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免 過 往 只 有 聖 座 才 有 權 赦 免 的 罪 教 宗 強 調, 慈 悲 是 支 撐 教 會 生 活 的 基 礎, 是 檢 驗 誰 是 天 主 真 正 子 女 的 標 準 慈 悲 絕 不 是 軟 弱 的 表 現, 而 是 天 主 全 能 的 特 性 實 際 上, 我 們 眾 人 都 蒙 召


1 2 3 ( 2001) 20 ( 1991) 14-15 ( 2007) 77-78 1


transformation enrichedness 4 16 2009 6 :88 3

5 6 :88 88 7 Lesslie Newbigin, The Open Secret (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1978),78-79. 4

8 What it meantwhat it means 9 10 8 2001 18 9 Mieke Bal, Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative (Toronto: University of Toronto, 1985), 37-39. 10 Fernando F. Segovia Fernando F.Segovia, Cultural studies Contemporary Biblical Criticism:Ideological Criticism as Mode of Discourse, Reading from This Place.Vol.2,Social Location and Biblical Interpretation in the Global Perspective ed. Fernando F.segovia and Mary Ann Tolbert;Minneapolis:Fortress,1995,16. 18. 2009 88 5

12 6

Ravar Vutsul Vutsul Vutsul 13 Paumaumaq Chaobobol Panlarilao Ravar - cinavu cacaval 14 temevet Vutsul Ravar Vutsul 13 14 67-80 2010 3 18 10 7

15 cinavu cacaval Tisun a Naqemati 16 tua nanemanemanga ula su pinagaugavan tua puzangalan aicua ti 17 Ripun 18 15 16 Naqemati 17 86 2010 1 25 10 Ripun 18 8

vacevac 19 Tisun a Naqemati tua nanemanemanga i kacawan ula su pinagaugavan tua picul katua puzangalan aicua ti Ripun a nia ljak 20 Ripun Naqemati 1.Naqemati 21 Cemas Cemas 22 2.Cemas Cemas Cemas Zepulj 19 20 21 22 86 2010 1 25 10 86 2010 1 25 10 83 2010 2 27 15 1991 130.. kai 2010 44 9

cemas 24 A Naqemati 25 26 Mamazangiljan Atitan Naqemati Luqem Puzangalan Naqemati 27 28 29 23 Zepulj 82 2010 2 10 10 Zepulj 24. kai 44 25 26. kai 17 27 28 78 2010 3 9 ( 20 ) 29 2001 90 10

30 31 32 33 Merevavulungn 34 36 35 30 31 86 2010 1 25 10 83 2010 2 27 15 32 Zepulj 82 2010 2 10 10 Zepulj 33 83 2010 2 27 15 34 35 Zepulj 82 2010 2 10 10 Zepulj 36 83 2010 2 27 15 11

Paumaumaq 37 38 37 38 12

39 Cemas Naqemati( ) 39 2001 90 13

40 2006 11 2 40 http//tw.myblong.yahoo.com :2012,4,25 14

41 2011 41 http://blog.yam.com/cusengege/article/29314479 :2012,4,25 15

42 184 16

43 44 45 (Scot. McKnight) 46 47 (A. Oepke) (D. S. Dockery) 43 William Barclay 44 Joe Green, Scot McKnight, I. Howard Marshal, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospel (Illinois: Downer Grove, InterVarsity, 1992), 55. 45 Joe Green, Scot McKnight, I. Howard Marshal, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospel,57. 46 S. McKnight, A Light Among the Gentiles (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1962), 143. 47 A. Oepke, baptizw ktl, TDNT I. 529-46. 17

middle Passive 49 48 50 51 48 D. S. Dockery, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospel (Illinois: Downer Grove, InterVarsity, 1992), 56. 49 Dockery, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospel, 56. 50 (Bruce Manning Metzter) 1986 111 51 1991 34 18

52 5 52 (Bruce Manning Metzter) 111 112 53 Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly, The Gospel and the Sacred Minneapolis,Fortress,1994,15-16. 19

54 55 Hamerton Kelly 57 The Essenes 58 54 55 (Bruce Manning Metzter),110 1:3-6 Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly, The Gospel and the Sacred Minneapolis,Fortress,1994,67-68 1:3-6 79 57 2010 18 58 Bitherington, John the Baptist, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospel Illinois:Inter Varsity,1992, 384 1:3-6 80 20

Qumran 59 Bitherington 60 61 2 1-12 2 13-17 59 1 23 4 60 Bitherington, John the Baptist, 384 1:3-6 80 61 (Bruce Manning Metzter) 111 112 21

2 18-20 62 63 1 2-3 64 62 Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly, The Gospel and the Sacred Minneapolis,Fortress,1994,15-16. 63 64 William Barclay 23 35 22

65 means grace means of grace (Robert A. Guelich) R. C. H Lenski 67 68 69 65 36 66 Thomas C. Oden Christopher A. Hall 9 67 Robert A. Guelich, Mark 1-8 26 Texas: Dallas, World Books, 1989,31. 68 1966 35 69 2000 40 23

. 32 3 11 Hamerton Kelly 70 70 Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly, The Gospel and the Sacred, 69-70 1:3-6 80 24

71 72 71 72 25


75 76 77 51 16 78 79 73 D. S. Dockery, Baptism, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospel (Illinois: Inter Varsity, 1992), 384. 74 James Orr, A Chinese Bible Encyclopedia 1984 377 75 W. R. Herzog II, Temple, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels (ed, Joel B. Green, Scot McKneight, I. Howard Marshall; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity 1992), 813. 76 James Orr, A Chinese Bible Encyclopedia 498 77 Herzog II, Temple,813. 78 James Orr, 498 79 1:3-6 27

80 81 80 James Orr, 498 81 2009.5.6 2005.2.25 Bitherington, John the Baptist, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospel,384. 28

85 86 85 86 29

87 egeneto 88 89 90 87 88 89 90 2005.2.25, (1:4-8)????et? ( ) Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly, The Gospel and the Sacred (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1994), 18 30


32 91 13 17 92 93 91 Bosch, David 92 93

94 94 33

95 96 Lesslie Newbigin 97 98 95 21-25 2009 78-79 96 25 19 22 10 33-37 2009 92-93 97 Lesslie Newbigin, Truth to Tell: The Gospel as Public Truth (Geneva WCC/Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991), 59-60. 98 1994 20-21 34

99 2008 18. George E. Ladd The Gospel of the Kingdom. George E. Ladd The Gospel of the Kingdom 35

Philip Yancey 2008 19 Luz, Matthew 1-7: A Commentary, 271. 36

Warren Carter, Matthew and the Margins: A Sociopolitical and Religious Reading (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2001), 390. 2008 21 37

18-20 2008 22 2008 23 38

40 110 110 39

. 2. Malevamen tanumun tucuaqadaw uri kipakirauraumun sanu lingdeli a merevavulungan a picul katua puvarungan ulana 40

kemasitua ta kama alak katua Talaparavacan a vavk itanumun a mapulat 114 A naqemati tu a nanemanga a na Cemas sukinizangan sa marek su alak a mapulat Namakaya lemetu saka memaacuvucuvunganga malevamen tuaso kilivak, tucuaqadaw uri kipakirauruw sana lingedeli a mevavulungan ulasu kinesenayan pinakati Yisu a kiqaung a man 115 114 115,,,,.,, - 41

????? 42

2 116 19 19 116 43


118 117 117 118 45

119 Future oriented 121 122 119 120 121 122 16 2009 6 :88 88 46


23 48

5:17 49

1. Bal, Mieke. Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative (Toronto: University of Toronto, 1985. 2. Bitherington John the Baptist, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospel, Illinois:Inter Varsity,1992 3. Blount, Brian K. Cultural Interpretation. Reorienting New Testament Criticism. Minneapolis:Fortress,1995 4. Dockery, D. S. Baptism, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospel. Illinois: Inter Varsity, 1992. 5. Guelich, Robert A. Mark 1-8 26. Texas: Dallas, World Books, 1989. 6. Hamerton-Kelly, Robert G. The Gospel and the Sacred. Minneapolis,Fortress,1994. 7. Herzog II,W. R. Temple, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. Ed, Joel B. Green, Scot McKneight, I. Howard Marshall; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity 1992, 813. 8. Lesslie, Newbigin, The Open Secret,Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans,1978 9. McKnight, S. A Light Among the Gentiles. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1962. 10. Segovia, Fernando F. and Mary Ann. Tolbert, Reading from This Place. Social Location and Biblical Interpretation in the Global Perspective. Vol.2, Minneapolis:Fortress,1995. 11. Truth to Tell: The Gospel as Public Truth.Geneva WCC/Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991. 1984 4.. kai 2010 5. 1979 7. 9. 2001 50

1991 2001 16. 1991 17. 2003 18. 1966 19. 1995 21. 1. William Barclay 3. 2002 1991 5. (Levi-Staruss) 1982 (Lenski, R. C. H.) 7. (Stewart, James S.) 2000 8. Ladd, George E. The Gospel of the Kingdom 9. Bruce Manning Metzter 1986 51

10. Philip Yancey The Jesus I Never Knem 2001 Merrill C. Tenney Oden,Thomas C. Hall Christopher A. Bosch, David 14. Orr, James A Chinese Bible Encyclopedia 1984 15. www.scu.edu.tw/counsel/index.php Page=ceremony Menu=aborigine ;2011,3.9 16. http//tw.myblong.yahoo.com :2012,4,25 17. http://blog.yam.com/cusengege/article/29314479 :2012,4,25. 1.. 2009 3. 1972 5. 2001 7. 1994 1. 2. 2007 52

4. 16 2009 6 5.. 2009 1. Zepulj 82 2010 2 10 10 Zepulj 2. 78 2010 1 27 15 3. 67-80 2010 3 18 10 4.. 2005 2 25 5. 80 2010 1 25 6. 72 2009 3 9 ( 20 ) 53