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Theater The Department of Theater at Brooklyn College 纽约市立大学布鲁克林学院戏剧系

OVERVIEW The Department of Theater at Brooklyn College is one of New York City s leading institutions in the training of actors, directors, set/costume/lighting designers, dramaturgs, performing arts managers, and theater technicians. The Department offers undergraduate degree programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts in Theater, the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting, the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design & Technical Theater, the Master of Arts in Theater History & Criticism, and the Master of Fine Arts with concentrations in Acting, Directing, Design & Technical Theater, and Performing Arts Management. Our comprehensive curriculum includes courses in acting, voice, movement, improvisation, acting for the camera, stage combat, directing, stagecraft, stage design, costume design, costume rendering, lighting design, stage management, theater design and planning, performing arts management, criticism, dramaturgy, dramatic theory, black theater, American musical theater, American theater, world theater history, and Asian theater. 概述 布鲁克林学院戏剧系是纽约市的演员, 导演, 场景 / 服装 / 照明设计师, 戏剧研究, 演艺经理, 剧院和技术人员的培训主导机构之一 该系开设的本科学位有戏剧艺术学士, 演技专科学士, 设计跟剧场技术专科学士 硕士学位有剧院艺术的历史与批评, 并有专科硕士学位以下几项 : 演技, 导演, 设计与技术剧场和表演艺术管理 我们的综合课程, 包括课演技, 声音发展, 体态展现, 即兴创作, 为摄影的演技训练, 舞台武术, 导演, 舞台美术, 舞台设计, 服装设计, 服装透视, 灯光设计, 舞台管理, 戏剧设计和规划, 表演艺术管理, 舞台评论, 剧作, 戏剧理论, 黑人剧场, 美国音乐剧, 美国戏剧, 世界戏剧史和亚洲戏剧

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UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS The Brooklyn College Department of Theater offers the BA degree in Theater and the BFA degree in Acting or Design & Technical Theater. Each concentration is designed for a full four-year course of study that encompasses intensive classes in acting, design, and theater arts training. Students in all programs are required to enroll in Brooklyn College s nationally known Core Curriculum as part of their studies in the liberal arts and sciences. The BA degree in Theater offers a broad spectrum of courses in all aspects of theater. BA students have the opportunity to explore acting, directing, devising, costume, lighting and scene design, technical production, theater history, stage management, and theater management. Courses focus on theatre as a collaborative art form, and the program is designed to provide students with a well-rounded theatre experience within the context of a liberal arts education. BFA Acting BFA Acting students have specific semesters dedicated to developing and strengthening personal process, investigating the works of Shakespeare and other classic playwrights, exploring approaches to works of contemporary playwrights, integration of voice and physical training, developing original works, and completing a capstone senior thesis project (research, development and performance of a role, and a written research thesis). In the final semester, eligible students will produce and present an acting showcase in Manhattan for industry professionals. BFA Design This 66-credit major offers specialized courses in stagecraft, costume, lighting, and set design, CADD programming, theater history, and a series of independent studies in which BFA Design students serve as assistant designers for department productions. BFA Design students are provided significant hands-on experience in all aspects of theater through participation in each semester s department productions.

本科专业 布鲁克林学院戏剧系提供戏剧学士学位和表演或设计及技术剧场的专科美术学士学位 每个课程是专为完成四年课程的专业课程, 它包括集中授课在演戏, 设计, 戏剧艺术培训 所有学生须在布鲁克林学院的全国知名的核心课程注册为他们在文科和理科研究準备 戏剧学士学位在剧院的学士学位提供的课程范围包括广泛戏剧的各个方面 学士学位的学生有机会去探索的演技, 导演, 服装, 灯光和场景设计, 技术, 戏剧史, 舞台管理, 和剧院管理 课程专注于戏剧作为一个合作的艺术形式, 并旨在为学生提供一个成熟的戏剧艺术体验 演技学术专业演技学术专业的学生在每个学期有不同学习重点, 其中包括致力于发展和加强个人的过程中, 研究莎士比亚等经典剧作家的作品, 探索途径当代剧作家的作品, 融合语音和体能训练, 开发原创作品, 并在最后完成一个高级论文 ( 研究, 发展和表演的表现, 并有书面的研究论文 ) 在最后一个学期, 符合条件的学生将在曼哈顿的专业人士提有一个表演展示 设计跟技术专业设计跟技术专业的本科学生有 66 学分, 主要提供专门的课程, 舞台美术, 服装, 灯光和布景设计, 计算机辅助绘图设计, 戏剧史, 以及一系列独立的研究中, 设计本科专业的学生作为助理设计师会在戏剧系的制作下学习

GRADUATE PROGRAMS The Brooklyn College Department of Theater offers the MFA degree in Acting, Directing, Design & Technical Theater, and Performing Arts Management, and the MA degree in Theater History & Criticism. The department also cooperates in offering a program in Performance & Interactive Media Arts (PIMA). These programs are designed to prepare graduate students to perform at a high level of professional competence, to take leadership roles, and to achieve distinction in their chosen fields. MA in Theater History & Criticism The MA in Theater History & Criticism is designed to train scholars, teachers, and writers. Graduates of the MA Program go on to enroll in PhD programs, including at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, which accepts most credits earned at Brooklyn College, as well going on to work as theatre critics and, in professional theatres, as dramaturgs, publicity managers, and in various other capacities. Thirty credits are required for completion. With the proper prerequisites and departmental permission, students may also select courses in their specialized disciplines from any of the CUNY schools as well as The Graduate Center, with the permission of the instructor. MFA in Performing Arts Management The purpose of the Performing Arts Management Program is to provide an opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge of the performing arts, to help them acquire an understanding of business theories and techniques and the application of these to the performing arts, and to assist them in gaining a variety of meaningful work experiences in the field through internships and professional residencies. The goal of the program is to graduate students who are immediately qualified to assume specialized administrative positions with professional arts organizations and, importantly, students who will eventually assume leading management positions in the field. MFA in Directing The MFA program in Directing is designed to train directors to perform with distinction and leadership in professional theater. The MFA Directing program balances rigorous academic preparation in the history, theory, and literature of theater with intensive practical experience through on-campus production, classroom, and workshop activity, as well as internships with a wide variety of producing organizations in New York.

MFA in Acting The MFA Acting program demands a two-year full-time residency committed to rigorous training in voice, movement, speech, acting, and theatrical analysis. Students receive a myriad of performance opportunities in this professional environment that challenges them to apply the techniques and skills practiced in the studio. MFA Acting candidates work collaboratively with MFA directors, dramaturges, and designers on department productions as well as scene-study work for directing classes and the directors thesis productions. MFA in Design & Technical Theater The MFA program in Design & Technical Theater helps students attain the highest skill levels in the areas of scenic, costume, and lighting design through professional training. The program consists not only of the vital academic curriculum, where CADD is incorporated, but also of intensive hands-on production work. Students design department productions four mainstage and up to six flexible theater productions each year where what is learned in the classroom environment is applied to the real world of theater. MFA in PIMA The PIMA M.F.A. is a cutting-edge graduate program in collaborative, experimental, multidisciplinary performing arts production. Students collaboratively create performances that draw upon and hybridize theater, performance art, dance, music, puppetry, and unnamed forms. Bringing together experienced artists from a wide range of backgrounds, this intensive two-year program teaches interdisciplinary collaboration as a skill in itself, and multimedia computer programming as a tool for both practical production and collaboration. Students in the program share an interest in digital media and use of technology in performance, and multimedia work is encouraged and supported.

硕士学位 布鲁克林学院戏剧系提供美术硕士学位包括, 导演, 设计与技术剧场和表演艺术管理, 并且有剧院历史与批判的文学硕士学位 该系还跟性能和互动媒体艺术 ( PIMA ) 合作 这些硕士学位的目的是准备提高硕士学位学生的专业能力的水平, 以发挥领导作用, 并实现在自己选择的领域成就 剧院历史与批评硕士学位剧院历史与批评的硕士学位旨在培养学者, 教师和作家 该硕士课程的毕业生继续在博士课程进修, 包括在纽约城市大学研究生中心, 它接受获得布鲁克林学院的学分, 并在同时继续进行工作, 作为戏剧评论家, 在专业剧场, 作为戏剧研究者, 宣传经理, 以及其他各种领域 此学位需要完成三十学分 有了正确的前提和部门的许可, 学生也可以向任何学校纽约市立大学以及研究生中心选择他们的专业学科课程 演艺管理硕士学位表演艺术管理学位的目的是为学生提供一个机会以拓宽自己的演艺之知识, 并帮助他们掌握业务理论和技术的理解以及这些应用程序到表演艺术, 并且协助他们在通过实习和专业驻在该领域获得的各种有意义的工作经验 该计划的目标是要毕业的学生立刻有资格承担并参予专业艺术团体, 更重要的, 学生最终将承担该领域的主要管理职位的专业行政职务 导演硕士学位在导演硕士课程旨在培养导演以优异的成就和领导的能力在专业剧场演出 导演硕士学位在历史, 理论, 文学戏剧有严谨的学术準备并通过校内学习执导, 教室和工作练习活动, 以及在纽约各种不同领域的组织实习而集结了密集的实践经验

演技硕士学位演技硕士学位需要一两年的全职致力于语音, 动作, 语言, 表演, 戏剧和分析的严格训练 学生会获得无数在这个专业的环境的表现机会, 并挑战他们实行的技术和技能 演技硕士学位的学生, 会与 MFA 导演, 剧作家, 和设计师密切合作 并且会与导演学生在导演课作场景练习, 跟在导演的论文制作上做为演员表演 设计和技术剧场硕士学位在设计和技术剧场的硕士课程帮助学生通过专业培训获得在场景, 服装领域以及灯光设计的最高技术水平 该学位不仅是重要的学术课程, 其中也包括电脑绘图跟密集手工制作的工作 学生会设计部门的四出主要作品, 跟每年多达六个弹性的戏剧作品 - 在教室环境中学会的知识会应用到戏剧的现实世界 PIMA 硕士学位 PIMA 的硕士学位是协作的, 实验性的, 多学科的演艺生产尖端的研究生课程 学生协作创建借鉴和多样化的剧场, 表演艺术, 舞蹈, 音乐, 木偶, 和无名的形式演出 从广泛的背景汇集经验丰富的艺术家, 这种密集的为期两年的课程, 本身就是一种本事, 运用多媒体计算机编程作为两个实际生产和协作的工具 在此项目的学生在电脑媒体和性能技术的使用上有共同的兴趣, 多媒体工作是受到鼓励和支持的

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Flyin West by Pearl Cleage--2010 Fall 飞向西方 --- 珠儿. 克里兹 2010 秋季

Flyin West by Pearl Cleage--2010 Fall 飞向西方 --- 珠儿. 克里兹 2010 秋季

Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl --2011 Fall 尤莉狄斯 --- 莎拉. 茹尔 2011 秋季

Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl --2011 Fall 尤莉狄斯 --- 莎拉. 茹尔 2011 秋季

The Rimers of Eldritch by Lanford Wilson--2013 Spring 可怕的来模 --- 莱佛. 威尔森 2013 春季

The Rimers of Eldritch by Lanford Wilson--2013 Spring 可怕的来模 --- 莱佛. 威尔森 2013 春季

Suburban Motel by George F. Walker--2012 Fall 郊区的汽车旅馆 --- 乔治 F. 华克 2012 秋季

Suburban Motel by George F. Walker--2012 Fall 郊区的汽车旅馆 --- 乔治 F. 华克 2012 秋季

Karen L. Gould, President Brooklyn College Maria Conelli, Dean School of Visual, Media and Performing Arts