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5 9 Vol. 5 No. 9 2014 9 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Sep., 2014 何 欢 1, 王静文 1, 李琼 2, 罗中玉 2, 曹进 1*, 王钢力 1, 张庆生 1 (1., 100050; 2., 100051) 摘要 : 目的 方法 39 (IMS), 39 IMS,,, 结果 39, 10%, 5% 结论 IMS,, 关键词 : ; ; Identification of illegally added chemicals in health foods for weight loss by ion mobility spectrometry HE Huan 1, WANG Jing-Wen 1, LI Qiong 2, LUO Zhong-Yu 2, CAO Jin 1*, WANG Gang-Li 1, ZHANG Qing-Sheng 1 (1. National Institutes for Food and Drug Control, Beijing 100050, China; 2. Chinese Food Industry Investment Guarantee Corporation, Beijing 100051, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To establish a new method for screening chemicals illegally added in health foods. Methods Totally 39 kinds of common weight loss drugs were detected by ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) to establish IMS test database of 39 potential illegal addition chemicals. The sample was dissolved with ethanol, then dropped in test paper with the supernatant, after that detected directly. Ion mobility spectrometry was used to build a screening method for illegal addition in weight loss health foods. Results Totally 39 potential illegal addition chemicals were detected by IMS. The false positive ratio was below 10% as well as false negative ratio below 5%. Conclusion IMS can be used to screen the drugs illegal additions in healthy foods. It has relatively high screening efficiency, and can be regarded as a rapid and reliable technique in healthy foods supervision and inspection. KEY WORDS: health foods; ion mobility spectrometry; illegal addition 1 引言,,,,,,, 基金项目 : (2012BAK08B02) Fund: Supported by National Key Technology R&D Program (2012BAK08B02) * 通讯作者 :,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: CAO Jin, Associate Researcher, National Institutes for Food and Drug Control, No.2, Tiantan Xili, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100050, China. E-mail:

2658 5,, [1] : (1),,,,,, ; [2],,, FDA(Food and Drug Administration) 1997 (2),,,,, (3),, 1997 FDA (ion mobility spectrometry, IMS) 60 70 [3-5] IMS ( ng pg ), IMS [6-9],,, [10-14],,,,,,, [15] [16,17],, IMS,, 2 材料与方法 2.1 材料及设备 TR2000( );, ; 2.2 IMS 检测条件 63 Ni,,,, 1 表 1 IMS 检测参数 Table 1 Detection parameters of IMS 210 170 130 0.800 L/min 0.000 L/min 30 2.3 样品前处理方法 50 ml (,, ), 50 ml, 1 min, 15 min, 10 µl, 3 结果与分析 3.1 39 种减肥类药物的 IMS 检测数据库, 39 IMS, 1,, 2,, 3.2 20 种阳性减肥类保健食品的 IMS 快速检测, 20 IMS, 3 3.3 多种药品的混合快筛, IMS, 4

9, : 2659 表 2 39 种减肥药物的 IMS 检测结果 (n=20) Table 2 IMS testing results of 39 kinds of anti-obesity drugs(n=20) (ms) (ng/μl) 1 8.46 0.1 1 2 8.48 0.1 1 3 8.71 0.1 1 4 10.24 0.1 1 5 9.67 0.1 1 6 9.02 0.1 1 7 8.17 0.1 1 8 11.10 0.1 1 9 10.84 0.1 1 10 9.32 0.1 1 11 -N- 10.93 0.1 1 12 11.17 0.1 1 13 11.12 0.1 1 14 12.02 0.1 10 15 10.81 0.1 10 16 7.46 0.1 100 17 -N-N- 11.45 0.1 100 18 10.14 0.1 100 19 : 8.86 0.1 : 9.82 0.1 100 20 10.74 0.1 100 21 : 12.24 0.1 : 8.38 0.1 100 22 10.56 0.1 100 23 13.14 0.1 100 24 : 9.5 0.1 100 25 10.39 0.1 1000 26 6.47 0.1 1000 27 9.51 0.1 1000 28 : 12.17 0.1 : 12.58 0.1 1000 29 : 7.75 0.1 : 7.06 0.1 1000 30 9.51 0.1 14.24 0.1 1000 31 6.45 0.1 1000 32 6.82 0.1 14.82 0.1 1000 33 12.44 0.1 1000 34 6.53 0.1 1000 35 : 10.76 0.1 : 17.62 0.1 1000 36 8.26 0.1 100 37 8.31 0.1 100 38 8.46 0.1 100 39 9.24 0.1 100

2660 5 Table 3 表 3 LC-MS 与 IMS 分析结果的比较 (n=5) Comparison of LC-MS and IMS analysis results (n=5) LC-MS IMS 1 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 2 9 10 11 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 17 2 18 19 20 表 4 药物混合物的 IMS 筛查结果 (n=10) Table 4 IMS screening results of drug mixtures (n=10) IMS 1 2 3 4 5 6

9, : 2661 4 讨论 4.1 检测条件的选择,,,,, 2, 1,, 3, 4,,, ng~μg, ;, RSD 20%,, ; 50%~120%, 100%~120%, 4.2 筛查方法的检出限及运行稳定性,,, 39, IMS,, IMS,,, 5%, 10%,, 3%, 4.3 减肥类药物的 IMS 数据库的建立 39, 35 13 1 ng/μl ; 13 10 ng/μl ; 7 100 ng/μl 4.4 实际样品测定 IMS 4 7, IMS 4 6, 4.5 结论,,, IMS,,,, 参考文献 [1],,. 7 [J]., 2011, 39(11): 1716 1720. Li Y, Xue F, Wang Y, et al. Simultaneous Determination of Seven Adulterants in Slimming Functional Foods by High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis[J]. Chin J Anal Chem, 2011,39(11): 1716 1720. [2],,,. 8 [J]., 2004, 32(3): 320 324. Wang S, Mi JB, Chang WB, et al. Analysis of 8 Synthetic Anorexics in Adulterated Weight-reducing Tonic[J]. Chin J Anal Chem, 2004, 32(3): 320 324. [3] Baumbach JI, Eiceman GA. Ion mobility spectrometry: arriving on site and moving beyond a low profile[j]. Appl Spectrosc, 2001, (53): 338A 355A. [4],,,. [J]., 2014, 35(2): 97 107. Liu L, Hua R, Wang J, et al. Research Progress of Ionization Technologies for Ion Mobility Spectrometry [J]. J Chin Mass Spectr Soc, 2014, 35(2): 97 107. [5],,. [J]., 2005, 17(3): 514 522. Xu F, Wang HL, Guan YF. Progress in ion mobility spectrometry[j]. Prog Chem, 2005, 17(3): 514 522. [6] Dussy FE, Berchtold C, Briellmann TA, et al. Validation of an ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) method for the detection of heroin and cocaine on incriminated material[j]. Forensic Sci Int, 2008, 177(2-3): 105 111. [7] Bell SE, Ewing RG, Eiceman GA, et al. Atmospheric pressure

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