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17 20 ;,,,,,15 ;,, 3 (Push2Pull Theory),,,, 20 70, (Bertil Lintner) ,, [1 ], 17, :(17-19 ),,,,,2000,,,,, 15,,,,,,,,, 17,1511,1570, 1626,

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Review and Research of the Foreign Trade and Policy in Taiwan ProfessorRoger Lo Department of International Trade China Institute of Technology Abstract The purpose of this paper is to review economic governance beginning from the Ming Dynasty, the Dutch colonial rule, the Ching Dynasty, the Japanese colonial regime to the Republic of China. As Taiwan is located at the nexus of the Northeast Asia and the Southeast Asia, foreign trade has been the pillar of economic development in Taiwan. In the past, the major goods of foreign trade were tea, rice, sugar, and the like. After the Second World War, the Communists took over the Mainland China and the Chiang- Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan. With much political efforts, the Chings transformed Taiwan from the society of economic poverty to the modern society. The transformation can be mainly attributed to the economic bureaucracy from the Mainland who made 313

excellent economic and industry policy. In addition, education, technology innovation, as well as research and development are very important to economic development in a modernized society. Keywords: localization, liberalization, closed economy, globalization, internationalization, world trade organization, general agreement on tariffs and trade,, (closed economy),,,,,(general agreement on tariffs and trade),,(gatt)(world trade organization; WTO),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,, : :,,,,,,,,, 314

,, :,(Merchantilism),,,,,,,,,,, Zeelandia,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 315

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (),,,,,,,,, (closed economy),, 0,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,, ( 00 ),,, 0,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,, 316

,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,, : 1896 1940 () % % % % % 1896 11,396 8.0 51.4 13.4 21.5 5.7 1900 14,934 15.9 32.3 14.8 15.6 21.4 1905 24,291 24.3 26.1 24.2 11.1 14.3 1910 59,962 11.7 10.7 58.9 6.6 12.1 1920 216,265 7.9 3.1 65.8 3.5 19.7 1930 241,441 16.0 3.7 58.8 1.0 20.5 1940 266,54 15.5 3.7 39.3 0.8 40.7 (1) :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,, 317

,,,, 0,,,, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: 318

: 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 29,552 29,376 30,902 34,815 27,654 26,769 32.89 (36.10) (34.74) (32..21) (31.46) (29.91) 11,691 9,324 11,900 16,599 12,759 11,992 (13.01) (11.46) (13..38) (15.36) (14.51) (13.40) 28,688 24,820 26,012 31,336 26,961 30,859 (31.93) (30.50) (29.25) (28.26) (30.67) (34.48) 3,691 (4.11) 4,084 (5.02) 4,077 ( 4.58) 4,891 (4.53) 4,480 (5.10) 3,837 (4.29) 4,895 3,256 3,818 5,456 4,051 4,378 (5.45) (4.00) (4.29) (5.05) (4.61) (4.89) 3,278 3,280 3,830 4,509 3,329 2,908 (3.65) (4.03) (4..31) (4.17) (3.79) (3.25) 2,366 1,486 2,605 3,908 3,276 3,867 (2.63) (1.83) (2.93) (3.62) (3.73) (4..32) 4,298 4,369 4,214 4,934 4,229 3,772 (4.78) (5.37) (4.74) (4.56) (4.81) (4.12) 1,394 1,376 1,584 1,638 1,166 1,123 (1..55) (1.69) (1.78) (1.52) (1..33) (1..25) 319

: 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 23,234 (30.53) 19,679 (27.82) 19,693 (26.79) 25,126 (27.56) 18,229 (27.90) 18,136 (26.99) 29,002 (38.13) 27,001 (38.18) 30,591 (41.62) 38,558 (42.25) 25,848 (39..56) 27,291 (40.62) 1,996 (2.62) 1,952 (2.76) 2,093 (2.85) 2,187 (2.40) 1,849 (2.83) 1,739 (2.59) 5,369 (7.05) 5,149 (7.28) 5,313 (7.23) 5,542 (6.07) 4,246 (6..50) 4,422 (6.58) 3,150 (4.14) 2,697 (3.81) 3,312 (4.51) 5,014 (5.49) 3,367 (5.15) 3,544 (5.27) 1,953 (2..57) 1,684 (2..38) 1,720 (2.34) 1,937 (2.12) 1,443 (2..21) 1,357 (2.02) 5,024 (6.60) 5,669 (8.02) 7,193 (9.79) 8,988 (9.85) 6,705 (10.26) 7,711 (11.48) 1,638 (2.15) 1,565 (2.21) 1,706 (2.32) 2,087 (2..29) 1,524 (2.33) 1,440 (2.14) 4,726 (6..21) 5,329 (7..53) 1,887 (2.57) 1,830 (2.01) 2,131 (3..26) 1,551 (2.31) (2),,,,,,,,,,,, 320

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(WTO), 00,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(import substitution policy),,,,,,,,,(3) :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 321

, 0,,,,,,(4) :, 0,,,,,, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(5) :, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?, 0,,, (WTO),,,,,,,, :;,,,,,,(6) :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,(7),,,,, 322

,,,,,(8) :,,,,,,, 000,,,,,, GATT WTO,,,,,,,,, (9) :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(10),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 323

,,,,,,,,,,,, 000,,;,,;,(),,,,,,,,,,,, (Internationalization)(Globalization)(Liberalization)? (Closed economy),,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,! : (1),,,,,, (2), 00 (3) 00 311 313 (4) (3) 314 315324 (5) (3) 315 316 (6) (3) 316 317367 (7) (3) 319 320 (8) (3) 320 322 (9) (3) 325 328 (10), 1,,, 324

2,,, 3,,, 4,, 000, 5,,,,, 6,,,, 7,,, 325