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2011 3, 18(2): 400 406 Journal of Fishery Sciences of China 研究论文 DOI: 10.3724/S.P.J.1118.2011.00400 2n 李晓丽 1,2, 张泽宇 2, 曹淑青 2, 由学策 1., 266003; 2., 116023 2 摘要 : (Undaria pinnatifida)2n,, 2n,, 0.5~1.0 cm, 2n, 10~20, 20 d, 15 20 2n 8.4% 7.4%, 10 1% 20 15 d 2n, 60 d, 2n 100%; 15 30 d 2n, 60 d 38%; 10 45 d 2n, 60 d 12% 2n, 20 10 d 34%, 60 d 100% 2n 3n 2n, [, 2011,18(2): 400 406] : ; ; ; 2n 中图分类号 : S968 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1005 8737 (2011)02 0400 07, [1 10] (Undaria pinnatifida), 2n [11],, 3n 4n,, 3n, [12] 2n 2n, 2n 2n, [8], 3n, 2n 90%, 2n 10%, 2n, 2n 95%, 2n 5% [11],,, 2n 2n,, 2n, 2n, 2n, 3n 收稿日期 : 2010 04 03; 修订日期 : 2010 07 20. 基金项目 : 863 (2006AA10A412). 作者简介 : (1980 ). 通讯作者 :,,. E-mail:

2 : 2n 401 1 1.1 2n ( І A),, 2n [11], 2n 2n 20, 40 μmol m 2 s 1,, 12 h/d 80 : NaNO 3 10 g/m 3 NaH 2 PO 4 12H 2 O 20 g/m 3 PI 1 L/m 3 3 1 1.2 1.2.1 2n 2n 10 mg( ), 200 ml 120~200 μm, 1 ml (D=12 cm), 20, 50% 2n, 5 1, 2n 1.2.2 2n ( 0.5~1.0 cm),, 20 1 300 ml, 15 1 2n, 2n 50 1.2.3 2n 0.2~0.5 cm( 0.36 cm) 0.5~1.0 cm( 0.78 cm) 1.0~2.0 cm( 1.52 cm) 20 1, 300 ml 20, 2n 1.2.2 1.2.4 2n 2n,,, ( ), 20, ( ) 1 3 1 2n, 2n 2n,, 50 1.2.5 3n (2n ) 1.2.4,, 3 mm 3 1, 20 1.2.6 2n 2n,, Wittman s (1965),,, [1], 10 15 20 ; 1.1, 3 1 1.3 ± ( x SD), SPSS15.0 2 2.1 2n 2n 20 1, 15 d, 2n,, 20 d,,

402 18,, 2~3 ( І B);,, 20, 10 d 200 μm, 1 1mm ( І C), 2, 0.5 cm, 2n 1, 3 2n,, 15 5 d 3.2%, 10 d 5.2%, 20 d 8.4%; 20 5 d 2.6%, 15 d 6.0%, 20 d 7.4%; 10 5 d 2n 0.8%, 10 d 1.0%, 20 d 1.0%, 2.2 2n ( І D),,,,,,,,, 2~3 ( І E), 20, 1, ( І F), 2, ( І G) Tab.1 表 1 温度对裙带菜 2n 配子体孤雌生殖率的影响 Effects of temperature on the parthenogenesis rate of 2n female gametophytes / temperature 5 10 15 20 n=50 ; x SD; % 10 0.8 0.1 ** 1.0 0.2 ** 1.0 0.1 ** 1.0 0.3 ** 15 3.2 0.3 ** 5.2 0.4 ** 7.2 0.3 ** 8.4 0.5 ** 20 2.6 0.2 ** 4.2 0.3 ** 6.0 0.4 ** 7.4 0.2 ** : ** 3 (P<0.01). Note: * * show very significant difference compared among the three groups in one column(p<0.01). 15 μm(12~18 μm), 11 μm(9~12 μm), 2~3, 20 10 d, ( I H), 2n 2n 2n 2 20 15 d 4% 2n, 30 d 46%, 60d 100% 2n,, 10% ; 15 30 d 2n 12%, 60 d 38%, 2n 20 ; 10 45 d 5% 2n, 60 d Tab.2 表 2 温度对裙带菜 2n 配子体诱导率的影响 Effects of temperature on the formation rate of 2n female gametophytes n=50; x ±SD; % / temperature 15 30 45 60 10 0 0 ** 5±1.0 ** 12±1.5 ** 15 0 12±0.8 ** 20±2.0 ** 38±3.0 ** 20 4 46±2.0 ** 72±4.0 ** 100 ** : ** 3 (P<0.01). Note: * * show significant difference among the three groups in one column(p<0.01).

2 : 2n 403 12%, 20 15, 2n 2.3 2n 3,, 0.5~1.0 cm 2n, 15 d 12%, 30 d 74%, 60 d 100%; 1.0~2.0 cm 15 d 2n 6%, 30 d 45%, 60 d 72%; 0.2~0.5 cm 15 d 2n 2%, 30 d 18%, 60d 38%,, 0.5~1.0 cm 2n,, 2n 表 3 裙带菜藻体长度对 2n 配子体诱导率的影响 Tab.3 Effects of sporophytes length on the formation rate of 2n female gametophytes n=20; x ±SD; % /cm sporophytes length 15 30 45 60 0.2 0.5 2±0.3 ** 18±2.0 ** 26±2.4 ** 38±2.0 ** 0.5 1.0 12±2.0 ** 74±4.0 ** 88±4.2 ** 100 1.0 2.0 6±1.5 ** 45±3.5 ** 58±3.0 ** 72±5.0 ** : ** 3 (P<0.01). Note: ** show significant difference among the three groups in one column(p<0.01). 2.4 2n 2n 1,,,,,, 2n, 2n 4~5, 2n 4 10 d, 2n 34%, 15d 84%, 20 d 100%, 表 4 裙带菜 2n 配子体与正常雌配子体成熟率比较 Tab.4 Comparison in maturation rate between 2n and n female gametophyte n=50 ; x ±SD; % group normal female gametophytes 2n 2n female gametophytes 10 15 20 48±2.8 92±3.0 100 34±3.6 84±2.2 100 2n 3n, 2n, 90% 2.5 2n 2, 2 5~6 3n, 3n ( Ι I),, 2n 200 μm,, 3n 5, 10 d 3n 220 μm, 20 d 840 μm, 30 d 1.46 mm( Ι J), 3n 20, 1 1 mm, 2 mm 1, 3.8 mm, 6 mm,, 表 5 裙带菜 3n 幼孢子体与对照组 (2n) 藻体长度比较 Tab.5 Comparison in length between 3n and 2n juvenile sporophytes n=20; x ±SD; mm group 10 20 30 control 0.21±0.03 0.82±0.14 1.40±0.21 3n 3n juvenile sporophytes 0.22±0.05 0.84±0.12 1.46±0.18

404 18 2.6, 2n 60 ( I K), n 30 ( I L) 3 3.1 2n 3n 1,,,, [12], 3n,, 2n, 2n,, 2n [13-16],, 2n,, 2n, 2n, 2n, 3n, 2n,, 2n, 2n, 2n, 2n 2n,, 2n 3.2 2n [7], 2n, 10~20, 2n 2n, 20 2n,, 2n, 20 μmol m 2 s 1 40 μmol m 2 s 1 60 μmol m 2 s 1 2n, 2n,,, 2n, 2n, 2n,, ; 2n, ; 2n 3 0.2~0.5 cm 2n, 1.0~2.0 cm,,, 2n 参考文献 : [1]. [M]. :, 2000: 22 33. [2],,,. [J]., 1998, 28(3): 399 404. [3] Allen S K Jr, Downing S G L. Performance of triploid Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg). I. survival, growth, glycogen content and sexual maturation in yearlings [J]. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol, 1986, 102: 197 208.

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406 中国水产科学 图版 Ι 第 18 卷 裙带菜孤雌生殖藻体 2n 配子体诱导 A. 室内保存培养的 2n 配子体; B. 未受精卵及 2n 孤雌生殖幼孢子体; C. 培养 30 d 的 2n 孤雌生殖幼孢子体; D. 切根诱导的 2n 孤雌生殖幼孢子体; E. 2n 孤雌生殖藻体营养细胞诱导产生 2n 配子体; F. 培养 30 d 后 2n 孤雌生殖藻体表面观; G. 培养 60 d 后形成 2n 配子体藻团的孤雌生殖藻体表面观; H.诱导产生的 2n 配子体成熟; I. 培养 3 d 后的 3n 幼孢子体; J. 培养 30 d 后 的 3n 幼苗;K. 2n 配子体染色体; L. n 配子体染色体. Plate Ι Induction of 2n female gametophytes from the parthenogenetic sporophytes of Undaria pinnatifida A. Indoor cultured 2n female gametophytes; B. Unfertilized eggs and 2n parthenogenesis juvenile sporophytes; C.30-day-old 2n parthenogenetic juvenile sporophytes; D. 2n parthenogenetic juvenile sporophytes with the rhizoids removed; E. Germination of 2n female sporophytes from the vegetative cells of 2n parthenogenetic juvenile sporophytes; F.Surface view of 30-day-old 2n female gametophytes on the frond; G. Surface view of clustered 60-day-old 2n female gametophytes on the frond; H.Maturation of induced 2n female gametophytes; I. 3-day-old 3n juvenile sporophytes; J.30-day-old 3n young seedlings; K.Chromosome of 2n female gameto phyte; L. Chromosome of n female gametophyte.