Abstract Many health improvement projects have been implemented in indigenous communities, mostly with the focus on dealing with alcoholism

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2010 3 5-58 * ** The De-Spirited Drink Exploring the Capitalization Process of Indigenous Societies in Taiwan by Hsiao-Chuan HSIA Keywords: alcoholism, indigenous peoples, aboriginals, development of capitalism, capitalization 2008 4 10 2009 1 30 Received: April 10, 2008; in revised form: January 30, 2009. * 91-2745-P-128-001 92-2412-H-128-001 2002 6 29 ** 116 111 E-mail hsiaochuan.hsia@gmail.com

006 2010 3 Abstract Many health improvement projects have been implemented in indigenous communities, mostly with the focus on dealing with alcoholism and related problems. Alcoholism has become one of the primary frames of meaning for outsiders to understand indigenous people, as well as for indigenous people to construct their own identities. Historically, alcoholic drink was the crucial medium in the life worlds of indigenous peoples to communicate with the spirits and to strengthen the solidarity within and between the communities. However, from the Japanese colonization to the KMT rule, the indigenous societies had been forced to transform their mode of production. In addition, the system of wine monopoly was implemented. Consequently, alcoholic drink had been transformed from the public sphere to the private sphere, that is, from being the medium of communication in rituals and communities to being the commodity that could be bought easily. By analyzing the changing meanings of drink in indigenous societies, this papers aims at exploring the capitalization process in indigenous societies and the crucial roles the state has played in such process.

007 2001.02.15 18 stock of knowledge 7-11

008 2010 3

009 2000 9 2001 2004 1 Andre 1979 Robin et al, 1998 Seale 2002 86.5% 1 2005

010 2010 3 Seale 2002b 1945 1953 1987 1993 1979 1979 1990 1993 1993

011 1993:59 1996: 94

012 2010 3 pacakat mama no kapah makudaai pacakat mama no kapah Pangcah

013 2001 1996 1993 1993:111 40

014 2010 3 1993:111-112 1991: 24 26

015 25 26 2000 2000:96 110 1993 acculturation

016 2010 3 1998

017 kis rutux rutux 1963 rutux Gaga

018 2010 3 Rahei Qohozi Qohozi 2001 Gaga 2001 Gaga Gaga Gaga Gaga 1980 Gaga Gaga

019 1992 Gaga Gaga Gaga 1993 1977 75.1 60.2 49.9 27.8 12.3 1989 36 1989 106.92 55.02 1993 1986-1989 15 15 30 75 76 77 78 1993 77.0 128.3 78.0 129.9 78.7 131.9 88.3 147.0 40.2 66.9 43.5 72.5 43.9 73.2 45.6 76.1 1988

020 2010 3 16.4 4 16.3 1986 1989 159.57 192.20 32.363 1986-1989 96 88 5477.22 3198 2000 1993 1999 62 72 72 78 774 568 2003 1973

021 15 15 * 2,295 255.9 16.3 3,867 164.1 11.1 3,784 152.9 9.8 8,003 154.7 10.8 5,695 115.9 9.6 3,481 131.4 10.4 4,345 90.9 7.5 8,286 99.5 7.3 10,653 149.9 11.2 12,679 98.7 7.9 2,902 65.4 3.6 1,768 177.0 13.4 3,177 105.6 9.3 1,216 144.3 10.7 2,318 100.7 7.6 4,882 100.8 7.3 4,275 95.8 6.2 3,290 105.0 8.2 5,293 150.5 13.0 3,692 209.1 14.3 3,791 165.7 11.0 4,046 150.5 11.2 3,096 198.3 16.4 2,461 193.7 14.9 2,809 96.5 9.0 3,337 105.1 10.4 1,972 133.9 9.1 5,633 94.0 9.0 5,135 98.4 8.3 9,779 177.3 12.3 139,655 131.9 9.9 * absolute alcohol 100 1993

022 2010 3 1974 1.5 1985 2.9 1987 20 1993 1987 23.0 11.6 11.4 1 54.9 32.3, 22.6 2 1995-1999 3 1994-1998 15-19 4 1995/3-1996/2 7270 20 3 2000

023 1993 1993 1998

024 2010 3 1988 1897 1905 1922 1944 64% 30% 40% 1942~1944 16.8% 19.9% 36.7% 1988 1895 1985 2000 1896 1909 1904

025 1898 1987 1985:68 80 14% 30% 1922 40% 70% 1924 28.7% 27% 1928-1933 1934 1943 2000 2000:178

026 2010 3 1959:141 2000 1922 1931 44% 2000 1907 1922 1907 1916 1921 1922 7 1 1930 2000 1950 1951 1952 1962: 154-156 1945

027 1947 5 1988:313 1949 1984 646 401 31 21 60 314 1964 65% 35% 1984 400 11.5% 8.25% 13.68% 1964 28 1984 400 14 3.4 1964 22.5% 1965 21.5% 22.8% 1970 16.6% 23.4% 17.1% 1973 12.6%

028 2010 3 23.65% 18.8% 12.7% 1984 1988 1965 1963 1989 1963 1867 money capital transfer of money 1989 Polyanyi 1944 the great transformation

029 1965 1922 1941 2000 1993 1957 7 1 1957

030 2010 3 1920 1960 1998 1998

031 涤 1980 1720 38 1773 1740 2000 1624 1980 2001

032 2010 3 1990 1999 1899 1956 1905 1907 1,454 1911

033 1994 1911 1 2 1 2 1989 1984 1956 1912 1956 1921 1930 1942 1989

034 2010 3 1960 1989 1913 1917 1938 1989 Gaga 1994

035 Gaga Gaga 1 2 涤 1980 1975

036 2010 3 1899 2000 1984 2 2 1936:8-12 1984

037 1999 1951 1984 1948 1999 1984 1952-1967 1966-1971

038 2010 3 1984 1953 95.99% 61.3% 1984 1950 60 1960 1957 1966

039 1999 1984 1960 1970 1968 73.53% 1972 59.39% 1978 44.81% 1972 1978 3.88% 6.03% 1983: 13 1984 1970 1975 1961 1961 1961

040 2010 3 42.9% 14.2% 57.9% 1961 1961 1961 1975 1951 33.92% 1961 54.59% 1986 18.7% 1951 99.74 1961 124.54 1966 95.3 1987 0.2 1951 101.6 1966 144.3 1990

041 1967 26.47% 64.85% 1972 40.64% 83.67% 1985 72.03% 79.81% 1990 1989 1960 1960 75% 1956 20 1949

042 2010 3 1949 1953 1948 1965 1989 1960 2005

043 1960 1989:15 1 2 1960 3 1956 1958 1958 1978 24 2005 2005 1960

044 2010 3 1956 10% 1967 2005 XXX 1970 1984

045 2005

046 2010 3 1970 1984 1984 1989 1970 1. 2. Gaga 1. 2. 1. 1960 2. 1960 3. 1970 2000

047 2005

048 2010 3 2005 2005


050 2010 3 XX 5 2000 1984 1970

051 涤 1980 1960 3D 1980 Gaga conveyance 1975 Gaga 1973:74 1970 Gaga

052 2010 3 1973 b-syu-gan pira b-syu-gan 1996 1993:95

053 Gaga

054 2010 3 1960 1987 conveyance 1975 1970 2000 Gaga Gaga


056 2010 3 Andre, J. M., 1979, The Epidemiology of Alcoholism among American Indians and Natives. Indian Health Service, Albuquerque, NM. Polanyi, Karl, 1944, The Great Transformation. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, Inc. Robin, R., Long, J., Rasmussen, J., Albaugh, B., and Goldman D., 1998, Relation of binge drinking to alcohol dependence, other psychiatric disorders and behavioral problems in an American Indian tribe. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 22: 518-523. Seale, J. Paul, J.D. Seale, M. Alvarado, R.L. Vogel and N.E. Terry, 2002, Prevalence of problem drinking in a Venezuelan Native American population, Alcohol and Alcoholism 37(2): 198-204. Seale, J. Paul, S. Shellenberger, C. Rodriguez, J. D. Seale and M. Alvarado, 2002a, Alcohol use and cultural change in an indigenous population: A case study from Venezuela, Alcohol and Alcoholism 37(6): 603-608. 1985 68 5 676-678 19931 110-114 1996 48-55 1990 1959 1985 1960 2000 1941 1980 1993 1979 48 1-29 1963 1956

057 1996 2001 43 197-234 1980 1986 691-701 The Alcoholism Problem in Nan-Shih Ami People 2 7-15 1989 2 1 163-177 1993 2000 1957 1-30 1991, 1989 27 4 3-46 1867 1975 1987 1949 2005 1987 1975 40 85-95 1996 1993 30-37 1990 83-99 涤 1980

058 2010 3 1988 39 3 310-335 1973 1994 1993 20 57-110 2003 http://www.stat.gov.tw/ct.asp?xitem=1669&ctnode=548 2007 7 9 1987 2000 2000 1998 86-100 1962 13 4 1984 2000 1984 35 1 126-161 1956 19837 157-175 1992 1999 34 221-292