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219 Great Indigenous Clans and Outsiders: The Authority Basis of the Lius Pak-sheung Ng Abstract Among those political adventurers who had established their regimes in Yi Prefecture, Liu Yan and Liu Zhang are widely regarded as losers without being able to deal with great indigenous clans appropriately, thus causing a series of political fiascoes during their rule. This paper attempts to give them a proper place in history by reconstructing the way they set up and maintained their rule. At the initial stage, Liu Yan adopted a suppression policy by putting enormous effort in recruiting Yellow Turban remnants, the tribe of Qing Qiang, and refugees from the eastern prefectures as an authority basis to fight against the challenge from indigenous clans. Due to the fact that indigenous clans largely manipulated the popular feeling toward the regime, their support was still indispensable to political stability while suppression could only drive them to start all forms of antagonistic actions against the authorities. After the rebellion in 200, Liu Zhang deeply realized how important indigenous clans were to a smooth and successful administration. Liu Zhang then had his policy changed drastically by seeking support from indigenous clans. His new policy signifies the fact that ousting local clans from the government was an unrealistic act to rulers so long as they wanted to insure * Pak-sheung Ng is affiliated with the Chinese Civilisation Centre at City University of Hong Kong.

220 19 2 political stability and continuity. Although the Liu authority enjoyed a long period of peace and stability, the arrogance and excessive deeds committed by indigenous clans were so unbearable that Liu Zhang gradually developed the mentality of playing the game of check-and-balance by taking in outsiders. Under these circumstances Liu Bei, together with his military force, was welcomed with the expectation to hold the indigenous clans in check. As a result, the political situation in Yi Prefecture was changed dramatically. Keywords: great indigenous clans, Yi Prefecture, Liu Yan, Liu Zhang, Eastern Han dynasty