2 14. Translate into Chinese: Sir, are you a teacher? A. 先生, 你是老师吗? B. 小姐, 你是学生吗? 15. Translate into Chinese: I want to invite you to eat. A. 我想请你吃饭 B

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1 克拉克高中 韦老师的中文班 Clark High School Chinese 1 Semester 2 Exam 名字 : 节 : 日期 : Multiple Choice & True or False Questions. Choose the best answer to each question. 1. 你有没有老师? A. 没有 B. 是 2. 对还是错? 吗 is a question particle in the Chinese language. A. 对 B. 错 3. 爸爸 is which family member? A. Mom B. Dad C. dog D. cat 4. Which of the following is the correct Pinyin for 老师? A. lāoshï B. lăoshī C. làoshĭ D. laoshí 5. The basic word order in a Chinese sentence is STVPO(Subject+Time+Verb+Place+Object). A. 对 B. 错 6. Which of the following is 二零一九年? A. 2190 B. 2019 C. 2018 D. 2009 7. Complete the sentence: 王朋是 A. 美国 B. 男人 C. 中国 8. 你是不是学生? A. 是 B. 有 C. 大 D. 学 9. Fill the blank: 你喜欢中国菜 美国菜? A. 还有 B. 还是 C. 可是 D. 可以 10. 你爱我吗?Choose the answer that grammatically and logically answers the question. A. 我喜欢看书 B. 我很笨 C. 我爱你 D. 我爱不我 11. 你是谁? Choose the best answer. A. 谁是我 B. 我不是 C. 我是李友 D. 我姓陈 12. Complete the song: 你好, 你好, 你好吗? A. 我很好, 谢谢你 B. 我不好, 对不起 13. Fill the blank: 我 有八口人 A. 学 B. 个 C. 家 D. 吗

2 14. Translate into Chinese: Sir, are you a teacher? A. 先生, 你是老师吗? B. 小姐, 你是学生吗? 15. Translate into Chinese: I want to invite you to eat. A. 我想请你吃饭 B. 我想请你打球 16. What is the current zodiac year? A. 龙 (lóng, dragon) B. 蛇 (shé, snake) C. 马 (mă, horse) D. 羊 (yăng, sheep) 17. Which one means It doesn t matter? A. 没关系! B. 谢谢! C. 不用谢! D. 再见! 18. 我们中文老师姓什么? A. 张 B. 李 C. 陈 D. 韦 19. Which one means New York? A. 英国 B. 美国 C. 纽约 D. 北京 20. Which of the following states 7:00p.m.? A. 晚上七点 B. 早上七点 C. 晚上八点 D. 早上六点 21. Which of the following says tomorrow? A. 今天 B. 昨天 C. 明天 22. Which of the following means to eat A. 看 B. 吃 C. 读 D. 睡 23. 英国 means American. A. 对 B. 错 24. 中国 means English. A. 对 B. 错 25. Translate from English into Chinese(Hanzi): I like to watch TV. A. 我是电视 B. 我喜欢看电视 C. 我喜欢听音乐 D. 我喜欢电影 26. Which of the following means often A. 常常 B. 那 C. 去 D. 对 27. Translate: 你叫什么名字? A. What s your name? B. What s your age? C. What s your grade? D. Where are you from?

3 28. Which one is 一月十五号? A. January 15 th B. January 23 rd C. February 6 th D. January 13 th 29. Which one is Friday? A. 星期三 B. 星期四 C. 星期五 D. 星期六 30. What does 姐姐 mean? A. younger sister B. daughter C. older sister D. eldest brother 31. Which one is December? A. 十月 B. 十二月 C. 十一月 D. 九月 32. What does 没关系 mean? A. It doesn t matter. B. Hello C. Goodbye D. Thank you. 33. What does 我很好 mean? A. How are you? B. I m fine. C. Sorry. D. Goodbye! 34. How to write 26 in Chinese? A. 一 B. 二十一 C. 三十 D. 二十六 35. The capital of china is. A. 美国 B. 纽约 C. 中国 D. 北京 36. How many strokes does the word 好 have? A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 37. Which of the following means How are you? A. 我很好 B. 你好吗? C. 你好 D. 好 38. Which of the following means good? A. 我 B. 你 C. 人 D. 好 39. Which of the following means mother? A. 哥哥 B. 大姐 C. 妈妈 D. 爸爸 40. Which of the following means son? A. 女儿 B. 大哥 D. 二姐 D. 儿子 41. What date is 一九八六年一月二十五号? A.1/25/1998 B.1/26/1992 C.1/25/1986 D.3/4/2000 42. Answer: 你们好吗? A. 我很好 B. 你们好 C. 你不好 D. 我们好 43. Write: I have 3 younger brothers. A. 我有三个弟弟 B. 我有三个哥哥 C. 我没有弟弟 D. 我没有哥哥 44. Translate: 中文书 A. French book B. Chinese book C. Chinese movie D. English movie

4 45. What is 420? A. 一百二十 B. 四百二十 C. 十二 D. 九百九十九 46. Translate: May 2. A. 五月二号 B. 七月二号 C. 六月二号 D. 二月五号 47. 在 (zài, in) 我们的中文书里 (lǐ, inside), 王朋是中国人还是美国人? A. 中国人 B. 美国人 48. Translate: Now is 4:20. A. 现在四点 B. 现在四点二十分 C. 现在几点? D. 现在四点一刻 49. Translate: 你喜欢打球吗? A. Are you pretty? B. Do you like to play ball? C. Do you like to go to the movies? D. I like to eat Chinese food. 50. Translate: 360 A. 二百六十 B. 四百六十 C. 三百五十 D. 三百六十 51. What does 周末 mean? A. month B. weekend C. day D. year 52. What is 12 X 6? A. 九十二 B. 八十二 C. 七十二 D. 六十二 53. In Chinese, what is the sum of 1+2? A. 一二 B. 一十二 C. 四 D. 三 54. 你喜不喜欢? A. 中国 B. 不是 C. 你好 D. 不好 55. Time usually falls directly behind the subject in a Chinese sentence. A. 对 B. 错 56. Translate: 75 A. 十五 B. 你好 C. 七十六 D. 七十五 57. Translate: I don t have mom. A. 我有妈妈 B. 我没有妈妈 C. 我没有奶奶 D. 我有爸爸 58. Answer the question correctly. 你是不是中国人? A. 我是不中国人 B. 我不是中国人 C. 是不是 D. 不是不 59. 在 (zài, in) 我们的中文书里 (lǐ, inside), 王朋是一个 学生. A. 大 B. 中 C. 小 60. Which of the following translates to "He is a friend?" A. 他是律师 B. 他是学生. C. 他是朋友 D. 他是医生 61. 1. When you want to go restroom,what will you say or write? A. 星期六 B. 上课 C. 洗手间 D. 不客气!

5 62. Translate 看电视 A. watch TV B. read book C.sing a song D. play games 63.Answer this question: 你今年多大? A. 我十三点 B. 我十三岁 C. 我十三分 D. 我十三号 几 Hi 64. Complete following sentence: 现在 点? A. 那 B. 什么 C. 谁 D. 65. Translate : 看书 A.watch TV B. sing a song C. read a book D. 66. What does " 喜不喜欢 " mean? have A.to be or not to be B.to see or not to see C.to like or not to like D.to have or not to 67.Which of the following is " 星期天 A.Monday B.Sunday C.Friday D.Saturday 68.Translate 我是中国人 A.I am American. B.I come from Japan. C.I am Chinese. D.Don't ask me. 69.What does the following question mean: 我不是英国人 A.I am not British. B.I don't know Chinese C. I don't' know English. D.I don't know Spanish. 70. Translate into Chinese: 2/28/2000 A. 一九二八年二月二十八号 B. 二零零零年二月二十八号 C. 二零零零年三月二十八号 D. 二零零一年二月二十八号 Reading: Read the questions on the left and the answers on the right. Match the questions on the left with the appropriate replies on the right. Mark your answers on the scantron sheet. Group A 71. 这是你弟弟吗? A. 我叫王朋 72 这个周末你做什么? B. 我不想打球

6 73 你叫什么名字? C. 不, 这是我哥哥 74 我们去打球, 好吗? D. 我想看一个外国电影 75 今天晚上我去找你, 好吗? E. 今天晚上我很忙 Group B 76. 为什么我们不吃中国菜? A. 我觉得听音乐没有意思 77 你喜欢听音乐吗? B. 因为今天是你的生日 78 为什么你请我看电影? C. 我明天不忙 79 你明天忙不忙? D. 认识, 他是我的同学 80 你认识小高吗? E. 因为我喜欢吃美国菜 Read the conversations and decide whether the statements given below the conversation are true or false based on the conversation. Mark A for the true statements or mark B for false statements on your scantron sheet. Conversation 1 小 王 : 你周末常常去唱歌, 跳舞, 听音乐, 对不对? 小李 : 对 你呢? 你周末喜欢不喜欢打球? 小 王 : 不喜欢 我喜欢看书, 看电视 有时候也去看外国电影, 可是这个周末没有 好电影 小李 : 那我们明天去听音乐, 怎么样? 小 王 : 太好了 我请客! 小李 : 为什么你请我? 小 王 : 因为你昨天请我吃饭, 所以我明天请你听音乐 81. Little Wang does not like playing ball. 82. Little Wang suggested listening to music. 83. Little Li will pay for the concert today. 84. Little Wang watches foreign movies sometimes. 85. It can be inferred from the conversation that Little Wang is disappointed that there is no good movies this weekend.

7 Conversation 2 小李 : 好久不见, 小王! 你好吗? 小 王 : 不错 你来找我吗? 小李 : 对! 这个星期六是我的生日 我和我妈妈想请我的同学吃饭 小 王 : 你想请谁? 小李 : 我想请你, 还有小高, 小张, 小白 你觉得怎么样? 小 王 : 我觉得别人都不错, 可是小白很没有意思 他不喜欢听音乐, 也不喜欢跳舞, 只想睡觉! 小李 : 那算了, 我不请小白, 好吗? 小 王 : 好! 86. Little Wang and Little Li have not seen each other for a while until this conversation. 87. According to Little Wang, Little Bai is a very interesting person. 88. It is obvious that Little Li s mother cares about her child s friendship with classmates. 89. Little Bai enjoys sleeping. 90. How many people will be at the birthday celebration if everyone invited shows up besides the hosts and the hostess(xiao Li and the mother)? 6. Q s 91-100 听 Listening (10 points): On your scantron sheet, mark your only one answer to each question or statement based on what is spoken. (10 items, 10 points, 1 point each) Q s 91-93 are based on the recording at http://www.langlab.wayne.edu/new-fltc/coursemedia/chinese/level%201%20part%201%20-%203rd %20Edition/180%20Lesson%204%20Part%201_%20Workbook%20Dialogue%20I.mp3 91. The man says that he like. A. play ball and watch movies B. sing and dance C. dance and watch movies D. watch TV

8 92. The woman says she sometimes. A. watches movies B. dances C. sings D. watches TV 93. If the man and the woman decide to do something together, they will most likely go to. A. a ball game B. a dinner C. a concert D. a movie Q s 94-96 are based on the recording at http://www.langlab.wayne.edu/new-fltc/coursemedia/chinese/level%201%20part%201%20-%203rd %20Edition/181%20Lesson%204%20Part%201_%20Workbook%20Dialogue%20II.mp3 94. The man says his birthday is. A. today B. yesterday C. the day after tomorrow D. tomorrow 95. The woman says she. A.is busy today B. is not busy today C. will be busy tomorrow D. will not be busy tomorrow 96. The man said he would like to invite the woman to. A. read a book B. watch a movie C. watch TV D. sing a song Questions 97-100 are based on a conversation between a man and a woman. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question. http://www.language.berkeley.edu/ic/exercises/ex04p_listeningonly.html 97. The woman thinks that. A. only Chinese movies are good B. American movies are interesting C. All movies are boring 98. To celebrate the birthday they will go to A. see a Chinese movie. B. see an American movie. C. have dinner. 99. The man wants to see a movie. A. now B. on Sunday C. on Saturday 100. The man invites the woman. A. to watch a Chinese movie B. to dinner C. to watch an American movie