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The Reconstruction in Afghanistan after the Inauguration of New President and The ISAF Withdrawal YANG Shu WAN Cheng Yang Shu, Professor, Director of Institute for Central Asian Studies; Wan Cheng, PHD Candidate of Institute for Central Asian Studies Abstract After the withdrawal of the ISAF, the complexity of the situation in Afghanistan became prominent since the country is facing the possibility of a worsening security situation. The restart of the warlord war, as well as the revival of the Taliban are two problems where the international community is very concerned for. Although the results of the Afghan elections are already out, the competition between the different political powers will not calm down even after these elections. The old ethnic, tribal and regional conflicts still existand the lagging economical situation and social development can therefore not be resolved in a short period of time, which are the political and social structural issues of Afghanistan that international community concerns. On the other hand, however, this kind of situation is not at all absolute because the strategic plan after the withdrawal of the international forces and the construction of Afghanistan's own security forces are both influencing the prospect of Afghanistan's future. For example, the tactics of using drones by the ISAF can suppress the anti-government armed groups to a great extent.the likelihood of an overwhelming chaos on Afghan territory is rather small, but local instabilities are indeed very possible to occur. Key Words Withdrawal of ISAF; Inauguration of New President of Afghanistan; Situation of Afghanistan 28