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佛弟子會訊 一月 / 二月 Jan/Feb 2009 澳大利亞雲陽寺 Yun Yang Temple Australia Q & A sessions Bai Yun by Grand Master 客問 : 老禪師曾說在家人皈依之後, 每天仍須作皈依, 請問應該如何自作皈依? 聽說皈依三寶以後, 若每天早晚沒有作三皈依, 四十九天以後, 皈依就已經消失了? Question: Old Master has once said that all lay Buddhists after taking the Three Refuges should recite the lines every day. I would like to know how to go about it at home. It is also said that unless this is done The Three Refuges would become null after 49 days. Is this true? 師答 : 在家學佛的居士, 每天早晨自己一定要靜下心來作皈依, 念三次 皈依佛, 皈依法, 皈依僧 ; 皈依佛兩足尊, 皈依法離欲尊, 皈依僧眾中尊 ; 皈依佛竟, 皈依法竟, 皈依僧竟 即可, 晚上不要作, 縱使夾雜著妄想雜念也無所謂, 因為皈依是祈求, 不是功德, 目的是皈依而已 一天不作就一天遠離皈依, 若是四十九天, 那還得了 類似平常我們說讀書人, 三日不讀書, 就會面目可憎, 真正說作皈依, 乃是每天早晨自己都要作皈依, 這樣才不會失去皈依 Answer: Lay Buddhists should get into the habit of starting the day with a state of peace and calmness to conduct the Three Refuges by reciting the lines three times: I take refuge in the Buddha to attain supreme wisdom and fortune; I take refuge in the Dharma to attain purity absent of all desires; I take refuge in the Sangha who reign supreme among mortals. We take refuge for ultimate states in Buddhahood, Dharma and Sanghahood. However, reciting the Three Refuges should not be done in the evening. The Three Refuges should be carried out every day regardless of one s mental calmness because what we are doing is praying. There is no merit in itself. For everyday that we do not remind ourselves, we will drift away from it. You can imagine how serious it can be if we leave it for 49 days! Just as the common belief goes: a scholar s look will deteriorate if he leaves his books for only three days. Since we have taken the Three Refuges, we should remind ourselves so as not to lose the refuges. 上下白雲老禪師 Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 客問 : 家中沒有佛堂, 如何每天作三皈依? Question: How shall I go about the Three Refuges if I do not have an altar at home? 師答 : 只要心裡清淨, 提起正念即可, 即使站立床邊亦可, 但不能在廁所作三皈依 在家人作三皈依一定要念 皈依佛, 皈依法, 皈依僧 ; 皈依佛兩足尊, 皈依法離欲尊, 皈依僧眾中尊 ; 皈依佛竟, 皈依法竟, 皈依僧竟 才可 出家眾念 自皈依佛, 當願眾生, 體解大道, 發無上心... 此為早晚課誦領導天神 鬼神及每個 自我, 使其跟著一起來皈依, 意義不同 另有些人以自性佛 自性法 自性僧來皈依, 或者是皈依十方三世一切佛 一切法 一切僧, 這都不可以, 未依教如法 Answer: As long as one s mind is clean and calm and does it with pure intentions, it can be done even by just standing beside one s bed. But do not do it in the toilet. While lay Buddhists recite the lines: I take Refuge in the Buddha, sanghas will recite these lines Since taking refuge in the Buddha, I vow to lead all sentient beings onto the true path with unsurpassed will... which is part of the morning and evening chanting with the purpose of leading each and every deity, spirit and being to join in the refuge. The two differs greatly in both significance and purpose. Any other form of refuge taking will not be accepted.

客問 : 請問師父, 每天早晨作皈依, 要不要燒香 禮拜? 為什麼晚上不要作皈依? 若早上沒有作, 晚上可以作嗎? Question: I would like to know if incense and prostrations should be included when reciting the Three Refuges every morning? And why it cannot be recited in the evening? If I did not do it in the morning, can I make it up in the evening? 師答 : 燒香 禮拜乃屬供養, 皈依是自己得皈依 ; 燒了三柱香, 頂禮三拜, 這是香供養 禮供養, 而於香 禮供養之間, 最簡單濃縮起來的就是心供養 ; 如果早上燒香 頂禮三拜來不及, 也可以站在佛像面前, 合掌念三遍皈依, 然後再問訊即可, 不一定非燒香 禮拜不可, 可是皈依一定要作 皈依一天作一次就可以, 不可以晚上作皈依, 為什麼呢? 下午以後都是鬼神皈依, 我們是人怎能皈依, 所以作皈依一定要早上 Answer: Incense and prostrations come under offering. Taking the Three Refuges has to do with ourselves. Burning the incense and performing the prostrations come under offerings in scent and respect. The two, in essence, is the offering of one s heart. If one runs short of time in the morning, one can simply stand in front of the altar, palms together and recite the Three Refuges three times and finish with three bows. While incense and prostration can be done away with, recitation is a must, at least once a day. The reason why recitation of the Three Refuges must not be done in the evening is because hours after noon is a time for the ghosts and spirits. We are humans and how can we take refuge in ghosts and spirits? 客問 : 以前我皈依過, 但中間這段時間, 並沒有每天作皈依, 是否已失去皈依? Question: I have taken the Three Refuges in the past but since then have not performed any Three Refuges recitation. Have I lost the refuges? 師答 : 不知者無罪, 現在知道了就不能再錯 Answer: One cannot be accused of wrong-doing if one did not know better. But now that you know, you must not wrong again. 客問 : 我們都是忠實信徒, 已皈依三寶應該不會失去人身? Question: We are all faithful disciples. Can we be guaranteed a human form after taking the Three Refuges? 師答 : 不一定, 要如法依教方有可能 切莫以為皈依三寶即不墮入三惡道, 不如法 不依教都有可能墮入 ; 如果善事陰德做的多, 福報大, 沒有回向給一切眾生, 則可能到天道享福 所以想要保住人身, 應將所做的一切功德回向, 分散給別人, 不要自己保有, 如此到天道的機會就會減少了 Answer: Not necessarily, unless one sticks strictly to the dharma. One must never assume that taking the Three Refuges will safeguard one from the Lower Three Realms as any departure from the dharma will pose the risk of this undesirable end. A person who has done much charity and gathered much merits but did not transfer to all beings of the Six Realms, the person may end up in the Heaven Realm to enjoy the fruit of his good deeds. If he/she wishes to retain a human form, he/she must transfer all merits to all beings of the Six Realms to reduce his chances of ending up in the Heaven Realm. 客問 : 每天早上皈依三寶時, 心中應如何觀想? 僧是自己的皈依師父嗎? Question: When doing the Three Refuges recitation in the morning, what should one visualize? Does Sangha refer to one s Master who performed the Initiation to the Three Refuges on us? 師答 : 心裡一定要想釋迦牟尼佛, 釋迦牟尼佛所說的法, 以及釋迦牟尼佛所建立起來的僧伽 僧, 不一定是皈依師父, 而是所有的出家人, 因為 僧 是指凡依釋迦牟尼佛建立起的制度而出家的比丘, 他們顯現的即是僧寶相 以皈依來說是皈依三寶, 不是皈依某個人, 因為皈是皈投, 依是依止, 皈依僧寶, 所有的僧伽都是師, 可是不一定每位師父都在你身邊, 離你很近 ; 所以我們通常說, 你的依止師是那一位, 這是什麼意思呢? 就指你經常親近的那位師父, 也就是你的依止師, 而皈依是皈依三寶, 是以釋迦牟尼佛為佛寶, 釋迦牟尼佛所說的道理為法寶, 依釋迦牟尼佛所建立起的僧團制度, 而顯僧相的為僧寶 Answer: One should always focus one s mind on the Buddha Shakyamuni, his dharma and the Sangha community he set up. Sangka does not refer to one s master who performed the initiation ceremony but all Sanghas which includes all Bikus who have entered the monastery community set up by the Buddha and taken on the specific Sangha appearance of the Sangha Gem. Taking refuge in the Three Gems is not taking refuge under any one particular person. When we take refuge in the Three Gems, all sanghas become our teachers whom we depend on for dharma. While we take refuge in the Three Gems, we may have one particular sangha whom we depend on due to convenience in proximity and accessibility. But we take refuge in the Three Gems, not any one particular Sangha. 客問 : 想深入佛法是不是一定要皈依三寶? Question: If we wish to go deeper into dharma, must we first take refuge in the Three Gems? 師答 : 如果只是想研究佛學, 當成一種學術研究, 那不必皈依 如果是想依佛法來修養自己, 就像入學先要註冊一樣, 想接受老師的教誨, 就必須皈依了

Answer: If you wish to take on Buddhism as a topic for academic research, taking refuge the Three Gems will not be necessary. However, if you wish to take on Buddhism as a form of cultivation for yourself, you should take the Three Refuges just as any child wishing to study in a particular school, he should register at the school to receive instructions from its teachers. 客問 : 如果已受三皈五戒, 破戒了怎麼補救? Question: If one has broken any of the Five Precepts after taking the Three Refuges, what must one do to salvage the situation? 師答 : 戒不能說破不破, 只能講違反了戒, 戒是不能補的, 因為它不是網, 也不是陶瓷做的碗, 只能說重受 你這問題的重點在於 -- 戒應先去學習, 自覺能做得到, 可以求受五戒, 而後才能守 否則一個從事屠宰業的人, 他怎麼受不殺生戒? 如果違 反了戒, 自覺做不到, 就到佛前懺悔 捨戒, 如果自認還能持守, 那麼還可去重受 五戒裡若只能做得到一個戒, 也可以只受一條, 其他做不到的先慢慢學, 以後看自己的能力, 再求受戒 Answer: We do not talk about breaking a certain precepts. We can only talk about violating a certain precept because the precepts are not objects that can be broken. When this happens, we then have to retake the precepts. The point is, precepts are something that involves a process of learning before one makes a vow to observe it. It should not be done unless one can be certain of keeping to the vow, just as a butcher will never be in a position to observe the precept of no killing. When one has violated a precept, one should repent in front of the Buddha and give up the vow. One can always retake the vow when one feels ready again. The Five Precepts can be taken one at a time, as and when one is ready.

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史賓威爾市區扥缽 Alms taking in Springvale during the short term ordination 虔誠供養積聚福田 Giving the community a chance to practise generosity 赤足行腳體驗眾生生活之苦難 Experiencing bare footed walking, a reminder that life is suffering

菩薩像安座開光 Bodhisattva Statues Inauguration 師父於信徒家為觀音 文殊 普賢菩薩像開光 Venerable Master Ru Sun performing the Guan Yin, Manjushri and Pu Xian Bodhisattva statues inauguration in one of the disciple's house on the 10th January 2009. Celebrating theyear of the Ox 歲末圍爐餐會, 信徒與法師們及親友們, 於觀音殿分享各自帶來的食物 ; 菜色眾多大家都大快朵頤 Friends and families together with the Sanghas celebrated the Chinese New Year get together on 11th January 2009 in Guan Yin Hall. The food were mouth watering and plentiful, contributed by all who attended. Everyone had a good time and their tummy filled to the brim. 美食當前難以自禁 sumptuous food Everyone tugging into the 劉師兄對家庭烹飪情有獨鍾 Brother Bing could not resist the delicious home cook meal 雲陽合唱團獻唱 Yun Yang Choir 頒獎 Prizes for the competitors 師父發紅包 Master handing out the ang pow

募款餐宴 Fund raising dinner on 13 December 2008 by Yun Yang Compassionate Society 觀音殿高朋滿座於笑聲與音樂聲中 350 人慷慨解囊護持建寺基金. Guan Yin Hall was filled to its fullest capacity. The hall was filled with laughter and music. There were 350 floral tiles ( $200 each tile ) donated and also 3 people took up the 1000 Buddhas offering ( $3000 per person ). Some of the donors were able to hit the gong when their donations were announced. It was a fun and fruitful night. Thanks for all the generous donations. Floral tiles Master giving the opening speech Classical Chinese music by sister Bee Shin The joy of hitting the gong 感恩餐宴 Token of appreciation 由長住們大顯身手調理一份乾恩慈善會員的餐會 Delicious lunch prepared personally by the Sanghas for the members of Yun Yang Compassionate Society for their generous support of the temple. Each monk and nun prepared their favourite dish. 徹師父及賢師父親自服務湯餚 Master Che and Master Xian dishing out the soup 自助式餐會 Self service 常住調理的美食 Some of the appetising dishes prepared by the Sanghas

史賓威爾新年盛會 Springvale Festival on Chinese New Year Eve 雲陽寺參加史賓威爾新年盛會賀牛年的到來 festival to celebrate the Year of the Ox On 25 January Yun Yang Temple participated in the Springvale 佛前供花及供燈 Buddha Flowers and lotus lamps for offering to 大年除夕 New Year Eve in Yun Yang Temple 誦金剛經 Chanting the Diamond Sutra 12 點上頭柱香 Lighting the 1 st incense at the stroke of 12.00am

慶生會 / Fortune Members Birthday Celebrations 本月壽星 Birthday stars 祝您生日快樂 / Wishing you all a Happy Birthday 一月會員生日 January Members Birthdays 李玉霞 Caty Tai 徐月雲 Hsu Yueh Yuan 嚴資翔 Yam Zee Siang 李曉惠 Helen 伍碧雲 Ng Pik Wan 李志豪 Ly Hao 周錦隆 Chow Kam Leong 張尚住 Teoh Sweong Choo 楊志強 Yong Chee Keong 何偉業 Ho Wei Giap Robert See 謝啟祥 Cheong Cheah Kai 楊麗菁 Yong Lai Cheng 李佩燕 Ly Mandy 詹秀琳 Chiam Xiu Lin 鍾福虎 Chen Hock Hor 俞耀中 Yee Yew Choong 葉寶倫 Yip Michael 李珙鳴 Lee Keng Meng 楊芷瑩 Ryda Kay-Dart 周天聲 Chau Thien Duc 余冠橋 Yu Guan Qiao 余冠橋 Yu Guan Qiao 陳鳳仙 Tang Doris 徐嘉君 Shu Jennifer 徐啟能 Shu Eric 鄧傑文楊澤婷 Yang Chun Ting Christine Mc Dermott 梁榮澤李卓均 Peter 梁慧斯 Leong Stella 劉家銓 Liew Kah Kenn 李晉伐 Lee Cheng 李天福張妙花陳瑞碧 Tan Swee Pak 陳寶香梁慧斯 Stella Wong 歐亞秀梅 Fiona Ng Hiep Phung 二月會員生日 February Members Birthdays 黃超群 Serena Wong 鄧麗娟陳曌 Chau Wee 黃秀霞劉桂虹 Samantha Law 周慶達 Richard Chew 李潤基 Lawrence Li 潘何肖華 Connie Poon 盧保欽 Loo Pok Kheng 雷鎮如 Lian Lui 吳翠芳 Ngo Phuong 張敏怡 Lucy Chang 潘旻鍵 Andrew Poon 胡瑞儀 Wu Shui Yee 楊至華 Yeung June 陳明珠 Tan Beng Choo 林啟祿 Lim Russell 顏周碧雲 Gan Phaik Hoon 鄭茵化 Lee Eileen 林小琳 Lin Lin Xiao 吳小燕楊施木菜 Yang Shih Mu Tsai 袁潘慕潔 Yuen Lisa Vi Anh My 洪美嬌 Hong Lucia 巫小芳 Vu Tieu Phuong 黃麗華黎美容 Lai Mi Jum

來寺參訪 Visitors to the temple On the 1 st February from 2.00pm till about 6.00pm there were approximately a thousand visitors from different organisations. The tours were organised by the Vietnamese community. Some were accompanied by their clergyman. They paid respect and offerings to Buddha. Refreshment and snacks were served in Guan Yin hall. First priority is to pay respect to Buddha Blessing lamps A group of visitors with their clergyman held a small service in the Main Shrine Refreshment in Guan Yin Hall Transport provided to and from the car park

雲陽茶 Yun Yang Tea 茶在今天日常生活中成為了天然健康飲料, 人們有喝茶的習慣, 經有數千年的歷史, 在資料薈集裡對於老祖宗以茶敬客的習俗, 世代相傳, 早有記錄, 百姓人家也是家家戶戶, 除了自己飲用外, 款待客人亦是以茶, 作為會客禮節, 而帝王貴族更加十分推崇講究 清朝乾隆皇帝就一日不品茶為之不快的習慣, 在帝皇中, 高壽者, 屈指可數, 鳳毛麟角, 乾隆帝君以飲茶為養生之道, 無不有關 Tea has become our daily natural health drinks. People acquire the habits of drinking tea several thousands of years ago. Actually there were records of our ancestors serving tea to visitors for generations. Serving tea to ones guests has become a sort of customs besides the usual habits drinking tea of all the people. The Emperors and Government Officials were very fastidious about drinking tea. In Qing Dynasty Emperor Qian Long had the habit of drinking tea every day. Emperors who had long lives are rare. So Emperor Qian Long s habit of drinking tea must have contributed to his longevity. 筆者在此不敢在魯班門前弄斧, 不自量力大談茶道, 我只是感謝老和尚盛意拳拳, 邀請我品嚐他泡茶的手藝, 一席間在談論佛法, 聽後開示, 喝下一杯清茶, 內心覺來陣陣清涼, 有如醍醐灌頂, 令人心曠神怡, 倍加醒思, 對於這杯濃濃茶味, 十分享受, 心誠意敬地向老和尚請教, 這杯甘露何以如此清香甘甜, 是我喝過許多品種中, 最為順喉的一種清甘得來, 帶有幾分苦澀, 是甘茶亦似苦藥, 花非花霧非霧, 使我一時有所悟處 ; 老和尚凝神看了我一眼說道 這是雲陽茶, 聽其名知其性 ; 雲陽茶, 該是栽種在一片氣溫清涼, 陽光充足的茶林園地 坪林 文山地區中海拔 The writer dare not show off his tea serving ceremony skill. I am very thankful that Ven. Master invited me for the tea drinking and had a taste of skilful technique in making tea. While we were talking about Buddha s teaching, we drank a cup of tea. I felt very calm and cool. I enjoyed this cup of tea very much. It gave me a sense of awakening. So I sincerely pleaded with Ven. Master to tell me why this cup of tea was so sweet and nice. It had the most soothing and sweet taste comparing with all the different types of tea that I had. It had a little bit of sweetness and bitterness. It was sweet tea as well as bitter medicine. It looked like flowers but not flowers. It looked like fog but not fog. Instantly it awakened me. Ven. Master looked at me and said, This is Yun Yang Tea, from the name you would know its quality. Yun Yang tea was planted in a tea plantation where the climate was warm and cool with lots of sunshine Ping Lim, at the mid-level of Wen Shan. 為了致證老和尚道來津津有味, 這其中還有實例可以佐證, 雲陽茶確實不只是茶的一般, 供人飲用而已, 它具有不可思議草藥的特性 古代醫學就有視茶為藥物, 認為茶葉是具有提神, 助消化 利尿 解毒等功能 ; 茶是屬於中鹼性物質, 能中和血液酸質, 維持酸鹼平衡, 保持血液正常, 維持心臟 血管胃腸正常機能, 消除疲勞, 促進身體新陳代謝, 茶葉所含鞣酸, 能殺滅多種細菌, 有抗癌作用, 又能分解中性脂肪和抑制膽固醇作用, 明目清肝 ; 茶能清熱解毒, 保護肝臟延年益壽, 喝茶的好處, 豈能一紙列舉, 而雲陽茶只是百種茶類之一種, 但它卻含有適量的鹼質, 較多的氨基酸, 其份量恰到好處, 這對人體生理功能都有十分重要作用, 因茶多脂有抗老化功能, 防止動脈硬化, 高血壓 腦血栓, 保健心腦血管, 對於防止骨質疏鬆症發生 ; 如果習慣品嚐飲用雲陽茶, 真有實際效果 至於談到咖啡因, 一般茶類不多不少都有含量, 雲陽茶也不例外, 正因其含量中肯, 即使是好茶之人, 每天飲量為 5-10 公克, 而卻遠遠低於超標程度, 請大眾放心飲用 ; 反之正因為選用雲陽茶作為清晨做早課前熱身飲料, 凡參與信徒, 喝過茶後, 精神抖瑟, 至心求道, 勇猛精進, 這期間就發生了一個故事 Yun Yang Tea is not just a tea. It has special herbal property. In ancient time tea was treated as a sort of medicinal herb. Tea was considered to be able to revitalise, help digesting, help in dieresis and detoxify. Tea belongs to the mild alkaline substance. It can neutralise the acidity in the blood and balance between the acidity and alkaline. Thus maintain the normality in the blood, the heart, the blood vessels, stomach and intestines normal functions. It can dispel fatigue and increase metabolism. A kind of acidity property in the tea leaves can kill many kinds of germs and has the anti-cancer property. It also can break down the fat and restrain the cholesterol. It clears the eyes and livers. Tea can relieve the internal heat and detoxify and protect the livers and maintain long life. The advantages of drinking tea are numerous. Yun Yang Tea is one of the hundred different types of tea but it has an appropriate amount of alkaline and larger amount of amino-acid. Their amounts are well balanced. This has a very important function to human body. It has the antiaging function and help in preventing arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, cerebral thrombus. Habitual drinking of Yun Yang Tea, could Page 10

help in preventing osteoporosis. Normally tea contains some caffeine, Yun Yang tea is no exception but it has the appropriate amount, even if one drinks 5-20 grams a day, it is still under the standard amount. Disciples that drink Yun Yang tea before the morning chanting find that it is very refreshing and help greatly with their cultivation. There was a story about drinking Yun Yang Tea. 有某一老居士, 患有痛風症, 雙腳跪拜很不自在, 多年來一直少有與大眾共修, 幾經老和尚多番開拓, 無數次規勸他起用雲陽茶, 可以一試改善不良於行的老毛病 ; 老居士終於鼓起勇氣, 掛單在寺院中, 兩個星期, 竟然奇蹟出現在他寄住寺院期間, 由於每天清晨與老和尚對飲數杯清茶, 品聞雲陽之芬芳, 然後前往禮佛, 最初數日行走緩慢, 心感狡痛, 為了要證實飲用熱茶有所幫助, 他持之以恆, 接著進入第二週期, 一再感覺到行動上有了很大的變化, 雙腿可以彎曲自如, 能與大眾一齊下跪拜佛, 這種調較在短期間有所改變的效果, 真是令人感到意外, 鼓舞大伙, 一時傳聞, 吸進了更多信士, 有者其他手腳部位欠缺靈巧活動的, 紛紛效尤, 加入行列, 說也神奇, 一經飲用雲陽茶, 多半見效, 病況好轉, 尤其是對治傷風感冒, 甚為管用, 只要在病狀初發時, 馬上泡杯熱烘烘的雲陽茶, 喝上數大杯的份量, 大約經過半小時就會頻繁奔走洗手間, 茶到病除, 十分保險, 安然無恙, 身心喜悅 There was an elderly practitioner. He suffered from gout. He was not able to kneel down. That was why he seldom participate in the group practice. After several encouragement from Ven. Master to try out the Yun Yang Tea, he stayed at the Temple for two weeks. A miracle occurred during his stay at the Temple. Every morning he drank several cups of Tea with Ven. Master and then he went to pay respect to the Buddha. The first few days he walked slowly and felt the heart aching. In order to prove that drinking hot Yun Yang Tea can help in improving his health, he kept on drinking. On the second week, he could bend both his legs and was able to kneel down to pay respect to Buddha. This was really out of his expectation and also encouraged many others who had problems with their joints to join his trials. Many found it very helpful in improving their illness. Especially, it is very good in relieving the cold. At the start of the cold, immediately drink several big cups of hot Yun Yang Tea, after about half an hour, one would need to go to the toilet. The tea helps in getting rid of the illness and you would feel better. 會心園是雲陽佛院中的一間茶寮, 設計得還標精巧雅緻, 每逢週日來訪之客, 有朋自遠方來不亦樂乎, 常常見到三五成群的一家大小, 都會住腳茶園中小息, 藉此機際會親交友, 廣結善緣, 這種飲茶方式, 真令人體察到朋友互訪的樂趣, 同參道友學佛的因緣, 有緣千里來相會, 無緣對面不相逢, 能在園中相聚, 喝上幾口雲陽茶, 偷得浮生半日閒, 真是人生難得幾回盛事, 朋友, 我們好好珍惜這份塵緣, 把握住 人身難得, 佛法難聞, 一生成佛菩薩的信念 The Coffee House at Yun Yang Temple is designed very nicely. Visitors come on Sundays just like old friends coming from far away. It is really something very joyous. There are often groups of people, young and old, gathering together in the Coffee House drinking tea and taking this opportunity to get to know each other better. Sipping Yun Yang Tea, talking and discussing together with friends is really something enjoyable. Friends, let us treasure this togetherness and grasp the belief that having human body is difficult, hearing Dharma teaching is a rare chance to attain enlightenment in one life. 會心茶座品雲陽 箇中甘苦客鑑賞 笑談古今塵環事 仿似南柯夢一場 Tasting Yun Yang tea at the Coffee House Appreciating its sweetness and bitterness by visitors Talking all the past and current worldly phenomena laughingly. It s all but just like having a dream. Written by 梁漢清 / Steven Leong

YUN YANG TEMPLE 中文佛學班 Buddhist Studies Class (Chinese) 以簡易輕鬆的方法來學中文融入佛學知識於日常生活中 Come and learn to speak Chinese. Practical Mandarin classes to further your understanding of Buddhism. 日期 : 每學期星期日上課八週 第一季 (15/2-5/4/2009) 第二季 (3/5-21/6/2009) 第三季 (26/7-13/9/2009) 第四季 (18/10-6/12/2009) 課程兒童班 6 歲 ~12 歲上午 10:00-11:20 分 青少年班 13 歲 ~18 歲上午 10:00-11:20 分 成人班 費用吉祥會員佛弟子會員非會員 19 歲以上下午 12:30-13:50 分 50 元 55 元 60 元 Classes are held on 8 Sunday per term Term 1 (15 Feb - 5 April, 2009) Term 2 (3 May - 21 June, 2009) Term 3 (26 July - 13 Sept, 2009) Term 4 (18 Oct - 6 Dec, 2009) Class Children Youth Adult Fee 6 years~12years 10:00am - 11:20am 13 years ~18years 10:00am - 11:20am over 18 years 12:30pm - 1:50pm YYCS members $50 BSA members $55 Non members $60 地點 :6 Reservoir Road, Narre Warren North, VIC 3804 ' (03) 9796 8079

近期重要活動 Special Events 2009 日期 Date 04/03 星期三 (Wed) 11/03 星期三 (Wed) 15/03 星期日 (Sun) 17/03 星期二 (Tue) 11/04 星期六 (Sat) 15/04 15/07 四月十五日至七月十五 28/04 星期二 (Tue) 2/05 星期六 (Sat) 2/05 星期六 (Sat) 重要活動 Special Events 釋迦佛出家紀念日 Shakyamuni Buddha Ordination Day 釋迦佛涅槃日 Shakyamuni Buddha s Nirvana 觀世音菩薩聖誕 Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva s Birthday 普賢菩薩聖誕 Samantabhadra Bodhisattva s Birthday 準提菩薩聖誕 Cundi Bodhisattva s Birthday 結夏安居 Rainy Retreat 文殊菩薩聖誕 Manjusti Bodhisattva s Birthday 大殿開光安座法會浴佛法會 Buddha Day Ceremony 新大雄寶殿開光安座 Opening of the New Main Shrine and the Buddha Inauguration Ceremony 時間 Time 9:30am 金剛般若會 Diamond Sutra Recitation 10:40am 佛前大供 Grand Offering 9:30am 金剛般若會 Diamond Sutra Recitation 10:40am 佛前大供 Grand Offering 9:30am 普門品 Pu Men Pin Sutra Recitation 10:40am 佛前大供 Grand Offering 9:30am 金剛般若會 Diamond Sutra Recitation 10:40am 佛前大供 Grand Offering 9:30am 金剛般若會 Diamond Sutra Recitation 10:40am 佛前大供 Grand Offering 由 05/04~04/07/2009 三個月的安居 From 5 th April to 4 th July Three M onths Retreat 9:30am 金剛般若會 Diamond Sutra Recitation 10:40am 佛前大供 Grand Offering 9:00am 浴佛法會 Bathing the Buddha Ceremony 10:00am 正授三皈五戒 Taking Refuge & Five Precepts 11:00am 佛前大供 Grand Offering 11:30am 傳燈 Lamp Lighting Program will be out soon 請注意日期的更改 / Please note dates maybe subject to changes YUN YANG TEMPLE 6-10 Reservoir Road, Narre Warren North, VIC 3804 Ph:97968079

定期活動 每星期六 3.00pm 4.30pm 4.40pm 5.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm Regular Events Every Saturday Buddhism class by Andrew Williams 煙供 Smoke Offering 晚課 Evening chanting 每月初一 9.30am 10.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 每月十五日 9.30am 10.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 每第三星期日 12.03pm 2.00pm 每第五星期日 3.00 4.00pm 1st Lunar Month 誦金剛經 Diamond Sutra Recitation 拜大懺悔文 Grand Repentance 15 th Lunar month 誦普門品 Lotus Sutra Recitation 拜大懺悔文 Grand Repentance 3rd Sunday of each month 出坡 Working Bee 5 th Sunday of the month 觀音法門 Guan Yin Practice 每第一星期六 2.30pm 4.30pm 1 st Saturday of the month 書法班 Calligraphy class 指導老師 : 廖蘊山居士 Mr Tang Lieu