The Achievements in the Unexpected Interchange between Chinese and Vietnamese Scholars: The Evaluation of The Collection of Gathering of Heroes from C

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2007 7 117-152 1833-1834 117

The Achievements in the Unexpected Interchange between Chinese and Vietnamese Scholars: The Evaluation of The Collection of Gathering of Heroes from China and Foreign Countries Wang Wei-Yung Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstract The researcher evaluated The Collection of Gathering of Heroes from China and Foreign Countries in accordance with the collection of poem interchange between Chinese and Vietnamese scholars. The poems of The Collection of Gathering of Heroes from China and Foreign Countries were written in 1833 and 1834. Since the army ships from Kuang-tung Province encountered typhoons twice so the ships were drifting to Vietnam. Later, the Vietnam government sent Wen-fu Li and the other four emissaries to protect the army ships to go back to Kuang-tung Province. These emissaries admired the Vietnamese scholar Miu Ken so they held a feast and responded with a poem. Most of the poems firstly written by Vietnamese emissaries were responded with a poem by Miu Ken, who finally collected these poems into this collection. Three parts in this article, which were the most outstanding contents of this book, were Overseas Bosom Friends, Elegant Gathering of Heroes Because of Principal and Subsidiary Causes, and Having a Reunion after a Long Separation. The researcher evaluated those poems written by six scholars, such as Miu Ken, Wen-fu Li, Wen-chang Juan, Wen-chien Li, Wen-chiung Huang and Po-shih Ju. It was easy to know that Chinese and Vietnamese scholars still could interchange by means of the familiar written 118

language--mandarin even though they couldn t communicate by spoken language. However, these poems were praised highly or exaggerated; generally speaking, their levels were regarded as positive. Keywords: China and Vietnam, The Collection of Gathering of Heroes from China and Foreign Countries, Miu Ken, Wen-fu Li 119

1 1 1988 12 5 5339-5341 120

2 3 4 5 6 2 1979 2 1288 1321 1405 1558 2142 2638 3 8375 4 8373-8376 5 1 11 1 2836 6 1 4831-4833 3787-3688 121

7 2006 11 8 9 1832 10 11 7 1956 4 159-179 8 2002 12 9 1882 1834 A2039 10 2001 2 106 69-79 11 122

隣 1829 12 1833 13 14 15 12 13 隣 14 15 123

16 1834 1882 9 1 10264 16 葊 124

隣 隣 隣 隣 17 17 125

1834 隣 隣 葊 葊 隣 1766-1833 18 126

19 20 隣 21 19 2004 4 20 隣 21 1994 9 392 1985 6 1 2801 87 127

鷄 22 隣 畧 23 24 荆 25 22 1 4304 23 24 1 1744 25 128

荆 却 峯 咏 1975 5 603 129

荆 迹 26 窻 26 1 1361 2 1303 130

131 27 徤 27 2 6858 2472 6347 6566

1792-1841 28 隣 隣 29 徤 隣 隣 徤 28 2002 124 29 1983 9 864 132

荆 30 淸 烟 徤 凭 咏 羣 疎 羣 30 2001 12 634-635 133

羣 却 峯 31 隣 隣 隣 隣 31 134

羣 徤 徧 隣 隣 葊 隣 隣 32 1833 32 1972 4 488 135

隣 33 33 136

隣 斾 窻 隣 2 1765 137

隣 徧 34 羣 隣 徤 1834 覩 羣 欵 迹 隣 隣 27 隣 34 1999 1 135 138

139 35 35 2 6749 6858 2604 7854 5966 2537 3029 7789

36 1819 37 36 37 8 A.1057 140

隣 隣 隣 纒 噍 隣 隣 38 38 1983 438 141

1831 咏 142

葊 羣 葊 39 40 39 1 2004 40 30 72 143

恾 羣 41 恾 恾 42 戞 戞 戞 戞 41 2 676 42 30 58 144

羣 43 咏 羣 潄 43 6713 145

咏 鵞 咏 羣 却 峯 隣 隣 隣 隣 隣 146

羣 44 羣 44 1980 1 3776 147

峯 45 46 45 29 1430 931 46 2 2511 148

47 48 隣 49 8433 7574 4613 47 2 7859 7277 3104 6761 48 1 2264 49 2 1809 170 149

1833 1834 A2039 1882 150

1 2 3 4 5 151

1 2 3 4 5 6 152