Chin J Sports MedJul. 2014Vol.33No mm Regan-Morrey ; 1.5 mm I II 1 mm [1] I AO 3 mm [2] C ; 16~69

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664 2014 7 33 7 Chin J Sports MedJul. 2014Vol.33No.7 杨 国 勇 向 明 陈 杭 胡 晓 川 唐 浩 琛 虞 亚 明 ( 610041) : :2009 1 2012 6 AO 10 6 4 ; 16 ~68 45 ; 3 7 ;1 1 8 Regan- Morrey :I 2 7 III 1 ; O Driscoll :I 2 7 III 1 : X 10 10 ~28 12.5 0 ( 15 ~ 5 ) 135 (130 ~145 ); 1 ;1 1 Morrey : ; Short-term Clinical Outcome of Arthroscopic-assisted Management of Ulnar Coronoid Process Fractures Yang GuoyongXiang MingChen HangHu XiaochuanTang HaochenYu Yaming Department of Upper Extremity TraumatologySichuan Provincial Orthopedic HospitalChengdu China 610041 Corresponding Author:Xiang Abstract Objective To investigate the feasibility of arthroscopic reduction and fixation of ulnar coronoid process fracture. Methods 10 patients (6 male and 4 female)with ulnar coronoid process fracture were treated arthroscopically in our hospital and were followed up for an average of 12.5 months. There were 2 cases of type I7 cases of type IIand 1 case of type III according to the Regan Morrey Grouping;and 2 cases of type I7 cases of type IIand 1case of type III according to O Driscoll Grouping. Results All patients achieved full pronation and supination with an average elbow extension of 0 (hyperextension -15 to 5 )and average elbow flexion of 135 (130 to 145 ). Their Morrey Elbow Performance Scores were above 95. One patient had asymptomatic heterotopic ossification and two had hardware irritation. No elbow instability and neurovascular complications occurred. Conclusions The procedure yielded better vision field for anatomic reduction and achieved firm fixation and full recovery of elbow function. Key words arthroscopyulnar coronoid fracturesinternal fixation :2013.08.02 : 向 明

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666 2014 7 33 7 Chin J Sports MedJul. 2014Vol.33No.7 10 0 ( 1 2 15 ~5 ) 135 (130 ~145 ) ; 10 Morrey 1~17 1 X 2 X 3 CT (Regan-Morrey II ) 4 5 1.5 mm 6 1.5 mm 1 mm 7 8 9 5.0 mm

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