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Smoking Cessation 戒煙 Dr. Thomas Cheung 張宏志醫生 Dr. King Fun Siu 蕭景勳醫生

Smoking Trends 吸煙的趨勢 Canada and China 加拿大與中國 加拿大 中國 2008 年 吸煙普及率由 1985 年的 35% 降至 2008 年的 18% (15-19 歲 ) 15% (20-24 歲 ) 28% 吸煙人數世界第一煙民增長率世界第一煙稅增長率世界第一煙民人數達 3.2 億

Health awareness Smoking in Canada 在加拿大吸煙 大眾對健康特別關注 Fewer places for smoking 公共場所, 處處禁煙 Expensive 煙貴, 煙民保險更貴 30-50 years old is giving up smoking at the highest rate 30-50 歲者最多人戒煙 Highest prevalence of smoker among the unemployed, poorly educated and low income 煙民在失業, 低教育, 低收入者最普及

Smoking On Health 吸煙對健康的影响 Tobacco companies often twist scientific evidences to cover up real risks to smokers and frame smoking as purely an Adult Choice. Effects of 2 nd and 3 rd hand smoking are never mentioned. 煙草公司常常扭曲科學証據, 同時故意把吸煙推說成為純粹成年人的選擇, 來隱瞞吸煙對人體的損害 同時亦絕口不提二手及三手煙的禍害

Smoking On Health 吸煙對健康的影响 Contain 4000 chemicals, 50 to 60 carcinogens 煙草含四仟多種化學物品, 五 - 六十種為致癌物質 Lung irritation can cause asthma and COPD 刺激肺組織, 引致哮喘, 慢性阻塞性肺病 Cause atheroslerosis, heart attacks and stroke 血管硬化, 引致冠心病和中風

Smoking On Health 吸煙對健康的影响 Affects sperms to cause infertility 影嚮精子質量和數量, 引致不育 Can cause abortion, growth retardation and premature labor 影嚮孕婦, 引致流產, 早產和畸型嬰兒 Can cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 增加嬰兒悴死症的發生 1/3 of smoker will die from smoking related diseases and 50% will be premature deaths 三份一的煙民會因吸煙引致的疾病而過早死亡

Smoking and Lung Cancer 吸煙與肺癌 Increases lung cancer by 20 times 肺癌發病增加 20 倍 2 nd hand smoking also increases lung cancer 二手煙同樣能引發肺癌 Late symptoms, mostly incurable 早期無症狀, 後期無法治 Number one cancer in Canada, about 23000 cases annually, 22000 die in the same year 癌病頭號殺手, 每年 23000 例,22000 同年死亡

Malignancies increased by smoking 吸煙引發的其他癌病 Lips, Tongue, Throat, Larynx Esophagus, Stomach, Colon, Rectum Liver, Pancreas, Kidney, Bladder Ovary, Cervix and 唇, 舌, 咽, 喉 食道, 胃, 大腸, 直腸 肝, 胰, 腎, 膀胱 卵巢, 子宮頸和 In April 2009, It is concluded that smoking(1 st and 2 nd hand) increases the risk of Breast Cancer in women before and after menopause. 乳癌

Why is Smoking Addictive 為什麽煙癮難除 PHYSICAL 生理性 Nicotine addiction-cause your body to be dependent on it to feel normal 尼古丁依賴性 - 有尼古丁才能正常運作 Withdrawal causes anger, headache, anxiety, insomnia, frustration, irritability, restlessness, change of appetite 戒斷造成憤怒, 頭痛, 焦慮, 失眠, 苦悶, 暴躁不安和食慾不振

Why is Smoking Addictive 為什麽煙癮難除 PSYCHOLOGICAL 心理性 Habit forming 行為上的習慣 Associated with daily activity, eg eating, reading 跟日常活動如飯後, 看報等聯結 How you spend your time, eg, social gathering, meetin 跟打發時間如集會, 會議等聯結 Emotions like relaxation, anger and stress 跟情緒改變如鬆一口氣, 和減一减壓等聯結

How can we quit smoking 如可才能戒煙 The best way is not to start 最佳的方法是從沒有開始吸煙 Ask the reasons for us to quit and are we read 撫心自問, 戒煙的理由足夠嗎? 準備好了嗎? If health damage by 1 st hand smoking is not bad enough, how about 2 nd and 3 rd hand smoking to your families? 一手煙對自己的健康影響還不夠, 那二手和三手煙對家人的影響, 可以不理嗎?

Contemplating smoke cessation 準備戒煙 Are you confident to make the changes now? 幾經考慮, 現在可有信心準備行動了嗎? Understand your own medical status, talk to your doctor for help, assess nicotine dependence 跟家庭醫生商量, 明白你的健康現况, 評估對尼古丁的依賴 Make a Plan to enhance success. 研究戒煙的實際行動

Assessment of Smoking 評估煙癮 Nicotine Dependence Length of Smoking History Previous attempts of Quitting Smoking environmental Stage of quitting smoking Previous Medication use Other Substance Abuse 尼古丁的依賴程度吸煙年期過去戒煙次数吸煙環境戒煙的階段以前藥物的輔助其他藥物的濫用

PLANNING SMOKE CESSATION 採取戒煙行動 See your doctor 請教醫生 Assess your dependence on Nicotine and consider the need for alternatives 評估對尼古丁的依賴和考慮採用替代療法 Consider smoke cessation medicines like 決定是否需耍採用其他戒煙藥物如 Zyban/Champix

PLANNING SMOKE CESSATION 採取戒煙行動 Explore Other methods 研究其他的輔助療法 Hypnotherapy- conflicting results 催眠療法 Laser and electrical stimulation 鐳射 / 電激 Counseling (Group or Individual) 心理輔導 Acupuncture Herbal medicine 針灸療法中藥

PLANNING SMOKE CESSATION 採取戒煙行動 Set a day as the last day of smoking 定下一個最後吸煙的日期 Tell those around you about your plan 把你的戒煙計劃遍告親友 You are a non-smoker after the quit day 從戒煙行動的第一天起, 你就再不是一個煙民了

Actual Quitting 戒煙期間 Clean up your environment, e.g. remove all ashtrays, lighters, and of course cigarettes 清理環境, 把打火機, 煙灰缸和煙支全部丟掉 Carry a list of reasons for your quitting and previous failure and refer to it 寫下戒煙的理由和失敗的原因, 隨身帶備, 以為提示 Put up a sign Smoking is not an option at home and at work 在家中和公司, 放一個 [ 絕不吸煙 ] 的告示牌

Actual Quitting 戒煙期間 Remember to take your medicines and use your nicotine patch or gum 切記吃藥和使用尼古丁替代品 Remind yourself why you are quitting 經常提醒自己戒煙的理由 Deal with the withdrawal symptoms 學習應付 戒斷症狀 如 Angry 易怒 Anxious 焦慮 Tired 疲倦 Distracted 散漫 Drink water, not coffee or alcohol Exercise regularly 多喝水, 小喝咖啡, 不喝酒 多做運動

Actual Quitting 戒煙期間 Avoid places and people who smoke 避開吸煙的地點和人仕 Practice saying No thanks, I don t smoke 學習說 對不起, 我不抽煙 Avoid stress and learn to relax 減少壓力, 學習放鬆 Take up new hobby 培養新的興趣 Talk to friends or call Help Line 找朋友傾談, 或打求助熱線

Benefit of Quitting 戒煙的好處 Starts almost immediately 立即顯現 Minutes 數分鐘 Blood pressure lowers 血壓下降 Few Hrs 幾小時 O2 and CO 氧氣增加, 一氧化炭減少 24 Hrs 一天 Heart attack 心臟病發病率開始減少 48 Hrs 两天 Smell and Taste improve 嗅覺和味覺改善 3 days 三天 Energy level, breathing and exercise easier 精力增強, 呼吸和運動變得容易

Benefits of Quitting Smoking 戒煙的好處 3 months- lung function improves 30% 三個月肺功能改善百份之三十 6 months-nasal congestion, cough, tiredness and shortness of breath improve 六個月鼻塞, 咳嗽, 疲倦, 氣促消减 1 year-risk of heart attack drop 50% 一年心臟病突發減半 10 years-risk of lung cancer drop 50% 十年肺癌機會減半

Years of Life Gained with Quitting 戒煙可延長生命 Age at stopping smoking 開始戒煙年歲 Years gained 延長年數 25-34 years 10 35-44 years 9 45-54 years 6 55-64 years 3

Staying quitted 保持戒煙 % staying quitted for a whole year 保持戒煙一年的百份率 Without any support or medication 沒有支持, 不用藥物 4% Medicine with or without support 使用戒煙藥物, 不管有沒有支援 8% Medication with weekly support 服藥及每星期支援 15 % Average attempts to stay quit 徹底成功戒煙, 平均需嘗試 5 to 7 times Don t Give up 要放棄, 因為..

Help is never Far Away 援手就在附近 Make an appointment with your family doctor 跟你的家庭醫生預約時間 Or Call 或請致電 Smokers Helpline 吸煙者熱線 1-877-513-5333

The end 完 Congratulations for your successful smoke cessation 謹祝戒煙成功