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BIBLID 0254-4466(2010)28:3 pp. 63-97 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 ( 民國 99 年 9 月 ) ** * 165 2009 5 11 2010 7 28 2010 8 11 * ** 2008 8 28 63

64 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 1891-1962 1881-1936 1 2 3 4 5 1 2004 322-323 2 6 1983 170 33 3 Andrew H. Plaks 2007 50-53 4 6 333-348 273 118(2004.1): 141-147 1657 60 2000 7 1950-1993 582 2008 7 2200 88 15 25.1(2004.2): 20-23 1978-2001 10 5

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 65 6 7 1923-2007 8 2002.2(2002.4): 100-109 6 1978 20 542 543-544 7 1989 82-83 62 Nicholas Koss 14.11(1986.4): 130-148 1989 277-283 1989 84-104 8 1986.1(1986.2): 96-108 267 20 2004 244-267

66 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 9 1148-1227 1510-1584 1506-1582 10 11 12 332 1994 290-344 2006 215-234 9 1980 1 66 107 Roland Barthes 2005 58-59 10 7 2003 188-196 11 2006.7(2006.3 ): 85-86 12 234 6 173-

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 67 14 13 religion 98: 869-870 14 234 13 2005 163-255 14 1976 98 869-

68 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 15 13: 107 16 98: 867 98: 871 17 18 870 98: 869-870 98 869-870 15 16 12: 106 29: 250 37: 329 39: 344-345 39: 346 40: 350 45: 400 47: 416 48: 433 54: 480 54: 483 54: 486 57: 512 62: 551 62: 554 64: 566 65: 581 68: 600-602 71: 636 77: 688 78: 694 78: 698-699 80: 710 81: 719 85: 754 88: 782 89: 793 93: 825-826 94: 836 96: 851 98: 867 100: 881 17 2000 6 2005 11 296-314 Vanderbilt University Ling Hon Lam 18 1991 8

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 69 19 1938-20 21 Andrew H. Plaks, 1945-22 1944-127-200 39/1/691 23 24 25 21 5 26 257-258 272-273 19 2007.1(2007.1): 181-182 23 20 1996 408-438 21 119 22 2006 204 223 261 223 224 262 226 23 39/1/691 1981 39 1 691 24 2004 428 431-432 1995 174-175 25 1996.4(1996.8): 26-28 26 1983 232 246 386 468 525

70 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 9 27 1934-2866 17 28 1951-278 29 1978-1958- 30 1972-31 5650 32 27 12 25.3(1984. 11): 239-254 28 1996 18 19 26 102 141 215 217 258 260 592 593 593 818 1042 1091 1165 1621 29 22.4(2004.8): 19-25 30 25.5(2006.9): 104-109 31 23.6(2007.12): 36-40 32 1994 92 5650

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 71 Pierre Bourdieu, 1930-2002 33 33 Pierre Bourdieu 2006 160-161

72 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 37: 329 64: 572 3 2/10-13/126-128 1130-1200 34 6 1 1: 1 2 1: 4 3 8: 64 4 24: 205 5 27: 232 6 65: 578 2 3 6 22 26 1 1: 1 2 1: 4 3 1: 6 59: 525 4 2: 10 34 1969 3 34-35

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 73 5 8: 64 87: 777 6 8: 65 7 9: 82 8 26: 227 31: 266 9 31: 269 10 31: 269 11 47: 417 57: 512 12 56: 500 13 61: 543 14 62: 551 15 72: 637 16 72: 643 17 74: 660 18 91: 807 35 19 92: 813 20 92: 813 21 96: 851 22 97: 856 2 3 11 18 21 6 3 5 14 19 22 7 3 2 13 26 40 1 1: 8 64: 567 2 2: 13 61: 543 62: 549 3 2: 16 53: 470 56: 498 4 5: 35 94: 832 35 3

74 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 5 7: 51 6 7: 55 7 8: 59 8 12: 99 9 12: 99 10 23: 194 11 15: 131 43: 381 65: 581 583 100: 884 12 23: 200 54: 484 75: 666 94: 835 13 24: 204 14 30: 258 15 31: 265 16 35: 308 64: 567 17 35: 308 18 44: 388 19 53: 470 20 56: 497 21 61: 548 22 61: 548 23 61: 548 24 63: 563 25 79: 707 26 81: 723 1 36 6 4/1/241 11 1/29/22 12 82: 734 36 5 2008 117-162

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 75 1/20/20 18 14/7/281 20 6/5/95 21 22 23 9 3/16/331 26 8 /5/153 40 10 63 1 3: 25 40 37 2 9: 72 3 27: 232 9 38 4 28: 238 57: 510 5 31: 268 6 32: 276 54: 483 7 34: 299 54: 482 57: 506 59: 525 83: 743 8 61: 542 37 3: 25 11: 88 11: 89 11: 91 13: 108 24: 207 25: 219 27: 233 27: 237 29: 253 30: 259 32: 282 36: 313 39: 346 40: 354 44: 397 46: 415 47: 420 50: 445 53: 478 54: 480 58: 518 61: 544 62: 553 67: 595 74: 658 76: 682 79: 703 79: 707 82: 732 82: 735 84: 751 92: 814 93: 829 95: 837 95: 840 97: 853 97: 856 38 27: 232 29: 253 30: 257 56: 503 59: 523 74: 657 88: 782 93: 823 94: 830

76 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 9 96: 851 10 100: 885 4 57: 510 62 24 28 1 1: 1 100: 882 2 皐 1: 8 皐 5: 37 56: 498 3 9: 66 4 10: 84 5 12: 102 6 13: 108 7 13: 108 8 27: 235 9 29: 250 10 35: 307 11 36: 319 12 37: 327 13 45: 398 86: 766 14 51: 453 15 54: 482 16 55: 492 17 57: 506 18 57: 510 19 60: 537 20 61: 548 21 64: 573

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 77 22 64: 573 23 87: 772 24 88: 788 1 51/4/861 53/13/900 2 39 3 2 /4/42 4 26/29/450 5 60/1/983 49/15/837 6 16/20/324 7 11 2/9/387 8 3 /9/67 9 12 3/4/420 39 10 121

78 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 10 15/6/139 17/10/158 11 4 2/11-12/182 12 16 5/7/581 13 86: 766 17 4 14 4 /11/85 15 5/27/116 16 10/1-2/176 17 2 /10/45 18 6/5/53 19 2 2/11/90

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 79 20 13 /2/228 21 14 2/15/485 22 30/14/520 40/13/685 23 6/8/54 24 52/1/879 40 165 171 40 Tiphaine Samoyault 2003 130-133

80 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 1 86 2 27 3 17 4 14 5 11 6 5 7 4 8 3 9 2 10 1 11 1 50 20 5 86 27 17 14 11 5 4 3 2 1 1 40 46 86 63 20 3 23 54 94 639 9: 66 23 33 11: 87 699-759 10: 79 65: 575 91: 806 580-643 599-649 11: 86

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 81 1469 41 24: 202 35: 305 36: 315 82: 727 42 47: 419 43 64: 571 64: 572 76: 683 92: 818 96: 852 86: 766 87: 780 44 41 1997 97-98 109 115 42 1974 38 869 109 2833 43 703 1983 5 2 55 44 1974 147 1971

82 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 6/10/55 3/1/25 10/8/89 8 /12/146 17/5/156 45 2 /1/29 45 39 1983.2(1983.6): 32-42

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 83 43/7-8/751 46 17/8-9/157-158 1472-1529 47 48 49 50 46 1 2 3 4 2003 95-103 47 1992 3 113 48 3 2005 189-224 49 Douwe Fokkema Elrud Ibsch 1996 187 50 361-367

84 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 51 1341-1427 52 53 1997 7-16 2004 51 119-128 1998.4(1998.12): 28-38 52 30.2(1996.9): 55-70 53 2006 7-8

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 85 54 55 Friedrich Paulsen, 1846-1908 56 1328-1398 1360-1424 54 55 5 56 Friedrich Paulsen 1989 35

86 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 intertextualité John Rawls, 1921-2002 57 58 1960-59 Julia Kristeva, 1941-60 57 John Rawls 2002 13 58 1 59 2004.3(2004.9): 29 60 1-2

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 87 61 100: 883 1 2 3 4 15 61 30 Michel Schneider

88 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 150 35: 305 86: 766 12: 97 3: 20 10: 74 59: 524 73: 653

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 89 8: 65 27: 232 100: 885 75: 673 99: 877 62 3/13/59 62 2008 9 3

90 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 63 1895-1990 64 165 63 2006 86-87 64 1979 2

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 91 1991

92 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 1980 1975 1989 1985 1979 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1991 1981 1981 1974 1981 703 1983 1974 1969 1992 1976

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 93 1996 1978 2006 2005 2003 Friedrich Paulsen 1989 2004 22.4(2004.8): 19-25 1994 2006 2006.7(2006.3 ): 85-86 Douwe Fokkema Elrud Ibsch 1996 1989 1996 2006 1998 1998.4(1998.12): 28-38 1989 277-283 2004 2006 81-101 1984 12 25.3(1984.11): 239-254 1983

94 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 1983.2(1983.6): 32-42 Pierre Bourdieu 2006 2005 John Rawls 2002 2004 118(2004.1): 141-147 1986 1986.1(1986.2): 96-108 2004 2004.3(2004.9): 19-30 1983 2007 23.6(2007.12): 36-40 1996 1996.4(1996.8): 26-28 Nicholas Koss 1986 14.11(1986.4): 130-148 1996 30.2(1996.9): 55-70 2006 25.5(2006.9): 104-109 2002 2002.2(2002.4): 100-109 2007 2007 2007.1(2007.1): 181-182 23 2000 2004

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 95 1994 2004 20 244-267 2004 25.1(2004.2): 20-23 1997 2008 5 117-162 1995 2004 Tiphaine Samoyault 2003 Andrew H. Plaks 2006 1997 1983 6 173-234 1983 6 333-348 1979 1983 6 141-171 2003 7 188-196 1989 84-104 2005 3 189-224

96 漢學研究第 28 卷第 3 期 The Infiltration of Confucian Classics into Popular Literature: On the Allusions in the Journey to the West Yang Chin-lung * Abstract This article investigates the infiltration of Confucian classics into the Journey to the West 西遊記, its reasons, and effects. Through combining reading of the Thirteen Classics and the Four Books with statistical analysis, I have concluded that the allusions to the Confucian classics in the novel fall into six types, and are applied in three different ways. According to the frequency of allusion, in descending order, there are one hundred and sixtyfive cases in total from the Book of Poetry 詩經, the Analects 論語, the Book of Changes 易經, the Mencius 孟子, the Book of Rites 禮記, the Doctrine of the Mean 中庸, the Great Learning 大學, the Zuo Commentary 左傳, the Book of Documents 尚書, the Ready Rectifier 爾雅, and the Classic of Filial Piety 孝經. Secondly, I consider that the influences of the civil examination system and the reading habits of Ming society constitute the primary reasons for the use of rich references to the Confucian classics in the Journey to the West. Through examining the original functions of the classics and analyzing the basic concepts of evidential studies and intertextuality, I argue that this phenomenon may imply the resurgence of the entertainment function of traditional classics. * Yang Chin-lung is an associate research fellow in the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy at Academia Sinica.

楊晉龍 / 經學對通俗文學的滲透 論 西遊記 的 引經據典 97 Thirdly, I find that the infiltration of Confucian classics into the vernacular novel resulted in a new literary style that mixes classical and vulgar texts. Works such as the Journey to the West, the Plum in the Golden Vase 金瓶梅, and the Carnal Prayer Mat 肉蒲團 are examples of this new literary style. The appearance of this new literary style in turn characterizes the disordered state of orthodox Confucian texts. In addition to gathering statistics for the references to Confucian classics in the Journey to the West, my research also uses a different method of analysis that provides accurate data and an alternative approach for studying the Journey to the West and other vernacular novels. Keywords: Journey to the West 西遊記, literary allusion, Confucian classics, vernacular literature, Ming novels