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April 14th, 2011 Dear Doctor, Janssen Asia Pacific would like to invite you to participate in the Asia Pacific Clinical Expert Meeting as part of the Psoriasis Management Advisory Board to be held in Seoul, Korea on May 26 th, 2011 (7.00am 9.00am). The Psoriasis Management Advisory Board is a AdBoard program sponsored by Janssen Asia Pacific, aimed at sharing experiences of experts & peers in psoriasis management in Asia Pacific. The purpose of this working group is to provide a practical understanding of Psoriasis including pathogenesis, signatures of disease, phenotypic presentation, the wide spectrum of treatment options, impact on quality of life, important comorbidities, and regional/local differences in treatment approaches. The topic of this Asia Pacific Clinical Expert Meeting is New paradigm in the Therapeutic of Psoriasis Role of anti IL12/IL23 (Clinical Trial vs. Clinical Practice Perspective) and we bring to these meeting renowned clinical experts to share their personal experiences during clinical trials and practice. This meeting is designed to allow a lot of interaction between the participants & to facilitate clinical management discussions centred on the psoriasis patient. Please see attached agenda for further details. Janssen is dedicated in psoriasis management develoament, and we would like to be your most important partners in psoriasis related research and education. As a recognized expert in the field of psoriasis management in your country, your insight and experience can help further the understanding of psoriasis treatment in Asia Pacific region. I am confident that you will also find the content of this meeting to be scientifically rigorous and most stimulating. I look forward to meeting you in Seoul this May! Yours Sincerely, Alexander Rodríguez Morales, MD Asia Pacific Medical Affairs Associate Director Immunology and Pain Franchise Please note this program is intended for the conduct of Regional Team. All meeting functions, including meals are for these purposes. Consequently, guests other than yourself are not permitted at these meeting functions. Janssen and Janssen Pharmaceutica KK, and Xian Janssen cannot arrange for, or pay for, any expenses not required for your attendance at this program, as you personally required, including meals, travel, hotel requirements that are not program sponsored. Additionally, by registering, the parties acknowledge that certain states/countries require pharmaceutical companies to disclose information on consulting fees, travel, lodging or other compensation provided to physicians and other health care professionals. Janssen and Janssen Pharmaceutica KK, and Xian Janssen will report information about remuneration provided under this agreement, as required by law. Once reported, such information may be publicly accessible. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us by email.

Asia Pacific Clinical Expert Meeting Seoul, May 26 th, 2011 New paradigm in the Therapeutic of Psoriasis Role of anti IL12/IL23 Clinical Trial vs. Clinical Practice Perspective Meeting Venue: TBD in Seoul, Korea Time Speaker Topic 7:00am 7:05am Chairman Dr Youn (Korea) Opening Brief introduction to Asia Pacific Clinical Expert Meeting their purpose, scope & audience participation 7:05am 7:25am Japan Experience Dr Igarashi Biologics experience in Psoriasis Clinical Trial Perspective (Japan) 7:25am 7:45am Korea Experience Dr Jee Ho Choi Biologics experience in Psoriasis Clinical Trial Perspective (Korea) 7:45am 8:05am China Experience Dr Min Zheng Biologics experience in Psoriasis Clinical Trial Perspective (China) 8:05am 8:25am Taiwan Experience Dr Tsai Biologics experience in Psoriasis Clinical Trial Perspective (Taiwan) 8:25am 8:40am 8:40am 8:55am Malaysia Experience Dr. Choon (pending to confirm) Singapore Experience Dr. Colin Theng (pending to confirm) Biologics experience in Psoriasis Clinical Practice Perspective (Malaysia) Biologics experience in Psoriasis Clinical Practice Perspective (Singapore) 8:55am 9:00am Chairman Dr Youn (Korea) Discussion and Summary ALL Breakfast Meeting During and After Session based on availability of the participants



