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In 2013, Indonesia produced 532.157 metric tons of Coffee 25% Arabica 75% Robusta Consumer Markets: European countries, United States, Japan. Emerging Markets: Korea, China, Russia. 2013 年, 印尼产出了 532,157 吨的咖啡 25% 阿拉比卡咖啡 75% 罗布斯塔咖啡 主要销售市场 : 欧洲国家 美国 日本 新兴市场 : 韩国 中国 俄罗斯

The Health Benefits of Coffee コーヒーの健康上の利点 Improve energy levels and brain function. 增加能量, 提升大脑功能 Lower the Risk of Some Types of Cancer. 减低患某些癌症的风险 Fight Depression and Make You Happier. 舒缓压力, 让您身心愉快 Lower The Risk of Stroke. 减低中风的风险 Protective Effects on The Liver. 保护肝脏免受伤害


纯咖啡 纯咖啡 纯咖啡

纯咖啡 纯咖啡 纯咖啡

ACEH GAYO NORTH SUMATRA This special arabica coffee came from the gayo highlands in central aceh, where the crop is organically grown without fertilizers. Gayo coffee belongs to the premium category, equal to the class of other world-famous products like Brazilian, Blue Mountain and Ethiopian coffee. TASTE : Good aroma and flavor, fine acidity, high body, floral aroma. 亚齐 GAYO 咖啡北苏门答腊这种阿拉比卡咖啡产自亚齐中部的 GAYO 高原, 当地的作物无需施加任何的化学肥料 GAYO 咖啡属于优质咖啡, 能与巴西 蓝山 埃塞俄比亚咖啡等世界著名咖啡齐名 味道 : 香味浓郁 味道可口 酸度适中 带有花香 SUMATRA LINTONG NORTH SUMATRA Located in north central region of the island of Sumatra near Lake Toba in the Lintongnihuta region, these cluster of coffee beans are situated approximately 1400-1600 meters above sea level, producing a unique flavor of coffee. TASTE : Clean, excellent aroma, complex flavor, medium acidity, good body, astringent taste. 苏门答腊 LINTONG 咖啡北苏门答腊位于苏门答腊岛中央的北部, 在多巴湖的附近的 LINTONGNIHUTA 地区, 这类型的咖啡豆非常适合生长在海拔 1400-1600 米的地方, 拥有独特的咖啡香 味道 : 清新 优质的香味 混合花香 中等酸度 带有一点苦涩的味道

MANDHELING NORTH SUMATRA The Mandheling coffee is named after the mandheling people, who traditionally farmed and processed these coffee beans. Coffee drinkers have long placed Sumatra Mandheling at the top of the list of the best coffee from Sumatra and perhaps the world. TASTE : Good aroma, complex flavor, light acidity, strong body, floral, good balance. 曼达宁咖啡北苏门答腊曼达宁咖啡的名字由曼达宁人所命名, 曼达宁人的传统习俗便是制作这一类型的咖啡豆 一直以来, 咖啡爱好者都会把曼达宁咖啡列为苏门答腊, 甚至是世界顶级的咖啡 味道 : 独特的香味 混合味道 轻度酸味 花香 品质好 JAVA JAVA Since 300 Years ago, Java island has been producing coffee long before Vietnam and Brazil. Arabica Java coffee is unique in that it is most often wet-processed, resulting in a relatively clean cup, without earthy flavours found in other wet-hulled Indonesia coffee like Sumatra. TASTE : Clean, rich aroma and flavor, high acidity, medium body, a little bit spicy. 爪哇咖啡爪哇岛早在 300 年前, 爪哇岛在越南和巴西之前已经在生产咖啡了 爪哇咖啡大量生长在东爪哇的 IJEN 高原上 爪哇咖啡的独特之处在于其湿加工, 并放在一个干净的杯子后, 并没有像其他如苏门答腊咖啡那样的奇特味道 味道 : 清新 浓郁的香气和味道 高酸度 少许辣

TORAJA SOUTH SULAWESI Toraja coffee is grown at relatively high altitude on the island of sulawesi, which was formerly called celebes (the Duch colonial name). Toraja, meaning "people that live in and around the volcanic mountain. Toraja coffee is distinguished by its expansive flavor with a full-bodied richness. TASTE : Excellent aroma & flavor, high acidity & medium body, a bit bitter. TORAJA 咖啡南苏拉威西 TORAJA 咖啡生长在苏拉威西岛海拔较高的地方, 其原名为 CELEBES ( 荷兰语名称 ) TORAJA 的意思为 高地上的人们, 这是因为当地的人们生活在火山的附近 TORAJA 咖啡以其特别的味道而著名 味道 : 优质的香气和味道, 高酸度 少许苦 BALI KINTAMANI BALI Coffee from the beautiful island of Bali was formerly sold exclusively to the Japanese market. But now, Balinese coffee has gained its popularity & enlivened Indonesia's specialty coffee in the world market. Recently, this coffee has been exported to the United States, satisfying the coffee enthusiasts for its classic, clean cup & great mildness. TASTE : Good aroma & flavor, medium to high acidity & medium body. 巴厘岛 KINTAMANI 咖啡巴厘岛美丽的巴厘岛出产的咖啡在日本的市场上一直都非常受欢迎 但是, 现在巴厘岛咖啡作为印尼的特产咖啡逐渐受到世界各个的追捧 最近, 该种咖啡开始出口到美国 味道 : 良好的香气和味道 中至高等的酸度

From our hands, to yours... 从我们的手中传到您的手中

The Roasting Process: 烘焙过程 : Probatone 25 600kg/day As it is required of the International Coffee Organization, all roasted coffee should have undergone the roasting process under 200 degree celsius heat. This way, coffee beans are sterilized. 600kg/ 天 按照国际咖啡组织的要求, 所有的烘焙咖啡抖需要在 200 摄氏度的温度下进行加热烘焙 然后, 这些咖啡豆还需要消毒






FLOW CHART PRODUCTION EXOTICO JAVA RED GINGER COFFEE Root / 根部 (Zingiber officinale var. rubrum) Selecting / 选材 EXOTICO 爪哇红姜咖啡生产流程图 Water / 注水 Washing / 清洗 Cutting / 切割 Grinding / 磨碎 Waste Water / 排水 Extraction / 萃取 Encapsulation process with maltodextrin / 采用麦芽糊精包裹 Evaporation / 蒸发 Liquid Extract Concentrate / 提取浓缩液 Spray Drying / 喷雾干燥 Red Ginger Dry Extract / 红姜干燥萃取

Weighing of each ingredient / 成分称量 Dry mixing with other ingredients / 与其他成分干燥混合 Filling powder into sachets / 把粉末放入包装袋中 Packing / 包装 Product (Exotico Java Red Ginger Coffee) / 成品 ( 爪哇红姜咖啡 )

Comparison Spray-dried Ginger Extract With Ginger Juice Powder 喷雾干燥式姜粉萃取与姜汁粉末的对比 Exotico Red Ginger (Spray-dried Ginger Extract) Advanced extraction process. Contain gingerol compound approx 1%. Low moisture below 5% water content (approx. 3.3%). Lower chance of bacterial growth. Longer shelf life (18 months). Ginger Juice Powder Traditional extraction process. Unknown amount of gingerol compound. Moisture content is generally still high. Approx above 5% water content. Higher chance of bacterial growth. Shorter shelf life. 高级提取过程 Exotico 红姜 ( 喷雾干燥式姜粉萃取 ) 姜汁粉末 含有大约 1% 的姜素混合物 少于 5% 的含水量 ( 大约 3.3%) 细菌生长几率较低 保质期较长 (18 个月 ) 传统提取过程 未知的姜素混合物数量 仍然有较高的含水量 大约含有 5% 的水分 细菌生长几率比较高 保质期较短

Ginger Juice / 姜汁 Sugar / 糖 Cooking (approx. 3 hours) / 精煮 ( 大约 3 小时 ) Traditional Extraction Process 传统提取过程 Instant Ginger Juice Powder / 速溶姜汁粉末 Packaging / 包装

Traditional Extraction Process 传统提取过程

FLOW CHART PRODUCTION EXOTICO DURIAN COFFEE Fruit / 水果 (Durio zibethinus) Selecting / 选材 EXOTICO 榴莲咖啡生产流程图 Water / 注水 Washing / 清洗 z Cutting / 切割 Grinding / 磨碎 Waste Water / 晾干 Encapsulation process with maltodextrin 用麦芽糊精包裹 Extraction / 萃取 Evaporation / 蒸发 Liquid Extract Concentrate / 提取浓缩液 Spray Drying / 喷雾干燥 Durian Dry Extract / 榴莲萃取物

Weighing of each ingredient / 成分称量 Dry mixing with other ingredients / 与其他成分干燥混合 Filling powder into sachets / 把粉末装入袋子中 Packing / 包装 Product (Exotico Durian Coffee) 成品 ( 榴莲咖啡 )

FLOW CHART PRODUCTION EXOTICO MANGOSTEEN COFFEE EXOTICO 山竹咖啡生产流程图 Water / 注水 Whole Fruit / 整个果实 (Garcinia mangostana) Selecting / 选材 Washing / 清洗 Cutting / 切割 Grinding / 磨碎 Waste Water / 晾干 Encapsulation process with maltodextrin / Extraction / 萃取 采用麦芽糊精包裹 Evaporation / 蒸发 Liquid Extract Concentrate / 提取浓缩液 Spray Drying / 喷雾干燥燥 Mangosteen Dry Extract / 山竹萃取物

Weighing of each ingredient / 成分称量 Dry mixing with other ingredients / 与其他成分干燥混合 Filling powder into sachets / 把粉末装入包装袋中 Packing / 包装 Product (Exotico Mangosteen Coffee) / 成品 ( 山竹咖啡 )

FLOW CHART PRODUCTION EXOTICO SUMATRA ROBUSTA GREEN COFFEE EXOTICO 苏门答腊罗布斯塔绿咖啡生产流程图 Water / 注水 Encapsulation process with maltodextrin / 采用麦芽糊精包裹 Whole Sumatra Robusta Green Coffee Beans / 苏门答腊罗布斯塔绿咖啡全豆 Selecting / 选材 Washing / 清洗 Cutting / 切割 Grinding / 磨碎 Extraction / 萃取 Evaporation / 蒸发 Waste Water / 晾干 Liquid Extract Concentrate / 提取浓缩液 Spray Drying / 喷雾干燥 Green Coffee Extract / 绿咖啡萃取物

Weighing of each ingredient / 成分称量 Dry mixing with other ingredients / 与其他成分干燥混合 Filling powder into sachets / 把粉末放入包装袋中 Packing / 包装 Product (Exotico Sumatra Robusta Green Coffee) / 成品 ( 苏门答腊罗布斯塔绿咖啡 )

ホテル レストラン カフェ Drinking coffee has been a lifestyle in the modern world nowadays. Coffee is not only enjoyed at home but also at hotels, restaurants, and cafes. Exotico doest not only supply black coffee but also beverage powder mix as a complement to your corporate needs. Therefore, we supply different kinds of products for the use of your hotel, restaurant, or cafe. 在这个新时代, 饮用咖啡已经成为了一种生活享受 我们不仅在家中享用咖啡, 还能在酒店 餐厅 咖啡馆中品尝到咖啡 EXOTICO 不仅仅供应黑咖啡, 更会按照您的需要, 提供各种的产品 因此, 我们会为您的酒店 餐厅 咖啡馆提供所需要的咖啡产品

Produced by / 生产商 : We are OEM / Private Label Manufacturer. We provide ONE STOP SERVICES SOLUTION from Design, Formulation, and Production. 我们是私人商标制造商 我们为您提供从设计 配方到生产的一站式服务 OEM / PRIVATE LABEL MANUFACTURER / 私人商标制造商

Our Certifications and Awards OEM / PRIVATE LABEL MANUFACTURER / 私人商标制造商

Working with you all the way One Aim, One Heart 总是为您服务同一个目标, 同一个理念 CONTACT / 联系我们 : Jl. Selayar B2 No. 7 Kawasan Industri Bekasi Fajar MM 2100, RT.00/RW.00, Kel. Mekarwangi, Kec. Cikarang Barat, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 17530 Office Phone / 办公电话 : +62 (21) 2961 8989 Fax / 传真 : +62 (21) 2961 0708 Website / 网站 : www.aimfood.co.id E-mail / 郵件 : info@aimfood.co.id