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江 汉 学 术 总 第 34 卷 氏 的 杂 姓 村 本 研 究 采 取 田 野 调 查 的 访 谈 法 和 文 献 档 案 法 收 集 资 料 笔 者 对 A 村 干 部 和 普 通 村 民 进 行 深 度 访 谈, 并 获 得 该 村 自 年 的 全 部 计 划 生 育 对

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2 主 义 官 僚 资 本 主 义 这 些 内 外 反 动 派, 究 竟 谁 是 谁 非, 也 是 是 非 问 题, 但 是 这 是 和 人 民 内 部 问 题 性 质 不 同 的 另 一 类 是 非 问 题 我 们 的 国 家 是 工 人 阶 级 领 导 的 以 工 农 联 盟 为 基 础 的 人

于 水 等 : 多 源 流 理 论 视 角 下 宅 基 地 使 用 权 确 权 政 策 的 议 程 设 置 研 究 基 于 江 苏 省 4 市 的 调 查 83 push forward the confirmation of homestead use right of rural central

Scoones World Bank DFID Sussex IDS UNDP CARE DFID DFID DFID 1997 IDS

Corpus Word Parser 183


Abstract Since 1980 s, the Coca-Cola came into China and developed rapidly. From 1985 to now, the numbers of bottlers has increased from 3 to 23, and

28 () ( 3) % % % :1 1:2 ( ) % 13.6% 16.2% 14.9% 15.3% () 2 () 3 (%)



Bairoch, ) (Angus Maddison,1926 ) (Bairoch, 1976, 1981), 1960, , 220, 228 ; , 447, 310, 178 (1993) (1988) Peter Brecke (

2005 6, :,,,,,,,, ;,,,, :, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,3,, 1959,89, 98 :,: 1,1959 2


3 : 121,, [1 ] (Stage Theory),,,,,,, 1 :, ;,,,,, 1 :11, 6,116 ; , 2003 ; 31 = Π ; 2, 1996 ;1996,,2000, Walt Rostow (1960, 1971), A. F. K. Organ


IPCC CO (IPCC2006) 1 : = ( 1) 1 (kj/kg) (kgc/gj) (tc/t)


1951 7

Abstract Chinese Social Insurance System is established by Labor Insurance Regulations of the People's Republic of China 1951 which regulates endowment insurance system of enterprise labors. Under the planned economy system, social insurance institution aims to serve national domination, and its political and social control meaning outstrip taking care of people. In rural area, the basic unit is the people's commune, and it prides the lowest standard of offering to elders. PRC puts no resources up. In urban area, the basic unit is national enterprise, and it prides from cradle to grave care to enterprise labors. This contrast forms dualism between rural and urban area, and shows a phenomenon of critical social unfair. After Reform, out of economic development grows fast, reform of national enterprise, and aging of population, intrinsic endowment insurance system is no longer useful. Therefore, enterprises start to innovate or offer endowment insurance in the highly developed rural and urban area. They try to react to ageing population and reduce national financial burden, by rising cover rate of endowment insurance, and collective funding responsibility of national, social, and personal dimensions. The development model of Chinese endowment insurance is basically as the same as developed countries. However, China has huge population, broad territory, and unbalanced development between regions. About 70% populations live in rural area, and they are poor. The key to Chinese endowment insurance is capabilities and will of rural enterprise labors and peasants. Chinese endowment insurance is a hard work and it is a long road to establish a unified endowment insurance system and to realize social fair.

1 8

1 2001 287-288 2 282-283 1

16 2 3 280 4 2005 86 5 2005. 17 6 409-415 2

7 1978 7 123-124 8 1 3

9 19 0 10 9 James A. Caporaso, David P. Levine 2002 65 10 2006 26 4

11 12 11 2006 13 12 37-3 5

13 1 2 3 4 14 15 16 13 55 14 40-41 15 56 16 53 6

17 18 19 17 42 18 98 19 99-100 7


20 104-105 9

1951 2 21 2005 142 22 296-297 10

23 27-28 24 28 25 29 11

1966 1976 1969 1978 1984 1978 6 60 55 50 5 10 6 26 29-30 27 30 28 30 12


29 2006 54-55 30 56 31 57 14

33 1978 34 32 59-60 33 2007 3 34 71 15

35 1953 36 37 38 35 134-135 36 128-129 37 110 38 1998 19 16

39 59 40 21 2007 36 17


41 Xiaonong Cheng Breaking the Social Contract 108 42 100 43 143 44 31 19

1978 2.8% 1985 10. 1978 314 1985 1637 1978 30.3:1 1985 7.5:1; 1978 17.3 1985 149.8 20 80 20

45 1999 1999 127 46 408-409 47 148-149 21

48 32 49 66-67 22

50 2002 333-334 23

53 51 136-137 52 138-139 53 153 24

54 55 4 1970 80 54 154--155 55 6 25

56 57 1978 20 90 56 6% 94 7 1 6 57 2006 115 26

2000 5,824 684 6,280 58 59 1991 60 26.3% 60 45.2%2000 30% 5 1991 60 42.2% 37. 13.8% 2000 11% 23.4% 58 116 59 2005 93-94 27

19.86% 3,922 4,482 2000 21.7 54.8 33.1 60 20 80 61 60 116-118 61 118-119 28

62 62 93-94 29

63 2000 57-58 64 290-293 30

65 2002 24-25 66 33-34 31

67 34-35 32

68 35-36 69 293-295 33

70 173-174 71 176 72 2000 48 73 99 34

74 177-178 35

75 1991 1994 1995 2000 4% 2004 76 ( ) 1986 5 1993 6 2000 193 560 2003 350 700 2004 22,000 500 2005 2005 8 1 37 75 164 76 168-169 36

5 11 6 15 77 77 169 78 59 37

1994 33.24 1997 2002 2002 2,073.68 1994 62 20 90 10% 2002 67.92 79 79 179-180 38

80 () () 81 80 4-5 81 94 82 41-45 39

1999 1 1999 3 2001 11 1998 6 8 31 )11 2004 3,585 40

2000 90 1994 1989 2003 6 41

2004 93.2% 83 2004 19 42

84 20% 1998 1,036.26 587.41 448.85 1999 1,000 2000 1,990 2004 6,000 2001 20% 8% 85 84 181-183 85 183-184 43

86 186-187 44

1997 89 90 87 187-188 88 155 89 91 90 90 45

91 2002 78-79 92 7 46

93 31-32 94 60 47

95 61-63 96 116 48

1979~1983 97 69-70 98 2005~2006 2007 37-38 99 4-7 49

1989~1994 1989~1993 25%1996 1995 13% 1988 1995 1994 1995 100 64 50

80 6070 60 50 1987 2003 10 72 6,061 60 350 70 1991 34 587 60 55 60-120 30 101 65-68 51

102 102 2005 118-119 103 196 104 133 105 138 52

106 46-49 107 178-179 53

2003 37,886 6,621 950 108 2000 109 1999 2001 12%4% 110 2002 7 12.5% 2003 3 1 20% 108 2006 262 109 264 110 265-266 54

14.5% 5.5% 111 2004 1.2 15% 20 2002 1.3 223.57 330 500 85 201.46 400 1987 4 15 113 111 266 112 267 113 147-148 55

114 114 185-186 115 144-146 56

117 118 116 146-147 117 186--187 118 187-189 57

119 109-112 58

120 112-113- 59

121 113-115 60

122 116-123 116-121- 61



124 121 64

125 121-123- 65

70 126 152-153 66

70 2000 65 7 1999 1,000 24-28 127 347 2006 5 258 128 101 67

5,000 130 129 102 130 191 68

131 132 133 131 191-192 132 194 133 149-150 69

134 4 134 109-110 135 43-44 136 120 137 71 70

7 139 138 43 139 2008 10 71

1998 2000 2007 1995 2002 2002 2006 1999 1999 2006 1998 2001 2005 2000 2002 2005 2006 2006 2005 2006 1998 1997 2005 1997-2001 2001 2006 2005~2006 2007 2000 2005 1994 72

2004 21 2007 James A. Caporaso, David P. Levine Throries of Political Economy 2002 Martin Carnoy The State And Political Theory 2002 347 2006 5 258 73