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00 No. 00 Vol. ABSTRACTS Ecology of Academy Industry Case Studies of the Chinese Modern Folklore Aidong Shi When reverting the academic research to the ordinary social occupation the customary action of the scholars in their academic life can be regarded as a kind of guild customs. The deep description of Chinese modern folklore and the related academic ecology gave us just the right idea of what academic research should be. It s guild customs have no essential differences with the other social occupations when counting the customs such as the worship of the founder the market and sale the hierarchy and apprentice system the sects and the guild regulations etc. The functional analysis with the guild customs performed by the ordinary scholars leads to the problems of whether the corrupted academic customs is a necessary result of the modern academic ecology. And then we will discuss the profane way of life under the given academic evaluation system which engendered the most ordinary scholars to the vulnerable groups. Dynastic Transition and Social Transformation Behavioral Changes of Jiangnan Literati During the Ming-Qing Period Jinmin Fan In the late Ming Jiangnan literati were known for their publicized behaviors. They asked favor from influential people evaded taxations controlled public opinions and engaged in pettifoggery. Among the local gentry groups some of them formed cliques and defamed each other some interfered with administration and controlled local affairs some seized estates from commoners and disregarded laws some enslaved local residents some received privately-surrendered lands and kept large numbers of domestic servants and the others led luxurious and licentious lives. However after the impact of the early Qing persecutions such as the Confucius temple-weeping case the tax evasion case and the case of taxation-deficit examining the behavioral patterns of Jiangnan literati significantly changed. They were less interested in land accumulation and acknowledged the duty to pay taxes in time. In daily life they considered it as a general principle instead of involving into governmental and public affairs. The common practice of literati had increasingly conformed to state ideologies and their personal ambitions also changed accordingly. Comparing with Ming counterparts Jiangnan literati in the Qing dynasty were less publicized in official posts their social position less celebrated their influence to local administration and affairs decreased and their moral character and the sense of social responsibility also degenerated greatly. Sense of Times and Inclusive Five Explained Models of Replacement About the Ming and Qing Dynasties Zhigang Liu Last century historians on the interpretation of replacement of the Ming and Qing Dynasties basically started between these five words which were Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional dynasty replacement class revolution modernization as well as interaction between man and nature. The explained model of Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional and the explained model of dynasty replacement placed in the most ancient between which had always been in the state of confrontation. But the explained models of class revolution and the explained model of modernization ooderly rose in different backgrounds of the times although the study opened up new horizon but did not set off the paradigm revolution of the study on the replacement of the Ming and Qing Dynasties the main relationship between them was mutual tolerance. The latest generation of the studies of eco-disaster on the replacement Ming and Qing Dynasties showed unprecedented revolutionary forces however it was necessary to further improve and develop and would be with other mode of interpretation making the other more beautiful rather than either-or. The Village Mobilization and Stratum Partition of Land Reform in New Liberated Areas Yiping Zhang The CCP mobilized the mass of South Kiangsu widely through squawk and class partition in land reform forming a violent battle against landlords. This action played a key role in reconstructing traditional village. The discourse pervasion such as suffering and class facilitated the formation of peasantry national conception and society reconstruction. A new hierachical system controlled by the country has been established through translating existent competition to class conflicts and endowing farmers with class characters based on land labor and exploitation.