that his news clothes would have been made very soon. (2) 被动语态的特殊结构形式 1) 带情态动词的被动结构 其形式为 : 情态动词 +be+ 过去分词 例 The baby should be taken care of by the baby -sitter. 2) 有些动词可以有两个宾语, 在用于被动结构时, 可以把主动结构中的一个宾语变为主语, 另一个宾语仍然保留在谓语后面 通常变为主语的是间接宾语 例 His mother gave him a present for his birthday. 可改为 He was given a present by his mother for his birthday. 3) 当 动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 结构变为被动语态时, 将宾语变为被动结构中的主语, 其余不动 例 Someone caught the boy smoking a cigarette. 可改为 The boy was caught smoking a cigarette. 10 / 18

4) 在使役动词 have, make, get 以及感官动词 see, watch, notice, here, feel, observe 等后面不定式作宾语补足语时, 在主动结构中 to 要省略, 但变为被动结构时, 要加 to. 例 Someone saw a stranger walk into the building. 可改为 A stranger was seen to walk into the building. 5) 有些相当于及物动词的动词词组, 如 动词 + 介词, 动词 + 副词 等, 也可以用于被动结构, 但要把它们看作一个整体, 不能分开其中的介词或副词也不能省略 例 The meeting is to be put off till Friday. (3) 非谓语动词的被动语态 V +ing 形式及不定式 to do 也有被动语态 ( 一般时态和完成时态 ) 例 I don t like being laughed at in the public. 2 如何使用被动语态 学习被动语态时, 不仅要知道被动语态的各种结构, 还要知道在哪些情况中使用被动语态 (1) 讲话者不知道动作的执行者或不必说出动作的执行者 ( 这时可省略 by 短语 ) 例 My bike was stolen last night. (2) 借助被动的动作突出动作的执行者 例 I was given ten minutes to decide whether I should accept the offer. (3) 在文章标题, 广告, 新闻中 如 : Girls wanted. 招女工 Millions of pounds worth of damages has been caused by a storm which swept across the north of England last night. (4) 当动作的执行者不是人时 如 : The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people are persuaded to eat more fruit and vegetables. 3 It is said that+ 从句及其他类似句型 一些表示 据说 或 相信 的动词如 believe, consider, expect, report, say, suppose, think 等可以用于句型 It be+ 过去分词 +that 从句 或 主语 +be+ 过去分词 +to do sth. 有 : It is said that 据说,It is reported that 据报道,It is believed that 大家相信,It is hoped that 大家希望,It is well known that 众所周知,It is thought that 大家认为,It is suggested that 据建议 例 It is said that the boy has passed the national exam.(the boy is said to have passed the national exam.) 4 谓语动词的主动形式表被动意义 (1) 英语中很多动词如 break, catch, clean, drive, lock, open, sell, read, write, wash 等, 当它们被用作不及物动词来描述主语特征时, 常用其主动形式表达被动意义, 主语通常是物 这类动词一般不单独使用, 常有一个修饰语 例 This kind of cloth washes well. Nylon cleans easily. 11 / 18

Food can keep fresh in a fridge. Your speech reads well. This material has worn thin. The match won t catch. (2) 表示 发生 进行 的不及物动词和短语, 如 :happen, last, take place, break out, come out, come about, come true, run out, give out, turn out 等以主动形式表示被动意义 例 How do the newspapers come out? 这些报纸是如何印出来的呢? (3) 系动词没有被动形式, 但有些表示感受 感官的连系动词 feel, sound, taste, look, feel 等在主系表结构中常以主动形式表示被动意义 例 You reason sounds reasonable. (4) 少数动词用于进行时, 其主动形式表被动含义, 如 print, cook, fry, hang, build, make. 例 The books are printing. The meat is cooking. (5) 介词 in, on,under 等 + 名词构成介词短语表被动 如 :under control, under treatment, under repair, under discussion, under construction, beyond belief, beyond one s reach, on sale, on show 等 ( 二 ) 主谓一致 1. 语法形式上的一致 主语为单数形式, 谓语动词用单数形式 ; 主语为复数形式, 谓语动词也用复数形式 例如 : Jane and Mary look healthy and strong. The number of mistakes was surprising. 2. 意义上一致 1) 主语形式虽为单数, 但意义为复数, 谓语动词用复数 例如 : The crowd were running for their lives. 单数形式表示复数意义的词有 people,police,cattle 等 2) 主语形式为复数而意义上却是单数, 谓语动词用单数 例如 : The news was very exciting. 形复意单的单词有 news, 和一些以 ics 结尾的学科名. 称, 如 physics,politics, mathematics 等 3. 就近原则 即谓语动词的单 复数形式取决于最靠近它的词语 如用连词 or, either or,neither...nor,not only but also,not but 等连接的并列主语, 如果一个是单数, 一个是复数, 谓语动词与靠近它的主语一致 例如 : Either your students or Mr. Wang knows this. 12 / 18

4. 应注意的几个问题 A) 名词作主语 1) 某些集体名词 ( 如 family,team 等 ) 作主语时, 如果作为一个整体看待, 谓语动词用单数形式 ; 如果就其中一个个成员而言, 谓语动词用复数形式 例如 : The whole family are watching TV. His family is going to have a long journey. 这类名词有 :audience,class,club,committee,company, crew,crowd, enemy,government,group,party,public,team,etc. 名词 population 一词的使用情况跟上述类似 例如 :: The population in China is very large,and eighty percent of the population in China are farmers. a group(crowd)of+ 复数名词 等短语之后的谓语动词也同样可用单数或复数, 前者强调整体, 后者强调各个部分 2) 某些集体名词 ( 如 people,police,cattle,militia 等 ) 只当复数看待, 谓语动词必须用复数 例如 : The police are searching for him. 3) 单 复数同形的名词作主语时, 谓语动词应根据意义决定单 复数 例如 : A sheep is over there, Some sheep are over there. 4) 名词所有格之后的名词被省略的情况一般只指商店 工场 住宅等, 作主语时, 动词一般用单数 例如 : My Uncle's is not far from here. The doctor's is on the side of the street. 5) 当名词词组中心词为表示度量 距离 金额 时间 书名等复数名词时, 往往可以根据意义一致的原则, 把这些复数名词看作一个整体, 谓语用单数形式 例如 : Five minutes is enough to do this exercise. The Selected Poems of Li Bai was published long ago. Three years has passed. 6) 不定代词 each,every,no 所修饰的名词即使以 and 或逗号连接成多个并列主语, 谓语动词仍用单数形式 例如 : Each boy and each girl wants to serve the people in the future. 7) 如果主语有 more than one... 或 many a 构成, 尽管从意义上看是复数内容, 但它的谓语动词仍用单数形式 例如 : Many a ship has been damaged in the storm. More than one student has seen the film, 在 more+ 复数名词 +than one' 结构之后, 谓语词一般用复数形式 例如 : More members than one are against your plan. 13 / 18

8) 一些由两个部分构成的名词表示衣物或工具作主语时 ; 谓语通常用复数形式, 如 scissors,chopsticks,compasses,shoes,trousers,clothes,glasses 等 但如果主语由 a kind of,a pair of,a series of 等加名词 构成时, 谓语动词一般用单数形式 例如 : A pair of shoes was on the desk. 9)this kind of book=a book of this kind( 这种书 ), 其谓语用单数 ; 短语 this kind of men=men of this kind=these kinds of men( 口语 )( 这一类人 ), 但 this kind of men 的谓语用单数, men of this kind 和 these kinds of men 的谓语用复数 all kinds of 后跟复数名词, 谓语用复数形式 例如 : Men of this kind are dangerous. This kind of men is dangerous. 10) 复数形式的单 复数同形名词作主语时, 按意义一致的原则, 作单数意义时, 谓语用单数 ; 反之, 谓语用复数 这类名词有 means( 方法 ),works( 工厂 ),species( 种类 ), Chinese,Japanese 等 例如 : The (This) glass works was set up in l970. ( 这家玻璃厂建于 1970 年 ) The(These)glass works are near the railway station. ( 这些玻璃厂在火车站附近 ) 当它们前面有 a,such a,this,that 修饰时, 谓语用单数 ; 有 all,such,these,those 修饰时, 谓语用复数 但 means", no means", the means" 等词前没有以上修饰词时, 可作单数, 也可用作复数 注 :work 作 工作 解时是不可数名词, 作 著作 解时是可数名词, 有单复数之分 11) 如果名词词组中心词是 all,most;half,rest,part 等词语, 表示的是复数意义, 谓语动词用复数形式 ; 反之, 用单数 例如 : All of the water is gone All of my classmates work hard. 12) 在主谓倒装的句子中, 谓语动词的数应与其后的主语一致 如 : Between the two windows hangs a picture. B) 由连接词连接的名词作主语 13) 用 and 或 both...and 连接并列主语, 谓语动词通常用复数形式 例如 : Walking and riding are good exercises. Plastics and rubber never rot. 但是, 并列主语如果指的是同一个人 同一事物或同一概念, 谓语动词用单数形式, 这时,and 后面的名词没有冠词 例如 : A knife and fork is on the table. Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit. The girl's teacher and friend is a young doctor.( 同一个人 ) 14 / 18

14) 当主语后面跟有 as well as,as much as,no less than, along with,with, like, rather than,together with,but,except,besides,including,in addition to 等引导的词组时, 其谓语动词的单 复数按主语的单 复数而定 例如 : The room with its furniture was rented. The teacher as well as the students was excited. 15) 以 or,either...,neither...nor,not only but also 等连接的名词 ( 代词 ) 作主语, 谓语动词的单复数应根据就近一致的原则 例如 : Neither you nor I nor anybody else knows anything about it Either you or he is to go. Tom or his brothers are waiting in the room. C) 代词作主语. 16) 名词型物主代词后的动词, 既可以用单数, 也可以用复数, 这取决于它所代替的是单数还是复数 例如 : Ours(Our Party) is a great party. Our shoes are black,mine (=my shoes) are brown. 17)such,the same 起指示代词作用时, 应根据其所指的内容来决定单 复数 例如 : Such are his words. Such is our plan. 18) 关系代词 who,that,which 等在定语从句中作主语时, 其谓语动词的数应与句中先行词的数一致 例如 : Some of the energy that is used by man comes from the sun. Those who want to go please write your names here. 19) 疑问代词 who,what, which 作主语时, 谓语动词可根据说话人所要表达的意思决定单复数 例如 : What produce(s)heat? Which is (are) your book(s)? Who live next door? It is Zhang and Liu. Who lives next door? It is Xiao Liu. 20) 不定代词 any,either,neither,none,all some,more 等作主语时, 有以下两种情况 : 1 单独用作主语时, 视其在文中的意义, 动词可用单数或复数形式 例如 : All are present.let's begin the meeting. Now all has been changed. either,neither 单独作主语时, 谓语通常用单数 2 后接 of 时, 若 of 的宾语为不可数名词, 动词当然用单数形式 ; 若 of 的宾语为复数名词或代词, 动词可以是单数, 也可以是复数 ; 在正式文体中, 单数形式的动词更常用 例如 : None of them has(have)seen the film. Do(es) any of you know his address? 15 / 18

D) 分数 量词作主语 21) 某数词单纯表示数字作主语时, 其谓语动词通常用单数形式, 但是当基数词表示的不是数值而是数量时, 谓语动词可用复数形式 例如 : The billion is a large number. Twelve were boys. 英语中算术式作主语时, 若是减法或除法算术式, 谓语通常用单数形式 ; 若是加法和乘法, 谓语动词有时也可用复数形式 例如 : Three times five is/are fifteen. Two and (plus) two is/are four. Twelve divided by four is three. Three taken from eight leaves five. 在提问加 减 乘 除得数时, 如用 how much, 谓语动词多用单数形式 ; 如用 how many, 谓语动词多用复数形式 例如 : How many are two times five? How much is eight divided by two? 22) 分数或百分数 +of+ 名词 构成短语, 以及由 some,a lot of,lots of,plenty of, a(1arge)quantity of,the rest of + 名词 构成短语时, 其名词可以是可数名词或不可数名词 作主语时, 其谓语动词要与短语中 of 后面的名词的数保持一致, 这是因为短语中 of 后面的名词是中心词, 而名词前面的量词是修饰语 例如 : A quantity of blouses were on sale. A large quantity of beer was sold. Plenty of English books are on the shelf. Lots of damage was caused by fire. Three-fifths of the workers here are women. About three-fourths of the earth's surface is covered with water. 23) (large)quantities of 修饰可数复数名词或不可数名词其短语作主语时, 谓语动词一般用复数 例如 : Quantities of food (nuts) were on the table. Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge. 24)The number+ 可数复数名词,the amount of+ 不可数名词,the quantity of+ 可数复数名词或不可数名词构成的短语, 作主语时, 谓语动词用单数, 例如 : The amount of money is great. The quantity of books in the library is amazing. The number of students in our school is increasing. 25) 表示数量的 one and a half 后, 名词要用复数形式 但是其短语作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式 例如 : One and a half bananas is left on the table. 26)half of,(a)part of 修饰可数名词单数及不可数名词时, 谓语动词用单数 ; 修饰可数名 16 / 18

词复数时, 谓语动词用复数 E) 名词化的形容词作主语 28) 如果主语由 the+ 形容词或过去分词 结构充当时 谓语通常用复数 这类词有 ;the brave,the poor,the rich, the blind,the young,the old, the sick,the dead, the deaf and dumb,the oppressed,the injured, the wounded, the unemployed 等 ; 但也有少数的过去分词与定冠词连用时指个别, 则用单数 例如 : The departed( 死者 ) was a well-known engineer. The blind study in special schools. F) 从句作主语 28) 由 what 引导的主语从句, 谓语动词通常用单数 ; 所指的具体内容若是复数意义, 谓语动词一般用复数形式 例如 : What we need are doctors. What we need is more time. 29) 在复数名词引导的从句结构中, 关系代词的先行词是靠近它的复数名词, 因此, 从句中的动词应该是复数形式 例如 : This is one of the most interesting questions that have been asked. 用所给动词的适当形式填空 : 1. Many a boy and girl (have ) made such a funny experiment. 2. The writer and translator (be) delivering a speech in our school now. 3. Tom, and not Jim, (have ) gone there. 4. A needle and thread (be) what he needs now. 5. He or I (be) to go. 6. A football team which (keep) on training hard (be) more likely to win. 7. This pair of glasses (be) mine. 8. Ten years (be) a moment in history. 9. A third of his composition (have) been corrected. 10.What I said and did (be ) of no concern to you. 答案及讲解 : 1. has 被 every, each, many a, no 等限定的单个主语由 and 连接时, 谓语动词用单数 2. is 两个单数名词用 and 连接, 表示同一人, 同一物, 同一概念时, 谓语用单数 3. has Tom 是主语 4. is 见 2 题解释 5. am 由 or, nor, either or, neither nor, not only but also 连接的并列主语, 谓语就近而变 17 / 18

6. keeps, is team 视为整体, 谓语用 f 单数 7. is a pair of 修饰 glasses 谓语随 pair 而变 8. is 表示时间, 重量, 距离, 价格, 体积等名词的复数作主语, 视为整体, 谓语用单数 9. has 分数修饰名词谓语动词随名词而变 10. is 由 what 引导的从句作主语, 谓语动词一般用单数 18 / 18