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The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2011, 5-20 ISSN 2079-9608 print / ISSN 2218-4155 online 2011 Hong Kong Drama/Theatre and Education Forum Limited, Hong Kong

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20 Research Phoebe Yuk-lan Chan, Pui-fong Liu This is the translated abstract for the previous text Nurturing an Environment for Drama Education in a Learning Organisation: A Case Study of Fanling Assembly of God Church Primary School Phoebe Yuk-lan Chan Lecturer/Programme Coordinator (Drama Education), Hong Kong Art School Pui-fong Liu Part-time Lecturer (Drama Education), Hong Kong Art School Email: Abstract This case study examines how a Hong Kong primary school uses the management principles of learning organisations to nurture an environment for the long-term development of drama education in the school. Through a microscopic analysis of the school s experiences, this paper documents and discusses how the school made use of external funding to bring in human and curriculum resources, how a platform for collaborative teacher development was created to nurture their own team of drama teachers, and how a holistic drama curriculum was conceived and practised in the school. This paper focuses on how the school adopts the principles of humanistic management to facilitate teacher empowerment and create a vision shared by teachers, parents and students. Keywords: Learning School Organisation; Reform Management; Drama Curriculum; Teacher Empowerment